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Info-computational Constructivism
and Cognition
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic • Mälardalen University, Sweden • gordana.dodig-crnkovic/at/

> Context • At present, we lack a common understanding of both the process of cognition in living organisms and the
construction of knowledge in embodied, embedded cognizing agents in general, including future artifactual cogni-
tive agents under development, such as cognitive robots and softbots. > Purpose • This paper aims to show how the
info-computational approach (IC) can reinforce constructivist ideas about the nature of cognition and knowledge and,
conversely, how constructivist insights (such as that the process of cognition is the process of life) can inspire new
models of computing. > Method • The info-computational constructive framework is presented for the modeling of
cognitive processes in cognizing agents. Parallels are drawn with other constructivist approaches to cognition and
knowledge generation. We describe how cognition as a process of life itself functions based on info-computation and
how the process of knowledge generation proceeds through interactions with the environment and among agents.
> Results • Cognition and knowledge generation in a cognizing agent is understood as interaction with the world
(potential information), which by processes of natural computation becomes actual information. That actual infor-
mation after integration becomes knowledge for the agent. Heinz von Foerster is identified as a precursor of natural
computing, in particular bio computing. > Implications • IC provides a framework for unified study of cognition in
living organisms (from the simplest ones, such as bacteria, to the most complex ones) as well as in artifactual cogni-
tive systems. > Constructivist content • It supports the constructivist view that knowledge is actively constructed
by cognizing agents and shared in a process of social cognition. IC argues that this process can be modeled as info-
computation. > Key words • Constructivism, info-computationalism, computing nature, morphological computing,
self-organization, autopoiesis.

1 Introduction Information is also a generalized concept design of control systems and machines
in the context of IC, and it is always agent- to emulate human reasoning (in the sense
« 1 »  Info-computationalism (IC) is a dependent: information is a difference (iden- of Norbert Wiener); the second period,
variety of natural computationalism, which tified in the world) that makes a difference biological cybernetics, or second-order cy-
understands the whole of nature as a com- for an agent, to paraphrase Gregory Bateson bernetics, developed during the 1970s and
putational process. It asserts that, as living (1972). For different types of agents, the 1980s, and was dominated by biology of 223
organisms, we humans are cognizing agents same data input (where data are atoms of cognition and constructivist philosophy
who construct knowledge through interac- information) will result in different infor- (notably by Humberto Maturana, Heinz
tions with their environment, processing mation. A light presents a source of energy von Foerster, and Ernst von Glasersfeld);
information within our cognitive apparatus for a plant; for a human, the same light and the most recent, third period, social
and through information communication enables navigation in the environment, cybernetics, or third order cybernetics, con-
with other humans. Therefore, the episte- while it brings no information at all to a cerns modeling of social systems (Niklas
mology of info-computationalism is info- bat, which is not sensitive to light. Hence Luhmann and Stuart Umpleby).
computational constructivism, and it de- the same world for different agents appears « 4 »  During the engineering period,
scribes the ways agents process information differently. We want to understand mecha- the object of observation, the observed was
and generate new information that steadily nisms that relate an agent with its environ- central. In the second phase, with research
changes and evolves by natural computa- ment as a source of information. in biology of cognition, the core interest
tion. « 3 »  The historical roots of info-com- shifted from what is observed to the ob-
« 2 »  Processes of cognition, together putational constructivism can be traced server. In the third phase, the domain of
with other processes in the info-computa- back to cybernetics, which evolved through social cybernetics focus moved further to
tional model of nature, are computational three main periods, according to Umpleby models of groups of observers (Umpleby
processes. This is a generalized type of (2002): the first period, engineering cyber- 2001, 2002). The achievements of the first
computation, natural computation, which netics, or first order cybernetics spanned the period have been largely assimilated into
is defined as information self-structuring. 1950s to 1960s, and was dedicated to the engineering, automation, robotics, artifi-
cial intelligence (AI), artificial life (ALife), 2 Natural information and found in Alan Turing’s work on morphogen-
and related fields, while the second period natural computation esis (Turing 1952). Turing moved towards
influenced cognitive science and AI. The exploration of natural forms of computing at
third period is still under development, « 7 »  In 1967, computer pioneer Konrad the end of his life, and his unorganized ma-
labeled as, among other names, social cog- Zuse was the first to suggest that the physi- chines were forerunners of neural networks.
nition, social computing or multi-agent cal behavior of the entire universe is being « 10 »  Based on the same physical sub-
systems. computed on a basic level by the universe strate, different computations can be per-
« 5 »  Info-computational constructiv- itself, which he referred to as Rechnender formed and those can appear at different
ism builds on insights gained in all three Raum [“Computing Space”] (Zuse 1969). levels of organization. That is how the same
phases of the development of cybernet- Consequently, Zuse was the first pancompu- conventional digital computer can run the
ics, combined with results from AI, ALife, tationalist, or natural computationalist, fol- Windows operating system and, on top of
theory of computation (especially from the lowed by many others such as Ed Fredkin, that, a Unix virtual machine. Each virtual
nascent field of natural computation), sci- Stephen Wolfram and Seth Lloyd. Accord- machine always relies on the basic physical
ence of information, information physics, ing to the idea of natural computation, one computation. Aaron Sloman (2002) devel-
neuroscience, bioinformatics, and more. can view the dynamics of physical states in oped interesting ideas about the computa-
This article concentrates on connections nature as information processing. Such pro- tion of virtual machines and about the mind
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

between IC and biology of cognition and cesses include self-assembly, developmental as a virtual machine running on the brain
the constructivist approaches, with Mat- processes, gene regulation networks, gene substrate. Computation observed in the
urana, von Foerster, and von Glasersfeld assembly in unicellular organisms, protein- brain is based on the physical computation
as the main representatives. Based on ar- protein interaction networks, biological of its molecules, cell organelles, cells, and
guments developed in my earlier work, I transport networks, processes of individual neural circuits, as neurons are organized
will examine how info-computational con- and social cognition, etc. (Dodig-Crnkovic into ensembles/circuits that process specific
structivism relates to other constructivist & Giovagnoli 2013; Zenil 2012). types of information (Purves, Augustine &
approaches.1 « 8 »  The traditional theoretical model Fitzpatrick 2001).3
« 6 »  In what follows, the next chapter of computation corresponds to symbol « 11 »  The difference between morpho-
on “Natural information and Natural com- manipulation in a form of the Turing ma- logical computation and our conventional
putation” presents the basic tenets of IC. chine model. It is a theoretical device for computers (artificial symbol manipulators
It expounds two basic concepts of IC and the execution of an algorithm. However, if implemented in specific types of physical
explains how they differ from common, ev- we want to model adequately natural com- systems and governed by an executing pro-
eryday notions of information as a message putation, including biological structures and gram) is that morphological computation
and computation as symbol-manipulation. processes understood as embodied physical takes place spontaneously in nature through
In the third chapter, I address information information processing, highly interactive physical/chemical/biological processes. Our
and computation in cognizing agents, and and networked computing models beyond conventional computers are designed to use
argue that IC provides a common frame- Turing machines are needed, as argued in physical (fundamentally computational)
work for biological and artifactual cogni- (Dodig-Crnkovic 2011a; Dodig-Crnkovic & processes (intrinsic computation) to ma-
tion. Chapter 4 addresses self-organization Giovagnoli 2013). Besides physical, chemi- nipulate symbols (designed computation).
224 and autopoiesis in relation to IC and the cal, and biological processes in nature, there « 12 »  The current understanding of
construction of the reality for an agent. In are also concurrent computational devices morphological computation on the neural
Chapter 5 I discuss several criticisms of today (such as the Internet) for which the level is expressed in the following passage:
info-computationalism. Turing machine as a sequential model of
computation is not adequate (Sloman 1996;
Burgin 2005).2
“ Neuroscience studies cell types, tissues, and or-
gans that ostensibly evolved to store, transmit, and
« 9 »  Physical processes observed in process information. That is, the behavior and or-
1 |  The description of the conceptual frame- nature and described as different forms of ganization of neural systems support computation
work of info-computationalism can be found in natural computation can be understood as
morphological computing, i.e., computation
in the service of adaptation and intelligence.
(Crutchfield, Ditto & Sinha 2010: 037101-1)

(Dodig-Crnkovic & Müller 2011; Dodig-Crnkov-
ic 2006, 2009). The relationship between natural governed by underlying physical laws, lead-
computing (such as biocomputing, DNA-com- ing to change and growth of form. The first
puting, social computing, quantum computing, ideas of morphological computing can be 3 |  In his new research program, which ad-
etc.) and the traditional Turing machine model dresses the evolution of organic forms, Sloman
of computation is elaborated in (Dodig-Crnkovic 2 |  The Universal Turing Machine (UTM) (2013) goes a step further by studying meta-mor-
2010a, 2011a, 2011b, 2012). Construction/gen- is sometimes thought of as a universal model of phogenesis, which is the morphogenesis of mor-
eration of knowledge within info-computational computation. However, the UTM can only com- phogenesis – a way of thinking that is in the spirit
framework is discussed in (Dodig-Crnkovic 2008, pute what any other TM can compute, and no of second-order cybernetics, i.e., the cybernetics
2010b, 2010c). more. of cybernetics.

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Info-computational Constructivism and Cognition Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

The central question that arises from this is: Often arguments have been made against as proto information (or proto data). One
How are the intricate physical, biochemical, computational models of cognition, based might insist that for information to actual-
and biological components structured and on the idea that cognitive processes are com- ize, some agent must be there to relate to it.
coordinated to support natural, intrinsic neu- putational in the conventional sense. Scheutz An additional complication is that the terms
ral computation? Currently, huge research (2002) argues against this misconception information and data (as atoms of informa-
projects in Europe (Human Brain Project), and for the idea of new computationalism, tion) are used interchangeably. So the world
the USA (the BRAIN initiative, Allen Brain based on the general notion of computation. can be characterized either as a potential in-
Atlas), and Japan have been launched with « 16 »  In order to specify the models formational structure or as a potential data
the aim of addressing this question. of computation that may be more gen- structure for an agent.
« 13 »  Von Foerster was an early repre- eral in their information processing capa- « 18 »  The process of dynamical chang-
sentative of natural computation through bilities than the Turing machine, IC adopts es of structures as (potential) information
his work at the Biological Computer Lab Carl Hewitt’s Actor Model of computation makes the universe a huge computational
at the University of Illinois between 1958 (Hewitt, Bishop & Steiger 1973; Hewitt network where computation is information
and 1975, where he studied ideas of self- 2010), as described in the following: processing. The computational universe is,
reference, feedback, and adaptive behavior by its construction, necessarily both discrete
found in computational implementations of
second-order cybernetics (Asaro 2007). He
“  In the Actor Model, computation is conceived as
distributed in space, where computational devices
and continuous, and exists on both a sym-
bolic and a sub-symbolic level. Information
differentiated between symbol manipula- communicate asynchronously and the entire com- is structure, which exists either potentially
tion and physical computation, which is ev- putation is not in any well-defined state. (An Actor outside of the agent (as the structures of
ident from his definition of computation, as: can have information about other Actors that it has its environment) or inside an agent (in the
received in a message about what it was like when agent’s own bodily structures, which contain
“  any operation (not necessarily numerical) that the message was sent.) Turing’s Model is a special memories of previous experiences with its
transforms, modifies, rearranges, orders, and so
on, observed physical entities (‘objects’) or their emphasis)

case of the Actor Model. (Hewitt 2012: 161, my environment). Messages are just a very spe-
cial kind of information that is exchanged
representations (‘symbols’).
” (Foerster 2003c:
Hewitt’s “computational devices” are con-
between communicating agents. They can
be carried by chemical molecules, pictures,
ceived as computational agents – informa- sounds, written symbols or similar. An agent
« 14 »  In IC, everything that exists for an tional structures capable of acting on their can be as simple as a molecule (Matsuno &
agent is interpreted as potential information own behalf. Salthe 2011) or the simplest living organism
(see also the next chapter), while representa- « 17 »  Within the info-computational (a bacterium) (Ben-Jacob, Shapira & Tauber
tions actualized in an agent are information- framework, the definition of information is 2006).
al structures. If we compare von Foerster’s adopted from informational structural real- « 19 »  Physicists Anton Zeilinger (2005)
above definition of computation with the ism4 (Floridi 2003). According to this defini- and Vlatko Vedral (2010) suggest the pos-
basic definition of computation used within tion, for an agent, information is the fabric of sibility of seeing information and reality as
the IC approach: the universe. This definition may cause mis- one.6 This agrees with informational struc-
understandings and deserves clarification. tural realism, which says that the world is
“  Computation is information processing.” (Bur-
gin 2010: xiii)
Information that is the fabric of the universe
is potential information before any interac-
made of proto informational structures that 225

tion with an (observing) agent. IC charac-

are atoms of information. Information is obtained
we see that information processing corre- terizes this kind of potential information5
when data becomes integrated into structure
sponds to von Foerster’s operation on “‘ob-
(correlated), which happens in the interaction
jects,’ or their representations, ‘symbols’.” In 4 |  “Informational structural realism” is a with a cognizing agent.
the next chapter we will say more about this variant of epistemic structural realism, which is 6 |  This of course does not imply that poten-
connection between what are considered defined as follows: “(Epistemic) Structural realism tial information from the world moves intact into
“physical objects” and information. is often characterized as the view that scientific an agent. This potential (proto) information is ac-
« 15 »  Von Foerster also emphasizes the theories tell us only about the form or structure of cessed by an agent through interactions and it is
important difference between his general the unobservable world and not about its nature” processed by the agents’ cognitive apparatus. It is
notion of computation and computation per- (Ladyman 2013). A constructivist reconciliation dynamically integrated and linked to other infor-
formed by a conventional computer: with structural realism would see “realist struc- mational structures (in the memory). What is im-
ture” as the best available model. Thanks are given portant and new about this view from physicists
“ Computation takes place in the nervous sys-
tem. Therefore, we can say the nervous system is
to an anonymous reviewer for this observation. is that they do not talk about matter and energy
5 |  It would be more correct to say (poten- as the primary stuff of the universe (which is tra-
a computer or computing system. But this is cor- tial) data. Von Foerster rightly pointed out that ditionally objectivized within the sciences). They
rect only if one understands the general notion of computers do not process information but data. talk about information, thus returning an agent

computation. (Segal 2001: 74) However, this term is already widely used. Data into the picture of the world.
{ Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
is professor of Computer Science at Mälardalen University, Sweden. Her research interests include
computing paradigms, natural computing, social computing and social cognition, info-computational
models, foundations of information, computational knowledge generation, computational aspects of
intelligence and cognition, theory of science/philosophy of science, computing and philosophy, and
ethics (ethics of computing, information ethics, roboethics, and engineering ethics). The most recent
events she has organized are the symposia “Natural/Unconventional Computing and its Philosophical
Significance” (co-organized with Raffaela Giovagnoli), “Social Computing – Social Cognition – Social
Networks and Multi-agent Systems” (co-organized with Judith Simon), both at the AISB/IACAP World
Congress 2012 and the Symposium “Representation and Reality: Humans, Animals and Machines at
AISB 2014.” She is the author of more than eighty international journal and conference publications.

agents use to construct their own reality comes information, “a difference that makes What is called message or information can
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

through interactions with the world (Floridi a difference,” (Bateson 1972) for a cognizing be as simple as, for example, an electron that
2008a, 2009; Sayre 1976). Reality for an agent agent in a process of interaction. is a difference that makes a difference in the
is thus informational and agent-dependent. « 22 »  Besides Gregory Bateson’s defi- receiver molecule.
Being agent dependent and given that every nition, there is a more general definition of « 25 »  This relational character of in-
observer is also an agent, reality is observer- information by Carl Hewitt that makes the formation has profound consequences for
dependent.7 fact that information is relational even more epistemology and relates to ideas of a par-
« 20 »  Reality for an agent consists of explicit, and subsumes Bateson’s definition: ticipatory universe (Wheeler 1990) and
structural objects (informational structures, endophysics (Rössler 1998), with observer-
data structures) with computational dynam-
ics (information processes) that are adjusted
“  Information expresses the fact that a system is in
a certain configuration that is correlated to the con-
dependent knowledge production as un-
derstood in second-order cybernetics. All
to the shared reality of the agent’s communi- figuration of another system. Any physical system information exists in relation to an observer,
ty of practice. This brings together the meta- may contain information about another physical or for an agent. In the words of von Foerster,
physical view of Wiener (according to whom
“information is information, not matter or

system. (Hewitt 2007: 293, my emphasis) observer-dependence is described as the tru-
ism that an observation implies one who ob-
energy”) and John Wheeler (“it from bit”)8 « 23 »  Combining Bateson and Hewitt’s serves:
with the view of natural computation shared insights, on a basic level we can state:
by others such as Zuse, Fredkin, Lloyd, and
Wolfram (Dodig-Crnkovic & Giovagnoli Information is the difference in one physi-
“  (i) Observations are not absolute but relative
to an observer’s point of view (i.e., his coordinate
2013). cal system that makes a difference in another system: Einstein); (ii) Observations affect the
« 21 »  The world as proto information physical system. observed so as to obliterate the observer’s hope
226 presents the potential form of existence cor- for prediction (i.e., his uncertainty is absolute:
responding to Immanuel Kant’s Ding an sich « 24 »  The reality for an observer is in- Heisenberg) […] What we need now is the de-
(thing in itself).9 That proto information be- formational and information is relational: scription of the ‘describer’ or, in other words, we

need a theory of the observer. (Foerster 2003b:

