Indivisual Term Assignment

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ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021/2022


Programme details

Tutorial Group: T1
Tutor’s Name: Mr Charles Ramendran
Due Date : Week 8, 14 March 2022 (Monday), before 12 pm.

Students’ Details

Name : Student ID No. Programme Yr/Sem


Assessment (overall assessment for 4 weekly individual Marks Marks Awarded

assignments) Allocation
1. Contents of the answers 10 marks
- Marks will be given based on effort and completeness of the
2. Visual / creativity impression of the answers 10 marks
- nice diagrams, tables, mind map, nice table, nice colour
combination etc.
(Zero (0) will be awarded for this part if in all the 4 assignment only
contains word)
3. Format/ structure/ quality of the answers 5 marks

Total marks 25 marks

(-) Minus unsubmitted weekly assignment (If any)

(- 3) marks will be deducted for each unsubmitted assignment
Nett Total Marks

Comment :
Name of Marker : MR Charles Ramendran
Date :
Tutorial 2

1. Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of planning, organizing,

leading, and controlling. Also discuss using Mintzberg’s managerial roles
Course instructor is not a manager .
is about setting vision and mission , strategizing and setting goals and
including organization design , culture and social networks to bring them
to reach their goal .
including leadership , decision making , communicating skills and
motivation to lead and inspire the others to reach the goal .
includes the system and process and the strategic and human resources to
make sure every thing are up to standard .

2. Are all effective organizations also efficient? Discuss. If you had to choose
between being effective or being efficient, which one would you say is more
important? Why?
In my opinion , is more important that efficiency this is because ,
although efficiency can make sure that the task or work can be done in a shorter time
but it does not means that is will be correct , the result or quality that we get is more
important to me .

3. Why do you think the conceptual skills, technical skills, and interpersonal
skills are needed to be an effective manager?
This is because , shows the knowledge and the ability of the
manager owns , hence through their knowledge they will know how to lead the
employee by diagnosis and analysis different stage of work . Moving on ,
includes lots of managerial skills in it if they are good at all of that skills , they
will know how to start the company by designing the system in the company and
building the services and product . get to help the employees
through their strategies and behaviour while they are communicating with the
employees while leading them to their goal .
Summary for topic 1 The world of innovative management
Through this topic , I learned that :

is the fulfillment of organizational objectives in an

compelling and proficient way through planning,organizing, driving, and controlling
organizational assets.
Planning Organizing

Function of

Controlling Leading

What managers do :
Set objective Set goals for the organization / group to achieve
Organize Divide the works and people into groups to complete the task / work
Motivate and Pay attention to the employees , communicate about the problem that
communicate they are facing and motivate them to finish the task
Measure Set target that are measurable and clear that are up to standards
Develop People Developing one's cooperation / employee skill by learning to work way
better with
others over boundaries, especially in troublesome circumstances

A successful manager owns : Conceptual skills , Human skills and Technical skills .

Management roles
Informational Including leader , liason and figurehead
Interpersonal Includes disseminator , spoke man and mentor
Decisional Includes handling disturbance , entrepreneur , negotiating and
allocate resources
Tutorial 3

1. Describe the major components of the classical perspectives

Scientific Management which is to focus on the improving effieciency and the
output through the scientific studies of the worker process .
Bureaucratic Organization which is to focus on the creating rules and also the
regulations in order to simplify the complex procedures in the workplaces and the
societies .
Administrative Management which is differed from the scientific management to
focus on the efficiency through the management behavioral and the training
characteristics .

2. Evaluate theory X and theory Y. Would you rather work for a manager who
helps the Theory X or Theory Y assumptions? Why?
Theory X encourages the use of the tight control and also supervision . It implies that
the employees are reluctant to the organizational changes hence it does not encourage

Theory Y implies that the managers should encourage and create a working place that
provides opportunity to the employees to take the initiative and their self-direction .

In my opinion I will choose to work under theory Y because it encourages the cordial
team relations , stimulating jobs and responsible , and also the participation of all in
the decision making process .

3. What is the main argument of the contingency perspective of management?

The contingency of the perspective argument that no single approach to the
management is approach . The basis of the emergency management approach is the
lack of a single best management approach. This means that effective organizations
can also plan, organize, guide, or manage for specific situations.
Summary for topic 2 The evolution of management thinking
Through this topic I get to learn :

Forces that influence the organization management

Social forces It is a culture that are influence by the people around you , it will
shape and influence the behaviour , action , action that are
unwritten perception and also common rules of the employees in
the management
Political forces It will influence the legal institution and political organization and
the other people . eg : the property rights , justice , contract and the
desirability of the self government .
Economic forces It affect the production , availability and the distribution of the
society resources from the competing users .
The tension between the historical forces
Focus on things of production Organization Focus on humanity of production

Classical Bureaucratic
Perspective Organization

Administrative principles
Humanistic Perspective
Early Advocates Human Relation Movement Human Resource Movement
Management Science Perspective
Operation Research Mathematical modelling
Operation Management Physical services or production to solve manufacturing
Information Technology Reflected to management information system

Tutorial 4
1. Discuss the different levels of culture.
Level 1-The Artifacts
The visible manifestations of culture for example dress code and decoration .
Level 2-Espoused Values
How an organization explains its culture, for example official policy and accepted
beliefs. Discover through ‘why’ questions.
Level 3- Shared Tacit Assumptions
The hidden assumptions, values and beliefs. The understood, traditional and
unofficial ways of being, doing and feeling.

