Venture Maidens Campaign Guide

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Celeste Conowitch 2CGaming

©Venture Maidens, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Venture Maidens Campaign Guide v1.0 printed October 2022 by 2CGaming, LLC.
The Venture Maidens logos and name and the book name (Venture Maidens Campaign Guide) are protected by copyright
and trademark. Other logos and names remain property of appropriate parties and are protected by similar protections.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of
Venture Maidens, LLC or its authorized representatives.
Celeste Conowitch


Standard Print ISBN: 978-1-946678-27-0

Deluxe Print ISBN: 978-1-946678-29-4
Digital ISBN: 978-1-946678-28-7

©Venture Maidens, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Venture Maidens Campaign Guide v1.0 printed October 2022 by 2CGaming, LLC.
The Venture Maidens logos and name and the book name (Venture Maidens Campaign Guide) are protected by copyright
and trademark. Other logos and names remain property of appropriate parties and are protected by similar protections.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of
Venture Maidens, LLC or its authorized representatives.

Printed in China.
Celeste Conowitch

Willy Abeel, Katie Budabin, Celeste Conowitch, Ady Veisz Draghia, Naseem Etemad,
Kat Kruger, J.B. Little, Gwendolyn Marshall, Ryan Servis, Sage Stafford

Katie Budabin, Naseem Etemad, Brittany Quintero, Sage Stafford

Misty Bourne

Misty Bourne, Celeste Conowitch, Jon Kelly

Juan Arrabal (Illustration), Katie Budabin (Illustration), Ambrose Hoilman (Illustration),
Adrián Ibarra Lugo (Illustration), Aleta Perez (Illustration), Brittany Quintero (Map), Jason Strutz (Illustration),
Johanna Taylor (Illustration), Kii Weatherton (Cover, Illustration), BNE Design (Graphic Design, Typesetting)

Joseph Dye, Mike Evans, Paul Harpring, Ben Joah, Carlee Johnson, SketchMRE, Mark Turner,
and all the other Venturers who have made this magic possible

This book is dedicated to the Venture Maidens community. Without your support, this book wouldn’t be in
your hands today. Venture Maidens has become so much more than a show. It is a family of kind-hearted
dreamers who make all things possible. Venturers, we are so lucky to have you in our party.

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Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. END OF LICENSE

Welcome to the Planes.......................................................................... 4 Heavenly Court....................................................................................... 114
How to Use This Book................................................................................... 5 Sleeping Court......................................................................................... 114
World in Flux................................................................................................. 6 Slithering Court...................................................................................... 116
History of the Planes.................................................................................... 7 Withered Court.......................................................................................118
Heroic Roleplaying........................................................................................8
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes......................120
Chapter 1: Character Creation ......................................................... 10 Adventure Themes..................................................................................... 121
Races............................................................................................................... 11 Faction-Based Adventures...................................................................... 122
New Playable Race: Eldrin..................................................................... 11 Carillon Order........................................................................................ 122
Race Variant: Grove Elf...........................................................................12 Eldrin Empire......................................................................................... 123
Other Races...............................................................................................13 Gods......................................................................................................... 126
Backgrounds.................................................................................................15 Sovereign Courts................................................................................... 128
Dabbler.......................................................................................................15 Traveling the Realms................................................................................130
Farrier.........................................................................................................17 General Wisdom........................................................................................ 132
Fortune-Teller........................................................................................... 18
Harlequin.................................................................................................. 19 Chapter 5: Treasures........................................................................... 146
Herbalist.................................................................................................. 20 Buying and Selling Magic Items............................................................. 146
Judge...........................................................................................................21 Magic Items................................................................................................ 148
Reluctant Successor...............................................................................22 Storied Treasures.................................................................................. 148
Wildes Survivor.......................................................................................24 Sample Magic Items.................................................................................. 148
Subclasses....................................................................................................25 Relics of Faerie............................................................................................157
Barbarian: Path of Legacy....................................................................25 Sample Relics of Faerie............................................................................ 158
Bard: College of Bells.............................................................................. 27 Magical Rewards........................................................................................ 164
Cleric: Fate Domain................................................................................28 Blessings ................................................................................................. 164
Druid: Circle of the Grove.....................................................................29 Marks of the Sisters of Sorrow.......................................................... 164
Fighter: Legionnaire Archetype............................................................31 Boons....................................................................................................... 165
Monk: Way of the Chronicle.................................................................32 Charms.................................................................................................... 165
Paladin: Oath of Blood..........................................................................33
Ranger: Fringe Warden Archetype......................................................35 Chapter 6: Friends and Foes............................................................ 166
Rogue: Covert Operative Archetype...................................................36 Sovereign Court Monster Templates.................................................... 167
Sorcerer: Wildeheart Sorcerous Origin..............................................38 Blossom Court Templates.................................................................... 167
Warlock: Titan Otherworldly Patron.................................................39 Court of the Winds Templates............................................................ 171
Wizard: School of Kinetomancy.......................................................... 41 Forest Court Templates.........................................................................174
Heroic Destinies..........................................................................................42 Heavenly Court Templates...................................................................177
Avenger.....................................................................................................44 Sleeping Court Templates....................................................................180
Celebrity....................................................................................................46 Slithering Court Templates ................................................................ 184
Explorer.....................................................................................................47 Withered Court Templates.................................................................. 187
Fortune-Seeker........................................................................................49 Native Bestiary........................................................................................... 191
Immortal....................................................................................................51 Arnaki....................................................................................................... 191
Scholar.......................................................................................................52 Deathless................................................................................................. 193
Symbiosis..................................................................................................54 Empire soldiers (legionnaire, warmage)......................................... 194
Teacher...................................................................................................... 57 Faerie guardian..................................................................................... 195
Virtuoso.....................................................................................................59 Fancy........................................................................................................ 196
Wielder..................................................................................................... 60 Feather witch......................................................................................... 197
Spells.............................................................................................................62 Figment................................................................................................... 198
Sound Spells.................................................................................................68 Living spellbook..................................................................................... 199
Magnophyta (caster, warrior)..........................................................200
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm .................................................................... 73 Marionettist.......................................................................................... 202
History of the Eldrin Empire.................................................................... 73 Mindsie (mindsie, mender mindsie, master mindsie).................204
Life in the Empire........................................................................................ 75 Nogog...................................................................................................... 206
Exploring the Eldrin Empire.................................................................... 80 Nuska (nuska, nuska swarm)........................................................... 207
Faelyn....................................................................................................... 80 Passenger................................................................................................210
Jade Isles....................................................................................................82 Phocidae................................................................................................... 211
Kronos Desert..........................................................................................84 Tachinid................................................................................................... 212
The Mother’s Delta..................................................................................87 Wickerbeast........................................................................................... 213
Plateau of Andorra.................................................................................89 NPC Wanted List....................................................................................... 214
Shifting Plains.......................................................................................... 91 Demigods����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 214
Exploring the Independent Lands...........................................................93 Chess................................................................................................... 214
Borderlands..............................................................................................93 Stat block....................................................................................... 215
Valley of Yalanthanil..............................................................................95 Rem����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 214
Lands Beyond...............................................................................................97 Stat block�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 216
Venture Maidens....................................................................................217
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm......................................................................98 Arrnodel Ithil......................................................................................217
Nature of the Wildes..................................................................................99 Stat block....................................................................................... 219
Creatures of the Wildes............................................................................101 Fera Velen............................................................................................217
Life in the Faerie Realm...........................................................................103 Stat block...................................................................................... 220
Exploring Neutral Ground.......................................................................105 Kara Brynehilde................................................................................ 218
Exploring the Sovereign Courts.............................................................109 Stat block....................................................................................... 221
Court Hierarchy......................................................................................110 Sawyeh Noor..................................................................................... 218
Blossom Court.........................................................................................110 Stat block.......................................................................................222
Court of the Winds................................................................................ 112
Forest Court............................................................................................. 113 Index..........................................................................................................223
Arrnodel, Kara, Sawyeh, and Fera are ready for a fight.

Torrents of water crash down as the elemental raises one arm skyward, its unlocked shackle crashing to the floor.
The creature surges to incredible size, conjuring stretches of foam-capped waves to shatter windows and crumble
walls. Screams of panic echo as the primordial god’s wrath swallows the populace that dared to keep it bound.
Our heroes flee as the being they unleashed proceeds to drown an entire city—just another day in the Planes.

E nter a world of high fantasy where

denizens war against the binding threads of
fate. The Venture Maidens Campaign Guide
is a 5th Edition roleplaying resource born from the
with others. We suspect you’ll find many useful
items within, and it is our sincerest wish that you
have fun using them.

femme-forged actual-play stream and podcast of the

same name, which a crew of friends bring to life for How to Use This Book
thousands of listeners.
This tome provides everything you need to craft This book is a robust toolkit that introduces new
adventures set in the Planes, a fractured world game elements from the world of Venture Maidens
struggling to hold against the rising tides of chaos. and allows you to craft fantastical, player-driven
In this setting, mortal creatures teeter toward campaigns. Here, you will find options for players
extinction, locked in eternal combat with restless and DMs looking to elevate their games to something
fey and petulant gods who aim to redefine reality truly extraordinary.
for themselves. Here, heroes are all that stand
between potent villains and the erasure of the Chapter 1: Character Creation presents a wide array
Mortal Realm. These struggles set the stage for epic of new character options to build heroes who reflect
stories centered on the power of choice when facing the flavor of Venture Maidens. While these characters
astronomical odds. are right at home in the Planes, players can easily use
Whether you set your adventures in the Planes or the options in any other campaign setting.
elsewhere, you will find an arsenal of valuable tools
in this book. These pages contain evocative new Chapter 2: Mortal Realm provides an overview of
player options, DM tools, advice, and new mechanics the locations where most adventures in the Planes
compatible with any 5E campaign. are set. Learn about the land’s history and tour
Ultimately, this campaign guide is a love letter remarkable destinations that can form a backdrop for
to those who wish to craft extraordinary stories your adventures.


At the heart of Venture Maidens is a homebrew It grew into a passionate community of listeners
5th Edition campaign brought to life as a live who champion friendship and creativity in
stream and podcast. Once upon a time, a group all things. Our venturers tell fun, fearless, and
of lifelong friends came together to produce a unapologetically human stories (both at and
show that now boasts millions of downloads away from the table). By buying this book, you
and thousands of listeners across the globe. get the keys to a campaign setting and have
However, Venture Maidens became so much contributed to the growth of vibrant new voices
more than just a game somewhere along the way. in the tabletop roleplaying space.

Welcome to the Planes

Chapter 3: Faerie Realm features an overview of the

Wildes, the chaotic world of the fey and the sover-
eign courts who vie for control of it.
Gather round, travelers!
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes is Welcome to the Planes. As resident adventuring
jam-packed with advice for DMs building stories in
experts, we’re here to provide additional guidance
the Planes or crafting narrative-driven campaigns.
as you flip through this book. Whoever wrote this
Chapter 5: Treasures introduces an arsenal of new didn’t take the time to point out the best taverns
treasures to tempt and reward characters, including a and brunch spots—truly a grave oversight—so we
slew of fey-made items that grant tremendous power had to step in.
(for a price).
We can also give you insider information since
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes details new monsters and we’ve basically figured out everything the hard
templates to transform any creature into a member of way. Seriously, how many horrible monsters can
a sovereign fey court. You’ll also find an appendix of one place have? It’s sort of ridiculous. And that
infamous villains and heroes ready to stir up trouble. doesn’t even cover the excessive number of gods
that just have it out for mortals. Oh, and the fey!
World in Flux But despite all that, you’ll be okay if you take
our advice. We’re pretty sure.
The Planes is a world in flux, suffering from a danger-
ously unstable cosmology. In most campaign settings, So read up.
the different dimensions (also called planes or realms) Love,
are organized in a fixed pattern defined in relation
to a central material plane. There are no set borders
between the dimensions in the Planes, and realms
continually shift locations. Constant motion causes
these realms to collide, fuse, and overlap at different
points throughout history. Realms can also change in
size, growing large enough to consume their neighbors
or shrinking until they disappear altogether. Cosmic
shifts like these affect the geography of each realm, easier time focusing on collective intention but are in
and dramatic motion can reshape reality in dangerous constant peril of being consumed by larger realms.
ways. Since the world is in continuous motion, it is Collective will causes existing dimensions to
impossible to accurately map it. A world map may fluctuate, but it is also responsible for creating
need to be replaced once a millennium in periods of new dimensions. If enough creatures in the Planes
gradual change. But tumultuous activity can render collectively believe in a reality, it eventually
maps useless within mere centuries. manifests as a realm. Similarly, if no one continues to
will a realm to exist, it fades to nothingness.
Shaped by Will
Eternal Conflict
The constant cosmic shuffling of the realms is not a re-
sult of natural phenomena. In the Planes, willpower is Creatures of the Planes can create an infinite number
a magical force that literally shapes the face of reality. of new dimensions, but there is a finite amount of
Changes to a realm’s size or location are directly tied space available for these realms to occupy. When one
to the collective will of its denizens. Each individual realm grows, it does so by consuming the space of
possesses a spark of willpower that allows them to another. If all the space in a realm is swallowed up, it
manifest small changes, but extraordinary change is collapses, and every creature within it is annihilated.
possible when groups of creatures share an intention. There is no known method to measure the total
A realm populated by millions of creatures collectively amount of space in the world, but all beings possess
invested in its survival expands. A realm inhabited by an instinctual awareness of their home realm’s
millions of beings intent on warring with each other status. This subconscious awareness universally
shrinks. Realities with large populations possess influences the people of each realm, spurring
greater potential power but are prone to infighting its inhabitants to react accordingly. In a rapidly
and division. Realms with few inhabitants have an shrinking realm, this awareness can manifest as
Welcome to the Planes


Most of the established rules of planar travel they are prone to suddenly disappear or change
still hold true in the Planes. Though the Wildes locations. Using one of these unstable crossing
(the faerie realm) and the Mortal Realm are points (sometimes called “gates”) is always
next to each other, it is not always possible to risky and frequently leaves travelers stranded
simply walk across that border and enter. As far from their intended destination. This makes
dimensions shift and overlap, physical crossing spells like plane shift and gate the safest way to
points do appear, allowing for such travel, but move from one realm to another.

global panic that drives a population to war against Rise of the Gods
or flee to neighboring realities. An expanding realm
will likely experience a golden age, where peace and Before the Planes of today existed, the world was
prosperity allow all its denizens to flourish. split between two realms. One was the Wildes, a
chaotic realm of imagination ruled by the fey. The

History of the Planes other was Ingenium, a realm of order inhabited by

a race of celestial engineers called titans. The two
realms kept each other in balance for an age until the
Because the various realms of existence constantly titans decided a deeper understanding of chaos was
slide across, intersect, and overlap one another, necessary to finally turn the tides in their favor. They
the Planes and its people continually change. New combined elements of their power and that of the
dimensions forged through sheer will regularly Wildes to create children.
upset the balance, and others crumble as they are These hybrid children were the first gods and
quietly forgotten. This campaign guide explores the altogether different from any being born from the
most current configuration of the Planes, where the Wildes or Ingenium. Their potential for chaos made
majority of the world is split between the mortal the gods ambitious and emotional, like the fey from
and faerie realms. the realms below. The titans were delighted with
the challenges of parenting their wild children and
Dreams in the Dark acquiesced to the gods’ demands for realms of their
very own to rule. So, the titans taught the gods how
Since realities rise and fall so quickly in the Planes, to channel their will to create their own celestial
thousands of stories have been invented to explain realms to govern. Next, the gods demanded children
its origins. Though few populations persist long of their own to rule, so the titans built the Mortal
enough to understand the role willpower plays in Realm and populated it with creatures. The titans
shaping the world, many of these stories intuit some- were so delighted by their children’s innovation
thing quite near the truth. These stories speak of a they failed to notice how mortal worship enhanced
massive dragon drifting through the endless dark. the power of the ambitious gods. They also failed to
With nothing to do and no one to talk to, the great see the growing unrest among the fey, whose realm
creature lulled itself into a deep sleep. In that sleep, was disappearing as more celestial realms peppered
the dragon dreamed of a world of possibility where the world, and the Mortal Realm swelled with each
tides of chaos and order clashed. Creatures born wild generation.
and creatures desperate to tame them sprang to life Right under their parents’ noses, the gods coerced
from that dream and began to chase each other in an mortalkind to join them in a decisive bloody act of
eternal dance that amused the sleeping dragon. Those rebellion. Taken unaware, the titans were quickly
first creatures were the ones who shaped all others, slaughtered en masse. This short conquest resulted
and all their endless struggles continue to entertain in the near extinction of the titans, and the collapse
the lonely dragon to this day. of Ingenium, leaving the gods as sole stewards of
Some cultures replace the dragon with a different the celestial and mortal realms. For their part in the
being or claim multiple creatures contributed to the betrayal, the gods let mortalkind have free reign of
dream that spawned the world. Despite cosmetic the Mortal Realm, and they retreated to the safety of
differences, most agree that the world began when their own pocket realities. Of course, this left mortals
creatures of chaos and creatures of order first appeared to deal with the growing animosity of faeriekind,
and raced to build realities suited to their liking. which still seeks to recover all that was stolen from it.
Welcome to the Planes

Present Day Most people spend their whole lives unaware they
are fulfilling a destiny already dictated by their
Though the gods no longer live in the Mortal Realm, place in the web of fate. However, the tapestry isn’t
they still need mortalkind to worship them from afar entirely fixed. Uniquely gifted individuals can force
to sustain their own realms. Diverting willpower to fate to shift around their actions, weaving original
the celestial dimensions weakens the position of the destinies for themselves. Adventurers are almost
Mortal Realm, which is rapidly losing ground to the always such individuals.
ever-growing faerie Wildes. Even worse, the ongoing
struggle to survive while appeasing gods and fighting
off fey has divided mortalkind into factions that
disagree on how to make the best world. Destiny has always been a thing of convenience
This campaign guide focuses on the most
for me. Yesterday my destiny was to drink all
successful of these mortal factions, an empire under
the stewardship of fey-descendants called eldrin.
night in a dusty corner of Caer Leona. Last month
Dynasties of eldrin rulers have built prosperous it was my destiny to quit my job and travel. The
cities, discovered ways to combat the encroaching month before that, it was my destiny to blow all
Wildes, and improved the quality of life for its my money on expensive leather pants and a new
citizens. At present, there is a tenuous peace ring, thus making me need the job in the first place .
between the empire and the independent states Everything was written, and out of my control,
that border it, but such peace is built on the back
so all I needed to do was roll with the punches.
of centuries of war and political strife. The empire’s
rulers struggle daily to quell resistance from threats It was easy. So simple, and ultimately why I
through bureaucracy and strict control, which chafes started following the Sisters of Sorrow years ago.
the nature of many creatures who also call the Mortal However, today, I find myself tits deep in mortal
Realm their home. danger for the first time. To my right, little hungry
brains with legs. To my left, ghouls and so many
Heroic bugs. Don’t even get me started on this creepy
celestial. This is not my destiny, I think to myself.
Roleplaying It couldn’t be. But then I look down and there
they are, the Pins of Fate burnt into my hand,
The Planes is a world rife with peril, where powerful and I know that for better or worse, this is where
forces seek to manipulate those born with innate I’m supposed to be. Sweet Sisters, what have you
talent and where adventurers who don’t forge their gotten me into now?
own paths will invariably be swept up in the machi-
nations of others. There is rarely a right or wrong
choice in this world, but even so, choices must be
made. Whether you’re a DM building adventures in
the Planes or a player preparing to explore it, keep
the following elements in mind.
Everyone Wants Control
Is Bound by Fate
Little stays the same as realms clash and reshape the
Fate is an active force that binds the lives of all Planes with each victory. Heroes are pivotal figures in
creatures that live in the Planes. Creatures of each deciding the outcome of these struggles, and every
realm depend on one another for survival, and it is side hopes to use such adventurers to further their
impossible to maintain a reality without collective agendas. The world notices heroes, and everywhere
will. Whether that willpower is bought, borrowed, they go, there is someone ready to coerce or convince
or freely given, it must be generated somehow. The them to join their cause.
web of fate demands that another must die for one When developing your character, think about
realm to flourish. A population is only as strong as the beings who have historically tried to influence
its weakest link, and the actions of most individu- them. Even if a character is unaware of their own
als have no hope of changing the fate of a realm. importance, the creatures around them have likely
Each creature is born a thread in this tapestry of instinctually tried to shape the character’s future in a
destiny, with no choice where they are born into it. way that benefits others.
Welcome to the Planes

Everyone Everything
Wants to Survive Is on the Table
There is no objective morality in the Planes. A realm The changeable nature of the Planes makes all
may have strict definitions of what “good” and things possible, and it does not insist on limiting
“evil” mean, but those definitions mean little to the the setting lore to one point of view. If a player
millions of other beings in the world. Regardless of gets excited about a god, creature, plane, race, or
their inherent power, every creature in the Planes is any other component from a different campaign
at risk of fading into nothingness. Every creature in setting, there is no reason why it shouldn’t appear
the Planes must advocate for itself to survive. When in the Planes. Realms are summoned into reality by
everyone is fighting equally hard to exist, there are willpower, and the players’ collective will should
rarely right or wrong choices to be made. Instead, influence the shape of the world as much as their
every problem is a matter of choosing sides or taking characters’ desires do.
a personal moral stance.

A carillon commands a faerie tree to take root.

T his chapter presents an array of new
options to create characters shaped by the
ever-shifting influence of the Planes. While
the Venture Maidens setting inspires these options,
they work seamlessly in any campaign setting. Here
New Playable Race: Eldrin
Eldrin are a mortal race with fey ancestry, gifted with
an innate affinity for arcane magic.

are the types of options featured in this chapter:

Races. Details the new playable race options and While the eldrin of the Planes share
presents deviations from the race origins and similarities with an existing 5E fey-themed
expectations established in other 5E sourcebooks. elf subrace, they are intentionally distinct
from any existing mechanics or lore. Eldrin
Backgrounds. Presents eight new backgrounds. of the Planes are not born or beholden
to the faerie realm, and they do not have
Subclasses. Provides new subclasses for every any inherent connections to nature or the
class in the PHB. seasons.
Players who choose to use the 5E season-
Heroic Destinies. Introduces the unique Heroic shifting elf subrace in a Venture Maidens–
Destinies ruleset, which provides a way for style campaign are welcome to do so, but
characters to embark on personal journeys that the eldrin of the Eldrin Empire would
enhance gameplay experience beyond standard not recognize them as blood or cultural
leveling. relatives.

Spells. Expands spellcaster options with new spells.


Races Eldrin are a relatively young species in the Mortal

Realm, but they have accomplished much in the short
time they have walked the land. Using their innate
The Planes are populated by all manner of different magical gifts, they have built an empire that encom-
races, and all options presented in 5E books are well passes an entire continent, and their ambitions are
suited for adventuring in this setting. However, some far from sated.
of those races have developed differently in the Extensive information about the Eldrin Empire and
Planes due to cultures unique to this setting. This sec- eldrin culture can be found in chapter 2.
tion presents new playable race options and cultural
information about the other PHB races commonly PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
found in the Mortal Realm (specifically in or near the Though eldrin are mortal, they have physical character-
Eldrin Empire). istics commonly found among fey who favor human-
oid forms. They tend to be slight of build, rarely stand-
New Race Options ing above five foot six, with androgynous features.
Eldrin have larger eyes than humans that are primarily
This section presents the new eldrin playable race black without a visible sclera (white of the eyes) and
and variant elf racial traits. It also presents cultural short, pointed ears that usually angle directly upward.
information about these two races that can affect Their skin tones can manifest as a huge variety of
characters created using these options in a Venture pastel colors ranging from pink to green to lavender,
Maidens–inspired game. and their hair can be any vivid rainbow shade.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

ELDRIN TRAITS Race Variant: Grove Elf

As an eldrin, you have the following racial traits. Grove elves are an ancient mortal race born with an
instinctual connection to the natural world.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score of
your choice by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or
increase three different scores by 1. An ability score
Grove elves have a wide array of body types, but
cannot be increased above 20 using this feature.
they tend toward tall frames, rarely standing under
Age. Eldrin reach adulthood in their late teens and six feet tall. Like humans, grove elves’ facial features
can live to be 300 years old. and body mass can vary wildly. Their eyes tend to
be black, brown, green, hazel, or gold, and they have
Creature Type. Your creature type is humanoid.
long, pointed ears that usually angle horizontally
Size. Your size is Medium. away from the skull. Typical skin tones and hair
colors range from light brown to black.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Magic Manifest. Choose a school of magic for which

you have a natural affinity. You learn a cantrip of
your choice from that school of magic. When you
reach 3rd level, choose a 1st-level spell from that same
school of magic, and when you reach 5th level,
choose a 3rd-level spell from that same school.
You learn these spells and can cast them at
their lowest level. Once you cast one of
these spells, you must finish a long rest
before you can cast that spell again using
this feature. Your spellcasting ability for
these spells is Charisma.

Spell Ward. Once per long rest, when

you fail a saving throw against a
spell or other magical effect, you
can use your reaction to reroll the
saving throw and use the higher
result. You can choose to use this
feature once you know you have
failed the saving throw but
before the consequences of
failure are declared.
Starting at 10th level, you
no longer have to reroll
when you use this feature.
When you fail a saving
throw against a spell or
other magical effect, you
can use your reaction to
succeed instead.

Languages. You can speak,

read, and write Common
and one other language that
you and your DM agree is
appropriate for your character.
If your eldrin grew up in the Eldrin
Empire, you learn Common Sign in
addition to Common.
More information about Common
Sign can be found in the “Languages”
section of chapter 2.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet

of yourself as if it were bright light and in darkness as
NOT HAVE FEY ANCESTRY if it were dim light. You discern colors in that dark-
In the Mortal Realm, grove elves (the ness only as shades of gray.
only elves native to the regions in and
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception
around the Eldrin Empire) do not have any
ancestral connection to the fey. Grove elves
have an innate connection to the natural Beast Affinity. Using gestures and sounds, you
landscape of the Mortal Realm, not the can communicate simple ideas with beasts, and
magical environments found in the faerie you have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling)
Wildes or in any other realm. checks made to interact with nonhostile beasts.
While fey and the faerie realm manifest
Deep Roots. Whenever you take damage from a spell
aspects of nature, it is all driven by
or spell-like ability while standing on natural ground
primal environmental magic that has
or unworked stone, you can use your reaction to
little similarity to the fragile ecosystems
halve the damage.
of the mortal world. A grove elf in the
Wildes would feel as out of place in the Nature’s Child. You automatically succeed on saving
turbulent landscape as any other mortal throws against being charmed.
Trance. Elves cannot be magically put to sleep, and
they don’t naturally need to sleep. Instead of sleep-
ing, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious,
ELVES IN THE PLANES for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such
meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can
Grove elves (just called “elves” in the empire) are
dream in a fashion; such dreams are actually mental
the oldest species in the Mortal Realm and the only
exercises that have become reflexive through years of
surviving mortal species created by the titans (as
practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same
opposed to gods or other extraplanar creatures).
benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
The titans created the elves to care for the newborn
earth, imbuing them with an intuitive link to the Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
Mortal Realm’s environment. Grove elves carry this and one another language that you and your DM
instinctual awareness to this day, and many still agree is appropriate for your character. If you grew up
dedicate their lives to safeguarding the natural in the Valley of Yalanthanil or a community of elves
world. in the Eldrin Empire, this additional language is likely
More information about elven politics and culture Elvish.
can be found in the “Valley of Yalanthanil” section in
chapter 2. Other Races
GROVE ELF TRAITS This section provides cultural information about the
Players can use the grove elf variant presented in this common races of the Mortal Realm (specifically the
section instead of the elf racial traits presented in the region in and around the Eldrin Empire), though any
PHB. Note that using this variant means that you do 5E race is suitable for adventuring in this setting.
not choose a subrace. You can use the information in this section to inform
details about a character from the empire, or ignore it
As a grove elf, you have the following racial traits.
as suits your purposes.
Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score
of your choice by 2 and increase a different score by Dragonborn
1, or increase three different scores by 1. An ability Before construction of the Veil blocked the moun-
score cannot be increased above 20 using this tain passes to the northwest, a steady influx of
feature. dragonborn migrated from distant lands to settle in
the empire. These dragonborn banded together in
Age. A grove elf reaches adulthood around the age of
tight-knit clans, founding several communities on
100 and can live to be 750 years old.
the outskirts of the empire.
Creature Type. Your creature type is humanoid. These communities exist today as frontier
towns mostly populated by self-reliant families
Size. Your size is Medium.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

of dragonborn, content to interact with empire Half-Elves

government and culture as infrequently as possible. Since humans are not native to the lands now
While border defenses have made it impossible for claimed by the empire, half-elves only began to
new dragonborn to migrate into the empire, clans appear in earnest a few centuries ago when eldrin
routinely pitch in to sponsor the immigration costs of and elves first began to war with one another. When
friends and relatives. the tides of battle began to turn against them, the
While most dragonborn prefer to stay close to elves sought help from distant lands and forged
home, the ones that venture out into the world several alliances. One of these alliances was with
often utilize their frontier experience to sell their a kingdom of humans from across the northern
services as wilderness guides, hunters, or scouts. mountains. Many of these humans were eager to
The best and brightest young dragonborn are leave the frozen wastes of the Valerian Reach to
encouraged to leave home to study law, medicine, assist the elves and settle in gentler climates. The
or other community-forward fields in the empire’s first half-elves born into the empire appeared after
major metropolises. this alliance.
As more humans have immigrated to the empire
Dwarves from distant corners of the world, the half-elf
Dwarven civilization has thrived below the moun- population has steadily increased, but they are
tains of the Teeth since long before the first eldrin still a rare sight within the confines of the empire.
ever stepped foot in the Mortal Realm, but the empire Slightly more half-elves are found in the elven cities
only recently become aware of them. Historically, of the Valley of Yalanthanil, where ancestors of
the dwarves have seen little reason to leave their those original human settlers still live to this day.
magnificent subterranean cities, so few have traveled Ultimately, most human cultures have more in
into the empire, and still fewer have permanently common with the lifestyle of the empire than they
settled there. do with the valley, and as long as the two societies
Because there are so few mountain dwarves in refuse to mesh, half-elves will remain a small portion
the empire, their culture and customs are largely a of the realm’s population.
mystery to the average empire citizen. However, as
maritime trade has made travel to the empire easier, a Half-Orcs
hearty population of hill dwarves have settled in the While there are no written records to verify when
port city of Faelyn. they first appeared, nomadic clans of orcs and
other goblinoids were already living on the land
Gnomes when the Eldrin Empire first began. Since the for-
Like the dwarves, gnomish society existed in the ested eastern half of the continent has always been
subterranean caverns of the earth long before the under the control of elves or eldrin, these nomads
empire was founded. Unlike the dwarves, however, have established migration patterns throughout
a huge portion of the gnomish population has the Shifting Planes and parts of the Kronos Desert.
migrated from their original homesteads since The magical hazards of these lands have continued
first contact was made with the eldrin. Cultural to thwart all the empire’s expansion efforts, so
traditions centered on curiosity and innovation little about the clans’ lifestyles have changed in
made the prospect of an expanding magical empire modern times.
an attractive prospect to most gnomish families, Like half-elves, half-orcs didn’t appear in
which led to a mass migration into Faelyn, Ashtar, earnest until the last few centuries, when human
and Chasiana. migration to the empire become more common.
In present day, few gnomish colonies still Half-orcs are much more common than half-elves,
remain in the mountains, and most of those have however, since many orc families enjoy lucrative
abandoned their original burrows to live in the more trade with the empire. Communities of orcs and
prosperous dwarven cities. Gnomish populations half-orcs particularly in the Shifting Plains are the
inside the empire have boomed, making gnomes main supplier of horses and game to the empire,
almost as common as eldrin. Most of this growth and they routinely visit the capital city of Faelyn
is concentrated in metropolitan areas, where for trade. Regular traffic between the two cultures
gnomish-led industry has become a cornerstone of means most citizens of the empire have casual
the empire’s success. Eldrin and gnomish cultures knowledge of orc customs, and a hearty percentage
share a wide array of attitudes and values that have of immigrants prefer to build lives with these
allowed for continued prosperous cross-pollination nomadic peoples than in the metropolitan regions
to this day. of the empire.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

Halflings While there are no known tiefling-only communities

When the eldrin first expanded southward, they in the empire, there are individuals and families scat-
discovered a smattering of halfling farming and fish- tered across the continent. Most citizens have heard
ing villages along the southern coasts of the Mother’s of tieflings, even if they’ve never met one, and since
Delta. These halflings rapidly embraced the new magic is so prevalent in eldrin society, tieflings are as
settlers and made themselves instrumental in the welcome as any other race to settle in the empire.
agricultural economic boom that followed expansion
into the region.
None of the original villages remain, but the Backgrounds
descendants of those halflings became some of the
richest merchant families in the empire. There are While all the backgrounds presented in the core rules
not nearly as many halflings as eldrin in the empire, fit easily into the Planes, this section presents eight
but they control a huge network of farms, docks, additional background options specifically inspired
vineyards, ships, and other franchises across the by the Venture Maidens setting.
Mother’s Delta.
Humans have only begun to settle in the empire Many adventurers are shaped by their employment
in the last few centuries, but their rapidly growing prior to their travels, but your skills have been crafted
numbers already account for a significant portion by a lifelong need to try your hand at a wide variety
of the population. Most human families have only of hobbies and occupations. On a given day, there is
been in the empire for a couple generations, follow- no telling what peculiar activity you’ll find yourself
ing the immigration of their grandparents or great embroiled in if left to your own devices: cooking,
grandparents. The majority arrive by ship from lands gardening, goat training—only the fates can guess.
to the east, but a small percentage come through the The benefit of a lifetime occupying yourself with
northern mountain passes each year. “this and that” is an approximate knowledge of
In present day, humans can be found all over the almost everything. It’s rare for you find a topic you’ve
empire. Their ability to adapt to a wide range of never heard of or a job you have never attempted.
environments and cultures has driven them to settle Though your wealth of experience comes in handy,
in eldrin cities as well as the far-flung edges of the things that you are unfamiliar with can surprise,
continent. haunt, and vex you, sometimes driving you to rash
action in an effort to show you are not out of your
Tieflings depth.
Tieflings have always been incredibly rare in the
empire and the Mortal Realm at large. Tieflings (and Skill Proficiencies: Three skills of your choice, each
other races with extraplanar blood) who settle in of which must use different ability scores
the Mortal Realm usually do so after arriving from
another reality, which is rarely easy and never done Tool Proficiencies: Two sets of artisan’s tools, one
without a good reason. type of gaming set, and one musical instrument


In the Planes, fiends are nowhere near as in a more limited capacity. Due to their own
prevalent as they are in other campaign settings. limitations, many fiends forgo the hassle of
There is no universal belief that souls must go drawing enough power to feed their own realms
somewhere upon death, and certainly no belief and establish themselves in the realities of other
that wicked souls are eternally tortured in any beings. Once there, these fiends take physical
kind of hell. Realms ruled by fiends certainly forms and use whatever means necessary to feed
exist, but they have little interest in going head on the willpower of the realm’s native popula-
to head with the celestial gods who have laid a tion. Creating cults, making warlock pacts, and
strong claim to mortalkind. brokering power for service are just a few of the
Similar to gods, fiends possess the ability to tactics fiends living in the Mortal Realm com-
draw power from the will of other beings, but monly employ to sustain themselves.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

Equipment: A set of artisan’s tools or a musical

d8 Personality Trait
instrument of your choice, an iron pot, a set of
common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 4 gp 1 I’m aloof and enigmatic to strangers.

Background Feature: 2
I bottle up my emotions and pour that
energy into hobbies.
Peculiar Interests
Every dabbler has a remarkable talent or two—a 3 Nothing holds my attention for long.
weird infatuation, a rare skill, or a niche area of
expertise. Choose one or two interests or roll on the In a fight, I seldom know what I should be
following table to define what draws your attention
the most. I want to share my wealth of experiences
with the world.

d10 Peculiar Interest Hearing about people’s interests or jobs

elates me.
1 Cross-pollinating plants
I do my best to keep people from asking me
2 Sharpening knives 7

3 Writing or taking surveys No one understands that the things I buy or

collect are part of who I am.
4 Blending exotic teas

5 Making toys or figurines

d6 Ideal
6 Collecting interesting stones or crystals
Creativity. Finding new ways to express
7 Investigating ghost sightings yourself is as important as air. (Chaotic)

8 Brewing wild-sourced beer or mead Structure. When things are tidy and in their
2 proper place, the world is much improved.
9 Crafting soap or flower oil (Lawful)

10 Burying treasure for others to find Encouragement. Only by supporting those

around you can they learn or change. (Any)

Loyalty. I will upend my life to help a friend,

Background Feature: Chameleon 4
even if we haven’t spoken in years. (Good)
Your experiences allow you to blend in with any
crowd, from priests to pirates. Usually, you can Respect. With enough power and influence,
find gainful employment for any number of jobs in no one will question me ever again. (Evil)
cities, towns, or caravans. In return for your labor,
Autonomy. I will prove that my way is
you may get daily wages, food and lodging, passage, 6 the best way, even if I must do it alone.
or preferential treatment from your employers (Chaotic)
even after the job has concluded. In addition, most
people—from nobles to beggars—are likely to accept
your presence if you engross them in conversation d6 Bond
or impress them with your skills.
I will protect those who support me, no
matter the cost.
Suggested Characteristics
Dabblers may be flighty or difficult to pin down, but One of my skills was taught to me by
they take on a wide array of responsibilities that someone I love dearly.
intertwine with their varied interests. While others
My past teachers still command my
can keenly focus their attention on a single task, dab- 3
obedience, even if they don’t deserve it.
blers may find themselves pulled in several directions
at once, unable to make enough time to keep up with I ruined a previous relationship with
the demands of their lifestyle. Having close relation- inattention. It won’t happen a second time.
ships with those who support their enigmatic tastes I hope to preserve my skills by passing them
is important. However, finding time to maintain such 5
on to an apprentice.
friendships in the turmoil of their lives is a constant
I crave approval from those more skilled
struggle for dabblers. 6
than I.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

d6 Flaw d8 Personality Trait

1 I am horrible at keeping secrets of any kind. 1 The scent of horses often accompanies me.

I’m convinced that everyone I know thinks Everything I need to know about a person
I’m inept. 2 can be determined by the way they treat
If I cannot afford to buy a trinket or stop to
3 collect a bauble, it will sour my mood for 3 I always greet horses before their riders.
Those closest to me are treated like we’re part
4 As long as I try, there is nothing I cannot do. 4
of a team of horses.
I cannot trust the skills of others, not when 5 I carry a lucky horseshoe with me.
I could have done it better.

Hiding my opinions and emotions is 6 Country life is superior to city life.

impossible—I wear my heart on my sleeve.
7 I judge people by their footwear.

I’ve always got an apple, carrot, or other treat

Farrier in a pocket or pouch.

You have always had a natural affinity with horses

and a knack for ironwork. As a farrier you are d6 Ideal
part blacksmith, part veterinarian and have met
Respect. People and horses deserve to be
your share of adventurers seeking your services. 1
treated with equal respect. (Lawful)
Whether you were born with a spark of adventure
or enticed by stories, you now call the open road Ambition. My craft is inextricably tied to my
your home. identity. (Any)
Were you in the employ of a noble family or did you
Mercy. I cannot abide the suffering of others
have a shop of your own? Perhaps you worked at a
3 and will do what I can to ease it, no matter
racetrack and cared for the horses there. Depending the cost to me. (Good)
on where you worked in the past, you likely have
some interesting connections that you can explore Conviction. Anything worth doing is worth
with your DM. doing right. (Lawful)

5 Independence. I am a free spirit. (Chaotic)

Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, History
Freedom. Everyone is entitled to earn a living.
Tool Proficiencies: Farrier's tools, smith's tools (Any)

Equipment: Farrier’s tools (hoof trimmer, nails, hoof

knife, rasp), smith’s tools, a set of common clothes, d6 Bond
and a pouch containing 5 gp
My mentor gave me the tools of my trade
1 when they passed on. Losing my skills would
Background Feature: devastate me.
Horse Whisperer
When it comes to horses, you’re able to communicate I have a keen interest in learning about all
equine and similar creatures.
with and calm even the unruliest of them. You have
advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks I wish I could forge my life as easily as I forge
made to deal with equines or creatures with equine iron.
features, like unicorns and hippogriffs.
My life’s goal is to find a set of horseshoes
rumored to have magical properties.
Suggested Characteristics
A farrier works closely with horses and their people. In my youth I committed a crime and have
You’ve met all sorts in your line of work. 5 been hiding from the consequences ever

6 I strive to prove my superiority over a rival.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

Background Feature:
d6 Flaw
Second Sight
I become restless if I’m away from horses Having unlocked a natural talent for premonition,
for too long. you have gained an uncanny ability of extrasensory
If I witness mistreatment toward a horse, perception. Through fleeting and oftentimes hazy
I answer it in kind. visions, you can catch glimpses of things to come.
As a result, you have advantage on all Wisdom
3 I always see flaws in the items I forge.
(Insight) checks.
I can hold better conversations with horses
than people. Suggested Characteristics
5 I lose my temper quickly with people. Your powers of foresight are inseparable from your
everyday life. They have shaped who you are and
6 I’d rather be at my forge or tending to horses.
how your interact with the world around you.

Fortune-Teller d8 Personality Trait

When visions come to me, I often lose sight
You have a connection to the weave of fate that 1
of what is happening around me.
allows you to glimpse the future. With this innate
ability, you glean useful hints about events yet In the past, cynics have disregarded my
to come. It’s a significant gift and one that you’ve 2 warnings which has made me wary of
sharing them now.
benefited from in one way or another.
Depending on your situation, some view you with I treat the tools of my trade with more
awe while others hold nothing but disdain for what respect than I do people.
they view as fraud. Whether celebrated or shunned,
I always have a backup plan because I know
your visions are part of who you are. 4
things will go wrong.

Skill Proficiencies: Insight, plus your choice of Fate doesn't care if you're rich or poor, and
either Arcana or Religion neither do I.

I live for the thrill of seeing people react to

Languages: Choose two, one of which must be my visions.
Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, or Sylvan
Very little surprises me, and I frequently have
a sense of déjà vu.
Equipment: Fortune-telling tools of your choice (deck
of tarot cards, a crystal ball, a planchette, loose tea leaves, I see signs of things to come in all my
or a bag of small animal bones), one trinket of special surroundings.
significance (choose one or roll on the Trinkets table in
the PHB), a costume, and a pouch containing 10 gp
d6 Ideal
Technique 1
Altruism. My gifts must be used to prevent
To determine the means of your predictive technique, suffering. (Good)
roll a d8 or choose from the options in the following Knowledge. Providing people with hints of
table. 2 their future allows them to forge their own
destinies. (Chaotic)
d8 Technique Influence. My powers allow me to hold sway
1 Astrology: movements of celestial bodies over others. (Evil)

2 Cartomancy: playing cards or tarot cards Duty. To see the future is a responsibility
that I cannot take lightly. (Lawful)
3 Palmistry: lines and mounds on the hand
Neutrality. No matter the nature of my
4 Cleromancy: casting of bones or stones 5 predictions, the future is not for me to
5 Crystallomancy: crystal ball change. (Lawful)

6 Oneiromancy: dreams Ambition. With these gifts I have been

6 granted an opportunity to make my mark on
7 Spirit board: planchette or talking board the world. (Any)
8 Tasseography: tea leaves

Chapter 1: Character Creation

d6 Bond
Behind Your Mask
You might have a better idea of where you come
One of my visions foretold of me bringing from compared to anyone else. In truth, many greater
1 tragedy to those I care for most, so I never get powers use harlequins to learn more about modern
civilizations. Some even reincarnate themselves as
My forebears granted these gifts to me, and harlequins to experience life firsthand. But what
I will do what I must to honor their legacy. about you?

I have seen visions of a catastrophic event that

3 d8 Origin
I must stop.

The tools of my trade are my most valued 1 Infernal spy

possessions. 2 Celestial guardian
5 I am at peace because I know how my story ends. 3 Fey emissary
I lost everything when one of my visions was 4 Manifestation of chaos
5 Disguised noble
6 Reincarnated god or dragon
d6 Flaw
7 Forgotten famous performer
1 I’m unable to resist embellishing my fortunes.
8 Unknown, even to me
2 I cannot abide charlatans of my trade.

If it means getting my way, I will misread a Background Feature:

Grotesque Approximation
Those who discount my warnings deserve You can impersonate people you meet with uncanny
4 their fate, and I will do whatever I can to accuracy. This skill can provide you with a means
ensure it. of blending into a crowd, or it may be an offensive
5 I am unable to divine my own future. mockery depending on who you approximate.

6 I have nightmares about my visions.

Suggested Characteristics
Harlequins can either be as exuberant as their per-
formance implies or have an understated presence as
Harlequin they thoughtfully observe the world. Their character-
istics are intended to elicit a deliberate response from
You are a mirror that reflects the world around you.
their audience, which begs the question: is this all a
Your actions are large and deliberate while your in-
part of the act?
tent remains enigmatic. Your parade of colors serves
to both welcome and threaten those who see it. You
are the harlequin, a clown of limitless potential. d8 Personality Trait
Harlequins are physical artists that primarily 1 I’m fond of when people play into the act.
communicate through performance. Their routines
typically revolve around frank depictions of how I adopt strange habits just to make people
wonder what I’m up to.
people behave to an uncomfortable degree of
accuracy. I’ll relay your points back to you without
Your mysterious nature generates an unnerving subtlety to make sure that’s what you meant.
presence no matter what you do. But while the
I treat everyone as my equal, whether they be
world might not know who you are, you’ll be sure 4
an ant or a god.
to show the world what it truly is.
If I want someone to think carefully about a
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Performance decision, I’ll talk about it in riddles.

Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, painter’s supplies 6 You will know it’s me from a mile away.
7 Each morning I take on a new persona.
Equipment: A costume, a wooden sword or baton,
a mask depicting a face reminiscent of someone you I don’t care what people think about me as
knew or idolize, and a pouch containing 15 gp long as they are thinking about me.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

d6 Ideal Herbalist
Reflection. My every action should make my Herbalists dedicate their lives to working with
audience reflect on theirs. (Any) medicinal plants. You use plants for healing by
creating teas, tinctures, and creams to help treat a
Composure. I see things through to their
2 wide range of ailments. Your vocational calling has
conclusion, logical or otherwise. (Any)
provided you with training in diagnostic skills as
Curiosity. I never hesitate to step into the well as the ability to create botanicals from leaves,
unknown. (Chaotic) flowers, roots, and plant bark.
As an adventurer, you can provide natural first aid
Fun. There’s always a way to introduce play
4 remedies like rubbing dock leaves onto nettle stings
into a situation. (Chaotic)
or using lavender oil to treat burns. Likewise, your
Drama. Keep your emotions high and knowledge of poisons comes in handy for harmful
5 your audience’s emotions even higher. intent.

Passion. I admire when people own up to Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Nature

their true selves. (Any)
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit or poisoner’s kit

d6 Bond Equipment: A leather-bound journal with field

notes, a bottle of ink, an ink pen, an herbalism kit or
1 I am committed to my act and nothing else. poisoner’s kit, a set of traveler’s clothes, and a pouch
My comrades are my toys, and I do not like containing 10 gp
to share.
Background Feature:
I will show the world the pain it’s caused Botanical Bounty
my people. You have extensive knowledge of flora through read-
No one is more dedicated to sowing discord ing books or time spent in the field. With such knowl-
4 edge, you can correctly identify any nonmagical plant
than I.
and determine its medicinal purposes, including
I wear my lost partner’s mask to keep their whether it is poisonous.
character alive.

My superiors will be pleased with the things Suggested Characteristics

6 Whether you’re a healer, researcher, or other
I’ve learned.
practitioner, your talents are inspired by a
fascination with the relationship between plants
d6 Flaw and people.

1 My intentions can be difficult to understand.

d8 Personality Trait
2 It’s hard to give up the act.
1 I talk to plants.
I won’t respect an audience who doesn't
3 When it comes to my field of study, I talk at
respect me. 2
length about it to anyone who listens.
4 I don’t like doing the same thing twice.
I often use plant terminology when referring to
5 Subtlety isn’t a part of my routine. the physiology of people I am treating.

4 Plants are more trustworthy than people.

6 “But it would be funny if this happened.”
I can spend hours taking field notes on a single
specimen or harvesting ingredients for my kit.

I get so lost in my work that I sometimes forget

I need more than sunshine and water to survive.

I know more about the local flora than I do

about its people.

8 Getting dirty is part of my job.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

d6 Ideal Judge
Redemption. There is good in everyone. You are a judge, a close student of the law and arbiter
(Good) of fair, measured justice. At any time, you may be
called upon to bear witness to testimony and pass
Adversity. One rotten apple spoils the
2 down sentences that range from a fine to jail time
bunch. (Evil)
to public execution. You came from a priesthood,
Tradition. The knowledge of the past must scholarly appointment, or law enforcement role in
be preserved. (Lawful) a region that offers “common law” practices upheld
as fair and acceptable by most of the civilized world.
Neutrality. Never meddle in the affairs of
4 Years of training and diligent preparation have given
others. (Neutral)
you a position of control far beyond the common
Change. Life is like the seasons: it’s in citizenry. You may have a history of impartial and
constant flux, and we must adapt. (Chaotic) warranted judgments or brutal and malicious
punishments. Regardless, both criminals and
Nature. The natural world is far more
6 innocents may find their lives in your hands.
important than civilization. (Any)
For more information about the role and
responsibilities of judges in the Eldrin Empire, see
chapter 2.
d6 Bond

As a child I accidentally fed deadly berries to Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Intimidation

someone close to me.
Languages: Two of your choice
2 I owe everything to my mentor.

3 Like a wildflower, I have flourished on my own. Equipment: A book of law from your homeland,
a writ of appointment, an hourglass, a bottle
I aim to prove my worth to my family of
4 of ink, an ink pen, three sheets of parchment,
magical healers.
official’s robes, sealing wax, and a belt pouch
Nothing is more important than preserving containing 12 gp
nature’s bounty.
Background Feature:
I seek to discover a cure for life’s greatest
ailment: death.
Presiding Authority
As a judge, you are afforded great respect and rever-
ence from constabulary and law-abiding citizens,
such as militia members, tax collectors, or military
d6 Flaw
veterans. You and your adventuring companions can
1 My personality is as thorny as a rose. make inconsequential demands or modest requests
of such people without fear of dismissal or need for
Uncovering the cure for an ailment is worth
2 bribery. Houses of justice, such as courts or city halls,
any price.
are lawfully open to you at all times, and staff in
I have more chemistry with plants than with such locations will supply you with food, lodging, or
people. documents if requested.
Should you or one of your companions be accused
I follow directions precisely, regardless of
4 of a crime, every possible courtesy and benefit of
how long it takes.
doubt is afforded to you. However, if you are found
5 Sometimes poison is the only solution. guilty of a crime, your position as a judge can be
revoked by the ruling body of whatever land you find
I’ll do anything to possess a rare plant with yourself in.
medicinal properties.
In addition, you have the power and authority
to immediately stay or overrule a sentence handed
out by any lawful appointee that is not a fellow
judge or a local ruler. Judges who abuse this power
become known for disrupting justice or draw the
ire of their fellow judges. In these cases, you may
find yourself sketched onto a bounty poster or
locked in a cell.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Suggested Characteristics
d6 Bond
Judges forgo a great a deal of their personal and
professional lives to see to the needs of the many I am a bulwark of the common people
and to mediate justice. They experience a rigidly against those who would oppress them.
structured life full of paperwork, writs, and letters
My promises to a fellow judge must never
of bounty and execution. The title of judge comes 2
be broken.
with a variety of responsibilities and bonds—to
other judges, to the law, to the downtrodden or The sovereign ruler’s word is law, wherever
privileged, or even to the criminals who deserve a I may be.
fair and impartial ear.
The only criminal I ever set free is the love of
my life.
d8 Personality Trait
Noble houses command limitless respect.
I’m unbending in my strict adherence to Without them, civilization falls to chaos.
right and wrong.
Only by understanding criminals can I pass
I cite past judgments as cautionary tales to judgment on them.
friend and foe alike.

My companions can rely on me to never lead d6 Flaw

them astray.
I enjoy passing sentences that cause great
A lie, to me, is an assassin’s dagger at my 1
4 harm.
I have a secret, carnal desire to see the law
5 I speak in few words. Always. 2
6 I am proper and polite at all times. I am completely immovable in my adherence
to the letter of the law.
I go to great lengths to improve the lives of
those around me. My need for respect outweighs my better
I’d sooner die than let an innocent be
punished. I am inescapably disparaging to those I
believe to be inferior to me.

d6 Ideal I’m easily cowed into obedience by those

6 with higher social status or military
Forbearance. One should not lose control of prowess.
oneself, no matter the reason. (Lawful)

Forgiveness. If a debt is paid or an apology

2 accepted, any grievances should be buried. Reluctant Successor
You are the next in line to lead your clan, family,
Integrity. When I say I will do a thing, not guild, or congregation. You’ve spent a great deal
3 even the gods can stop me from doing it. of your life preparing to take your place but may
have never truly wanted it. Perhaps you never
Rectitude. In even the most ambiguous expected to be chosen and have grown to resent such
4 situations, I will see the truth of the matter responsibility. Though you may run and refuse your
and never second guess it. (Any) predecessor, leadership is in your blood, whether you
Vice. It is the little pleasures enjoyed in embrace it or not.
5 the dark that make a strict life so enjoyable. Discuss the nature of your predecessor’s position
(Evil) with your DM. Are they the chieftain of a barbarian
tribe, the head of a crime family, the leader of a
Justice. The laws set by civility and morality
mercenary company or cult? How well-known is
6 must equally govern those in a gutter and
those in a palace. (Lawful) your predecessor and their faction? How large is the
faction and how far does its reach extend?
Why were you chosen and prepared for the
position? What made you decide to leave? Did you
depart on good terms or are you being hunted?
Chapter 1: Character Creation

What would convince you to go back? It may also be Background Feature:

a good idea to make a small list of enemies of your Proud Bearing
faction or predecessor if your DM wishes to include The years of your life spent preparing you to lead
such things in your game. has instilled an imposing air of authority about you.
Many in high society, such as monarchs and nobles,
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics or History, Insight may be infuriated by your self-assured poise, but
commoners are cowed by it. When you speak with
Languages: Two of your choice leaders such as tribal elders, ship captains, watch
commanders, or even the leaders of thieves guilds
Equipment: A symbol of your future position given and mercenary bands, they are much more likely
to you by your predecessor (for example, a figurine, to speak to you as an equal and afford you more
pendant, ring, broken axe blade, or a piece of torn latitude in negotiations than they would others.
fabric), a set of common clothes, a set of fine clothes, In general, you can secure lodging for yourself and
a flute, and a leather pouch containing 10 gp up to five companions with little or no pay, given
your reputation with these leaders is not soured.
In addition, threats you make against such factions
VARIANT RELUCTANT carry far more weight, as a slight against you may be
SUCCESSOR: a slight against your predecessor and all those who
follow them.
Although you still carry baggage and have Suggested Characteristics
not returned to take your place, you are Few understand the emotional and social
proud and enthusiastic about your future burden that a reluctant successor carries, and
leading your people. You may be proving companionship may be difficult to maintain or
yourself, living life to the fullest before impossible to find due to the responsibilities
you settle down, or finishing some test upon their shoulders. There is a constant pressure
that stands between you and your rightful on reluctant successors to abandon the life they
position as leader. You may even see your have chosen and return their focus back to the
adventuring party as a means to an end in succession for which they have been selected. Only
attaining your goals. Conflict arises due to when holding onto the ties that bind them to their
your stout and unbending devotion to your traveling companions can reluctant successors avoid
predecessor, even if it is harmful to you. the creeping feeling of doubt that may otherwise
rule them.