7 |  This does not imply that reality is subjec- “  A message’s effect on a receiver can be con-
strued to include its capacity to cause a functional
tive. Observers form shared reality through pro-
cesses of social cognition, as explained in third-
Arp 2011: xviii)

or adaptive response in an organism. (Terzis & « 26 »  Even though there are attempts to
define the observer, especially in the theory
order cybernetics (Johannessen & Hauan 1994).
8 |  “Wheeler (1990) has suggested that infor- “The receiver of information can be so-called only of measurement in quantum mechanics, the
mation is fundamental to the physics of the uni- if it can relate what is received to what was emit- common understanding of the central im-
verse. According to this ‘it from bit’ doctrine, the ted.” (ibid: 63) portance of observer dependence in cog-
laws of physics can be cast in terms of informa- nition and knowledge production is still
tion” (Chalmers 1995: 215). exists, but changes as we interact with it. It is dif- missing. It is interesting to notice that infor-
9 |  Here I interpret Kant not as saying that ferent in itself (unperturbed) and in interaction mation-based accounts of quantum mechan-
noumenon is something abstract without proper- with us. In quantum mechanics, in chaos theory, ics emphasize the necessity of explicating the
ties, but as saying it is something infinitely rich and in relativity we see what it means. We interact observer, as earlier expressed by physicists
that we learn successively more and more about and disturb the physical system; we send a probe Niels Bohr and Wolfgang Pauli of the Co-
(the way we can reach the world through interac- and wave function collapses, chaotic system penhagen School of quantum mechanics. In
tions – our senses and our reasoning). The world changes regime. the words of Christopher Fuchs:

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Info-computational Constructivism and Cognition Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

“ The world in some very real sense is a construct

and creation of thinking beings simply because
formation in the environment and an agent’s
behavior in the environment. This interface
2004) emphasizes the role of sensorimotor
abilities, which can be connected with the
its properties are so severely tied to the particular is an information-processing device, which changing informational interface between
questions we ask of it. But on the other hand, the means that information input for an agent an agent and the world, increasing informa-
world is not completely unreal as a result of this; we gets restructured and integrated with the ex- tion exchange. The enactivism of Francisco
generally cannot control the outcomes of our mea- isting information (memory). Perception is Varela, Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch

surements. (Fuchs 2011: 151) agent-dependent. This is illustrated by Don-
ald Hoffman’s critique of the view of percep-
(1991) underlines that cognizing agents self-
organize through interaction with their envi-
« 27 »  Among new information-based tion as a true picture of the world: ronment. It is an approach closely related to
quantum theories, QBism takes an observer situated cognition and embodied cognition,
into account when modeling physical system,
based on the Bayesian approach to probabili-
“  [O]ur perceptions constitute a species-specific
user interface that guides behavior in a niche. Just
and is supported by the current research in
robotics (Pfeifer & Bongard 2006; Pfeifer,
ties. They argue that “the distinction between as the icons of a PC’s interface hide the complex- Lungarella & Iida 2007; Pfeifer & Gomez
classical and quantum probabilities lies not ity of the computer, so our perceptions usefully 2009).
in their definition, but in the nature of the hide the complexity of the world, and guide adap- « 32 »  Traditionally, symbolic AI was an
information they encode” (Caves, Fuchs & tive behavior. This interface theory of perception attempt to model cognition and intelligence
Schack 2002). It is instructive to see how new offers a framework, motivated by evolution, to as symbol manipulation, which turned out
epistemic ideas take form in quantum phys-
ics based on quantum information theory. In

guide research in object categorization. (Hoff-
man 2009: 148)
to be insufficient (Clark 1989). In order to
improve and complement symbolic ap-
the years to come we can expect interesting proaches to animal cognition, Paul Smolen-
discussions in terms of realism vs. antireal- « 30 »  Thus, perception produces inter- sky proposed the mechanism of an intuitive
ism and the role of observer in the quantum related informational structures that con- processor inaccessible to symbolic intuition
physical realm – discussions for which ideas nect inside cognitive informational struc- as a program for a conscious rule interpreter
of constructivism are highly relevant. tures with outside informational structures and basis for…
through dynamic information processing.

3 Information, computation,
Cognition cannot be decoupled from the
other side of the interface (the environ-
“  all of animal behavior and a huge proportion
of human behavior: Perception, practiced mo-
and cognition ment) and isolated inside an agent and its tor behavior, fluent linguistic behavior, intuition
brain. Patterns of potential information in problem-solving and game-playing – in short,
« 28 »  The advantage of computational
approaches is their testability. Cognitive
(potential data) are both in the world and
in the structures of the agent, which are

practically all skilled performance. (Smolensky
1988: 5)
robotics research, for example, presents connected through dynamical processes of
us with a sort of laboratory where our un- self-structuring (self-organization) of infor- This non-symbolic processor is a neural net-
derstanding of cognition can be tested in a mation. The computational mechanism of work type of computation.
rigorous manner. From cognitive robotics it self-structuring of information is presented « 33 »  In natural computation, cognition
is becoming evident that cognition and intel- in Bonsignorio (2013), Lungarella & Sporns and knowledge are studied as natural process-
ligence (and especially learning) are closely (2005), and Dodig-Crnkovic (2012). es in biological agents. That is the main idea 227
related to agency (ability to act and explore « 31 »  Perception has co-evolved with of naturalized epistemology (Harms 2006),
the environment) (Pfeifer & Bongard 2006; the sensorimotor skills of an organism. where the subject matter is not our concept
Pfeifer & Gomez 2009). Anticipation, plan- The enactive approach to perception (Noë of knowledge (or how we talk and reason
ning, and control are essential features of about knowledge), but knowledge as physi-
intelligent agency. Studies by Pfeifer et al. re-structures information entering an agent’s sen-
cally existing in a cognizing agent as specific
show that there is a similarity between the sory apparatus and gets connected with the rest of
biological informational structures.11
generation of behavior in living organisms cognitive architecture. It is not just direct one-to « 34 »  We know little about the origin of
and the formation of control sequences in one mapping. The claim that patterns of informa- knowledge in first living agents, and the still
artificial systems (Pfeifer & Bongard 2006; tion must be on both sides of the “interface” comes dominant idea is that knowledge is possessed
Pfeifer, Lungarella & Iida 2007). from enactivism. I should make it clear that this only by humans. However, there are different
« 29 »  Information produced from sen- “interface” is an active one. In computing it is a types of knowledge and we have good rea-
sory data processed by an agent is a result of program that rearranges input information so that sons to ascribe “knowledge how” and even
the process of perception. From the point of it can be accepted on the other side of the inter- simpler kinds of “knowledge that” to other
view of data processing, perception can be face. It is absolutely not an identity relation. In oth- living beings. Plants can be said to possess
seen as an interface10 between the proto in- er words, this is simply the statement that an agent memory (in their bodily structures) and the
and its niche, or environment, mutually form each
10 |  It is important to note that this “inter- other. If we adopt structuralism, then structures 11 |  Maturana (1970) was the first to suggest
face” is a complex program that transforms and are on both sides and they affect each other. that knowledge is a biological phenomenon.
ability to learn (adapt, change their morphol- sentations. It is important to recognize that etc. Such autopoietic systems are organization-
ogy) and can be argued to possess rudimen-
tary forms of knowledge.12 In his book An-
connectionist models are also computational
as they are based on information processing
ally closed and structurally state-determined…
(Zeleny 1977: 13)

ticipatory Systems, Robert Rosen claims: (Scheutz 2002; Dodig-Crnkovic 2009; Clark
1989). The basis for the capacity to acquire « 40 »  What does it mean that an au-
“  I cast about for possible biological instances
of control of behavior through the utilization of
knowledge is in the specific morphology of
organisms that enables perception, memory,
topoietic system is organizationally closed?
It means that it conserves its organization.
predictive models. To my astonishment I found and adequate information processing. That However, this applies only to the snapshot of
them everywhere […] the tree possesses a model, morphology is a result of the evolution of an organism’s inner operation. In the course
which anticipates low temperature on the basis of living organisms in the interaction with the of evolution, organisms change their struc-

shortening days. (Rosen 1985: 7) environment.
« 38 »  William Harms (2004) proved a
ture through interactions with the environ-
ment and successively, as they evolve, even
« 35 »  Karl Popper ascribes the ability to theorem showing that under certain condi- change their organization. In other words,
know to all living things: tions, by nature, the total amount of infor- organisms tend to preserve their organiza-
mation in the living system will always in- tion, but that organization evolves on an evo-
“  Obviously, in the biological and evolutionary crease, which will always lead a population lutionary time scale. That is what Maturana
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

sense in which I speak of knowledge, not only to accumulate information, and so to “learn” calls “ontogenic structural drift” (Maturana
animals and men have expectations and therefore about its environment. Samir Okasha sum- 2002: 17).
(unconscious) knowledge, but also plants; and, marizes Harms’ results: « 41 »  The information-processing pic-

indeed, all organisms. (Popper 1999: 61) ture of organisms incorporates basic ideas

And similarly Maturana and Varela:

“ any evolving population ‘learns’ about its envi-
ronment, in Harms’ sense, even if the population
of autopoiesis and life, from the sub-cellular
to the multi-cellular level. Being processes of
is composed of organisms that lack minds entire- cognition, life processes are different sorts
“  Living systems are cognitive systems, and living ly, hence lack the ability to have representations of morphological computing that, on evolu-
as a process is a process of cognition. This state-
ment is valid for all organisms, with or without a

of the external world at all. (Okasha 2005: §10) tionary time scales, affect even the structures
and organization of living beings in the sense

nervous system. (Maturana & Varela 1980: 13)
4 Construction of “reality”
of meta-morphogenesis. In Sloman’s work on
meta-morphogenesis, understood as “evolu-
« 36 »  The above understanding of cog- as info-computation in tion and development of information-pro-
nition is adopted by info-computational cessing machinery,” he presents…
constructivism as it provides a notion of
an agent via “structural
cognition in degrees, which bridges from
human-level cognition to minimal cogni-
“ a first-draft rudimentary theory of ‘meta-
morphogenesis’ that may one day show how, over
tion in the simplest biological forms and « 39 »  In order to understand cogni- generations, interactions between changing envi-
intelligent machines. For a cognizing agent, tion and knowledge as a natural phenom- ronments, changing animal morphologies, and
information is meaningful data, which can enon, the process of re-construction of the previously evolved information-processing ca-
228 be turned into knowledge by interactive origins, development and present forms and pabilities might combine to produce increasingly
computational process. Information is al- existence of life, processes of evolution, and complex forms of ‘informed control,’ starting with
ways embedded in a physical substrate: sig- development based on self-organization are control of various kinds of physical behaviour,
nal, molecule, particle or event (Landauer central. The work of Maturana and Varela then later also informed control of information
1991), which will induce a change in a struc-
ture or a behavior of an agent. For IC this is
on the constructivist understanding of life
is of fundamental importance. They define

processing. (Sloman 2013: 849)

important: we must know how to construct autopoiesis as a network of processes in the The ideas of morphogenesis and meta-
cognitive artificial agents that are able to “autopoietic machine” (a unity in space con- morphogenesis are attempts at computation-
function adequately in their environment, stituted by its components) that govern pro- al modeling of cognitive processes and their
so we must know how to treat information duction, transformation, and destruction of evolution in all living organisms within the
acquired, stored, processed or used by an those components and so enable incessant same computational framework, where the
agent. regeneration and maintenance of the au- computational model is not a simple Turing
« 37 »  The information-processing view topoietic machine as a whole (Maturana & machine computing function but morpho-
should be identified neither with classical Varela 1980: 78). Or, in the words of Milan logical computation that represents biologi-
cognitive science, nor with the related no- Zeleny: cal information processing.
tions of input–output and symbolic repre- « 42 »  In the process of living, interac-

12 | On the topic of plant cognition, see Gar-

“ A cell produces cell-forming molecules, an or-
ganism keeps renewing its defining organs, a social
tion between an organism and its environ-
ment is a source of new information that
zón (2012: 121–137). group ‘produces’ group-maintaining individuals, results in learning and adaptation. Maturana

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Info-computational Constructivism and Cognition Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

explains the relationship between an auto- processing in a hierarchy of levels of organi- ronment, it must be able to change its struc-
poietic system and its environment in the zation, from molecular networks, to cells and ture…” (ibid: 344).
following: their organizations, to organisms and their « 47 »  Observation is one of many possi-
networks/societies (Dodig-Crnkovic 2008). ble ways of interacting with the environment,
“  I have called the dynamics of congruent struc-
tural changes that take place spontaneously be-
In that way, fundamental-level proto infor-
mation (structural information) correspond-
and von Foresters’ notion of observation re-
ceives the following illuminating interpreta-
tween systems in recurrent (in fact recursive) ing to the physical structure, is a “raw mate- tion: “observables do not refer directly to real
interactions, as well as the coherent structural rial” for cognition as a process of life with world objects, but are instead the result of

dynamics that result, structural coupling. (Mat-
urana 2002:16)
variety of self-* properties in a living system:
self-reproduction, self-regeneration, self-
an infinite cascade of cognitive and sensory-
motor operations in some environment/
defense, self-control/self-regulation (plants); subject coupling” (Rocha 1998: 341). In prin-
« 43 »  Autopoietic processes with struc- self-movement/locomotion, and self-aware- ciple, those cascades are infinite because of
tural coupling can be described within the ness (animals); and self-consciousness self-reference, while in practice they succes-
IC model as changes of structures in the bio- (humans).14 Survival, homeostasis, learning, sively die off because of energy dissipation.
logical system resulting from the exchange self-maintenance, and self-repair appear as Thus von Foerster’s eigenvalues represent the
of information with the environment and a product of evolution in complex biologi- externally observable manifestations of cog-
thus the information processing patterns in cal systems, which can be modeled compu- nitive operations.
a self-reflective, recursive computation. Self- tationally, as argued in (Dodig-Crnkovic & « 48 »  Von Foerster’s insight that identi-
organization with natural selection of organ- Hofkirchner 2011). fies the ability of an organization to classify
isms is responsible for information that liv- « 45 »  Expressed in terms of von Foer- its environment as a consequence of forma-
ing systems have built up in their genotypes ster’s notions of eigenvalues (stable struc- tion of stable structures (eigenvalues) in the
and phenotypes, as a simple but costly meth- tures) and eigenbehaviors (stable behaviors dynamics of its organization, agrees with
od to develop knowledge capacities. Higher established in the interaction with the envi- current understanding of dynamic systems
organisms (which are “more expensive” to ronment): (Smolensky & Legendre 2006; Crutchfield,
evolve13) have grown learning and reasoning Ditto & Sinha 2010; Juarrero 2002). Dynami-
capabilities as a more efficient way to accu-
mulate knowledge. The step from “genetic +
“  Any system, cognitive or biological, which
is able to relate internally, self-organized, stable
cal system theory establishes the connection
between the brain as a dynamical system
epigenetic learning” (typical of more primi- structures (eigenvalues) to constant aspects of its and the environment, while the details of the
tive forms of life, Ben-Jacob, Shapira & Tau- own interaction with an environment can be said connection of the body of an agent and the
ber 2006) to the acquisition of cognitive skills to observe eigenbehavior. Such systems are defined environment are modeled as morphological
on higher levels of organisation of the ner- as organizationally closed because their stable in- computation.
vous system (behavioral and symbolic) are ternal states can only be defined in terms of the « 49 »  Von Foerster’s view of observables
the next topic to explore in the project of cog-
nitive info-computation, following the ideas
overall dynamic structure that supports them.
(Rocha 1998: 342)
” casts doubts on the belief that we humans
can directly interact with the “real world as
of Eva Jablonka & Marion Lamb (2005), who it is.” One of the reasons is that it takes time
distinguish genetic, epigenetic, behavioral, « 46 »  Even though organizationally for an agent to integrate information. Dana
and symbolic evolution. A study of cogni- closed, living systems are informationally Ballard explains: 229
tive skills of increasingly more complex or- open (Pask 1992). They communicate and
ganisms is the next project for naturalized
epistemology in terms of info-computational
form emergent representations of their en-
vironment through processes of informa-
“ Our seamless perception of the world depends
very much on the slow time scales used by con-
constructivism. Understanding of the roots tion self-organization. Rocha defines self- scious perception. Time scales longer than one
and evolution of cognition are relevant for organization as the “spontaneous formation second are needed to assemble conscious expe-
cognitive robotics and cognitive computing, of well-organized structures, patterns, or rience. At time scales shorter than one second,
which are also useful for implementing ideas behaviors, from random initial conditions.” this seamlessness quickly deteriorates. Numerous
and testing hypotheses. (Rocha 1998: 343). Learning, as a self-orga- experiments reveal the fragmentary nature of the
« 44 »  As already mentioned, for Mat- nized process, requires that the system “be visual information used to construct visual experi-
urana & Varela, the process of living is a pro-
cess of cognition. In the info-computational
informationally open, that is, for it to be able
to classify its own interaction with an envi-

ence. (Ballard 2002: 54)

formulation, life corresponds to information « 50 »  Already Kant argued that “phe-