2. Describe four types of artifacts that corporate culture is deciphered.

language may be a extraordinary lexicon that can pass on employees' possess sees of
reality through comparison allegories and work together to preserve shared values
It is the programmed routines of daily organizational life that dramatize an
organization’s culture. They include how visitors are greeted, how often senior
executives visit subordinates, how people communicate with each other, how much
time employees take for lunch, and so on
It is dialect of the working environment talks volumes approximately the company’s
culture. How workers address associates, depict clients, express outrage, and welcome
partners are all verbal images of social values
The estimate, shape, area, and age of buildings might propose the
company’s accentuation on cooperation, natural neighborliness, adaptability, or any
other set of values.
3. Describe the four types / categories of cultural values that are important for
the organization, managers consider the external environment, as well as the
company’s strategy and goals.
Values that bolster company’s capacity to decipher and interpret signals from the
environment into unused behavior reaction
Achievement culture Results-oriented culture that values competitiveness, individual activity,
and accomplishment
Culture that places tall esteem on assembly desires of representative and
values participation and correspondence
Culture that values and rewards a systematic, levelheaded, efficient way of doing
Summary for topic 3 The environment and corporate culture
Through this topic I learned that :

Business environment
General Environment Task Environment International Environment
- Technological - Customers - Symbol
- Nature - Labour - Story
- Social culture - Competition - Hero
- Economic - Suppliers - Slogan
- Political - Ceremony
- International

Adaptability culture

Types of Culture
Achievement culture

Involvement ? cooperative culture

Consistency / Bureaucratic culture

Strategic for entering the international arena

1) Exploring
2) Global Outstanding
3) Partnership

Hofstede’s Value Dimensions

- Power distance
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Individualism vs collectivism
Masculinity vs femininity
Long term vs short term orientation
Tutorial 5

1. Define ethics and explain how the domain of ethics relates to law and free
Moral philosophy is also what we known as ethics , it is the discipline concern that we
had whether it is morally band / good or is it right or wrong . At the other end of the
spectrum is the sphere of free choice, which has no say in the law. Individuals or
organizations have complete control over their actions. The field of ethics sits in the
middle of these two.

2. List the four approaches that are used to describe values for guiding ethical
decision making. Briefly describe each.
: it is what will result for the greatest good for the greatest
number for the greatest people
: it is for our best long term self interest that will lead us to the
greatest good
: guided by respect for fundamental right of the human
: guided by the impartial standards of the equity and fairness

3. Which do you think would be more effective for shaping long-term ethical
behavior in an organization: a written code of ethics combined with ethics
training or strong ethical leadership? Which would have more impact on you?
In my opinion , I will prefer written code of ethics combined with ethics training over
ethical leadership . This is because it can develop and enable desirable ethical
behaviour in the workplace . It will also reflects the brand and culture of the
organization at the same time , it will raise the awareness of the ethical issues .
One of the numerous conclusions reached was that special treatment of leaders has an
impact on ethical behaviour in firms. Leaders and managers have the biggest
influence on how people conduct in ethically challenging situations. To successfully
shape long-term ethical behaviour within a business, top management's commitment
to ethics and the creation of the suitable environment are critical.
Summary for topic 4
Through this topic Ethic and social responsibilities , I get to learn :
managerial ethics is actually a part of the business ethics , a set of the
beliefs and moral principle that can actually affect the employee’s behaviour .

To pertain moral issue To pertain legal issue

Moving on I get to learn the criteria for ethical in decision making . Ethical
decision is mainly to provide responsibility , fairness and care to all of the
workers .
There are a few criteria in this ethical decision making , which are utilitarian
approach , Individualism approach , moral right approach , and lastly justice
approach .

Next is social responsibilities , which Is the ethical framework which the people
and the organization are responsible for its satisfying civic obligation and also taking
the activities that will bring advantages to the society / company . Organizational
stakeholder is actually the parties that are interested to the company performances /
activities and they will be directly affected by the practices of that company along
with the managers , employees and also the staff .