Background Feature: Predecessor d8 Personality Trait

You’ve been chosen to take the role of leadership
from someone important in your past. Consider what I avoid addressing problems until the last
your predecessor, living or dead, means to you and possible moment.
how they have impacted your life. You can roll on the
2 I care greatly about how others perceive me.
following table to determine the type of relationship
you share or choose one that best fits your character.
I’m convinced strangers are out to
manipulate me.
d8 Predecessor
4 There’s nothing I enjoy more than travel.
1 Competitive

2 Accommodating If I feel slighted or betrayed, I lash out

3 Familial

4 Secure I hope to earn respect from the common folk

I meet.
5 Uncaring

6 Lenient If someone is in danger, I can’t help but get

7 Romantic

8 Controlling 8 I have a plan in almost every situation.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

d6 Ideal Wildes Survivor

Legacy. The methods and traditions of my At some point in the past, you were lost in the
1 Wildes, and against all odds, you managed to escape.
forebears deserve to be preserved. (Lawful)
Surviving the faerie realm’s twisting landscape,
Ambition. I hope to prove my worth to my mercurial inhabitants, and environmental magic
2 is a feat few can claim. The exact details of your
predecessor at any cost. (Any)
experience are foggy, but the strangeness of the
Freedom. No person should suffer the whips Wildes undeniably changed you. Perhaps you
and chains of others. (Chaotic) were abducted by a fey when you were a child or
you accidentally crossed into the faerie realm and
Honor. People should speak with respect and became lost. Maybe you eventually saved yourself
uphold their promises. (Good) or someone came to your rescue. Whatever the
circumstances, your will was strong enough to keep
Authority. I will be respected, even if it must you alive, and you know the perils of the Wildes
be forced. (Evil) better than most.
Discuss the nature of your experience with
Community. People deserve loyalty from your DM. How much of your experience do you
their fellows whenever possible. (Any)
remember? Do you know who saved you, and why?
What was your life like before you were lost? How
have things changed since you returned? Deciding
d6 Bond a few fragments of memory from your time in the
Wildes can potentially help you and your DM explore
I owe someone from my past an unpayable
1 the mystery of how you managed to survive.

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Insight

I’ll fight tooth and nail for the common
Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument
My predecessor shared a dark and terrible
3 Languages: Sylvan (or one other language if you
secret with me that I must now protect.
already speak Sylvan)
A priest once nursed me back to health
4 Equipment: A dagger made of cold iron (see chapter 5),
when others had left me for dead.
a musical instrument of your choice, a set of traveler’s
I wish my friends had come with me when clothes, a book of faerie tales, and a pouch containing
I fled my predecessor. 5 gp

I cannot return to take my place until I find Background Feature:
my missing love. Survival Instincts
Fear of once again becoming lost has honed your
survival instincts to a razor’s edge. You have advan-
d6 Flaw tage on Wisdom (Insight) checks made to determine
if a creature is lying or somehow concealing its true
1 My people and I have made many enemies.
nature. Additionally, you cannot be surprised by fey
2 No one is reliable. creatures.

I am secretly a coward—it’s why I won’t Suggested Characteristics

return home. Braving the Wildes pushed your physical and
psychological energies to their limits. You have
The people who knew me long ago would seen and been hunted by things most creatures
never forgive my past misdeeds. couldn’t even dream of, and you survived. While your
experiences still haunt you, there is little else left in
An innocent person died because of me, the mortal world that can rattle you. In moments of
and I will never admit it.
tension, you revert to the quiet tactics that kept you
alive in the darkest moments.
6 I am quick to violence and enjoy it.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

d8 Personality Trait d6 Flaw

I learn everything I can about the fey, just in 1 I am terrified of the wilderness.
I shut down whenever anyone asks about
2 I relate more to fey than to mortals. what happened to me in the Wildes.

3 I hide my past to avoid answering questions. I sometimes find myself screaming for
reasons I don’t understand.
I feel compelled to do something important
4 with my life since I was given a second 4 I talk to myself when I am afraid or stressed.
5 I always feel like someone is watching me.
I sometimes catch myself thinking about
memories that aren’t mine. I see fey everywhere, and I don’t know if they
are real.
6 I need to know why I survived.

I am determined to use what I’ve learned to
keep others safe. Subclasses
I feel most in control when hunting the
8 This section includes new subclass options for each
creatures that once made me feel like prey.
core class presented in the PHB.

d6 Ideal

Survival. The strong survive, and the weak

perish. That’s the way of the world. (Chaotic)

Courage. Facing your fears is the fastest way

to conquer them. (Good)

Domination. To prevent being hunted, you

must become the hunter. (Evil)

Resilience. Scars are unsightly, but they

make us stronger. (Neutral)

Understanding. The best defense is Barbarian:
intelligence. (Lawful) Path of Legacy
Freedom. If the worst has already happened,
6 All barbarians carry a part of their forebears with
there is nothing left to fear. (Neutral)
them, be it blood, teachings, or ideals. However,
some people revel in their heritage, intent on carrying
their ancestors’ might through the generations. These
d6 Bond
barbarians speak of the dead as close companions
A mortal creature followed me into the whose trust must be earned and maintained. They
Wildes to rescue me. I owe that being my life. speak of each victory and defeat as another sunrise,
to be expected and celebrated. When such barbarians
My life was spared, so I must fight to save
2 wage war, their own experiences and those of their
ancestors fill them with skill, resilience, and power far
My experiences in the faerie realm beyond their ordinary capabilities.
transformed me entirely. Though many barbarian communities, from vast
cities to wandering tribes, may speak of ancestry
I wasn’t alone when I was lost, and I have to
4 and heritage, those who walk the path of legacy
find out what happened to my companion.
are shaped by it, and may shape it in return. A
A part of me died in the Wildes, and I’m forebear, ancestor, or lineage may come from a
learning to survive without that piece. common familial relation, a bond, an ideal, or even
a watchful spirit. Some who choose this path may
A faerie creature helped me escape from the
6 have no history at all, save for the one they forge
Wildes. I owe that being my life.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

provoking opportunity attacks. If this movement

Path of Legacy Features brings you within 5 feet of the ally, you can cause
Barbarian Level Features the attack to hit you instead. When you do so, you
can expend one of your Hit Dice. Roll the Hit Die
3rd Spirit Speaker, Forebear’s Aspect and reduce the damage of the attack by twice that
6th Manifest Echoes
Deed. Heroic tales or songs of valor and bravery lift
10th Welcomed Spirits your legacy to such lofty heights that it can stand the
test of time. You have advantage on Charisma checks
14th Embodied Destiny against creatures with an Intelligence of 6 or higher
that are familiar with your legacy.
Spirit Speaker While raging, each time you make an ability check or
The path you have chosen is embroiled in the attack roll, you may expend one of your Hit Dice. Roll
mysticism of death and fate, allowing you to the die and add the result to your ability check or attack
access knowledge typically reserved for the dead. roll. You can wait until after you roll the d20 before
At 3rd level when you choose this path, you can deciding to expend a Hit Die on the check or attack.
perform an ancient ritual of your people to com-
mune with the dead. Such rituals may involve the Manifest Echoes
rolling of carved bones, spitting fermented spirits At 6th level, your ties to your legacy have altered you
into an open flame, or reading the pattern of bird in subtle ways. You may focus on the same path and
feathers. The ritual takes 10 minutes to complete, seek to perfect it or embrace other echoes of your
after which you cast the augury or speak with storied past. You can choose the same aspect you
dead spell, without using a spell slot or material selected at 3rd level or a different one.
components. Blood. The promise of pain drips from your every
If speak with dead is cast through this ritual, you word. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If
may use it to speak with a direct ancestor of your you are already proficient, you gain expertise in that
bloodline, chosen family, or other figure from your skill instead. When you make an Intimidation check,
lineage, ignoring the range and target requirements you can use your Strength or Constitution modifier in
of the spell. There is no guarantee the ancestor you place of Charisma for that check.
wish to speak to will be the spirit available to answer Name. Your legacy’s heroic deeds demand you
your call, but the ritual always summons the closest weather any storm. While raging, you gain resistance
available match. to psychic damage and have advantage on saving
After you cast either spell, this property cannot be throws to avoid being charmed. In addition, when
used again until you finish a long rest. you roll a 20 on a death saving throw, you regain a
number of hit points equal to your barbarian level.
Forebear’s Aspect Deed. Nothing can stand between you and the
At 3rd level, choose one of the following aspects of goals for which you strive. You have advantage on
your lineage to embody. You must mark yourself in saving throws made to avoid being pushed, pulled, or
ink, paint, or scar with a symbol you believe to em- knocked prone. In addition, you have a +5 bonus to
body that aspect (such as a hammer to signify power, escape grapples and effects that restrain you.
blue paint to show patience, scale-like scars to show
resilience). You may choose to apply the symbol to Welcomed Spirits
your flesh or on a token such as a shield or medallion, At 10th level, when you use your Spirit Speaker
so long as the object has great meaning to you. feature, you may commune with not only the dead
Blood. Your legacy is steeped in the brutality of but the natural world around you, if you pay the
war and great violence. While raging, when you hit a price. At the end of your Spirit Speaker ritual, you
target with a melee weapon attack, you can expend may expend one or more Hit Dice to cast one of the
up to two of your Hit Dice to deal additional force following spells: speak with animals (one Hit Die),
damage to the target, in addition to the weapon’s speak with plants (two Hit Dice), or commune with
damage. Roll your Hit Dice and add the result to the nature (three Hit Dice). The spirits that answer you
attack’s damage. may take unusual or even frightening forms but are
Name. A champion’s resolve and unshakable friendly to you.
bravery will mark your legacy as one of greatness
and sacrifice. When an ally within 20 feet of you Embodied Destiny
is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to At 14th level, the echoes of your lineage have shaped
move up to half your speed toward them without you to your core, manifesting in huge surges of
Chapter 1: Character Creation

power. Choose the same aspect you chose at either This instrument can be any of your choosing and it
3rd or 6th level and gain the following additional can serve as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.
associated benefits. If a creature other than you attempts to play this
Blood. The howl of violence beckons you. When you instrument, it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee weapon saving throw or take 2d4 psychic damage.
or score a critical hit with one, you gain a number
of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution College of Bells Features
modifier which last for 1 minute. While the temporary
hit points remain, your melee weapon attacks deal an Bard Level Features
additional weapon die of damage, and your movement
3rd Enchanted Instrument, Baleful Chord
does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Name. Strength of purpose is strength of flesh. 6th Reverberating Dirge
As a bonus action on your turn, you can expend
one of your Hit Dice to regain hit points equal 14th Harbinger’s Requiem
to twice the number you roll, and your AC is
increased by the number rolled until the end of The instrument allows you to cast certain spells
your next turn. that you gain at the bard levels noted on the
Deed. You are unshakable, vigilant, and unbending Instrument Spells table. You can use an action to
in the face of opposition. You cannot be frightened, play the instrument to cast one of its spells without
and attacks you make are never made at disadvan- expending a spell slot or any material components.
tage. In addition, whenever you are subject to a Once the instrument has been used to cast a spell,
spell or magical effect that forces you to attempt an it can’t be used to cast that spell again until the
Intelligence-based check or saving throw, you may next dawn. Once you’ve used the instrument to
attempt a Constitution check or Constitution saving cast a number of instrument spells equal to your
throw instead. proficiency bonus, you can’t use it to cast any more
instrument spells until the following dawn. The
instrument spells use your spellcasting ability and
spell save DC.

Instrument Spells
Bard Level Spells

3rd bane

5th suggestion

7th fear

Bard: 9th charm monster

College of Bells 11th hold monster

Bards of the College of Bells obsessively study 13th mass suggestion

musical theory to find new ways to harness the sonic
phenomena of the universe. These bards keep their 15th dominate monster
audiences captivated with magical compositions that
manipulate emotion, de-escalating worry or ramping If the instrument is destroyed or you lose it,
up anxiety as suits their purposes. you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to bind a new
Bards from this college are often regarded as gloomy instrument to your power. This ceremony can be
and cerebral compared to their bardic peers. Even performed during a short or long rest, and your
the college name is a somber reference to the tolling connection to the previous instrument ends if it
bells that mark moments of transition, signaling the still exists.
passing hours and fleeting moments of life.
Baleful Chord
Enchanted Instrument Starting at 3rd level, you can expend one use of your
As part of your training, at 3rd level you bind Bardic Inspiration to mark a creature you can see
one musical instrument to your magical power. within 60 feet of you. Choose one creature you can
Chapter 1: Character Creation

see within 60 feet of you. That creature becomes To these deities, the fate of mortals is of utmost
mystically marked for 1 minute or until it fails a sav- interest, and they exert their influence in the
ing throw versus your spell save DC. You cannot have Mortal Realm by sharing their power with oracles,
more than one target marked in this way. seers, fortune-tellers, sibyls, and others gifted with
When a marked creature attempts a saving throw precognitive powers.
versus your spell save DC, it must use its Charisma Clerics who answer the call of the Fate domain
modifier instead of the modifier listed in the spell are a prophetic force who take a keen interest in the
description. patterns that determine things that were, the things
that are, and the things yet to be. Driven by a desire
Reverberating Dirge to make sense of destiny’s twists and turns, clerics of
At 6th level, your command over your power grows. the Fate domain divine answers from the tapestry
Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws made of fate that blankets all of existence. Although most
to resist being charmed or frightened by you. This mortals obediently live their lives as fate has already
effect applies only to spells or bard class features that decreed, extraordinary circumstances can cause
use your instrument as a focus. creatures or events to deviate from their set course in
Starting at 10th level, this feature increases in catastrophic ways. At such times, clerics of the Fate
power. If a creature would normally be immune to domain are called upon to ensure destiny is set back
the charmed or frightened condition, it can still be on its correct course.
charmed or frightened by you. Such creatures roll
with advantage on saving throws to resist or end Fate Domain Features
either condition.
Cleric Level Features
Harbinger’s Requiem
Domain Spells, Soldier of Fortune,
Starting at 14th level, when you cast a spell or use a 1st
Twist of Fate
bard class feature using your instrument as a focus,
you can spend your reaction to choose any number of 2nd Channel Divinity: Destiny Bond
creatures (up to a number equal to your proficiency bo-
nus) within 60 feet of you who can see and hear you. 6th Channel Divinity: Gift of Foresight
Each target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw
8th Divine Strike
against your spell save DC or be frightened of you for
1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the 17th Sibylline Sight
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or
the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to your Domain Spells
Harbinger’s Requiem for the next 24 hours. When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain
domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Fate
Domain Spells table.

Fate Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells

1st bane, divine favor

3rd augury, warding bond

5th bestow curse, remove curse

7th death ward, divination

Cleric: Fate Domain 9th geas, scrying

Gods of fate are occupied with ensuring the tap-

estry of destiny is preserved and events unfold ac- Soldier of Fortune
cording to their interpretation of the cosmic plan. At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weap-
In pursuit of order, these beings invoke misery, ons. You also learn the true strike cantrip, which
suffering, comfort, or joy in accordance with the doesn’t count against the number of cleric cantrips
calculations made on behalf of the “greater good.” you know, and you can cast it as a bonus action.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Twist of Fate Divine Strike

At 1st level, you learn to alter the course of fate by At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
subtly manipulating its threads. When you choose weapon strikes with divine energy. Once on each of
this domain, you get one fate die (a d6) and you set your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
the face to 1. The number displayed on your fate die attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8
represents the number of fate points you currently radiant damage. When you reach 14th level, the extra
have. Your fate die acts as both a counter and a damage increases to 2d8.
normal die at different times, so it is important to
note what number is displayed on your fate die at the Sibylline Sight
end of each game session. Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to open
Whenever you make an attack roll, ability check, your mind to the weave of fate. When you do so, you
or saving throw, you can spend any number of fate gain truesight out to a range of 60 feet, which lasts
points you have (up to the number displayed on until you are incapacitated or until you take a short
your fate die) and add that number of points to or long rest.
the roll total. You can choose to spend fate points You can’t use this feature again until you complete
after you roll the die but before the outcome of a short or long rest.
the roll is determined. If spending points would
reduce your total fate points to 0, your fate die is
expended, and you cannot use it again until you
complete a long rest.
When you complete a long rest, if you have 1 or
more fate points, you gain additional fate points
equal to your proficiency bonus (set the fate die to
the new face accordingly). If gaining points in this
way would give you more points than the highest
number available on your fate die, you do not gain
points. Instead, you roll the fate die and the result is
your new fate point total.
When you complete a long rest and your fate die is
expended (you have 0 fate points), you roll the fate Druid:
die, and the result is your new fate point total. Circle of the Grove
Your fate die changes when you reach certain levels
of the cleric class. The die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a Druids that belong to the Circle of the Grove revere
d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level. plants and draw power from the vegetation around
them. These druids preserve the places of the world yet
Channel Divinity: Destiny Bond unspoiled by civilization and work with communities
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel to harmoniously integrate their lives with native flora.
Divinity to intertwine your destiny with that of Many druids of this circle draw their power from
another creature. a particular place in the world. These sacred places,
As an action, you present your holy symbol and called “groves,” are lovingly tended, natural spaces
weave a mystical thread between you and one willing where primordial magic grows free from the influ-
creature you can see within 30 feet of you. While you ence of people. These groves are typically watched
remain within 60 feet of the target, you can use your over by a single elder druid called a “warden,” but
reaction to grant the target advantage on one ability all druids tied to this circle are welcome to meet,
check or attack roll it attempts during its turn. The link meditate, or take shelter in these sacred spaces.
lasts for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated or die.
Circle of the Grove Features
Channel Divinity:
Gift of Foresight Druid Level Features
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel
2nd Leaf Song, Sacred Grove
Divinity to glimpse the immediate future.
As an action, you open your mind to all possible 6th Take Root
outcomes for 1 minute or until you lose concentration
(as if you were concentrating on a spell). 10th Grove Warden
For the duration, you gain a +2 bonus to AC, and
14th Heart of the Forest
you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

and overgrown. You can choose to end this effect

early (no action required). You can maintain only one
CIRCLE OF THE GROVE sacred grove at a time.
DRUIDS IN THE PLANES Whenever you use this feature, choose one of
the following magical properties the sacred grove
In the Planes, the teachings of this circle demonstrates while active:
were created by the elves of the Mortal Tree Line. Saplings surge from the ground, creating
Realm long before the eldrin appeared. a protective ring. All creatures (other than you) roll
Elves maintained a network of sacred attacks with disadvantage against creatures inside
groves across the land, and communities the grove.
grew around each grove to share the If you would take damage from an attack or spell
responsibility of its care. that targets only you (not an area of effect) while
When the eldrin appeared, they waged standing inside the grove, you can use your reaction
war against the elves and destroyed many to command the grove to intercept it. When you do
of these groves, forcing these far-flung so, the grove withers and you take no damage.
elven communities to band together and Tangle Weed. Creeping vines or brambles weave
retreat into the Valley of Yalanthanil. across the ground making the area difficult terrain.
In modern times, the elves rely on druids Whenever a creature attempts to move in, out, or
to protect the forests of the valley, and through the grove you can use a reaction to command
sacred groves sit at the heart of every elven the vines to grab it. The target must succeed on a
settlement. Because the need for their Strength saving throw versus your spell save DC or be
magic is so great, the majority of druids restrained by the grasping plants for the sacred grove’s
in Yalanthanil adopt the teachings of the duration. A creature restrained by the plants can use
Circle of the Grove, and it is rare to find any its action to make a Strength check against your spell
other kind of druids in the valley. save DC. On a success, the creature frees itself.
Wilde Flowers. Patches of magic-imbued flowers
sharpen the senses. All creatures standing in the
Leaf Song grove have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and
At 2nd level when you choose this circle, you gain Charisma saving throws.
the ability to listen to plants and communicate with As a bonus action, you can sacrifice the flowers’
plant creatures. As long as you aren’t engaged in magic to end all conditions affecting one creature
strenuous activity, you can use an action to focus on a in the grove’s area. When you do so, all creatures of
plant within 30 feet of you. You instantly learn what your choice standing in the grove gain temporary
the plant is, what its properties are, and what (if hit points equal to your druid level, and the grove
anything) is ailing it. If you spend at least 1 minute fo- withers.
cusing on the plant, you learn about events that have
happened within 30 feet of the plant over the past Take Root
day, such as information about creatures that have At 6th level, while standing on solid ground you can
passed through, weather, and other circumstances. use a bonus action to root yourself in place. While
Additionally, plant creatures can understand your you remain rooted, your speed is 0 and you cannot
speech, and you gain the ability to decipher their noises be forced to move or knocked prone by any means.
and motions whether or not you share a language. You remain rooted until you choose to end the effect
(no action required).
Sacred Grove If you are rooted when your turn begins, you can
At 2nd level, you can imbue your surroundings choose to spend one of your Hit Dice. When you
with vitality to temporarily create a magical pocket do so, roll the die and regain hit points equal to the
grove. As an action, you can expend a use of your result plus your Constitution modifier.
Wild Shape feature to transform the area around you
rather than assuming a beast form. Grove Warden
When you use this feature, vitality surges into At 10th level, your bond to the sacred grove has
the ground in a 15-foot radius centered on you. deepened, allowing you more exact control over its
Normal plants in the affected area rapidly expand, behavior. When summoned, the grove now covers a
and magical plants sprout from the ground. The 30-foot-radius circle centered on you. Additionally,
sacred grove remains magical for 1 minute, until it you can now decide whether allied creatures (includ-
withers, or until you fall unconscious, after which ing yourself) inside the grove are immune to any
its magic fades, but normal plants remain healthy effects it imposes.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Heart of the Forest Enduring Vigor

You and the grove are now one, and as long as it When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can
stands, so do you. At 14th level, if you are reduced to travel for up to 12 hours a day before it is considered
0 hit points while in the area of your sacred grove, a forced march for you. In addition, when you finish
the grove withers and you gain hit points equal to a short rest, you can reduce your exhaustion level by
your druid level. Once you use this feature, you can’t one. Once used, you cannot reduce your exhaustion
use it again until you finish a long rest. level in this way again until you finish a long rest.
If your body is destroyed completely, the grove
withers, leaving a single acorn at its center. If this Living Bulwark
acorn is left undisturbed or is planted somewhere At 3rd level, you have learned to shelter yourself and
else, you regain a new body in 1d10 days, regain all those around you from harm and can use a bonus
your hit points, and become active again. Your new action to take a special defensive stance until the
body appears within 5 feet of the acorn, which is beginning of your next turn. You and allies you can
destroyed as soon as you regain consciousness. see within 5 feet of you gain a +2 bonus to armor
class for the duration. When an ally in that area is hit
by an attack or targeted by a spell, you can use your
reaction to cause the attack or spell to target you
At 10th level, you learn to intercept effects that
would harm small groups. Allies in the area of your
Living Bulwark feature have advantage on saving
throws against area-of-effect spells and abilities
while you are not incapacitated. You have resistance
to damage from such effects for the duration of
Living Bulwark.
Fighter: Legionnaire At 15th level, the presence of your allies
Archetype emboldens you with near-impossible resilience.
When you use this feature, you also gain a number
Legionnaires are professional soldiers, warriors, and of temporary hit points equal to your Constitution
peacekeepers held to the highest possible standards of modifier per each ally in the area, to a maximum of
physical stamina and training. Generally enlisted into 20 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points
military service or trained as bodyguards for nobility, last for 1 minute.
legionnaires are prized for their skill with shields and You can use this feature a number of times equal to
armor as well as their stoic and ever-dependable bear- your Constitution modifier (minimum of once), and
ing. Taught to overcome physical pain and discomfort, you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a
legionnaires can travel huge distances and arrive fresh short or long rest.
and ready to defend their cohorts in battle. A legion-
naire freed of their duty to the legion may find little rest Close Ranks
in civilian life and inevitably seek the thrill, companion- Starting at 7th level, you become an obstacle for
ship, and familiarity of adventure, combat, and war. your comrades’ would-be pursuers. When you hit a
More information about legionnaires in the Eldrin creature with a melee weapon attack while you are
Empire can be found in the “North Point” section in holding a shield, each ally within 5 feet of you or
chapter 2. the target can use its reaction to move up to half its
speed without provoking an attack of opportunity
Legionnaire Features from the target.

Fighter Level Features Pressing Advancement

Starting at 10th level, when an enemy dies within
3rd Enduring Vigor, Living Bulwark 5 feet of you and no other hostile creatures are
within that area, you can use your reaction to
7th Close Ranks
move up to your speed straight toward a different
10th Pressing Advancement creature you can see. If this movement brings you
within 5 feet of the target, you may make a single
15th Overwhelming Tactics melee weapon attack against it. If the attack hits,
the creature takes additional damage equal to your
18th Vigilant Defenses
Constitution modifier.
Overwhelming Tactics
At 15th level, you have learned to expose weaknesses
in your opponents, opening them to reprisal from
your allies. When you score a critical hit with a
melee weapon attack against a creature, each ally
within range of the target can use a reaction to make
a single melee weapon attack against it. Monk:
In addition, each time you use your Indomitable Way of the Chronicle
feature, you gain temporary hit points equal to your
Constitution modifier. These temporary hit points Monks who follow the Way of the Chronicle dedicate
last for 1 minute. themselves to acquiring and preserving knowledge.
They believe that every story is an important piece
Vigilant Defenses of a great cosmic chronicle that links all beings, and
When you reach 18th level, you have perfected universal harmony can only be achieved by making
the art of fighting in tandem with others, partially this shared knowledge available to all. To these
sheltering them at all times. While wearing armor monks, the energy of ki is drawn from tapping into
and holding a shield, creatures of your choice the great reservoir of shared knowledge that psychi-
within 5 feet of you can’t have an AC of less than cally empowers all beings.
16. This shared armor class is increased by magic, Monasteries dedicated to the chronicle often
such as haste, and your Living Bulwark feature as double as public libraries that offer free courses on
normal. elementary reading and writing. The majority of
In addition, each time you use your Second chronicle monks learn the techniques used to create
Wind ability, you gain immunity to nonmagical illuminated manuscripts in these institutions, then
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and continue to spend their lives working and teaching at
resistance to magical damage of the same types these monasteries. However, a small group of these
until the start of your next turn. monks are trained to produce ki-powered scrolls
Chapter 1: Character Creation

called “seals” to defend themselves as they brave saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or
the dangers of the world. These specialized monks possessed by them.
are the ones tasked with recovering lost texts and At the end of your next long rest, you can choose
transcribing the stories of people in distant lands. to research the same creature type or a different
option from the list.
Way of the Chronicle Features
Warding Seal
Monk Level Features At 11th level, you can create a new kind of seal. As a
3rd Scribe’s Tools, Sealing Strike bonus action, you can spend 2 ki points to touch a crea-
ture and mystically mark them with a warding seal for
6th Informed Defense
1 minute. (You can target yourself with this feature.)
11th Warding Seal Warding seals delivered in this way count against
17th Perfect Knowledge the total number of seals you can have active at one
time (equal to your proficiency bonus).
When a marked creature you can see within 60
Scribe’s Tools feet of you would take damage, you can use your
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain reaction to expend 1 ki point to halve the damage the
proficiency in the Arcana skill and with calligrapher’s marked creature takes.
supplies. You also gain a special book or other reposi- If a creature marked with a warding seal would
tory in which to chronicle your experiences. drop to 0 hit points as a result of taking damage,
the target instead drops to 1 hit point and the seal is
Sealing Strike destroyed. Alternatively, if the target is subjected to
Beginning at 3rd level, when you hit a creature with an effect that would kill it instantaneously without
an unarmed strike, you can spend 1 ki point to stamp dealing damage, that effect is instead negated against
the target with a mystical seal that lasts for 1 minute the target, and the seal is destroyed.
or until the target drops to 0 hit points.
You can have a number of seals active equal to your Perfect Knowledge
proficiency bonus at any one time. At 17th level, you can spend 5 ki points to target
When you hit a creature bearing a seal with a melee one creature marked by your Sealing Strike. When
weapon attack, you can expend ki points to deal you do, you are momentarily imbued with all the
force damage to the target in addition to the attack’s knowledge ever recorded about that creature. You
normal damage. The extra damage is equal to your have resistance to all damage dealt by the target for 1
Martial Arts die, plus an additional roll of your Martial minute, or until you become incapacitated.
Arts die for each ki point spent beyond the 1st, to a
maximum of 5 Martial Arts dice.
As an action, you can break a seal on a marked
creature you can see within 60 feet of you. When you
do so, the seal is destroyed and the marked creature
takes force damage. Roll a number of d8s equal to
your proficiency bonus to determine the amount of
force damage. Additionally, all creatures within 20
feet of the marked creature must attempt a Dexterity
saving throw against your ki save DC, taking the
same amount of damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.
Informed Defense Oath of Blood
At 6th level, as part of a long rest, you can spend
time reviewing your chronicle and meditating on all The Oath of Blood binds paladins to protect the
the information you have accrued about a specific creatures they serve, siphoning their own life force to
creature type. safeguard their charges. Mystically dedicating their
Choose a type of enemy: aberration, beast, celes- own lives to others allows these guardians to push
tial, construct, dragon, elemental, fey, fiend, giant, their bodies beyond normal limitations and expend
humanoid, monstrosity, ooze, plant, or undead. For life force to enhance their allies.
24 hours, creatures of that type have disadvantage on Paladins who follow this oath are often destined to do
attack rolls against you. You also have advantage on so from birth, coming from a line of ancestors who have
Chapter 1: Character Creation

served each generation of an influential family. Whether first activate this ability, and at the beginning of each
trained from infancy or not, these paladins dedicate turn you take in the next minute, you can choose to
their lives to a particular person or group of people, expend one of your Hit Dice (no action required by
drawing power from their deep commitment to others. you) to gain one of the following benefits:
• Roll the expended Hit Die and recover a
number of hit points equal to the result plus
your Constitution modifier.
TENETS OF BLOOD • End one condition currently affecting you.
A paladin who assumes the Oath of Blood When the blood song ends, you gain one level of
swears to protect those they serve, no exhaustion.
matter the cost to themselves. Turn the Bloodless. You can use your Channel
Fidelity. Your loyalty is always to your Divinity to amplify the power of your life blood,
charge, coming first before the bonds of driving bloodless creatures away from its pulsing
family or law. heat. As an action, you present your holy symbol,
Preservation. Life is a precious force and every construct, elemental, ooze, and undead
that should never be given or taken lightly. creature within 30 feet of you must attempt a
Sacrifice. If a creature suffers under Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is
a burden that can be shared, offer your turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
shoulder to lighten the load. A turned creature must spend its turns trying to
Service. The needs of others come move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t
before your own. willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It
also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use
only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect
that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to
move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Oath of Blood Features
Paladin Level Features Life Link
Starting at 7th level, as an action you can give a
3rd Channel Divinity, Oath Spells portion of your vitality to one willing creature you
can touch, creating a mystical link between you.
7th Life Link
When you do so, you reduce your current hit points
15th Scarlet Symphony and your hit point maximum by 10. If you have fewer
than 10 hit points or your hit point maximum is less
20th Font of Vitality than 10, you cannot use this feature. This reduction
lasts until the life link ends.
Oath Spells While you remain linked, you gain the following
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed. benefits:
• You can focus on a linked creature (no
action required) and immediately learn
Oath of Blood Spells
its current physical and emotional state,
Paladin Level Spells including any conditions or spells currently
affecting it. You also learn the exact distance
3rd false life, inflict wounds and direction of the creature. If the creature
is on another plane of existence, you learn
5th gentle repose, lesser restoration
that, though you cannot discern which
9th revivify, vampiric touch plane it is on.
• As long as the linked creature is within 30
13th death ward, locate creature feet of you, you can use a bonus action to
expend points from your Lay on Hands pool
17th antilife shell, greater restoration
to restore an equal number of hit points to
that creature.
Channel Divinity A life link lasts for 24 hours, until you choose to
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the end it (no action required), or until you or the linked
following two Channel Divinity options. creature dies. You can maintain life links with a
Blood Song. As a bonus action, you cause the blood number of creatures equal to half your proficiency
within you to surge at a hyperactive rate. When you bonus (rounded down) at one time.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Scarlet Symphony
Starting at 15th level, your mastery of the blood song Fringe Warden Features
allows you to awaken its power in others. Whenever Ranger Level Features
you expend a Hit Die to gain a benefit of your Blood
Song, all creatures life-linked with you can also Fringe Warden Magic,
choose to expend one of their Hit Dice to recover hit Guerilla Tactics, Sharpened Senses
points or end one condition currently affecting them
7th Moving Target
(depending on which option you picked).
11th Cover of Night
Font of Vitality 15th Escape Artist
At 20th level, as an action, you can cause the life
within you to radiate outward as a magical force.
For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
Fringe Warden Magic
• You have advantage on Constitution saving throws Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell
and have resistance to nonmagical damage. when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown
• The first time an enemy creature comes within in the Fringe Warden Spells table. Each spell counts
30 feet of you or starts its turn there, the as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against
creature must succeed on a Constitution saving the number of ranger spells you know.
throw or lose a number of hit points equal to half
your Constitution ability score (rounded down). Fringe Warden Spells
Damage suffered in this way cannot be healed by
Ranger Level Spells
spells or any other magical abilities.
• Whenever an allied creature (including you) ends 3rd find familiar
its turn within 30 feet of you, it regains a number
5th invisibility
of hit points equal to half its Constitution ability
score (rounded down). 9th phantom steed
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again 13th faithful hound
until you finish a long rest.
17th seeming

Guerilla Tactics
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
know how to use mobility to your benefit. Once
per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one
creature you hit with a weapon attack if you have
moved at least 10 feet on the same turn.
The extra damage increases to 2d6 at 7th level, 3d6
at 11th level, and 4d6 at 15th level.

Sharpened Senses
Starting at 3rd level, while in your favored terrain, as
Ranger: Fringe long as you can hear and smell, you can treat lightly
Warden Archetype obscured areas as if they were not obscured, and heav-
ily obscured areas as if they were lightly obscured.
Fringe wardens patrol distant frontiers, keeping
watch for mundane or magical threats attempting Moving Target
to cross the borders they are sworn to protect. Starting at 7th level, as long as there are no creatures
These rangers are trained to survive alone in the within 5 feet of you, you can take the Dodge action as
wilderness for months at a time, stalking potential a bonus action.
threats and gathering information to send back to
civilization. Cover of Night
Since fringe wardens primarily work alone, they Starting at 11th level, whenever you roll initiative while
rarely engage in direct combat, preferring stealth in dim light or darkness, you are automatically hidden
and sabotage. If a warden does come upon a serious from all creatures at least 10 feet away from you. You
threat, their primary mission is to survive long remain hidden until the end of your next turn or until
enough to carry warning back to civilization. you attack or cast a spell.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Escape Artist Create Gadget

At 15th level, you can no longer be restrained or When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can
paralyzed, your speed cannot be reduced, and your create remarkable objects out of simple nonmagical
movement no longer provokes opportunity attacks. materials. When you gain this feature, pick two
In addition, when a hostile creature you can see gadgets you know how to make, choosing from the
comes within 10 feet of you for the first time on a Gadget Blueprints section at the end of the subclass
turn, you can use your reaction to move up to your description.
movement speed. Whenever you gain a level of rogue, you can replace
one of the gadget blueprints you learned with a new
You can build a gadget from a blueprint you know
during a long rest. Assembling a gadget requires at
least 1 hour of uninterrupted focus. You can only ever
have one gadget of each blueprint crafted at any one
time, and due to its complex nature, a gadget is only
usable by you.
At 9th level, the total number of blueprints you
know increases to three, and at 13th level, it increases
to four.

Rogue: Covert Surprise Inside

Operative Archetype At 9th level, you gain an additional way to use your
Sneak Attack; you don’t need advantage on the at-
Covert operatives are the multi-tools of the underworld.
tack roll to use your Sneak Attack against a creature
With an array of magical gadgets at their disposal, they
if you have used a gadget on the same round. All the
are prepared for whatever trouble comes their way (or
other rules for Sneak Attack still apply to you.
whatever trouble they stir up). Foes rarely recognize
a covert operative before it’s too late, as an explosive
array of concealed tricks fly from their sleeves.
Advanced Blueprints
By 13th level, your knowledge of gadgetry has signifi-
Covert operatives are typically spies and
cantly expanded. You now gain the benefits of the
undercover agents in the employ of the Planes’ many
Advanced Blueprint features detailed in the Gadget
factions. These rogues are resourceful experts in
Blueprints section.
concealing and creating equipment to address any
contingency. This capacity for flexibility makes covert
operatives ideally suited for delicate or dangerous
Contingency Plan
Starting at 17th level, your reaction time is legend-
situations. Rogues who pursue this archetype
ary. Whenever you are targeted by an attack or deal
demonstrate great intelligence regarding problem-
damage with an attack, you can use a reaction to take
solving and the rapid-fire dexterity necessary to pull
the Use an Object action.
off such intricate schemes.

Gadget Blueprints
Covert Operative Features
The gadget blueprints available to covert operatives
Rogue Level Features are detailed here. Whenever a gadget specifies it
takes an action to use, you can do so with the Use
3rd Always Prepared, Create Gadget (2) an Object action. Each gadget counts as magical and
ceases to function while in an antimagic field or
9th Surprise Inside, Create Gadget (3)
when exposed to similar magical effects.
Advanced Blueprints,
You create a pair of glass lenses capable of seeing
17th Contingency Plan
beyond the normal color spectrum. As an action, you
can activate the eyeglasses to enhance your percep-
Always Prepared tion. When you activate the eyeglasses, choose one of
Starting at 3rd level, you treat all initiative rolls of 9 the following effects:
or lower as if you had rolled a 10. Additionally, you Darkvision. You gain darkvision out to a range
can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning of 30 feet. If you already have darkvision, your
Action to take the Use an Object action. darkvision radius is doubled.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Heat Vision. You can see invisible creatures and as your action each round the cuff remains activated,
objects as if they were visible. You are also aware you can target one metal object that you can see
of any creatures within 30 feet of you or if any within 30 feet of you. You can affect the same target
creatures come within 30 feet of you, regardless of round after round or choose a new one at any time.
lighting conditions. If you switch targets, the prior target is no longer
Magic Vision. You gain the benefits of the detect affected by the cuff.
magic spell. You can try to move a metal object that weighs up to
X-ray Vision. You gain the ability to see through 250 pounds. If the object isn’t being worn or carried,
solid matter. To you, solid objects within that radius you automatically move it in a straight line up to 15
appear transparent and don’t prevent light from feet toward or away from you, but not beyond 30 feet.
passing through them. The vision can penetrate 1 foot If the object is worn or carried by an unwilling
of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or up to 3 feet of creature, you must make an ability check with
wood or dirt. Thicker substances block your vision, as your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus
does a thin sheet of lead. contested by the creature’s Strength check. If you
While the eyeglasses are activated, you can use an succeed, you pull the object away from that creature
action to deactivate them or switch the type of vision and can move it in a straight line up to 15 feet
the lenses bestow. toward or away from you, but not beyond 30 feet.
You can keep the eyeglasses activated for up to 1 If the object is a worn object that cannot easily be
minute, all at once or in several shorter spans, each removed (such as armor), if you win the contest, the
one using a minimum of 6 seconds (1 round) from the targeted creature also moves with the metal object.
duration. The eyeglasses fully recharge each day at On subsequent rounds, you can use your action to
dawn. attempt to maintain your grip on the creature by
Advanced Blueprint. The advanced blueprint of repeating the contest. If the combined weight of
the all-seeing eyeglasses increases the amount of the object and the creature exceed 250 pounds, the
time the eyeglasses can be activated. You can keep target cannot be moved.
the eyeglasses activated for up to 10 minutes, all You can keep the cuff activated for up to 1 minute,
at once or in several shorter spans, each one using all at once or in several shorter spans, each one using
a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. The a minimum of 6 seconds (1 round) from the duration.
eyeglasses fully recharge each day at dawn. The magnet cuff fully recharges each day at dawn.
Advanced Blueprint. The advanced blueprint of
GRAPPLE BELT the magnet cuff allows you to affect a target you can
You create a utility belt that contains a suction-based see within 60 feet of you and increases the range
grappling hook. As an action you can activate the you can push or pull objects to 60 feet. Additionally,
belt, launching a rope toward a solid surface that you you can now affect objects that weigh up to 500
can see within 30 feet of you (this surface cannot be pounds or a creature and object with a combined
part of a creature). The suction cup at the end of the weight of up to 500 pounds.
rope adheres to that surface, and you are immedi-
ately pulled to that location. On subsequent rounds, NERVE CLIP
you can use your action to maintain the belt’s grip on You create an ornamental clip that conducts a
the targeted surface. If you are tethered to a location stimulating charge. As an action, you can activate
above ground and the belt’s charge runs out or is not the clip, shocking your nervous system with a
maintained with an action, you fall as normal. jolt of electricity. Immediately upon activating
You can keep the belt activated for up to 1 minute, the clip, you can repeat a Wisdom-, Charisma-, or
all at once or in several shorter spans, each one using Intelligence-based saving throw to end an ongo-
a minimum of 6 seconds (1 round) from the duration. ing effect currently affecting you. On subsequent
The grapple belt fully recharges each day at dawn. rounds, you can use your action to maintain the
Advanced Blueprint. The advanced blueprint of clip’s charge. While the charge is active, you have
the grapple belt increases its range to 60 feet and advantage on Wisdom-, Charisma-, and Intelligence-
there is no longer a limit to how long you can keep it based saving throws.
activated. You can keep the clip activated for up to 1 minute,
all at once or in several shorter spans, each one using
MAGNET CUFF a minimum of 6 seconds (1 round) from the duration.
You create a metal cuff that transforms into a power- The nerve clip fully recharges each day at dawn.
ful magnet. As an action, you can activate the cuff, Advanced Blueprint. The advanced blueprint of
creating a magnetic field that allows you to push or the clip includes a fail-safe mechanism. If you fail a
pull metal objects. When you activate the cuff, and Wisdom-, Charisma-, or Intelligence-based saving
Chapter 1: Character Creation

throw while the charge is active, you can use your

reaction to expend the clip’s remaining charge to
succeed on that saving throw instead. Once the
nerve clip is used in this way, it cannot be activated
again until it fully recharges at dawn.

You create a heavy cloak lined with vials of hazy Sorcerer: Wildeheart
smoke. As an action, you can activate the cloak, Sorcerous Origin
enveloping yourself in a cloud of obscuring smoke.
While the cloak is active, you and all creatures You are a fey-touched creature, for your innate magic
within 5 feet of you gain the benefits of half cover comes from the Wildes itself. Perhaps you were born
while in bright light and three-quarters cover in in a moonlit glade near a fey crossing, or you might
dim light or darkness. On subsequent rounds, trace your lineage to a dryad. Whatever your ances-
you can use your action to maintain the smoke. try, the source of your magic comes from a realm of
Otherwise, it dissipates at the beginning of your primal magic run amok. It ebbs and flows between
next turn. capriciously severe and whimsically benign.
You can keep the cloak activated for up to 1 The sway of Wildeheart magic bestows an
minute, all at once or in several shorter spans, each enchanted characteristic to your physical appearance.
one using a minimum of 6 seconds (1 round) from Your otherworldly mystique is unmistakable as it
the duration. The smoke cloak fully recharges each suffuses everything about you. At your discretion, you
day at dawn. may pick from or roll on the Wildeheart Attributes
Advanced Blueprint. The advanced blueprint of table to create an attribute for your character.
the cloak allows you more control of the smoke.
When you activate the cloak, you can choose to Wildeheart Attributes
just grant the benefits of cover to yourself, expand
the smoke to affect all creatures within 5 feet of d6 Attribute
you, or expand it to affect all creatures within 10
1 You always smell like wildflowers.
feet of you.
2 Your nails are made of tree bark.
You create a spring-loaded mechanism easily con- 3 The wind is always in your hair, even in calm air.
cealed in the cuff of a sleeve or the sole of a shoe. As
4 When you bleed, you bleed sap.
an action, you can activate the mechanism, causing it
to emit compressed sonic energy shaped like a blade 5 Your shadow has a mind of its own.
for 1 minute.
As part of the action to activate the blade, you can 6 Your eyes look like the night sky, filled with stars.
choose to make a single melee weapon attack against
a target you can see within 5 feet of you. If the target
has not been hit with your sonic blade before, you Wildeheart Features
have advantage on this attack roll. Sorcerer
Once the mechanism has been activated, it cannot Features
be activated again until the following dawn.
The blade is identical in size and shape to a 1st Wildeheart Magic, Gift of Glamour
dagger, but it deals 1d4 magical thunder damage 6th Wilde Manifestation
instead of piercing damage and it cannot be
thrown. The sonic blade is invisible, but it emits 14th Twilight Shroud
a high-pitched, nearly inaudible sound while it is
18th Touch of Sovereignty
active. Proficiency with a dagger allows you to add
your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any
attack you make with it. You do not need to have Wildeheart Magic Spells
your hands free to use the sonic blade. You learn additional spells when you reach certain
Advanced Blueprint. The advanced blueprint levels in this class, as shown on the Wildeheart Magic
of the sonic blade causes it to deal 1d8 magical Spells table. Each of these spells counts as a sorcerer
thunder damage instead of 1d4 magical thunder spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number
damage. of sorcerer spells you know.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Touch of Sovereignty
Wildeheart Magic Spells Beginning at 18th level, you realize the full potential
Sorcerer of the faerie magic within you. You can no longer be
Spells charmed or frightened.
Additionally, you can now spend 6 sorcery points
1st entangle, faerie fire to take one of the following actions. Once you have
3rd barkskin, spike growth used one of these actions, you cannot use either until
you complete a long rest.
5th conjure animals, hypnotic pattern Summer’s Kiss. You touch a willing creature
(not coerced by magic) and designate them as your
7th blight, conjure woodland beings vassal for the next 8 hours. Your vassal gains all your
9th insect plague, tree stride resistances and immunities while in your service.
While your vassal is within 60 feet of you, anytime
you would take damage, your vassal takes the
Gift of Glamour damage instead. If this damage drops your vassal to
At 1st level, you gain the ability to cast disguise self 0 hit points, your connection is broken, and you take
a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, the remainder of the damage not absorbed by your
and you regain all expended uses when you finish a vassal.
long rest. Winter’s Bite. Make a ranged spell attack against a
Additionally, starting at 2nd level, whenever you hostile creature that you can see. On a successful hit,
cast a spell of 1st level or higher that forces creatures you mystically mark them as your prey for the next
that can see you to attempt a saving throw, you can 8 hours. While your prey is within 60 feet of you,
expend sorcery points to impose disadvantage on when you deal damage to them, you heal a number of
the roll. Doing so requires you to expend a number of hit points equal to the damage you deal. If your prey
sorcery points equal to the level of the spell slot used drops to 0 hit points before the duration is up, your
to cast the spell. You must declare your use of this connection is broken.
feature as you are casting the spell and before the
target attempts the saving throw.

Wilde Manifestation
At 6th level, you can manifest the magic within you
to transform your physiology. As a bonus action you
can spend 3 sorcery points to gain one of the follow-
ing benefits for 1 minute.
Bargain of Vitality. When you cast a spell of 1st
level or higher, you gain temporary hit points equal to
the spell slot level plus your Charisma modifier.
Unearthly Resistance. You have advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Warlock: Titan
Veil of Misdirection. You project illusory magic Otherworldly Patron
that makes you difficult to target. Attack rolls against
you have disadvantage. If you are hit by an attack, Your patron is a titan, one of the mighty beings who
this trait ceases to function until the beginning of forged the world out of primal chaos. The titans were
your next turn. This trait also ceases to function slaughtered en masse by their children, the rebellious
while you are incapacitated. gods, and the few who remain seek to return to their
Creatures with truesight can see through your veil full power. By accepting their powers of creation, you
and do not have disadvantage on attacks against you. become their agent in the Mortal Realm.
Those who forge a pact with a titan must be inter-
Twilight Shroud ested in how things are put together. To walk the path
Starting at 14th level, when you would be hit by an of the titan is to open the backing of the universe and
attack that targets only you (not an area of effect), you observe its moving parts. Warlocks who adopt these
can use a reaction to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoc- abilities are often tinkerers, architects, and inventors
cupied space you can see. The triggering attack misses. before they turn their lives toward adventuring. The
You can use this feature a number of times equal to few remaining titans sequester themselves in pocket
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended dimensions, waiting for a time when the gods have
uses of it when you finish a long rest. lost the power and influence to hunt them. Because
your titan patron cannot move freely in the world,
you are expected to act on their behalf. A titan may Titan Expanded Spells
call upon their warlock to retrieve a legendary item to
Spell Level Spells
help their cause, ask them to orchestrate doubt amid
a religious population, or construct monuments to 1st detect magic, grease
remind the world of its forgotten creators. Whatever
the specific quest, your patron provides you with the 2nd enlarge/reduce, magic weapon
tools to make and unmake matter so you may rebuild
3rd create food and water, tiny hut
reality in their image.
4th fabricate, stone shape
The Titan Features
5th animate objects, creation
Shard of Creation
Expanded Spell List, Shard of Creation,
1st Starting at 1st level, your patron gives you a shard of
Eyes of the Maker
creation, which is a Tiny magical object that mysteri-
6th Artificial Apprentice ously appears on your person. While you hold the
object, you may use it as a spellcasting focus when
10th Mend the Broken casting your warlock spells. The shard’s appearance is
a fluid, constantly shifting bundle of plasma.
14th Curse of Unmaking
The shard’s AC equals your spell save DC. Its hit
point maximum equals your warlock level plus your
Expanded Spell List proficiency bonus, and it is immune to poison and
The Titan lets you choose from an expanded list of psychic damage. The shard vanishes instantly if you
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following are slain or if it is not in your possession for more
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. than 24 consecutive hours.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

If the shard is destroyed or you lose it, you can Mend the Broken
perform a 1-hour ritual entreating your patron’s aid to At 10th level, your innate understanding of the
receive a replacement at the end of the duration. architecture of matter allows you to repair damage
While you are touching the shard, you can use it in with ease. As an action you can touch a creature or
the following ways: object within reach and cause it to magically regain a
Demolition. Once during each of your turns when number of hit points equal to five times your warlock
you hit an object or structure with a melee or spell level.
attack, you can double your damage. This effect also repairs any catastrophic damage
Scale Model. As an action, you can transform suffered by the target, such as lost limbs, missing
the shard into a Tiny model of a mundane object parts, or other damage that would ordinarily be
or structure. When you spend time creating a irreparable. If the object you affect does not have
full-scale version of the model or interacting with a hit point total, your touch restores the object to
the recreated object, you are proficient in any tools working order as best as it can using the pieces
required to craft or interact with the object or available. This feature cannot restore expended
structure, and you add 1d8 to the result of any ability charges on magic items or restore magical properties
check required to craft or interact with the object or to objects that were once magical.
structure. Once you have used this feature, you must finish a
long rest before you can use it again.
Eyes of the Maker
Beginning at 1st level, when you touch a magic item Curse of Unmaking
or some other magic-imbued object, you learn its Starting at 14th level, you can unravel the threads
properties and how to use it, whether it requires that give matter its shape. As an action, you can make
attunement to use, and how many charges it has (if a spell attack against a creature, object, or structure
any). You learn whether any spells are affecting the within reach. On a successful hit, the target becomes
item and what they are. If the item was created by a cursed. While so cursed, the target is vulnerable to
spell, you learn which spell created it. all damage. If the target is a creature, it can attempt
a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC
Artificial Apprentice at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on a
At 6th level, as an action, you can present your success.
shard of creation and transform it into an artificial Once you have used this feature, you must finish a
duplicate of yourself. The duplicate appears in an long rest before you can use it again.
unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet of
you. Despite its appearance, the duplicate is an
object that is capable of acting independently of
you but always obeys your commands (no action
required). The duplicate can move and perform
actions as though it were you, though it cannot cast
spells, make attacks, or harm other creatures in any
way. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on
its own turn.
While your apprentice is within 60 feet of you,
anytime you would take damage, you can choose
for the duplicate to take the damage instead. If this
damage drops your duplicate to 0 hit points, your Wizard:
duplicate (and the shard) is destroyed, and you take School of
the remainder of the damage not absorbed by your Kinetomancy
When you cast spells, you can cast them as though Kinetomancers are a branch of wizards that focus
you were in the duplicate’s space, but you must use on the dynamics of magic when it is pulled into
your own senses when doing so. existence. They study its physical consequences,
The shard can remain in this state for up to 1 hour how it pushes and pulls the area around it, and
before reverting to its original state. The shard also how to account for the sudden influx of forces
reverts to its original state if you choose to end the upon casting it. Kinetic-focused magic comes with
effect, or if it is destroyed. Once you have used this the potential to push reality beyond what’s writ-
feature, you must finish a long rest before you can ten in any spellbook, given the right calculations
use it again. and timing.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

School of Kinetomancy Features Heroic Destinies

Features Too often, characters’ personal stories get lost amid the
world-shaking events of a campaign. While it is impor-
2nd Kickback tant to build an immersive game with a rich setting,
6th Arcane Momentum it is also important to feel connected to the lives of the
heroes who drive the action. The optional rules pre-
10th Reactive Force sented here will help both DMs and players explore the
development and motivations unique to each character.
14th Kinetic Transfer
Heroic destinies provide a story arc individual to each
character. These story arcs might intersect with the
Kickback main plot of your campaign, but more often they are
At 2nd level, you learn to amplify the influx of kinetic the personal journeys that advance during side quests
energy your magic creates. If you successfully hit a or breaks from the main action. When a character
Large or smaller target with a spell attack, you can adopts a heroic destiny, they are declaring what they
choose to push it up to 5 feet away from you. This want for their future, what kind of goals they wish to
movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. pursue. Heroic destinies ask players to consider what
The kickback distance increases to 10 feet and can is most important to their characters and provide
affect Huge or smaller targets when you reach 10th insight into motivations that make their stories richer
level. At 14th level, the kickback distance increases to 15 and more realistic. Sure, the heroes of your campaign
feet, and you can affect Gargantuan or smaller targets. are interested in saving the day, but pursuing a heroic
destiny also provides them an interest in living their
Arcane Momentum lives beyond the scope of individual adventures.
At 6th level, you can tap into the energy of a spell in
motion and redirect it before it dissipates. Whenever Heroic
you fail to hit a creature with a ranged spell attack, Destiny System
you can use your reaction to attempt to redirect the
spell toward a different target you can see within 30 The following ruleset provides players the opportu-
feet of the original target. You must make a new spell nity to craft a heroic destiny. These destinies allow
attack roll for the new target. players to explore their characters’ personal journeys
You can use this feature a number of times equal further, tailoring a unique play experience beyond
to your proficiency bonus. You regain uses of this standard leveling.
feature when you complete a long rest.
How to Use Heroic Destinies
Reactive Force Heroic destinies are an optional rules expansion, so
At 10th level, energy directed toward you can be before you decide to use the system, you must agree
collected and sent back in kind. Whenever a creature as a gaming group to do so. Both DMs and players need
hits you with an attack, all creatures of your choice to buy into this ruleset for it to work. Once your group
within 5 feet of you take 2d8 force damage. agrees to use heroic destinies, you can work together
to choose destinies for your characters. When you
Kinetic Transfer select a heroic destiny for your character, run it by the
At 14th level, when you successfully hit a creature with DM and ask if they think that destiny in particular fits
a ranged spell attack, you can forgo your kickback to into the scope of the campaign. Conversation back
slam them with the full force of the spell’s potential and forth is critical to explain what you want for your
energy. Make an ability check with your spellcasting character. After all, by choosing a heroic destiny, you
ability contested by the creature’s Strength check. are answering questions about what you want for your
If you win the contest, you move the creature in a character’s future, an exercise demanding thoughtful
single direction up to a number of feet equal to the consideration. The flavor of a heroic destiny is ulti-
spell range minus the distance between you and the mately up to each player to decide, and the more you
target. The target takes 1d6 force damage for every 10 communicate about your ideas, the easier it will be for
feet it is pushed in this way, to a maximum of 20d6. the DM to present opportunities for milestones.
If you lose the contest, the creature is moved half Once the players have chosen their heroic
that distance and does not take force damage. destinies, it is up to the DM to make sure there
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again are opportunities for each player to achieve the
until you finish a short or a long rest. milestones they need to progress through the tiers
Chapter 1: Character Creation

specific to each destiny. The DM should start by When you advance your destiny tier, you gain
familiarizing themselves with each destiny, then access to all features of the new tier in addition to
think of ways to incorporate specific milestones the features of previous tiers.
into the campaign. There are several strategies for
incorporating heroic destinies: Suggested Class Level
• You can choose to build your whole campaign to Heroic Destiny Tier
around achieving destiny milestones. While heroic destinies are milestone achievements
• You can build multi-session adventure arcs to and not tied to experience points, heroic destinies
achieve milestones. These arcs occur during grant powerful rewards that can skew the balance
breaks from pursuing the main plot. of standard gameplay. Because of this, it is recom-
• You can figure out a way to weave heroic mended that you use the following table as a guide
destiny milestones into your main plot. for when players should unlock new destiny tiers
• You could agree that these milestone events over the course of a long-term campaign.
happen during “off-screen” downtime. Perhaps
you start a session asking each player to Recommend
Heroic Destiny Tier
Class Level Range
describe achieving a milestone as a flashback.
1 1–4
Leveling Up 2 5–10
Heroic destinies can begin at any point in a campaign,
3 11–16
though specific conditions must be met to begin each
destiny. These rules are completely optional, though it 4 17–20
is recommended that if one player chooses to pursue a
destiny, all other players should choose a destiny as well. Replacing a Heroic Destiny
Characters who have successfully begun a heroic Sometimes players change their minds and no longer
destiny can continue furthering their connection want to pursue a particular heroic destiny for their
to it by increasing their destiny tier through characters. This is completely fine. At any point, a
achieving milestones. Each type of heroic destiny player can discard a chosen heroic destiny and work
has an example list of possible milestones that are with their DM to choose a new destiny path. A player
thematically unique. There are no rigid rules about who ends a particular destiny loses all the previous
what these meaningful events must be. For example, a destiny benefits and immediately starts at the 1st tier
character learning to be a dragon rider is likely to have of a new heroic destiny.
very different milestones than a character conducting
a naturalist study of ettercaps. There is lots of creative Heroic Destinies Options
flexibility in what these milestone events may look There are ten heroic destinies from which a player can
like, but they should always feel impactful. Talk with choose. If you would like to make a heroic destiny
your DM to come up with applicable milestones for that better suits your character, use the structure of
your campaign and how you can achieve them. the provided destinies as a guide to craft your own.