14 | Even though some plants possess the ca- nomena,” or things as they appear to us,
13 |  More expensive in this context means pacity for self-movement it is not a typical charac- and which constitute the world of common
that they take more time and other natural re- teristic of plants. Despite animals possessing de- experience, are an illusion. Consciousness
sources to develop. A human compared to a grees of self-consciousness/self-awareness (Allen provides only a rough sense of what is go-
bacterium is considerably more “expensive” to 2010), it is commonly not considered as dominant ing on in and around us, primarily what we
develop. characteristic of animals. take to be essential for us. The world as it
appears for our consciousness is a sketchy physical (Landauer 1996), but the opposite Can information bridge the
simulation, which is a computational con- also holds: “things physical are reducible to Cartesian gap?
struction. The belief that we can ever experi- information” for an agent. Quantum phys- « 57 »  Søren Brier criticizes the idea of
ence the world “directly as it is” is an illu- ics can be formulated in terms of informa- information as used in IC, since in his view,
sion (Nørretranders 1999). We change the tion for an agent (Chiribella, D’Ariano & “it is not information that is transmitted
world through interactions and, moreover, Perinotti 2012; Goyal 2012; Caves, Fuchs & through the channel in Shannon’s theory,
the world is always more than we can ob- Schack 2002; Baeyer 2013). Physical reality but signals” (Brier 2013a: 242).
serve and interpret in any given moment. as information for an observer makes this « 58 »  As an answer to this criticism, I
What would it mean anyway to experience observer-dependence of the physical model refer to the work of Brian Skyrms (2010) and
the world “directly as it is,” without ourselves both explicit and natural. Bateson (1972). It is possible that we should
being part of the process? Who would expe- « 54 »  Clearly, if there are no cognizing see Bateson’s “differences that make a differ-
rience that world without us? agents in the world, the world remains proto ence” as data or signals even though they are
« 51 »  The positivist optimism about information, das Ding an sich, and never usually called information:
observations independent of the observer turns into actual information for an agent.
proved problematic in many fields of physics
such as quantum mechanics (wave function
But, in the same way as the world does not
disappear when we close our eyes, it does
“ Kant argued long ago that this piece of chalk
contains a million potential facts (Tatsachen) but
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

collapse after interaction), relativity (speed- not disappear when we look back in his- that only a very few of these become truly facts
dependent length contraction and time tory to when no living beings were present by affecting the behavior of entities capable of re-
dilatation) and chaos (a minor perturbation to observe it. Moreover, given the fact that sponding to facts. For Kant’s Tatsachen, I would
caused by measurement sufficient to switch there are cognitive agents besides humans, substitute differences and point out that the number
the system to a different attractor). In gen- living beings (animals, plants, microorgan- of potential differences in this chalk is infinite but
eral, the observer and the systems observed isms, and even machines capable of cogni- that very few of them become effective differences
are related (Foerster 2003a) and by under- tive computing, i.e., processing information (i.e., items of information) in the mental process of
standing their relationship we can gain in- and making sense of it), information for all any larger entity. Information consist of differences
sights into limitations and power of models
and simulations as knowledge generators.
those agents continues to exist even if no hu-
man is present.

that make a difference. (Bateson 1979: 110, my
The interaction of an agent with the envi- « 55 »  It is not necessary for an agent to
ronment eliminates inadequate cognitive be conscious on a human level in order to « 59 »  But those differences, “items of
models. Model construction thus proceeds make use of the world as proto information/ information” or “atoms of information,”
through variation and selection. This agrees potential information. The fundamental in- become information when they trigger an
with von Glasersfeld’s second principle of sight of Maturana and Varela that not every- agent’s inner structures and cause changes
constructivism: body has yet realized is that life in itself is a in its informational networks. Those chang-
cognitive process (Maturana & Varela 1992). es may be relatively simple for relatively
“  The function of cognition is adaptive and serves
the organization of the experiential world, not the
Metabolism is a basic aspect of cognition,
along with sensorimotor functions and im-
simple living agents such as bacteria, while
they become more complex for increasingly

discovery of ontological reality.
1995b: 18)
” (Glasersfeld mune system processes. No nervous system
or free will is needed for the information pro-
complex living organisms.
« 60 »  Brier continues his critical ex-
cessing that goes on in all living organisms. amination of IC, which in his view does not
Those processes can be understood as com- provide an account for…
5 Some criticisms putational in the sense of natural computa-
of the info-computational tion (Ben-Jacob, Shapira & Tauber 2006).
« 56 »  Koichiro Matsuno and Stanley
“  how the processes of cognition and communi-

approach to cognition and Salthe (2011) go one step further, in a search

cation develop beyond their basis in the pertur-
bation of and between closed systems and into
their refutation of the origins of life, attributing material a theory of feeling, awareness, qualia and mean-

No information without humans?

agency and information processing ability
even to such simple systems as molecules.

ing. (Brier 2013a: 243)

« 52 »  A typical criticism of the informa- We can apply Hewitt’s Actor Model to the This criticism may be applicable to some
tional nature of reality originates from the be- computation found in nature and say that computational approaches but not to IC
lief that the world without cognizing agents even elementary particles possess material based on natural computation and the idea
would lose its content because there would be agency, as they are capable of acting on their of the world as proto informational structure.
no one to observe it. The view is that “if all the own. The step from material agency to life is Information is not only suitable for the fun-
humans in the world vanished tomorrow, all a big one, and goes via chemical computing damental reformulation of physics, but even,
the information would vanish, too.” of more and more complex molecular struc- as David Chalmers aptly noted, a natural can-
« 53 »  In response to this criticism, let tures, leading to the first autopoietic systems didate for a theory of consciousness bridging
me point out that not only is information (Gánti 2003). that Cartesian gap between mind and matter:

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Info-computational Constructivism and Cognition Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

“ We are led to a conception of the world on

which information is truly fundamental, and on
lines. The macroscopic phenomenon of heat
can be explained in terms of microscopic
possible for a physician to have a first-per-
son experience of the pain of a patient. It is
which it has two basic aspects, corresponding to kinematics of molecules. It is not necessary more useful if he/she can help the patient by
the physical and the phenomenal features of the that the same vocabulary be used at each sharing the kind of third-person knowledge

world. (Chalmers 1995: 215) level of description. At the single-neuron
level there is no cognition. At different levels
about first-person pain that people typically
share in similar situations. For similar rea-
« 61 »  The phenomenal aspect of in- of organization, different vocabularies are sons, info-computational constructivism
formation (vs. physical aspect) can be in- appropriate. Vocabulary is not intrinsic to builds on a scientific approach and takes a
terpreted as a version of the endogenous the domain, but imposed by human observ- third-person approach to subjective aspects
(within an agent) vs. exogenous (outside an ers who interact with it and also construct of cognition.
agent) aspect of cognition. Endogenous in- connections between vocabularies.
formation constitutes what can be identified « 64 »  The way of interpreting Dennett’s
as the agent itself/himself/herself and consti- research program would be to equate objec- 6 Conclusion
tutes the inner “subjective,” while exogenous tive with inter-subjective and material with
information corresponds to the network of physical, which makes it agree with modern « 67 »  No philosophical approach or
relationships with the outside world, which cognitive science approaches, as presented, scientific field can exhaust all the aspects
defines the negotiated “intersubjective/ob- for example, in Clark (1989). Physics has no of one phenomenon – that is why we need
jective.” This approach gets its natural for- notion of meaning (more than the intrinsic transdisciplinarity and collaboration in a
mulation if we chose the relational definition meaning of its own theory), but meaning constructive project. Constructivist ap-
of information proposed in the introduction. in living organisms emerges from physical proaches are important because elements of
« 62 »  Von Foerster offers illuminating substrate. Information plays a role of estab- knowledge produced in specialist fields are
analysis of “intersubjective/objective” and lishing relations. used in the building of a common knowl-
asks what is then objective about an object « 65 »  Subjective experience has no spe- edge network in which elements being con-
seen as an eigenvalue or a result of a process cial privileged position in relation to other nected gain new meaning from their new
of classification in the dynamic structures types of cognition. It is by no means cog- common context. In order to understand
of a cognizing agent? His answer is inter- nitively superior and cannot replace third- the result of the construction it is important
subjectivity through other agents, when “ei- person understanding of that experience to understand its process.
genbehaviors of one participant generate (established socially). Subjective experience « 68 »  The IC framework needs to fill
(recursively) those for the other.” Meaning- is informational like all other aspects of re- many explanatory gaps. Based on neurosci-
ful communication is a result of inter-sub- ality for an agent, and we have no reason to ence, biology, bioinformatics, biosemiotics,
jectivity. The gap between inner and outer is believe that it is different from the rest of cognitive computing, etc., it needs to pro-
bridged by information as the fabric of real- cognitive processes. vide computational models of phenomena
ity for cognizing agents – both “objective” « 66 »  From neuroscience we learn of mind for which we still lack proper sci-
and “subjective” reality. that processes of listening/hearing/seeing/ entific models. The concept of natural com-
etc. all correspond to physical states of the putation as presented in Dodig-Crnkovic &
A third-person vs. first person brain (von Foerster talks about eigenstates Giovagnoli (2013) provides some hints on
approach and emergence of with regard to perception). What happens how to fill those gaps within the computa- 231
meaning for a cognizing agent at the physical level in our body, at some tional framework, proposing the concept of
« 63 »  Brier (2013a) discusses Den- higher level of information processing, gets nature as a network of networks of concur-
nett’s (1993) endeavor to explain subjective observed as subjective experience. What rent information processes. Even though the
consciousness and the qualia by explaining arrives as photons to our visual apparatus first steps towards a unified understanding
“subjective” phenomena in “objective” terms causes processes that lead to dynamically of natural computation have already been
of “the objective, materialistic, third-person stable states in our brains (Foerster 2003b; made (in particular the contributions in
world of the physical sciences” (Dennett Juarrero 1999). Those processes in our phys- Hector Zenil’s 2012 book A Computable
1978: 5). Brier’s argument is that this project ical body give us subjective experience of the Universe), a lot of work remains to be done
is not viable “since the language of physics world. Without the third-person insight we for a full picture to emerge and connect both
does not include the notion of agent (agen- would not be able to share the knowledge to its predecessors in the work of construc-
cy) and meaning.” (Brier 2013a: 242). This about the existence of other first-person ex- tivists – von Foerster, Maturana and Varela,
would imply that any translation between periences. To base a research program on a von Glasersfeld, and others – and to antici-
different levels of description is in principle third-person perspective, inter-subjective pated results from, among other disciplines,
impossible. However, there are macroscopic knowledge and physical foundations are the brain sciences, cognitive computing,
phenomena that can be explained by micro- necessary for a scientist. Take, for example, synthetic biology, and studies in the origins
scopic physical theories in the language of a psychologist who deals with people and of life.
quantum mechanics, such as superconduc- their first-person experiences by using a Received: 15 June 2013
tivity, ferromagnetism, and atomic spectral third person approach. Likewise, it is im- Accepted: 11 January 2014
Open Peer Commentaries
on Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic’s
“Info-computational Constructivism and Cognition”
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

also be strategically gainful to establish a the other system for which this makes a dif-
IC and the Observed/ rather complex and controversial approach ference. So if we agree with the constructiv-
by way of using new labels. But in my opin- ist assumption that there is no unobserved
Observer Duality ion, this strategy also carries the risk of di- reality, we need a rather demanding theory
Manfred Füllsack recting attention away from another aspect with not just one but two “first” entities
of this framework that is mentioned in the to start with. The info-computational ap-
ISIS, University of Graz, Austria
paper but not further discussed in terms of proach (or however it may be called) hence
manfred.fuellsack/at/ its consequences. This is the aspect of dual- implies the counter-intuitive picture of an
ity or concurrency, as implicitly alluded to in “initially” differentiated world, or of a sys-
> Upshot • While I agree with Gordana the sentence: “Information is the difference tem that in its origins is sufficiently com-
Dodig-Crnkovic’s IC approach, I am un- in one physical system that makes a differ- plex to harbor (at least) two subsystems, of
certain about two points: first about ence in another physical system” (§23). In which one can make a difference in reaction
whether constructivism needs yet an- its consequences, this aspect could be more to the difference in the other.
other etiquette in order to be considered crucial for the acceptance of this frame- « 4 »  This is not to say that I consider
a viable conception, and second whether work than information and computation. this option less attractive than the assump-
the focus on information and computa- It seems to stir up those objections against tion of a reality existing beyond observa-
tion carries the risk of directing atten- constructivism that, in spite of the favorable tion – quite the opposite. But it challenges
tion away from other crucial aspects of evidences gained from computation (Füll- additional explanations that might not be
the approach. sack 2013), still render it a controversial entirely deliverable through informational
232 theory in the eyes of many. In the following, and computational theory.
« 1 »  Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic’s paper I will briefly expand on this aspect. « 5 »  Two theoretical approaches that
provides a comprehensive survey of what « 3 »  Information, as a difference that might provide helpful building blocks in
could be called the state of the art construc- makes a difference, is, according to Gregory this regard seem to be, on the one hand, the
tivist conception arising from the compi- Bateson and, as emphasized in the paper differentiation theory of George Spencer
lation of second-order-cybernetic, com- (§21), always a difference to someone or to Brown (1969) as interpreted by Niklas Luh-
putational, informational, and cognitive something that is able to perceive this differ- mann (1995), and, on the other hand, a no-
approaches. I have no doubt that this survey ence as such. This definition of information tion by Francesco Varela (1992) about the
indeed outlines a framework for the unified hence implies – different to the definition of possibility to regard observation as a kind
study of cognition in living organisms as Claude Shannon – observation. It implies a of capitalization of advantages that might be
well as in artificial cognitive systems. difference of an observed and an observer, interpreted in terms of Kolmogorov com-
« 2 »  The one point, however, that I or in other words, a difference of a system plexity. Since I intend to elaborate on these
am a bit skeptical about is the question of that is able to change, albeit slightly, in re- modules and their implications for a con-
whether it really is necessary to tag this action to a change in another system. As a sistent second-order science in a separate
compilation with yet another label, the la- philosophical minimum condition from paper, I will just briefly summarize these
bel of “info-computationalism” (IC). I agree this, one bit of information needs two enti- aspects in the following.
that information and computation are cru- ties (or systems or whatever) in order to be. « 6 »  A consequence of defining infor-
cial aspects in this framework and definitely A difference in one system would not be a mation in the above sense can be seen in
play an essential role. And of course, it might difference (that makes a difference) without the fact that any observer – whatever basic

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

IC and the Observed/Observer Duality Manfred Füllsack

conception one is willing to use – cannot be vide an appropriate template for scientific intentionality it implies has to be taken as
conceived differently than as being depend- explanations of phenomena that emerge observed itself, i.e., as second-order observed
ent on being observed itself. The observer in the ongoing interaction of observed and (Foerster 1981). While on the level of first-
hence forces its scientific explanation into observer. order observation, this network would be
circular reasoning (Foerster 1981; Luhmann « 8 »  This conception of attractors nothing but coincidental (i.e., unintended)
1995; Kauffman 2009), or as philosophers combined with the formal conception of the – a “cut-out” (in the sense of James 1983)
call it when rejecting it, into a vicious circle. Spencer Brownian observer might allow the provided by natural selection with inten-
A fundamental conception for bootstrap- observed/observer duality to be re-defined tionality only retrospectively ascribed – the
ping the observer in this sense has been in terms of what philosophers discuss as required second-order observation would
suggested with the distinction/indication “intentionality.” This can be considered as need a network that includes concurrently
dual of Spencer Brown (1969). This concept a temporarily viable “interpretation” of an operating strong-tie clusters that them-
conceives observation as a formal duality of observer (an “ascription” in the sense of selves serve as observers by compressing
drawing a distinction and indicating one of Ernst von Glasersfeld 1995b), in the course aspects and dynamics of the rest of the net-
the distinct parts as the currently relevant of which something becomes a “resource” work into a concept that otherwise would
one, i.e., as a basic binary choice. Its circu- (towards which intention is directed) if it remain dispersed and overly complex. Or
larity arises from the fact that each obser- is observed in the presence of an entity (an in other words, it necessitates a modular-
vation builds on (presupposed) preceding organism, for instance) that depends on ized network of looser and tighter coupled
observations that cannot be observed in the it (Varela 1992). This generalizes the ob- nodes (weak and strong ties, Granovetter
current act of observation, thereby generat- served/observer duality, since the entity, as 1973; Csermely 2009), of which some form
ing an “unmarked space” in each observa- observed as intentionally relating to the re- clusters that, by taking in the “intentional
tion. Observations hence carry uncertainty source, could be an organism on the search stance” (Dennett 1987), capitalize on the
with respect to their own constitution. They for nourishment as well as a network of (perceived) order of others, thereby free-
are built, so to speak, on the anticipation catalysts forming into an autocatalytic loop ing computational power, generating order
of being confirmed in the next step. In the (Kauffman 2000) or the Game of Life glider1 themselves and hence becoming observable
same manner as the nodes of a network reacting to the state of its adjacent cells. (i.e., capitalizable) in their own turn. Free-
depend on other nodes, the distinction/ « 9 »  Conceiving the observed-observ- ing computational power in this sense could
indication-dual hence founds a procedural er duality in this way seems to allow Va- then be understood as being “productive,”
approach that considers potentially infinite rela’s notion of something “capitalizing on and a web of mutual observations could be
webs of recurrent observations that cannot a resource” to be connected to the concept conceived as a “food web” of some sort, with
be reduced to any “first” (cf. Füllsack 2011). of algorithmic complexity (Kolmogorov each observation reducing complexity and
Each observation remains conditioned on 1965). Using this conception, observation thereby providing “resources.”
observation itself, implying a process of on- (in the formal sense) can be conceived as a « 10 »  I intend to elaborate on this con-
going interaction of observed and observer. way of compressing regularities into some ception in the near future in a more com-
« 7 »  A mathematical concept that cap- kind of viable algorithm, as for instance the prehensive publication. For the moment,
tures the recursive interaction of observed rule Fn = Fn–1 + Fn–2 (with F0 = 0 and F1 = 1) this commentary might serve as a sup-
and observer has been brought forth by does with the regularities of the Fibonacci- portive reference to one of the directions in
Heinz von Foerster (1976), following Jean sequence. As this compression (or model) which the conception of Dodig-Crnkovic 233
Piaget’s considerations on cognitive devel- frees computational power (i.e., reduces might be fruitfully expanded.
opment via ongoing sensorimotor inter- complexity), it counteracts entropy and
actions (Abraham & Shaw 1999). As this thus implies (temporal) order, which in the Manfred Füllsack is Professor of Systems Sciences at
recursive interaction of observation – of next step itself can be capitalized on at an- the University of Graz. His research includes: systems,
a new-born baby for instance – and sub- other trophic level. From this, a “metabolic” complexity, networks, games and computational
sequent coordinative movement tend to network becomes conceivable that grows theory, work – its history, its sociology, its economy,
render its initial value (its “first”) irrelevant, through the emergence of entities finding and its philosophy, and computer-based simulations.
it seems to offer a chance to conceive ob- ways to capitalize on respective regularities
served and observer in terms of the gen- (or, just as well, on regularities of irregulari- Received: 11 February 2014
eration of what von Foerster (1976) called ties by establishing control and monitoring Accepted: 12 February 2014
“objects as tokens for eigenbehaviors.” mechanisms) – with the caveat, however,
Mathematically, these objects correspond to that the expression “finding ways” and the
attractors that the “bottomless” interaction
of non-linear dynamics runs up (Strogatz 1 |  The cell constellation called “glider” in
1994). Seen as the expression of an asym- John Conway’s Cellular automaton “Game of Life”
metric statistical tendency of dynamical self-replicates according to the state of its neigh-
systems, the concept of “strange” or “itiner- boring cells. It thus could be observed as “capital-
ant” attractors in particular seems to pro- izing on” the state of its neighboring cells.
Phenomenological late human emotions on one hand and one and linear; the problem is that most natural
the other to correlate registration of neural processes of the living systems are not. There
Computation? activity with human first person experience, is a huge gap between these two conceptual
Søren Brier comparing analysis of behavior and linguis- worlds. I do understand the need to bridge
tically based reports of experience – not the or merge them. But the mere talk of “if we
Copenhagen Business School,
experience itself, which we cannot measure. had a model for natural computation” is not
Denmark • sb.ikk/at/ But the idea of a general info-computation enough. It rather avoids the deep problem in
is a research program without any theory my view. See, for instance, the many discus-
> Upshot • The main problems with of what such a common denominator for sions about this in Swan (2013).
info-computationalism are: (1) Its ba- all natural, social and conscious processes « 5 »  As part of the group that has devel-
sic concept of natural computing has that have to go beyond the possibilities of a oped the idea of biosemiotics, I am inclined
neither been defined theoretically or Universal Turing Machine should be, except to believe that biosemiotics is a much bet-
implemented practically. (2). It cannot some sort of universal concept of informa- ter research strategy for understanding what
encompass human concepts of sub- tion processing. So far, it does not contain a sets the processes in living nature apart from
jective experience and intersubjective theory of conscious awareness and meaning. computers and the processes in inanimate
meaningful communication, which pre- The whole phenomenological and herme- nature, namely that they are Peircean triadic
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