Continuing with the environmental ethics , we learn that it is a branch that has
apply the philosophy where the study foundation of the environmental value along
with the surrounding issue like actions , attitude , and also policies , in order to sustain
and protect the ecological system and the biodiversity .
Tutorial 6

1. Some managers argue that they don't have time to plan. They contend that
they are too busy "putting out fires" and "running the company." As an
advocate of planning, how would you convince such a manager that planning is
As a plan advocate, I want to convince managers that a good plan can help the
company determine the goals it wants to achieve. In addition, I want to tell the
company manager that the plan will help the company manage time efficiently. Once
the time is planned, you can see which plans can be continued and which can be
stopped in time. However, planning also helps with resource allocation. This helps the
company plan the roles assigned to its employees so that they can perform their tasks
efficiently. Second, planning also helps the company further develop its existing
business. Most importantly, with the right planning, your internal management can
grow your business.

2. Explain about operational planning.

Operational planning is about what happen to the department or the team that are
draw from the company’s wide strategic plan and look it through the microscope , it
helps to maps out the department goals and also budget to success, is an greatly detail-
oriented arrangement that clearly characterizes how a group or division contributes
to coming to company objectives. It traces the day by day assignments required for
running a trade

3. Describe Michael Porter’s competitive strategies with an example each.

Differentiation Separation alludes to a firm's capacity to
make a great that's troublesome to imitate, in this manner satisfying specialty needs
Cost leadership It is a a firm's capacity to make economies of scale in spite of the fact
that amazingly proficient operations that deliver a huge volume
Focusing It is is contract in scope it is both taken a
toll authority and separation are generally wide in scope, and could be a cross
between the two techniques. Division targets finding particular fragments of
the showcase which are not something else tapped by bigger firms
Summary for topic 5 Planning and Goal setting
Through this topic , we learned that
Goal + Plan = Planning
Strategic goals Broad statement and future goal for the organization
Strategic plan Steps / action to reach the organization future goals
Tactical goals The final result that the department and division wanted to reach
Tactical plans What the division and department will do to achieve the goal
Operational plan Goal the the work group , departments and other individual wants to
Operational goal Action and decision that the managers or supervisors made to achieve
their goals

Single use : unique projects or programme that Characteristics of effective goals

will only happens once Have clear due date
Standing plans : plans that are working on Specific and able to measure
That comes with task and situation that repeats Realistic but challenging
Cover key result area
Swot analysis : Strength , Weaknesses , Have rewards
Opportunity , Threats

Levels of strategy Diversification strategy Peter Competitive strategy

- Corporate level strategy - Diversification - Differentiation strategy
- Business level strategy - Related diversification - Cost leadership strategy
-Functional level strategy - Unrelated diversification - Focus strategy
- Vertical integration
Tutorial 7

1) Changes in people: Attitudes, expectations, and perceived behaviour or demeanour

of employees. Teams will be more productive if they have systems in place that
support and foster innovation.
Modifications to working methods, enhanced working methods, and technical support
are all examples of technological changes. Improvements in operational quality,
accurately calculated processes, the placement of robots, and the provision of
communication facilities for staff
Changes in organizational structure, such as organizational authority, coordination
mechanisms, degree of centralization, job design, and other characteristics.
Decentralization, increased span of control, reduced specialism of labour, and work
teams are all possible outcomes of structural changes.

2) Changes in structure: Streamlining aircraft assembly and increasing efficiency to

save the company from a terrible situation.
Changes in technology: Adding new computer systems to their technical systems, as
well as changing machinery, procedures, automation, and job design.

 Force field analysis is used.
 Improve staff communication so that they are aware of the ramifications of
 Human resources in the workplace are used to support organisational change.
 Use of motivational materials in an appropriate manner.
Summary for topic 7
Through this topic , I have learned :

Innovative strategies
Exploration - which is designing the Coorperation - is the condition Innovation rules
organization to create new idea and the framework to
 Creativity - to generate more encourage the outside and  Idea champions - people who
new ides inside coordination and also recognizes the need for change and
 Bottom up approach - making information sharing advocates for it inside the
decision  Internal coordination organization
and handle execution begins fro - Horizontal coordination  New venture teams - unit saparate
m lower levels mechanism from the other company that is in
and continues upwards charge of creating and launching
 Idea incubator-  External coordination important innovations
difference develop inventive - Customers , partners  Skunkworks - separate to small
thoughts for handling - Open innovation groups to focus on the breakthrough
major challenges, so that idea for the company
these thoughts can gotten to  New venture fund - give resources
be reality and the ventures can be for the new services , product or the
scaled for success. business

OD steps to behavioral and attitude change

Unfreezing The employee will be more alert to the problem and the importance of changing their behaviour
and attitude
Changing The employee will experiment to the new skills and behaviour that they need to use in
Refreezing Employee that are developed to new values and attitude will be rewarded

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