Heroic Destinies
Destiny Description
Avenger Enact revenge to punish those who have wronged you.

Celebrity Make a name for yourself so even strangers know who you are.

Explorer Break boundaries to discover new people, places, and objects.

Fortune-Seeker Amass a horde of treasures and live an opulent life.

Immortal Discover a way to defy death and live forever.

Scholar Learn hidden truths to expand the powers of your mind.

Symbiosis Forge a lasting bond between yourself and a type of creature different from you.

Teacher Encourage others to expand and realize their potential.

Virtuoso Hone your skills to become a master of your craft.

Wielder Become a worthy bearer of a powerful artifact.

Heroic Destiny:
No one is a stranger to tragedy. You’ve experienced
it firsthand, a feeling of helplessness in the wake of Whenever themes of tragedy or suffering
misfortune. Your focus has narrowed; what you’ve are introduced during gameplay, it is
lost and whom you lost it to are seared into your critical for the DM and player to work
soul. You won’t know peace until you’ve gotten your together to ensure a safe experience. For
revenge. the avenger destiny in particular (though
The destiny of avengers is to seek retribution. this is true for the others as well), the
Whenever they are wronged, their payback is swift player, not the DM, should decide the exact
and fierce. No injustice can be left to linger like the nature of the triggering event that sets
tragedies that put them on this path. But as they them on the path of the avenger.
grow stronger, avengers encounter others like them It is never okay for a DM to force
unable to know peace. characters to suffer by robbing them of
Vengeance can never give back everything taken their agency. Do not force players onto
by tragedy, and characters who undertake this this path by killing loved NPCs, attacking a
destiny must learn to grow their world or be left helpless character, or any other triggering
with nothing but violence. Pieces of themselves events unless you have express consent to
can be found in the people they avenge, and do so from the player. Even with consent,
everyone with whom they empathize expands it is critical that you establish boundaries
their focus bit by bit. By the time they’ve avenged and other protective measures using safety
their own tragedy, the only way forward is through tools beforehand like those discussed in
a world of their own making. Maybe then, you chapter 4.
might know peace.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

Avenger Features • You have advantage on Charisma-based

A character who has chosen the avenger heroic checks made to gather information about the
destiny gains the following features. marked creature.

PREREQUISITES Heroic Destiny Benefit: Payback

To embark on this heroic destiny, you must experi- When you take damage from a creature you can see,
ence an event that leads to suffering at the hands of you can use your reaction to seek payback against
another. This event can be any impactful incident it. When you choose to do so, you gain the following
from your past or something that occurs at any benefits for 1 minute:
point in your adventure. Perhaps you had a precious • Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
heirloom stolen from you or you were framed for a • You can add 1d4 to any ability check or attack
crime you didn’t commit. Maybe you lost your home roll you make against that creature. This
or a loved one to a force you were unable to fight. increases to 1d6 when you reach tier 2, 1d8
Whatever your tragedy, it must be caused by some when you reach tier 3.
imposing entity that can potentially be vanquished If the targeted creature drops to 0 hit points before the
or defeated, such as a dark empire or a rival, and not minute is up, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent
an abstract law of reality, such as decay or death. turn of yours to seek payback against a new creature.
Work with your DM to construct the nature of this You can use this feature a number of times per day
event and the best way to tie this malignant entity equal to the number of tiers you have in the avenger
into the overarching adventure. heroic destiny.


The following are examples of possible tier mile- When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you
stones for the avenger heroic destiny: gain the following benefits.
• Declaring a vow of vengeance in front of a
deity, your compatriots, or in the face of your Heroic Destiny Benefit: Path of Pathos
imposing force. You’ve started to fight for those who were wronged
• Sacrificing something you hold dear to get like you. When an ally takes damage from a creature
justice for a stranger. you can see, you can use your reaction to make one
• Standing up to impossible odds to prevent weapon attack against the creature or move up to
your imposing force from escaping your your speed towards the creature without provoking
wrath. opportunity attacks.
• Gaining vengeance or finding peace with your
imposing force. TIER 3 FEATURES
When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you
TIER 1 FEATURES gain the following benefits.
When you successfully embark on your heroic
destiny, you gain the following benefits. Heroic Destiny Benefit: Fury Storm
You can now activate your Payback ability against
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Seething Passion a creature you can see targeting an ally as if it was
You are hyper-focused on seeking vengeance against targeting you. While the ability is active, you can
foes who must be punished. Each dawn, you can change the target of your Payback feature once per
magically mark one creature you have met at any turn (no action required by you).
point in your past (no action required by you). For the
next 24 hours, you gain the following benefits: TIER 4 FEATURES
• You know the direction and distance to the When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you
marked creature as long as it is on the same gain the following benefits.
plane (or realm) of existence. If the creature
is on a different plane, you know which one Heroic Destiny Benefit: Grave Resolve
but not the exact location. This benefit ceases When you or an ally you can see is reduced to 0 hit
to function if the creature is affected by the points but not killed outright, you can choose to
nondetection spell or similar effects that enter a state of resolve. When you enter this state,
conceal a target from divination magic. any conditions affecting you end, and you can im-
• You gain temporary hit points equal to your mediately expend any number of Hit Dice to recover
proficiency bonus whenever you end your hit points. Additionally, you have resistance to all
turn within 30 feet of the marked creature. damage until the start of your next turn.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Heroic Destiny Benefit: Go in Peace TIER MILESTONES

Completing this heroic destiny means your quest The following are examples of possible tier mile-
for vengeance has ended, and finally you can lay stones for the celebrity heroic destiny:
down your sword. At any point while you live, you • Receiving public endorsement from a famous
can choose to lay down your sword, marking an end creature.
to your bloody quest. When you make this choice • Impressing a crowd of onlookers with your
willingly (without coercion of any kind), you lose all exploits.
features and benefits of this heroic destiny. • Sacrificing something you care about to
In exchange, a powerful force or being rewards pursue fame.
you by magically restoring whatever it was that was • Accepting a job or position that routinely puts
taken from you that caused you to seek vengeance you in the public eye.
in the first place. Work with your DM to determine
the nature of this reward, but anything that could TIER 1 FEATURES
be granted by powerful magic like the wish spell is When you successfully embark on your heroic
certainly within reach. destiny, you gain the following benefits.

Heroic Destiny: Heroic Destiny Benefit: Magnetism

Celebrity Your personality draws others to you. You have
advantage on Charisma-based ability checks made
Some people are driven by wealth and others desire to influence creatures who are neutral or friendly
glory, but characters who choose the Celebrity heroic toward you.
destiny do it all for fame. An adventuring career pro-
vides an excellent way to grow a personal legend and Heroic Destiny Benefit: Force of Personality
spread influence across the world and is a jumping-off Your confidence shines through everything you do,
point for many. A character who chooses the celebrity making you a force to be reckoned with. You can re-
heroic destiny is interested in growing their personal place the number rolled on attack roll, saving throw,
renown until even strangers know their name. or ability check made by you with your Charisma
Becoming a celebrity requires hard work and score (adding modifiers as usual to determine the
continual investment of time and resources into your total). You may choose to do this after the die is
endeavors. Whether you aspire to become a staple rolled but before the results of the roll are declared.
of bardic songs or a world-famous bard composing You cannot use this ability again until you
the exploits of others, you have to constantly put complete a short or long rest.
yourself out there to get noticed. Celebrity hopefuls
must push themselves and their skills to heights TIER 2 FEATURES
the world has never seen and believe in their own When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you
potential even when things seem hopeless. gain the following benefits.
The character who chooses this destiny is commit-
ting to a highly social path. Becoming famous requires Heroic Destiny Benefit: People Know Me
earning the adoration or loathing of the people around You have started to make a name for yourself and can
you, so it is impossible to pursue your goals privately. use your influence to call in small favors. While in a
Doing amazing things cannot grow your reputation town or city (or another locale where you might be
unless others are present to witness them. known) you can use this ability once per day to call in
a minor favor from your admirers. Some examples of
Celebrity Features a minor favor are:
A character who has chosen the celebrity heroic • Securing an invitation to an exclusive event
destiny gains the following features. or gathering.
• Learning the specific location of a difficult-
PREREQUISITES to-find person or object.
To embark on this heroic destiny, you must have a • Making sure a particular door or chest is left
direct social interaction in which a creature whose unlocked.
opinion you respect takes notice of your activities • Acquiring comfortable accommodations and
and encourages you to pursue them further. food for one night.
Discuss with your DM how you can achieve this • Convincing law enforcement to overlook a
in your backstory or in game. Maintaining an open minor offense.
dialogue about your advancing destiny is crucial to
building a successful story.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

TIER 3 FEATURES the initiative to make such experiences happen.

When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you Explorers must abandon the safety of the familiar to
gain the following benefits. wholeheartedly take chances, regardless of where
they may ultimately lead.
Heroic Destiny Benefit: A-List The character who chooses this heroic destiny
Your name is well known, and your reputation is committing to a life guided by curiosity.
precedes you wherever you go. While in a town or Immersing yourself in the unknown is always
city (or another locale where you might be known) exciting, rarely safe, and often lonely. As you push
you can use this ability once per week to call in a ever further into worlds unknown, you must
major favor from your admirers. Some examples of a continually make peace with the people and
major favor are: places you must leave behind.
• Arranging a private or public meeting with a
famous individual.
• Securing a pardon (for you or another
creature) for a major criminal offense. MAKE EXPLORATION
• Receiving a gift of a single nonmagical object MATTER
worth 1,000 gp or less.
Characters with the explorer destiny
• Acquiring luxurious, cost-free
pick up several abilities that give them
accommodations and food for 1 week.
advantages in encounters and adventures
TIER 4 FEATURES themed around the exploration pillar of 5th
Edition. As the game currently exists, there
When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you
is little guidance given to DMs about how
gain the following benefits.
to run these kinds of encounters, so it is
important for you to collaborate with them
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Charming Disposition
to build a satisfying gameplay experience.
Whenever any creature tries to attack you for the
New DMs in particular may not have a clue
first time on a turn, you can use your reaction to roll
how to incorporate cartographer’s tools,
a Charisma (Performance) or Charisma (Persuasion)
vehicles, or carrying capacity in a story, so
ability check. If your check is higher than the crea-
be your own advocate! Don’t feel bad about
ture’s Wisdom ability score, it can’t attack you on this
asking questions when you need to. Your
turn, and it must choose a new target for its attack,
DM will likely appreciate your efforts to get
or the attack is wasted.
your character more invested in gameplay.
Just be patient and save big discussions for
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Lifelong Devotion
breaks or between sessions.
Completing this heroic destiny means you have
spread your legend throughout the world, and
creatures from all corners of the land speak your
name with awe. You are a major social force in the Explorer Features
world, and your pursuits have inspired devotion from A character who has chosen the explorer heroic
all manner of people. destiny gains the following features.
When you reach this tier, you gain the services of a
humanoid creature (CR 5 or less) devoted to serving PREREQUISITES
you loyally until death. You control this creature. To begin this heroic destiny, you must find something
Work with your DM to decide the exact nature of this that drives you to seek an uncharted locale. Perhaps
creature, and how you they are connected to you. you find a map to a lost city stuffed in a dusty corner
of a curio shop or you inherit a ciphered journal detail-
Heroic Destiny: ing creatures from a region not on any modern maps.
Explorer Maybe you find a clue that confirms the existence of a
mythical plane of existence or sets you on the trail of a
Characters who choose the explorer heroic destiny loved one who disappeared many years ago. Whatever
are driven primarily by a desire to break boundaries the case may be, the experience has finally given your
by traveling to places unknown. curious spirit a reason to travel far and wide.
Explorers are people of action, destined to chart Discuss with your DM how you can achieve this
the uncharted, discover the undiscovered, and live in your backstory or in game. Maintaining an open
to tell the tale. Becoming an explorer requires not dialogue about your advancing destiny is crucial to
only a driving desire to experience new things but building a successful story.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

TIER MILESTONES You also gain proficiency with two of the

The following are examples of possible tier mile- following: cartographer’s tools, Herbalism Kit,
stones for the explorer heroic destiny: Navigator’s Tools, vehicles (land), or vehicles (water).
• Uncovering a person, place, or object that was
thought to be only a legend. TIER 2 FEATURES
• Mapping an unexplored region. When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you
• Discovering a gateway or portal to a faraway gain the following benefits.
place or a different plane.
• Surviving a deadly challenge or obstacle Heroic Destiny Benefit: Conditioning
meant to block the way forward. Regular visits to remote and wild locations have
honed your physical capabilities. You gain the follow-
TIER 1 FEATURES ing benefits:
When you successfully embark on your heroic • You gain a climbing speed and a swimming
destiny, you gain the following benefits. speed equal to your walking speed. If you
already have a climbing or swimming speed,
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Field Notes they increase by 10 feet.
When you set out on the path of the explorer, you • You suffer the effects of exhaustion as if you
create some kind of resource to record the details of have one level less than you currently have
your travels. This resource could be a diary, a journal, (though you still die if you reach six levels).
a notated atlas, a recording device, a logbook, or any • Your carrying capacity is now your Strength
other Tiny or Small object you can use to take notes score multiplied by 20 (instead of the
during your adventures. standard 15). This is the weight (in pounds)
Whenever you take a long rest and spend at least 30 that you can carry, and you can push, drag,
minutes of that long rest updating your notes, you create or lift twice that amount without suffering
a helpful log of terrain features within a day’s journey a reduction to your speed.
of your current location (approximately 24 miles).
While you are in a noted area, you can use your field TIER 3 FEATURES
notes to replicate the effects of certain spells that When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you
you gain at the tiers noted in the Field Notes Spells gain the following benefits.
table. Casting spells in this way does not require you
to expend a spell slot or any material components. Heroic Destiny Benefit: Survival Instincts
These spells also do not count as magical for the Daily brushes with death have sharpened your in-
purposes of antimagic field, counterspell, dispel stincts to a keen edge. You can no longer be surprised
magic, or any other magical effects that protect while you are conscious.
against magical detection. Additionally, once per day when you are
Once you use your field notes to cast a spell, you confronted with a choice, your instincts can
cannot cast that spell again until you take a long rest. provide you with additional insight. Declare a
specific course of action that you plan to take
Field Notes Spells within the next 30 minutes. The DM chooses one
of the following options to represent what your
Destiny Tier Spells instincts are telling you:
• This is a good idea.
Tier 1 locate animals or plants, locate object
• This is a bad idea.
Tier 2 legend lore, locate creature • This is as good an idea as any other idea.
• This idea is a waste of time.
Tier 3 find the path
Tier 4 foresight
When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you
gain the following benefits.
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Wilderness Training
You have honed your wilderness survival skills in Heroic Destiny Benefit: Arcane Vessel
preparation for the great journeys ahead of you. Your exploits have become legendary, garnering the
You gain proficiency in the Survival skill. If you are attention of patrons and would-be explorers alike.
already proficient in Survival, your proficiency bonus One of your admirers gifts you with a magical vehicle
is doubled for any ability check you make using the capable of aiding your travels.
Survival skill.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Work with your DM to decide the exact nature of Heroic Destiny:

this vessel, but it should at least meet the following Fortune-Seeker
• The vessel should be large enough to An adventuring career offers many rewards, growth,
comfortably accommodate up to 50 glory, and, most important of all, gold. Fortune-
passengers and crew members during a long seekers are ultimately motivated by the desire to
voyage. Suggested vessel size is Gargantuan get filthy rich, perhaps with the side bonus of saving
(approximately 100 feet by 20 feet). the day. A character who chooses this destiny isn’t
• Decide whether the vessel is terrestrial looking for a quick payday; they are committing to
(moves on land and can burrow constructing revenue streams that will keep them in
underground), aerial (flies through the air comfort to the end of their days.
and vacuum environments like space), Building a fortune requires ingenuity, cunning, and
or aquatic (sails on the water and below stellar people skills. Keeping an eye out for lucrative
the waves). Regardless of type, it should opportunities and investments as you adventure
be able to travel about 5 miles per hour across the land is critical to your success. A wise
(approximately 120 miles per day).
• The vessel should have a loyal crew capable
of piloting it, maintaining it, and guarding it
whether or not you are onboard.
Beyond these basics, your vessel might have Nobody at the table has fun playing next
additional magical or mundane features that suit to a character who constantly interrupts
your campaign (your DM has final say on the exact gameplay to rob NPCs or fellow party
mechanics). Keep in mind that this vessel’s primary members, so don’t be that person. There
purpose is transportation rather than combat, so are lots of interesting ways to play rogues,
choosing utility features over weaponry is always roguish personalities, and even criminals
preferable. Here are some suggestions of an extra without making your fellow players want
magical feature you might want to include: to tear their hair out in frustration.
• The vessel has a cloaking device that renders To successfully play a money-motivated
it invisible while not in motion. character, keep the following things in mind:
• Once per day, the vessel and all creatures on • Establish a clear reason why you want
it can teleport to another plane of existence to get rich. Characters who do chaotic
as per the plane shift spell. and cruel things “just because” are
• Once per day, the vessel can activate an boorish and will never make good player
arcane energy that triples its speed for a characters. Creating an actual reason
short amount of time. you do what you do helps inform your
• The vessel can transform itself into an aerial, character’s decisions and helps other
aquatic, or terrestrial vehicle as needed. characters relate to yours.
• Absolutely do not use your abilities to
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Final Destination rob, cheat, or otherwise gaslight your
Completing this heroic destiny means you have made party members. Your character should
countless discoveries and seen things most people be smart enough to realize screwing
only dream of. However, a life of travel has taken over their party is the fastest way to get
its toll, and this time, you know your next great killed, and you should be smart enough
adventure will be your last. Perhaps mystical beings to realize you shouldn’t terrorize your
invite you to retire in their magical dimension, or friends just because your character sheet
perhaps you pass through a gateway to a new world theoretically lets you get away with it.
from which you cannot return. Maybe you dedicate • Choose your battles. A successful
the rest of your days to helping rebuild a city on the entrepreneur knows patience is
bottom of the ocean, or you assume permanent pas- critical to success. Pickpocketing every
sage on a magical starship. When you are ready, work commoner in town for a pile of pocket
with your DM to decide where your final journey change is rarely an effective use of your
takes you. talents, and even if you roll like a god,
you will eventually lose out on a greater
reward if you keep torturing your DM.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

entrepreneur makes connections with all kinds of If the object is nonmagical, you immediately learn
people, leveraging unique skill sets to create profit. its approximate gp value. You also learn if the object is
Though the temptation to thieve your way to the top fake or if it is concealing other objects inside it (though
may always exist for you, choosing this path means you don’t learn what the concealed objects are).
you are ready to be something more than whatever If the object is magical, you can spend 1 minute
cruel hand fate dealt you. Whatever the reason, you examining the item to learn its item type, rarity,
are ready to climb to the top of the capitalist ladder whether it is cursed, and if it requires attunement
and seize the freedom that riches can bring. (and any specific attunement requirements it has).
The character who chooses this destiny isn’t looking
to get rich quick—they are committing to securing Heroic Destiny Benefit: Art of the Bargain
enough wealth to keep themselves (and perhaps those Whether haggling for a lower price, for your life, or fair
closest to them) in comfort for the rest of their lives. contractual terms, you have a talent for getting the
Picking the occasional pocket is never going to be best bargain possible. You have advantage on Wisdom
enough. You are dedicating your life to using your cun- (Perception) and Charisma (Persuasion) ability checks
ning wit to build an economic empire out of nothing. made to broker deals. Successful checks do not always
guarantee you get exactly what you want, but they do
Fortune-Seeker Features guarantee you get the best possible outcome.
A character who has chosen the fortune-seeker
heroic destiny gains the following features. TIER 2 FEATURES
When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you
PREREQUISITES gain the following benefits.
To embark on this heroic destiny, you must experience
an event that forces you into poverty or motivates Heroic Destiny Benefit: Return on Investment
you to dramatically improve your own economic You begin to reap regular rewards from your various
status. Perhaps you were a wealthy merchant before entrepreneurial endeavors. At the beginning of each
a rival stole everything you owned, or your family week, you gain 1 wealth point. Wealth points are
fortune was lost when they were unjustly disgraced. an abstraction of your economic assets beyond the
Maybe someone close to you died because you material wealth on your person.
couldn’t afford treatment, or the latest beating at As long as you are in a location or situation where
the hands of another street urchin was the final it makes sense to do so, you can spend any number of
push you needed to change your life. your accrued wealth points to receive one or more of
Discuss with your DM how you can achieve this the following benefits:
event in your backstory or in game. • You can spend 1 wealth point as if it was 25 gp.
• You can choose to invest earnings back into
TIER MILESTONES your business affairs. You can expend up to 3
The following are examples of possible tier mile- wealth points in 1 week and gain double that
stones for the fortune-seeker heroic destiny: number of points at the start of the next week
• Forging a lasting, mutually beneficial relationship (in addition to your weekly point).
with an investor or business partner. • For each wealth point you spend, you can pay
• Successfully tracking down a lost or buried a week’s rent for a fashionable city townhouse,
treasure. rooms at a luxury inn, or a countryside manor
• Purchasing a business or estate that requires (your choice). This also covers the costs of a chef
regular upkeep costs. to provide you with meals, a stable hand to care
• Putting yourself in grave danger to strike a for your mounts, servants to maintain your resi-
masterful bargain with a powerful being like a dence, and a personal attendant to run mundane
god, ancient dragon, or other extraplanar being. errands for you (like mailing packages, delivering
messages, or shopping for nonmagical goods).
TIER 1 FEATURES • You can spend 2 wealth points to gain a
When you successfully embark on your heroic common magic item of your choice (this item
destiny, you gain the following benefits. must be approved by your DM). Once you use
this feature, you cannot do so again until you
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Appraising Eye reach the next tier of this heroic destiny.
Your preoccupation with wealth has developed your • You can spend 5 wealth points to gain an
eye for quality. As an action, you can inspect any uncommon magic item of your choice (this item
object you can see within 10 feet and learn whether must be approved by your DM). Once you use
it is nonmagical or magical. this feature, you cannot do so again for one year.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

TIER 3 FEATURES your DM to decide the exact nature of your decision

When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you and how this affects the world of the campaign.
gain the following benefits.
Heroic Destiny:
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Treasure Sense
You have developed a supernatural knack for finding
treasure. Whenever you enter an enclosed area (like In the pursuit of heroic destinies some chase wealth or
a room, campsite, or cavern) you immediately sense fame, while others seek enlightenment or mastery of a
the presence of any magic items or objects worth at skill. Many are satisfied to live with such goals in mind,
least 100 gp in its confines. If the item is not con- knowing their time to do so is limited. The world is a
cealed, you learn its location. If the item is disguised dangerous place, particularly for one who chooses a life
or concealed by mundane or magical means, you have of adventure. Some may view death as an inevitable
advantage on any ability checks made to locate it. outcome to such pursuits, but a character who chooses
the immortal heroic destiny attempts to discover a
TIER 4 FEATURES way to defy death and live forever.
When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you The path to life eternal can take many forms. What
gain the following benefits. you seek is to extend your existence indefinitely
through biological immortality. How might you avoid
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Big Spender death and maintain conscious thought? You are driven
You now receive 3 total wealth points at the begin- by what form an unending life may take. In that way,
ning of each week and can spend wealth points in you have embraced the science of physiology to alter
the following additional ways: biology itself and discover the elixir of life.
• Whenever you or an ally you can see casts It is a pursuit not without its own risks. Such
a spell that requires a material component quests are wrought with failed experiments and
with a gp cost, you can expend 1 wealth research gone wrong. Through trial and error, you
point in place of that component. build upon a foundation of knowledge. The mortal
• For every 3 wealth points you spend, you can body is not invulnerable to death by disease or
pay a week’s rent for a castle, Gargantuan physical trauma and so you must discover not only
vessel, or another type of stronghold ways to extend life but to also gain immunities
(your choice). This also covers the costs of and resistances. Unlocking the secrets to complete
household servants and a group of forty rejuvenation and becoming immortal is a long-term
trained combat personnel to guard it (these goal that requires patience.
guards cannot be commanded to travel more
than 1 mile away from the stronghold). Immortal Features
• You can spend 10 wealth points to gain a rare A character who has chosen the immortal heroic
magic item of your choice (this item must destiny gains the following features.
be approved by your DM). Once you use this
feature, you cannot do so again for one year. PREREQUISITES
• You can spend 20 wealth points to gain a To begin on this heroic destiny, you must have had a
very rare magic item of your choice (this near-death encounter, lost a loved one to disease or
item must be approved by your DM). Once natural causes, or encountered an immortal being.
you use this feature, you cannot do so again The experience has shaken you in some foundational
for one year. way and caused you to question the natural order of
things. You are convinced there must be some means
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Set for Life to evade death and you are determined to find it.
Completing this heroic destiny means all your efforts Work with your DM to weave this triggering event
have paid off. There is no object that your money into your story. Have an open conversation with
can’t buy, and if you so choose, you never have to them about your character’s backstory to lay the
work again a day in your life. Of course, now that you groundwork for this epic undertaking.
have the fortune you dreamed of, you have to decide
what to do with it. Now is the time to fix the injustice TIER MILESTONES
or settle the score that put you on this destiny in the The following are examples of possible tier mile-
first place. Perhaps you use your fortune to help the stones for the immortal heroic destiny:
less fortunate or build a life of comfort for your loved • Discovering potions and elixirs that provide
ones. Maybe you use your money to assume political long-term health benefits.
office or open a world-famous institution. Work with • Spending time honing alchemy skills.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

• Working for an immortal to learn some of Heroic Destiny Benefit: Advanced Karyokinesis
their secrets. You have discovered a means to magically manipu-
• Conducting research and identifying either late your own biology, accelerating your body’s ability
magical or medical means to prolong life. to respond to harmful stimuli and combat physical
decay. You no longer need to sleep and your natural
TIER 1 FEATURES aging process slows significantly, as if the effects of
When you successfully embark on your heroic aging 1 year happen over 2 years instead.
destiny, you gain the following benefits. Additionally, at the start of your turn all of the
following conditions currently affecting you end:
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Acuity blinded, deafened, exhaustion, incapacitated,
Your razorlike focus on obtaining knowledge paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, or stunned.
about the secrets to longevity has hardened your
resolve. Mentally you are prepared to set off on TIER 4 FEATURES
this journey. As a result, your memory and mental When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you
sharpness are primed for the challenge ahead of gain the following benefits.
you. You gain proficiency with alchemist’s supplies
and herbalism kits, and you have advantage on any Heroic Destiny Benefit: Rejuvenation
Intelligence-based ability checks concerning your Achieving this heroic destiny means you have suc-
research. ceeded in your quest for immortality where many
others have failed. Having achieved your dream of
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Transmutation eternity is a culmination of tireless research and
Through study and hard work, you have achieved a experiments. You cease to age entirely, you cannot be
base understanding of mundane and magical biologi- aged by magical means, and you cannot die of old age.
cal knowledge. You have begun to explore the pos- In an act of defiance against your mortal form,
sibilities of creating youthful elixirs, and panaceas to your magnum opus is the ability to regenerate when
cure disease. you suffer from physical trauma. At the start of your
With this newfound information you can cast the turn, you regain a number of hit points equal to your
following spells once per day, without the need for Constitution score if you have at least 1 hit point. If
components or expending spell slots: feign death, you are maimed or a limb is severed, the missing part
gentle repose, lesser restoration, protection from regrows and returns to full over the course of 1 minute.
poison, and purify food and drink. Any effect that would outright kill you or disintegrate
your body instead reduces you to 1 hit point.
When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you Heroic Destiny Benefit: Evolution
gain the following benefits. With no limit to the time you have yet to live, the
world is yours to explore at your leisure. However,
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Stasis Serum as the centuries roll on and the world you knew
You have made great progress on bridging the gap withers, it becomes clear that you have become a
between life and death through the creation of a being entirely different from the self you once froze
potent tonic capable of incredible things. in time. You must find a new purpose to give your
During a long rest, you can brew a single dose of eternal life meaning, or perhaps find a way to reverse
stasis serum which lasts for 24 hours. As an action, what you have done. Work with your DM to decide
you can drink the acrid tonic. When you do, you gain what happens when you ultimately come to terms
temporary hit points equal to your character level with the new being you have become.
which last for 8 hours. For the duration, you have
advantage on death saving throws, and if you die, you Heroic Destiny:
are under the effects of the gentle repose spell for 1 Scholar
year and 1 day.
Alternatively, as an action, you can feed the tonic Erudition calls out to many—the young and old, the
to a creature that has died in the past minute. That good and questionable, the physically, mentally, and
creature is restored to life as with the revivify spell. spiritually inclined alike. One of the primary reasons
new adventurers leave home is to answer the call
TIER 3 FEATURES of curiosity, hoping to learn more about the world.
When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you A character who chooses the scholar heroic destiny
gain the following benefits. possesses a boundless hunger for knowledge and the
growth that comes with it.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Those who are destined to be scholars find TIER 1 FEATURES

fulfillment in the act of learning. They know there When you successfully embark on your heroic
is always more to uncover and a plethora of ways to destiny, you gain the following benefits.
obtain it. The most tantalizing secrets of the world
are rarely catalogued in libraries, so destiny takes Heroic Destiny Benefit: Encyclopedic Knowledge
these scholars across the land in search of lost tomes, You gain proficiency with two of the following skills
wise sages, buried ruins, and forbidden corners of in addition to any proficiencies you already have:
the cosmos. While the pursuit of knowledge can Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.
bring liberation, it also provides access to power. Whenever you make an ability check using one of
As a scholar is driven to unravel the mysteries of those skills (even if you aren’t proficient in it), you can
the world, they are always at risk of stumbling treat any roll of 9 or lower as if you had rolled a 10.
upon secrets better left buried. Curiosity has driven
many beings into darkness, as they wrestle with the Heroic Destiny Benefit: Inquiring Mind
obsession to delve ever deeper. If you spend at least 10 minutes of uninterrupted
The character who chooses this destiny is driven to time focusing on an object such as a weapon, tool, or
open every channel of knowledge available to them, vehicle, you can gain proficiency with it regardless of
no matter how dangerous, and compelled to see its any requirements or restrictions on the object.
course to the end. No detail big or small is beyond The number of proficiencies you can gain in this
your reach, and as you progress in this destiny, the way is equal to your proficiency bonus. If you have
mysteries of the world will unfold before you. The reached your maximum number of proficiencies and
question that remains is what you will do with your you attempt to add another, you lose proficiency in
newfound mastery and whether it will eventually the oldest object you studied this way.
master you.
Scholar Features When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you
A character who has chosen the scholar heroic gain the following benefits.
destiny gains the following features.
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Enigmatologist
PREREQUISITES You can cast the identify spell a number of times per
This heroic destiny requires you to have at least one day equal to your proficiency bonus. Casting the spell
big question you haven’t yet found a way to answer. in this way does not expend any spell slots or require
A martial artist might seek the long-lost reality- material components.
slicing sword technique. A spellcaster could be
attempting to prove the existence of the 10th school Heroic Destiny Benefit: Polyglot
of magic. An adept might wonder about alternate If you spend at least 10 minutes of uninterrupted
realities and how to share knowledge among their time listening or reading an unfamiliar language,
alternate selves. You as a player might also have big you can gain a basic understanding of the language.
questions about your DM’s game that could serve as While you cannot fluently read, speak, or write the
the basis for your character’s destiny. language, you can understand and communicate
Confirm with your DM that the knowledge you basic ideas or simple concepts.
seek exists or makes sense to explore within this
campaign. Your focus doesn’t need to be completely TIER 3 FEATURES
answered or found by the end of this story, but it When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you
helps if your character is on the right track. gain the following benefits.

TIER MILESTONES Heroic Destiny Benefit: Minute Secrets

The following are examples of possible tier mile- As a bonus action, you can attempt to deduce
stones for the scholar heroic destiny: information about one creature you can see. Make an
• Discovering a lost library, meeting a Intelligence (Investigation) check contested by the
legendary person, or immersing yourself in an target’s Wisdom (Insight) or Charisma (Deception)
unfamiliar culture. check (target’s choice). You succeed automatically if
• Unearthing an ancient tome or artifact. the target is incapacitated. If you succeed, you can
• Uncovering a clue about the answer to the ask the DM two of the following questions:
initial question that set you on this path. • What is its creature type?
• Successfully preventing corruption or theft of • Can it cast spells, and if so, what is the
the knowledge you have gathered. highest-level spell it can cast?
• Does it have any damage resistances or to instantly travel between realms or perhaps you
immunities, and if so, what are they? unleash a force that can destroy realities in an instant.
• Does it have any damage vulnerabilities, and Work with your DM to decide the exact nature of this
if so, what are they? truth and the potential consequences, but your ulti-
• What are the creature’s highest and lowest mate discovery should connect to the driving question
ability scores? that initially set you on the path of the scholar.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again
on the same target for the next 24 hours. Heroic Destiny:
When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you Some heroes are driven primarily by the relation-
gain the following benefits. ships they form with others. Adventuring through
a fantastical world is bound to result in meeting
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Cosmic Understanding creatures that are strange, wonderful, or terrifying.
The secrets of the universe have unfolded before you, A character who chooses the symbiosis heroic
crowding your mind with infinite potential. When destiny is interested in forming a bond with a type
you use this feature, you can cast any wizard spell of creature unlike themselves and strengthening
of 8th level or lower without the need for compo- that bond even through adverse circumstances.
nents (your spellcasting ability for these spells is Forging a bond with a creature unlike yourself
Intelligence). increases your awareness and potential. Spending
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again time with other creatures underlines the limitations
for a number of days equal to the level of the spell cast. your own species faces and can reveal alternate
methods for perceiving the world. Making the
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Transcendent Secret commitment to such a relationship teaches both you
Completing this heroic destiny means your pursuit of and the creatures with which you choose to bond
knowledge has uncovered a truth that fundamentally new abilities. However, all relationships take work,
changes the world (for better or worse). Perhaps you and if you don’t reciprocate a creature’s kindness,
discover a cure to a rampaging disease or invent a you risk losing your connection forever.
piece of technology that can rapidly send informa- The character who chooses this destiny is
tion across the world. Maybe you uncover a way embarking on a two-way street. It isn’t enough
Chapter 1: Character Creation

just to do one good deed for a creature; building a Heroic Destiny Benefit: Camaraderie
connection takes time and effort. Getting to know a Your connection gives you a deep understanding of
creature, learning its ways, and forming a foundation how best to work with creatures of your selected
of mutual trust can garner you a powerful ally to type. All creatures of your chosen species that would
help you during your adventures. As you advance in regard you as neutral instead regard you as friendly.
the symbiosis destiny, you will learn to communicate Additionally, you have advantage on ability checks
effectively with your creatures without barriers, call when socially interacting with creatures of your
on them for help, learn to mirror their capabilities, chosen type.
and forge an alliance that can be invoked even in the
most dangerous circumstances. TIER 2 FEATURES
When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you
Symbiosis Features gain the following benefits.
A character who has chosen the symbiosis heroic
destiny gains the following features. Heroic Destiny Benefit: Call a Friend
You have established enough trust with your
PREREQUISITES chosen creature type that you can call on them for
To embark on this heroic destiny, you must have aid. During a long rest, you can attempt to contact
a meaningful positive interaction with a type of creatures of your type to travel to you. The way you
creature different from yourself. Perhaps you nurse contact said creature is up to you—it might be a
a sick owlbear back to health, earn the gratitude of a mystical connection, you may have left trail signs
dragon, or free a gelatinous cube forced to clean the to follow, perhaps the creature senses your need,
floors of a wizard’s dungeon. You might imagine this or maybe you send a physical message to a nearby
connection as a mystical one or as purely practical. settlement. Whatever the specific circumstances, at
Perhaps you have trained your whole life to work the end of a long rest, one creature or a small group
with a certain type of creature, or maybe you never of creatures (at your DM’s discretion) arrive if they
expected to forge such a connection. Discuss with are physically capable of doing so. The called creature
your DM how you can achieve this in your backstory is friendly toward you, though it is not magically
or in game. Maintaining an open dialogue about your compelled to follow your commands. The creature
advancing destiny is crucial to building a successful does not fight for you but remains with you until
story. they choose to depart.
The extent and type of assistance a creature is
TIER MILESTONES willing to provide is intentionally not defined,
The following are examples of possible tier mile- but it should be a reasonable favor that doesn’t
stones for the symbiosis heroic destiny: endanger the creature. The DM has final say on the
• Liberating or rescuing the creature(s) to which extent of this assistance, but here are some helpful
you are connected. guidelines:
• Winning rights or resources for the creature(s) • If the creature can cast spells, it can
to which you are connected. potentially cast them on your behalf. The
• Spending time living with and learning from creature is not willing to cast taxing spells,
the creature(s) to which you are connected. however, so it will not cast any spell above
• Conducting research or uncovering secrets 4th level.
concerning the creature(s) to which you are • A creature can perform basic tasks for you
connected. like fetching a person or item. If the person
or item is sealed inside a dangerous area (like
TIER 1 FEATURES a dungeon or guarded keep), however, the
When you successfully embark on your heroic creature is not willing to risk itself for the
destiny, you gain the following benefits. favor.
• A Large or larger creature is willing to carry
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Understanding you and your companions so you may reach
You understand how to communicate with your your destination more quickly. However,
bonded creature, regardless of language. If your creatures are not willing to travel into
bonded creature speaks a language, you learn how to dangerous terrain or into enemy territory.
speak, read, and write that language. If your bonded • A creature will decline to perform any favor
creature does not speak a language, you gain the that obviously goes against its alignment or
ability to understand it and communicate with it in a nature.
way it is most comfortable.
Chapter 1: Character Creation


When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you
gain the following benefits. gain the following benefits.

Heroic Destiny Benefit: Part of Your World Heroic Destiny Benefit: Friend like Me
Your increasing knowledge of your chosen creature Your time spent in relationship with your chosen
type allows you imitate their abilities. You gain the creature type has tested your capabilities and taught
following sense according to the category of creature you how to better adapt to their world. Your ability
you chose when selecting your heroic destiny. score and ability score maximum each increase by 2

Symbiosis Sense
Creature Type Sense

You gain a special sense called mindsense out to a range of 60 ft. This sense allows you to detect
the presence of creatures with an Intelligence score of 10 or greater within the affected area.

You gain a special sense called tracksense. This sense allows you to follow the trail (if there is
one) of a specific creature whose scent you have smelled in the last 24 hours.

You gain a special sense called truthsense out to a range of 60 ft. This sense allows you to
instantly know if a creature within range speaks a lie.

You gain a special sense called formsense out to a range of 60 ft. This sense allows you to
Construct instantly recognize if a creature is in a shapeshifted form or otherwise altering their true
appearance by magical means.

You gain a special sense called wealthsense out to a range of 60 ft. This sense allows you to
instantly determine the monetary value of any object you can see.

You gain a special sense called weathersense out to a range of 1 mile. This sense allows you to
determine if a shift in the environment will occur in the next 24 hours in your affected area.
These shifts include storms, earthquakes, mudslides, blizzards, floods, or any other natural
weather event.

You gain a special sense called ensorcellsense. This sense allows you to instantly learn if a
Fey creature or object you can see is currently under the effects of a spell. If they are under the
effects of a spell, you learn which one.

You gain a special sense called heartsense. This sense allows you to instantly learn the
alignment of any creature you can see.

You gain a special sense called gargantusense out to a range of 300 ft. This sense allows you to
detect the presence of any Large or larger creatures within the affected area.

You gain a special sense called sociosense. While observing or interacting with a group of
Humanoid creatures, this sense allows you to understand which creature or creatures are authority figures.
This sense also allows you to estimate the population of any settlement you can see.

You gain a special sense called powersense. This sense allows you to instantly learn the power
level of any creature you can see. You learn if the creature is weaker than you (of a CR rating
more than 2 below your level), if the creature is an even match for you (of a CR rating within
2 points of your level), if the creature is more powerful than you (of a CR rating more than 2
points above your level), or if the creature is deadly (of a CR rating more than 10 points above
your level).

You gain a special sense called foodsense out to a range of 60 ft. This sense allows you to
detect the presence of substances or creatures digestible by you within the affected area.

You gain a special sense called lightsense. This sense allows you to inherently know the
Plant distance and direction to the closest source of natural light. You also instinctively know
exactly how long it will be until the sun sets or rises.

You gain a special sense called lifesense out to a range of 60 ft. This sense allows you to detect
the presence of living creatures within the affected area.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

for the highest ability score of the creature to which foundation on which to grow is paramount for
you are bonded. If your bonded creature has two or success in this heroic destiny. As you advance as a
more ability scores that are tied for the highest, you teacher, you will improve your own skills through
may choose which score to increase. your lessons, understand your student’s needs,
wants, or desires effortlessly, become a master in the
Heroic Destiny Benefit: By Your Side application of your various crafts, take on additional
Completing this heroic destiny means that you and perhaps frightening students, and even develop
have formed a bond with your chosen creature that such a bond that it leaves you and your pupils
transcends time and space. You gain the ability unshakable in the face of even unthinkable horrors.
to telepathically communicate with your bonded
creature regardless of distance and even on other Teacher Features
planes of existence. A character who has chosen the teacher heroic
In addition, you can use an action to attempt to destiny gains the following features.
teleport your bonded creature to you (or multiple
creatures whose total combined CR is equal to or less PREREQUISITES
than your level). When you do so and the creature This heroic destiny can only begin when you have a
consents to the teleportation, it appears in an profound, emotional moment with another human-
unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of you. oid that has a lower character level than you or a chal-
In combat, the creature shares your initiative count, lenge rating no higher than your proficiency bonus.
but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys The humanoid must be willing to learn from you
your verbal commands (no action required by you). through example, instruction, or training, regardless
If you don’t issue any commands, it acts according to of what form that may take. You may have saved a
its nature. A creature summoned in this way remains child from the deadly whims of bandits. Perhaps you
for 1 hour or until it or you choose to end the effect, promised to go on a dangerous quest with a fledgling
whichever comes first. At the end of the summoning, adventurer. You could begin traveling with a small
the creature instantly returns to the exact point it group of followers that already see you as a mentor,
was before it was summoned. or you may accompany a family member you fear is
Your bonded creature can use this ability to traveling down a dark path. In rare instances, teach-
telepathically communicate with you and summon ers may reach out to previous enemies and attempt
you in the same fashion. to reform them through personal instruction.


Teacher The following are examples of possible tier mile-
stones for the teacher heroic destiny:
There are few relationships as impactful as that of a • Aiding your student in overcoming a difficult
teacher and their student. Even the gods and elder personal obstacle.
evils grow and learn from one another. Adventurers, • Dutifully risking your life to keep your protégé
whose lives may be fleeting and tumultuous, may from serious harm.
wish to pass along their knowledge, skills, and • Breaking through a seemingly impassable
history to another generation so that they may never emotional barrier with a troublesome pupil.
be forgotten. A character who accepts this calling • Reaching the natural conclusion of your
and embraces the teacher heroic destiny assumes the mentorship with one or more pupils—they
responsibility of taking on an apprentice, teaching have nothing more to learn from you.
them new skills and abilities, and protecting them,
no matter the circumstance. TIER 1 FEATURES
Becoming a teacher is a troublesome but rewarding When you successfully embark on your heroic
enterprise. A character progressing in the teacher heroic destiny, you gain the following benefits.
destiny will undoubtedly shape and change another
being with their lessons, time, and attention, but they, Heroic Destiny Benefit: Studentship
too, will come away sharpened by every lesson. You can spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or
When a creature chooses this destiny, it has fewer advising and interacting with a humanoid
accepted the burden of responsibility but may that is neutral or friendly toward you and fits the
be rewarded with companionship, structure, and prerequisites for this heroic destiny. At the end of that
camaraderie beyond that of their own party. Learning period, the humanoid becomes your student. If your
what skills your student has aptitude in, navigating student has an intelligence of 6 or higher, it learns one
their social proclivities, and developing a strong language of your choice that you can speak, though
Chapter 1: Character Creation

it may speak haltingly at first. You have advantage on TIER 3 FEATURES

Charisma checks against your student, but it is under When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you
no obligation to follow your requests or demands. At gain the following benefits.
any time, you may select a new student in this way,
but you may only have one student at a time. Heroic Destiny Benefit: Wealth of Knowledge
The student-teacher relationship has changed you as
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Focused Learning much as it has changed your student. You may now
While you have a student, you may select one skill in have up to two students at any given time. So long
which you are proficient. You gain expertise in this as you are training both students in the same skills,
skill, and your student becomes proficient in it. treat any roll of 4 or lower for those skills as though
In addition, you may select one type of weapon, you rolled a 5.
one type of armor, or one type of tool with which you In addition, your day-to-day life, learning, and
have proficiency; your student becomes proficient instincts are reflected in the eyes of your pupils. Each
with that equipment as well during their training. time you reach a new character level and increase
Once you tutor your student for a total of 80 your hit point maximum as a result, while you
hours (or less at your DM’s discretion), they become have at least one student, each student’s hit point
proficient in that skill or equipment and cannot maximum increases by the same amount yours did.
learn more, and your expertise in that skill ends. You
can alter your skill and equipment selections at any TIER 4 FEATURES
time. If you do, any progress made toward that skill When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you
or equipment remains but is put on hold for other, gain the following benefits.
hopefully more important, lessons.
When your student has been instructed in the use Heroic Destiny Benefit: Tenured Professor
of a combination of four skills, weapons, armor, or So much of your life has been spent in training and
tools, their training is complete. However, you can study that even experts can benefit from your guid-
still advise and shape your student through roleplay ance. You may now select students of any CR or char-
to influence their personality traits, bonds, flaws, or acter level, so long as they are willing. Though their
even alignment. skill may even surpass your own, you can polish and
perfect their every move, lines of thinking, and vistas
TIER 2 FEATURES of understanding. So keen is your aptitude in tute-
When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you lage that even giants may learn from your Athletics or
gain the following benefits. sphinxes from your knowledge of Arcana.
However, such students may prove volatile,
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Auspicious Intuition dangerous, or enigmatic. For each lesson you attempt
Through hours of communication and oversight, you with such a student, you must succeed on a DC 22
have gained an unnatural understanding of your skill check in the skill being taught. On a failure, your
student as well as their kith and kin. As an action, frustrated student does not advance their training
you can sense the current emotional state of your and may leave, demand payment, or worse. Your DM
student or anyone who shares commonality with will collaborate with fellow players to roleplay such
them: friends, family, or people of the same back- interactions with another player character.
ground. Your DM will supply you with a one-word
summary of their current emotional state, such as Heroic Destiny Benefit: Trusted Adviser
happy, sad, worried, or frustrated. Upon completing this Heroic Destiny, you become a
During a short rest, you can spend your time speak- beacon of trust and power for your students. While
ing with or watching your student to gain information your students can hear or see you, they are immune
as though you had cast the detect thoughts spell on to being frightened and have advantage on saving
them (surface-level thoughts only). Each subsequent throws against becoming charmed. In addition, you
time you use this feature after the first on a given day, become immune to being charmed or frightened as
you must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw long as you have a student.
or alienate or irritate your student. When a student within 30 feet of you is forced
In combat, you can read the needs of your student to attempt an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
at a glance and act just as quickly. The shorthand and saving throw against a spell or spell-like effect, such
understanding between you allows you and your as that of a vampire’s gaze or a feeblemind spell, you
student to use the Help action on each other as a can choose to attempt the saving throw instead.
bonus action on your turns so long as you can hear or Treat successes and failures as though the student
see one another. attempted the saving throw.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Finally, when a student’s life hangs in the balance, TIER MILESTONES

you refuse to falter. When a student you can see is The following are examples of possible tier mile-
reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction stones for the virtuoso heroic destiny:
to cause them to remain at 1 hit point. If you do, • Inventing or creating something that
any additional damage the student would have revolutionizes your field.
taken beyond 1 hit point is instead dealt to you. You • Training with a master of your craft.
might physically move yourself into harm’s way, • Acquiring a legendary component, material,
spiritually bond yourself to the student temporarily, or secret to use in your craft.
or magically deviate their wounds onto yourself. • Plying your trade for a famous or powerful
Regardless of how you do it, your student’s safety is individual.
guaranteed, so long as you live.
Heroic Destiny: When you successfully embark on your heroic
Virtuoso destiny, you gain the following benefits.