vents it from being genuinely transdis- neutical aspect of reality is not only missing, semiotic. Heinz von Foerster is used as part
ciplinary. (3) Philosophically, it does not but simply not recognized and accepted as of Dodig-Crnkovic’s argument such as in
sufficiently accept the deep ontological crucial to such a transdisciplinary paradigm. §14: “…we see that information processing
differences between various paradigms This is a considerable blow to its transdis- corresponds to von Foerster’s operation on
such as von Foerster’s second- order ciplinary aspiration in the sense of Basarab ‘objects,’ or their representations, ‘symbols’.”
cybernetics and Maturana and Varela’s Nicolescu’s (2002) Manifesto of Transdisci- However, he did not see computation as
theory of autopoiesis, which are both er- plinarity. To put it in another way, I do not information processing either (Brier 1996).
roneously taken to support info-compu- think that “Messages are just a very special He wrote very critically against the general
tationalism. kind of information that is exchanged be- information concept. I therefore think he is
tween communicating agents” (§18) but on misused here as a supporter of info-compu-
« 1 »  I have had the pleasure of discuss- the contrary, that information is a part of tationalism.
ing the info-computational (or pan-com- meaningful cognition and communication. « 6 »  From a Peircean ontology of conti-
putational) paradigm several times before « 3 »  I also find info-computationalism’s nuity and view point of fallibility of all gen-
(Brier 2011a, 2013a, 2013b) in writing, and blend of a sort of computational realism eral knowledge, it is also worth remarking
orally at several meetings and conferences, – even if it is only a variant of epistemic that mathematics and science are finite dis-
with my colleague Gordana Dodig-Crnkov- structural realism – with a declared con- ciplines and are not identical with or prior
ic, and watched her paradigm develop to the structivism based on, especially, second and to reality as such. We live in an immanent
present stage. See, in particular, Brier (2008), third order cybernetics, paradoxical and frame, which we continually expand and
where most of my arguments present here confusing. This is of course because I base attempt to understand. Experience and
are developed in greater detail. my views on a Peircean triadic pragmaticist cognizing reality is the starting point of all
234 « 2 »  I find this article’s transdisciplinary semiotic realism that considers information thought and cognition – not computation in
goal admirable, but also find its idea of an only as a component of semiotic processes, my view.
all-encompassing computation process for which always include meaning. « 7 »  In the same way, I wonder how
nature, society and consciousness to be too « 4 »  I am also a doubtful about the Dodig-Crnkovic uses the concept of “ob-
reductionist. This is first of all because the soundness of combining the idea of com- server” (is a robot an observer?) and I do
paradigm does not include first person ex- putation with the self-organizing paradigms not think she interprets Floridi correctly
perience or the phenomenological aspect, of general system science and non-equilib- here (§19) or Wheeler just after that (§20).
which I find crucial for human intersubjec- rium thermodynamics, as long as this new His “it from bit” is based on a participatory
tive production of knowledge and mean- conception of natural computation – call universe, not a computer metaphor. Deep
ing. Secondly, because its idea of natural it actor-model or a general notion of com- ontological issues seem to be treated a little
computation is a mere postulate based on putation – is not produced. It is like selling superficially here. Pan- and info-compu-
a reductionist belief in present computers’ the skin before the bear is shot. After all, the tation views attempt to remove all mystery
production of what is called artificial intelli- concept of computation is developed on the from the world by postulating computation-
gence to be the core of human cognition This basis of the Turing machine, which is not al agents without any experiential aware-
paradigm gave rise to the reductionist view self-organizing but a fixed structure cre- ness. In §23 Dodig-Crnkovic claims: “In-
of cognitive science based on information ated and organized by the human mind. Al- formation is the difference in one physical
processing. In latter years, the development though robots can be programmed to func- system that makes a difference in another
of cognitive science has moved into brain tion with each other in self-organizing ways, physical system,” and a little later speaks of
sciences. It is now trying to model and emu- the Turing machine in itself is sequential functional responses only. But then she re-

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

A Mathematical Model for Info-computationalism Andrée C. Ehresmann

turns to her inspiration from second-order « 9 »  In §66, intersubjectivity is seen as How can a mathematical approach
cybernetics that all information is observer primary to first person subjectivity, which to info-computationalism be
dependent but that observer is never an to me is the prerequisite for intersubjectiv- developed?
experiential phenomenological first person ity and language. Here, however, it is made « 1 »  Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic pro-
one. In some other places Dodig-Crnkovic informational. This is an interesting attempt poses an info-computational framework
writes about perception as if subjective ex- to place first person experience and percep- for approaching cognition in living organ-
perience is taken for granted, but it does tion as well as meaningful communication isms and in embodied cognitive agents of
not really exist in the implicit paradigm the in a corner of a basic physicalistic informa- any kind: the environment affords potential
whole paper is written on. It is much as in tion world view. But first person experi- information that the agent can integrate
Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s (1985) ence and meaningful communication are into actual information and transform into
discourse analysis, where the subject is what the prerequisite for the information science knowledge by natural computation; per-
fills out the holes in a chain of arguments from which the info-computational view is ception acts as an information-processing
(Laclau 1990). It works like a negative defi- argued. It is not the other way round. and learning device, through dynamical
nition in the hope of an “intuitive processor” « 10 »  In general, I cannot help the im- processes of self-organization of the agent.
as a form of neural network non-symbolic pression that the philosophy behind info- While the objective is clear, the article re-
processor type of computation (§32) – now computation is mixing apples, pears, and mains in an abstract setting, without il-
introducing biological (probably cybernet- bananas by arguing that no matter how their lustrating it with specific situations, and it
ic) agents. As a biosemiotician, I agree that taste is experienced, they are all fruits and does not raise the problem of mathematical
all biological systems produce knowledge, that is the basic fact on which we should modeling, with its possible contributions to
but not from the understanding of them as build transdisciplinarity. a better understanding of the situation.
autopoietic machines (Brier 1995, 2011b). « 2 »  Here I propose such a mathe-
« 8 »  There are some further cases in Søren Brier is Professor in the Semiotics of matical approach, namely the bio-inspired
which Dodig-Crnkovic may have misquoted Information, Cognition, and Communication Sciences Memory Evolutive Systems (MES) method-
other scholars. Humberto Maturana does at Copenhagen Business School. He is the editor ology, which we have been developing for
not accept an information processing view of Cybernetics & Human Knowing, a fellow of the 25 years (cf. Ehresmann & Vanbremeersch
either; neither did Francisco Varela, who was American Society for Cybernetics, and a member 2007). It is based on a “dynamic” category
influenced by phenomenology. So they are of the board of the International Association for theory, a recent mathematical domain (in-
misquoted here, even though their insights Biosemiotic Studies and its journal, Biosemiotics. troduced by Samuel Eilenberg and Saun-
fit well with von Foerster’s eigen-values and ders MacLane in 1945) that stresses the
eigen-behaviors, and Luis Rocha’s further Received: 14 February 2014 role of relations over structures. It identifies
development of his cognitive cybernet- Accepted: 18 February 2014 some important properties of information
ics. In §56 Stanley Salthe’s pan-semiotism processing and natural computation not
is ignored and instead he is portrayed as discussed in the article, and shows their
supporting constructivist info-computa- role in the non-(Turing-)computability of
tionalism. In reply to my earlier criticisms, A Mathematical Model for the global dynamics of the system.
Dodig-Crnkovic uses David Chalmers infor-
mational model of consciousness but misses
Info-computationalism Memory Evolutive Systems 235
mentioning his doublet aspect theory of Andrée C. Ehresmann « 3 »  An MES gives a constructive
information, which is pretty different from model for a self-organized multi-scale cog-
Université de Picardie Jules Verne,
hers (although I do not agree myself with the nitive system that is able to interact with
way he introduces the experiential aspect). France • ehres/at/ its environment through information pro-
She deals with the doublet aspect philosophy cessing, such as a living organism or an
in §62 with the help of the concepts exo- and > Upshot • I propose a mathematical ap- artificial cognitive system. Its dynamics
endogenic, thereby dodging the experiential proach to the framework developed in is modulated by the interactions of a net-
aspect of awareness. Dodig-Crnkovic com- Dodig-Crnkovic’s target article. It points work of specialized internal agents called
bines the endo-exo-model with Gregory to an important property of natural com- co-regulators (CRs). Each CR operates at its
Bateson’s “information as a difference, which putation, called the multiplicity principle own rhythm to collect and process external
makes a difference” omitting the fact that it (MP), which allows the development of and/or internal information related to its
applies only for a cybernetic mind that does increasingly complex cognitive processes function, and possibly to select appropriate
not contain first person experience and qua- and knowledge. While local dynamics are procedures. The co-regulators operate with
lia (Brier 1992). In §64, subjectivity becomes classically computable, a consequence of the help of a central, flexible memory con-
a question of levels, though such a qualita- the MP is that the global dynamics is not, taining the knowledge of the system, which
tive emergent ontological organismic system thus raising the problem of developing they contribute to develop and adapt to a
thinking is not introduced or argued, but is more elaborate computations, perhaps changing environment.
again postulated in §65. with the help of Turing oracles.
complex link information items constituting the patterns P tions of Neur that add new components,
and Q. However, the MP makes also possible called “category neurons,” that represent
cP=colimitQ the emergence of complex links, composed of mental objects or processes and are obtained
simple li nk simple links binding non-adjacent clusters, from the binding (= colimit) of synchronous
nk simple li
for instance a simple link binding a cluster neural patterns. Due to the emergence theo-
from P to Pʹ and a simple link from Qʹ to Q if rem, these complexifications generate an “al-
Pʹ and Qʹ are functionally equivalent patterns gebra of mental objects” (Changeux 1983),
P Q with colimit cQʹ = cPʹ (cf. Figure 1). Com- up to flexible higher mental and cognitive
cluster P´ Q´ cluster plex links reflect “changes in the conditions processes. Thus MENS processes more and
of change” (Popper 1957). They are at the more complex information over time (cf.
switch root of the emergence theorem (Ehresmann §38). However, the complexifications may
& Vanbremeersch 2007): the MP allows the also destroy some existing category neurons,
Figure 1: Complex links in MES development over time of components of in- in particular records in the memory that are
creasing orders of complexity, such as more no longer adapted to the context.
and more elaborate knowledge and cognitive
« 4 »  In an MES, a central role is played processes. Dynamics of MENS
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

by the following properties of information « 8 »  “Potential information” (§14) con-

processing in living systems: (i) The sys- The model MENS for sisting of some change in the environment
tem not only processes isolated information a neuro-cognitive system can be actualized in MENS only if it interacts
items, but also takes their interactions into « 6 »  To describe the functioning of an with the system by activating some neural
account by processing information patterns, MES more explicitly, we restrict ourselves to a patterns in specialized brain areas acting as
that is patterns of interconnected informa- particular MES, the memory evolutive neural co-regulators. These co-regulators operate
tion items. (ii) The MES satisfies a multi- system (MENS), which models the cognitive stepwise as an “interface” (§29) between the
plicity principle (MP), asserting that sev- system of an animal (up to man). MENS gives environment and the system’s behavior. Sev-
eral such information patterns may play the a framework comprising the neural, cogni- eral co-regulators “perceive” different parts
same functional role once actualized, with tive and mental systems at different (micro, of incoming information through specific
the possibility of a switch between them meso, macro) levels of description and across patterns; for instance, a co-regulator dealing
during processing operations. This principle different timescales. Its construction takes with colors will only perceive the color of an
formalizes the degeneracy property that is account of the following properties of the object O, while a shape co-regulator will only
ubiquitous in biological systems, as empha- neural system: (i) as already noted by Hebb perceive the shape of O. At a time t, a co-reg-
sized by Edelman (1989; Edelman & Gally (1949), there is formation, persistence and ulator collects the different information re-
2001). It permits Gregory Bateson’s sentence intertwining of distributed neural patterns ceived from its external and/or internal envi-
(§21) to be completed into “a difference that whose synchronous activation is associated ronment into its landscape at t (modeled by a
makes a difference, but also may not make a to a specific mental process; (ii) this associa- category). Using its differential access to the
difference.” The MP is at the root of the flex- tion is not one-to-one due to the “degeneracy memory, it processes the information and re-
ibility and adaptability of an MES; it will also property of the neural code,” emphasized by acts to it by selecting an adequate procedure:
236 be responsible for the non-computability of Edelman (1989: 50). In MENS, this degener- if the color of O is already known, the color
its global dynamics. acy is formalized by the MP, and a mental ob- CR will “recognize” it and activate its record;
« 5 »  Once actualized in the MES, an in- ject or process is represented by the common if the color is not yet known, it will com-
formation pattern P will take its own identity binding (formally colimit) of the more or less mand the synchronization of the color pat-
as a new component cP of a higher complexity different neural patterns that it can synchro- tern P (by strengthening its synapses), lead-
order, which “binds” the pattern, for instance nously activate at different times, and that ing to its binding into a new category-neuron
as a record of P in the memory. The binding constitute its several “physical” realizations. (colimit of P), which will memorize the color
process is modeled by the categorical colimit « 7 »  MENS is a hierarchical evolutive of O. The synchronization of an assembly
operation (Kan 1958): cP becomes the colimit system (Ehresmann & Vanbremeersch 2007) of neurons is a kind of natural computation
of P and also of each of the other function- that sizes up the system “in the making,” that is reducible to a classical computation in
ally-equivalent information patterns; thus with variation over time of its configuration the usual Turing sense; if there was only one
it acts as a multi-facetted component. Such categories, its information processing. Its co-regulator, its dynamics during one step
multi-facetted components are constructed memory stores different data, knowledge, could be computed by classical means (e.g.,
through successive complexification processes experiences and procedures in a flexible via differential equations).
(Ehresmann & Vanbremeersch 2007). The manner, to be later recalled or actualized in « 9 »  However, there is a whole net-
complexification also constructs the links changing conditions. The evolutive system work of co-regulators that can function a-
interconnecting two multi-facetted compo- Neur of neurons (and synapses) constitutes synchronously (as in Hewitt’s actor model,
nents cP and cQ. There are simple links, which the lower level of MENS. The higher levels cf. §16). At t, the different procedures they
bind together a cluster of links between the are constructed by successive complexifica- try to implement can be conflicting, thus