Some adventurers are driven by perfection and a Heroic Destiny Benefit: Focus
desire to possess ultimate mastery over a particular As long as you have at least 1 minute of uninterrupt-
skill. These people devote their lives and time to ed time to focus on the task at hand, you can treat
pursuing a passion, often to the exclusion of every- any ability check dice roll of 9 or lower as if you had
thing else. A character who walks the path of the rolled a 10 (adding modifiers as normal to determine
virtuoso regards adventuring as a means to sharpen the total).
their talent to a razor’s edge. Normal activity such as moving doesn’t interfere
Becoming a virtuoso takes immense focus, with focus, but attacking or taking damage make it
resources, and, above all, practice. Virtuosos are the impossible to focus.
best in the world at their chosen skill only because
of their supreme dedication. Whether becoming Heroic Destiny Benefit: Inspired Work
a master smith or a master chef, a virtuoso feels Your dedication to your craft is nothing short of
an intense desire to redirect all aspects of their inspirational. Once per day you can grant a point of
lives back into their true passion. Virtuosos must inspiration to yourself or one other creature inter-
prioritize their goals before everything else, often acting with your creations (such as watching you
trading personal comfort or convenience to advance perform, eating food you made, or wielding a weapon
their talent. you forged).
The character who chooses this destiny is
committing to a constant balancing act. Deciding TIER 2 FEATURES
between the passion you love and the people When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you
who need you is a constant struggle the virtuoso gain the following benefits.
must face. The story of how adventuring factors
into your goals is something a virtuoso must Heroic Destiny Benefit: Patronage
decide and re-decide often as their talents Your skills have attracted enough attention to at-
unfold. tract patrons. Patrons are wealthy individuals who
invest money and other resources in you so you can
Virtuoso Features more freely pursue your craft. You gain a number
A character who has chosen the virtuoso heroic of patrons equal to your current proficiency bonus,
destiny gains the following features. and you gain an additional patron each time your
bonus increases. At the start of each week, you
PREREQUISITES gain 15 gp per patron (or materials of your choosing
To embark on this heroic destiny, you must gain worth 15 gp).
regular access to a venue in a settlement or city These patrons typically live in the settlement or
where you can perform your talent for other people. city wherever your regular creative venue is. At your
This might be a lecture hall if you’re a mathematician, DM’s discretion, if you are unexpectedly absent from
a restaurant if you’re a chef, or a gallery if you’re an this location for more than 30 days at any one time,
artist. you stop receiving this benefit until you appear once
Discuss with your DM how you can achieve this again to ply your trade.
in your backstory or in game. Maintaining an open
dialogue about your advancing destiny is crucial to
building a successful story.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

TIER 3 FEATURES heroic destiny wishes to be inexorably tied to such an

When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you item, forever seeking to master its power or succumb
gain the following benefits. to its unbreakable will.
Accepting to devote oneself to such a potent,
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Create Masterpiece potentially timeless relic creates a lasting bond that
Your talent has grown to an extraordinary level, can span great distances and unthinkable amounts
allowing you to routinely create masterworks. of time. As the physical or emotional barrier between
Creating a masterpiece is an extraordinary feat that you and the artifact grows thinner and thinner, you
can net you great artistic satisfaction and profit. As gain improved insight in its every use and desire.
long as you maintain regular access to your creative When a creature chooses this destiny, it is
venue, you can create a masterpiece every 30 days. committed to furthering the artifact’s ambitions, be
Once complete, you can choose to sell your master- they good or evil. One cannot simply choose when
piece (or the rights to your masterpiece) for 7,500 gp. to heed the artifact’s call, just as it cannot deny the
Additionally, each day you spend 1 hour or more needs of its wielder. The alliance you build over time
working towards completing your masterpiece, you will go beyond that of kinship or even familial blood,
gain a point of inspiration. bordering on a shared existence—two parts of the
same whole. Understanding the desires, wants, and
TIER 4 FEATURES needs of your artifact will be paramount in ensuring
When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you the bond between you does not falter. As you advance
gain the following benefits. in the wielder heroic destiny, you will gain unnatural
understanding and aptitude in the use of your
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Divine Works artifact, absorb echoes of its power, gain the ability to
Your presence no longer simply inspires, it demands summon it to your side from any distance, recharge
perfection. Whenever you or an ally that can see you its abilities with your own vitality, and even awaken a
expends a point of inspiration, they automatically get spark of sentience inside of it, changing it forever.
a 20 on the die roll (instead of rolling with advantage).
Wielder Heroic Destiny Features
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Revered Master A character who has chosen the wielder heroic
Completing this heroic destiny means you have destiny gains the following features.
become an undisputed master of your craft and have
left your stamp on the history of your trade. Your PREREQUISITES
skill and passion are idolized by all who pursue your In order to undertake this heroic destiny, you must have
craft, and even greater beings recognize you as a gift interacted with or currently possess a magic item of
among mortals. Should any harm befall you, one of legendary or artifact rarity. The item is not required to be
these admirers will travel through time and space to destructive or deadly, but it must be exceptionally rare,
ensure your talents are not lost to the world. well crafted, sentient, or any combination thereof. You
If you die by means other than old age, are destroyed, may have fought against or alongside a creature wearing
or are otherwise imprisoned in a way not of your an enchanted suit of armor. In your childhood, you may
choosing, a powerful admirer will appear within 7 days have seen a magical medallion hanging from the neck
and cast the true resurrection or wish spell (whichever of a fanatical cultist. You could have stumbled upon a
is relevant) to restore you to your desired state. sword held in the iron grip of a long-dead king. It may
Once you have used this ability three times, you even be your destiny to craft or repair such a singularly
can no longer use it. unique item, if such a thing is within your skill.


Wielder The following are examples of possible tier mile-
stones for the wielder heroic destiny:
Through the ages, great and powerful creatures • Freeing your chosen artifact from the clutches
have used powerful tools and terrifying weapons of its current master.
to forge their destinies. Such creations eventually • Protecting your artifact from would-be
find themselves adrift on the tide of time, drawn thieves that hunt it.
from place to place and creature to creature by fate • Reclaiming a relic or destroying an enemy
and happenstance. Adventurers may stumble across from your chosen artifact’s past.
these powerful relics on their many travels and • Uncovering a lost truth or lineage about the
find themselves drawn to artifacts by fate or divine item or meeting the creator of the item.
providence. A character who accepts the wielder • Growing your chosen artifact’s legend through
60 deed, story, or song.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

TIER 1 FEATURES a vestige of its power has taken root inside of you.
When you successfully embark on your heroic Consult the Artifact Boon table to determine what
destiny, you gain the following benefits. benefit it has granted you. While the artifact exists
and another creature is not attuned to it, the benefit
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Fates Intertwined persists even if it is not in your possession. If the
You can instinctively gauge the direction and dis- artifact falls into multiple artifact type categories,
tance of your chosen artifact, so long as you are on select only one.
the same plane of existence. Otherwise, you inher- Each time there is conflict between you and your
ently know on which plane of existence the artifact chosen artifact or when you finish a short or long rest
currently resides. If your chosen artifact is broken while not attuned it, there is a cumulative 10 percent
into multiple pieces but not destroyed completely, chance that your Synchronous Harmony ends. In
you can discern the distance and direction to the order to restore it, you must undertake a task that
nearest piece not currently in your possession. In furthers your chosen artifact’s goals (at your DM’s
addition, if your chosen artifact is used by a creature discretion).
other than you, unclear visions of the event may
come to you while you sleep or meditate. You may TIER 3 FEATURES
hear cries of pain if it is used to kill or see warm light When you reach tier 3 of your heroic destiny, you
if it is used to protect or heal. gain the following benefits.

Heroic Destiny Benefit: Inherent Aptitude Heroic Destiny Benefit: Soul Bearer
The bond forged with your chosen artifact borders on Your chosen artifact becomes an extension of
instinctual. You have proficiency in its use, and you you, and you are an extension of it. Your hit
can attune to the item even if you do not meet the point maximum is reduced by 2 for as long as
requirements to do so. Attunement to your chosen the artifact exists, a tithe to physically bind
artifact does not count against the number of items you together. As an action, you can speak your
you can be attuned to at one time. artifact’s name and summon it from anywhere in
the multiverse. It appears in your empty hand or
TIER 2 FEATURES within 5 feet of you.
When you reach tier 2 of your heroic destiny, you A creature holding or otherwise controlling
gain the following benefits. your chosen artifact when you summon it must
succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw to
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Synchronous Harmony keep the item in its possession. A creature that
You have spent enough time in pursuit of your succeeds on this saving throw is immune to this
chosen artifact’s past, present, or future goals that effect for 24 hours.

Artifact Boon

Your armor class cannot be lower than 16 while you are attuned to your chosen artifact. While
Armor within 30 feet of your chosen artifact and while it is not being worn or carried, you can magically
summon it to you and don it as an action.

Rod, staff, You learn one spell of 3rd level or lower that your artifact can cast. You can cast that spell once per
or wand short or long rest without expending a charge or spell slot as though you cast it from the artifact.

You have advantage on the first attack roll you make on a turn with your chosen weapon. In
addition, while you are conscious, your chosen artifact cannot be taken from you by any means
unless you allow it.

Your chosen artifact no longer requires ammunition and instead fires projectiles of force or
Ranged conjured ammunition. Weapons that have the loading property still must be loaded as normal.
weapon Thrown weapons return to your hand after each attack and can be thrown at long range without
disadvantage on the attack roll.

As an action, you can turn your chosen artifact invisible. It remains invisible until you use
an action to make it visible again. Over the course of a long rest, you can subtly change your
artifact’s appearance so long as it is willing.

Chapter 1: Character Creation

If your bonded artifact is locked inside a

demiplane, such as one created by a bag of holding or Spells
a portable hole, when you summon it, roll a d20. On a
roll of 15 or higher, the item appears. Otherwise, your The spells presented in this section are available to
bond with the artifact is suppressed for 1d4 hours. the classes specified below.

When you reach tier 4 of your heroic destiny, you
Bard Spells
gain the following benefits.
Cantrips (0 Level)
Oleander’s kiss (evocation)
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Infuse Power
Sanguine forge (transmutation)
The divide between you and your artifact has grown
so thin that your lifeblood and its power are indistin- 1st Level
guishable. If your chosen artifact has charges, you can Assess creature (divination)
expend one of your Hit Dice in place of expending a Presumed affliction (illusion)
charge when activating its properties or spells.
In addition, you can choose to take necrotic 2nd Level
damage equal to half your hit point maximum to Hither/thither (transmutation)
recharge one of the artifact’s properties that can Illusory passage (illusion)
only be used once before the next dawn. This damage
cannot be reduced or avoided. 3rd Level
Arresting caress (enchantment)
Heroic Destiny Benefit: Two Minds
Your chosen artifact is forever changed by your prox- 4th Level
imity, compassion, and unshakable companionship. Recast form (transmutation)
If it is not already, your chosen artifact becomes a
sentient item of your alignment with an Intelligence, 5th Level
Wisdom, and Charisma score. Roll 4d6 to determine Mingling guile (illusion)
each ability score. It has hearing and darkvision out
to a range of 120 feet. The item can also communicate
6th Level
Thunderburst (evocation)
telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read,
and understand every language that you do.
7th Level
If the artifact is already a sentient item, its
Sovereign’s leash (enchantment)
alignment, senses, and languages change as
previously listed at your discretion.
The artifact’s personality should reflect the time
you have spent together. If your bond has been Cleric Spells
fruitful and implacable, the item will be caring
and compassionate. If your time together has been 1st Level
tumultuous and fraught with peril, it may be cold Presumed affliction (illusion)
and cautious. Regardless, the item considers you its
one true wielder and closest companion. 3rd Level
Arresting caress (enchantment)

4th Level
Recast form (transmutation)

6th Level
Thunderburst (evocation)

7th Level
Sovereign’s leash (enchantment)

9th Level
Amauritic witness (evocation)

Chapter 1: Character Creation

Druid Spells Warlock Spells

Cantrips (0 Level) 1st Level
Oleander’s kiss (evocation) Scald (evocation)
Sanguine forge (transmutation)
Stubborn roots (conjuration) 2nd Level
Electrify (evocation)
1st Level Hither/thither (transmutation)
Viperous volley (conjuration)
3rd Level
4th Level Arresting caress (enchantment)
Recast form (transmutation) Mire fly (conjuration)

5th Level 4th Level

Erosive jet (evocation) Recast form (transmutation)

6th Level 5th Level

Thunderburst (evocation) Erosive jet (evocation)
Mingling guile (illusion)
7th Level
Father’s embrace (evocation) 6th Level
Assassin’s draft (transmutation)
Thunderburst (evocation)

Sorcerer Spells 7th Level

Father’s embrace (evocation)
Cantrips (0 Level) Sovereign’s leash (enchantment)
Oleander’s kiss (evocation)
9th Level
1st Level Amauritic witness (evocation)
Scald (evocation)
Viperous volley (conjuration)

2nd Level Wizard Spells

Electrify (evocation)
Hither/thither (transmutation) Cantrips (0 Level)
Sanguine forge (transmutation)
3rd Level
Arresting caress (enchantment) 1st Level
Mire fly (conjuration) Assess creature (divination)
Presumed affliction (illusion)
4th Level Scald (evocation)
Dissolve (evocation)
Recast form (transmutation) 2nd Level
Illusory passage (illusion)
6th Level
Thunderburst (evocation) 4th Level
Dissolve (evocation)
7th Level Recast form (transmutation)
Father’s embrace (evocation)
5th Level
Create living spellbook (transmutation)

6th Level
Thunderburst (evocation)

7th Level
Father’s embrace (evocation)
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Spell Descriptions Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You contaminate the contents of a single container
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. you can see within range that contains no more than
10 ounces of liquid or food with poison. The contami-
Amauritic Witness nated food or beverage looks and tastes unchanged
9th-level evocation but carries a slightly acrid aroma for the duration.
Casting Time: 1 action A creature that wishes to eat or drink from the
Range: Self container can attempt a Wisdom (Perception) check
Components: V opposed by your spell save DC to detect the virulent
Duration: 1 minute poison. A creature who ingests the contaminated food
For the spell’s duration, your eyes gleam with the sov- or beverage must succeed on a Constitution saving
ereign power of beings beyond life and death. Each throw, taking 20d12 poison damage on a failed save,
creature of your choice that can see you when you or half as much on a successful one.
cast this spell must attempt a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the target takes 10d8 radiant Assess Creature
damage and is blinded for 8 hours. On a successful 1st-level divination
save, the target takes half as much damage and isn’t Casting Time: 1 action
blinded. A creature blinded by this spell that starts its Range: 120 feet
turn within 60 feet of you takes 20 psychic damage Components: S, M (a crystal lens worth 10 gp)
as horrifying visions plague its mind. Duration: Instantaneous
Creatures that start their turn within 60 feet of You gain insight into the capabilities of one creature
you and are able to see you must attempt a new within range. The target must attempt an Intelligence
saving throw against this spell. A creature can avert saving throw. On a successful save, the creature becomes
its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its aware it was the target of a spell and spell ends, revealing
turn. A creature that does so can’t see you until the no useful information. On a failed save, you learn the
start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. target’s current hit points, armor class, or which saving
If the creature looks at you in the meantime, it must throws it has proficiency in. In addition, you learn if it is
immediately attempt a saving throw against this spell. a spellcaster and which ability score it uses to cast spells.
You can end the spell as a bonus action on your At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
turn. This spell ends early if you are shrouded in spell slot of 4th level or higher, you also learn one of
magical darkness of 5th level or higher or if you the target’s ability scores (your choice). When you cast
become incapacitated. When the spell ends, you are this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the
blinded until the start of your next turn. target is unaware that it was the target of this spell.

Arresting Caress Create Living Spellbook

3rd-level enchantment 5th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: S Components: V, S, M (a high-quality spellbook worth
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 500 gp and 1,000 gp worth of fine ink)
Your gentle touch locks a creature in place. When Duration: Instantaneous
you cast the spell, make an ability check with While casting the spell, you disassemble a spellbook
your spellcasting ability contested by the target’s then use the pieces to build a life-size form of papier-
Charisma check. If you win the contest, the creature mâché. At the end of the casting, you imbue the form
is stunned. On subsequent rounds, so long as you with magic, and it transforms into a living spellbook
remain in contact with the target, you can use your (see chapter 6 for the living spellbook's stat block). The
action to maintain control over it. If the target takes living spellbook can be shaped in any form you like,
damage while under the effect of this spell, you take but it is always a Medium-sized creature.
twice as much psychic damage and the spell ends. As long as the living spellbook is alive, you cannot
recover the 5th-level spell slot spent to create them, even
Assassin’s Draft by taking a long rest. You can choose to end this spell at
6th-level transmutation any time, destroying the living spellbook and all the spells
Casting Time: 1 action written on its skin. After the living spellbook is destroyed,
Range: 20 feet you can recover the 5th-level spell slot as usual.
Components: V, S, M (a topaz worth 250 gp, which Any living spellbook you create with this spell obeys
the spell consumes) your commands without question.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Dissolve Father’s Embrace

4th-level evocation 7th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Components: S Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You send caustic acid coursing through one target You draw the primordial essence of winter into your
you touch. Make a melee spell attack. On a hit, the empty hand. Make a melee spell attack against a
target takes 6d10 acid damage. In addition, non- target within reach. On a hit, the target takes 10d10
magical armor or natural armor worn by the target + 40 cold damage and the spell ends. A creature
is partially dissolved and takes a permanent and damaged by this spell has its speed reduced by half
cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor until it regains at least 1 hit point, and a creature
is destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10. killed by this spell is frozen into solid ice.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
with a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage using a spell slot of 8th level or higher, the damage
increases by 1d10 for each slot level above increases by 20 for each slot level above 7th.
4th. When cast with a 9th-level spell slot, this
spell destroys natural and nonmagical armor Hither/Thither
completely. 2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Electrify Range: 30 feet
2nd-level evocation Components: S, M (a length of string or wire)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch A Huge or smaller creature or object you can see
Components: V, S within range is forcibly moved at your whim. An
Duration: Instantaneous unwilling target must succeed on a Strength saving
Your open hand crackles with arcane lightning. throw or be either pushed or pulled (your choice) 15
Make a melee spell attack against a creature you feet directly toward or away from you. On a success,
can reach. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 lightning the creature takes 1d6 force damage and is not
damage and cannot take reactions until the end of moved.
its next turn. On a critical hit, the lightning leaps At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
from the target to another creature within 20 feet using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can
of it. Repeat the spell attack against the second target one additional creature for each slot level
creature. above 2nd.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage Illusory Passage
increases by 1d8 for every spell slot level above 2nd. 2nd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Erosive Jet Range: 120 feet
5th-level evocation Components: S, V, M (a 1-inch circle of
Casting Time: 1 action black parchment or fabric)
Range: 80 feet Duration: 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (an emerald worth 25 gp) You fabricate the image of a passageway such as a
Duration: Instantaneous doorway, curtain, arch, or tunnel in a space you can
A 5-foot-wide stream of sizzling acid sprays see within range. The image can be up to 20 feet
from an emerald or focus in your hand toward a wide, 20 feet tall, and 5 feet thick. Creatures who
creature you can see within range. Each creature see the illusion when it appears automatically know
in the stream (including the target) takes 3d4 it is an illusion.
acid damage. Then roll a number of d12s equal to A creature can determine the passage is an illusion
the damage rolled. The target of the spell must with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check
attempt a Dexterity saving throw, taking that against your spell save DC. If a creature knows the
much acid damage on a failed save or half as passageway is an illusion, it can see through the
much damage on a successful one. image.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with
spell slot of 7th level or higher, the initial damage is a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the duration
increased by 1d4 for every two slot levels above 5th. increases to 24 hours.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Mingling Guile Oleander’s Kiss

5th-level illusion Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 25 feet
Components: V, M (a crystal prism worth 50 gp) Components: S, M (a leaf from a poisonous plant)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: Instantaneous
You wreathe yourself in a complex illusion that is From your pursed lips, you release a puff of toxic
uniquely unassuming to each individual onlooker. fumes at one creature that you can see within range.
Creatures that can hear, see, or smell you while the The target must succeed on a Constitution saving
illusion persists take no interest in your presence throw or take 2d6 poison damage.
and do not treat you with hostility. A crowd of This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you
rioters may see you as one of their nameless num- reach 5th level (3d6), 11th level (4d6), 17th level
ber, a pack of wolves may mark your scent as that (5d4).
of a trusted druid or dryad, or your footfalls may
sound like the scraping talons of a bone devil to the Presumed Affliction
denizens of the Nine Hells. This spell does not offer 1st-level illusion
specific characteristics to allow special accommoda- Casting Time: 1 action
tions. For example, you will not appear as a specific Range: 30 feet
commanding officer in the eyes of an army, but you Components: V, S, M (a pair of ivory coins
may appear as an unassuming soldier. worth 20 gp)
Your size, shape, and speed are unchanged, and Duration: Concentration, up to 8 hours
creatures can see through the spell with a successful You shroud one creature within range in the
Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell illusion of morbidity, pain, or death for the
save DC. If undue attention is drawn to you, checks duration. An unwilling target can attempt
made to see through the illusion are made with a Charisma saving throw. On a success, it is
advantage. A creature who discerns the illusion for unaffected by this spell.
what it is sees a flickering ghostly image over the The spell alters the target’s image only slightly
top of your form. and cannot disguise their physical appearance or
mask armor, equipment, or weapons. Choose one
Mire Fly of the following options when you cast the spell
3rd-level conjuration to determine the appearance of the illusion.
Casting Time: 1 action Pox. The target appears to be covered in sores,
Range: 120 feet boils, blisters, rashes, or other infectious or viral
Components: V, M (a pinch of rotten food) maladies. The illusion can add jaundice or pallor
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute to their skin and supply an acrid stench to follow
You conjure an incorporeal fly within range that the target.
sheds a 5-foot-radius sphere of blistering, noxious Wound. The target appears to have sustained
gas. The fly lasts for the duration or until you cast several minor wounds or a single grievous injury.
this spell again. When the fly appears, each creature The spell can cause blood to appear to flow from
in the area must attempt a Constitution saving the wound, but such illusions disappear when not
throw, taking 4d6 poison damage on a failed save, in contact with the target.
or half as much on a successful one. A creature must Death. The target appears to have been dead for a
also attempt this saving throw when it enters the few hours or up to several days. The spell can mimic
fly’s aura for the first time on a turn or ends its turn effects of only slight decay.
there. A creature can use its action to inspect a target
As a bonus action, you can direct the fly to move and attempt an Intelligence (Investigation) check
up to 30 feet. Non-poisonous plants that remain against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it sees
inside the fly’s aura for 1 round wither and die over through the illusion.
the course of 24 hours. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
If you move out of range of the fly, it disappears using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you can
and the spell ends. affect one additional creature for every two slot
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a levels above 1st.
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases
by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd. When cast with
a 9th-level spell slot, this spell’s duration is 1 minute
and does not require your concentration.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

Recast Form Scald

4th-level transmutation 1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, M (a flawless tourmaline Components: V, S
worth 150 gp) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You channel blistering heat through your touch.
You forcibly revert the form of one creature you Make a melee spell attack against a creature
can see within range. The target must attempt you can reach. On a hit, the target takes 4d8 fire
a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, a damage and cannot regain hit points until the start
shapeshifter or creature under the effect of a spell of your next turn.
or ability that has altered its form is immediately At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
reverted to its original shape. The creature then spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases
takes 3d10 psychic damage, or 5d10 psychic by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
damage if that creature is a shapeshifter. On a
successful save, the creature takes half as much Sovereign’s Leash
damage and its form is not reverted or altered in 7th-level enchantment
any way. Casting Time: 1 action
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell Range: 80 feet
using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can Components: V, S, M (a length of braided platinum
target one additional creature for every two slot cord worth 150 gp)
levels above 4th. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
One creature you can see within range must attempt
Sanguine Forge a Charisma saving throw to avoid becoming bound by
Transmutation cantrip your will. On a failed save, the creature is restrained
Casting Time: 1 minute for the duration. On each of your turns, you can use
Range: Touch an action to force the creature to move up to half
Components: V, S, M (a drop of your blood) its speed in a direction of your choice. This forced
Duration: 1 hour movement does provoke opportunity attacks.
You transform 1 pound of vegetation, bones, or flesh At the end of each of the target’s turns and each
into one of the following weapons for the duration: time the target takes damage from moving into a
• A simple weapon hazardous location, it attempts a new Charisma
• A light martial weapon saving throw against the spell, ending the spell on a
• Three pieces of ammunition, such as arrows, success.
bolts, or blowgun darts
• A whip or a net Stubborn Roots
Weapons made by this spell are obviously Conjuration cantrip
formed by magic but do not count as magical Casting Time: 1 action
for overcoming resistances and immunity to Range: 30 feet
nonmagical attacks and damage. If you cast this Components: S
spell multiple times, you can have up to three Duration: 1 round
weapons or nine pieces of ammunition created by You tangle your fingertips and hold a willing creature
it at the same time. Additional castings beyond the you can see within range to the ground. Until the
third end the effect for all other weapons created end of the target’s next turn, its speed becomes 0,
by this spell. and it automatically succeeds on saving throws to
This spell’s effectiveness improves when you avoid being pushed, pulled, lifted from the ground, or
reach certain levels. Once you reach 5th level, knocked prone.
you can form a martial melee weapon with this
spell. At 11th level, weapons made by this spell Thunderburst
are treated as magical. At 17th level, weapons and 6th-level evocation
ammunition made by this spell have a magical +1 Casting Time: 1 action
bonus to attack and damage rolls. Range: 300 feet
Components: V, M (a silver gong)
Duration: Instantaneous
A blast of deafening noise explodes from a point
you can see within range. Each creature and object
Chapter 1: Character Creation

in a 60-foot-radius sphere around that point must 3rd Level

attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failed Ambient drift (abjuration)
save, the target takes 5d10 thunder damage and is Death rattle (enchantment)
deafened for 1 hour. On a successful save, the target Siren song (enchantment)
takes half damage and isn’t deafened. Wall of noise (evocation)
A nonmagical object that is not being worn or
carried made of crystal, glass, or other fragile material 4th Level
(DM’s discretion) has vulnerability to the damage of Harmonize (divination)
this spell. Tarantella (enchantment)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increases 5th Level
by 2d10 for each slot level above 6th. Echo (evocation)

Viperous Volley 6th Level

1st-level conjuration Spectral symphony (necromancy)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot cone)
7th Level
Sonic boom (evocation)
Components: V, S, M (a pickled snake)
Duration: Instantaneous
8th Level
From your outstretched hand or open mouth fly innu- Music of the spheres (enchantment)
merable spectral serpents. Each creature in a 30-foot
cone must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On 9th Level
a failed save, the creature takes 2d12 poison damage Call the sun (transmutation)
and is poisoned until the end of its next turn. On a
successful save, the creature takes half damage and
isn’t poisoned. Sound Spell
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Descriptions
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases
by 1d12 for each slot level above 1st. The spells are presented in alphabetical order.

Ambient Drift
Sound Spells 3rd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
This section presents a sampling of spells developed
Components: V, M (a pair of beets that have been
through the manipulation of sound. These spells are
available to the College of Bells bard subclass as well
Duration: 1 hour
as other spellcasting classes with the DM’s consent.
For the duration, ambient noise fills your mind
or the mind of one willing creature you can see
Sound Spell List within range, blocking out distractions. Until
the spell ends, the target gains the following
Cantrips (0 Level) benefits:
Hush (enchantment) • The creature automatically succeeds on
saving throws against being charmed,
1st Level deafened, frightened, or stunned.
Bestial roar (transmutation) • The creature has advantage on saving throws
Round (enchantment) made to maintain concentration.
Whispers to words (divination) • The target has disadvantage on any ability
Words to daggers (transmutation) check that requires hearing.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
2nd Level using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can
Babble (illusion) target one additional creature for each slot level
Battle Cry (enchantment) above 3rd. The creatures must be within 30 feet
Borrow voice (necromancy) of each other when you target them.
Feedback (illusion)
Piercing pitch (evocation)

Chapter 1: Character Creation

Battle Cry
2nd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You let loose a rallying cry that boils the blood of
creatures you choose that can hear you within range.
For the duration, each affected creature has advantage
on their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.

Bestial Roar
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (20-foot radius)
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a powerful roar. Creatures of your choice
that can hear you within range must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you
until the end of your next turn. You have advantage
on the next attack roll you make against a creature
frightened by this spell.

Borrow Voice
2nd-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a silk ribbon tied into a bow)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You attempt to take the voice of one creature you
can see within range. An unwilling target must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or lose
their voice. A creature whose voice is stolen can-
not speak or cast spells with verbal components
for the duration.
Babble While you possess the target’s voice, you can
2nd-level illusion choose whether to use your own voice or the voice of
Casting Time: 1 action the target creature.
Range: 60 feet The creature’s voice is returned to them when the
Components: V, S, M (a pair of fish lips) spell ends.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
For the duration, you twist the perception of verbal Call the Sun
language inside a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on 9th-level transmutation
a point you choose within range. Choose one of the Casting Time: 1 action
following effects when you first create the sphere: Range: Self (300-foot sphere)
• Any creature entirely inside the sphere Components: V, S, M (any type of beetle)
can only speak nonsensical babble, Duration: Instantaneous (24 hours outside
understandable by no one. Casting a spell that the range)
includes a verbal component is impossible You sing a song that rapidly speeds up time for
there. everything within a 300-foot sphere centered on
• Any creatures entirely inside the sphere can you. In the span of 6 seconds, the sun appears to race
speak to one another as normal, but creatures through the sky and everything inside the sphere
outside the sphere perceive their speech ages as if 24 hours have passed. Nothing outside the
as nonsensical babble. Casting a spell that sphere can affect anything inside the sphere while
includes a verbal component is possible there. this acceleration occurs.
Chapter 1: Character Creation

At the end of the spell, any abilities, magic items, or Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
other mechanical features that have daily use limits You amplify the sounds within a 20-foot-radius
recover expended charges as if a true day has passed sphere centered on a point you choose within
(though this time is not considered a long rest). range. Once during its turn, whenever a creature
Creatures friendly to you can contribute their inside the sphere makes noise by casting a spell
voices to the casting of this spell without using an with a verbal component or by making a weapon
action. attack, all creatures in the sphere must succeed on
Creatures within the sphere who do not contribute a Constitution saving throw or take 4d4 thunder
their voices to the casting of the spell must attempt a damage from the feedback it creates.
Constitution saving throw at the end of the duration, At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
gaining three levels of exhaustion on a failure, or one using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the
level of exhaustion on a success. feedback damage increases by 2d4 for each slot
level above 2nd.
Death Rattle
3rd-level enchantment Harmonize
Casting Time: 1 action 4th-level divination
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, M (a rattlesnake’s tail) Range: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V, S, M (a tuning fork)
You implant a rattling noise that takes root in Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
the mind of a creature you can see that can hear You ring out a tone that can be heard up to 100 feet
you within range. The target must succeed on an away. Until the end of your next turn, you know the
Intelligence saving throw or its mind fills with a location of any creature within 100 feet of you that
thunderous rattling sound that no one else can hear. is not behind total cover. You learn the size and shape
While a target is affected by the spell, it is of any being whose presence you sense, but not
vulnerable to all damage, and if it drops to 0 hit its exact nature (as if you were handling a three-
points, its body is destroyed as it crumbles to pieces. dimensional model you cannot see).
At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature For the duration of the spell, you can perceive
can attempt to repeat the saving throw, ending the your surroundings using hearing alone as if you had
effect on a success. blindsight out to a range of 60 feet.
This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. This spell ends if you become deafened.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
a spell slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one Hush
additional creature for each slot level above 3rd. Enchantment cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Echo Range: 20 feet
5th-level evocation Components: V, M (a pinch of cinnamon)
Casting Time: 1 reaction Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round
Range: 60 feet You supress a creature’s voice for a fleeting moment.
Components: V, S Choose one creature within range. The target must
Duration: Instantaneous succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be rendered
When a creature you can hear within range casts a incapable of speech until the end of its next turn, at
spell that has a verbal component and a casting time which point the spell ends.
of 1 action or 1 bonus action, you can use your reac-
tion to repeat what you hear. As long as the spell was Music of the Spheres
cast using a 5th-level slot or lower, you can replicate 8th-level enchantment
the spell effects as a part of your reaction without Casting Time: 1 action
needing any other components. When you replicate Range: 120 feet
the spell, you can choose new targets as if the spell Components: V, S, M (a diamond conductor’s baton
had originated from you. worth at least 1,000 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Feedback You open a creature’s mind to the cosmic music that
2nd-level illusion (ritual) drives all universal motion. Each creature of your
Casting Time: 1 action choice within 120 feet of you must succeed on a
Range: 120 feet Wisdom saving throw or be stunned for the duration
Components: V, S of the spell. Creatures who are deafened roll this save
Chapter 1: Character Creation

with disadvantage. A stunned creature can repeat the failure. Any creature that can’t be charmed succeeds
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending on this saving throw automatically, and if you or your
the effect on itself on a success. companions are fighting a creature, it has advantage
on the save.
Piercing Pitch On a failed save, a target is incapacitated, and if it is
2nd-level evocation more than 5 feet away from you, it must move on its
Casting Time: 1 bonus action turn toward you by the most direct route, trying to
Range: 60 feet get within 5 feet of you. A charmed target can repeat
Components: V the saving throw at the end of each of its turns and
Duration: 1 minute whenever it takes damage, ending the charmed effect
You emit a piercing note that causes objects to on a success.
vibrate at a dangerous frequency. When you cast the You must take a bonus action on subsequent turns
spell, you can make a spell attack against a creature to continue singing, but you can stop singing at any
within range. On a hit, nonmagical armor worn by the time. If you stop singing, become incapacitated, or
target is partly destroyed and takes a permanent and can no longer speak, the spell ends.
cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it offers. The armor is
destroyed if this penalty reduces its AC to 10. Sonic Boom
As a bonus action on your turn, you can repeat this 7th-level evocation
attack against the same target or a different target Casting Time: 1 action
within range. Range: 100 feet (50-foot cylinder)
Components: V, S, M (a diamond conductor’s baton
Round worth at least 1,000 gp)
1st-level enchantment Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action You create a shockwave that tears through the air in
Range: 30 feet a 50-foot-radius, 100-foot-high cylinder centered on
Components: V, M (a silk glove) a point you can see within range. Each creature in
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute the area must attempt a Constitution saving throw,
A wave of resonance speeds toward a creature that taking 7d10 thunder damage and becoming deafened
you can see and that can hear you within range. Make on a failed save. On a successful save, a creature
a ranged spell attack against that creature. On a hit, takes half as much damaged and is not deafened. A
the target takes 1d6 thunder damage as thunderous creature made of inorganic material such as stone,
applause rings in its ears. On each of your turns for crystal, or metal has disadvantage on this saving
the duration, you can use your action to repeat the throw.
sound, magnifying the effect. When you do so, the
target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw Spectral Symphony
or take 2d6 thunder damage. On each subsequent 6th-level necromancy
round for the duration, when you can use your action Casting Time: 1 action
in this way, the damage increases by 1d6. The spell Range: 90 feet
ends if you use your action to do anything else, or if Components: V, S, M (a diamond conductor’s baton
the target succeeds on a Constitution saving throw. worth at least 1,000 gp)
The spell also ends if the target is ever outside the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
spell’s range or if it can no longer hear you. You summon the souls of one hundred deceased
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a musicians to form a symphony orchestra. The sym-
spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the starting damage phony manifests in an unoccupied space that you can
increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st. see within range. The members of the symphony are
incorporeal and cannot be directly interacted with in
Siren Song any way. Each soul appears as a ghostly imitation of
3rd-level enchantment how it appeared in life. Music played by the orchestra
Casting Time: 1 action can be heard up to 300 feet away.
Range: 60 feet Each round you maintain concentration on this
Components: V spell, the song grows in power, producing additional
Duration: 1 minute effects at the beginning of each of your turns. These
You sing a captivating tune, causing creatures of effects accumulate.
your choice that you can see and that can hear you Round 1, First Movement. When the musicians
within range to attempt a Wisdom saving throw, first appear, they begin their song with a lively
becoming charmed by you for the duration on a opening tune. All allied creatures (including you) that
Chapter 1: Character Creation

can hear the symphony have advantage on the first barrier or at an angle. It can be free floating or resting
attack roll they make on their turn. on a solid surface. You can form it into a hemispheri-
Round 2, Second Movement. The orchestra’s song cal dome or a sphere with a radius of up to 10 feet,
shifts to a slower and more thoughtful pace. Any or as a flat wall up to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1
hostile creatures that can hear the symphony have foot thick. Space occupied by the wall is considered
disadvantage on the first attack roll they make on difficult terrain.
their turn. When the wall appears, each creature in its area
Round 3, Third Movement. The orchestra’s song must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
evolves into an energetic minuet. All allied creatures save, a creature takes 3d8 thunder damage and is
(including you) that can hear the symphony have deafened for 1 minute. On a successful save, it takes
advantage on the first saving throw they make on half as much damage and isn’t deafened. A deafened
their turn. creature can attempt a Constitution saving throw at
Round 4, Fourth Movement. The orchestra’s song the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
races toward a dramatic finale. Hostile creatures that on a success.
can hear the symphony have disadvantage on the first A creature that enters the wall for the first time on
attack roll and saving throw they make on their turn. a turn or ends its turn within 10 feet of the wall takes
Rounds 5–10, Finale. The orchestra’s song 3d8 thunder damage and then becomes vulnerable to
explodes into a final crescendo. All allied creatures thunder damage until the end of its next turn.
(including you) that can hear the symphony gain
5 temporary hit points at the start of each of Whispers to Words
their turns. All hostile creatures that can hear the 1st-level divination (ritual)
symphony take 5 thunder damage at the start of each Casting Time: 1 action
of their turns. Range: 60 feet
Components: V, M (a blank roll of parchment)
Tarantella Duration: 24 hours
4th-level enchantment When you cast this spell, you enchant a blank roll
Casting Time: 1 action of parchment. For the next 24 hours, any words
Range: Self (30-foot radius) spoken aloud within 60 feet of the parchment are
Components: V, M (the discarded legs of a tarantula) transcribed onto its surface (in the language they
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute are spoken in), regardless of how audible the words
A haunting, fast-paced melody begins to repeat are from its position. Once the spell ends, the roll of
around you. Creatures of your choice within 30 feet parchment ceases to be magical.
of you who can hear your song must succeed on a The spell ends early if the roll of parchment is
Wisdom saving throw or be affected for the duration. destroyed or dispelled.
An affected creature must spend at least half its
movement on its turn to move to a different space Words to Daggers
than where it began their its or take 4d6 necrotic 1st-level transmutation
damage at the end of its turn. As an action, an Casting Time: 1 bonus action
affected creature can attempt to repeat the saving Range: Self
throw to end the effect. Otherwise, the effect ends Components: V, S
only when the song stops. Duration: 1 minute
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a Your words transform into silver shards that float
spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases around you for the duration. When you cast the spell,
by 2d6, and an affected creature must move an you can make a melee spell attack against a creature
additional 5 feet for each slot level above 4th. within 5 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes magi-
cal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting
Wall of Noise ability modifier.
3rd-level evocation As a bonus action on your turn, you can repeat the
Casting Time: 1 action attack against a creature within 5 feet of you.
Range: 120 feet At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
Components: V, S, M (a container of dry beans spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases
or lentils) by 1d4 for every slot level above 1st.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create a wall of visibly pulsing noise pollution
at a point you choose within range. You can make
the wall in any orientation, as a horizontal or vertical

M ost characters in the Planes begin their
adventures in the Mortal Realm, specifi-
cally in the Eldrin Empire. Although the
empire encompasses much of the continent, the
Birth of the Eldrin
Eldrin stories speak of a time when the Mortal Realm
was empty. Beautiful landscapes stretched across
various regions are home to many different peoples the world, but no one was there to admire them, so
and cultures. This chapter provides an overview of they stood silent. Until, of course, the Mother and the
the continent and details locations in which to set Father paid a visit. Two faerie beings stepped onto
your adventures. the empty earth from a portal and saw how beautiful
the lonely land was.
These two fey, who were so great in power they
History of were more akin to gods, decided to create children

the Eldrin Empire to populate the realm. There was so much work to
be done. The beings started their labors by creating
four daughters to help lead their efforts. These
Every culture tells different tales of how the Mor- daughters—Mindaris, Tavir, Ferelen, and Olyana—
tal Realm came to be, but since history is so often were the first four eldrin.
decided by the victors, the eldrin telling is the most With the help of their daughters, the Mother and
widely accepted across the empire. Father created the initial generation of eldrin and
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

taught them to use the magic that flowed through the Northward expansion led to first contact with the
land. As they mastered magic, these eldrin began to elves, who were horrified by the empire’s widespread
build a city that would eventually be named Faelyn. urbanization. Hostilities between elves and eldrin
One day, the Mother and the Father gathered their eventually escalated into a vicious territory war.
four daughters to share grave news. Their time in the With war raging to the north and the inhospitable
Mortal Realm was growing short, and they had to Kronos Desert to the west, the empire continued to
return home to aid others of their kind. While the expand south until the first wave of settlers reached
daughters wept for a world without their parents, the Feywalk Jungles. Suddenly, golden opportunity
they promised to guide their younger siblings and turned to terror as waves of fey emerged from the
ensure each generation would pass on the story of jungles to slaughter settlers en masse. Settlers died
their creation. by the hundreds as faerie creatures slew entire
populations of newly established towns, then lay in
Age of Expansion wait to destroy the next wave of settler caravans.
Few survivors escaped the carnage, and tales of
A few hundred years after the founding of Faelyn, the the horror unfolding in the far south were slow to
city experienced a massive population boom. Faelyn’s reach Faelyn and the newly founded city of Chasiana.
promise of safety and infrastructure attracted so Thousands of empire citizens died before the reigning
many immigrants from across the continent, the city tsarina established formal borders to the Eldrin
could no longer produce food quickly enough to feed Empire, bringing a sudden halt to further expansion.
its people. The empire sponsored exploration south-
ward to stave off a crisis, paying laborers and nobles Age of Allies
alike to leave the city and settle elsewhere.
These settler expeditions ushered in an age of With a new threat to the south and the delta’s
rapid expansion. The empire quickly established resources secured, the empire ceased its efforts to
settlements across the agriculturally rich lands to conquer the elven lands to the north. After a year
the south (the area now called the Mother’s Delta). of fraught negotiation, the elves and eldrin signed a
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

peace treaty establishing the sovereignty of the elves Mindaris II’s execution and the secession of the
in the Valley of Yalanthanil. Borderlands from the empire. Just six years later, the
With the northern war settled and the discovery current reigning Tsarina (Sariel Mindaris II) inherited
of hostile fey threatening the continent, the Eldrin a plummeting trade industry plagued by piracy and a
Empire faced a new challenge. Mages, soldiers, heroes, population terrified by growing reports of fey activity
and nobility from across the land were called together along the Feywalk for the first time in centuries. It
to discuss the fey threat in the empire’s first Great is in this tumultuous time that campaigns set in the
Council. For weeks, the factions argued over how to Planes begin. Old wounds between the elves and
best deal with the menace before deciding to build the eldrin still haven’t healed. Fresh wounds—like
an empire stronghold atop the soaring Plateau of the Borderlands coup—highlight ongoing economic
Andorra. This stronghold eventually became the city of stratification dividing the empire. And the faerie of
Ashtar, but how to fight the fey was left unanswered. the Wildes are stirring once again, after centuries of
Around this time, a young woman, a traveler from gathering their strength.
a far-off land, stepped forward to address the council.
She spoke of powerful binding magic used by her
people to fight creatures from other dimensions, and Life in the Empire
she offered to teach this magic to those brave enough
to learn it. Details about this woman have been lost Generally, mortals who live within or near the
(or kept secret), but her teachings lead to the creation empire’s cities enjoy plentiful comforts and protec-
of the fey-hunting Carillon Order. tions provided by a well-ordered society. The farther
With expansion halted, Ashtar established, and the one gets from these cities, the scarcer government-
carillons’ devasting powers, the faerie hordes that sponsored resources become, and distant corners of
emerged from the Feywalk were pushed back until the empire enjoy none of these protections. Villages
the attacks ceased altogether. Rather than pursuing situated close to the borders of the Wildes are akin to
the fey into their alien realm, the empire decided to frontier towns that rarely receive visits from govern-
let them retreat and settled to maintain the border. mental officials. Some regions, like the Kronos Desert
While Ashtar and the Carillon Order were left to and the Shifting Plains, are so suffused with magic
safeguard against future faerie attacks, the empire they are inhospitable to most mortal creatures.
turned its attention to strengthening infrastructure Little civilization exists beyond the borders of the
and the rest of its borders. empire, with the exception of the few independent
lands that have seceded from eldrin control. The
Age of Innovation barren wastes to the north are populated by those
who openly reject eldrin rule, and elves rule the green
With the borders secured, the empire enjoyed centu- valleys of Yalanthanil to the northeast.
ries of rapid growth and prosperity. Faelyn, Chasiana,
and Ashtar flourished into thriving cultural centers. People
Population in the empire doubled as new roads and
seafaring technology allowed the eldrin to access While large populations of eldrin do exist in the
faraway lands. The economy flourished, giving rise to empire, equally large populations of the other mortal
advances in science, medicine, culture, and weaponry. races exist as well. To enjoy some of the specific
Military defenses like the Veil and North Point were protections and benefits of the government, a person
established to safeguard against future threats. The must apply to be a citizen, a process that is open to
University of Faelyn opened its doors to the people all creatures. However, many people who live in the
of the continent. Caer Leona became a healing haven empire’s borders never pursue the process of citizen-
that spread mundane and magical healers across ship, preferring to live outside the watchful eyes of
the empire. With wealth abundant and survival the state. This open application policy has made the
guaranteed, the rich set their sights on getting richer, empire a cultural melting pot of religion, art, and
and existing gaps between the economic classes magical traditions.
became ever wider. Growing dissatisfaction with
eldrin status and wealth stirred through the empire, Languages
culminating in a violent end of the age.
Due to frequent traffic between realms, nearly every
Present Day language in existence is spoken somewhere in the
Mortal Realm. Citizens of the empire are taught
A wave of troubles has marked the past century, to read and write Common in school, and it is not
starting with the coup that resulted in Tsar Arranis uncommon to learn Sylvan as a second language.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Due to the universality of magic, citizens are also

taught Common Sign as they learn to speak and write
Common. Common Sign is a speechless language NEW LANGUAGE:
that uses hand gestures similar to those used during COMMON SIGN
spellcasting. Because spellcasting is so prevalent in Common Sign is a nonverbal language that
the Mortal Realm, Common Sign is the preferred way uses hand signs to communicate. Common
to make first contact with new cultures or races who Sign is taught to all individuals educated in
do not speak the Common language. eldrin-governed areas, and it utilizes somat-
ic gestures found universally in spellcasting.
Standard Languages Common Sign communicates a speaker’s in-
of the Mortal Realm tent visually, but another creature must be
able to see the signer and also know Com-
Language Main Speakers
mon Sign to understand them. Spellcasters
Most creatures; trade language of can receive special training to use Common
Common Sign while casting to eliminate the need for
the Eldrin Empire
verbal spell components.
Citizens of the empire; universal
Common Sign
language of the Eldrin Empire

Dragons, empire-taught mages; Calendar
the written language of magic
In the common calendar of the Eldrin Empire, days
Dwarvish Dwarves from the Teeth are 24 hours long, divided into day and night. Seven
days make up a week. Four weeks make up a month
Elves; official language of the
Elvish and eight months a year. The months correspond
Valley of Yalanthanil
with the year’s solstices and equinoxes.
Gnomish Gnomes from the Teeth The seven days of the week, in order, are Solis,
Luna, Nerell, Nabu, Maruk, Ishar, and Cronus.
Halfling merchant families of The common empire calendar tracks the years
Chasiana since the purported creation date of the eldrin
people, and each year is noted alongside the name
Sylvan Eldrin, fey, the carillons of Ashtar
of the eldrin dynasty that held the throne when
the year began. The throne most recently came into
possession of the Mindaris dynasty when Tsarina
Non-Standard Languages
Sariel Mindaris I was crowned in Auxesia 1406 Tavir.
of the Mortal Realm
By default, a new campaign set in the Planes begins
Language Main Speakers on 1 Eunomia 1716 Mindaris.

Abyssal Demons Eldrin Months

Celestial Celestials, gods, and titans Month Name

Deep Speech Aberrations Eunomia (midwinter, begins on the

winter solstice)
Ogres and giants of the
Giant 2 Thallo (marks the beginning of spring)
Kronos desert
Pherusa (mid-spring, begins on the
Goblinoids across the spring equinox)
Mortal Realm
4 Auxesia (marks the beginning of summer)
Infernal Devils Euporia (midsummer, begins on the
summer solstice)
Orc communities of the
Shifting Plains 6 Damia (marks the beginning of autumn)

Orthosia (mid-fall, begins on the

Primordial Elementals, some fey 7
autumn equinox)
Undercommon Underworld humanoids 8 Chione (marks the beginning of winter)

Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

and Politics
The Eldrin Empire is ruled by a two-party system with
While the tsar and tsarina are technically
the royal tsar and tsarina serving as the heads of state
equal in power, eldrin society has always
alongside a legislative council of appointed dukes and
regarded the tsarina as the more important
duchesses. Authoritarian power is balanced between
of the joint monarchy. This process started
the monarchs (the tsar and tsarina) and the council,
with the creation myth of the eldrin people.
which divides the empire into seven duchies. Each
The first children to whom the Mother and
duchy is ruled by a duke or duchess who oversees
Father gave life were their four daughters.
taxation and the administrative needs of its citizens.
The new parents relied heavily on these four
Politics play a major role in everyday life. Whether
daughters to help them create the eldrin
living within the protection of eldrin society or outside
and shape the empire for all their mortal de-
it, there are always greater forces vying for control.
scendants. They were named Mindaris, Tavir,
Empire nobles are obsessed with increasing their
Ferelen, and Olyana. These names are the
status and spend most of their time scheming to
family names of the four most influential
further their ambitions. Who rises to what positions
lineages in the empire, with each member
of power for what reasons are in the forefront of
of the line claiming a direct genetic link to
every politician’s mind. This continual cycle of
one of these progenitor eldrin.
posturing is a thorn in the side of progress, and
Since noble status is determined by
problems facing a province are often forgotten amid
relation to one of these four women, the
political infighting.
tsarina’s (not the tsar’s) family name dic-
tates who controls the throne. Similarly,
Magic eldrin children adopt the family name of
their mother when born.
Magic suffuses the Mortal Realm, and its use is a com-
mon part of daily life across the empire. While not
every mortal is born with the aptitude for spellcast-
ing, most manage to learn at least a cantrip or two in allowed to worship whatever gods they wish as long
their lifetime. Because magic is embraced in cultures as their rites and practices don’t cause harm to others.
across the empire, there is a considerable breadth Most eldrin and many other citizens in the empire
of spellcasting expression and tradition. State- do prescribe to the official state religion which
sanctioned magic taught in the colleges of Faelyn worships the two gods responsible for creating the
looks different from the heritage magic invented by eldrin people and the empire. For more information
the elves of Yalanthanil. Magicians from the city of about the Mother and the Father, see the Birth of the
Ashtar exclusively use the manipulation of sound Eldrin section earlier in this chapter.
to cast their spells, while the sisters of Caer Leona
heal through silent prayer. The study of magic and
its constructive use is celebrated, and many casters
develop personalized artistic relationships with their
practice of it.

Religion is an active force in the lives of most mortal
creatures. Gods in the Planes are physical beings who
require worship to maintain the celestial realms that
in turn fuel their power. Though few mortals fully
grasp the implication of this arrangement, the gods
encourage deeply personal relationships between The Mother
themselves and their worshippers, freely performing Typical Alignment: Chaotic good, chaotic neutral
miracles and granting power to divine casters who Suggested Domains: Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, War
act in their name. Symbols: A golden flame, a sword
Since many different creatures and cultures exist in The Mother is the god of force. She is the spark that
the empire, temples and shrines to almost every god instigates and drives all action. She is the patron of
can be found somewhere. Mortals in the empire are inspiration and strength in all its forms. The Mother
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

teaches her followers to trust their hearts and use Currency

them to create, to endure, to feel, and to fight. Heal-
ers, caregivers, artists, and sorcerers are just some of Major towns and cities in the empire have well-
the typical followers drawn to worship the Mother. established banks that handle substantial citizen
transactions through letters of credit drawn from the
reserves of the royal treasury. But daily transactions
and transactions made in locations without state banks
use the exchange of coins. The eldrin government
mints coins in the capital city of Faelyn and relies on
a network of financial officials throughout the nation
to keep economics running smoothly. The coins used
throughout the realm are minted in precious metals
generally considered valuable by all races to standardize
The Father their value even in communities that don’t count
Typical Alignment: Lawful good, lawful neutral themselves among the eldrin citizenry.
Suggested Domains: Arcana, Grave, Knowledge, The copper claw (cp) is stamped with a four-pointed
Order, Twilight star that represents the four major eldrin dynasties
Symbols: A silver ring, a scroll who have historically ruled the empire. The claw is the
The Father is the god of reason. He is the course that lowest denomination of coins minted by the eldrin.
informs and guides all action. He is the patron of The silver scale (sp) bears the portrait of the duke
knowledge and wisdom in all its forms. The Father or duchess who sponsored the minting of that
teaches his followers to trust their heads and use them particular run of coins. This benefit encourages the
to consider, to plan, to judge, and to seek. Scholars, dukes and duchesses to regularly invest resources in
wizards, politicians, and explorers are just some of the the royal treasury.
typical followers drawn to worship the Father. The gold talon (gp) bears the face of the ruling tsarina
on one side and the face of the ruling tsar on the other.
The platinum star (pp) is stamped with the holy
symbol of the Father on one side and the holy symbol
THE BASTARD GOD of the Mother on the other.

In the eldrin creation myth, two fey

stepped forth into the material plane
to give birth to the eldrin. This fact is and Services 1

considered absolute truth in the official A network of mages, scientists, and politicians works
religion of the empire, with the Father and tirelessly to improve quality of life throughout the
the Mother represented as the sole gods empire, including maintaining advanced infrastruc-
of the eldrin people. However, a growing ture such as paved roads, sewer systems, and law
religious trend poses that more than just enforcement.
two fey originally stepped forth from the
Wildes. This subculture believes three Education and Research
beings—or more—came forth: the Mother, Education is readily available in the empire. Children
the Father, and a trickster being referred raised in its settlements are encouraged to attend
to as the Bastard. This third being may not school, which is paid for by the government. The
have had a direct hand in the birthing of University of Faelyn has an incredible amount of
the eldrin, but it is believed the trickster colleges and trade schools where prospective students
subtly subverted the efforts of the Mother can enroll for years of coursework or train for a few
and Father, imbuing their eldrin children weeks in a particular skill. Chasiana has several
with the mortal penchant for chaos. The art schools that similarly offer long- or short-term
Bastard’s popularity has only grown over programs, and it is home to every type of bard college.
the long centuries of eldrin rule, and they Both these cities also have vast libraries that are open
have been adopted as a symbol of rebellion, to the public, but magic and rare tomes are kept in
freedom of thought, and chaos. private wings that require permission to enter. For
The free people of the Borderlands named more details about empire schooling and libraries,
their settlement after the Bastard god as a read about the Great Library in the Faelyn section.
public declaration of anti-eldrin authority.
1 This section details pricing and availability for any services that
deviate from those found in the PHB.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Healing be transported to the nearest city with appropriate

Empire law requires any settlements with one holding facilities. From there, the judge presents
hundred or more permanent residents to have a their ruling before a review board of officials who
clinic available for medical treatment. Any creature make the final ruling.
can receive cost-free mundane medical care at such Constables and judges are duty bound to assist
facilities. Magical healing services are not always all creatures in the empire and can be expected
available in far-flung communities, but most have at to provide reasonable assistance or contact more
least one Caer Leona–trained cleric on hand who can qualified officials to better handle requests.
cast up to 2nd level spells in case of emergencies. In
larger settlements, clerics are available to cast healing Shopping
spells of up to 5th level, but citizens are expected to The abundant wealth of the empire means most
make generous donations to the clergy to cover the towns and cities have multiple shops or markets to
cost of expensive spell components, and non-citizens purchase goods. Nonmagical equipment can easily
must pay full price as detailed in the Empire Casting be purchased almost anywhere, and magical goods
Fees table. are available for those who search for them. More
information about magic item availability and pricing
Law Enforcement is available in chapter 5.
All cities and towns in the empire with a population
of three hundred or more are required to elect a Spellcasting
constable. This constable is the liaison between the Spellcasters capable of casting 3rd level spells or
townspeople and the Secretary of Citizen Affairs lower are common throughout the empire, and most
for the province. Constables are required to take a are willing to sell their services. Fees vary depending
certification test proving a basic understanding of on the spell, but generally get more expensive the far-
empire law when first elected, then must retake ther the seller is from one of the major settlements.
the test every five years they remain in office. It is much more difficult to find spellcasters capable
They must also submit an annual report to the and willing to perform 4th- or 5th-level magic for pay,
Secretary that details census information and lists but it is possible. Such casters can only be found in
all disputes (and the punishments issued) resolved Chasiana or Faelyn, and they never come cheap.
by the constable through the year. Constables have Few people in the Mortal Realm master magic
authority to settle nonviolent misdemeanors and beyond 5th level, and the ones that do rarely have
can issue fines or mandatory community service. reason to peddle their power for money.
These officers are also responsible for detaining Use the Empire Casting Fees table as a base guide
creatures accused of serious crimes, until a licensed for pricing spellcasting services, but the DM has final
empire judge arrives to determine the appropriate say on specific price points.
course of action.
Larger towns and cities likely have multiple Empire Casting Fees
constables and at least one judge in permanent
residence. Becoming an empire-certified judge Spell Level Price2
requires a great deal of schooling and a much more Cantrip 10 gp
extensive certification process. Once a judge has
completed this process, they are issued a writ of 1st 50 gp
appointment and a magical seal that tracks their 2nd 100 gp
location and allows them to send and receive
messages from the nearest Secretary of Citizen 3rd 200 gp
Affairs. Whenever a constable requests a judge, 4th 350 gp
the Secretary sends a message to the judge closest
to the constable. Unless the judge is already 5th 650 gp
involved in a case or detained by unavoidable
2 These prices are in addition to the price of any necessary material
circumstances, they are required to travel to components needed to cast the requested spell.
resolve the matter or risk losing their certification.
Judges have the authority to make rulings for Transportation
petty or serious crimes or determine if a lack of A sophisticated system of roads and waterways
evidence requires a full investigation be opened. makes it easy to travel or ship goods as far west as
If the judge rules extreme punishments like Ashtar and as far north as Faelyn. This convenience
imprisonment or execution are required, the judge doesn’t extend to undeveloped regions like the
is required to stay with the accused until they can Shifting Plains and the Kronos Desert.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Passenger cabs, wagons, and river boats provide

public transportation in and between cities on a
regular schedule. Citizens of the empire (who are
willing to wait) can use this transportation at no
cost. If a creature isn’t a citizen or they want to
book private transportation, it typically costs 1 sp
per creature per mile traveled.
Towns and cities accessible via public
transportation typically have empire-sponsored
offices that can send and receive mail. Citizens can
send letters or packages less than 10 pounds using
this service at no cost. Otherwise, letters cost 1 sp to
ship or packages cost 1 sp per pound up to 9 pounds,
then 1 gp per pound beyond that.

the Eldrin Empire
The following sections focus on what you need to
know about the regions of the Eldrin Empire and
gives suggestions for creating adventures tied to
each location.

Capital: Faelyn is the capital of the Eldrin Empire
Leadership: Tsarina Sariel Mindaris II, Tsar Riardan
Tavir, Duchess Melwen Tavir
Known For: Royalty, education, maritime trade
Faelyn is the capital of the Eldrin Empire and
boasts the largest population of any city in the
Mortal Realm. It is home to a diverse immigrant
population attracted by the capital’s universities,
gardens, museums, trading centers, and other
urban innovations.
Faelyn is a thriving port city built on the shores of
the Edorian Ocean, allowing travelers from distant
lands to deliver knowledge and exotic goods. Well-
established trade relationships, a large navy, and
strict legislative regulation of the ports allow vast
wealth to flow through Faelyn into the empire.

At the heart of Faelyn rests the exact spot where
the Mother and Father (the primary eldrin gods) are
said to have first stepped foot in the Mortal Realm.
The Rainbow Palace where the tsar and tsarina live is
built around this spot, and visitors to the palace can
step into the open-air courtyard to trace the same
steps as these creators.
Regardless of whether the story is true, Faelyn is
the first recorded eldrin settlement. The area had
become a full-fledged city long before eldrin settlers
moved south into the Mother’s Delta and west
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Major Locations
toward the Plateau of Andorra. This religious and
The sprawling city of Faelyn is home to many archi-
historical legacy has secured Faelyn as the enduring
tectural marvels and cultural institutions.
capital of the empire.
The Great Library of Faelyn is not one building but
Faelyn and its surrounding lands enjoy a temperate
rather an entire district with dozens of structures.
climate. Its position between the Edorian Ocean and
Some of these buildings are open to the public, but
the Meriel River makes its open expanses of land rich
many more, including a subterranean maze of ar-
for farming. The province does experience the chal-
chives, are enterable only with the proper credentials.
lenges of all four seasons, but even the cold of winter
It is fondly said that the Great Library of Faelyn holds
and the summer heat are relatively mild.
the answer to every question for those lucky enough
to comb its depths. To obtain permission to enter the
private areas of the library, an individual must petition
People travel from all over the realm to study and
the university deans who routinely meet to review
work in the capital, creating a diverse cultural
such requests. Unless an individual presents ample
climate. Faelyn has numerous universities and
proof of need, their application is denied. If a petition
trade schools open to all creatures, which has given
is accepted, the individual receives a magical mark
rise to a robust middle class of educated workers.
to bypass the arcane defenses that guard the private
Creatures who don’t pursue schooling can easily
wings. Stories of death, incineration, transformation,
find work in the bustling agriculture or maritime
and worse at the hands of such protective measures
trade industries, and they typically enjoy a comfort-
are enough to keep most unapproved visitors from
able lifestyle.
breaking into these secure areas.
While the university deans would never admit it,
Culture and Politics
some sections of the Great Library have never been
Faelyn is home to the palace of the tsar and tsarina,
mapped. Vaults of ancient knowledge hidden deep
factoring heavily into the city’s continued prosperity.
underground have been carved out and warded long
People who live in Faelyn are generally happy with
before modern memory. Extreme security measures
the rule of Tsarina Sariel II, despite her colorful per-
in portions of the library are meant to keep intruders
sonal life. During her relatively short reign, she has
out as much as keep in whatever secrets wander in
already made significant advances toward keeping
the dark below.
the empire safe from myriad threats: the encroaching
Wildes, the growing population in the Borderlands,
and the uneasy peace with the elves of Yalanthanil.
Next to the library district is the massive campus of
the University of Faelyn. Sprawling branches and
Faelyn Characters
towers host hundreds of classes covering magic,
When creating characters from Faelyn, consider
science, creative arts, tactical warfare, and everything
asking the following questions.
in between. In addition to classrooms, laboratories,
workshops, and lecture halls, the campus has dormi-
What brought you to the city? Were you born and
tories available for nonlocal students.
raised in the capital? Did you come to Faelyn for work
The university is a major source of jobs for the
or study? Do you hold a government-sponsored job?
ever-growing population of the empire primarily
due to its government-sponsored study program.
Why have you decided to leave the city? What
Students hoping to attend the university can pay
motivates you to give up your current life in favor of
directly for their tuition (which is a substantial
adventuring? Have you recently graduated and are
fee) or waive tuition fees by agreeing to a five-year
looking for your place in the world? Have you decided
governmental service contract upon graduation.
it’s time to leave and see the rest of the world?
Upon graduation, contracted students are placed
in a job relevant to their field and given a stipend
What is your relationship with the empire? Have
to continue living comfortably in the capital. Many
you been a loyal eldrin citizen all your life? Did you
students find this arrangement highly desirable, and
immigrate to the Eldrin Empire and adopt their cus-
it is not uncommon to continue work at assigned
toms as your own? Are you discontent with what you
jobs long after the five-year contract has expired. This
have seen of eldrin society so far?
combination of opportunity and careful regulation
of acceptance rates has blessed the capital with an
abundance of skilled workers.

Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

The Rainbow Palace sits atop the
Jade Isles
highest point in Faelyn, and its Capital: Jane’s Town
colorful spires can be seen from Leadership: Duke Phinneus Albright (Jane’s Town)
miles outside the city. On sunny Known For: Ancient ruins, pirates, tropical species
days, the palace’s gemstone tiles The Jade Isles is the newest province in the El-
project an aurora of dazzling drin Empire. Before the empire claimed them, the
rainbow light. resource-rich collection of islands was a refuge for
Historically, the ruling pirate bands that plagued the Edorian Ocean. Dozens
tsar and tsarina live in the of islands, ranging from minuscule to large, make
palace, but it also functions up the archipelago, and all host tropical jungles, sea
as a legislative building for caves, and crumbling ruins.
nobility and government
officials. Visitors must History
have express permission Before the Eldrin Empire claimed the Jade Isles,
to enter its golden they served as a base for the most notorious pirate
walls, and the average crews of the Edorian Ocean. The isle’s bounty of
citizen never steps coves, caves, and beaches made it an ideal location
foot inside. to organize and hide from pursuit. As the empire’s
seafaring trade grew, so did the number of merchant
ships carrying holds of valuable goods. Thus began a
golden age of piracy, when dozens of pirate vessels
QUEST BOARD found easy prey attacking the fleets of trade ships en
route to Faelyn.
A portion of the archives underneath As trade losses grew to distressing heights, the
the Great Library is suddenly sealed off. empire poured its resources into building a naval
Rumors abound of a hostile creature that force of incredible power to combat the pirates.
somehow got in, and campus security is Even with increased military resources, the most
quietly looking for capable volunteers to notorious pirate vessels remained at large, so Tsarina
deal with the trouble. Sariel II hatched a plan. She offered Letters of Marque
to several pirate captains, pardoning them of past
The tsarina’s birthday approaches, crimes in exchange for their help hunting down the
and there is a city-wide call for novel rest.
entertainment acts. Auditions for Captain Phinneus Albright was one such pirate
performers are being held by Faelyn’s who accepted the tsarina’s deal, and he spearheaded
artistic elite, and anyone who catches a brilliant campaign to destroy the pirate ringleaders.
their attention is sure to win both gold With Albright’s assistance, the age of piracy came to
and status. an abrupt and bloody end. For his instrumental role
in the campaign, Sariel awarded Albright stewardship
of the Jade Isles, making him the first non-eldrin
A cohort of graduate students from to ever hold the title of Duke. Captain Phinneus
the University of Faelyn are paying
Albright (now Duke Phinneus Albright) retains
good coin to anyone who harvests
providence of the Isles to this day.
rare parts from monsters that dwell
outside the city.
Long stretches of balmy days on the islands are
frequently interrupted by tropical storms that make
docking on the shores incredibly perilous but allow
the lush jungles to flourish. Due to hazardous coast-
lines, the majority of the islands remain unexplored.
However, routine expeditions continue to delight
empire naturalists with newly discovered flora and
fauna species.

Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Most people living in the Jade Isles are retired
sailors and pirates who switched sides when Duke
Albright did. These hardy folk take great pride in
the community they have built amid the terrifying
wonders of the isles. In addition to the locals,
research teams from the empire regularly visit the
isles, staying for a season or two while they catalog
new species.

Culture and Politics

Sariel’s decision to name Albright duke of the Jade
Isles was not well received by the rest of the empire’s
nobility. Most eldrin view the people of the Jade Isles
as criminals destined to eventually betray the empire
as they once did to the pirate fleets. This sour impres-
sion isn’t helped by Duke Albright’s behavior, for both
his boisterous character and undeniable brilliance
breed unending resentment from the rest of the
eldrin leadership.
While the eldrin nobility were displeased with
the tsarina’s decision, other citizens of the empire
were thrilled by the unusual circumstances. They
view the promotion of a non-eldrin to noble status
as progressive action from Sariel and hope it is a first
step toward a more democratic society.

Jade Isles Characters

When creating characters from the Jade Isles, con-
sider asking the following questions.

Why do you live in such a remote place? Are

you descended from a family of pirates, or do you
have a personal history of piracy? Do you live on
the isles to study the local flora and fauna? Are
you intent on unraveling the mystery of the isles’
ancient ruins?

What is your seafaring experience? Are you a

worldly traveler? Have you ever served as a sailor, in
the navy, or on a pirate crew? Were you born on the
isles and have never left?

What are you looking for? Are you hoping to un-

cover a new species? Are you searching for a quiet
retirement? Are you eager to build a new life from the
ground up?

Major Locations
While the islands’ coastlines have been charted,
most inland features remain a mystery waiting to be

Jane’s Town is the only established settlement in the
Jade Isles. Once a burgeoning pirate port, Jane’s Town
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

has grown significantly since the isles were recog- TWILIGHT CAVERNS
nized as part of the Eldrin Empire. The town is built Mere miles from the settlement of Jane’s Town is
around a crescent-shaped bay that is one of the few the entrance to a maze of partially submerged caves
safe places for ships to dock. Because of its distance named the Twilight Caverns. These caverns are a
from the mainland and the untamed natural environ- series of naturally formed chambers filled with crum-
ment, the town’s population is expanding at a crawl. bling ruins of a yet-unidentified civilization lost to
The locals don’t seem to mind this predicament too time. Researchers regularly visit the caverns to study
terribly, but everyone looks forward to news and these ruins, since they are better preserved than the
goods from the mainland whenever a ship of adven- aboveground specimens dotted across the islands.
turous vacationers or scientists arrives at port. The twilight caverns are also a popular tourist desti-
Unlike the other eldrin provinces, government in nation due to the remarkable light-bending proper-
Jane’s Town relies on the same type of democracy ties of the ruins that fill their depths. During the twi-
used aboard pirate vessels. Whenever a decision light hours before sunset and sunrise, the stone used
needs to be made, citizens of the town gather and to construct the buildings glows with a breathtaking
vote on the best course of action. If there is no clear array of rainbow lights. Scholars are still researching
majority, the duke or his second in command (an elf what exactly causes this spectacular phenomenon.
named Valencia) step in to arbitrate. The Twilight Caverns are the most well-cataloged
ruin complex in the Jade Isles, but the stretches of
cavern that spiral down into the ocean depths have
yet to be explored. Until submersible technology is
more widely available, archeologists can only dream
of what lies at the bottom of the caverns.

Kronos Desert
Capital: North Point
Leadership: Duke Rivaan Varis (North Point)
Known For: Arcane anomalies, military training,
warped monsters

QUEST BOARD The Kronos Desert is a massive stretch of sand that

covers one third of the continent. Its inhospitable
terrain serves as a natural defense between the
A team of medical researchers needs empire and any creatures beyond the western
capable individuals to travel into the mountains.
dense jungles of the isles and capture
several venomous specimens for History
scientific observation.
The Kronos Desert was not always a sandy wasteland.
Long before the Eldrin Empire was established, the
The citizens of Jane’s Town are suddenly land was filled with fertile valleys and lush forests.
plagued by strange dreams and sightings In this early age, the verdant stretch of land was
of ghostly apparitions. All signs point the first piece of the Mortal Realm engineered by
to unrest regarding the long-abandoned the titans. During the final battle between gods and
ruins amid the trees, but the townsfolk titans, the area was devasted by an apocalyptic magi-
need more qualified investigators to cal storm conjured to disintegrate any living thing in
unravel what the hauntings mean. its path.
The crimson sands of the desert that exist today are
all that remains of the beautiful land that was burned
A notorious pirate has repeatedly
away by the gods, and there are few beings left that
evaded capture by the eldrin navy.
Desperate commanders are hoping a remember the true nature of this cataclysm.
small strike force can put an end to the
pirate’s crimes. Reports suggest this Ecology
pirate crew makes frequent stops at the The desolation of the Kronos Desert is wholly unnat-
Jade Isles and may have a hidden port ural. Residual magic from its apocalyptic destruction
somewhere among the islands. still plague the environment, creating time-altering
sandstorms, peals of arcane lightning, and monstrous
creatures twisted by raw magic.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Oases and pockets of safety exist amid the

seemingly endless dunes, but the harsh elements
usually destroy travelers long before these havens
can be found.

Violent arcane storms destroy permanent structures
built above ground. Creatures who live in the desert
travel nomadically or build settlements in the stone
ruins buried beneath the sand.
Few creatures can live in the desert’s heart, but the
Eldrin Empire maintains several defensive outposts
along its borders. Living so close to the desert guar-
antees a hard life, but eldrin who take up positions
there often do so out of a deep sense of patriotism.

In the Kronos Desert, travelers must contend not
only with the standard survival perils of a desert but
the bizarre time storms that rage across the dunes.
These time storms do not follow any predictable
patterns, which makes avoiding them a matter of
luck rather than skill. Sometimes these anomalies
look like encroaching dust storms, but mostly they
manifest as invisible portals through which a traveler
might unwittingly step. A creature swept up in one
of these time storms could be propelled to any future
or past point in time, becoming stranded centuries
ago or only losing a couple hours. This frightening
prospect of forced time travel is enough to keep most
creatures from ever attempting to cross the sands.
Magical storms not only twist time in the desert, but
they also distort space, making it impossible to safely
teleport anywhere in the region. Both short- and long-
range conjuration magic catastrophically fails within
the confines of the desert. Lesser failures include, but
are not limited to, physical disfiguration, total memory
loss, and appearing thousands of miles away from
the intended destination. More fantastic failures have
seen creatures disappear from existence, explode, or
become permanently lost in alternate timelines.

Kronos Desert Characters

When creating characters from the Kronos Desert,
consider asking the following questions.

How did you survive? Are you from a hidden under-

ground community? Did you serve at North Point or
live at a Veil outpost? Did a magical creature adopt you?

What is unique about you? Are you a planar traveler

looking to build a life in the Mortal Realm? Did you
fall through a portal in time or space and become
stranded? Do you belong to a people who have
survived due to a closely guarded secret? Do you have
a history of service for the empire?
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

What dangers have you experienced? Have you Chained to the back of a titanic earth elemental is
survived monster attacks? Have you ever been a magical bazaar that hosts a population of planar
stranded or injured by arcane storms? Have you ever misfits. In this marketplace dragged around by the
been in a position where exposure to the elements random whims of the elemental, travelers from the
almost killed you? different realms of existence live and trade with one
another fearlessly. Alien beings, creatures made of
Major Locations raw magic, and those considered too monstrous to
The vast expanse of the Kronos desert hides a pletho- live in “normal” society harmoniously exist with one
ra of arcane mysteries and serves as a natural defense another in this grand bazaar bound together by a
against invaders from the western mountains. series of free-trade guidelines.
Because passage through the heart of the desert is
nigh impossible for most mortal beings, the Planar
Bazaar continues to be the best-guarded secret in
the empire. Despite the bazaar’s random course,
creatures who visit the bazaar have instinctive
knowledge of how to find it again.

One of the twelve Veil outposts has failed
NORTH POINT to send status reports to North Point for
North Point stands as the farthest major mark of the several weeks. With the bulk of the officers
empire. The fortress is located at the northernmost occupied elsewhere, a capable party must
point of the Kronos Desert and the westernmost
travel across the desert and investigate
what happened to the outpost mages.
edge of the Borderlands. Battalions of empire-trained
soldiers occupy the outpost, which is part border
defense and part training ground for elite empire A ferocious series of dust storms near
fighters called legionnaires. Soldiers stationed at the desert border have uncovered the tip
North Point stand ready to march on military threats of a gargantuan golden spire. Local
that may arise in the Borderlands, brave the desert to archaeologists seek brave adventurers
run supplies to the far-flung Veil outposts, and guard to keep them alive as they mount an
the continent against the hordes of monsters that expedition to investigate the structure.
regularly emerge from the Valerian Reach.
Because the environment is so brutal, North Point
A community experiences an outbreak
serves as a training ground for the legionnaires, a
of an ancient disease that slowly
specialized military force trained to fight in even the petrifies afflicted creatures. The
harshest conditions. Legionnaire hopefuls are sent condition is immune to magical
to North Point after graduating from basic training healing, but legends say a cabal of
to test their mettle. Approximately one in every ten stone giants in the Kronos Desert were
recruits makes it to the second year of legionnaire able to cure the disease when it last
training. appeared centuries ago.
North Point is under the command of Duke Rivaan
Varis, an eldrin not born of a noble bloodline but
awarded his title for exceptional military service. He
was recently sent (many whisper “banished”) from THE VEIL
the court of Faelyn to preside over matters in the The Veil is a magical barrier that wraps around the
fortress. He and the tsarina were exceptionally close northwestern border of the empire, protecting
until his abrupt reassignment followed shortly after it from dragons, bandits, and monstrosities that
her marriage to the new tsar. swarm the mountains just beyond. The Veil was
put in place by the first tsarina of the Mindaris
PLANAR BAZAAR dynasty, Aurelia I, a gifted mage. At the time of the
Gliding through the most inhospitable stretches of Veil’s invention, the empire was under assault by a
the Kronos Desert is an entire settlement utterly continuous series of raids from the lands just over
unknown to most creatures in the Mortal Realm. the western mountain range (called the Teeth).
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

The Veil put a literal stop to those assaults, ushering

in a wave of prosperity and peace, securing the
throne for the Mindaris dynasty to the present day.
The Veil is an impressive feat of magical and
mundane technology. Twelve pylons set deep in
artificial caverns act as massive magical conductors,
capable of arcing raw arcane energy between one
another. Around each pylon is a subterranean
settlement for the mages who must regularly charge
the pylons to maintain the barrier.
The empire requires each settlement to have no
less than five government-endorsed mages, who are
required to serve an outpost for a minimum of two
years. To encourage participation, these settlements
are made as comfortable as possible, and mages are
encouraged to bring their families with them for the
two-year term.
Spellcasters who graduate from the University of
Faelyn with degrees in obscure fields of study are
likely to serve at the Veil outposts for a portion of
their five-year service contracts. Added financial
incentives are given to mages who volunteer for
multiple terms, though bookish mages find the
prospect of having so much quiet time to read
attractive enough.
The Veil is enchanted so that those who are
magically “marked” may pass through it at will.
These marks are only granted to individuals
who receive approval through an extensive
bureaucratic process.

The Mother’s Delta

Capital: Chasiana
Leadership: Duke Rowan Ferelen (Chasiana),
Duchess Dierdre Ferelen (Chasiana), Duchess
Amalthea Mindaris (Caer Leona)
Known For: Agriculture, artistic patronage,
luxury exports
The Mother’s Delta is the largest populated
province of the Eldrin Empire, stretching from
Faelyn to the Feywalk Jungles. Most of the delta is
fertile farmland, fed by an abundance of rivers and
a warm climate.
The province is rich in wealth, jobs, and favorable
weather, making it a popular place to live and work.
Chasiana is the city at the heart of the delta and
Faelyn’s rival in wealth and population.

During the age of expansion when the Eldrin Empire
funded exploration outside Faelyn, people began to
settle in the agriculturally rich lands to the south,
and the area was named the Mother’s Delta. The delta
seemed a rich paradise full of easy-won wealth, and
the city of Chasiana was built as its crown jewel.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Ecology What is your relationship with art? Are you

The delta is blessed with a temperate climate ideal for currently a working artist or aspiring to be one? Are
a booming agricultural industry. Several major rivers you a patron of the arts or a particular artist? Are you
flow through the area, keeping the landscape lush frustrated by your lack of artistic skill?
even in the heart of winter.
What is your stance on eldrin politics? Are you an
People aspiring player in delta politics? Do you resent the
People of the delta are considered the happiest in the nobility and their constant positioning? Have you
empire, largely because the quality of life is so good. directly benefited from or been harmed by social
An advanced system of roads and numerous rivers maneuvering?
make it easy for merchants to deliver wares through-
out the region. Even remote farm communities can
expect regular shipments of luxury items produced
in Chasiana. An abundance of opportunity makes
the delta the ideal province for fortune-seekers and Don’t let anyone ever tell you that Faelyn is the
aspiring socialites. best place to live in the empire—those people
clearly don’t know all the local spots in Chasiana .
Culture and Politics If you meet the right people and form the right
The Mother’s Delta is politically unique compared
connections, you can find yourself in the middle of
to the other empire provinces because three nobles
jointly rule it. A greater representation of govern-
a thriving nonconformist culture—innovative food ,
ment exists in the delta due to its vast wealth and the most provocative art you’ve ever seen, and
population. Duke Rowan Ferelen and Duchess music that will get even the shyest patron on the
Dierdre Ferelen jointly rule most of the delta from dance floor. After experiencing this place, you’re
their royal estate in Chasiana. Duchess Amalthea never going to want to go back to the rigidity of
Mindaris represents the interests of the healing Faelyn society, I guarantee it.
haven of Caer Leona.
The Ferelens have a long and established history
in the delta and have maintained stewardship of the
region since it first became a province. This makes
the Ferelen family—specifically Duke Rowan and
Duchess Dierdre—the most direct threats to the
Mindaris hold on the throne. Rumors whisper that
if the current reigning tsarina doesn’t soon name Major Locations
an heir, the Ferelens are a shoo-in for the next royal Major settlements dot the Mother’s Delta, but the
dynasty. entire region is well populated.
General wealth affords the delta a strong cultural
identity. Artists are in high demand to provide
the middle and upper classes with a variety of
creations to attract affluence. Patrons interested in
sponsoring theater, music, sculpture, painting, and
culinary experimentation are plentiful throughout
the area, though nowhere more so than in the city
of Chasiana.

Mother’s Delta Characters

When creating characters from the Mother’s Delta,
consider asking the following questions.

What is your relationship with wealth? Did you

come to the delta to try and make your fortune? Does CAER LEONA
your family have a thriving business, or do you work Caer Leona is a colossal castle constructed on a tied
for a family who has one? Have you lost or chosen to island at the southern tip of the delta. This castle
forsake your wealth? is home to a convent of skilled healers under the
leadership of Duchess Amalthea Mindaris, whom
the eldrin people fondly know as the Crone Mother.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

The priests of Caer Leona are hailed for their abil-

ity to cure any ailment, be it mental, physical, or
spiritual. While the island is not large and has a
small population, it is considered a holy site of the
eldrin deity the Mother and therefore is granted a
great deal of influence.
When Tsarina Sariel I died, the royal throne of the
realm was slated to pass into the hands of Duchess
Amalthea (who is a cousin to the current ruling
tsarina, Sariel II). However, Amalthea renounced her
candidacy to maintain a life of pious servitude at
Caer Leona. This renouncement of titles, wealth, and
connections in favor of divine service has made her a
beloved national figure.
Chasiana sits atop a natural and artificial canal
network that allows cargo ships and leisure barges

QUEST BOARD to access any point in the city. Sophisticated

waterworks allow for the construction of
remarkable hanging gardens and grand water
A string of minor nobles in Chasiana features across all districts.
have gone missing or been found
dead. A terrified noble family wants
to hire adventurers to protect their Plateau of Andorra
rakish heir apparent until the culprit is Capital: Ashtar
Leadership: Duchess Jelenneth Mindaris (Ashtar),
carillon council (Ashtar)
Known For: Carillons, monasteries, music
A once-thriving vineyard suddenly
faces ruin as a series of bizarre natural The Plateau of Andorra is a flat-topped mountain
events are ravaging its lands. The that dominates the southwestern region of the
owners are convinced someone is Eldrin Empire. The rocky lands around the base of the
magically orchestrating these events plateau directly border the Wildes (the faerie realm).
and they want to hire adventurers to get
to the bottom of the attacks. History
When the eldrin first stumbled upon the Wildes,
scores of settlers died at the hands of faerie magic.
Caer Leona has shut its doors to the
public without warning, and Chasiana The empire quickly established a southern border
officials have received a request to send along the Feywalk Jungles and forbade citizens from
capable soldiers to help the clergy deal expanding any farther. To guard the empire against
with an urgent issue. The Chasiana further threats that might come from the Wildes,
military is not eager to send its own to a military stronghold was built atop the soaring
deal with an unknown threat, so they Plateau of Andorra. This stronghold was the begin-
hire an adventuring party to go in nings of the city of Ashtar.
their stead.
The Plateau of Andorra is the highest point in the
Eldrin Empire, and the upper portions of it are
CHASIANA encased in cold, gray mist for most of the year.
While Faelyn is the metropolitan center of the Eldrin Along its various levels, bamboo forests and other
Empire, Chasiana is hailed as the empire’s cultural capi- high-altitude plants flourish. Many unique plant and
tal. Chasiana is built on the back of agricultural wealth, animal species in the Mortal Realm can only be found
and the sprawling city is a nexus for artisans from in the cooler mountain climate of the plateau.
around the world. The incredible amount of wealth
that flows through the city has given rise to a bevy of People
theaters, museums, fine restaurants, and art galler- Ashtar is where most people in the province live,
ies. While Faelyn boasts a highly educated citizenry, and the tiered city is built atop the rocky levels of
Chasiana possesses a thriving artistic population. the plateau. The population is mainly comprised of
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

an empire of immigrants who don’t mind feeling

removed from the pervasive eldrin culture in the rest
of the provinces. Living on the plateau is not without
its dangers, since Ashtar is the first line of defense
against possible faerie invasion.

Culture and Politics

The Plateau of Andorra is technically under the stew-
ardship of eldrin Duchess Jelenneth Mindaris, who
inherited the position when her cousin ascended to
the throne (becoming the current Tsarina, Sariel II).
Though the plateau is an empire province on paper,
decisions are unofficially made by the carillon council
based in Ashtar.
Jelenneth, like most eldrin, finds the plateau’s
proximity to the Wildes unappealing. Consequently,
the duchess spends most of her time traveling and
visiting other nobles, only returning to her Ashtar
estate when absolutely necessary. Ashtar’s citizens
have no great love for the duchess, so they are
generally content to govern themselves.

Ashtar is the home base for an order of
magic-users called carillons who use bells to
summon, banish, control, and harm fey crea-
tures. A carillon is easily recognized by the
bandolier of seven bells they always wear.
Carillons are influential figures in the em-
pire who track down and slay fey creatures
who enter the Mortal Realm. Members of
the order have permission from empire
monarchy to do whatever is necessary to
maintain national security, which makes
them as much feared as they are revered.
For more information on the Carillon
Order, see chapter 4.

Plateau of Andorra Characters

When creating characters from the Plateau of
Andorra, consider asking the following questions.

What is your view of the carillons? Do you find their

secretive practices concerning or frightening? Do you
aspire to become a carillon one day? Are you proud to
come from the same province as the carillons?

What is your relationship to the fey? Have you ever

encountered the fey, and if so, was it a frightening
experience? Are you part fey? If so, do you have to
hide your heritage? Have you witnessed the carillon
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

battle a fey, and were they responsible for saving you FEYWALK JUNGLES
or your community? The Feywalk Jungles is a transitory place that marks
the ever-shifting border between the faerie realm
Why do you live here? Are you determined to honor (called the Wildes) and the Eldrin Empire.
your roots in Ashtar, despite the constant danger? Constant ebb and flow between the two realms
Are you an eldrin patriot who considers it an honor sporadically causes weird magical effects throughout
to defend the border? Do you value living in a place the jungle. Mutated creatures and plants randomly
removed from most of the day-to-day eldrin politics? appear in its depths, any structures built quickly fall
to ruin, and landmarks are prone to change location.
Major Locations No eldrin call the jungles home, but a few exceptional
Ashtar is the only major settlement on the plateau, communities have learned to live in harmony with
but scattered rural communities eke out a living from the ever-changing landscape. Ultimately, the empire
the lands at its base. Wide tracts of land adjacent to has given up on establishing a foothold in the jungle
the Wildes are inhabited only by abandoned build- in favor of maintaining its borders.
ings and the occasional empire patrol. Just beyond
lies the Feywalk Jungles, which is a dangerous
transitory zone between the Mortal Realm and the QUEST BOARD
faerie realm.

Reports of faerie creatures attacking

remote villages have reached the carillon
council. Unfortunately, all the active
carillons are away from the city on
assignment, so the council settles
for sending regular adventurers to

An alarming number of beasts with

fey-like characteristics have begun
emerging from the Feywalk Jungles. It
is clear that someone is transforming
these beasts, and heroes are needed to
travel into the jungles and stop their
activity before people get hurt.
Ashtar sits at the highest point of the Eldrin Empire,
A popular carillon has gone missing
built atop the Plateau of Andorra. This placement is
in action, as has the carillon sent to
carefully considered, as the city was initially built as find them. The carillon council is
a surveillance outpost to guard the southern border. organizing search parties of capable
Reaching the city requires navigating a series of citizens and adventurers to head into
winding switchback roads and mechanical platforms the Feywalk Jungles to find them.
built along the various levels of the plateau.
Ashtar is often called “the city of bells” due to
the peculiar defenses implemented by the carillon
council. Strings of small bells line the city’s light
posts, fences, and gates, causing the air to fill with Shifting Plains
jingling when strong winds blow. In addition to these
strings, bell towers stationed in each district ring to Capital: None
mark every hour of the day. Leadership: Autonomous clans
A walled monastery atop the highest point in Known For: Hunting, magical flora,
Ashtar serves as a base of operations for the Carillon nomadic societies
Order. It is here that prospective carillons are trained The Shifting Plains are a vast stretch of grasslands
and the secrets of the order are kept. Most sections near the heart of the Eldrin Empire that separate
of the monastery are closed to the public, but the the Borderlands in the north from the Mother’s
carillon council invites concerned citizens to air Delta in the south and eventually fade into the
grievances in their chambers each month. Kronos Desert in the west. Several nomadic
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

cultures call the grasslands home, and the region

boasts a wide assortment of plants and herd
animals. Tall grasses infused with magic cover the
land, creating rippling optical illusions whenever
the winds shift direction.

When settlers first expanded outward from Faelyn,
a portion headed west into the Shifting Plains. The
aggressive grasslands thwarted every attempt to
build structures or establish settlements. After so
many failures fighting back the magically infused
landscape, the tsarina stopped approving settler
petitions to the area altogether.
While the eldrin have no established
settlements in the plains, they have brokered
longstanding trade agreements with the nomadic
cultures that call the grasslands home. In
particular, the local orc tribes who capture and
breed horses have enjoyed a fruitful partnership
with the empire to this day.

Conditions in the Shifting Plains are not as intense
as the Kronos Desert or the Borderlands, but hot
sun and scarcity of water have kept the eldrin from
developing the area. A variety of grass species unique
to the empire flourish here, and many possess latent
magical properties. This latent magic makes native
flora and fauna particularly resistant to the influence
of civilization. When cut, the grasses grow back
within days, more fibrous than they were before.
Beasts who wander the grasslands have innate magi-
cal abilities to help them hide, making the Shifting
Plains a hunting ground worthy of only the most
capable rangers.

Centaurs, orcs, and goblinoids make up the largest
percentage of the people who live in the grasslands.
These groups travel across the plains in large clusters,
erecting semipermanent structures as they track
migratory herds of the beasts they hunt for food.
Most cultures in this province have little interest in
interacting with the Eldrin Empire. Still, several orc
clans make a living by domesticating wild horses to
sell to the eldrin military.

Shifting Plains Characters

When creating characters from the Shifting Plains,
consider asking the following questions.

How do you feel about city life? Have you ever vis-
ited a developed town or city? Does the prospect of
living in a city excite or frighten you? Do you resent
civilization’s effect on the natural environment?
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

What is your connection to nature? Is preserv-

ing the natural world important to you? Do you
have experience working with native plants and
animals? Have you grown up learning to fear the
natural world?

What was your family life like? Did you grow up in

a large nomadic community? Did you spend most of
your life in hermitic solitude? Do you have family or
friends in the Shifting Plains? If so, how do they feel
about your desire to adventure elsewhere?

QUEST BOARD The various people who live in the plains are all
familiar with this site and regard it as a mystical
place of power. Whenever these disparate
An eldrin noble seeks adventurers to societies decide to meet, they usually assemble
capture a rare breed of horse native to the
at Goldencrest.
grasslands. They are offering a huge
sum of money to whomever can capture
the elusive beast.
Exploring the
The Shifting Plains begin to burn, Independent Lands
causing poisonous clouds of magic
dust to affect adjacent provinces. The following sections detail independent regions
Rumors report that the sudden that border the Eldrin Empire and give suggestions
appearance of a fire-breathing beast is for creating adventures tied to each location.
causing the problem, and it needs to be
tracked down and stopped.
A wealthy merchant is trying to Capital: Bastard’s Breach
build a hunting lodge in the Shifting Leadership: Elected council of elders
Plains, but development is repeatedly (Bastard’s Breach)
sabotaged by magic. The merchant Known For: Rebellion, outlaws, airborne monsters
suspects a nearby druid circle is The Borderlands were once a province of the Eldrin
behind the interference, and they want Empire, until the region was granted its own
adventurers to talk (or bully) some sovereignty following a bloody coup. While the
sense into the druids. rocky wastes of the Borderlands are perilous, it is
one of the few places where humanoids can live
totally outside the influence of eldrin law.

Major Locations History

There are no permanent structures or settlements The Borderlands was a full-fledged province of the
in the Shifting Plains, but the nomadic cultures who empire until a century ago, when a dragonborn
thrive in the area regularly meet around several geo- noble named Corin Le’Fleur led a revolt against the
graphic landmarks to trade. Mindaris Dynasty. Le’Fleur was discontent with
dominion over his family holdings in the desolate
GOLDENCREST wastes of the Borderlands and felt his poor allot-
Near the heart of the Shifting Plains lies a hilly region ment had everything to do with his non-eldrin
that boasts the highest point in the otherwise flat lineage. Corin found allies among similarly discon-
expanse. Atop Goldencrest, the tallest of these hills, tented noble families tired of the eldrin stranglehold
is a curious natural phenomenon, a cluster of trees on the empire’s wealth. With an army at his back,
planted in a perfect circle. Each tree on the hilltop is a Corin stormed Faelyn, seized the palace, and mur-
different nonnative species, and none could naturally dered Tsar Arranis II (father of the current tsarina,
withstand the arid climate of the grasslands. Sariel II), bringing the government to a complete
Nevertheless, they thrive. standstill.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Without Corin’s knowledge, Tsarina Sariel I

arranged a secret meeting with the discontented
families to broker a deal. The families would deliver
Corin to her for execution, then leave the capital.
In exchange, the Borderlands would be established
as a free territory, where the families could live
under their own power and make their own laws.
The families took the deal, and the independence of
the Borderlands has been permitted to exist (albeit
uneasily) to this day.

The Borderlands form the northernmost portion
of the continent, stretching from the Shifting
Plains into the glacial northern mountains of
the Teeth. Most of the land is unyielding tundra,
which renders farming infeasible. Conditions in
the Borderlands have only worsened as increased
numbers of flying monsters pour out of the
mountains and the roaming bands of outlaws
continue to grow in number.

Most mortals in the Borderlands live together in the
sole settlement of Bastard’s Breach. People in the
sprawling city come from a variety of backgrounds
and walks of life, but most are there in an effort to
leave their pasts behind. Former nobles live among
retired assassins, farmers driven to bankruptcy work
with convicted mages, and those who claim to be
better than anyone else swiftly find themselves on
the wrong end of a spear. Life in the Borderlands is
made difficult by the scarcity of resources, so the
people of the breach must support one another to
ensure everyone survives.

Culture and Politics

The will to survive has divided the people of the
Borderlands into clear factions. Whether a creature
belongs to one of the breach’s trade guilds or a
rough-riding outlaw band, individual identity is
largely defined by the group. The Borderlands is filled
with people who have rejected or been rejected by
empire standards, so most are aggressively inde-
pendent and carry antiauthoritarian values through
their lives.
Rather than complain about their unfortunate
circumstances, the various communities in the
Borderlands tend to be fiercely proud. There is a
general feeling of “us versus them” that binds its
denizens together in a unique way unlike anywhere
else on the continent.

Borderlands Characters
When creating characters from the Borderlands,
consider asking the following questions.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Why do you live outside eldrin law? Did an an exchange requires a portion of the goods go to
encounter with the law drive you to live in the guild, but the trader is guaranteed the guild’s
the Borderlands? Do you consider yourself protection if the other party fails to hold up their
antiestablishment? Is your family tied to Bastard’s end of the bargain.
Breach or an outlaw faction? Because survival is a daily concern, cultural norms
are different in Bastard’s Breach than anywhere in the
What skills have you cultivated to survive? empire. Art forms that require material components
What do you contribute to groups surviving in the like architecture, sculpture, writing, and painting are
Borderlands? What role do you play in your group’s considered frivolous (even insulting), but performance-
day-to-day life? Were you forced to learn skills to based artists like storytellers, dancers, and singers
survive, or have you been trained to survive from are held in high regard. Performers skilled in these art
birth? forms can easily make a living in the breach, despite
the hard landscape. Spirited festivals are held by the
What is your stance on the eldrin gods? Are breach elders each month, where professional and
you a fan of the Bastard god’s mythology? Do you amateur performers can show off their talents. Crowd
find the eldrin’s binary belief system oppressive? favorites win prizes of extra rations or rare luxury
Is the total separation of church and state goods. These festivals keep morale high and encourage
important to you? citizens to spend free time developing original songs
and stories (instead of making trouble).
Major Locations
The Borderlands consist of large stretches of waste-
lands punctuated by well-guarded strongholds of QUEST BOARD
A crew of bandits has kidnaped the
son of an affluent merchant. The
bandits were spotted riding into the
Borderlands, and the merchant needs
adventurers to retrieve the boy.

A monstrous winged beast has moved

down from the mountains to prey on
the rare supply caravans that visit
Bastard’s Breach. The council needs
someone to set a trap to attract the
monster and bring it down for good.
Bastard’s Breach shines as the only city in a wild
wasteland full of danger and crime. It is a city that A band of clerics receive a vision of a
sets its own rules and systems as per the agree- fertile valley hidden in the wastelands.
ment established by the sacrifice of Corin Le’Fleur. These holy people need guardians to
Decisions in the breach are decided by an elected protect them during the long trek to their
council of elders, and law is enforced by the strength destination.
of its patriotic citizens.
Almost everyone in Bastard’s Breach belongs
to a trade guild. These guilds function similarly
to merchant guilds in wealthier regions, creating Valley of
a collective to look out for the interests of its Yalanthanil
members. Newcomers to the breach are encouraged
to lend their skills to (or learn new skills from) one Capital: Grey Haven
of these guilds to contribute to society. Each guild Leadership: Parliamentary democracy (Grey Haven)
is led by an informally elected representative who Known For: Ancient forests, elven culture,
meets directly with the breach council of elders wooden goods
to voice concerns on behalf of their guild. Because Dominion over the Valley of Yalanthanil was given
there is no formal currency in Bastard’s Breach, the to the elven people by a treaty that ended a long and
guilds also help regulate exchanges of goods and bloody war with the Eldrin Empire. Ancient forests
services between private citizens. Making such and settlements harmoniously exist in the region due
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

to the careful stewardship of the elven communities

that dwell there.

The elves are not only the longest-lived humanoid
race in the Planes—they are also the race that
has existed the longest on the material plane.
Anthropologists generally agree that elves may have
been the first mortal race ever created. When the
eldrin people were first born, elves had already built
their civilization in the great forests of the land. As
eldrin resources and ambitions grew, it became clear
that the two cultures could not harmoniously exist
on the same land. For generations, the two peoples
squabbled and warred against one another until
they brokered an agreement. As part of the treaty,
strict borders were drawn to create the Valley of
Yalanthanil to separate it from eldrin control.
This agreement has remained in place for centuries,
but tensions rise and fall each generation. Whenever
the continent faces a great threat, like the current
incursion of the Wildes, the eldrin and the elves
rarely agree on how the nations should work together
to address the problem.

Temperate forest covers the entirety of the valley,
making travel through the region difficult and
dangerous for those unfamiliar with the environ-
ment. Yalanthanil’s northern border runs into the
icy mountains of the Valerian Reach, so weather
throughout the valley tends toward cold and rain
most of the year, leading into hot summers. Strict
elven regulations ensure native creatures are left to
flourish naturally, granting the valley a thriving popu-
lation of both magical and nonmagical creatures.

While elves govern the valley, they are not the
only people who dwell within its borders. Like in
the Eldrin Empire, anyone in the realm is welcome
to build a life in the settlements of Yalanthanil.
However, life in the valley is very different from life
in the empire, and many creatures are unwilling to
make the concessions necessary to live in the elves’
domain. In Yalanthanil, civilization is intertwined
with the natural environment rather than built to
dominate it, which makes architecture, agriculture,
and resource management radically different from
the practices of the Eldrin Empire.

Culture and Politics

Elves have been in the material realm for a long time
and have developed deep-rooted cultural values and
practices. Many elements of elven culture are tied to
the practices necessary to live in wild environments.
Chapter 2: Mortal Realm

Food, religion, spirituality, relationships, architecture, assortment of buildings wound around the
and history are all influenced by patterns in the trees. Centuries of magical growth have infused
natural world. Because living in Yalanthanil requires the city’s foundations, causing flora and fauna
major lifestyle adjustments, many non-elven people cultivated there to grow at heightened rates. Even
who build homes there freely adopt elements of the weather around Grey Haven is affected by its
elven culture as their own. magic, causing the capital’s climate to be mild no
matter the season.
Valley of Yalanthanil Characters The people of the city are fiercely proud and
When creating characters from the Valley of dedicated to preserving ancient elven customs. Many
Yalanthanil, consider asking the following questions. elves born in Grey Haven voluntarily choose to spend
their entire lives in the city or ultimately return to it
What is your cultural identity? Are you an elf when they retire.
raised with the traditional cultural values of the val-
ley? Did you or your family choose to adopt elements
of elven culture in the past? Do you reject elven
culture and seek to find a unique or new set of values QUEST BOARD
for yourself?
A group of exchange students from
How do you view the Eldrin Empire? Do you view the University of Faelyn needs a
the practices of the eldrin as bizarre or intriguing? party to safely lead them through
Have you or your family had experiences with the the forest to Grey Haven. A group of
empire that have colored your judgment? Do you masked warriors has reportedly been
have faith in the peace between the empire and the attacking travelers who attempt to
valley, or do you fear it will one day unravel?
enter the forest.

Have you ever experienced different ways of life?

Did you live in the empire for before moving to An elven outpost is tracking a
Yalanthanil? Have you ever left the confines of the magical disease affecting local
valley, or is the world beyond a mystery to you? What
beasts, causing them to become
hyperaggressive before dying. The
do you know of other cultures and cities? Have you
elves need help tracking the source of
studied their customs?
this affliction before it spreads to other
parts of the valley.
Major Locations
Hidden beneath the forest canopy is a network of
outposts, towns, and cities that stretch across the
A hermitic wise woman sends a
Valley of Yalanthanil.
message requesting immediate rescue.
The new enchantments she conjured to
protect her forest home have gone awry,
and she is trapped inside.

Lands Beyond
While this campaign guide covers only one con-
tinent, other lands and people exist in the Mortal
Realm. Eldrin know little about the countries that
lay beyond the western mountain ranges, and much
of the oceans remain uncharted. Rumors abound of
entire cities in pockets of the underworld and stories
GREY HAVEN tell of ice-clad warriors who live among the glaciers
Grey Haven is the seat of elven power and its of the Valerian Reach. The possibilities are endless,
cultural center. The city is located in the heart and plenty of room is left in the Mortal Realm for new
of the valley and is comprised of a sprawling stories and new discoveries.
The dryad’s enchanting song is as beautiful as it is deadly.

T he Wildes is an ever-changing realm ruled
by faerie creatures. While most characters
aren’t from the Wildes (it is nearly impos-
sible for mortal creatures to live a happy or normal
life in the faerie realm), its influence is felt in every
Most information presented in this chapter
corner of the Eldrin Empire. The Wildes is the closest
is unknown to citizens of the Eldrin
realm to the mortal one and the easiest to access.
Empire and most of mortalkind. Lack of
Adventures in the Planes frequently feature excur-
information has led most mortals to view
sions into the lands of faerie or center on the trouble
fey as vicious predators and the Wildes as a
caused by fey interference in the Mortal Realm. This
terrifying den of monsters.
chapter provides an overview of the Wildes, detailing
Empire citizens have entered the
its locations and residents.
Wildes before, some intentionally, most
accidentally. Regardless of their intentions
Nature of the Wildes or protective measures, most fail to
emerge. Despite the odds, some mortals
have gone in and come out alive. These
Every realm in the Planes is governed by a unique
people are few and far between and are
set of laws that sculpt reality. While the laws of
never eager to repeat the experience. Those
nature in the Mortal Realm are nearly identical to
who return are always changed, touched
those of planet earth, the realm of faerie has several
by the strangeness of the place and of
major deviations from these familiar principles. This
their journey. Most of what the empire
section covers the properties of the Wildes that make
knows about the Wildes comes from these
adventures there more fantastical and far stranger
eyewitness accounts and is colored by
than any set in the Mortal Realm.
survivor trauma.