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Information, Computation and Mind Marcin J. Schroeder

requiring some “interplay” among them to Information, Computation point of view (hence the subtitle of this com-
harmonize them. MP lends flexibility to this mentary: Who is in charge of the construc-
process, since a procedure Pr can be “physi-
and Mind: Who Is in Charge tion?) Unfortunately, neither info-com-
cally” realized through the activation of any of the Construction? putationalism (IC) nor constructivism are
one of the neural patterns it binds. As there homogeneous, uniform schools of thought,
is no central co-regulator, this interplay may Marcin J. Schroeder and the perception of the need for the ques-
necessitate cascades of natural computation Akita International University, Japan tion above can be just a matter of equivoca-
of various kinds, making it not computable mjs/at/ tion. But even then, it is worth attempting to
in the usual sense. At the moment we do not clarify this issue.
know of any mathematical models for such a > Upshot • Focusing on the relationship « 3 »  The article declares in the first
kind of natural computation, where there are between info-computationalism and paragraph that
possibilities for switching between different constructivism, I point out that there is
physical realizations of the same procedure.
It would necessitate the use of more sophis-
a need to clarify fundamental concepts
such as information, informational struc-
“ It [IC] asserts that, as living organisms, we
humans are cognizing agents who construct
ticated methods, for instance using Turing tures, and computation that obscure the knowledge through interactions with their envi-
machines with oracles (cf. Soare 2009, or theses regarding the relationship with ronment, processing information within our cog-
the DIME method proposed by Mikkilineni constructivist thought. In particular, I nitive apparatus and through information com-
2011). The idea would be that each co-regu-
lator acts as an oracle, possibly interrupting
wonder how we can reconcile construc-
tivism with the view that all nature is a

munication with other humans. (§1)

the local dynamics of another co-regulator, computational process. However, this sentence is preceded by
with cascades of such operations up to the
attainment of a common solution. Introduction
« 1 »  Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic’s “Info-
“  Info-computationalism (IC) is a variety of
natural computationalism, which understands
« 10 »  The MES methodology affords
computational Constructivism and Cogni-
tion” presents a comprehensive program of
the whole of nature as a computational process.

partial constructive mathematical approach- cognitive studies combining constructivist « 4 »  I find this innocent looking jux-
es to the development of cognition in Dodig- methodology with an info-computational taposition puzzling. If we understand the
Crnkovic’s general info-computational ontological framework. The main line of constructivist position as a view that gives
framework. It also characterizes the multi- thought is well documented and supported the active and primary role in the process
plicity principle as the root of both the emer- by solid argumentation, but there are some of construction of knowledge to the mind,
gence of increasingly complex knowledge points which aroused objections or ques- how can we reconcile it with the view that all
and of the non-computability (in a classical tions in the present author. Thus, although nature is a computational process? What can
sense) of natural computation. The colimit the following is not intended as a criticism of be the contribution of the mind to a univer-
(or binding) operation translates the actu- the program, it is a call for further explana- sal process seemingly governed by external,
alization of information patterns into new tion or clarification of confusing statements. independent rules?
components that, thanks to the multiplicity The need for further explanation may be a « 5 »  The long tradition of construc-
principle, take their multi-facetted individu- result of the immense task of comparing and tivism, going back at least to Giambattista 237
ation over time. While the local dynamics correlating the two extensive directions of Vico, opposes the view of learning through
of one co-regulator during one step is clas- thought that Dodig-Crnkovic ventured and observation (even when understood as ex-
sically computable, the global dynamics is achieved with impressive results, but that ploration necessarily involving interaction),
not. There is a need for more elaborate math- did not allow more detailed explanation to promoting the view that knowing means
ematical models, thus opening new horizons be entered into. However, in the opinion of creation, that truth is an invention or gen-
for research. the present author, the comparison becomes eration, not an acquisition. After all, the
confusing without clarification of the fun- constructivist tradition was intended as a
Andrée Ehresmann (née Bastiani) is Professeur Emérite damental concepts, such as information or way to avoid the Cartesian duality of body
at the Université de Picardie Jules Verne and Director of computation. and mind, res extensa and res cogitans. We
the mathematical journal CTGDC. Author and editor of know something when we can construct it,
several books, she has more than 100 publications in Questions regarding the ontology of not when we recognize a pattern through
mathematical or multidisciplinary domains: analysis; info-computationalism observation. The involvement of the mind in
category theory; and self-organized multi-scale systems « 2 »  The main question regarding the the construction of what we are learning dis-
with applications to biology, cognition, innovative program presented by Dodig-Crnkovic is solves the division between the mental and
design. Website: about the degree to and manner in which the physical. When we give priority to the
the view of reality in terms of information external universal process (computational
Received: 16 February 2014 and computation, at least as presented in the or not), in which the mind can participate
Accepted: 17 February 2014 article, is consistent with the constructivist in various degrees but is subject to its rules
and does not contribute to it as a creator or structure is constructing mind out of its cidental, and that it refers to the fact that
constructor, we deviate from the main tenet cognitive functions. its ontological status is clearly rooted in the
of constructivism. « 8 »  Someone could look for more con- body side of Cartesian dualism, with the ob-
« 6 »  The target article refers to the structivist ontological foundations for au- jective of subordinating or eliminating the
views of Stuart Umpleby (2002) as the his- topoiesis, detaching it from dualistic ontol- mind side.
torical roots of info-computational con- ogy by the assumption of a shift of emphasis
structivism, which included the division of from the body (machine) side of the dualism Questions regarding understanding
the development of this direction of thought to the mind side. It could do so by interpret- information
into the three periods of so-called engineer- ing autopoiesis as self-organization, where « 11 »  Similar ontological assumptions
ing, cybernetics, biological cybernetics and organization could be made independent can be found in Dodig-Crnkovic’s article
social cybernetics: from its physical substratum and could as- regarding the fundamental concepts of IC.
sume an active, constructive role. This is It starts at the most fundamental level by
“ During the engineering period, the object of
observation, the observed was central. In the sec-
how we could understand the statement
from the target article:
defining the concept of information (pre-
ceding the concept of computation) in her
ond phase, with research in biology of cognition, paraphrase of Gregory Bateson’s definition:
the core interest shifted from what is observed to
“ In order to understand cognition and knowl-
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

the observer. In the third phase, the domain of so-

cial cybernetics focus moved further to models of
edge as a natural phenomenon, the process of
re-construction of the origins, development and
“  Information is also a generalized concept in
the context of IC, and it is always agent-depen-

groups of observers. (§1) present forms and existence of life, processes of
evolution, and development based on self-orga-
dent: information is a difference (identified in the
world) that makes a difference for an agent. […]
Here the use of the term “observer” is curi- nization are central. The work of Maturana and For different types of agents, the same data input
ous, in the context of the constructivist po- Varela on the constructivist understanding of life (where data are atoms of information) will result
sition. But the “damage” to the constructiv-
ist tradition does not seems beyond repair

is of fundamental importance. (§39)

in different information. (§2)

if we substitute the words “construction” However, the interpretation of autopoiesis The concept of “atoms of information” is
and “constructor” for the words “observed” as self-organization is not consistent with questionable and difficult to understand in
and “observer.” However, to include cy- the views of the original authors of this the context of her definition (are there any
bernetics (at least its first stage) into the concept. Maturana explicitly opposed such indivisible differences?). But whatever the
main stream of constructivism, we have interpretation, writing that he would “never data are, this means their existence is within
to redefine its philosophical foundations use the notion of self-organization, because the world and seemingly they are indepen-
and interpret it as modeling the construc- it cannot be the case … it is impossible. That dent from agents. Thus, it is just a matter
tivist view within a very different or even is, if the organization of a thing changes, the of what agents do with the data (how they
opposite paradigm. The original position thing changes” (Maturana 1987: 71). interpret data), and this suggests that actu-
of cybernetics, i.e., first-order cybernetics, « 9 »  The target article also refers to Mi- ally Dodig-Crnkovic is writing not about the
was rather to eliminate the mind from the lan Zeleny’s view: data–information relationship, but about
Cartesian mind-body dualism by giving the meaning of information.
238 priority to the body (embodiment), not by
elevating the mind to the role of a creator,
“  Such autopoietic systems are organization-
ally closed and state-determined… What does it
« 12 »  The dualistic (physicalistic) on-
tological position can be seen even more
inventor or constructor. mean that an autopoietic system is organization- clearly in her next paraphrase of Bateson’s
« 7 »  The reference to first-order cyber- ally closed? It means it conserves its organiza- definition, to combine it with Hewitt’s rela-
netics, or even its later forms, as the initial
source of info-computational constructiv-

tion. (§39) tional view of information: “Information is
the difference in one physical system that
ism brings out the possibility that this posi- In what sense can we say that an autopoi- makes a difference in another physical sys-
tion should rather be considered a mirror etic system is self-organizing, which means tem” (§23, emphasis in the original).The du-
reflection of the traditional position of con- developing (i.e., changing) its organiza- alistic ontology is already present in the use
structivism, closing the gap in the dualis- tion, and at the same time conserving its of expression “physical world” as it requires
tic view not from the side of the mind but organization? This contradiction cannot be a complement in the form of the mental
from the side of the body. It can be seen, for resolved by a distinction between the con- world (what other complement is possible?).
instance, in the views of Humberto Mat- servation of organization at the phenotypic If not, what is the reason for using the adjec-
urana and Francisco Varela, whose main level and change at the genetic level of spe- tive “physical”?
concept is called an “autopoietic machine,” cies, as phenotype and species are two dif- « 13 »  The relationship with the world is
not “autopoietic mind” (Maturana & Varela ferent systems. described in the target article as follows:
1980: 78). Thus, the ontological foundation « 10 »  It seems quite clear that the ex-
is built on the assumption of the existence
of the “physical world” in which some
pression “autopoietic machine” in the fun-
damental concept of autopoiesis is not ac-
“ The world as proto information presents the
potential form of existence corresponding to Im-

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Information, Computation and Mind Marcin J. Schroeder

manuel Kant’s Ding an sich (thing in itself). That changes of entities. This, however, is a gross that are adjusted to the shared reality of the
proto information becomes information, ‘a differ- over-generalization, as what would be the agent’s community of practice” (§20). How-
ence that makes a difference,’ […] for a cognizing reason to use two different terms “change” ever, it does not explain what these struc-

agent in the process of interaction. (§21) and “computation” in the same meaning?
Change is a natural candidate for the genus
tural objects are and what kind of dynam-
ics describes their interactions. Even worse,
« 14 »  It is difficult to find out how an for computation, but we need a non-trivial here we have put informational structures
agent is involved in creation of information differentia. and data structures alongside each other.
beyond the fact that it is involved in obser- « 17 »  Since the very concept of an agent « 19 »  Thus, when the concept of mor-
vation through interaction, which changes has its most general meaning as something phological computing appears in the text,
proto information into information. But this that makes changes, the reference to “com- we can guess that it is some type of struc-
was just the definition of proto information putational agents” does not help much in tural change involving informational struc-
involving an “(observing) agent” as neces- understanding computation: “Hewitt’s ‘com- tures. But it is not clear at all what these in-
sary for transition into information (§17). putational devices’ are conceived as compu- formational structures are or how they come
It is, of course, an expression of the view tational agents – informational structures into existence, except that it happens in the
that an observer is necessary to transform capable of acting on their behalf ” (§16). interaction (of the data?) with a cognizing
potential existence into actual existence, but Here, as well as in many other places in the agent. Then, the dynamics of informational
it hardly reflects tenets of constructivism. target article, appears the expression “infor- structures is also left without explanation.
Once again, it seems likely that this process mational structures.” It is not clear what they Dynamics means interaction, in this case in-
is actually not a transition from proto infor- are and how they relate to the constructiv- teraction between informational structures
mation to information, but rather interpre- ist view of reality. There is a short passage (or possibly within, but in this case between
tation that gives meaning to information; in a footnote, which seems to be the most what?). At the same time we have an interac-
however, there is nothing in these passages important in the entire paper, which refers tion with a cognizing agent that constitutes
regarding creation of the meaning for infor- to the problem: information, which itself requires some
mation (which actually could be considered form of dynamics.
a weak form of constructivism, if the role of
construction is given to the mind).
“  Von Foerster rightly pointed out that comput-
ers do not process information but data. However,
« 20 »  Confusions regarding the con-
cepts of information, informational struc-
this term is already widely used. Data are atoms of tures, and computation and their relation-
Questions regarding computation information. Information is obtained when data ship to constructivism make understanding
« 15 »  There is a similar problem with becomes integrated into structure (correlated), the relationship between info-computa-
understanding how to identify the construc- which happens in the interaction with a cogniz- tionalism and constructivist thought very
tivist character of the second fundamental
concept of computation. The quotation of

ing agent. (Footnote 5) difficult. It is possible that it is a matter of
difference in the understanding of info-
Mark Burgin’s definition “Computation is « 18 »  In the opinion of the present au- computationalism. In fact, for the present
information processing” does not make it thor, this is the point where we can find a author, the definition of info-computation-
easier (§14, emphasis in the original). To say connection between information, computa- alism as “understanding of the whole nature
that “computation is information process- tion, and constructivism. In the target ar- as a computational process” is not clear as
ing” is to say nothing except that there is ticle, information integration and its struc- long as a computational process (i.e., pre- 239
some vague relationship between computa- tural characterization are left without more sumably computation) is just any change of
tion and information (computation is doing detailed description, but the recognition of unclearly defined informational structures.
something to information), unless someone the role of a cognizing agent in the integra- The way from information understood as
clearly defines the term “processing.” tion of information seems to point at the a difference that makes a difference (notice
« 16 »  We can learn more from the quo- active role of the mind in seeking knowl- the idiomatic character of this expression!)
tation of Heinz von Foerster’s definition of edge. This point of view is close to the views to informational structure to computation
computation as “any operation (not neces- presented by the present author in his ear- is too long to be left to individual interpre-
sarily numerical) that transforms, modi- lier publications (Schroeder 2011). But even tations if we want to have some identifiable
fies, rearranges, orders, and so on, observed the footnote is confusing and apparently direction of thought.
physical entities (‘objects’) or their represen- involves a vicious circle. We learn that data
tations (‘symbols’)” (§13). It seems that von are atoms of information, but information is Conclusion
Foerster means that computation is simply obtained only when data are integrated into « 21 »  Info-computationalism can be
any change of some entities, their relations, a structure in the interaction with an agent. related to constructivist approaches only
or representations, or actually any change in There is another passage that refers to infor- when its fundamental concepts are defined
general, as every change is either of entities, mational structures: “Reality for an agent in a sufficiently clear philosophical frame-
their relations or representations. Changes consists of structural objects (informational work. Otherwise, we risk inconsistency in
of accidental or essential properties of en- structures, data structures) with computa- relating constructivist epistemology to a
tities are just specifications of the types of tional dynamics (information processes) dualistic ontology of info-computational-
ism. The definitions and their interpreta- The concepts of truth viability and certain- requires a flash of insight and a new con-
tions used in the target article are too nar- ty are linked because survival depends on ceptualisation and a feature involved in such
row, too general, or too far removed from knowledge. So the ways an individual and processing is non-linearity. Are such prob-
the philosophical background to satisfy this her social group understand reality are vi- lems and processes an inspiration or a stum-
postulate. tally important. bling block for new IC developments, such as
« 2 »  Siegfried Schmidt (2011) recently parallel computing processes?
Marcin J. Schroeder is a Professor at Akita proposed that constructivism should focus « 4 »  A second issue is to explain differ-
International University, Akita Japan. His educational on processes rather than entities. Gordana ent realities. This theme seemed to preoc-
and professional-academic background includes Dodig-Crnkovic here makes a similar pro- cupy von Glasersfeld. It is a theme that since
theoretical physics (M.Sc. University of Wroclaw, posal that the info-computational approach then has been a constant source of irritation
Poland) and mathematics (Ph.D. SIU-Carbondale, (IC), which also emphasises processes, has a (e.g., Boghossian 2006). However, it must be
USA). His current long-term research interests synergy with constructivism that can be mu- stated, our concept of reality is intimately as-
focus on the philosophical and mathematical tually beneficial to both approaches. In her sociated with our notion of self and responsi-
aspects of information and computation. article she describes how computing agents bility, thus it is intimately related to our iden-
interact with their environments in intelli- tity. It is also central to so many conflicts,
Received: 11 February 2014 gent ways. Agents and robots that compute both intercultural and interpersonal. I want
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