Like the Planes itself, the arrangement of the Wildes of the Wildes, manifesting as a realm dominated
is continually in flux. Its borders grow and shrink by awesome stretches of untamed nature. Every
the same way other realms’ borders do, but its inte- biome known to mortalkind (and quite a few unique
rior geography also changes based on the willpower additions) exists somewhere in the Wildes. Over
of its residents. The faerie realm is a microcosm of the course of a stroll, travelers might step through
the Planes, where creatures’ desires cause locations subterranean caverns lit by bioluminescent plants,
to grow, shrink, shift, swap, change, or appear at to a labyrinthian stretch of orchards, to arid savannas
an accelerated pace. Creatures born in the Wildes stalked by vicious beasts. Due to the shifting land-
possess an innate understanding of navigating the scape, it is impossible to say with certainty what the
ever-changing landscape, but travelers from other environment of the Wildes will be when a creature
realms quickly become lost without assistance. enters, but it is guaranteed to have an abundance of
Certain areas of the Wildes, like demesnes and thriving flora and fauna.
dwellings (covered later in the chapter), are more
solidly fixed, but the land in between is prone to Life and Death
change each hour.
Fey are immortal, born fully grown, and do not age.
Environment Faeries of the Wildes do not require food, water, or
air to live (though they enjoy all three) and only die
Fey are creatures of instinct and imagination, uncon- if slain.
cerned by the daily needs that plague mortal exis- Fey do not sexually reproduce as mortals do
tence. This freedom is reflected in the environment (though many enjoy recreational sex). Faeries who
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

want children must adopt them or craft a special majority have trouble comprehending the concept
magical object called an effigy. Effigies are magical of a future and rarely retain information that isn’t
vessels capable of housing a fey soul. Whenever relevant beyond “tomorrow.”
a faerie dies in the Wildes, the deceased’s soul Biological commitment to the present makes it
may travel into the nearest effigy, transforming nearly impossible for fey to record the past, which
the vessel into a living faerie. The more lifelike the is why no written history of the Wildes exists. Only
effigy is, the greater chance this process will occur, the most dedicated faerie creatures can remember
so effigies typically resemble hyperrealistic dolls or the past and learn from it to plan for the future.
sculptures. If a soul released by death is not drawn This unique ability to wield knowledge is one of
into an effigy, it feeds back into the environment the reasons common fey are drawn to follow these
of the Wildes, and a new fey is born through a potent beings.
process called “sprouting.” Sprouting happens in
a wide variety of ways, but it always involves the
emergence of a fully formed faerie creature from
some natural element. A new fey might emerge
from the ground like a flower, coagulate from a Have you ever tried to walk into a library
spray of ocean foam, hatch from a bird’s egg, or any and find a primary source of information from the
other manner of natural process. Fey born in both fey? I have, and the summary of the experience is:
these ways don’t retain any conscious memory of there simply aren’t any.
the soul’s previous lives.
If a fey is killed, its body rapidly decays before It is mind-boggling that the entire realm can
disappearing into a swirl of autumn leaves, a hail go thousands of years without writing a single
of sparkles, or some other appropriate harmless letter, diary, or any other kind of historical record .
effect. If the death happens within the bounds of If you think writing a paper on the fey would be a
the faerie realm, the fey’s soul is born again in one useful experience, think again.
of the ways previously described. If the fey dies
outside the faerie realm, its soul cannot return to
the Wildes, and it is lost forever. There are a finite
number of faerie souls in existence, so unlike
mortals who can endlessly procreate, the popula-
tion of the Wildes can never increase. Every time
a faerie dies outside the Wildes, fey kind moves Magic
one step closer to extinction, which is one of the
reasons the fey are so preoccupied with expand- Fey are creatures born of magic with an intuitive
ing the faerie realm to the size it once was. understanding of its intricacies. Unlike mortals, fey
require no training to use or control the magical ener-
Time and Memory gies of the world. Also, unlike mortals, fey are limited
in their magical potential; a faerie’s innate magic
Like the fey themselves, the Wildes is untouched capabilities do not grow or change with experience.
by the ravages of time. Its creatures do not age, Fey can learn and cast spells as mortal mages do, but
and it is not ruled by daily or seasonal cycles. Some most lack the self-discipline necessary to use such
areas of the realm are cast in eternal night, while methods.
others experience traditional days. Perpetual sum- In the Wildes, magic is an ever-present natural
mer can invigorate one region, while the adjacent force similar to air or gravity in the Mortal Realm.
land is locked in winter frost. Drawing on the world’s magic is second nature to the
There is no consistent way to track hours, days, fey and is typically done without thought. A faerie
or years in the Wildes, and since fey are immortal, projects its will into the world and knows the Wildes
most don’t see a need to do so. The average faerie will eventually cause it to manifest. All creatures
is consumed entirely by the present moment and in the Wildes can use environmental magic in this
has trouble even comprehending the idea of time. way, though an individual fey’s power is measured
Speaking to a fey about past events often devolves by the speed and scale at which changes manifest.
into frustration since they have no internal clocks Environmental magic is much more difficult for fey to
and little capacity for long-term memory. If a fey use in other realms, so they are forced to rely mostly
says something happened “yesterday,” it might on innate abilities when far from home.
be referring to an event that happened in the last
century or just a few minutes ago. Similarly, the
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

of the Wildes OF THE WILDES
Few individuals have managed to survive
Thousands of different types of fey exist in the world,
the alien world of the Wildes, but those
and most of them are born in the Wildes. True fey (mon-
who have strictly adhered to the rules of
sters with the fey creature type) make up most of the
the realm. A catastrophic string of trial
realm’s population, but all manner of other creatures
and error has revealed the following wis-
have found ways to adapt to life among the faeries.
dom for any mortals brave (or desperate)
This section provides information about the most com-
enough to travel in the faerie realm.
mon types of fey living in the Wildes and touches on
some of the other creatures that call the realm home.
• From hour to hour, the landscape
of the Wildes twists and shifts
dramatically. Expect nothing to be
Archfey solid or certain.
Archfey are beings capable of drawing awesome
• The only way to reach a destination
is to plot your path and never change
amounts of raw power from the magic that flows
direction. You must continue straight
through the world. Only a handful of archfey are cur-
ahead, no matter what stands in your
rently operating in the Wildes, and they are all difficult
way. Even the slightest deviation
to find. Environmental magic surges around these
from your path may find you lost
beings, causing their moods and whims to reshape
the realm at alarming speeds. It is dangerous for any
creature to be around a single archfey, and disaster
• Falling asleep in the Wildes is one of
the most dangerous things you can do.
inevitably follows a meeting between two archfey.
Denizens of the realm love to inhabit
Most archfey are ancient, born when the Wildes
the dreams of their victims, causing
first sprung into existence. Thousands of years of
them to wander off in a stupor to
accumulated knowledge coupled with the chaotic
their deaths. If you must sleep, have
way magic spins around them easily makes them the
a companion actively watch you, or
most powerful kind of fey.
disaster is sure to strike.
• All food and drink in the area can
Changelings lead to death or enchantment.
Magic touches all flora and fauna.
Mortal creatures are physiologically incompatible with
Consumption may give everlasting life,
the nature of the Wildes. For example, the faerie realm
grant magical powers, or cause instant
doesn’t have time, but mortal creatures are constantly
death. Whatever the result, it always
aging, so a mortal creature in the Wildes introduces an
comes at a steep price.
element of paradox. Whenever such paradoxes occur,
the environmental magic of the realm is triggered
• Fey are obsessed with politeness
and etiquette. It is possible to escape
as it attempts to correct the paradox. Changelings
a horrible situation if you display
result from this environmental magic attempting to
enough charm to impress one of these
transform a mortal into a more acceptable creature.
beings. Of course, if they like you, they
Mortals who remain in the Wildes for too long
might adopt you as a pet, consort, or
without magical protection eventually transform
whatever they please. It is generally
into changelings. Changelings are not true fey,
better to avoid them at all costs.
but they manifest some magical traits and usually
develop faerie-like physical characteristics. The
• Never accept anything from a faerie.
Refuse anything they hand you
transformation, however, makes it impossible for
and try not to take anything. Even
changelings to ever return to the Mortal Realm.
plucking a flower might indebt you to
The number of changelings in the Wildes
fluctuates as fey attitudes toward mortalkind warm
or sour, but there is always a healthy scattering
• Speaking the name of a fey aloud
will certainly draw their attention,
throughout the realm. Adopting (some might say
for better or worse (usually worse).
abducting) a mortal creature and allowing it to
transform into a changeling is the easiest way for
fey to have “children” of their own, so it is still
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

widely practiced throughout the realm. Due to their Discarded changelings who manage to escape often
mercurial natures and dislike of responsibility, seek out others who have been transformed. Small
a fey’s infatuation with parenthood rarely lasts, communities of changelings are found across the
putting the changeling in a precarious position. Wildes; changeling-founded villages are rumored to
Lucky changelings might be granted employment in exist somewhere In-Between.
their parent fey’s home or simply cut loose to find
their way. Unlucky changelings may find themselves Sovereign Court
imprisoned, eaten, or used as target practice. Members
Mortals who become lost in the Wildes eventually
become changelings. Still, without a fey guardian At least half the fey currently residing in the Wildes
to watch them, these mortals rarely survive long are members of a sovereign fey court, though that
enough to experience any noticeable signs of percentage increases with each passing season. There
transformation. are currently seven sovereign courts squabbling
to decide how fey should react to the encroaching
Mortal Realm. Each has radically different ideas about
how to combat the shrinking of the Wildes.
Unaligned Fey
A mortal creature who remains in the
Wildes for 7 consecutive mortal days True fey who aren’t aligned with any sovereign
transforms into a changeling and can no courts make up the rest of the Wildes population.
longer leave the faerie realm by mundane Unaligned fey live in the In-Between lands, not
or magical means. Any length of time beholden to any kind of authority. Unaligned fey
spent in the Mortal Realm or areas mostly include beast-like fey incapable of living in
warded against the environmental magic the civilization offered by the courts, but they also
of the Wildes immediately reverses any represent communities of intelligent beings unwill-
progress toward transformation and ing to or uninterested in committing to the agendas
resets the 7-day timer. Once a creature of the sovereign courts.
completes the transformation, nothing
short of a wish spell or similarly powerful
magic can restore the creature to its
former state.
If adventurers anticipate a long stay in
the Wildes or find themselves stuck in the While it is more difficult for mortals to
faerie realm, there are several methods live in the Wildes than for true fey, some
they can use to ward against the effects of successfully do so.
transformation: Most mortals currently living in the
• Characters under the effects of spells Wildes are found in lands under the control
like arcanist’s magic aura, nondetection, of one of the sovereign courts. Mortal
or similar magical effects that interfere creatures who swear allegiance to one of
with divination magic are warded the sovereign courts are granted a measure
against transformation for the duration of faerie power (see “Templates” in chapter
of the spell. 6). While mortals retain these powers,
• Any fey creature capable of casting at they are warded against the changeling
least one spell can provide a charm to transformation.
ward a creature against transformation Other mortals living in the faerie
for 3 mortal days, typically in exchange realm reside in areas warded against
for a small favor. the environmental magic of the Wildes.
• A creature who receives a kiss freely Archfey dwellings (see “Exploring
given by a changeling is warded against Neutral Ground” for more information)
transformation for 7 days, after which are such places, and clever travelers have
they cannot be warded again in the same left a scattering of hidden safehouses
manner for 1 year. across the realm.

Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

given or services rendered must always be repaid with

Life in the something of equivalent value. In the Wildes, this

Faerie Realm agreement goes without saying, so visitors unfamiliar

with faerie customs often find themselves indebted
to fey before they realize what’s happening.
Daily life in the Wildes varies widely based on where Trades made in the Wildes may seem like a routine
a creature lives. Fey who reside in the sovereign conversation to an uninformed observer, but the
courts or serve one of the archfey are accountable creatures involved must follow a specific process
to the commands of others, and their lives are based that magically binds them to one another.
around this structure. Creatures who live In-Between To initiate a trade, a fey must first present what
are beholden to no one, and free to do anything they they are willing to offer. Presenting can be as simple
wish among the untamed wilderness. as holding out an object or as complicated as reading
Despite the different lifestyles available to the off a list of services the fey is capable of performing.
denizens of the realm, there are some universal If the fey wants immediate payment for their offer-
cultural rules followed by all faerie kind. This section ing, they must then state what they expect in return.
explores several generalizations that apply to beings If the fey does not state payment, it is assumed the
everywhere in the realm. other party will owe them a favor to be called in
at a later date. A faerie does not have to state their
Languages expectation of a favor, but they must answer truth-
fully if the other party asks about their intentions.
The environmental magic of the Wildes makes com-
munication easier than in other realms. All creatures
born in the faerie realm understand the Sylvan
language, even if they cannot verbally communicate.
Native creatures who can speak know the Sylvan
language from the moment they are
born. Fey who routinely travel to other
realms (like archfey and sovereign
courtiers) or frequently deal with
mortals often learn the Common lan-
guage. For the list of languages spoken
across the Planes, see the “Standard
Languages of the Mortal Realm” section
in chapter 2.
Even if a creature does not speak
Sylvan, they can eventually be under-
stood by spending enough time in the
Wildes. Mortal creatures with at least a
day’s progress toward the changeling
transformation can understand and
be understood by all creatures who
speak Sylvan (regardless of the lan-
guage they are actually speaking).

There is no official currency in
the Wildes, and most fey have
little interest or need for money.
The realm provides its denizens
with all the resources fey need
to survive, but on the occasions
faerie kind wants something
the Wildes can’t provide, they
exchange favors. Among the fey,
it is universally accepted that gifts
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

Once the offer is presented and any necessary

expectations declared, the other party must consent
to be part of the trade. Consent can be given verbally DIFFERENT TYPES
or with a nonverbal gesture that implies consent OF FAVORS
(like a nod or picking up an offered object). Creatures
cannot provide consent if they are under the effects The intricacies of faerie favors are ex-
of an enchantment or under the influence of any tremely complicated and far beyond the
rational grasp of mortal creatures. A fey
magical effects that interfere with their willpower.
who accepts a favor as payment is the
ultimate arbitrator of how big a favor it is
Decorum and what is reasonable to expect of the
creature who owes it. Faeries have a great
Most regions of the Wildes do not have official laws,
deal of room to interpret the values and
but every fey observes the rules of decorum. Faerie
expectations of their own favors (which
decorum has a bevy of complicated intricacies
is why they are so valuable), but even the
and nuance, but in general, decorum boils down
most hard-bargaining fey is magically
to an obligation to meet or exceed the same level
compelled to keep their expectations
of respect shown to you. If a creature fails to meet
within reason. Whenever the value of a
the level of respect shown to them, a fey is free to
favor is decided, it typically falls into one
treat the offender however they wish. Since fey
of these three categories.
individually determine what they regard is or is not
Small Favor – When a fey trades
an appropriate level of respect, observing the rules
something they perceive as having little
of decorum can be nightmarishly difficult. Though
to no value or performs a service that
they are bound to offend the occasional faerie, polite
requires only a minor inconvenience, it
visitors have a far better chance of surviving in the
is reasonable to expect a small favor in
Wildes than mean-spirited ones.
return. Small favors can be called in to
perform tasks that aren’t (obviously)
Social Hierarchy dangerous like delivering a message,
finding an ingredient, or acting as a date to
There is no overarching government or financial
a fancy party. Small favors cannot be used
power structure that dictates a faerie’s role in the
to demand tasks that take an excessively
Wildes, but all fey respect a social hierarchy based
long time or intentionally cause harm to
on power. Fey instinctively sense how dangerous
another creature.
other creatures are and respond accordingly. Even
Big Favor – When a fey trades
the rudest of pixies is wise enough to avoid picking
something they perceive as valuable or
a fight with a level-20 adventurer or to bow before a
performs a service that requires moderate
monarch of the sovereign courts. time or effort, it is reasonable to expect a
big favor in return. Big favors can be called
in to perform dangerous or laborious tasks
RELIGION the fey perceives to be within the power
IN THE WILDES of the creature involved in the trade. Such
favors might include questing to find a
Religion is a bizarre concept to most magic item, entering a duel on the fey’s
creatures in the Wildes. In a culture where behalf, or cleaning a castle with only a
everything must be traded for something, toothbrush. Big favors cannot be used to
the concept of faith seems ridiculous at demand tasks that are unending or almost
best and criminal at worst. Fey capacity for guaranteed to result in death.
memory is also fractured, so maintaining Debt – When a fey trades something
continual belief in a god they cannot they perceive as valuable beyond compare
regularly see is nigh impossible. or performs a service that uncontestably
Instead of worshipping distant celestial saves a life, it is reasonable to expect a
beings, fey do sometimes worship more debt in return. Debts can be called in
powerful fey. This worship, however, is to perform any task short of those that
more like the way a person might adore a would reverse any effects of the gift that
celebrity or politician. initially garnered the debt.

Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

Fey in general resent authority, so less powerful

fey are ironically drawn to find and serve more
powerful fey. In exchange for loyalty, a powerful fey
can offer an increase in status and protection. That
same rude pixie may choose to serve an archfey
master so they have no more reason to grovel before
adventurers or monarchs.

Neutral Ground
The following sections detail regions of the Wildes
not under the control of the sovereign courts and
give information useful for creating adventures in
each location.

The lands that sit between the demesnes of the
sovereign courts and the dwellings of the archfey
are collectively called the In-Between. When a trav-
eler first enters the Wildes, they are likely to step
into the In-Between before encountering any other
region of the realm. While demesnes and dwellings
are relatively fixed, the In-Between constantly
rearranges its landscape, causing unprepared visi-
tors to become lost. If the erratic geography wasn’t
dangerous enough, In-Between is also stalked by
predatory fey unwilling or unable to live in any of
the sovereign courts.
There are friendly faerie folk and interesting
locations to be found In-Between, but adventurers
who intend to find them become intimately familiar
with how the realm became named the Wildes in
the first place.

Arrnie , Sawyeh, Rem, and I went into the faerie

realm together, and damn am I ever grateful
that we had a guide: Raaaaaandy, who was
a horse formally known as Braaaaaandy. I’ll
never forget this vital rule as long as I live: while
traveling through the Wildes, always hold the
idea of your destination in mind and never veer
off course . There are fates worse than death that
await a lost traveler in the Wildes.

Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

Random Encounters water, a fey who dwells in the lake appears and asks
Traveling In-Between is always a surreal experience the party to name the bravest warrior among them.
filled with encounters that can swing from charming If there is a clear candidate, she gives the character
to terrifying in an instant. Encounters in the faerie a magic weapon (the sword Rovanel in chapter 5 is a
realm are unique and often better solved with wit good choice for this) and commands the warrior to
than with brawn. Included here are a collection of “wield the sword in the Lady’s name.”
random encounters a party might experience when
traveling In-Between. Use these encounters as writ- THE CARVER
ten or allow them to inspire similar situations that The characters find the cabin of a noble lord who
may arise in the Wildes. became a changeling when he was trapped in the
Wildes. The lord is now compelled to create wooden
In-Between Random Encounters statues of the creatures he meets. There are wooden
statues of his past work surrounding the cabin. He
d10 Encounter demands one of the characters sit for him to carve
1 Pixie War their likeness into a new statue before allowing them
to pass on.
2 Lady of the Lake If the characters refuse to have someone sit for
3 The Carver the carving, after asking repeatedly the carver grows
angry, and some of the statues come to life and
4 Goat Trio attack the characters (use the statistics of awakened
5 Mushroom Abomination trees, animated armor, or any other CR-appropriate
monster you choose).
6 Twilight Ball
If the characters allow the carver to do his work,
7 Duel for Love they must remain with the carver for three hours.
The character who models for the carver gains the
8 Sheer Cliff
ability to cast barkskin at will while they remain in
9 Noble Beast the Wildes.
10 Corridor of Doors
The party encounters a twilight clearing ringed by the
PIXIE WAR ruins of an amphitheater, where three bipedal goat
The party comes upon a gnarled wooden hollow folks are conducting a choir rehearsal.
where two rival pixie families are locked in a heated If the characters politely watch the rehearsal, the
territory dispute. goats (whose names are Moxie, Doxie, and Puddles)
The characters can choose to help one side win are delighted, and the characters may move on
the fight, potentially earning a big favor from the without further harassment.
chosen family. Alternatively, the characters can try to If the characters try to sneak by and are caught, the
convince the pixies to reach a peaceful agreement, or goat creatures are appalled by the party’s rudeness.
abstain from getting involved, which may draw the Characters who are caught sneaking away sprout
ire of both families. donkey ears and can only make braying sounds (no
speech) as long as they remain in the Wildes or until
LADY OF THE LAKE they are cured by a remove curse spell or similar magic.
The characters come upon a large lake veiled in mist
with a single rowboat tied at its edge. MUSHROOM ABOMINATION
If the party refuses to use the rowboat and The party stumbles upon a large field of mushrooms
swims in the lake, the fey who dwells in it becomes sprouted amid tall rainbow grass. While crossing the
offended. The fey causes groups of giant octopi, field, the party is attacked by an abomination that can
plesiosaurus, or water elementals (or whatever move underneath the grass (use the statistics of an
CR-appropriate aquatic monsters you choose) to ankheg, a bulette, or any other CR-appropriate monster
attack until all characters are out of the water. If the with a burrowing speed). The creature may have been a
characters do not apologize for their behavior, the humanoid once, but it has been poisoned and twisted
fey conjures a creature to attack the party whenever by consuming the mushrooms that grow here.
they approach a lake, pond, well, or large puddle for
the rest of the time they remain in the Wildes. TWILIGHT BALL
If the party uses the rowboat to cross the lake or A beautiful outdoor dance floor appears in the middle
finds another way to cross without swimming in the of a clearing. Ghostly music comes from all around
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

the scene while bobbing, multicolored fireflies the dance and can only be freed by another party
illuminate the unearthly fey couples who twirl about member succeeding on the check.
the grove. A stunning masked fey asks one of the If all the characters refuse the dance, each party
characters to dance. member is suddenly compelled to dance wildly for
If a character accepts the offer, they must attempt 10 minutes while the fey attendees ruthlessly mock
a Charisma (Performance) check to appease the the foolish characters. As the effect fades, so does
fey (set a level-appropriate DC for this check). If a the scene, leaving the characters standing in an
character fails this check, they are ensorcelled by abandoned grove, each with one level of exhaustion.
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm


The party stumbles upon two bedraggled humanoids The party encounters one of the greater beasts of
arguing with each other in rhyming couplets. the Wildes, an awakened beast that has grown to
Looking around the clearing reveals a fey is sitting enormous size. The beast politely asks the characters
in a tree overlooking the scene. She has ensorcelled for help with a simple task.
the two humanoids to fight for her love via a bizarre If the characters assist, the beast provides
contest. directions, helpful information, or even a magical
If the characters interfere with the fight, or if reward (at the DM’s discretion). If the characters
the fey notices their presence, the most attractive refuse, the beast is annoyed by their rudeness, and
character in the party must succeed on a Wisdom the characters are cursed with disadvantage on their
saving throw or become the next dueling partner next three saving throws. If the characters attempt
(set a level-appropriate DC for this saving throw). to engage the beast in combat, the beast attempts to
The two combatants in the duel take turns saying run away.
an insulting couplet. The first combatant who does Some examples of noble beasts and their problems:
not successfully fire back a rhyme in an acceptable • Lizardo needs help moving his rock to a
amount of time (or the couplet is not adequately sunnier spot (he is too cold to push it).
insulting) loses the duel and falls prone to the • Bearthalamew is attempting to open a door
ground paralyzed, and a new combatant is immedi- but can’t turn the knob without thumbs.
ately chosen. (Use your discretion to referee these • Lionel has a thorn stuck in his paw and needs
rules accordingly.) help removing it.
The duel is over when no more combatants
fall to the charm, and the fey retreats to her tree, CORRIDOR OF DOORS
freeing any paralyzed combatants and allowing the The party comes upon a grove of trees that have
characters to pass. doors in them. Sounds of laughter and music can be
heard from behind each door.
SHEER CLIFF This is the corridor of doors fey use to teleport
The party encounters a sheer cliff face that stretches themselves to parties happening all over the
into the sky until it is obscured by a veil of mist, Wildes. Each door leads to a different region where
making it impossible to tell how high the wall is. the denizens are celebrating something different.
Sitting before them at the base of the cliff is a fallen If a character steps through one of these doors, the
chunk of stone supporting a rusty tin bucket. The DM determines if they can return to the corridor or if
bucket contains a few copper coins, a couple pieces they are now stuck wherever they land.
of green glass, a balled-up paper wrapper, and an
acorn. Dwellings
Placing a coin in the bucket allows a character to fly
with the following conditions: Without protective measures, an archfey’s mere
• Placing 1 cp in the bucket allows the presence can wreak havoc on the landscape as the
character to fly one-third of the way up the realm’s environmental magic twists to accommo-
cliff face before the effect ends, causing the date their whims and moods. To prevent constant
character to fall 30 feet. reshuffling of the realm, an archfey can twist the
• Placing 1 sp in the bucket allows the threads of magic to cordon off a small area to
character to fly two-thirds of the way up the contain their magical influence. These areas, called
cliff face before the effect ends, causing the “dwellings,” are well-guarded sanctums where
character to fall 60 feet. an archfey spends the majority of their time and
• Placing 1 gp in the bucket allows the is at their most powerful. Maintaining a dwelling
character to fly all the way to the top, making requires a constant stream of magical energy, so
it through the mist safely. archfey who stay away for too long risk having
• Placing a gem or valuable piece of jewelry in their dwelling collapse or swallowed up by one of
the bucket grants the character the continual the sovereign court demesnes (see “Exploring the
effect of the fly spell for as long as they are Sovereign Courts” later in the section for more
within the Wildes. information on demesnes).
If a character has wings, has other means to fly, or Each dwelling is unique, its appearance, size, and
casts their own fly spell, when they reach the layer shape determined by the personality of the arch-
of mist, they cannot seem to find a way out of it, and fey who created it. Unlike demesnes, dwellings do
they are unable to find the top of the cliff. not shrink or expand in size, though their interior
terrain can shift in response to its archfey’s moods
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

and desires. Most dwellings cannot be entered

or exited without permission, so any creatures Exploring the
who live in a dwelling are the servants, friends, or
prisoners of the ruling archfey. Sovereign Courts
Designing a Dwelling As the ever-expanding Mortal Realm continues
The environment and appearance of a dwelling can to eat away at the diminishing Wildes, fey have
vary widely based on the personality of the archfey been forced to find a way to combat impending
who created it. When creating a dwelling, start by extinction. Seven sovereign courts currently lead
deciding the characteristics of its archfey ruler, then the effort to preserve the faerie realm, each with
choose some flavorful environmental features that radically different ideas on how to combat the
reflect those characteristics. mounting mortal threat.
Included here are a collection of themes to help you Each sovereign court controls an area of the
create new dwellings. Use these themes as written Wildes (called a “demesne”) populated with
or allow them to inspire similar decisions about the members united by a shared perspective of how
dwellings your party encounters. the world should be shaped to best represent the
interests of faerie kind. The power of a court is
Dwelling Themes entirely dependent on the strength of its members,
so as more individuals join, it becomes collectively
d8 Theme stronger. While fey creatures are not typically
fond of any form of organization, even the most
The ruling archfey is obsessed with a specific
stubborn creatures have begun to feel the effects
genre of literature. Their dwelling is filled with
1 areas modeled after locations from books, and of their shrinking realm, and pledging to one of the
wandering servants are compelled to act out sovereign courts is the easiest way to do something
their favorite scenes. to stop it.
The seven sovereign courts detailed in this
The ruling archfey is convinced that candy is chapter currently represent the faerie realm’s
everyone’s favorite thing. Their realm is made best hope of survival—if they manage to stop
entirely out of different types of candy, and the
squabbling with one another long enough to take
creatures trapped there are sick of eating it.
decisive action.
The ruling archfey resembles a burrowing
3 creature. Their dwelling is a burrow of twisting
tunnels and caverns formed from packed earth.
The ruling archfey is emotionally distraught When most people think of the courts of
following a nasty breakup. Their dwelling is a
4 faerie, two usually spring to mind: the
gloomy swamp filled with grumpy creatures
eager to pick a fight. winter (sometimes known as gloaming)
and summer courts. Instead of limiting
The ruling archfey is afflicted by an enduring the realm of faerie to just two factions,
bout of hiccups. Their realm is filled with the world of Venture Maidens has seven,
structures made of bubbles and is routinely with the potential for even more to claw
rocked by earthquakes. their way to power.
Fey are changeable and messy creatures
The ruling archfey is tiny. Their dwelling is
who rarely fit the mold of one thing
6 the interior of a doll’s house, complete with
awakened toy servants. or another, so of course their factions
should constantly shift, change, squabble,
The ruling archfey has grown bored with life and compete for control over the realm.
and is trying to spice things up. Their realm With that penchant for chaos in mind,
is the scene of an unending masquerade new sovereign courts are appearing and
ball filled with illusory guests, entertainers, disappearing all the time. The seven
and performers partaking in all manner of
sovereign courts we cover here are by no
means an exhaustive list of existing faerie
The ruling archfey longs for peace and quiet. factions, but they happen to be the most
8 Their dwelling is a simple countryside farm, influential currently in play.
which the fey attends to all by themselves.

Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

Court Hierarchy Monarchs

One fey in each court is granted the mantle of
While the members of each court have little in com- monarch and all the extraordinary power that
mon with one another, the hierarchies of each are comes with it. Monarchs are chosen by a process
similar enough to generalize. similar to the way realms shrink or expand in the
Planes—groups are responsible for choosing which
Vassals fey receives the mantle. If the majority of the
Vassals compose the largest percentage of court members in a court believe a certain fey should be
members. Villagers, soldiers, and supporters fall the monarch, they become it. If faith in the ruling
into this category. Little is required of vassals monarch begins to waver, the mantle passes to a
beyond enthusiasm and loyalty to the monarch. more popular fey. A faerie cannot refuse the mantle
Occasionally, vassals may be commanded to of monarch or prevent it from leaving them, so
fight or pay tribute on behalf of the court, but creatures interested in holding their office must
monarchs who abuse this power risk losing spend a significant amount of time maintaining their
popularity. popularity. The most successful monarchs rarely
leave court, often spend time with their people, and
Courtiers frequently host celebratory events.
Courtiers make up a much smaller percentage of
court members than vassals, but they are much
more instrumental in court activities. Courtiers
are typically powerful fey, hand-picked by the
monarch to serve as their agents and emissaries.
Since monarchs risk losing popularity whenever
they leave court, the courtiers are the mes-
sengers, knights, diplomats, and generals that
represent a court’s interests in the world.

Each sovereign fey court controls a Blossom Court
demesne, which is a unique kind of realm
found within the larger realm of the The Blossom Court draws power from plant life and
Wildes. Like the realms of the Planes, is associated with spring, abundance, and growth.
a demesne fluctuates in size and shape Citizens of this court embody the beauty and
based on the collective willpower of its tenacity of plants. These fey have a talent for creeping
denizens. Sovereign courts with many into the hearts and minds of others and taking
vassals have large expanses of the Wildes permanent root.
incorporated in their demesne, while
courts with few vassals control scattered Demesne
pockets of land. Lands that are part of Lands held by the Blossom Court transform into
the same demesne do not have to be expanses of verdant jungle and exquisite gardens.
geographically next to one another, so Manufactured structures are rare, but the few that
regions of a particular demesne can be exist resemble sprawling greenhouses built from
encountered wherever communities of colored glass. Visitors to the realm are unlikely to
vassals live in the Wildes. find towns or cities, but polite travelers can garner
Whenever an area comes under hospitality from the communities of vassals dotted
the control of a demesne, the land throughout the region. These communities are
transforms to match the universal usually comprised of ten to twenty like-minded
properties found in the other regions creatures who work together to maintain a patch
of that demesne. Each sovereign court of land. Such patches are always unique since they
section in this chapter describes how reflect the values of the community that cares for
an area transforms when it becomes them. Adventurers who travel through the blossom
incorporated into its demesne. realm on foot can expect to rapidly pass through
orchards, succulent gardens, hedge mazes, and
more as they move from patch to patch.
Once upon a
distant time

I dreamed
something most

As I strolled
along my way

Admiring the
lovely day

I saw an
exquisite rose

And lifted it to
my nose

So enthralling
was the scent

I left behind the


Swept up in a
kind of trance

Where petals
began to dance

And the
blossoms spoke
in rhyme

Of a world cast
out of time

Quickly the spell

was complete

But my heart still

starts to beat

As if played by a

Recalling endless

The Blossom Court

Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

The members of the Blossom Court often take on
plantlike appearances, and it is not uncommon
for individuals to sprout living specimens from
their skin. Sentient plant creatures make up
a large portion of the citizenry. Creatures like
awakened trees, shambling mounds, tachinids,
treants, and magnophyta are right at home in the
Blossom Court.

Goals and Motivation

The Blossom Court would prefer to see the world
covered in a blanket of green, free from the pock- Court of the Winds
marks of civilization. They regard most creatures
(particularly humanoids) as stains upon the natural The Court of the Winds draws power from the sky
world and generally agree such beings would be and is associated with birds, wind, and storms.
best ripped up at the root. Despite this aggressive Citizens of this court drift freely through life, and
viewpoint, the Blossom Court is rarely openly their moods are as changeable as the weather. These
hostile to outsiders. Though an overgrown garden fey cherish freedom, and appealing to this passion
seems chaotic at a glance, the internal structure of can win a fierce ally.
each plant is orderly and rigid in its patterns. The
fixed laws and precise measures that dictate plant Demesne
growth are mimicked in the actions of Blossom Lands held by the Court of the Winds transform into
Court members. Above all things, the Blossom expanses of sunset skies and mountain ranges of diz-
Court believes there is a correct procedure that zying height. Only visitors capable of flight can reach
should be followed for every task, otherwise it the floating cities and community roosts where these
shouldn’t be done. Such philosophies mean court fey live and hold court. Each structure in the realm,
members rarely take hasty action, cannot be made whether cloud-top palace or rocky spire, is designed
to rush, and are impossible to argue with once they as a purely functional place for citizens to rest. There
have made up their minds. In contrast, they are also is little artistry or decoration to these locations since
patient, tenacious, and more rational than members these fey are single-mindedly preoccupied with
of the other courts. returning as soon as possible to soaring the wide
expanses of open sky.

The Blossom Court Members

View of Other Courts
Members of the Court of the Winds are typically
winged with graceful features. Living far above
The Blossom Court generally views the other
solid ground attracts primarily bird-like creatures
courts as brutish and petulant. The other courts
and beings tied to the element of air. Creatures like
tend to view the Blossom Court as impotent
djinni, sprites, cloud giants, griffons, and rocs are
and vain.
right at home in the Court of the Winds.
Court of the Winds. “So obnoxious even the
ground won’t have them.” Goals and Motivation
The Court of the Winds rarely schemes or plans, but
Forest Court. “Ill-tempered children obsessed
the moment they feel infringed upon, they react
with pretending they’re more than mangy
with swift and violent action. If the court feels any
measure of their freedom is violated (or if they
Heavenly Court. “If they love the stars so suspect it might be) it neutralizes the threat by the
much, why don’t they just move there already.” most direct and excessive means possible. Once
Sleeping Court. “Lazy, but oddly charming.” the threat is passed, they return to enjoying their
way of life, caring for little else beyond the present
Slithering Court. “Despicable, but at least moment. Citizens of the court are bound together
they’re honest about it.” only by their mutual agreement that they should be
Withered Court. “Everything they do is ugly allowed to do whatever they please, so beyond col-
and sad. What’s the point?” lective vigilance and preservation the court doesn’t
demand anything of its people. This individualistic
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

culture means that court members tend toward Demesne

selfishness and hypersensitivity, and they rebel Realms held by the Forest Court transform into vast
against any kind of real or perceived expectation stretches of wilderness with abundant animal popula-
placed on them. In contrast, they are accepting, tions. Different biomes are scattered throughout the
honest, and easier to get along with than members region to support a myriad of animal populations, but
of the other courts. visitors can always find an ancient forest at the court’s
center. A sprawling city of wood and stone rests in this
central forest, and it is there that the greater beasts
The Court of the Winds
meet to discuss strategies and concerns. Violence is
View of Other Courts
forbidden inside the city, but everywhere else is ruled
only by the laws of the jungle, and adventurers rarely
The Court of the Winds generally doesn’t think
make it past the hordes of wild beasts.
about the other courts unless they suspect one
is plotting against them. The other courts tend
to view the Court of the Winds as childish and
The members of the Forest Court often have animal
disorganized but are wary of how dangerous it
characteristics or no humanoid features whatsoever.
is when provoked.
Enormous sentient animals called “greater beasts”
Blossom Court. “Living proof that putting make up a large portion of the citizenry, and each
down roots makes you miserable.” represents the interests of the common beasts that
Forest Court. “We are always happy to speak share its species. Creatures like awakened beasts,
to our winged forest brethren…as long as they centaurs, blink dogs, satyrs, bugbears, were-creatures,
leave their politics on the ground.” and minotaurs are right at home in the Forest Court.

Heavenly Court. “Busy-minded schemers

obsessed with things out of their reach.” The Forest Court
View of Other Courts
Sleeping Court. “Generally delightful.
Their dreams let us fly even when asleep.”
The Forest Court generally thinks of the other
Slithering Court. “We could not have less courts as self-serving factions to be kept in
in common with creatures that infest dark check. The other courts tend to view the Forest
caverns and sewers.” Court as tiresome meddlers, so they scheme
carefully to avoid its attention.
Withered Court. “Preachy old popsicles.”
Blossom Court. “The literal bottom of the food
Court of the Winds. “Such potential if they
ever remove their heads from the clouds.”
Heavenly Court. “Sitting around and talking
about the future doesn’t change the future, it
just makes you a hypocrite.”
Sleeping Court. “Buffoons running around with
Slithering Court. “A disgrace to fey kind.”
Withered Court. “Powerful warriors wasted by
their own melancholy.”

Forest Court Goals and Motivation

The Forest Court are the self-appointed guardians of
The forest court draws power from animal life and the natural world. Since the Forest Court is so tied to
is associated with beasts, natural balance, and the welfare of beasts, they are more concerned with
primal power. Citizens of this court embrace the the activities of mortals than any other court (aside
wildness within them and righteously uphold the perhaps from the Slithering Court). Creatures from any
laws of the natural world. These fey are always plane can beseech the Forest Court for aid, and it will
ready to fight for their beliefs and welcome all who rally its forces to combat whatever magics, people, or
will battle beside them. fey are responsible for upsetting the natural balance.
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

This culture of stewardship means these fey are quick members work to identify key people and events
to judge, brutally decisive, and untrusting of creatures in the tapestry of fate, then subtly manipulate
different than themselves. In contrast, they are fiercely them to their advantage. Perhaps more than any
loyal, put the needs of others before their own, and are other beings in the Planes, the Heavenly Court sees
more likely to lend assistance than the other courts. the potential power in orchestrating the ebb and
flow of the world’s realms, though they are loath
to share this power with anyone else. Constant
positioning means these fey are enigmatic,
secretive, and dangerously well-informed. When
their interests happen to align with others’, they
are potent allies with an extraordinary wealth of
resources at their disposal.

The Heavenly Court

View of Other Courts

The Heavenly Court generally views the other

courts with indifference, casting them as just
Heavenly Court another set of pawns to manipulate on the
cosmic chessboard. The other courts tend to view
The Heavenly Court draws power from the cosmos
the Heavenly Court as paranoid hermits, doomed
and is associated with stars, the ocean, and fate.
to destroy themselves with their own schemes.
Citizens of this court read the patterns of the uni-
verse and use this information to accomplish their Blossom Court. “Embarrassingly predictable.”
inscrutable agendas. The fey of this court are few,
Court of the Winds. “Too emotional to be useful.”
but they possess remarkable power and are usually
willing to share it, for a price. Forest Court. “As long as their endless posturing
continues to draw so much attention, they may
Demesne continue.”
Lands held by the Heavenly Court transform into Sleeping Court. “It is impossible to tell if they
pockets of seclusion, eternally cast in the transitory are brilliant, or brilliantly idiotic.”
moments of twilight. Members of this court typically
live alone, so pockets of this demesne may take the Slithering Court. “The only worthy opponent in
forms of hidden groves surrounding solitary towers, a den of fools.”
moonlit isles crowned by crumbling palaces, or clifftop Withered Court. “About as dangerous as a
observatories overlooking the seaside. Visitors are pebble in one’s shoe. And as annoying.”
unlikely to stumble across these isolated areas by coin-
cidence, so their denizens are usually curious enough
to extend hospitality to creatures who seek them out.

The members of the Heavenly Court are often ethereal
in appearance, and some appear as conglomerates of
pure starlight. Tracking and deciphering the patterns
of the universe requires a certain level of academic
commitment rarely found among fey, which contrib-
utes to this court’s small population. The beings who
do commit to the court are, however, more cunning
than most and typically possess a dangerous affinity
for the arcane arts. Creatures like dragons, druids,
hags, mages, nagas, and merfolk are likely candidates Sleeping Court
to be members of the Heavenly Court.
The Sleeping Court draws power from dreams and
Goals and Motivation is associated with imagination, night, and secrets.
The Heavenly Court examines the patterns of the Citizens of this court embody the bizarre and beauti-
universe, hunting for weaknesses to exploit. Its ful truths creatures lock away in their subconscious.
Emissaries of the heavenly court spy on the world below.
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

These fey speak to the primal parts of the self, often

revealing hidden things thought to be lost. The Sleeping Court
View of Other Courts
Areas held by the Sleeping Court transform into The Sleeping Court has little in common with
secret places full of bizarre contradictions like the the other courts, but its members generally
ones found in dreams. Entering the demesne of hope the other courts will tire themselves out,
the Sleeping Court is typically more complicated then everyone can start getting along. The other
than walking in. Creatures must first find a door sovereign courts tend to dismiss the Sleeping
that allows them to enter the space between what Court as entirely unthreatening.
is real and what is true. Passing through such a Blossom Court. “If they could learn to trust
door might lead to spiraling voids of darkness or themselves, they really would flourish.”
a river of liquid light. Denizens dwell in childhood
homes, toy boxes, carnival tents, hedge mazes, Court of the Winds. “When they grow
crystal castles, and other structures that awaken up a little, they’ll realize it’s nice to have a
sense memory. Visitors are a rare sight in the responsibility or two.”
sleeping lands, so most of its denizens are happy Forest Court. “Following one’s heart is
to help guests find the doors that open to the next admirable! Though hopefully they’re doing it
stop along the path. When traveling in the sleep- for the right reason.”
ing lands, it is critical to remember that dreams
Heavenly Court. “We don’t want to be there
often provide the help that is needed, which is not
when they realize total control doesn’t
always the help that is wanted.
eliminate the fear.”
Members Slithering Court. “You can only poison the world
The members of the Sleeping Court typically have for so long before you start eating poison too.”
exaggerated features that invoke a strong emotional
Withered Court. “It is good to consider your
response from those who see them. Most citizens
destination, but not at the cost of ignoring the
of the Sleeping Court possess shapeshifting abili-
ties or humanoid appearances subverted in some
way. Creatures like doppelgangers, ghosts, giants,
sphinxes, and medusas are right at home in the
Sleeping Court.

Goals and Motivation

The Sleeping Court seeks to create harmony by
unlocking the universal subconscious that links
all beings. The Sleeping Court is the oldest of
the current sovereign courts, but it is the most
removed from their political infighting. Since its
inception thousands of years ago, the members of
the Sleeping Court have used their magic to travel
to other realms to deliver dreams to creatures
across the Planes. Most fey do not require sleep, Slithering Court
and they do not naturally dream, so it is unclear
how or why the Sleeping Court initially took The Slithering Court draws power from fear and
up this mission, but its members are clearly is associated with decay, darkness, and vermin.
passionate about their work. Dedication to such Citizens of this court revel in the grotesque, cham-
a task means these court members are hard to pioning the ugly things the world pretends not
find, often communicate in puzzling ways, and to see. These fey weaponize the fear within other
are impossible to restrain or keep out of even the creatures and openly use it to further their agenda.
most secure locations. Though the fey themselves
are often perplexing, the Sleeping Court is the Demesne
faction most interested in understanding other Lands held by the Slithering Court transform into
points of view and the only ones who see the claustrophobic cavern systems and desolate waste-
possibility of peaceful coexistence with the lands dotted with labyrinthian ruins. Perpetual
Mortal Realm. shadows cloak disturbing scenes and creatures
In dark moments
I recall

A thought that
makes my skin crawl

Memories of
somewhere deep

Filled with things

that writhe
and creep

As I stumble through
the dark

Shadow creatures
howl and bark

Taunting me with
jeering phrase

Claiming I’m trapped

in their maze

Then I reach their

loathsome king

A towering decayed

Whose speech is as
sweet as rot

Filled with sharp

disturbing thought

Then from the vision

I break

Fragments fade
as I awake

But no kind of peace

I find

Shake those
whispers from
my mind

The Slithering Court

Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

waiting to terrify any who dare visit. Adventurers

intent on traveling through this demesne must brave
apocalyptic cityscapes and crawl through slime-slick
sewers, all while weathering the locals’ gleeful
attempts to shock and horrify.

The members of the Slithering Court typically
manifest features common to the grotesque things
they adore like vermin, slime, and mold. Members
of this court embrace ugliness and fearlessly use it
for their benefit, which is an attractive prospect for Withered Court
widely hated or misunderstood monsters. Creatures
like ettercaps, goblins, mimics, trolls, wererats, and The Withered Court draws power from death and is
oozes of all kinds are right at home in the Slithering associated with winter, reflection, and duty. Citizens
Court. of this court are the grim stewards of dying things
who stoically protect then bury all that must be lost
Goals and Motivation before new life can begin. These fey are unlike most
The Slithering Court sees no reason to war others, dedicated wholly to their eternal duty of
against mortalkind when they are so easily con- honoring the past.
trolled. Members of the Slithering Court do not
fear urban environments as other fey do, which Demesne
has allowed them to infiltrate every corner of the Lands held by the Withered Court transform into
Mortal Realm. Branches of the Slithering Court stretches of leafless forests and forlorn mausole-
maintain a presence in every major settlement ums blanketed by unending winter. Visitors must
of the Eldrin Empire, building connections to travel across miles of bleak snow-crusted terrain
the Mortal Realm through bribery and fear. Their before reaching the graveyards and temples where
mounting success means members of the court denizens quietly tend to the dead. Few living
tend toward cruelty and arrogance, but they are things dwell in the demesne, and the denizens are
undoubtedly the most fearless and resourceful of outnumbered two to one by lonely stone monu-
all the courts. ments honoring people and events the world has
long forgotten.

Slithering Court Members

View of Other Courts
Members of the Withered Court typically appear
to be pale, frosty, and drained of vitality. Most
The Slithering Court generally views the other
denizens of the Withered Court are hardy enough
courts as archaic, too stuck in their ways to have
to survive harsh environments and used to the
real vision. The other courts tend to view the
burdens of endless responsibility. Creatures like
Slithering Court with fear and loathing, though
deep gnomes, golems, mummies, stone giants,
they would never admit it.
winter wolves, and wights are right at home in the
Blossom Court. “Have you ever been scared by Withered Court.
a daisy? Us neither.”
Court of the Winds. “Let the children play
Goals and Motivation
while the adults are away.” The Withered Court hopes to safeguard the future by
chronicling the mistakes of the past. Members of this
Forest Court. “We liked them better when they court are the few beings who remember the rapid
were just a bunch of beasts ready for a good rise and fall of realms across the world, preserving
throat ripping.” the tragic memories that people of the Planes so
Heavenly Court. “Could be something if they often forget. This fixation on honoring what has come
were willing to dirty their soft little hands.” before is incomprehensible to most fey creatures, so
the Withered Court is often dismissed as cultish and
Sleeping Court. “Who cares?”
depressing. No matter how inapproachable the court
Withered Court. “Scary when they want to be, members may be, they undoubtedly possess greater
in the rare moments they quit moping.” knowledge of the past than any other faction in the
faerie realm or Mortal Realm. Like many lifelong
Chapter 3: Faerie Realm

academics, the members of the Withered Court can

be reclusive, aloof, and condescending. But unwaver-
ing commitment to their work makes them more
worldly, more respectful, and less selfish than the
members of any other court.

The Withered Court

View of Other Courts

The Withered Court generally views the other

courts as hasty and overly emotional. The other
courts tend to view the Withered Court as
tiresome and fatalistic.
Blossom Court. “Their attempts at decorum are
Court of the Winds. “We concede it may be
difficult to remember much of anything with a
bird-sized brain.”
Forest Court. “Anger does not equate to
Heavenly Court. “Knowledge gained should be
knowledge shared. Unless you are a bunch of
scheming villains, of course.”
Sleeping Court. “They don’t have respect for
anything, especially boundaries.”
Slithering Court. “The reason why faerie kind
have a bad reputation.”

Ambush awaits heroes delving through a dank dungeon.

T he first part of this chapter gives you
additional tools to build adventures in
the Planes. The Planes are riddled with
factions desperate for recruits, opportunities for
realm-hopping exploration, and realities on the brink
A Venture Maidens–style campaign is cinematic,
emphasizing moments of action and emotion. The
actions of the characters affect the world on a cosmic
of collapse. Tables and advice in this section expand scale, so getting caught up in micro-mechanics and
on the material in the DMG, giving you a library of hyper logic often hurts the fiction of the world rather
Planes-specific inspiration to draw from. than enhancing it.
The second part of this chapter provides general Avoiding stringent resource management and
wisdom to help DMs (new and experienced) create allowing low-action moments to happen off screen
and run adventures in any setting. Most of the helps make a campaign feel more like an epic tale.
advice in this section has been hard-won over years For example, characters can buy equipment between
of producing Venture Maidens and is now compiled game sessions (rather than having long shopping
here in hopes of enhancing your overall game scenes), and extended periods of wilderness travel
experience. are handwaved rather than narrated.

Adventure Themes Imperfect NPCs

The NPCs in a Venture Maidens–style campaign are
As mentioned in the introduction of this book, the imperfect. Every NPC carries baggage, desires, and
Planes is the perfect setting for building epic, hero- flaws that complicate their agendas. People in the
driven campaigns. This section covers a few stylistic Planes often don’t (or can’t) make “optimal” choices.
themes to keep in mind as you create and play in the Even immortal and god-level beings are fighting to
world of Venture Maidens. ensure their future in the shifting landscape of the
world because there is no safety guaranteed.
Character Driven When creating NPCs, avoid making them
wholly good or wholly evil. Give your reoccurring
In a Venture Maidens–style campaign, the characters’ NPCs shifting motivations, chances to grow, and
decisions, not external events, dictate the game’s opportunities to change their minds in response to
action. The individual character stories and arcs are the actions of the characters.
just as important as the main action, and space needs
to be given to highlight each character’s personal Open Lore
Because adventurers actively shape the world, A Venture Maidens campaign does not insist on
there is a great deal of focus placed on the thoughts setting-specific lore. If players get excited about a god,
and actions of the heroes as opposed to the opinions creature, or race from a different campaign setting,
of the rest of the world. Characters in the Planes are they are more than welcome to appear in the Planes.
always destined for greatness, even if they don’t yet The shifting nature of the Planes is intentionally
know it. open-ended so players can add or change the world
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

as they build unique stories. There is always space for small. Despite their small numbers, carillons are in
creativity in this high-fantasy reality. high demand across the Eldrin Empire as ever more
fey find new ways to enter the Mortal Realm.
Real Consequences
In a Venture Maidens–style campaign, the characters Carillons are trained to use magic bells to combat fey
are constantly faced with difficult decisions. There creatures. While a single carillon can hold their own
is rarely a right or wrong choice in these scenarios. against the most powerful faerie beings, there are
Instead, it is a matter of choosing sides or deciding simply not enough of them to handle the increasing
a personal moral stance. Making such decisions is hostility from the Wildes.
meaningless unless there are consequences. In addition to hunting down fey and faerie relics
Whether the result of a decision is good or bad, the that cross into the Mortal Realm, the carillons seek to
characters’ actions should influence the world and the understand more about faeriekind. By studying the
course of events in a campaign. Consequences can seem fey and tracking their movements, the order hopes
small, like earning the enmity of a sheriff in a small to find a way to win the war against the Wildes. For
town, or they can seem large, like killing the god of more general information about the Carillon Order,
death, so all creatures become immortal. Whatever the see the “Plateau of Andorra” section in chapter 2.
scale of the triggering event, seeing the payoff unfold is
the best way to engage your players in the setting.

Adventures Carillons are the frontline fighters in a
war that mortalkind is rapidly losing.
Desperation could easily motivate individual
This section provides a toolbox to help the DM create carillons or the entire order to abuse their
adventures featuring the factions of the Planes. power in the name of restoring peace.
Clashes between the many factions fighting to shape The Carillon Order understands how to
the future of the Planes is a prime source of drama to manipulate and control fey creatures better
spark story arcs and even entire campaigns. than anyone, and as campaign villains, they
Each section covers information about a specific weaponize this knowledge to horrible effect.
faction currently operating in the Planes to help Campaigns featuring carillons as the main
you craft adventures inspired by that faction. In antagonists are stories about war and how
a faction’s section, four basic seeds for creating absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Car-
adventures are provided: goals, figures of interest, illon Order Schemes table suggests a few of
locations, and adventure hooks. the faction’s potential villainous objectives.

Figures of Interest
Individual carillons are powerful, resourceful, and
mobile, making them easy to incorporate into any
adventure. Carillons come from all manner of back-
grounds and walks of life, so they each have unique
personalities and motivations. Because there are
so few of them, carillons mostly work alone, which
breeds various methods for battling fey creatures. The
only thing carillons share is the unshakable tenacity
that allows them to survive their training.
Carillon Order If not dealing with individual carillons in the field,
adventurers might interact with the carillon council.
The Carillon Order is a secretive sect of magic-users Three senior carillons comprise the council, and the
tasked with protecting the Mortal Realm from the seats are filled by an informal election process. Since
influence of faeriekind. Few creatures survive the few carillons survive long enough to be considered
training necessary to master the carillons’ arcane senior members, the same candidates usually remain
powers, so the number of active carillons is always on the council until age or illness renders them unable
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

to fulfill their duties. Members of the council are also Adventure Hooks
forbidden to leave the city of Ashtar while they serve, Carillons can feature in a variety of adventures set in
so they tend to be veterans unable to work in the field the Planes. The Carillon Order Adventure Hooks table
or the masters responsible for training prospective offers some options to inspire adventures connected
carillons. The primary function of the carillon council to the order.
is communication. Council members oversee the
administration of security in Ashtar and mediate di- Carillon Order Adventure Hooks
rectly with the military leaders of the Eldrin Empire.
They also comb through reports of fey activity, assess d4 Adventure Hook
what action needs to be taken, and then assign the
Someone frames one or more of the
appropriate orders to carillons in the field. adventurers for a fey-related crime, and a
carillon is called to investigate. The party must
Carillon Order Schemes find evidence to convince the carillon of the
accused’s innocence or be brought for trial
d4 Scheme before the council.

The Carillon Order has decided to secretly One of the mages who enchants the carillons’
create a magical affliction capable of magic bells disappeared somewhere on the
decimating all faeriekind in one decisive blow. road to Ashtar, along with the latest batch of
Fey creatures are being captured and detained 2 bells they were about to deliver. While all other
en masse to serve as test subjects for this carillons are away on assignment, the council is
odious research. desperate to hire anyone to quickly and quietly
retrieve the dangerous items.
A group of carillons frustrated with order regu-
lations has decided to take the war against fa- As the carillons become spread even thinner,
2 erie into their own hands. These rogue carillons the order issues bounties rewarding adventurers
start hunting and slaying any creature with fey 3
who capture or kill several low- to medium-
ancestry, whether they are dangerous or not. profile fey.

The Carillon Order declares a state of emergency A mysterious set of ruins suddenly appears
and seizes control of the eldrin government. along the Feywalk Jungle border. Carillon schol-
3 Tensions grow as empire resources are funneled 4 ars are sent to investigate, but the order needs to
to the war effort, and anyone suspected of hire bodyguards to protect them for a few days
consorting with fey is imprisoned. until a carillon field agent can relieve them.

A splinter group of carillons broker an alliance

with one of the sovereign courts. These carillons
4 are working as double agents, siphoning the
order’s resources to destroy the empire and the
other sovereign courts from the inside.

The Carillon Order is based in Ashtar, which is situ-
ated atop a high plateau to better guard the border
between the Mortal Realm and the faerie-ruled
Wildes. Atop the highest tier of the city, visitors can
find the order’s temple where carillons are trained
and its ruling council resides.
Since carillons travel across the realm dealing with
threats, they rarely stay in one place for long, which
Eldrin Empire
makes the order’s temple one of the only places The Eldrin Empire is still a young nation, but its swift
carillons are guaranteed to be found. Some of the rise to power has made it one of the most successful
temple is open to the public, so citizens of the empire civilizations in the Mortal Realm. A complex system
can present complaints and issues to the carillons of bureaucracy ensures eldrin politicians maintain
who dwell there, but most of the grounds are kept rigid control over the empire’s citizens. An abundance
under lock and key. These private areas hold libraries of resources has given rise to an impressive military,
full of research on the fey, trial rooms to test carillon ready to quell resistance from within the empire and
hopefuls, vaults of confiscated artifacts, and many without.
more secrets to entice curious adventurers.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes


Patriotic citizens of the empire believe it is their na- As heroes grow in power, they begin to garner the
tion’s sacred duty to establish order in an otherwise attention of the elite members of eldrin society.
lawless and chaotic world. This national rhetoric is The characters might interact with high-level civil
encouraged by eldrin leadership and reaffirmed by servants like military commanders, the cabinets of
the empire’s official state religion. secretaries who oversee duchy administration, or one
This rhetoric has led to two primary faction goals: of the powerful noble families with a strong link to
to eliminate all threats to the empire (from without one of the four royal bloodlines.
and within) and expand its influence worldwide.