Accepted: 14 February 2014 do so with a limited but effective notion of to explain this and then ask whether the IC
their environment. They are regulatory sys- position might offer a solution to explaining
tems that are increasingly becoming com- the RC position and make it less irritating.
monplace in our experience of our worlds, « 5 »  Taking responsibility for one’s own
Modelling Realities from thermostats to computer assisted ideas has been central to the constructivist
braking systems to apps in phones. These position, and different writers give different
Hugh Gash regulatory systems with cybernetic features reasons for this. Von Glasersfeld (2010) ar-
St Patrick’s College, Ireland use feedback from specific sensors and have rived at his RC position on account of both
hugh.gash/at/ been compared to cognitive processes since his philosophical readings and his living in
the time of Ross Ashby (1960) and the Macy more than one language. Humberto Matu-
> Upshot • Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic pro- Conferences in the middle of the last century. rana’s (1988) explanation of cognition shows
poses that radical constructivism and « 3 »  In modelling cognition with com- how taking responsibility for our acts and
info-computational (IC) processes have puting systems, there are two issues on thoughts implied acceptance of the con-
a synergy that can be productive. Two is- which I would like to comment. One goes structivist position. Finally, Andreas Quale’s
sues are proposed here: can constructiv- back to the conflicting approaches of René target article on ethics implies that our inter-
ism help IC to model creative thinking, Descartes and Giambattista Vico. These are actions with each other influence the forms
and can IC help constructivism to model whether thinking is better-modelled as de- of responsibility we adopt in our daily lives.
conflict resolution? ductive (Descartes), or whether the creative It is clear that our ethical values arise during,
processes involved in constructing new ways and are influenced by, our experiences with
« 1 »  Classical introductions to con- of understanding phenomena should be others. Like our sense of self, ethical values
240 structivism are presented in human terms. emphasised (Vico). This issue is one that in- and responsibility belong in the relational
Humberto Maturana’s account of cognition vites comment from the IC approach. Since domain (Glasersfeld 1979). The problem is
begins with observation. More generally, Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey, how to share these ideas with the wider pub-
cognition depends on noticing differences processes of deduction and induction have lic. Civic responsibility has received serious
and we make choices based on past experi- been accompanied by abduction as ways of attention, especially in the need to promote
ence. These choices are based on decisions explaining creative processes. So, I wonder social capital (Putnam 2000). However, these
concerning what is best for us (Glasser 1985) if computing systems that use parallel com- ethical implications of constructivism have
and the heuristics on which these decisions puting can, or will soon, simulate this type a low profile in accounts of constructivism.
are based have been studied (Gopnik et al. of creativity. Dodig-Crnkovic cites the inad- « 6 »  A largely ignored implication of
2004). Ernst von Glasersfeld (1974) intro- equacy of earlier efforts to model cognition constructivist thinking is that two realities
duced radical constructivism (RC), em- (§32). Constructivism has a strong history of are uncomfortable and potentially danger-
phasising that our cognitive rational ways emphasising creativity in learning; in an ap- ous. Gregory Bateson (1979) referred to this
of understanding the world did not refer to propriate example, the Empowering Minds when discussing heresy. However, we do not
a Reality as it was always beyond our sense Project used Lego robotics with children in need to discuss religious or political differ-
receptors. This implied that classical notions schools (Butler & Gash 2003). One feature ences in the past or present to appreciate how
of truth that presumed a matching of cogni- in this project that required creative prob- two visions of how things are or should be
tion with Reality require rethinking and von lem solving for novices was the problem of can be divisive. Yet RC proposes that these
Glasersfeld proposed instead that viability changing the direction of power using gears, ideas about different realities depend on the
ensured that our understandings worked. as in cars. Creative problem solving often choices and past experience of their propo-

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Info-computationalism or Materialism? Neither and Both Carlos Gershenson

nents, and this proposition always seems to Info-computationalism tion. Moreover, there are physical con-
require explanation. If this insight could be straints that limit the living and cannot be
made more commonplace, perhaps nego-
or Materialism? deduced from only information. Looking
tiations between opposing groups with dif- Neither and Both only at molecules, one cannot distinguish
ferent views on their reality would have a living systems from non-living ones. Take,
sounder footing. Carlos Gershenson for example, an aquarium with fish, algae,
« 7 »  Is it possible that the info-com- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de and bacteria. From the physical perspective
putational approach could model opposing México • cgg/at/ there is no difference between the aquarium
views in ways that would facilitate negotia- with its contents and another object with
tions between rival groups? It is well known > Upshot • The limitations of material- exactly the same molecules. The difference
that contact between groups has the poten- ism for studying cognition have moti- lies in the organization of the components
tial to facilitate the emergence of mutual vated alternative epistemologies based (§39; Varela, Maturana & Uribe 1974). Con-
respect. If the idea that different versions of on information and computation. I argue sidering only information, one cannot dis-
reality are what divide two groups is more that these alternatives are also inherent- tinguish the physical from the virtual, as in
generally accepted, and if this reality can be ly limited and that these limits can only a computer simulation. If we have a physical
modelled with computer assisted represen- be overcome by considering materialism, description of matter and energy, this can
tations, this might assist negotiations. The info-computationalism, and cognition at be also described in terms of information
work done in IC seems to hold this out as a the same time. (Gershenson 2012), as matter and energy
possibility, and two models seem appropriate can be seen as particular types of infor-
one a simulation model (Riegler & Douven « 1 »  Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic argues mation. Nevertheless, my argument is that
2009) and the other theoretical (Josué Anto- convincingly that materialism is insufficient the physical substrate of cognitive systems
nio Nescolarde-Selva & Josep-Lluis Usó-Do- for studying cognition. As an alternative, cannot be neglected. I claim that within a
ménech 2013). The latter proposed model of an epistemology based on information and constructivist worldview, it is not enough to
belief systems is mathematical, with specific computation is offered. consider only the organization/information
properties for understanding expressions of « 2 »  Materialism has been successful in of systems; their substrate and their rela-
culture, including text. This model should al- describing physical phenomena (matter and tion must also be considered, as will be ex-
low precise specification of the belief systems energy), but it cannot explain phenomena panded on below. This is not an ontological
of two groups who are trying to negotiate. such as cognition, life, meaning, and agen- claim, but an epistemological one.
When groups differ in their visions of reality, cy, often falling into a mind/body dualism « 5 »  The “conflict” between material-
one difficulty is to persuade each group that (Kauffman 2010). The problem with a dual- ism and IC can be traced back to the cen-
things can be seen differently. Is it too much istic perspective is that it cannot relate phys- turies-old discussion related to the concept
to hope that the commonplace gadgets that ics and cognition (nor life, §35); nor can it of emergence, i.e., that the whole is not the
are so useful to us can serve as models of lim- explain how cognition depends on a physi- sum of its parts. If physics describes the
ited realities? IC seems to hold much prom- cal substrate or how cognition can affect the parts, what is the “something” that makes
ise for facilitating a model of understanding physical world. the whole more? As I argued in Gershen-
constructivism. Schmidt (2011) has shown « 3 »  Instead of trying to describe in- son (2013), this something is information,
how this works cognitively. Can IC contrib- formation in terms of matter and energy, and in particular, interactions. 241
ute? Perhaps there are computer models of we can describe matter and energy in terms « 6 »  The concept of emergence seems
negotiations that can take these ideas and of information (Gershenson 2012). This to be problematic in terms of causality: can
develop them? allows us to explore potential laws that ap- the parts cause the whole? Can the whole
ply to phenomena at all observable scales, cause the parts? (Bar-Yam, 2004b; Hey-
Hugh Gash obtained his doctorate at State University including the biological and the cognitive. lighen, Cilliers & Gershenson 2007). Philip
at Buffalo in 1974 with a thesis on moral judgment. I defined information as “anything that an Anderson (1972) showed that properties of
He was a post-doctoral researcher at the University agent can sense, perceive, or observe” (Ger- systems cannot be reduced to the proper-
of Georgia with Charles Smock and then worked at shenson 2012: 102), and computation as a ties of their components. And it is common
St Patrick’s College, Dublin until 2010. Gash is a change in information. sense to agree that even when a system can
member of the International Institute for Advanced « 4 »  IC can offer a novel perspective influence its components, these may have
Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics. He has on cognition, but it also has its limitations. certain autonomy, such as an individual
published extensively on educational applications of Even though in principle it encompasses in a society. Because of this, when study-
constructivism, with a particular interest in changing materialism, physics cannot be ignored, as ing complex systems, parts and whole and
attitudes and children’s representations of different it can be argued that meanings are ground- their interactions should be considered
others. Homepage: ed in a common physical space (matter and at the same time in order to have a more
energy), mediated by social interactions. complete description. Multiscale perspec-
Received: 4 February 2014 Intersubjectivity (§63) requires a physi- tives attempt to address this issue (Bar-Yam
Accepted: 6 February 2014 cal medium to share and change informa- 2004a; Gershenson 2011).
« 7 »  In a similar line of thought, Carlos Gershenson is a full time researcher and « 3 »  There are several theoretical ver-
Buddhist philosophy maintains that ob- head of the computer science department of the sions of the information theoretic approach
ject, subject and the action of the subject Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas to quantum physics (cf. Fields 2012), which,
perceiving the object are not separable Aplicadas y en Sistemas at the Universidad Nacional for the present purpose, can be reduced to
(Nydahl 2008). This is because we cannot Autónoma de México (UNAM), where he leads the essentially two.
describe an object without a subjective ob- Self-organizing Systems Lab. He is also an affiliated « 4 »  The first one is related to a classical
server, while subjective description is con- researcher and member of the directive council “infinitistic” approach to the mathematical
strained by the object, and their relation is at the Center for Complexity Sciences at UNAM. physics of information in quantum mechan-
mediated by the action. Focussing only on Website: ics (QM). Its proponents include Heinz-
objects we fall into materialism, with all the Dieter Zeh (2004, 2010) and Max Tegmark
limitations exposed by Gordana Dodig- Received: 13 February 2014 (2011). Typical of this approach is the notion
Crnkovic. Focussing only on the descrip- Accepted: 25 February 2014 of the unitary evolution of the wave func-
tions, we fall into subjectivism, which has tion, with the connected, supposed infinite
also its drawbacks, as we know from the amount of information it “contains,” “made
limitations of postmodernism (Cilliers available” in different spatio-temporal cells
2002). Constructivism proposes to go be- via the mechanism of the “decoherence” of
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

yond these limitations by relating the social Info-computational the wave function. This approach needs to
construction of the descriptions, mediated assume an external observer (“information
by shared objects and through the action of
Constructivism and for whom?” Fields 2012). It uses Claude
observing. Quantum Field Theory Shannon’s purely syntactic measure and no-
« 8 »  Materialism, IC, and cognitive tion of information (Rovelli 1996).
science are not separable but are comple- Gianfranco Basti « 5 »  Dodig-Crnkovic refers essen-
mentary: objects are described by material- Pontifical Lateran University, Italy tially to this infinitistic approach when she
ism, subjects by IC, and action by cognitive basti/at/ speaks about natural information/computa-
science. The latter is not an epistemological tion, equating “natural computation” with
position, but is required to link the other > Upshot • Dodig-Crnkovic’s “info-com- “morphological computing, i.e., computa-
two, as it is cognitive systems that produce putational constructivism” (IC), as an es- tion governed by underlying physical laws,
information from a material substrate and sential part of a constructivist approach, leading to change and growth of form” (§9).
use the information to change the sub- needs integration with the logical, math- That is, physical/chemical/biological proc-
strate. This also considers the social aspect ematical and physical evidence coming esses relate to the progressive emergence
of cognition, as meaning is made not only from quantum field theory (QFT) as the of ever more complex natural structures of
by the interaction between object and sub- fundamental physics of the emergence matter, from hadrons and leptons to atoms,
ject, but also between subjects (§22; §56; of “complex systems” in all realms of to molecules, to cells, tissues, organs, and
Froese, Gershenson & Rosenblueth 2013). natural sciences. organisms, up to social groups (§11).
« 9 »  Matter and energy (object, ob- « 6 »  Assuming that the mathemati-
served) cannot be studied without consid- « 1 »  In this commentary I suggest how cal laws of nature “produce” the ever more
242 ering information (subject, observer), nor QFT, with its logic and its epistemology, can complex structures characterizing our
vice versa. Cognition (action, observing) is support, integrate or even correct some IC evolving universe seems in contradiction
precisely the process that relates the physi- notions, always clarifying them at the fun- with constructivism. “Effects” are produced
cal and the mental, the material and the damental levels – logical, mathematical, and by “causes” not by “laws.” They “rule” a caus-
informational. It might not seem so, but physical. al process, making its evolution in time pre-
this is actually a monist perspective, as this dictable (or, conversely, retro-dictable) to
triadic interdependence does not allow us A change of paradigm: From observers. Hence, it is not “kinetics,” defined
to study different aspects separately. “Mat- mathematical physics to physical as the geometrical laws of mechanics, but
ter” and “energy” are concepts relative to mathematics “dynamics,” defined as the different types
the cognitive subject, who constructs them « 2 »  In the second section (§§7–27), of forces and force fields, “causally” acting
out of her experience. Only by considering Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic “expounds the on material things (processes, particles, sys-
matter, information, and cognition at the two basic concepts of IC” (§6). These are the tems, etc.), that produces the different forms
same time, will we have a better under- notions of “natural information” and “natu- of “orders.” They can be “quantified” through
standing of them all. ral computation,” as far as they are based their proper “order parameters,” character-
on the information approach to quantum izing the emergence of ever more complex
physics, and hence distinguished from their systems at all levels of matter organization
usual notions, respectively, of symbol trans- in nature – and self-organization. This also
mission (information) and symbol manipu- holds in quantum physics and explains the
lation (computation). epistemological difference between QM and

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Info-computational Constructivism and Quantum Field Theory Gianfranco Basti

QFT. It justifies the evolutionary emergence though on a different basis (see below), I it can perform “work.” The “free energy” is
of the same mathematical laws of nature suggest using the notion of “morphogenetic thus “ordered energy.”
with the processes they rule and therefore computing” in IC. « 14 »  The widespread applicability of
contradicts such laws’ “immutability,” as- « 10 »  Another fundamental charac- QFT is claimed by Massimo Blasone and
sumed by the dualistic Platonic ontology ter of IC mentioned right at the beginning colleagues, who address an important as-
underlying the Newtonian paradigm since in §1 has its proper fundamental dynamic pect, i.e., that quantum field dynamics is
the beginning of modern science. This sug- explanation in the QFT approach. It is the not confined to the microscopic world only
gests changing the mathematical physics IC principle inspired by Gregory Bateson’s but rather includes the whole domain of
of the Newtonian approach to the physical seminal idea of the “necessary unity be- fundamental physics, from cosmology to
mathematics of constructivism. tween a biological (and hence cognitive) the physics of condensed matter, living, and
« 7 »  Such an alternative is related to system and nature” (Bateson 2002), accord- neural systems:
QFT, which is a “finitistic” approach to the ing to which,
physical mathematics of information, taken “  [C]rystals, ferromagnets, superconductors,
as a fundamental physical magnitude to-
gether with energy. QFT makes it possible
“ for different type of agents, the same data input
[…] will result in different information. […] The
etc. are macroscopic quantum systems. They are
quantum systems not in the trivial sense that
to span the microphysical, macrophysical, same world for different agents appears differ- they are made by quantum components (like
and even the cosmological realms within
a single quantum theoretical framework,

ently. (§2) any physical system), but in the sense that their
macroscopic properties, accounted for by the or-
which is different from QM (Blasone, Jizba This principle has its proper causal and der parameter field, cannot be explained without
& Vitiello 2011). mathematical explanation in the QFT for- recourse to the underlying quantum dynamics
« 8 »  In contrast to QM, in QFT sys- malism of “algebra doubling” for justifying (Blasone, Jizba & Vitiello 2011: ix).
tems, the number of degrees of freedom the intrinsic character of the thermal bath
is not finite, “so that infinitely many uni- in QFT systems. « 15 »  From the computability theory
tarily inequivalent representations of the « 11 »  In the context of QFT, the notion standpoint, this means that a physical sys-
canonical commutation (bosons) and of non-symbolic, “morphogenetic computa- tem in QFT, in contrast to the Turing Ma-
anti-commutation (fermions) relations ex- tion,” which has its proper ancestor in Alan chine paradigm, is able to change dynami-
ist” (Blasone, Jizba & Vitiello: 18). Indeed, Turing’s pioneering work on “morphogen- cally the basic symbols of its computations,
through the principle of spontaneous sym- esis” (Turing 1952; see §9), has its deepest since – according to the QFT uncertainty
metry breaking (SSB) in the “ground state” justification at the level of fundamental principle – new collective behaviors can
(i.e., in the state at 0 energy of the system), physics. In fact, it concerns the various dif- emerge from individual ones, or vice versa.
infinitely (not denumerable) many quan- ferent physical interpretation of the Heisen- This justifies the definition of the informa-
tum vacua conditions compatible with the berg uncertainty principle and of the related tion associated with a Wigner distribution
ground state exist. Moreover, this holds not particle-wave duality. as a semantic (non-syntactic) information
only in the relativistic (microscopic) domain content, since the system is able to change
but also applies to non-relativistic many- Wigner functions, quasi- dynamically the codes of its computations,
body systems in condensed matter physics, probabilities and the notion so to suggest a new, semantic sense of the
i.e., in the macroscopic domain, and even of “natural information” notion of “computational dynamics.”2 243
on the cosmological scale (Blasone, Jizba & « 12 »  QFT may also offer a rigorous « 16 »  In Basti (2014), I demonstrated
Vitiello 2011: 53–96). pathway for a quantitative definition of the that in formal logic an inference process,
« 9 »  Several phenomena related to IC notion and measurement of “natural in- based on such a probability calculus, in
what Dodig-Crnkovic calls “morphological formation” (§7), as distinct from the syn- which the basic symbols – and hence “truth”
computing” can be found in QFT, and in tactic notion and measurement of Shannon – between the antecedent and the conse-
the SSB of quantum vacuums as their fun- information used in QM, and that cannot quent are not conserved cannot satisfy the
damental explanatory dynamic framework. justify in principle any constructive, causal logical connective of the material implica-
This includes: the thermal field theory; the approach to complexity. tion (p → q (1011)). On the contrary, it sat-
phase transitions in a variety of problems at « 13 »  Indeed, because of the intrinsic isfies the logical connective of the converse
any scale; and the process of defect forma- openness to the quantum vacuum fluctua- implication (p ← q (1101)), i.e., the connec-
tion during the process of non-equilibrium tions of any QFT system, and because of tive of all the “form generation” or morpho-
symmetry breaking in the phase transi- the associated thermal bath, it is possible genetic processes. However, it is the logic of
tions, characterized by an order parameter. in QFT to define thermodynamic operators
All these phenomena and many others are such as “entropy” and “free energy,” as well 2 | To avoid misunderstandings, the notion
fruitfully approachable by using the same as the dynamic role they play in the different of “semantic” information and computation al-
principle of “nonequivalent representa- QFT systems. Schrödinger “negentropy” is lowed by the QFT notion of “coherence domain
tions” in QFT. For the same reason, and to indeed “free energy,” that is energy “properly constitution” has nothing to do with Tarski’s truth
go back to Turing’s early suggestion, even channeled” toward the “right places” where function.
an inductive inference, not as a logic of the matics – set theory (meta-mathematics) gence of cognition in evolution (Heyes &
(empirical) corroboration of true proposi- included. Huber 2000; Gontier 2010). One interest-
tions already given, but as the logic of the This is an amazing, huge, constructivist, re- ing alternative in this direction is the info-
Aristotelian (onto-logical) constitution of search project for several future works. computational constructivism proposal. For
new true propositions. This means that the instance, in §3, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
IC notion of “morphogenetic computation” Gianfranco Basti is Full Professor of Philosophy claims that computation is information
is non-symbolic in the syntactic TM sense of Nature and of Science at the Pontifical Lateran processing (a reformulation of Heinz von
(see §32), because it is the computational University in Rome. His research interests are mainly Foerster’s physical computation). Her aim is
dynamics process of new symbol dynamic directed to the formal logic and the formal ontology to develop a model of natural computation
generation, and not of the syntactic symbol of the cognitive neurosciences. He is the author of that is more general than that of the infor-
manipulation. five books and of more than one hundred and twenty mation processing capabilities in the Turing
scientific and philosophical papers on philosophy of machine.
Conclusion: Toward a constructivist logic, cognitive sciences, and philosophy of mind. « 2 »  On the other hand, looking at
change of paradigm in modern the dynamics of microorganisms, we ob-
science Received: 17 February 2014 serve the massive acquisition of new genes
« 17 »  The novelty of the constructivist Accepted: 18 February 2014 through horizontal transfer3 (Jain, Rivera &
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

approach, with the support of IC and QFT, Lake 1999; Sowers & Schreier 1999). Hori-
can be summarized in the slogan “from zontal gene transfer is an important evolu-
mathematical physics to physical math- tionary driving force in microorganisms.
ematics.” Paul Davies describes it in the fol- On the Emergence Although gene exchange is easier in closely
lowing way: related organisms, it is proposed that hori-
of Meaningful Information zontal gene transfer played a central role in
“  In a universe limited in resources and time – and Computing in Biology the evolution of archaea and bacteria (Boto
for example, in a universe subject to the Lloyd’s 2010). Moreover, according to Carl Woese
cosmic information bound – concepts such as Walter Riofrío (2002), the “origin of speciation” is marked
real numbers, infinitely precise parameter values, Cayetano Heredia University, Peru by the shift in early phylogenic adaptation
differentiable functions and the unitary evolution walter.riofrio.r/at/ from vertical to horizontal gene transfer.
of the wave function are a fiction: a useful fiction This picture leads to the postulate that the

to be sure, but a fiction nevertheless. (Davies
2010: 82)
> Upshot • Info-computational
structivism calls attention to some of
con- time of the major transition of evolution-
ary mechanisms was the passage from hori-
the open questions about the origins of zontal transfer to the beginnings of vertical
« 18 »  In other words, the change of information and computation in the liv- transfer.
paradigm consists in turning the dualistic ing realm. It remains unclear whether « 3 »  Pursuing the connection between
“Platonic” relationship, characterizing the both were developed and shaped by evo- information, natural computation and cog-
Galilean-Newtonian beginning of the mod- lution by natural selection or if they ap- nition within a broad framework allows at-
ern science: peared in living systems independently tention to be put on the conceptual necessity
244 of it. If the former, it is possible to sketch of capturing the semantic aspect of these.
Mathematics → Physical Laws → Information a scenario with a certain degree of rea- Clearly, if one can defend information being
sonableness and postulate some of the the base of natural computation and cogni-
into the QFT one, which has a greater heu- conditions that triggered the emergence tion, the following is also correct:
ristic power: of these biological properties.

Information → Mathematics → Physical Laws « 1 »  The evolution of the first living

“  The ability to detect and respond to meaningful
information is essentially a biological phenom-
cells began about 3.8 billion years ago and enon, since there are no inanimate information
« 19 »  The key problems for further re- the first multicellular organisms appeared detectors in nature. Information and energy are
search are about the notion and measure of nearly 1 billion years ago. These facts tell us both fundamental properties of organized mat-
“natural information” in QFT, in as far as it that the time to evolve from simple cells to ter that reflect the complexity of its organization
ƒƒ the notion and measure of natural in-
more complex cellular systems was almost
three times more than that for the evolution

[…] (Reading 2011: 9)

formation, based on the notion and of all the multicellular organisms (includ- 3 |  Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) refers
measure of “quasi-probability,” typical of ing humans). The great complexity within to the transfer of genes between organisms in a
WF, and of a QFT approach to quantum modern cells expresses very soundly a need manner other than traditional reproduction. It
computing, and hence, for new approaches to understanding the has played a major role in bacteria and archaea
ƒƒ the morphogenetic computational para- most central properties of living systems evolution and is fairly common in certain unicel-
digm with its proper logic, and mathe- (Riofrio 2007) and conditions for the emer- lular eukaryotes.

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

On the Emergenceof
Emergence ofMeaningful
Biology Walter Riofrío

« 4 »  The important thing is the way in molecular networks, characteristics, proper- possible to discern some directions in future
which biological entities are self-organized, ties and the like were generated by the first research in the growing field of biological
because inside these complex macromolec- dynamic protocells (Riofrio 2011). information. This field is visualized as the
ular connections certain kinds of informa- « 9 »  Moreover, in agreement with structure in which biological computation
tion detectors have appeared in evolution, Dodig-Crnkovic and Anthony Reading’s is defined as its dynamics, inside the bio-
such that: quote above with respect to meaningful in- logical realm. Firstly, it seems important to
formation, my proposal of biological infor- study the character of biological processes
“  Meaningful information can thus be defined
as a pattern of organized matter or energy that is
mation as a relational notion will depend on
biological processes and is related to what-
understood as non-algorithmic computa-
tion and the nature of some kind of efficient
detected by an animate or manufactured recep- ever kind of energy variation might occur formalization able to represent the major
tor, which then triggers a change in the behavior, in a biological system. If this kind of energy points of this dynamic in order to reproduce
functioning, or structure of the detecting entity variation is incorporated into the system – it in simulations. Secondly, it is important
[…] If there is no effect on the detecting entity’s as a variation – with the capacity to become clarify to what extent biological computa-
behavior, functioning or structure, the infor- part of the system’s processes, the system tion could show us the central aspects of a
mation is considered to be meaningless […]
(Reading 2012: 638).
” will have the capability to react accordingly.
On the other hand, if an energy variation
universal model underlying all natural com-
putation. Thirdly, it is the idea that the info-
does not have the capacity to be incorporat- computational model includes open systems
« 5 »  Certainly, this pattern of organized ed in the form of a variation in the system, in communication with the environment. In
matter or energy is a kind of “pattern” only the system cannot develop a response. This other words, the proposal that the environ-
to the biological entities that have the capac- is the way that information emerges in the ment is constitutive to an open, complex,
ity to detect it. An interesting question is biological world as meaningful information, info-computational system could shed more
that of when some living components start- as information with biological meaning or light on certain important problems in biol-
ed to behave like information detectors in “bio-meaning” (Riofrio 2008: 365–366). ogy, for example, the elaboration of a theo-
the course of biological evolution. It seems « 10 »  The minimum complexity dis- retical biology and the origin of a signaling
the answer is again related to the epoch in cussed above would be necessary for con- network (Dodig-Crnkovic 2010a). Finally,
which the self-organization of intertwined ditions to be ripe for the emergence of the focusing on the study of evolutionary dy-
macromolecular connections reached a suf- most fundamental properties of life. It namics in prebiotic systems may widen the
ficient degree of complexity such that this would have to be possible to contend the ex- framework and application of some notions
new entity started to behave as an autono- istence of two very interconnected processes involved in the combinatorial optimization
mous agent (Kauffman 2000). behaving as the first prebiotic constraints: problem such as evolutionary computation
« 6 »  In order to integrate these aspects (1) a container made of amphiphilic mol- (Riofrio 2013).
into a possible scenario, it is important to ecules4 and (2) a micro cycle, driving the
establish a relationship between meaningful protocell far away from thermodynamic Walter Riofrío is Associate Research Professor
information, natural computation and evo- equilibrium. This latter constraint would in the Neuroscience and Behavior Laboratory-LID,
lution as follows. then cause a change in the system’s free en- Faculty of Science and Philosophy at Cayetano
« 7 »  If one claims the hypothesis that ergy, i.e., a trend towards negative values, Heredia University. He is working on the framework
the emergence of cellularity was earlier in and turn into an unavoidable checkpoint of complex systems science in topics such as the 245
evolution than previously thought (Mo- along the pathway of creating a future set origins and properties of prebiotic systems, the
rowitz 1992), then my proposal of a kind of responses that are generated in another structure of cell signaling networks and the nature
of dynamic self-organization originating at part of the interconnected and interdepend- of neural information processing, among others.
the dawn of the prebiotic world is feasible. ent processing network. In consequence, it
It could contain the most basic properties would have provided the conditions for the Received: 15 February 2014
of living systems: information, function and emergence of the first small world structures Accepted: 24 February 2014
autonomy (Riofrio 2007). If this is correct, as core characteristics of the way in which
it is rational to contend that what is men- the biological realm computes. And some
tioned above could signal the beginnings of kind of “horizontal-like” evolution may have
a kind of prebiotic evolution that led, very been the rule in those remote epochs (Riof-
much later, to the first horizontal gene trans- rio 2012).
fer dynamics (Riofrio 2010). « 11 »  Taking into account the above-
« 8 »  Furthermore, sharing certain com- mentioned sketch of my proposal, together
ponents and structures acquired and trans- with the info-computational approach, it is
mitted through these sources was possibly
the way that the most ancient populations 4 |  I.e., molecules having a polar water-solu-
of protocells evolved. Maybe this was also ble group (hydrophilic) attached to a water-insol-
the way that novel structures, components, uble hydrocarbon non-polar part (hydrophobic).
Author’s Response in a coherent epistemological framework. the existence of potential information. This
It is constructed from two basic concepts, potential information actualizes through
Why We Need Info- information and computation, represent- interaction with an agent. An agent is an
computational Constructivism ing two complementary phenomena: struc- entity that can act on its own behalf. It is
ture and process, being and becoming. As a also an informational structure for other
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic bottom-up synthetic process, IC aims at re- agents. Living agents are agents character-
Mälardalen University, Sweden constructing knowledge production, starting ized with self-* properties (self-organizing,
gordana.dodig-crnkovic/at/ from physics, via chemistry then biology, up self-adaptive, self- optimizing, self-protect-
to cognition in terms of info-computation. ing, self-managing, self-healing). All agents
> Upshot • The variety of commentaries It connects matter/energy with agency and use differences that make a difference in
has shown that IC impacts on many dis- biology/cognition with consciousness as their environment (Bateson 1972) to con-
ciplines, from physics to biology, to cog- the highest level of information integration struct their realities and to act based on that.
nitive science, to ethics. Given its young in living agents with nervous systems. Con- Through interaction with the environment,
age, IC still needs to fill in many gaps, nections are based on processes of natural living agents modify their morphology
some of which were pointed out by the computation on structures of natural infor- based on self-organization and autopoiesis
commentators. My goal is both to illumi- mation on a variety of levels of organization. and evolve through constructive processes.
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

nate some general topics of info-compu- « 3 »  Søren Brier is critical when it comes Networks of data form information, and
tationalism, and to answer specific ques- to placing IC among constructivist ap- networks of data networks (i.e., networks of
tions in that context. proaches. He argues that information) self-organize as knowledge for
an agent.
« 1 »  It is my first and pleasant duty to
thank all commentators for their attentive
“  Philosophically, it does not sufficiently accept
the deep ontological differences between various
« 6 »  For Marcin Schroeder, such a char-
acterization seems in contradiction with
and insightful contributions. I learned a lot paradigms such as von Foerster’s second- order the constructivist position, which “gives
following their arguments and numerous in- cybernetics and Maturana and Varela’s theory of the active and primary role in the process
structive references. No doubt many of the autopoiesis, which are both erroneously taken to of construction of knowledge to the mind”
topics addressed by the commentators are
fundamental and would deserve a full article

support info-computationalism. (Upshot) (§4). He wonders how this position can be
reconciled with the view that all nature is
of their own. Here, I can just focus on the « 4 »  I am aware that using elements a computational process: “What can be the
main criticisms and sketch future lines of from different approaches and incorporat- contribution of the mind to a universal pro-
research for info-computational construc- ing them into IC results in new contexts cess seemingly governed by external, inde-
tivism (IC). in which those elements acquire different pendent rules?” (ibid.)
meanings. For example, Maturana’s reluc- « 7 »  Whatever mind is, in the comput-
Why IC and what makes tance to base his theory of autopoiesis on ing nature mind is computational process.
it constructivist? the concept of information may be related However, computation does not refer to “a
« 2 »  The probably most fundamen- to the fact that in the time of first-order universal process seemingly governed by
tal question was raised by Manfred Füllsack: cybernetics and the early days of artificial external, independent rules.” Rules are not
246 Why a new framework, a new variety of con- intelligence, “information” meant “sym- external but internal to the mind and its
structivism? For me, IC is not so much a new bolic information” and computation was substrate. I make a distinction between cog-
theory but rather a theoretical framework conceived as symbolic program execution. nition as a property of any living organism
constructed such as to accommodate up- IC, on the other hand, is built upon natural and mind as a specific info-computational
grades. Our (scientific) knowledge is rapidly information and natural computation, which process that is essential for living beings
changing. So we have to make updates to are much broader concepts that allow us to with nervous systems. Mind is a result of
keep various pieces of knowledge in a well- develop models of biological systems. This active engagement of an agent with the en-
connected system. In the context of IC, this clearly relates to Heinz von Foerster’s re- vironment. It is evolutionary, morphological
addresses, in particular, theories of infor- search in biological computing in the 1960s process of intrinsic, natural computation of
mation and computation, communication, and 1970s, which opposed symbolic artifi- a kind that Ehresmann describes in her com-
computability theory, neuroscience, new cial intelligence. However, I must add that mentary.
branches of physics (including the question IC is in its beginnings, and is still far from « 8 »  Schroeder continues that we de-
of the observer in physics1), theory of knowl- being able to model autopoietic systems in viate from the main tenet of constructiv-
edge, and cognitive science, among others. detail. Nevertheless, the work of Andrée C. ism when “we give priority to the external
IC tries to integrate all this new knowledge Ehresmann presented in this issue as well as universal process (computational or not), in
in Ehresmann (2012) shows the direction for which the mind can participate in various
1 |  Cf. the subjective Bayesian account of how this can be done mathematically. degrees but is subject to its rules and does
quantum probability (Baeyer 2013) and Otto « 5 »  The constructivist character of IC not contribute to it as a creator or construc-
Rössler’s Endophysics (Rössler 1998). can be characterized as follows. It assumes tor” (§5).