Eldrin Empire Schemes ELDRIN EMPIRE AS

When one of the reigning dukes dies, the eldrin It doesn’t take much effort to imagine how
nobility fall to infighting as they compete for a nation as wealthy and powerful as the El-
the open seat. Extravagant spending, assas- drin Empire could turn its might to villain-
1 sination attempts, and economic sabotage are ous purpose. As more threats to the empire
just a few of their tactics that start upsetting emerge, its leadership is allotted ever more
the daily life of the commoners caught in the control in the name of maintaining order.
Even worse, the empire’s nobles constantly
After a conference with the elves ends in struggle against one another to increase
disaster, the empire once again declares war their influence, rarely caring on whom they
on the Valley of Yalanthanil. Civil war is im- step to elevate their position.
2 minent as elves and elven sympathizers living Campaigns featuring the Eldrin Empire as
in the empire are forced to choose sides, flee, the main antagonists are stories about the
or fight against the nation’s overwhelming
injustices and abuses suffered at the hands
of a totalitarian state. The Eldrin Empire
A powerful eldrin official (perhaps one of the Schemes table suggests a few of the
dukes or duchesses) secretly makes a pact faction’s potential villainous objectives.
3 with an archfey. The official becomes incredibly
capable but increasingly erratic as the power of
the Wildes gradually corrupts them.
A group of eldrin nobles grow tired of the tsar- Two camps of figures sit at the peak of eldrin power:
ina’s progressive policies and align themselves the monarchs (the tsar and tsarina) and the dukes or
with one of the sovereign courts to depose her
duchesses that rule the empire’s duchies. These two
4 current regime. These traitorous nobles begin
to build gateways to the Wildes across the groups theoretically check one another, ensuring
empire, paving the way for an invasion of fey governmental power remains balanced. Despite the
creatures when the time is right. system’s best intentions, the influence of one camp
or the other has historically waxed or waned depend-
ing on the popularity of the individual leaders.
Figures of Interest
There are numerous levels of government within the Tsar and Tsarina
Eldrin Empire, with hundreds of different kinds of The tsar and tsarina are symbolic representations of
bureaucrats and politicians. the Mother and Father responsible for creating the
eldrin people (see “Life in the Empire” in chapter 2
LOW-STATUS FIGURES for more information) and are officially tasked with
At lower levels, adventurers are likely to interact stewardship of the empire’s physical and spiritual well-
exclusively with local government figures who report being. This broad statement encompasses several key
to the eldrin state. Such figures include elected responsibilities like stewardship of the royal treasury,
constables, traveling judges, appointed clinicians, foreign affairs, and national security, including oversight
and the occasional minor noble enjoying the barest of the empire’s army and navy. Both monarchs serve
privilege granted to those with a distant hereditary as the voices of the empire and are expected to unify
connection to a royal bloodline (see “Matriarchal the citizens of the empire in times of change or stress.
Society” in chapter 2 for more information about The monarchy’s power is weighted toward the
these bloodlines). tsarina, whose surname titles the ruling dynasty.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

The mantle of “tsarina” carries two other major decide who takes the throne, with possible ties being
distinctions from that of the tsar: she decides who is decided by the most recently retired living tsar.
declared heir to the nation, and she, unlike the tsar,
can rule the empire solitarily if she chooses not to Dukes and Duchesses
wed or if the reigning tsar dies. If a tsarina dies and As the empire has expanded, more duchies have
her tsar remains living, the tsarina’s throne imme- been incorporated, along with the need for more
diately passes to her named heir, and the reigning individuals to rule them. At the point in time
tsar is retired. It is, however, a common practice for assumed by this campaign guide, the nation is
unwed, newly crowned tsarinas to marry the former split into five duchies ruled by seven dukes and
tsar (particularly if he was popular). There are no duchesses (the Mother’s Delta duchy has three).
formal restrictions on whom the tsarina can name While the monarchs are tasked with concerns
as her heir, but it is an unspoken cultural law that that affect the nation, the dukes and duchesses
a candidate must be an eldrin woman with a clear are responsible for the needs of a specific region
hereditary tie to one of the four royal bloodlines. of the empire. Such tasks include maintaining
Most named heirs are close blood relatives (like infrastructure, overseeing taxation, appointing
daughters, granddaughters, or sisters), but a tsarina government officials, and advocating for their
without such candidates might tap more distant rela- people whenever the eldrin leaders meet. Like the
tives who share her surname (like cousins or aunts). monarchs, dukes and duchesses typically hold
In the rare cases where a tsarina dies without naming their position for life. However, a unanimous vote
an heir or the named heir is deemed unfit to ascend by all the other dukes and duchesses along with
to the throne (which has happened only once in the tsarina can remove an individual from their
empire history), the dukes and duchesses collectively post (this has never happened in eldrin history).


This setting guide assumes that campaigns set Duke Rivaan Varis – Steward of North Point
in the Planes start in Eunomia 1716 Mindaris on and empire territories in the Kronos Desert. He
the empire calendar. Using that date, here are the was promoted to the position suddenly after the
current leaders of the empire: tsarina’s latest marriage, which is a continual
Tsarina Sariel Mindaris II – Ascended to the point of empire gossip.
throne seventy years ago from her position as Duke Rowan Ferelen – Steward of the eastern
presiding duchess over the Plateau of Andorra. region of the Mother’s Delta. He is married to
During her relatively short reign, she has seen Duchess Dierdre Ferelen, his third cousin.
the empire through a disproportionate number Duchess Dierdre Ferelen – Steward of the
of trials, though her bold policies and continued western region of the Mother’s Delta and the
refusal to name an heir have made her unpopular city of Chasiana. She is married to Duke Rowan
with most eldrin nobility. At the young age of 102, Ferelen, her third cousin. She is rumored to be
she has already outlived two husbands and mar- the council’s choice for the throne if the tsarina
ried a third (the current tsar) just two years ago. continues to leave her choice of heir undeclared.
Tsar Riardan Tavir – Ascended to the throne Duchess Amalthea Mindaris – Steward of
two years ago upon marrying the current tsarina. Caer Leona in the Mother’s Delta. She is the reign-
He is well liked among the eldrin nobility for his ing tsarina’s aunt and the first eldrin in history
love of tradition and conservative policies. to decline becoming heir to the throne (she was
Duchess Melwin Tavir – Steward of the Sariel I’s choice of heir before her daughter Sariel
capital city of Faelyn and its surrounding regions, II). As the high priestess of the holy sisters of
including the Shifting Plains. She is sister to the Caer Leona, she is a beloved national figure and
reigning tsar and the most vocal opponent to the affectionately referred to as the Crone Mother.
tsarina’s leadership. Duchess Jelenneth Mindaris – Steward of
Duke Phinneus Albright – Steward of the the Plateau of Andorra. She ascended to her
newly incorporated province of the Jade Isles. position when her cousin (the ruling tsarina) left
Albright is a human who was formally a pirate it seventy years ago. She is popular among the
captain and the only non-eldrin to ever hold the non-eldrin citizens of the empire but historically
title of Duke. more interested in celebrity than politics.

Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

Dukes and duchesses nominate the candidate who

will replace them when they are no longer able to
serve, but unlike the royal heir, at least half of them
(the tsarina is included in this vote) must vote to
confirm the candidate before they are accepted. If
a new duchy is added to the empire, the tsarina is
solely responsible for choosing the individual best-
suited to assume the mantle of duke or duchess (as
recently seen in the case of the Jade Isles).
The influence of the Eldrin Empire extends across Gods are beings who possess a unique ability to siphon
the entire continent. This faction is easy to introduce the will of other creatures and use it to sustain their
anywhere with ready access to maritime vessels, own realms. Typically, an individual creature’s will
roads, and magical transportation. contributes to the collective force that shapes their
Eldrin authority is most prolific in the three largest native realm, but gods can divert such contributions
cities of the empire: Faelyn, Chasiana, and Ashtar. away from a native realm toward their own. Gods can’t
Adventures centered on the empire and its influence use this power on any unwilling creature. They can only
inevitably draw the party to one of these locations, draw from individuals who willingly worship them.
where their resources are most readily available. For To sustain their realms (which are directly tied to their
more information on these cities and the other empire power), gods must siphon power from many individu-
regions, see “Exploring the Eldrin Empire” in chapter 2. als simultaneously, which is why they actively broker
their power with clerics, paladins, and other divine
Adventure Hooks casters. Like the realms of the Planes, gods fade from
The empire can feature in a variety of adventures set existence when there is no one left to believe in them.
in the Planes. The Eldrin Empire Adventure Hooks
table offers some options.

Eldrin Empire Adventure Hooks
d4 Adventure Hook Many gods strive to create a mutually
A candidate running for local office needs symbiotic relationship with their
help after narrowly surviving a series of worshippers, and some even feel affection
assassination attempts. The candidate’s bold for the creatures who serve them.
stances have made a lot of enemies, including However, there are equally as many who
the eldrin police, so a third party needs to catch parasitically feed off those they bully or
the culprit before it’s too late.
coerce into worship. Though gods are some
One of the duchies is holding a tournament to of the most powerful beings in the Planes,
showcase the talents of the empire’s people. they are not all-powerful and are prone to
Heroes of all stripes are allowed to enter and greed and fear like any other creature. Even
compete for various prizes, but the eldrin the most well-intentioned gods are likely
nobility intends to do whatever it takes to beat
to sacrifice the well-being of their faithful
the competition.
when backed into a corner.
Since most of the carillons and eldrin military Campaigns featuring gods as the main
are fighting fey on the border, the empire antagonists are stories about relation-
launches a citizens brigade program. Capable ships and the nature of free will. The God
individuals can report to the nearest police Schemes table suggests a few of the fac-
academy to receive assignments dealing with
tion’s potential villainous objectives.
troubles across the empire.

Some unknown foe is sabotaging the public

roads and waterways that lead to villages on
the outskirts of the empire, cutting them off Goals
4 from much-needed supply shipments. With war Hundreds of gods currently operate in the Planes,
against the Wildes brewing, the government has each with different values, opinions, and plans. But
largely ignored the far-flung people’s cries for
all gods share a desire to collect more worshippers to
assistance despite their desperate need.
strengthen their realm and increase their power.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

While gods can draw power from any creature, organizations are tasked with working together
most focus their recruiting efforts on the Mortal to fulfill tasks set forth by their celestial patrons.
Realm. Mortal populations grow exponentially, and These organizations can take many forms depending
their short lifespans make them more eager to accept on the nature of the gods they worship, ranging
what the gods can offer: magical power, miracles, and from zealous crusaders to doomsday cults to
a potential place for their souls to live on after death. neighborhood prayer circles. Whatever form these
groups take, their primary function is to pave the
God Schemes way for gods to achieve their goals more easily
(though the organization’s members rarely know it).
d4 Scheme

A god eager to win more worshippers secretly

creates a way for fey creatures to invade the GOD-DRIVEN
Mortal Realm easily. As mortalkind sits on the
brink of destruction, the god appears before
them, offering to save them in exchange for SISTERS OF SORROW
their devotion.
The Sisters of Sorrow mercenary company
A group of gods, tired of pandering to is one of the many god-based organizations
worshippers, decide to combine forces and active in the Planes. The agents of this group
2 create a way to rob all mortalkind of their free travel across the Mortal Realm conducting
will. Testing is still in progress, but more mortals
missions set for them by the three sister
are succumbing to their spell as they get closer.
gods who tend the web of fate. Rather than
A minor god, tired of being overlooked, wait to be hired as typical mercenaries do,
discovers a way to imprison other gods. the agents of the Sisters of Sorrow receive
Whenever they take a new prisoner, the god instructions to go when and where they
approaches the imprisoned god’s worshippers, need to offer their services. Whether pro-
convincing them they have been abandoned
tecting, assassinating, or recovering targets,
and should place their devotion elsewhere.
their objective is always to ensure events
As the Eldrin Empire has grown in power, transpire as the fates decree they should.
two gods see a golden opportunity. The pair
disguise themselves as the archfey Mother
and Father from the eldrin creation myth and
4 attempt to fool the eldrin people into believing
they have returned. Through manipulation and
deceit, these gods aim to siphon the willpower Oath of the Sisters of Sorrow
of the whole empire (regardless of the By joining the Sisters of Sorrow,
advantage this would give to the faeriekind).
I swear to become a honed instrument of fate,
To be used to uphold what must be done
Figures of Interest as so decreed by our gods,
Gods typically do not work directly with other gods.
To place the web of the past, present,
Gods within the same pantheon might benefit from
and future before my own needs,
working together to increase their overall reach, but
competition for worshippers in almost every other To be the bond that keeps the weave,
situation is undesirable. Gods also cannot leave their and in turn the world.
celestial realms for long periods, so they mostly I will fight. I will serve. I will persevere with
spend their time observing other realms and working faith and dignity in the name of the Sisters.
their will through other creatures. Directly affecting
creatures, locations, or objects in other realms from This I solemnly swear.
their own requires gods to expend a huge amount
of power. To avoid overextending themselves, gods
avoid direct communication whenever possible and
prefer to send brief (and often cryptic) messages to
their most faithful servants.
Gods primarily rely on individual priests, clerics, Locations
prophets, and paladins to enact their will, but they Every god has a unique celestial realm that serves as
might encourage such worshippers to form groups their sanctum and reservoir of power. While inside
of like-minded individuals. These gods-driven their realm, a god has access to near-infinite energy
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

to shape their surroundings and perform whatever

magic they wish. Gods that leave their realm can only
bring a finite portion of the sanctum’s power with
them, so most prefer to remain safe within them
rather than risk vulnerability elsewhere.
Celestial realms function like others in the Planes
do, fluctuating in size and shape depending on how
many worshippers its associated god has, but even
the largest celestial realms are microscopic compared
to realities like the Mortal Realm or the Wildes.
Celestial realms remain small for several reasons, but Sovereign Courts
the primary cause is the unique way gods siphon the
will of others to sustain them instead of relying on The sovereign courts are bands of fey united by a par-
the collective will of a native population. Secondarily, ticular vision of how the future of the Wildes should be
gods are typically the sole inhabitants of their realms, safeguarded from mortalkind. Currently, there are seven
so collective will plays little to no role in expanding sovereign courts operating in the faerie realm, each
the size of the dimension. Even gods who don’t live with unique values and goals (see chapter 3 for specific
alone must collect their subjects from other realities, information about each of the courts). Though each
which renders the influence of their will void. court is distinct, they all share the overarching goal of
Because a realm is so precious, even trusted stopping the Mortal Realm from consuming their own.
worshippers are rarely allowed to visit. Adventurers
are far more likely to deal with the gods from afar by Goals
visiting the temples, churches, and shrines mortals Thousands of years ago, the fey-ruled Wildes was
have built to worship them. the largest realm in the Planes. That changed when
the titans made the Mortal Realm as a gift for their
Adventure Hooks god-children, and the reality of faeriekind has been
The gods can feature in a variety of adventures set shrinking ever since.
in the Planes. The God Adventure Hooks table offers The sovereign courts aim to secure the future of the
some options. faerie realm. To ensure continued survival, faeriekind
must unite to strengthen their collective will, break
Gods Adventure Hooks the will of mortalkind, or eliminate mortalkind
entirely. Each court is currently pursuing one of those
d4 Adventure Hook three options, or a mixture of them.
Following a sudden faerie attack, a religious
artifact is stolen. Empire officials are desperate
to recover it before the fey use it for whatever
dark purpose they intend.
A mysterious band of prophets have begun to
sow descent in the corners of the empire as they For the first time in living memory, faerie-
preach that the gods are parasitic beings, bleeding kind are forced to recognize the reality of
mortals of their agency. The eldrin church offers their shrinking realm. The appearance of
substantial rewards to anyone who can find and the sovereign courts marks a major shift in
silence the leader behind these heretics. a culture previously uninterested in orga-
Some of the characters receive cryptic visions nization or long-term cooperation. Never
of a ruined temple of a long-forgotten god. before have the residents of the Wildes
The location of the ruins is unclear, but those combined their might to any purpose, and
who experience the vision somehow know a if they unleash it in full, mortalkind has
desperately important magical object is sealed
little chance of surviving their wrath.
somewhere inside.
Campaigns featuring the sovereign
The party is swept up in a search and courts as the main antagonists are stories
rescue mission when an eldrin high priest about preservation and survival in the
disappears during the night without leaving wake of a dying world. The Sovereign
4 a trace. There are no signs of an attack, but
Courts Schemes table suggests a few of the
the other clerics report hearing and seeing
strange things on the temple grounds for the faction’s potential villainous objectives.
past several nights.

Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

Sovereign Court Schemes Fey vassals and monarchs are rarely encountered
d4 Scheme outside their demesnes in the Wildes, but courtiers
frequently establish bases in other realms to conduct
Sovereign courtiers have used glamour magic court business more easily. Use chapter 3 to inform
to take the place of several empire officials. the creation of sovereign court locations inside the
1 From inside the government, they are ensuring faerie realm.
military forces will be ill-prepared and ill-
Adventurers are most likely to interact with
equipped when their court is ready to invade.
sovereign court locations in the Mortal Realm.
Faerie agents across the Mortal Realm flood un- Courtiers from each demesne have infiltrated the
derworld black markets with fey-made magic empire in some capacity, and several have established
2 items. People across the empire begin inadver- safe houses to serve as bases of operation. These
tently destroying themselves and each other as
safehouses, or “lairs,” allow fey courtiers to hide from
the dangerous objects fall into ignorant hands.
carillons or other mortals who would do them harm.
The sovereign court strikes a bargain with one Lairs might also contain a gate that allows the courtier
of the archfey. With the fey’s environmental to travel easily between the realms or some other way
3 magic, they tear open rifts and gates
to communicate with their monarch regularly. Since
throughout the Mortal Realm to create
widespread chaos. safety is a precious commodity, fey lairs are always
well-hidden and well-guarded. Whether a safe house is
One sovereign court frames mortalkind in a remote corner of the wilderness or entombed in a
for crimes against another court’s vassals,
4 city sewer, unwelcome visitors can expect to encoun-
manipulating the other sovereign to seek swift
vengeance on the Mortal Realm. ter magic wards, traps, monstrous guardians, and even
resistance from mortals sympathetic to the fey cause.

Figures of Interest Adventure Hooks

As detailed in chapter 3, different types of sovereign The sovereign courts can feature in various ad-
court members play a different role in court activity. ventures set in the Planes. The Sovereign Courts
Vassals are the largest portion of each court and Adventure Hooks table offers some options.
generally don’t leave the safety of their demesne.
However, if a court declares war on other courts or Sovereign Courts Adventure Hooks
realms, vassals serve as foot soldiers. Similarly, the
monarchs of each court usually remain in the Wildes d4 Adventure Hook
until they need to lead hordes of vassals into battle.
An ally or friend to the party is afflicted with a
Each court has a small group of powerful fey called nasty fey curse created by one of the sovereign
courtiers who act as the eyes and hands of the sover- courtiers. Magical healing cannot help, and their
eign in the world outside the court demesne. These condition is rapidly deteriorating. They will
capable beings are handpicked by each sovereign and soon die unless the adventurers can find and
granted a portion of the monarch’s power in ex- convince the other courtiers to lift the curse.
change for their dedication (see the Sovereign Court An eldrin scholar has been secretly
Templates in chapter 6). Courtiers are the sovereign communicating with a vassal from one of the
figures most often encountered in the Mortal Realm, sovereign courts. When the fey invites the
where they conduct assignments spying on, sabotag- mortal to visit the demesne, the scholar needs
ing, or making alliances with mortal creatures. adventurers to deliver them across the Feywalk
Jungles border discretely.
Fey creatures are not the only figures aligned with
each court. Plenty of mortals throughout the empire A psychic gate suddenly appears connecting
serve the courts, whether through coercion, sympa- one of the sovereign demesnes to a location
thy, or adoration. Sovereign monarchs can grant faerie in the Eldrin Empire. The gate is endangering
powers to any creature (not just fey), which they use creatures from both realms, but a third party
frequently as a bargaining chip to gain mortal loyalty. needs to convince fey and mortals to work
together to repair the damage.
The promise of eternal life among the wild realms of
faerie has motivated hundreds of empire citizens to A sovereign courtier travels to the Mortal Realm
switch their allegiance to the courts. Most individuals to warn the empire of an impending attack from
keep their affiliations hidden, working within the a rival court. Before they can deliver the message,
empire as double agents. Still, several organized cults, they are attacked by carillons and barely escape.
The courtier needs help avoiding capture to
guilds, and mercenary groups dedicated to the courts
deliver their message before it’s too late.
secretly operate within the Eldrin Empire.
Traveling the Realms When you create a new realm, consider the
answers to the following questions:
• What creatures dwell there?
Though most adventures in the Planes begin in the • How large is the realm in comparison to others?
Mortal Realm, the influence of the others should • What is the environment like?
be frequently felt. The fluctuation of each reality • How do the creatures and the environment interact?
drives the events of the world, causing its creatures • How long has the realm existed, and how does
to struggle with one another in an endless cycle of it persist?
survival. Though a band of heroes can save the day • Does the realm or do its creatures interact
from within the Mortal Realm, long-lasting change with another realm? If so, how?
often requires traveling beyond it. To break the
eternal cycle and ensure the survival of mortalkind, Gates between
peace between realms must be brokered, or all others Realms
must be destroyed until just one remains. Perhaps a
party of clever heroes will discover another option to Though two realms in the Planes may share a border,
bring stillness to the turbulent world. physically stepping from one to the other is impos-
The following sections expand on the sible without a crossing point. These crossing points,
information presented in the introduction about called “gates,” can manifest in various ways and take
the properties of the realms, how they interact different forms, but all are hazardous to ill-prepared
with one another, and how travelers can reach travelers who try to use them.
realities beyond their own.
Types of Gates
Properties of a Realm While no two gates are the same, most can be
categorized into one of the following types.
Every realm in existence is governed by a unique
set of properties, sometimes called natural laws. PHYSICAL
Though the properties of each realm can differ Physical gates are crossing points that appear at a
wildly from one another, they all share a core set fixed geographical location. These gates can usually be
of features. detected by one of the five senses and are typically the
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

only semi-permanent type of crossing. Most physical regardless of the specifics, creating a new gate
gates appear on their own, popping into existence involves deciding at least these four core properties:
along the borders where two realms collide and can • Appearance – How can creatures perceive the gate?
last for days or decades. It is possible to cause physical Does it look, smell, sound, taste, or feel a certain
gates to manifest intentionally, but the necessary mas- way? Is it perceivable only by magic? Does it affect
tery over environmental magic is beyond the scope of the appearance of the environment around it?
most creatures (though several archfey and titans pos- • Activation – How can creatures use the gate? Is
sess such skill). Since physical gates remain fixed, they using it a simple matter of stepping through? Does
are easily guarded, manipulated, or trapped. While it only open during certain times? Must a ritual or
physical gates are easy to use (many just require walk- certain action be performed to trigger it? Are there
ing through them), they can be difficult to recognize for ways to adjust how the gate works before using it?
what they are. Stories of travelers who unknowingly • Stability – How long does the gate remain
step into a faerie ring or hide inside antique wardrobes functional? Does it disappear after a set amount
and suddenly find themselves in other realms are of time? Is it destroyed after a certain number of
examples of interactions with physical gates. creatures use it? Can anything be done to make
the gate last for a shorter or longer period?
PSYCHIC • Destination – Where does the gate lead? Does it
Psychic gates are crossing points that appear when always take travelers to the same place? Can it lead
intense emotion shreds a patch of reality, allowing one to multiple places or realms? Is there any way to
realm to bleed into another. These gates are typi- tell where it leads before it is used?
cally impossible to perceive with traditional senses.
However, magical detection or informed investigation Overlapping Realms
may allow a creature to assess if an area, object, or
creature is under the influence of such a gate. Psychic While the occurrence is rare, there are brief time win-
gates are wildly unstable and often erratic in behavior. dows when portions of two or more realms occupy
The triggers that cause these gates to open and close the same space. This type of overlap occurs only when
may change from moment to moment or depend en- the denizens of each involved realm are matched in
tirely on how a traveler interacts with the source that their collective will to survive. Until one realm pulls
caused the gate to manifest in the first place. Stories ahead to incorporate the contested area, the region of
of haunted houses plagued by ghosts or eldritch overlap exists simultaneously in each reality. Places
grimoires whose words impart dreams of alien realms of overlap are bombarded by dangerous phenomena
are examples of interactions with psychic gates. as properties of multiple realms clash and combine in
unpredictable ways. Constant pressure causes gates
PORTAL between overlapping realities to appear and disap-
Portal gates are crossing points created by magic spells pear at random, which can be disastrous for unlucky
or spell-like effects that remain open only for a short creatures who take a wrong step. Anything is possible
time. These gates are the safest and most predictable in these chaotic zones, so adventurers would be wise
way to travel between realms. While they are the to avoid them whenever possible.
surest crossing method, these gates have their draw-
backs. For one, few creatures in the world ever attain Connecting the Planes
the ability to cast such potent spells, and the ones to Other Worlds
who do are rarely interested in sharing their ability.
Additionally, the expense and short-term nature of The fluid structure of the Planes makes the setting
these spells make them infeasible for daily use. Most easy to connect to other worlds (should you desire to
of all, these portals are easily detected and warded do so). Few beings living in the Planes truly grasp the
against. Creatures with the required skill and knowl- scope of the world they live in, and no one can list
edge often ward areas or entire realms against portal every realm currently in existence with full certainty.
gates to defend against unwelcome visitors. Casting Since every realm has different properties and is gov-
spells like plane shift or using a candle of invocation erned by different laws, there could even be realities
are examples of interactions with portal gates. completely imperceivable to the world’s creatures.
Planes, domains, and lands presented in other 5th
Creating New Gates Edition settings could easily be introduced as realms
As adventurers travel through the Planes, they will in this setting, or perhaps the entirety of the Planes
inevitably encounter all manner of gates to other is a microcosmic world entered through another of
realms. Crossing points can (and should) manifest those settings. Ways to connect this setting to any
in unique ways that keep travelers guessing, but other are limited only by your imagination.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

General Wisdom to expect anyone to know them all. One of the

biggest fears around DMing comes from the
bizarre notion that you have to know all the rules
This section zeroes in on what it means to be a DM before you can run a game. This misconception is
and provides advice for handling the many jobs that simply not true. You need to learn some basics, all
accompany the role. Each addresses the various of which are in the PHB, but the ones you need to
stages of preparing, planning, and running sessions. know make a pretty short list. And honestly, you
don’t need to know them well at all before you
start. Like literally every other skill, you master
rules as you go along. And even if you don’t
Hey , venturers! master the rules, who cares? The secret to being
a good DM is this: if your players walk away from
Celeste here , author of much of this book and DM a session having had a good time, you are a great
of the Venture Maidens podcast. I just wanted DM. I have had miserable experiences playing 5E
to chime in to explain why I included this section. with DMs who knew every rule, and I have had
Most of the advice here isn’t specific to the world great experiences playing 5E with DMs who had
opened the PHB only once.
of Venture Maidens. It is advice that is helpful
for any DM running pretty much any TTRPG. Your first job is to
So why include it? make sure everyone has fun.
What you read here is the cumulative knowledge Your primary job as a DM is to make sure your
of the philosophies and practices I have learned group has fun. Everything else is secondary.
Inventing cool mechanics, telling stories, running
about running games for strangers and friends alike.
campaigns, and making maps are all just dressing.
I had to learn a lot of this stuff the hard way, and If all your players have a good time, it doesn’t
I hope that with this chapter in hand, you won’t matter what your story is about or how many
have to hit as many bumps in the road as I did. notes you made. Many people balk at the idea that
If you admire the structure of the Venture Maidens their campaign narrative doesn’t matter compared
podcast , you are looking at the blueprint that I use to their players’ experience, but it is the ultimate
to create our games. truth. The faster you internalize that facilitating
fun is your number-one job, the faster you become
My deepest wish is that this section helps those of a great DM.
you who are struggling to be a DM and inspires
those who haven’t yet taken up the mantle of DM Start small.
for the first time. Trust me. The world needs more New DMs tend to bite off more than they can chew.
Building an entire campaign setting for your first 5E
DMs and happier DMs.
game is rarely helpful and can lead to heartbreak if
Cheers, your game fizzles out. Rather than writing a novel
about your world before playing, get a fun group of
players together, run a few pre-written adventures,
and see if you all are compatible before you entertain
the idea of embarking on a years-long campaign. If
you are determined to write your own world and
adventure, start small—design and name one town
How to Get Started rather than a world map. For your first couple ses-
sions, deal with local problems before introducing
If you are reading this section of the book, chances political issues ravaging the country. Starting small is
are you are a game master (hereby referred to as a vital to building a foundation for homebrew settings
“DM”) or are hoping to become one soon. With that or long-term campaigns.
truth in mind, let’s take some time to break down
what it means to be a great DM and demystify some You won’t be perfect,
of the common misconceptions about the role. and that’s okay.
With so many celebrities broadcasting their games
You don’t need to know every rule. these days, it’s hard to feel like we’re ever going to
There are a lot of rules in 5th Edition, with more be “good enough” to DM. What no one seems to
being developed in every new book. It is absurd remember is that all these professional DMs were
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

brand new once upon a time, and you can bet good lots of online resources these days to find interested
money that their early games were messy (just like players in your local area or online. Virtual forums
the rest of ours). Of course, people with years of usually have “Looking for Group” sections where
DMing experience or thousands of hours of acting folks hoping to play can connect. Get on out there,
classes are likely to be great DMs, but it all starts and once you have a group, set aside some time
with intention. Before you start DMing, you have to to meet (virtually or otherwise) and maybe play a
pause and acknowledge that you are going to mess couple casual games to make sure you are all compat-
up. There are going to be moments when you forget ible before committing to a long-term game.
things, moments when you have to set aside pride to
ask for forgiveness, and times when you learn a les- Session Zero
son the hard way. That is okay. Weathering failures, If you’ve spent any time in the online gaming sphere,
both small and epic, is part of the road to becoming a you’ve likely at least heard the term “session zero”
great DM. No one is born a good DM, I promise. before. Session zero is an opportunity for players to
meet up before the first official game session. There
Before You Play are several different benefits to running a session
zero before diving right into the game. The main rea-
So you’ve decided to DM a game—that’s awesome! sons are to finalize player characters and to discuss
But what do you do next? How do you get a session real-life rules and boundaries for your game sessions.
up and running? We’re going to cover the basics of A session zero is typically much shorter than actual
what you need to run your first game. game sessions (usually lasting about an hour). They
tend to work better as a lower-stakes virtual meeting
Assemble a Party (via a conference call or other video chat software).
One of the first challenges a DM faces is finding an Having a session zero is most important before cam-
enthusiastic group of players. Ideally, these players paigns that are likely to last a long time; they are not
are people you already know and get along with, always necessary for one-shot or two-shot games.
but not every DM has that luxury. Luckily, there are If you are planning to run a one-session game, it is


If you are planning to run a 5E game for the first game pauses a helpful team exercise instead of a
time, congratulations! The world needs more stressful solo run.
DMs, and we are so happy to have you. Here are
some tips to set up your first game for success: 4. Make it an event. A first session rarely goes
according to plan, but you can take some time
1. Limit the number of players. Three or four beforehand to make game day a success no matter
players is ideal. Fewer people to manage makes how sideways the actual game goes. Ask your play-
sessions go more smoothly. ers to pitch in some cash to order pizza, plan a treat
potluck, or just have a cool fantasy playlist ready
2. Run a pre-written adventure. There are so to rock. Worst case scenario: your players have
many published adventures available for a range fun hanging out even if the game turns out a little
of prices! Do yourself a favor and run through an rocky. The ability to laugh through the challeng-
existing 5E adventure for your first game. That ing moments with a slice in hand makes everyone
way, you don’t have to worry about building more willing to come back and try again next time.
a new world or building encounters on top of
learning to be a DM. 5. Ask for help. If you are playing with someone
who has experience DMing or playing (or just
3. Play with someone new. If you can swing really loves rules), ask them to be your mechani-
it, having at least one player new to 5th Edition cal advisor! Ideally, this person can help other
at your first session can be super helpful. It players with any character questions they might
alleviates some of the pressure of being the only have or answer mechanical questions so you can
person in a new situation. It also helps you learn focus on telling the story. Not only is this helpful
the material by teaching it. Looking things up for you, but it also helps prevent any resentment
and learning how things work together makes that might bubble up from backseat DMing.

Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

usually enough to communicate basic safety tools via • Decide the best way to communicate between
email or online messaging. Here are some things to games. Creating a group-specific email thread,
cover during your session zero. text message, or online chat server is important to
communicate questions or scheduling concerns.
When players show up to session zero, you will likely PLAYER QUESTIONS
have a mix of people who have already finished mak- Something that often gets overlooked during session
ing their characters and people who haven’t started zero is discussing with your players what kind of game
yet. Both are totally okay. Use some time in session experience they want to have. If your players hate
zero to make sure everyone has a basic idea of the dungeon crawls, love political intrigue, or aren’t wild
type of character they want to play, and then discuss about a ton of combat, you need to know! Here are
the personalities and motivations of the characters. some basic questions you should ask your players:
Ask each player about their character’s backstory • What kind of games do you enjoy?
ideas (a summary of their lives so far) and discuss • What are your hopes for this game?
where they fit in the tapestry of the game setting. • Is there anything you would like to see a lot of
Usually, this process is a dialogue, with both player in this game?
and DM making suggestions about the character • Is there anything you would like to see less of
until you both reach an agreement. This process is in this game?
immensely helpful for making your players feel like
their characters are a genuine part of the world. To SAFETY TOOLS
ease into this process, consider asking your players Session zero is an excellent opportunity to discuss
the following questions about their characters: safety tools for your game (though this discussion
• Why have you decided to start adventuring? can also happen via virtual messaging if you aren’t
• What would make you stop adventuring? hosting a session zero). Many incredible online re-
• Do you have family? Where do they live? sources break down how to implement TTRPG safety
• Where did you grow up? What areas of the tools and why they’re important, so seek additional
world do you know well? resources if necessary. Here are the basics.
• What was your childhood like?
• What are your opinions on the factions,
religions, and governments in this world?
Session zero is the perfect time to talk about house Though it is becoming less common as the
rules. House rules usually refer to specific mechanics TTRPG space becomes more inclusive, you
of the game that you might prefer to do a little bit may encounter a player who refuses to talk
differently than rules as written (like how to deal about safety tools every once in a while.
with critical damage or natural 20s on skill checks), This refusal can take many forms, includ-
but they also refer to rules about expected group ing shutting down discussion of safety,
behaviors. Here are a few topics to consider discuss- belittling others for talking about safety, or
ing during session zero: simply refusing to participate in the safety
• Determine when and how frequently you will conversation. Running a session zero is
schedule sessions and how long each session will important for many reasons, but revealing
last. these players is one major benefit. When a
• If you’re playing in person, discuss if there are player refuses to discuss safety, even when
expectations around bringing food and drinks. If specifically asked to be part of the conver-
you are planning to snack, make sure you ask if sation, it is a good indication that they are
anyone has allergies. a poor fit for your game group. This kind of
• Discuss rules for what happens if one or more behavior is perfectly reasonable grounds
players can’t make it to a session (see “Missing for revoking an invitation to the first game
Players” later in the chapter for a list of options). session and finding a player who will
• Discuss any accessibility accommodations that respect the group’s boundaries. Do keep
need to be met. You might need to put away in mind, however, that shyness to discuss
candles that smell too strongly. You might have safety is very different from malicious re-
to skip playing at a certain house because of a pet fusal. Use your best judgment when decid-
allergy. Perhaps you need to share color-blind- ing how to deal with difficult players.
friendly handouts on your virtual tabletops.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

What Are Safety Tools? RULES TO ESTABLISH

Safety tools in the context of TTRPGs are rules you Once every player has provided their list of lines and
put in place before a game that ensure your players veils, you need to establish what happens when a line
feel safe and comfortable at all times (even when or a veil draws near. You also need to decide what hap-
their characters may not). At a minimum, safety tools pens if an unexpected line or veil comes up mid-game.
are composed of two parts: a discussion centered Everyone needs to feel empowered to adjudicate
around what players do not want to see in game and a safety concern, so discuss how that will work.
establishing ground rules for what happens if an Will your group use verbal cues whenever someone
uncomfortable or hurtful element comes up. Safety is concerned? Will you use color-coded cards (red for
tools are essential to ensure everyone has fun at stop, green for go, and yellow for slow down) as more
the table and feels empowered to establish a line of subtle or additional indicators? Do you have silent
conversation. As a result, players will also feel free hand signals to check in routinely?
to communicate with the DM and each other about If a line is crossed or a veil is broached, the scene
real-world problems affecting gameplay. immediately needs to stop, but what happens next
is up to the group. Is a discussion held? Do you fade
WHAT TO COVER the scene to black and move on, no questions asked?
The first part of establishing safety tools is having Does the game session end? Do you rewind the
a conversation with your players before gameplay action? You will likely discuss how to handle that
starts. This conversation can occur in a group setting in the moment, but you should also discuss best
(like during a session zero), but not all players are practices before it happens.
comfortable discussing such things in a group set-
ting. When you do conduct this conversation, make it
clear that players can also reach out privately to you
to bring up any additional concerns, and be sure to
honor that desire for privacy. During this conversa-
tion, each player (including the DM) should clarify Here’s a quick checklist of the items you
what themes or elements they absolutely do not should cover in a pre-campaign session zero:
want to see in game and spell out if any gray areas • Ask what kind of game the players are
might be a problem. These elements can be as specific interested in.
as “spiders” or as broad as “disease.” Players should • Decide whether the characters know
feel complete freedom to say whatever they want each other and, if so, how they feel about
in this conversation. If there is a topic that comes each other.
up that you don’t understand, this is the time to ask • Discuss where each character fits in the
specific questions so you grasp what your players setting.
need. • Establish why each character has decided
The topics that players absolutely do not want to start adventuring.
to see in game are typically referred to as “lines” • Establish what would make each
in TTRPG safety. Topics that players are okay with character stop adventuring.
mentioning “offstage” (but not seeing or roleplaying) • Establish safety tools.
or topics they’re cautious about are typically • Plan your first session date and talk
referred to as “veils.” Usually, discussing and noting about schedule options beyond that first
everyone’s lines and veils is enough for most games. session.
But if you intend to run a dark, gritty, or horror-based • Establish rules for what to do if one or
game, you should include a full checklist of potential more players can’t make a game.
themes for your players to review in addition to the
general discussion. At a minimum, you should cover:
• Descriptions of physical violence (including Prepping a Session
harm to children, animals, and sexual assault)
• Consensual sexual content You’ve decided to DM, formed your party, and had
• Themes of mental and physical health a great session zero. Now what? It’s time for you to
• Real-world religion and fantasy portrayal plan your first game session! Preparing for a session
based on real-world religions is something you’ll have to do before each game.
• Representations of real-world social or There are many different philosophies about best
cultural discrimination and oppression practices for session prep, and ultimately every DM
• Any other topics specifically brought up by develops a unique process that works for them. There
your players is no “right way” to prep a session, but until you find
your path, draw on the tools and experiences of other do (and should) have agency to make decisions,
DMs. There is no shortage of podcast interviews, choosing encounters is not an exact science,
online videos, and even published books that can but it is much more predictable than most
help guide you through the process. folks believe. If you are starting your game in
a town, you should probably have a handful of
Planning social encounters ready to go. If you are starting
The amount of detail that goes into planning varies your game in a dungeon, you should plan
widely from DM to DM, but here are basic questions encounters for at least a few rooms and perhaps
you should have answers to before you sit down to some wandering monster encounters. If your
play a session: party is traveling, you should have a handful of
• Where does the session start? If you are exploration encounters ready to rock, in addition
starting a new game, you’ll want to figure out the to some wandering monster combat encounters.
starting location, the story hooks that kick off Again, while it isn’t an exact science, you
the action, and any other details that are critical probably have a good idea of what your players
to helping the characters navigate the starting want to do during the session before you ever sit
location. Suppose you are planning a session that down to game, so prepare accordingly!
continues the story from a previous session. In • Are the players going to learn anything new?
that case, you should still review all those details Characters in campaigns are just like characters
and assess any new helpful information to in any novel or movie: as the story continues,
communicate to your players. they learn more about the world. As each game
• What encounters might come up? When happens, your players should discover more
sitting down to plan a game session, you should about the setting you’ve created by traveling to
imagine how your session is likely to go and new places, encountering new creatures, and
plan encounters appropriately. Because players learning lessons about how things work. If you
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

think the players will learn something new, find might have to skip or reorder scenes on the fly if your
a critical piece of information, meet a key NPC, or players throw you a curveball.
discover a clue, you should decide the specifics of
that information before the session. NPCS
• Where is the session going to end? While you Creating a key of NPCs who are likely to show up in
can’t exactly predict how far your players will the session can be incredibly helpful for remember-
get in the action you have planned, you can ing things in the moment. Make sure to write down
(and should) develop a sense of your players’ their names, a couple descriptive words to help you
pace after a few games. Ending a session on a remember what they look like, and notes on the way
definitive note, like achieving a goal or reaching they speak so you can quickly recall how you portray
a cliffhanger, should always be your goal. Decide their voice.
your dream ending point for the session and jot
down any important information you need to LOCATIONS
make that endpoint happen. You should also Similar to NPCs, listing the names of locations that
identify one or two other points that would might appear in the session alongside a couple
make suitable endings just in case you don’t descriptive phrases can help you create seamless
make it to your dream session ending. Typically, transitions between in-world locations.
ending a session right before an encounter begins
(a monster springs out, the room starts filling CLUES
with water, etc.) or ends (the duel is won, the If your players are going to discover something new
party has successfully retrieved the item, etc.) about the world or a piece of information critical to
creates a satisfying endpoint. the plot of your story, make sure to write it down!
Once you have those questions answered, you Just taking the time to write out this information
are in good shape for your session! When deciding can help you figure out how to present it in a concise,
how much content to prepare ahead of time, try to understandable, and thematic way.
estimate how long your session will go and plan ac-
cordingly. It can be helpful to aim for planning enough REFERENCE PAGE NUMBERS
content to cover about a session and a half (just in If you are using monsters or any other elements from
case your players fly through what you have prepared). sourcebooks, write down the book titles and page
numbers in your notes so you can quickly find the
Making Notes information you need during the game. If your notes
Once you’ve decided on the answers to the questions are digital, include hyperlinks.
in the previous section, you need to create enough
notes to help you remember that information. Often CHARACTER NOTES
in the heat of gameplay, it’s difficult to remember If you plan to have a special moment, reward, or
specific details and subtle clues you wanted to weave something else specific to one character happen dur-
in, so notes are incredibly helpful! Some DMs take ing a session, make sure to write it down (and maybe
copious pages of notes. Others don’t need to take any even highlight it). It’s important to sprinkle moments
notes (or so they claim), but a good goal to aim for through your games that make each character feel
is one page of notes. One page is manageable when special, so search for opportunities like this, and
you have a bunch of sourcebooks to reference or don’t forget to make them happen! It can be easy to
tons of tabs already open. If you take lots and lots of forget to engage with individual characters while
notes while brainstorming for your game, consider you’re struggling to maintain a sweeping campaign,
taking an extra ten minutes to condense the things so set yourself up for success.
you need to know onto one page for quick reference.
Most DMs are surprised to find that they have no time Crafting Encounters
or use for pages and pages of super-descriptive notes. Crafting exciting and challenging encounters can be
difficult, but many brilliant people have published re-
SCENE TIMELINE sources and tools to help make the experience easier.
Once you’ve figured out the general shape of your In addition to reading about encounter building in
game, take the time to write out bullet points for the core rulebooks (which are marginally helpful at
each scene that is likely to occur. You can think of best), do some poking around online to find articles
these as acts of a play or a musician’s setlist. Having on the subject. If you have the financial resources,
a general timeline to refer to can help you stay on pick up some of the many random encounter com-
track with the events you have prepared. Remember pilations available for purchase from third-party
that this timeline shouldn’t be too specific since you publishing companies to check out how encounters
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

are structured. Here’s a basic breakdown of the three One of the best ways is to prompt your players to get
types of encounters and a rough sketch of what they descriptive about how their characters act and react.
include. Some easy favorites are asking players to describe
how casting their spells looks, asking them how they
COMBAT deal the killing blow, or asking them to describe little
Combat encounters typically involve fighting a details about monsters that set them apart from one
creature, but they don’t always have to. Any situation another. Players who are not used to storytelling
where the stakes are high and you need initiative to de- likely won’t know how to respond to these questions
cide turn order can be regarded as a combat encounter. initially, but with patience and practice, they will
get better at it. Your job is to look for these little
SOCIAL openings to invite descriptions from others: perhaps
Social encounters involve interacting with creatures let them describe the magic sword they find, give
in ways other than direct combat, usually to ac- them an opportunity to use their keen nose to pick
complish a specific objective. Beseeching an official up a particular scent in the room, or let them decide
for aid, bargaining for a good price, and interviewing the subject of a bard’s bawdy song. Once you start
witnesses are all examples of social encounters. actively looking for these moments to hand off the
narrative baton, you’ll be shocked how many there
EXPLORATION are. The best part of all this is that having multiple
Exploration encounters deal with overcoming imaginations describe your world always yields a
obstacles that are not direct interactions with more exciting result than just one ever could.
creatures. Finding shelter in a blizzard, searching for
a book in an ancient library, and following the trail Descriptive Storytelling
of a runaway pet are all examples of exploration Many of us who choose to run roleplaying games
encounters. do so because we have fallen in love with the game
While it’s important to pay attention to encounter genre through books, movies, and video games. These
mechanics and party level (no one thinks it’s fun to imaginative works capture our minds and interests,
get killed by a creature with an outrageously unfair and we want to start creating stories of our own
challenge rating), it’s much more important to craft using these fantastical elements. Conjuring vivid
encounters that excite and challenge your players. If and exciting imagery for our players and audiences
you have a ranger in your party, you better be sure to sets good DMs apart from great ones, and there are
throw in some tracking encounters every so often. two facets to honing this skill: describing the basics
Don’t bother weaving in complex social encounters without over-embellishing.
if your players hate talking to NPCs and just want to There is a simple truth to telling great stories:
bring the pain. Try out lots of different kinds of en- keep it simple with a few powerful details. Endless
counters, see what your players respond to positively, monologues describing a single room of your dungeon
then do more of that! Don’t forget: variety is the will fall flat, and describing nothing about the room
spice of life, so if you’ve hit the party with multiple won’t be well received either. Your job is to give
sessions of back-to-back combat encounters, it’s time your players the facts they need plus one thing to
to mix it up and try something else. get them invested in your description. This extra
investment often comes from a single simple detail
Running a Session that illuminates a sensory aspect of the room. “You
step into a small stone room” is nowhere near as
It’s time to sit at the table and run a game. This exciting as, “You step into a small stone room that
section covers strategies you can incorporate into reeks of garlic.” The room has a story immediately, a
your storytelling to make your sessions even more quirk, something interesting to grip your players and
successful. Many of the things here take practice make the audience pay attention. It’s the same thing
to master, and that is totally fine! There is a lot to with monsters: saying “a troll stomps into the room”
remember in this section, so start with one exciting is not nearly as fun as describing the troll without
thing to work on and build on that. ever using the word troll. Learning to sprinkle in
these details certainly is an exercise in becoming
Collaborative Storytelling more creative, and like anything else, there are helpful
When you’re sitting behind the DM screen surround- things you can do to practice. Consume as much
ed by a fortress of books, it can be easy to forget that media as possible in the genre your games explore.
this isn’t your story—it’s your group’s story. A great If you are running a science-fiction RPG, reading and
DM is always on the lookout for ways to invite players watching sci-fi gives you many tools and examples
to help tell the story, but how do we accomplish this? of excellent details to incorporate into your games.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

The things that frighten and excite you in movies are show up! The earth begins to quake as some-
likely to do the same for your table. Once you start to thing awakens in the depths! If your players
notice how others set the stages of their tales, yours aren’t moving to the action, bring the action to
begin to shine. them.
• Present a solution. The character with the
Pacing highest passive Perception suddenly notices
Exciting pacing is what keeps us hungry to consume the answer to the riddle scratched into the
a story. Dramatic cliffhangers, riveting action, and table. A friendly mountaineer spots the col-
rapidly evolving narratives are what make episodic lapsed cave and begins to dig the trapped party
media so thrilling. But then again, most media has out. A cute dog with a message tied to its collar
the benefit of hundreds of hours to craft a final shows up. If your players are stumped or can’t
product, so how do you capture that constant action figure something out, don’t let them spin their
when playing a game live? A DM wears many hats, wheels. Provide a solution!
but one of the most important is the role of the • Declare that time passes. You’ve already
director. It is your job to keep things moving along at described one bar scene in exquisite detail, so
a healthy pace. There is absolutely an art to maintain- declare the night goes on in a legendary man-
ing good pacing, but when you’re just starting out, ner and ask where the characters wind up the
lean on the slower side: if all your players are having next morning. You are traveling a very long way
fun in a scene or moment, let them enjoy it for a on a familiar road, so you declare that “time
while before taking the reins again. While it might passes,” and you pick up the scene after a week
seem like a good idea to let your players do whatever of hard travel. You are the master of this world,
they want all the time “as long as they are having and you can speed up time to avoid repetitive
fun,” that actually harms the overall experience. If or boring scenes whenever you want to!
your players spend session after session rowdily • Make a roll. If your party rogue is slowing
hanging out at the tavern, they will eventually resent everything down by picking the pocket of
that the story hasn’t pulled them anywhere else. You every local, just have them roll a d20 to see
must be the constant driving force to the story’s ac- how much gold they get for the day instead
tion. The DM is the player best equipped to move the of playing out each theft. If a player hopes to
story along, and you should use your powers freely. find a specific item in a massive city market,
Here are some great tools to move along a session, do one roll for the day instead of describing
scene, or conversation that is spinning in circles: every stall they can visit. When in doubt, just
• Introduce an unexpected threat. A monster call for a roll and use basic mechanics to solve
pops out of hiding! The city guards suddenly problems.


One of the biggest challenges to pacing comes longer than that, you need to scale back the
from combat, which can get very repetitive very encounter challenges.
quickly. While you want to give your players the • Play fast and loose with hit points. It isn’t
opportunity to flex their skills and feel powerful, fun for anyone if your party has torn through
you have to remain vigilant so combat doesn’t dozens of enemies only to have to continue
ever feel like a chore. Here are some things to to hit the one wolf left because they rolled
keep in mind to help combat pacing: minimum damage. If a fight is over, don’t
• If you have a lot of creatures in the initiative drag it on just because some numbers say
order, declare not only who’s turn it is you should.
but also who is “on deck” (who is going • If a player picks a rules fight and grinds
next). This process keeps things moving by everything to a halt, just let them win and
reminding players to be ready with their move on. It is more important to keep the
action plans. action going in the moment and save rules
• Unless you are fighting a big bad or super consultation for a break or after the game
important enemy, your combats should is over. It won’t be the end of the world
rarely last more than three rounds. If you if you let a player break the rules for one
routinely find yourself running combats session.

Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

• Ask a player for help. Sometimes, no matter our motivation” is a prevalent phrase in introductory
best efforts, a group of players just can’t stay fo- acting classes for a good reason. Keeping the motiva-
cused on the events of a game. If this happens, it tion or agenda of a character in mind while you
is okay to take a break and ask one of the players roleplay them always gives you an idea of what to
to help you move things along in character. Most do next in an interaction. These motivations can be
of the time, people are happy to help and didn’t simple, like an innkeeper needing to earn money for a
realize that things were getting so out of hand. new summer home, or very complicated, like a villain
dealing with a devil to avenge their slaughtered
Implementing the family. Whatever the scope, having the desires that
Rule of Cool motivate your NPC in mind inherently breeds richer
interactions. NPC motivations are just as important
You’ve likely heard the phrase “rule of cool” bandied as player motivations; when the two align or conflict,
about, especially if you’ve engaged with the online exciting action is bound to arise.
TTRPG community. But what does it mean? Most
frequently, it refers to allowing your players to do
awesome things in the game, even if it isn’t mechani-
cally supported or conflicts with the rules. The rule of
cool can be interpreted as a broader DMing philoso- RUNNING NPCS EASIER
phy which champions narrative over rules as written. Here are some quick tips to keep in mind
Most people don’t play TTRPGs because they love the when managing and running NPCs:
rules of the game. They play because they want to be • If your players react strongly to an NPC
part of a compelling tale. (they love them or hate them), take note
The rule of cool emphasizes that the rules of a and bring them back later in the story!
game are simply a frame to hold a fantastic creation, Having a collection of these familiar and
and the frame should never pull focus from the interesting NPCs at your disposal keeps
piece itself. Cultivating this kind of storytelling things fun and saves you from having to
does take practice. When there aren’t specific rules create brand-new NPCs over and over
written, it is much easier to say, “No, you can’t climb again.
on top of the dragon’s head and poke its eye out,” • If an NPC is traveling with the party, let
than to take a moment and figure out how to make a player run that NPC in combat or other
such a wild action work. Great DMs are the ones mechanics-heavy situations. Keep in
who don’t say no in a crisis but rather invent new mind that you should only ask for help
solutions and new systems to support creativity. with this from a player who has a firm
So what if you can’t technically use a spell a certain grasp of how to run their own character.
way! If there is a compelling reason to do so, isn’t • Avoid scenes in which heavy NPC-
that more interesting? The best moments of games to-NPC interactions may occur. If it’s
are those enchanted turns of creativity when dice, unavoidable, assign a primary NPC to
imagination, and circumstance align to create an lead the scene. That NPC should do most
intense scene. When such moments happen, the of the talking, and secondary NPCs
quickest way to kill them is often by not letting the should only provide commentary when
little things—the rules—go. absolutely necessary.
• When you create an NPC and your
Running players react strongly to them, do
Interesting NPCs yourself a favor and immediately write
down what they look and sound like.
In too many campaigns, NPCs fall by the wayside, Notes about whether a character had
serving as little more than cardboard cutouts to an accent, spoke at a particular pace or
dispense information or sell pints of ale. These lack- volume, or used specific catchphrases
luster characters lead to repetitive conversations and can be a continuity lifesaver.
boring shopping scenes, and ultimately they degrade • Don’t get too attached to an NPC until
the integrity of the world for your players. So how do you know how your players feel about
we save our worlds from this dull demise? them. You should discard NPCs to
whom your players don’t strongly react,
Know Their Motivations regardless of how you feel about them.
The fastest way to make an NPC meaningful is to
decide what their motivations are. “Know your
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

Allow Them to Grow you with all the information you need to set an
NPC motivations can (and often should) change. adventure in the Planes, but you certainly can’t
Player characters usually discover a lot about (and shouldn’t) expect your players to know all
themselves and how they fit into the world the details about the world from the first game.
throughout a campaign. If your non-player Whether you are using a prewritten adventure
characters evolve in the same way over the setting or introducing a new setting of your own
campaign, they genuinely feel like real pieces of the design, you have to slowly regulate the flow of new
developing story. Consider a scenario in which your information.
players burn down the innkeeper’s establishment;
that innkeeper’s motivations would likely move SPIRAL OUTWARD
from collecting savings to collecting vengeance. One of the most successful ways to develop your
What if your players resurrect the villain’s slain setting (and your plots as well, if we’re honest) is
family? Perhaps that villain now becomes an ally. using the spiral method. The spiral method asks
These changes guided by player action are a prime you to select one small location to begin your
example of how NPC motivations can radically raise adventure, then introduces progressively more
stakes in your games. locations and concepts as the campaign rolls along.
When you first start your campaign, you shouldn’t
Make Them Relatable focus on building the entire world. You should
Let’s face it—the fantasy genre is built on a pyramid focus instead on building the village, the dungeon,
of character tropes. Buxom barmaids, forgetful or whatever small location in which your campaign
wizards, rogues from broken families—the list goes actually begins. If you stick to just fleshing out the
on and on. Not every trope should be subverted. center of your spiral, your players can get used to
They exist for good reason: they are fun and relat- their characters and setting on a comfortable scale
able. However, you must use the power of the trope rather than being tossed into the deep end of a
wisely. If every NPC in your campaign is a common pool. Once your players are ready to move beyond
trope, you lose credibility quickly. Equally so, if every this location, you can introduce the details of the
NPC is an extremely complicated re-envisioning of area around it. If you started in a village, you could
the genre, your players won’t be able to keep up. The now talk about the dangers of the surrounding
best games out there marry the worlds of cliché, countryside, or maybe you move the tale into the
hilarious characters with a handful of surprising city closest to the village. Once you explore the
NPCs who shape the events of the world. The best surrounding areas, you can introduce the problems
NPC candidate to avoid tropes with is the villain all the locals of the province face. After local prob-
of your campaign. The most memorable villains in lems, you can talk about the country’s problems,
media are the ones we all can relate to a little, and then the continent’s, and so on. Resist the urge to
achieving that feeling often requires a more compli- plan the sweeping, world-shaking outer layers of
cated motivation than those you find among familiar your spiral until you get there. The spiral method
fantasy tropes. Ultimately, if you create a well-mixed is all about building a foundation of knowledge so
band of NPCs, both you and your players will enjoy your players have a chance to discover the setting
interacting with them. at a digestible pace.