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Author’s Response Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

« 9 »  Here an assumption is made that ment and self-organization of information anything else, even though we can recon-
I did not make, namely that “we give the intrinsic to the agent. struct reality that no humans have (directly)
priority to the external universal process.” « 10 »  In §8, Schroeder rightly criticizes observed – such as the life dinosaurs may
Info-computationalism is constructed as my use of the mechanism of self-organization have lived. All of history has the character
a way to dissolve the problem of the mat- instead of autopoiesis. I should have spent of reconstructed knowledge, not only ob-
ter/mind duality. This assumes that for a more time explaining the difference. My served but also memorized, forgotten, glued
cognizing agent, reality is an informational position is that the basic generative proc- together from pieces of pottery and bones.
structure. However, an important point is ess is that of self-organization (Kauffman The basis of knowledge is obviously not only
that there is no information without physi- et al. 2008). Autopoiesis is the result of self- direct observation. Huge parts of modern
cal implementation (Floridi 2008b), which organization in which closure has been ob- physics are non-observable – they are in-
means that beneath all the informational tained. A cell, even though the result of self- ferred from observable data with the help of
layers there is a physical substrate that organization, is a very special system with theoretical models. Can inferences be seen
makes it “tick.” That applies to a qubit, an autopoietic process that not only sustains as inevitable results of observed reality? In a
which is the most fundamental level of pattern-formation but also organization- sense, yes; they reflect observed regularities
quantum information. A qubit is a mani- formation and maintenance. in one’s experiential reality.
festation of an underlying physical reality. « 11 »  Schroeder also sees a contradic- « 15 »  According to Füllsack, IC
We do not know anything more about that tion between saying that “an autopoietic
layer than what we can derive from infor-
mation itself. In Dodig-Crnkovic (2014),
system is self-organizing […] and at the
same time conserving its organization?”
“  implies the counter-intuitive picture of an ‘ini-
tially’ differentiated world, or of a system that in
I present mechanisms of agency “in the (§9). The contradiction is resolved if we re- its origins is sufficiently complex to harbor (at
world,” where “world” is an agent’s “reality” call that cells are dying and being replaced least) two subsystems, of which one can make
resulting from learning process. A cogniz- all the time. Skin cells live about two or a difference in reaction to the difference in the
ing agent actively constructs its reality from
its experiences. The fact that processes of
three weeks, red blood cells live some four
months, while white blood cells live on av-

other. (§3)

construction are understood as (still the- erage about a year. Similar processes are go- Do we have to assume more than we actual-
ory-less, in the terminology of Leslie Val- ing on inside the cell. In the huge dynamical ly can observe today? As we have multitude
iant 2013) computation processes does not machinery of a cell, molecules are trans- of different “observers,” we do not need to
change anything; they are the same proc- mitted, re-combined, degraded, expelled postulate them. Reconstruction of the ori-
esses of construction that Ernst von Gla- etc. And yet, dynamically, a cell keeps its gin of observer assumes a lot of reasoning
sersfeld refers to in relation to the concept organization. So it is actually form that is that goes beyond observation, and will need
of reality: “It is made up of the network of preserved while “matter” is in flow. some elaboration that I leave for the future
things and relationships that we rely on in development of IC.
our living, and on which, we believe, others Agents’ realities « 16 »  Hugh Gash wonders “whether the
rely, too” (Glasersfeld 1995a: 7) and “To the « 12 »  Füllsack identifies an important IC position might offer a solution to explain-
constructivist, concepts, models, theories, modelling detail of IC – the origin of ob- ing the RC position [on different realities]
and so on are viable if they prove adequate servers: “if […] there is no unobserved real- and make it less irritating” (§4). The answer
in the contexts in which they were cre- ity, we need a rather demanding theory with is, yes. First, understanding similarities of 247
ated” (ibid). According to von Glasersfeld, not just one but two ‘first’ entities to start mechanisms of reality construction in differ-
“knowledge does not reflect an objective, with” (§3). There are two comments on this. ent kinds of cognitive agents such as animals,
ontological reality but exclusively an order- « 13 »  Firstly, we can say that there is no plants and machines can help to grasp the ne-
ing and organization of a world constituted unobserved reality in the sense that remem- cessity of different realities for different agents.
by our experience” (Glasersfeld 1984: 24). bered reality is previously observed reality, This has nothing to do with subjectivity but
Von Glasersfeld also emphasizes: while anticipated reality is a projection of the with different cognitive architectures. Those
previously observed reality to the imagined architectures decide what information is
“  When I make this point it is often assumed
that I deny reality. In fact, this is not so. I merely
potential future circumstances (scenarios).
« 14 »  Secondly, IC starts with the ex-
possible for an agent to perceive and process.
An isolated neuron or an isolated bacterium
deny that we can know reality, if by ‘reality’ we isting physical world in which different is cognitively very different from a brain or
intend something that ‘exists’ and has a structure physical structures function as each other’s a bacterial colony. The essential information

independent of the human knower. (Glasers-
feld 1991: 32)
observers. The living world encompasses a
multitude of living agents who interact and
processing takes place through interaction
in the distributed system. IC sees cognitive
thus engage in mutual “observation.” In what processes in different cognitive architec-
According to IC, natural information that sense can we say that there is no unobserved tures as natural computational processes on
is the fabric of reality for an agent is not reality for humans? So I agree with the claim a variety of levels of organisation of natural
independent from an agent; it is a result that nothing can be real for humans, which information. We have still a long way to go
of an agent’s interactions with its environ- have never been observed by anybody or before we understand exactly how the pro-
cess of knowledge generation leads to higher quantum physics level, having underlying work, heat, and information reservoirs”
cognition. However, it is just a matter of time physical reality from which the whole of the (Deffner & Jarzynski 2013: 1). This research
and further study to understand how such a physical world is constructed through proc- can contribute better understanding of how
complex system as the human brain handles esses of self-organization. living beings are capable of autopoiesis, in
information from the molecular to the cellu- « 19 »  Reflecting on the physical basis of spite of the second law of thermodynamics.
lar level, in neural circuits, brain regions and IC, Gershenson claims that “[m]aterialism, « 21 »  Gianfranco Basti also draws our
on the whole brain level. Ehresmann’s work IC, and cognitive science are not separable attention towards the physical aspects of IC,
points in that direction. but complementary: objects are described more specifically to the question of physics
by materialism, subjects by IC, and action of emergence. Given the layered computa-
Physical aspects by cognitive science” (§8). The point of tional architecture of IC, it is important to
« 17 »  Physics has often been criticized IC is to provide a coherent framework for understand the process of emergence of
for its reductionism. However, sheer re- cognition (as biological agency), based on higher levels from the lower ones. In his
ductionism as an epistemology would be information (structure) and computation Upshot, Basti suggests for IC the…
unfortunate for modern developments (process). Computation stands for physical
that increasingly deal with complexity and
emergency. So Carlos Gershenson’s statement
behaviour in time (thus a temporal physi-
cal aspect) while information stands for
“ integration with the logical, mathematical and
physical evidence coming from quantum field
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

“[f]rom the physical perspective there is no structure, morphology. What we call “mass” theory (QFT) as the fundamental physics of the
difference between the aquarium with its in physics is related to the behaviour of a emergence of ‘complex systems’ in all realms of
contents and another object with exactly the
same molecules” (§4) may be a gross sim-
physical object with respect to accelera-
tion. An info-computational description of

natural sciences.

plification. It should be admitted that even a physical system describing moving mass « 22 »  I also agree with him, pointing
physics makes the difference between differ- would use an informational structure (with out that in my target article I have described
ent aggregate states of the same molecules. respect to some agent) and computational quantum physics as quantum mechanics.
Water, H2O, in the form of a vapour, a liquid behaviour that will depend on what kind of This should actually be replaced by quan-
or ice will behave differently as a physical “matter” there is behind that informational tum field theory, which has a constructive
system. Maybe we could say that a molecular structure. character, as shown by Basti as well as Xiao-
physicist is not interested in the organization « 20 »  Regarding Gershenson’s statement Gang Wen (2004, 2012).
of matter on the supramolecular level. But that “[m]atter and energy (object, observed)
then again, physicists who study molecules cannot be studied without considering Biological aspects
differentiate between molecules bound in a information (subject, observer), nor vice « 23 »  In his commentary, Walter Riof-
crystal lattice from those moving freely in a versa.” (§9), I should point out that I do not rio quotes Anthony Reading on the topic of
gas. It may not be accurate to present phys- consider matter and energy only object and “meaningful information”: “The ability to
ics as insensitive to the organization of mat- observed; matter-energy is a substrate and a detect and respond to meaningful informa-
ter. Besides biophysics, a current example of vehicle/driver [source of change] of a sub- tion is essentially a biological phenomenon,
physics dealing with biological phenomena ject and cognition. The three are genuinely since there are no inanimate information
is cancer physics (see Gravitz 2012). Tradi- entangled. Cognition is not only agency in detectors in nature” (Reading 2011: 9). In
248 tionally, physics may not have been involved general (“action” can be ascribed non-living, contrast to this, I should emphasize, in
in the study of living systems; however, with i.e., non-cognitive, entities), but cognition is agreement with Terrance Deacon (2011)
the development of complexity field physi- self-organization of information powered and Stuart Kauffman (1993), that it is rather
cists are starting to address even complex by matter-energy in the process of autopoi- living agents that make sense of informa-
biological systems, thus moving from sheer esis. Information is always relative to the tion they find in the environment. There is
reduction to reduction + construction. agent. The essential mechanism that enables no meaningful information in the world as
« 18 »  I agree with Gershenson’s claim information to act in the world is memory, such, just potential information. That po-
that “the physical substrate of cognitive which is the re-configuration of matter as a tential information actualizes and becomes
systems cannot be neglected” (§4). Indeed, result of past events – like Hebbian learning meaningful in different ways for different
IC emphasizes the necessity of a physical or other adaptive changes in the morphol- cognizing agents. Meaning for an agent is
grounding of information and its dynamics. ogy of organisms that act as constraints for use of information.
IC relies, at the fundamental level, on infor- their future behaviour. Sebastian Deffner « 24 »  In §5 Riofrio wonders “when some
mational formulation of quantum physics, and Christopher Jarzynski illustrate the im- living components started to behave like
which is the basic level of organisation of portance of memory in the generalization of information detectors in the course of bio-
the physical world. If we de-construct the the second law of thermodynamics, which logical evolution.” In my view the question
intricate construction of physical reality, allows transfer of heat from cold to hot, with could also be the opposite: When did some
we will find the basic building blocks for a “emphasis on the limits and assumptions information detectors start to behave like
quantum-mechanical agent, qubits. These under which cyclic motion of the device of living components in the course of (biologi-
stand for the relation of an agent with the interest emerges from its interactions with cal) evolution of matter? In an info-compu-

Constructivist Foundations vol. 9, N°2

Author’s Response Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic

tational universe, simple systems are “infor- kind of dynamics describes their interac- ings. If they follow natural computing in
mation detectors” in Reading’s sense above. tions. Even worse, we have here put informa- biological systems, they will also be able to
If a quant of energy (photon) hits an atom, tional structures and data structures along- change (evolve).
this atom detects the photon and changes side each other.” « 30 »  Ehresmann’s Memory Evolutive
its behaviour accordingly. Molecules can be « 27 »  When I refer to “objects,” I use this Neural System (MENS) models the cognitive
said to act as information detectors, even if notion in the sense of von Foerster (2003b): system of an animal with the neural, cogni-
they are not a part of an organism. objects as tokens of eigenbehaviors. Regarding tive and mental systems at (micro, meso, mac-
informational structures or data structures ro) levels of description and across different
Natural information – they can coexist. If data structures are ele- timescales. In MENS, a whole network exists
« 25 »  In §11, Schroeder rightfully points ments for building informational structures of co-regulators (CRs) that function asyn-
at my ambiguous use of the expression “at- (while informational structures are elements chronously. Each CR collects and processes
oms of information” for data. In order to for building knowledge) – the result is a information and operates through a central
avoid the connotation of indivisibility, I structure with different granularity. We can flexible memory, building the knowledge of
should have better used “chunks of informa- have a system consisting of different objects – the system and changing it to adapt it to the
tion.” Thinking in terms of zeros and ones molecules, atoms and electrons; there should environment.
as atoms is possible, but likely inadequate. not be a problem. In a description of reality « 31 »  Ehresmann makes the important
What I meant to express is that for an agent, for an agent, different chunks of information observation that due to the degeneracy (syn-
that which makes “the difference that makes naturally coexist. onymy) property, or MP, the difference that
the difference” depends on the agent’s archi- makes a difference on one level of cognitive
tecture and sensors/receptors, which typical- IC as a field of research information processing may make no differ-
ly register signals/data. The next step is that « 28 »  According to Brier, one of the ence on the higher level (two patterns may be
data/signal be transmitted further in the sys- main problems with IC is that “[i]ts basic equivalent in the same way as two symbols
tem until it reaches memory, in which it will concept of natural computing has neither can be synonymous, even though there are
get related to and incorporated into existing been defined theoretically or implemented differences that make difference on the lower
information structures. practically” (Upshot). In my target article, level of information processing).
« 26 »  IC is monistic because informa- I quite obviously failed to include a refer-
tion and computation are two inseparable ence to the Handbook of Natural Comput- Ethical implications
aspects of the same phenomenon. However, ing (Rozenberg, Bäck & Kok 2012), which « 32 »  Last but not least, there are ethi-
Schroeder claims: presents and defines this rather young field cal aspects that need to be addressed. In his
of research. Natural computing (including commentary Gash notes that ethical implica-
“ The dualistic ontology is already present in the
use of expression ‘physical world,’ as it requires a
morphological computing, not mentioned
in this handbook) already has various practi-
tions of constructivism have a low profile in
accounts of constructivism (§5). I find the
complement in the form of the mental world (what cal applications in evolutionary algorithms; position of cybernetics and particularly Nor-
other complement is possible?). If not, what is the swarm intelligence, artificial neural net- bert Wiener (1948) inspiring examples of the

reason for using the adjective ‘physical’? (§12) works, artificial immune systems, artificial
life, DNA computing, and quantum comput-
genuine understanding of the importance of
values and ethical judgment for technology.
That is an interesting observation. Usu- ing (Stepney 2012). Furthermore, Ehresmann The most important new developments that 249
ally “physical” is contrasted with “chemical,” has worked on practical implementations of I consider an integral part of IC are computer
sometimes with “logical,” and sometimes IC, as described in her commentary. ethics and information ethics. Computer eth-
with “biological.” In data modeling there are « 29 »  Ehresmann presents a mathemati- ics was developed by James Moor, Terrell By-
conceptual, logical, and physical data mod- cal approach to the IC framework, dem- num and Deborah Johnson (Bynum & Moor
els. By emphasizing “physical world,” I want onstrating how it can be interpreted rigor- 2000; Johnson 2008) and that addresses a va-
to draw attention to the physical substrate. ously in mathematical terms. It underlines riety of issues related to computers and ICT
Within the framework of IC, “mental” is a the importance of the multiplicity principle such as privacy, personal integrity, changed
process in the physical and, as such, insepa- (MP) as an important property of natural value systems, roboethical issues, cognitive
rable manifestation of physical. “Mental” is computation that leads to the development enhancements, etc.. Information ethics, de-
not a substance different from physical. of increasingly complex cognitive processes veloped by Luciano Floridi (2010), with the
Even §18 in Schroeder’s commentary ad- and structures. This has the consequence emphasis on the role of information in our
dresses informational structures mentioned that even though local dynamics are classi- individual ethical judgments and social be-
in my article as “Reality for an agent consists cally computable, the global dynamics is not. haviors.
of structural objects (informational struc- So even though basic layers of computational « 33 »  Furthermore, Gash hints at the
tures, data structures) with computational behaviours can be automata-like, there are possible contribution of IC to ethics in ac-
dynamics (information processes)” (§20). higher cognitive activities that are not Tur- quiring insights into mechanisms of infor-
Schroeder points out “it does not explain ing-machine type of computation, based on mation transfer and processing in ethical
what these structural objects are and what the fact that symbols have ambiguous mean- deliberation. “If this insight could be made
more commonplace, perhaps negotiations Conclusion serve the discovery of the world but rather
between opposing groups with different « 34 »  Let me emphasize that IC is an the organization of experiences for an agent.
views on their reality would have a sounder epistemological framework and does not « 35 »  Does IC defend a dualism, as
footing” (§6) and “Perhaps there are com- elaborate on ontology. IC follows von Gla- Schroeder’s distinction between “mental
puter models of negotiations that can take sersfeld, according to whom reality is con- world” and “physical world” suggests? In IC
these ideas and develop them?” (§7). This structed from experiences. Interactions with there is no mental world without the physi-
is definitely a desired and expected out- the world are building blocks and sources of cal world. The mind is a complex of pro-
come of the study of info-computational experiences. Unlike sensorimotor interac- cesses in the physical world. Meaning and
mechanisms in knowledge construction and tions with the environment through auto- intentionality emerge with living agency, as
decision-making. The IC approach and its matic responses, experience is always con- developed by Deacon and Kauffman. The
implementation in Ehresmann’s MENS can nected to memory, and thus in general is a material and the mental are aspects of the
help make this process more transparent and more complex phenomenon than pure sen- same substrate and not two different sub-
understandable as it shows the mechanism sorimotor interaction. However, intrinsic strates. IC is a monism as it considers infor-
of information processing in a cognizing cognitive activity such as experience implies mation and computation as complementary
agent on its different levels of organization. interactions between different distributed notions. In this sense, the notion of “info-
Already now, agent-based models are used parts of the cognitive system itself. Reality as computation” acquires its explanation.
Info-Theoretical Concepts in Constructivism

as info-computational tools for analysis of experience for a human cannot be anything

social situations. Economists and sociolo- but the reality of interactions memorized. Acknowledgements
gists are constructing computer simulations Interactions are also the source of reality for The author is grateful to Tom Ziemke for
in order to visualize and better understand a virus. Of course, the richness of the two constructive comments, as well as a number
possible outcomes of different scenarios. realities is different. While von Glasersfeld of anonymous reviewers who contributed to
Computational models can be seen as a cog- focused on the human context, IC is inter- improve the quality of my target article.
nitive enhancement or augmented cognition ested in the more general scenario, where
as they can compensate for our lack of intui- even the simplest animals and future cogni- Received: 2 March 2014
tion when it comes to the behavior of large, tive robots can be seen as learning. As von Accepted: 6 March 2014
complex systems. Glasersfeld pointed out, cognition does not

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci- Nature 438(7069): 743. Braunschweig.
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{ of Related interest Computing Nature

If we see the universe as a network of networks of computational processes at many different
levels of organization, what can we learn about physics, biology, cognition, social systems,
and ecology expressed through interacting networks of elementary particles, atoms, molecules,
cells, (and especially neurons when it comes to understanding of cognition and intelligence),
organs, organisms and their ecologies? In this book, edited by Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic and
Raffaela Giovagnoli, researchers explore various facets of computation: relationships between
different levels of computation, cognition with learning and intelligence, mathematical
background, relationships to classical Turing computation and Turing’s ideas about computing
nature – unorganized machines and morphogenesis. It addresses questions of information,
representation and computation, interaction as communication, concurrency and agent models.
Springer, New York, 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-37225-4. 273 pages.

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