Building a Campaign SHOW, DON’T TELL

As the DM, you have the benefit of knowing what’s
Once you have a few game sessions under your belt going on (most of the time), so you have all these
and a group of dedicated players, you’ll likely want to interesting cards in your hand to deal out to your
embark on a long-term game. These long-term games, players at key moments. If there is a unique detail
called campaigns, allow the same characters to grow about your setting, don’t just tell your players
in power as they interact with the world around about it. Show it! Having a band of characters walk
them. Building a campaign uses all the same tools as into a town where people go about their daily lives
building a session, but it also requires a DM to start in zero gravity is way more fun for everyone than
thinking beyond just the next game night and into explaining that there is a town where there is no
the future. gravity in one area of the world. Let your players
be curious about your setting and deal out the
Setting Development information only as they ask for it. The discovery
When you start a campaign, the major thing you’ll process is exciting, and the more you can stage
want to consider is how to reveal information opportunities for discovery, the more compelling
about your setting. For example, this book provides your setting.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

Tier 2 (Levels 5–10)

Most campaigns end in this tier of play because the
CAMPAIGN BUILDING road from level 5 to level 10 takes much longer than the
BEST PRACTICES road from level 1 to level 4 (and most published adven-
tures don’t go beyond level 10). Keep this fact in mind
Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind
when building your campaign. Tier 2 is when your big
when building a campaign:
arcs and plots should kick off in earnest. Ideally, you’ve
• Don’t get too ahead of yourself. Your sowed some seeds of tier 2 problems into tier 1, and it’s
players have agency in the world and the
here that they start to come to a head. Tier 2 characters
plot of your campaign, so it doesn’t make
should be a big deal in your setting. By level 5, charac-
sense to plan out the specifics of the
ters can do extraordinary things that most common
story too far in advance.
folk only dream of. The world should start noticing tier
• Make sure to weave your characters’ 2 characters, for better or for worse.
goals and struggles into your campaign.
The best plots and arcs are the ones that
Tier 3 (Levels 11–17)
personally matter to your adventurers.
When you reach tier 3, you are likely about to end
• Leave lots of space for change. Don’t a campaign or you are just starting a brand-new,
spend your time crafting an intricate
sweeping plot. Characters at this level are basically
campaign plot until you know whether
superheroes, so your plots need to scale accordingly.
or not your players care about it. Start
The majority of problems your characters face at this
with lots of threads, see what they bite
stage shouldn’t be easily solved with a fight or a spell.
at, then only develop the threads that
They need to be much larger in scope. Tier 3 is when
interest them.
moral quandaries, big decisions that affect the world,
• Don’t create needless work. Even though and the machinations of powerful factions need to
you might feel compelled to chart the
shine to keep things interesting. When planning
intricate family trees for the twenty
campaign elements for tier 3, make sure not to
ruling noble houses in your homebrew
overlook your characters’ personal goals and stories.
setting, your players likely won’t need
It can be easy to get wrapped up in the grand scale of
(or appreciate) that much information.
tier 3 adventures, so you need to frequently check in
Prioritize working out campaign infor-
with yourself about the basics.
mation only as it comes up in the story.
Tier 4 (Levels 17–20)
At tier 4, your characters are pretty much gods. There
Tiers of Play is almost no day-to-day problem they can’t solve, so
tier 4 demands you think outside the box. This need
When designing a campaign, it is critical to keep the for creativity prevents a lot of DMs from playing tier
power level of your players in mind. A lot of cam- 4, but the principles of good DMing are the same. At
paign dissatisfaction comes from mismatching the this level, you need to build personal stories for your
scale of challenges to the abilities of your characters. characters to keep them interested in the action.
Additionally, you need to get crafty with your villains
Tier 1 (Levels 1–4) at this tier. Your characters now have abilities to
Most campaigns start at tier 1 for a good reason. reshape reality, and so should your villains.
Adventures and encounters built for tier 1 are small
in scope and easy to manage. Both DMs and players Maintaining
have many opportunities to explore how their char- Your Game
acters and the world work because tier 1 challenges
provide a lot of narrative and mechanical breathing So you’ve got a group together and a game up and
room. Adventures at tier 1 should focus on measur- running. Congratulations! The work of cultivating
able, small-scale goals like helping everyday people, a healthy game doesn’t stop there. You have to do
solving problems in small settlements, and delving regular upkeep to hold a game group together and
into five-room dungeons. Your goal as a DM for tier maintain a campaign session after session.
1 is to get everyone used to their characters and the
world before you crank up any earth-shattering plot. Adapt and Grow
Leveling through tier 1 should happen relatively Our world, and our lives, change and evolve dramati-
quickly, so don’t drag this tier out longer than you cally in a short amount of time. The gaming groups
need to. that can roll with the punches are the ones who grow
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

and the ones who still have legs to stand on two, and listen to your players’ concerns. Nine times
five, even ten years later. Writing in stone how your out of ten, issues that arise at the table in the heat
game has to be is likely a death sentence for your of the moment are caused when someone doesn’t
longevity. It’s quite rare for folks to find a group and feel heard or feels misunderstood. It is up to you
play the same campaign for multiple years, often for to pause the game and make sure a player gets to
this reason. People are constantly changing, and if speak. That said, if a player is truly unreasonable,
the game you run doesn’t change as well, conflict is you should feel empowered to pause, stop, or end
inevitable. To keep your campaigns running, learn to the game as needed. Your number-one job is to
love surprises and open yourself up to their potential. facilitate fun, and if a major conflict arises, stopping
Whether that means changing up your format, the game to pick it up at a later date is a perfectly
bringing in new players, or changing the game you reasonable way to fulfill that job.
play, if you say yes to opportunities that make sense, We are in no way experts or professionals
your meta-narrative can be just as thrilling as each on the subject of conflict resolution, and truly
individual game. Times and people are turbulent, upsetting player behavior is something better left
so staying cool is the path you need to keep your to professionals. All you can do is do your best to set
campaign on course. If you are that pillar of chill in clear boundaries, and if anything feels unsafe, end
the center of chaos, your players will stay by your the game session immediately and seek professional
side through it all. guidance.

Regular Player Check-Ins

Every DM I have cherished has one thing in common:
HOUSE RULES TO an ability to communicate successfully. Frequent
MINIMIZE PLAYER check-ins with players about their moods during
CONFLICT games, their level of enjoyment, and what they
Here are some helpful rules to establish would like to see for their characters are a sure-fire
with your group to help avoid and navigate way to elevate a tabletop experience from good
player conflict: to outstanding. To find out what people love, you
• Make a firm rule that player characters must listen to them. At regular intervals, you should
are not allowed to influence one another schedule some time to chat with your players one on
with rolls, and PVP (player versus player) one about their characters and how they feel about
combat is not allowed. the game. Every ten sessions or every six months is a
• Allow players to rewind their actions. great goal to aim for when you play in a regular group.
If someone makes an obvious mistake These check-ins are an awesome way to figure out
because they misunderstood a rule, do how you can improve your DMing to better suit your
not punish them. Allow them to take it players’ needs.
back. It is worth noting that you have to be ready to hear
• Make sure your players have a way to criticism to get honest feedback. If you want to grow
talk to each other and directly to just as a DM, you need to hear the bad alongside the good.
you if need be. Often, a player might be It isn’t easy to gracefully take criticism, but it is vital
embarrassed to ask a question or bring so your players know they can trust you with the
up a concern in front of the whole group. truth.
Give everyone multiple avenues of
communication. Scheduling
A DM has to play many roles in a gaming group. A
DM narrates and runs the game, of course, but they
Dealing with Player Conflict typically also serve as the event coordinator, the
A regular game group is a relationship like any cheerleader, and the administrator of the gaming
other. Occasionally, personalities clash, and conflict group. Unless you have an invested player willing
ensues. As a DM, it is not your job to be a group to handle scheduling your games, it is going to
therapist, but you need to mediate disputes that fall to you to keep the game running. Schedule
arise in game. Ideally, your table has had a session is the greatest foe of any long-term roleplaying
zero during which you all established house rules game, and you need to battle it as efficiently as you
that you can point to when conflict arises, but you would a goblin horde. In this section, we cover the
won’t always have that luxury. The first step to biggest hurdles to building a session schedule that
resolving in-game conflict is to pause the action actually works.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

Setting a Date that are the same length every time, that window
Ensuring a continuing campaign takes tenacity and becomes sacred to your players, and they can begin
commitment to a regular schedule. Tricks and tips for to adapt their schedule around those windows.
scheduling any kind of regular event apply to game Monthly games are doable, but most groups can’t
sessions as well: handle that much time between sessions. Any
• Establish dates well in advance. break longer than two weeks guarantees at least
• Check in regularly. a few game details will be forgotten, and it will
• Pick the next event date before or during the always be a challenge to get back into the action
current event. each game.
Ideally, you will develop a routine for your sessions
so everyone gets into a rhythm. Until you have such Missing Players
a routine locked in, you have to be insistent about Every so often, despite your best scheduling efforts,
picking dates in advance. At the end of a session, one or more of your players might have to miss a
budget time to pick the next session date. Or, if you game. Hopefully, you’ll get some kind of notice, but
are playing late and you know your players won’t be often you’ll just have to roll with the punches and
at their best to have the conversation at the end of figure out the best way to deal with the situation.
the session, set aside time at the beginning of the When you first get together with your players at the
session to plan the next date. When scheduling your beginning of a new campaign (ideally during ses-
sessions is a priority for you, your players are more sion zero), you need to discuss what happens when
likely to make it a priority as well. a player can’t make it to a session. Here are some
options you can present to your players:
Session Length
In today’s world, it is incredibly difficult to find time 1. If you have a majority, play on. If you have at
to do anything recreational. Oftentimes, campaigns least half your group plus one who can make
fall apart because players are too exhausted from it, you should run a session as you normally
hard workweeks, can’t afford childcare, or one of would. In scenarios like this, you find an excuse
a hundred other reasons. One of the best ways to in game why a character is absent, or you have
combat these kinds of scheduling issues is to shorten that character along for the ride, but they don’t
the length of each gaming session. It might sound do anything noteworthy (no speaking, fighting,
tempting to play a session for four hours straight, but or making important choices). This tactic may
I guarantee not everyone in your group feels enthu- require you to restructure your game a bit,
siastic about such a huge block of time. The typical especially if you had a big surprise or event in
length of time players can stay focused without a mind for the absent player, but hopefully, you’ll
long break is three hours (though I prefer two). If you have enough other action going on in the world
are making a day of it, playing for two hours, taking that you can compensate.
an hour-long meal break, then playing for two more
hours is a good option. You must give your players 2. Run a session but use a nonstandard format.
time to decompress, socialize, and snack if you If you don’t have a player majority or can’t
want to keep them happy and eager to focus when easily change the story to compensate for the
necessary. missing player, this is the next best option.
Running a game with a nonstandard format
Session Frequency can mean several different things:
You also want to make sure you are planning • Run a side quest. This is when you use the
sessions at a frequency that is both realistic and same characters, but you play through
regular. In my experience, playing weekly games is a different quest for the session. You
too much. Asking a group of busy people to show could pick up your characters and run
up every single week to focus for multiple hours them through a portion of a published
is (most of the time) too much to ask. Even if your adventure. You could do a level from a
players seem enthusiastic about weekly games to dungeon. You could have a session where
begin with, I assure you that enthusiasm shifts to they visit a festival. You get the idea. It’s
resentment quickly. I recommend playing every okay to handwave the exact timing of such
other week, always on the same day and at the a sidequest, calling it a flashback, a future
same time. Also, make sure your sessions are the event, or just making it a noncanonical part
same length every game. Don’t squander people’s of the adventure. Your players just want to
time by having to guess whether your session will play. Typically, no one cares about preserving
last two hours or six. If you have consistent games a sacred in-game timeline.
Chapter 4: Building Adventures in the Planes

• Play different characters. This is when you Sometimes

have the same players, but you use different Things Fall Apart
characters to play through a short adventure.
It can be fun to mix up game night by playing Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, campaigns
new characters every once in a while. If and game groups fall apart, and that is perfectly
you all have backup characters, you can normal. A gaming group is a relationship like any
experience adventuring at a different level, in other, where you can do everything right and things
a different part of the world, or an adventure still don’t work out. It could be poor timing in your
with themes different than the ones you players’ lives (or yours) or general group incompat-
typically explore. Just make sure your players ibility that causes a game to fizzle out, and that is
are all right with this idea. Some people do okay. For every successful long-term campaign I’ve
get stressed out when they have to learn been in, I’ve been in three others that fell apart after a
mechanics for a different character. handful of sessions (or sometimes just one). The key
• Run a one-on-one session. If you are missing to finding a great group is persistence. Lots of players
a lot of your players but you still want have to go through several different groups before
to keep the story going, consider doing a they find one that is the right fit. If this happens to a
one-on-one session! While this might seem group you are DMing or playing in, it can be a major
a little strange, taking the time to focus a bummer, but it also creates an opportunity to learn
session entirely on one character can be and try again. Making magic isn’t easy, but persis-
rewarding. One-on-one sessions are the tence and patience are your best pathways to finding
perfect opportunity to dive into backstory an awesome campaign.
elements that may not have been addressed
in the story so far. This gameplay format is
pretty nontraditional, so make sure your
players are all right with experimenting
before you plan this kind of game. • Cultivate Listening. Prioritize listening
to your instincts, your players, and your
3. Have a board game night. If everything goes characters before you speak.
sideways and cancellations make it impossible • Facilitate Fun. Always remember that
to play, consider throwing a board game night. your number-one job is to make sure
Preserving the routine of getting together everyone at your table has fun. Discard
at the same time and place is incredibly anything that does not suit that purpose.
important to the survival of a long-term game. • Be Flexible. To be a great DM, you must
That’s why hosting a nerdy, 5E-adjacent board become flexible in all things. Whether
game night is a great solution. Chances are at it’s letting go of your world to let the
least one of your players has a couple board characters change it or admitting you
games or knows some great card games to were wrong about a rule adjudication,
teach the group. Board game nights are a low- you have to learn to bend.
stress option to hang out and catch up. If you • Stay Cool. While it can be nerve-
want an even lower-stress option, try to bring a wracking to slide into the DM seat, you
couple cooperative board games so you can all must remain steadfast no matter how
work together to defeat the game TTRPG style. hot things get. This tenet doesn’t mean
you can’t be nervous, but it does mean
4. Only cancel as a last resort. While it might that you have to be the dependable one
seem dramatic, skipping game night altogether your players can count on to keep things
should be the last option you consider. together at the game table.
Canceling one scheduled game inevitably
snowballs into many more canceled games
and often results in a quiet campaign death
(particularly for brand-new groups). People
crave consistency, and if you don’t prove you
are willing to follow through with game night
regularly, your players will be compelled to
seek consistency elsewhere. Save complete
cancelations for when you need them, like in
the case of accidents or illness.

T he Planes is a high-magic setting where
magic is part of daily life for everyone,
from commoners to monarchs. Most
denizens are familiar with magic items in the Mortal
Realm, and wealthy individuals typically keep a
Through their long struggle against the
fey, soldiers of the Eldrin Empire have
couple on their person or in their homes. Diligent discovered faerie creatures have an innate
shoppers can find common and uncommon magic weakness to weapons made of cold
items available for sale in the markets of the Eldrin iron. Cold iron (or "cold-wrought" iron)
Empire, and creatures with enough coin can commis- weapons are forged without fire and are
sion the creation of rare and very rare items. Routine consequently difficult to manufacture.
meddling in mortal affairs has also left a healthy In the Mortal Realm, a character can
collection of god- and faerie-made legendary items commission the creation of a single cold
and artifacts scattered throughout the world. iron weapon or ten pieces of cold iron
ammunition for 100 gp in addition to the

Buying and Selling weapon’s normal cost.

A cold iron weapon is treated as magical

Magic Items when used against fey creatures for the

purpose of overcoming resistance and
immunity to nonmagical attacks and
While creatures can’t simply walk into any corner damage.
store and find magic items for sale, it is significantly
easier to purchase them in the Eldrin Empire than
Chapter 5: Treasures

in most realms. Similarly, adventurers hoping to sell permanent magic items. The easiest way to price
magic items are likely to find a willing buyer in the consumables is to consider their benefits as if the
wealthy cities of the empire. items were spells. The Consumable Pricing by Spell
This section provides base pricing for buying and Level table gives you guidelines for pricing consum-
selling magic items in the Eldrin Empire, but the DM able items in this way. If they have no obvious spell
has the final say on the availability and market value comparison, price them by rarity.
of a particular magic item. Creating consumable magic items still requires
training, time, and costly components. Still, far more
Permanent people in the Mortal Realm possess the requisite
Magic Items expertise to make consumable magic items than the
expertise necessary to make permanent ones.
Most magic items are categorized as permanent, Cities and large towns typically have apothecaries
which means they have a set of magic properties and pharmacies with a limited supply of potions
unique to that object. A bag of holding, an oathbow, available for purchase. Spell scrolls, magic tokens, and
or a cloak of the mountebank are all examples of enchanted ammunition are a little harder to come by,
permanent magic items. but traveling mages and graduate students are usually
Permanent magic items are the most difficult willing to create such items to make a quick buck.
type of magic item to create, making them the least
readily available and most valuable kind of magic
item in the Planes. Fabricating even one magic item
of common rarity takes a great deal of skill, time, and
expense, so a small number of new magic items are ITEMS FEEL SPECIAL
created in the Mortal Realm each year (not enough to DMs often struggle with rewarding magic
keep up with the demand). items during a campaign. Handing out too
A special program at the university of Faelyn teaches many items can cause players to forget
the principles of fabricating magic items, but the to use them, and using random tables to
majority of students who study it go on to work ex- generate item rewards can saturate a game
clusively on government-sponsored projects. Several with lackluster items. So, how do you keep
gnomish families in Chasiana turn a healthy profit by these kinds of rewards feeling special,
taking magic item commissions, but their services are especially in a high-magic setting? Involve
expensive and in great demand. The majority of magic your players in the process!
items on the market are secondhand, sold off to cover Here are some quick tips to accomplish this.
debts, or left behind in unfortunate circumstances. • Ask your players directly what kinds of
magic items their characters would like,
Permanent Magic Item Pricing by Rarity then scatter opportunities to earn them
throughout the campaign. Make sure to
Base Value Range check in regularly to see if your players
(High-Magic Setting)
have changed their minds about what
Common 20–90 gp they want.
• When awarding loot, mostly hand
Uncommon 450–4,500 gp
out consumable items like potions,
Rare 1,800–18,000 gp spell scrolls, and tokens. Try to reward
permanent magic items only when there
Very Rare 14,850–45,000 gp is a narrative reason.
Legendary 22,500–180,000 gp
• If a character wants to buy a certain magic
item, don’t make it as easy as walking
Artifact Never available for sale or purchase into a corner store. Buying highly specific
objects usually involves research and
investigation in the real world, so it should
Consumable feel the same in fantasy worlds.
Magic Items • Make sure the characters have a way to sell
or trade items they no longer need. Sacrificing
Consumable magic items are designed to be used old items to gain new items helps maintain
once (or a few times) before they are expended. a sense of economic value.
Since these items have a limited life span, they are
significantly cheaper and generally easier to find than
Chapter 5: Treasures

Magic Items Sample Magic Items

The following sections detail some of the magic items This section presents an assortment of magic items in
adventurers may discover as they adventure across the alphabetical order.
Planes. Such treasures might be awarded by grateful be-
ings or perhaps used to bribe an interested party. Some of Aperitif a la Prudence
these items are commonplace tools of the Eldrin Empire,
and others are dangerous rarities better left buried. Wondrous item, rarity varies
An aperitif a la Prudence is a magical cocktail
Storied Treasures named after the glamorous aberration who peddles
them. The most potent and “premium select”
Since the Mortal Realm is relatively young, there are of Prudence’s famous mixed beverages, each
not great quantities of magic items in circulation. aperitif a la Prudence has a distinct flavor, color,
Unless adventurers commission a new item, almost and effect when imbibed. An aperitif takes effect
everything they acquire will have changed hands immediately unless otherwise noted and lasts until
through multiple generations. dispelled or until you drink a different aperitif,
As with all aspects of reality in the Planes, magic regardless of rarity.
items slowly shift in response to the wills of their Cucumber Lemon Twist (Common). A seasonal
owners, so no two magic items (even of the same option, this cocktail has a splash of cucumber water,
type) in the world are ever quite the same. Whenever a squeeze of lemon juice, grapefruit zest, and a
a magic item is introduced, consider its history borderline irresponsible amount of potato liquor.
and the small changes made to accommodate Once you drink this cloudy liqueur, you can use an
previous owners. The Item Quirks table offers a few action to fall asleep for up to 8 hours, regardless of
suggestions for making a magic item feel storied circumstance or environment. Creatures can only
without altering its mechanical properties. wake you if you allow it, so be careful.

Consumable Pricing by Spell Level

Spell Level Price Rarity Equivalent Consumable
Level 0 (Cantrip) 10 gp Common Potion of climbing
Level 1 50 gp Common Ammunition +1
Level 2 100 gp Uncommon Ammunition +2
Level 3 200 gp Uncommon Potion of gaseous form
Level 4 350 gp Rare Ammunition +3
Level 5 650 gp Rare Arrow of slaying
Level 6 1,500 gp Very Rare Potion of supreme healing
Level 7 2,500 gp Very Rare Oil of etherealness
Level 8 5,000 gp Very Rare Spell scroll (level 8)
Level 9 10,500 gp Legendary Candle of invocation

Item Quirks
d10 Item Quirk
1 You sometimes catch yourself humming a specific tune when you hold the item.
2 The item frequently appears in your dreams.
3 The item somehow always makes its way back to you.
4 Seeing the item reminds you of someone you care for.
5 The item always seems to be right where you need it.
6 The item emits an oddly specific scent.
7 The item is decorated with an unusual pattern.
8 The item has a disability-friendly grip or other appropriate features.
9 Touching the item makes you feel safe.
10 The item has a name scratched onto its surface in a child’s handwriting.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Aperitif a la powdered gold dragon eggshell. Requiring extremely

Prudence fresh eggshells, this cocktail is exorbitantly expen-
sive, going for as much as 150,000 gp when the rare
eggshells are available. This blend is tailor-made for
spellcasters capable of getting the required ingredi-
ent back to Prudence in time for the enchantment.
Once you drink this glittering gold cocktail, you
automatically succeed on Constitution saving throws
made to maintain concentration on spells or abilities.
Your concentration still ends normally through other
means. This benefit lasts until you die.

I went to school for years to become an alchemist,

so if there is one thing I know, it’s how to identify
an expertly mixed solution. With that in mind , the
next time you find yourself in the Planar Bazaar,
you absolutely must visit a certain tentacled queen.
Prudence’s drinks make you sparkle. Literally .
Whipped until Sour (Uncommon). Made from
a blend of distilled corn whiskey, egg whites, and a
Wildes sour berry called levielria, this cocktail is sweet,
sour, and topped with airy foam. Once you drink this
emerald-green beverage, you can take any color in the
world as your own. As an action, you can press your
hair, lips, nails, or tongue against a surface or object you Asylum’s Clasp
can touch. The chosen body part becomes that color.
Dandelion-Bright Highball (Rare). Yellow as the Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
noonday sun, this beverage contains dandelion tea, This small brooch audibly hums with potent arcane
pineapple juice, and essence of clove served ice cold. energy and fastens unnaturally securely to any mate-
Once you drink this cocktail, your speed is increased rial. While wearing this ornamental clip, you have
by 15 feet while in sunlight. In addition, you regain resistance to force damage and immunity to damage
10 hit points when you finish a short rest while from the magic missile spell.
outside in the daytime for the next 7 days. Imperceptible. You are hidden from divination
Cold Mellon Slush (Very Rare). The juice of an magic while wearing this magical brooch. You can’t
entire frostmellon is reduced into a syrup for a single be targeted by such magic or perceived through
serving of this honey liqueur cocktail. Once you drink magical scrying sensors, including those formed
this icy-blue and eternally near-frozen drink, you can by the scrying spell. Creatures can telepathically
survive comfortably in temperatures as low as −100 communicate with you only if you allow it.
degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, you gain resistance Union. As an action, you can cause the brooch to
to cold damage for the next 7 days. form a magical link with another living creature that
White and Prickly (Very Rare). This cocktail takes touches the brooch. The connection remains until a
nearly a year to ferment and consists of a refreshing new link is formed, you or the connected creature
blend of coconut milk, prickly pear juice, stinging die, or you or the connected creature are on different
nettles, mint, white wine, and a single sphinx tear. planes of existence for 1 year and 1 day. While the
Once you drink this bright-white beverage, you link remains active, you can use an action to cast the
become immune to effects that would sense your sending spell only to the connected creature. You do
emotions, read your thoughts, or communicate with not need to share a language with the creature for it
you telepathically against your will. In addition, your to understand your message, but the creature must
level of exhaustion is reduced by one each time you be able to understand at least one language.
finish a short rest for the next 7 days. Once sending is cast through the brooch, it cannot
Stay Gold, Darling (Legendary). With an elder- be used again until the next dawn. When the link to
flower cordial as a base, this cocktail contains white another creature is broken, both you and the creature
truffle extract, sparkling water, and one gram of are made aware.
Chapter 5: Treasures

The Avatar frees itself from the shield. The restrained condition
ends for an affected creature if you move farther than
Armor (plate), artifact (requires attunement) 5 feet from it. Up to one Large or three Medium or
This jet-black suit of armor encases the wearer from smaller creatures can be ensnared by the shield at
head to toe. The Avatar was crafted by Menoetius, a one time.
grieving titan looking to balance the scales against Once used, this property cannot be used again until
the gods who slaughtered her kind. The Avatar is the the next dawn.
only known weapon that can permanently slay a god,
and thus it is widely feared by them. Cloak of Mournful
Divine Shield. While attuned to this armor, you Memories
cannot be scryed upon or magically detected in any
way by celestial creatures. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
Godkiller. While wearing this armor, you gain While wearing this masterfully woven linen cloak,
a +3 bonus to AC. Any melee attacks you make you cannot be frightened and have advantage on
while wearing the armor deal double damage to saving throws against being charmed.
celestial creatures (including gods and demigods) As an action, you can cause the cloak to spill
and overcome any damage immunities or resistances forth a 20-foot-radius sphere of inky vapor
such creatures might possess. In addition, you are centered on you. Creatures inside the vapor are
resistant to any damage dealt by celestial creatures. heavily obscured. The mist lasts for 1 minute or
Curse. This item is cursed. While you are attuned to until dispersed by a strong wind. Creatures other
it, all celestial creatures are hostile toward you. than you that enter the area for the first time on a
Destroying the Armor. The Avatar can only be turn or start their turn there witness unbearably
destroyed by a weapon forged by Menoetius, the terrifying memories and must succeed on a DC 15
titan who created the armor. It is invulnerable to all Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the vapor
other sources of damage, even damage caused by until the end of their turn.
divine intervention.
Cloudrunner Carriage
Band of Inverse Steps Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) These exquisitely wrought magical carriages can only
A staple tool for most agents of fate, this rose-gold be crafted through hours of painstaking labor and
ring is adorned with the celestial word for “destiny” great expense. Only the attuned user can command
inverted, etched on the band. the carriage to move or fly, otherwise it remains
As a reaction, you can teleport yourself and one completely immovable.
Medium or smaller creature you are touching to an The cloudrunner carriage can comfortably seat
unoccupied space that you have occupied or moved six Medium creatures. It has an AC of 16 and 68 hit
through since the start of your last turn. points, and it is immune to lightning, poison, and
psychic damage. In addition, the carriage can carry
Buckler of the Cradling Cat 500 pounds of cargo strapped to the top, back, or
undercarriage and can travel up to 24 miles per day,
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement) after which it must stop for 4 hours to recharge.
Lightly armored frontline fighters consider the cat to When the reins of the carriage are held, two to four
be not only a good omen but a perfect predator. This vaporous beasts of burden form to pull the carriage.
light, maneuverable shield is strapped to the forearm, The type of beast is determined during the crafting
leaving your shield hand free. Lengths of enchanted of the carriage. If no beast is chosen, none appear.
leather cord crisscross overtop of one another on The vaporous creatures do not influence the speed or
the face of the shield and, in strong wind or when locomotion of the carriage and seem to run smoothly
jostled, can chirp and purr like an excited feline. regardless of the terrain.
As an action, you can speak the shield’s command Speed. The carriage has a ground speed of 30 feet,
word and cause the interlocking cords to animate or 3 miles per hour. It also has a flying speed of 60
for 1 minute. For the duration, each time a Large or feet, or 6 miles per hour. In addition, you can use a
smaller creature misses you with a melee attack, it bonus action to double the carriage’s speed (on land
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be or while flying) for 1 minute. Once this feature has
restrained by the thrashing lines. been used, the carriage’s speed cannot be doubled in
A creature restrained by the shield can use its action this way again until the carriage remains immobile
to attempt a DC 15 Strength check. On a success, it for 8 hours, after which it is recharged.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Collar of Potential Natural Vexation. A Tiny creature not

summoned by magical means that attempts to
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) wear the collar must roll a d100. On a roll of 70 or
This simple, supple, small leather collar is adorned lower, the creature takes on a random form, chosen
with swirling patterns inlaid with platinum filigree. by the DM, and acts according to its nature.
The collar of potential causes a summoned
creature, such as those conjured by the conjure Drifting Dart
animals or find familiar spells, to take on a different,
much more powerful form. The transformation lasts Weapon (dart), rare (requires attunement)
up to 10 minutes, all at once or in several shorter This 6-inch-long iron dart is fletched with the bright
transformations, each one using a minimum of shimmering feather of a couatl. When attuned
1 minute from the duration. The collar regains 2 to it, the dart does not fall unless you wish it to.
minutes of transformation capabilities for every 8 Otherwise, it floats in the air where you release it.
hours it is not in use. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
As an action, you can clasp the collar around a made with this magic weapon. Immediately after you
friendly Tiny creature that you can touch. It gains the make an attack with it, it flies back to your hand.
statistics and physical characteristics of a different Drift. When you hit a target with the drifting dart,
creature of your choice with a challenge rating of 4 or you can use your reaction to speak its command
lower. The new form must share a creature type with word. The dart then streaks up to 30 feet away and
that of the conjured being, such as beast, celestial, makes an attack against another target you can see.
dragon, fey, or fiend. On a hit, it deals 2d6 + 1 piercing damage.
Additionally, if the new form has an Intelligence The dart then streaks to another target and another
score of 5 or lower, its Intelligence becomes 6 and until it misses an attack or runs out of targets. The
it gains the ability to understand and speak one dart cannot attack a target more than once.
language of your choice that you speak. You control Once used, this property cannot be used again until
the creature’s actions in combat. When you take the the next dawn.
Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks
to allow the transformed creature to make one attack Elemental Shards
with its reaction. of Adaptation
When the transformed creature is reduced to 0 hit
points, it reverts to its previous form with full hit Wondrous item, rare
points, and any conditions afflicting it are removed. Often harvested from the bodies of recently dead or
still living elementals, these 2-inch-long, flat crystal
shards are enchanted to suffuse a single creature
with primordial elemental essence, allowing them to
exist in otherwise hostile environments.


Chapter 5: Treasures

Elemental Shards
Color Element Effect

The shard injects a numb, cooling effect on the your body. You automatically succeed on
Blue Constitution saving throws made to ignore the effects of extreme heat.
Sapphire   In addition, you can survive submerged in water indefinitely without suffering the ill
effects of being submerged, though you still require fresh water, food, and air to survive.

The shard suffuses a tight, heavy feeling to your body. You automatically succeed on
Constitution saving throws against nonmagical poison and acid damage as well as
Earth Strength saving throws to avoid being knocked prone.
  In addition, you can survive underground, away from sunlight, indefinitely without
suffering any ill effects.

The shard exudes a feeling of weightlessness and causes hair on your body to float as if
in a light breeze. You automatically acclimate to high altitudes and can hold your breath
Air for 1 hour.
  In addition, you ignore the first 20 feet you fall from a great height. If you have at least
1 hit point when you land, you can choose to land on your feet.

The shard causes flashes of heat through your body. You can exist comfortably in
temperatures as low as −40 degrees Fahrenheit, and you automatically succeed on
Fire Constitution saving throws made to ignore the effects of extreme cold.
  In addition, you become immune to disease and can handle scalding hot objects
painlessly, though you still take damage from magical and mundane fire.

There are four well-known types of elemental Flybane Bows

shards of adaptation, but many more may exist
in the Planes. Each shard, when embedded in the Weapon (crossbow), rarity varies
skin, muscle, or bone of a living creature, causes These magical crossbows were made specifically
the creature’s body to magically ignore elemental for ground-to-air and air-to-air combat and fire
influences determined by the type of elemental used a compressed bolt of magical force. It takes one
(see the Elemental Shards table.) bonus action to crank the crossbow and one
Curious Side Effects. The crystal shards are also, by action to fire it. The crossbows can only be fired
nature, suffused with elemental chaos. Any creature once per round.
with an embedded shard may experience unnatural, The flybane bow requires no bolts and deals
though harmless, side effects with prolonged use. force damage instead of piercing damage.
The creature must roll on the Elemental Shards When aimed at a flying target, you may use the
Side Effects table each dawn to determine any crossbow’s attack bonus of +10 or your own,
unexpected change to its body. Such changes last for whichever is higher. In addition, flying targets
24 hours. A creature can only suffer from each side hit by a bolt fired from the flybane bow take an
effect once per week. additional 2d8 force damage.
Flybane bows come in a few varieties but can
Elemental Shards Side Effects look wildly different, from ornately carved ivory
weapons to square hunks of wood barely resembling
d4 Effect crossbows at all.
The creature cannot hear or see elementals that
share the same type as the shard. Type Damage Rarity
The creature emits a horrible odor, such as fish
2 Hand Crossbow 1d4 force Very Rare
(for a water shard) or sulfur (for a fire shard).

The creature forgets all languages it knows but Light Crossbow 1d6 force Very Rare
can now speak and understand Primordial.

The creature’s skin emits harmless elemental Heavy Crossbow 1d8 force Rare
4 effects, such as mud (for an earth shard) or a
dry breeze (for an air shard). Ballista 2d8 force Rare

Chapter 5: Treasures

Forest Walker’s Hammock Needlebite Wrap

Wondrous item, common Wondrous item, uncommon
You can magically affix each end of this weightless This flat, evergreen vine can be wrapped around the
spider-silk hammock between two walls, trees, or grip of a short bow or longbow, where it tightens and
other stable objects within 30 feet of one another. secures itself into an arrow rest. Each time the bow
The hammock can hold up to 300 pounds and can be is drawn without a piece of ammunition nocked, the
rolled into a 1-inch ball when not in use. It takes 40 needlebite wrap creates a single nonmagical arrow of
feet of movement to free yourself from the sticky, twisted, thorny vines ready to fire. An arrow made
tangling hammock. by the wrap splinters apart and is destroyed after it is
While sleeping in it, a sickly sweet, floral smell fired, whether it hits or misses a target.
wafts from the threads, deterring insects, rodents,
and other CR 0 beasts and plant creatures, which do Note Book
not willingly come within 10 feet of the hammock.
Wondrous item, common

Mage Mead This small journal can easily fit in a pocket. The
note book can hold up to three songs or poems. If a
Potion, rare creature holds the note book while performing one
This sweet amber liquid is spiced with a hint of chili of these songs or poems, it has advantage on its
pepper. When you drink this potion, you immedi- Charisma (Performance) check. If a note book already
ately regain a spent spell slot of 5th level or lower. contains three songs or poems and a creature writes
Drinking this potion has no effect if you have not a new song or poem in the book, the oldest entry
expended any spell slots or do not cast spells. disappears.
If a note book is found, roll a d3 to determine how
Mask of Noor many songs or poems it currently contains.

Wondrous item, legendary

(requires attunement by a monk)
This simple-looking black mask was enchanted
through a monumental amount of meditation, focus,
and prayer by the earth-touched elemental monk
Aram Bashir. Intended as a gift to his lover, a fellow
monk named Mahin Noor, the item radiates powerful
transmutation magic. An unnatural tranquility and
fearlessness washes over the wearer, an echo of the
monk who crafted it.
While you are attuned to the Mask of Noor, it has
the following properties:
Bountiful Soul. When you roll initiative while in
contact with earth, stone, sand, mud, or water, you
regain 2 expended ki points.
One with Stone. You have tremorsense out to a dis-
tance of 20 feet. This effect ends until the start of your
next turn if you move or are lifted from the ground. Radiant
Roots of the Mountain. As an action, you can
spend 1 ki point to form a spiritual connection to
the earth beneath your feet. For 10 minutes, spells
cannot move you or lift you from the ground. In Radiant Crown
addition, you have a +5 bonus to checks made to
avoid being pushed or knocked prone. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Running Water, Smashing Stone. When you are This golden circlet is adorned with radiating bands
hit by a melee attack, you can use your reaction to to represent sun rays. While attuned to the crown,
spend 2 ki points and make a single melee attack you cast an ethereal glow that causes you to have
against the creature that damaged you. On a hit, the disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in
attack deals additional force damage equal to half the dim light and automatically fail such checks while in
damage you took from the triggering attack. darkness.
Chapter 5: Treasures

While wearing the crown in dim light or darkness, and is centered on you, and while it exists you are
you can cast light at will. heavily obscured.
The crown has 6 charges. It regains 1d6 expended You can choose which color the ward is when it
charges daily at dawn. appears, so long as you meet the level requirement
Guiding Bolt. You can expend 1 charge as an action to do so. When a creature passes through the barrier
to cast guiding bolt from the crown. or hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of
Radiant Beam. As an action, you can expend 2 you, the ward has additional effects indicated by its
charges to create one to four 5-foot-radius, 40-foot- color. A creature forced into or through your space is
tall cylinders of sunlight centered on points you not affected by the ward in any way.
can see within 120 feet of you. The more cylinders Area Ward. As an action, you can expend 3 charges
you create, the less powerful each cylinder is. The to cause an immovable, 10-foot-radius dome of
cylinders last as long as you concentrate (as if arcane protection to appear at a point you can see
concentrating on a spell), up to 1 minute. within 30 feet of you. The dome lasts for 1 minute or
When a creature enters a cylinder for the first until a creature triggers the ward’s effect. Creatures
time on a turn or starts its turn there, it is engulfed inside the colored dome are heavily obscured but
in shimmering flames that cause searing pain, and can see out unimpeded. Creatures can safely move
it must attempt a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. out from the dome unhindered, but creatures that
On a failed save, the creature takes radiant damage willingly move into the dome suffer the ward’s effect.
based on the number of cylinders you created. After Red (Required Spellcaster Level 12). A creature
a cylinder is triggered in this way, it disappears. that passes through the red barrier must attempt
a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7d8 fire
damage on a failed save or half as much damage on
Cylinders Radiant Damage
a successful one. Ranged weapon attacks that use
4 1d10 nonmagical ammunition are consumed by the flames
and deal no damage to warded creatures. This ward
3 2d10
can be dispelled by dispel magic (DC 14).
2 4d10 Orange (Required Spellcaster Level 13). A
creature that passes through the orange barrier must
1 8d10 attempt a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking
8d8 acid damage on a failed save or half as much
Sunbeam. As an action, you can expend 3 charges damage on a successful one. Ranged spell attacks
to cast sunbeam from the crown. of 4th level or lower deal no damage to warded
creatures. This ward can be dispelled by dispel magic
Ring of Forage (DC 15).
Yellow (Required Spellcaster Level 13). A creature
Ring, common that passes through the barrier must attempt a DC
Tiny leaves are carved into the surface of this red 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d8 lightning
wood ring. While wearing this ring, you can touch damage on a failed save or half as much damage on
any nonmagical plant and instantly learn its culinary a successful one. Creatures inside the yellow ward
and medicinal properties (if it has any). have resistance to damage from area-of-effect spells
and magical abilities. This ward can be dispelled by
Robe of the Seven-Fold Veil dispel magic (DC 15).
Green (Required Spellcaster Level 14). A creature
Wondrous item, legendary that passes through the barrier must succeed on a
(requires attunement by a spellcaster) DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take poison damage
This soft, waterproof robe has an oversized hood equal to half its hit point maximum. Creatures inside
and form-fitting sleeves with thumb holes for extra the green ward are immune to poison damage and
comfort. The deep, vibrant color of this magical robe the poisoned condition. This ward hedges out all
changes in hue to match that of the last ward it noxious gasses and clouds. This ward can be dispelled
created. by dispel magic (DC 16).
The robe has 7 charges. The robe regains 1d4 + 3 Blue (Required Spellcaster Level 14). A creature
expended charges daily at dawn. that passes through the barrier is targeted by a flesh
Personal Ward. You can use an action and expend to stone spell (save DC 17). Creatures inside the blue
2 charges to create a field of magical protection ward are immune to all divination and mind-affecting
around you that lasts for 1 minute or until a creature spells and abilities. This ward can be dispelled by
triggers the ward’s effect. The ward moves with you dispel magic (DC 16).
Chapter 5: Treasures

Indigo (Required Spellcaster Level 15). A creature Invulnerability. Alternatively, you can use an action
that passes through the barrier is targeted by a to press every button on the shield, which expends 5
confusion spell (save DC 18). Creatures inside the charges, to give yourself resistance to all damage for 1
indigo ward are immune to spells and spell-like minute or until you are reduced to 0 hit points.
abilities cast from outside the ward. This ward can be Once used in this way, the shield regains only 1
dispelled by dispel magic (DC 17). charge each dawn for the following 7 days.
Violet (Required Spellcaster Level 16). A creature
that passes through the violet barrier is targeted by Shumsharan
a plane shift spell (save DC 18). Nonliving creatures
of CR 4 or lower and objects that enter the ward are Weapon (club), legendary
disintegrated as with the disintegrate spell. This ward (requires attunement by a monk)
can be dispelled by dispel magic (DC 17). Shumsharan, also called The Heavenly
Bones or Tekpi of Coalescence, are a pair
Rod of the Effigy Master of specialized mithral sai once wielded
by Sharan, the Monk of Many Paths.
Rod, rare (requires attunement) They are always found together,
This steel and bronze rod emits a gentle whir as its and attuning to one of them
internal machinery eternally spins. grants attunement to both.
The rod can bestow a semblance of life to You gain a +2 bonus to
nonmagical materials, creating effigies that function attack and damage rolls with
as if they are alive. To create an effigy, the rod must either Shumsharan and a
be touched to a sculpture or machine built to look +1 bonus to Armor Class
like a beast. Creating such a sculpture requires 24 while wielding both
hours and 50 gp worth of materials multiplied by the of them. When you
imitated beast’s CR (with a minimum cost of 50 gp). spend a ki point while
An effigy brought to life by the rod has the game holding Shumsharan,
statistics of the imitated beast. The effigy is friendly the next time you hit
to you and your companions. The effigy rolls its own with a melee attack,
initiative and acts on its own turn. It obeys any verbal the target takes an
command that you issue to it (no action required additional 2d4 cold, fire,
by you). If you don’t issue any commands, the effigy lightning, necrotic, poison,
defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise radiant, or thunder damage
acts according to its bestial nature. (your choice). Shumsharan
If an effigy is reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, Proficiency with monk
and the materials used to create it are rendered useless. weapons allows you to add your
The rod of the effigy master can only bestow life to proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you
three effigies at once. If three effigies already exist and make with either Shumsharan.
another effigy is created, the attuned user can choose
which existing effigy is destroyed. Soulhammer
Shield of Weapon (warhammer),
artifact (requires attunement)
Unbreaking Resilience
This divine weapon is a massive, surprisingly light,
Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement) adamantine warhammer. Forged by a dwarven god
This well-made dwarven shield is crafted from a from the essence of creation itself, the hammer is
copper-colored alloy that’s harder than steel. The nigh indestructible. The creator occasionally lets the
shield has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 expended hammer slip from their weathered grip, hurtling it to
charges daily at dawn. the Mortal Realm as a falling star, where it drops into
Inside the shield are eight circular buttons, each the path of one who would use it to protect the world.
with a Dwarvish rune inscribed upon it relating to Any creature of non-good alignment that tries
the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, to attune to the warhammer must attempt a DC 17
necrotic, poison, radiant, and thunder. Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, the
As an action, you can press one of the buttons creature takes 10d6 fire damage and 10d6 radiant
and expend 1 charge to infuse the shield with that damage at the start of each turn while within 100
element. For 10 minutes, you have resistance to the feet of the hammer. On a failed save, the creature is
chosen damage type. turned to solid iron.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Soulhammer is a magic, sentient warhammer that never makes promises it cannot keep and never lies,
grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made even to further its goals. It grows elated in battle
with it. It imparts a +10 bonus to ability checks made against evil, and conflict arises if it is wielded against
to craft or dismantle items made of metal or stone to those undeserving of destruction.
anyone who holds it. Destroying the Hammer. Destroying the
While attuned to the artifact, you gain proficiency Soulhammer requires it be undone at its creator’s
in the History skill and can use an action to cast own forge in the celestial realm. The hammer must
crusader’s mantle or destructive wave (save DC 18) be submerged in the coals of the eternal forge by
from it once per day. a dwarven monarch and left there for 1 year, after
Non-dwarves attuned to Soulhammer emit a rancid which is reduced to molten scrap.
stench noticeable out to a distance of 10 feet and must
eat and drink six times the normal amount each day.
Hurler. The warhammer has the thrown property
with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60
feet. When you hit with a ranged attack using this The greatest gift a dwarven god can bestow
weapon, it deals an extra 2d8 damage. Immediately upon a living mortal is the blessing of
after the attack, the weapon flies back to your hand. stone. Such people, generally dwarves,
Judgment. The first time you hit a fiend or undead must undertake incredible hardship for the
creature with the hammer, it takes additional good of the world.
damage equal to half your hit point maximum and
Blessing of Stone
must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw
You age half as quickly and are immune to
or be stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
disease and poison. In addition, you may
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
summon forth Soulhammer for 1 minute.
the effect on itself on a success.
Once used, you must succeed on a
Might of Stone. While attuned to Soulhammer,
Charisma check to call the hammer to your
your Strength score becomes 23 unless it is already
aid again. The DC for the check equals 25
23 or higher, and you regain 10 hit points at the
minus 1 for each day that has passed since
start of each of your turns if you have at least 1 hit
you last summoned Soulhammer.
point. You and allies within 30 feet of you can’t be
frightened and have advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects while you are
holding the weapon. Spark Shelter
Shatter. When you attack a creature with this
weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, the target Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
takes an additional 20 bludgeoning damage, is This gnomish trinket is the size of a box turtle and
knocked back 20 feet, and must succeed on a DC 18 magically affixes to a suit of armor. Once attached, it
Strength saving throw or fall prone. can only be removed by speaking its command word.
Soul Forge. You can cast the creation spell from This item has 3 charges and regains 1d3 charges
Soulhammer once per day. Objects comprised daily at dawn. While attached to an attuned user’s
only of nonprecious metals created by the spell armor, the armor grants you the following benefits.
last indefinitely but turn to soot when broken. Conduit. You have resistance to lightning damage.
Alternatively, you can use the spell to create an If you take lightning damage from a spell of 1st
object no larger than 20 feet on a side made of stone level or higher, the first time you hit with a melee
or wood. Once used in this way, the spell cannot be attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 5
used again for 7 days. lightning damage per level of the spell that damaged
Sentience. Soulhammer is a sentient, lawful you (minimum of 5).
good weapon with an Intelligence score of 16, a Spark Bubble. When you are hit by an attack or
Wisdom score of 18, and a Charisma score of 12. It take lightning damage, you may use your reaction
has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 to expend 1 charge to cause a crackling sphere of
feet. The warhammer communicates telepathically lightning to appear around you, protecting you
with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand from the attack and shocking those adjacent to
Dwarvish. you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5
Personality. The hammer’s purpose is to safeguard bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack.
creation from those that would dismantle it and Additionally, whenever a creature hits you with a
restore that which they destroy. The warhammer is melee attack or starts its turn within 5 feet of you,
warm, supportive, and fatherly. The Soulhammer the creature takes 5 lightning damage.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Staff of Contortion about the future in no more than 10 words. Make a

DC 16 Charisma saving throw at the end of that hour.
Staff, uncommon (requires attunement) On a success, the yarn lazily unspools into a single
In its default state, this staff appears to be a standard word or symbol on the ground that answers your
quarterstaff made of a rock-hard, porous, pink material. question to the best of the DM’s ability. On a failed
You can use a bonus action to speak the staff’s save, for the next hour you waste your action lovingly
command word, causing it to turn into a malleable swatting and fidgeting with the yarn and your
putty-like material. While in this flexible state, the question goes unanswered.
staff can be shaped into any form possible with 1 Once used, this property cannot be used again
cubic foot of material. Upon speaking the command until the next dawn.
word again, the new form becomes rigid.
If the staff ever takes 45 or more damage in a single
instance, it reverts to its default staff form and cannot Relics of Faerie
be transformed into a flexible state until the following
dawn. The fey of the Wildes have a long and complicated
history with mortalkind. Faerie attitudes toward
Yarn of mortals vary widely and change randomly, but
Spun Fate centuries of mercurial moods have left a wealth
of fey-made objects circulating around the Mortal
Realm. Whether originally designed to help or hinder
(often both), these special treasures provide potent
power to those willing to brave their side effects.
Eldrin children are raised on cautionary tales about
faerie-made objects, and empire officials quickly
confiscate such items whenever they appear. Rumors
circulate that hundreds of these contraband relics are
kept in hidden vaults beneath the streets of Ashtar,
but the truth remains a well-guarded secret.
Fey frequently seek to undermine the Mortal Realm
by sowing chaos among its people. Plenty of faerie-
made items are intentionally given to mortals to start
chain reactions that end in widespread destruction
and panic. Dealing with the consequences of these
gifts is a prime source of quests for adventurers
hoping to win favor with the Eldrin Empire. Consult
the Relics of Faerie Plot Hooks table for examples of
the sort of plot hooks fey-made items might inspire.

Relics of Faerie Plot Hooks

Yarn of Spun Fate d6 Plot Hook
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
A government official has fallen under the
A 2-inch-diameter skein of pink yarn woven impos- influence of a fey item.
sibly tightly, this item holds the fate of many. Spun
A creature searching for a faerie relic has left a
somehow by a child oracle, the yarn dances upon the 2
series of bizarre serial murders in its wake.
threads of fate.
As an action, you can ask the yarn the location A faerie object is causing an entire city
of a single person, object, or place in no more than population to transform.
three words. If the target is within 1 mile, the yarn
A lost faerie object is the only thing capable of
unerringly rolls in its direction, leaving behind a 4
stopping an all-powerful foe.
single thread of yarn. Once lifted from the ground,
the trail of yarn disappears. A faerie object was stolen and used to frame
Once used, this property cannot be used again until an innocent ally.
the next dawn.
A faerie object must be returned to its creator
Visions of the Future. You may spend 1 hour 6
before it unleashes widespread calamity.
focusing on the yarn skein to ask it a single question
Chapter 5: Treasures

Creatures can stay on this dreamscape without

Sample issue for up to 8 hours. Disturbing or extending the

Relics of Faerie time spent in the dreamscape can lead to exhaustion

in a number of ways:
• Creatures that are reduced to 0 hit points
The following section presents an assortment of while in the dream immediately wake up with
faerie-made magic items in alphabetical order. one level of exhaustion.
• If the dream floss is severed, all linked
Answerer creatures are immediately awoken and suffer
one level of exhaustion.
Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement) • At the end of every hour spent on the
Forged by the smiths of the Court of the Winds, this dreamscape after the first 8, each character
+1 adamantine-coated longsword is said to answer must attempt a Constitution saving throw,
enemies in more than one way. the DC of which is 10 + 1 for each additional
While attuned to this longsword, you can use hour. On a failed saving throw, a character
a reaction to make one melee attack against any suffers one level of exhaustion.
creature within range that has dealt damage to you.
Any damage done with this special attack ignores Faerie Ring
immunity or damage resistance to slashing.
When you hold this longsword to a target’s throat, Wondrous item, very rare
you may cast zone of truth as an action. These wreaths of woven branches can be as small as a
When attuned to the sword, you are under the ring or as large as an ornamental wreath. Faerie rings
effects of the zone of truth spell. You can’t speak are created by archfey or sovereign fey and given to
a deliberate lie, and you have disadvantage on all their most valued companions and servants. When
Charisma (Deception) checks. a faerie ring is broken, the breaker and all creatures
touching the breaker are instantly teleported to the
Cobbler’s Hammer fey creature who made the ring. Transported crea-
tures appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) the creature who created the ring.
This minuscule hammer features a twisted wood Return Trip. As an action, the creature who broke
handle and an obsidian stone head. It can fit between the ring (along with all creatures touching the
the fingers of a Medium-sized creature. breaker) can teleport back to the location where the
As an action, you can strike a damaged object and ring was broken, appearing in the nearest unoccupied
automatically repair it, provided the damage is no space to the broken pieces. This action can only be
larger than 5 feet in any dimension. Every two times used within 1 hour of the ring’s initial breaking, after
the hammer is swung in this way, its wielder shrinks which the faerie ring’s magic completely fades.
down by one size category (to a minimum of Tiny, Temperamental. A faerie ring is initially bound
standing 1 foot tall). A creature can return to their to the fey creature who created it, but the bound
original size through the use of a greater restoration creature can change. If the fey who originally created
spell or similar magic. the ring exchanges a favor with another willing fey
creature, the new creature becomes the target of the
Dream Floss faerie ring’s teleportation magic. Fey have historically
used such bargains to dispose of servants that have
Wondrous item, common displeased them.
This fine rainbow string is barely visible until it is held
up to moonlight. Dream floss is usually found in coils Faerie Scissors
up to 2 feet long, though multiple strings of dream
floss can be tied together for the same effects. Wondrous item, very rare
Any creatures tied within a length of dream floss (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
are connected to one another while they sleep or The tang of these scissors is made of cold iron. The
trance. The linked creatures find themselves in a handles are rose gold and shaped like dragonfly
combined dreamscape, capable of full movement wings. As an action, the wielder of the scissors can
and action and equipped with any items they wear use one of the following effects:
while sleeping/meditating. The dreamscape cannot Exhaustion. A willing creature you can see within
be scryed upon or accessed by anyone other than the 5 feet of you loses half the number of exhaustion
linked creatures or individuals using the dream spell. levels they’re currently suffering (rounded up).
Chapter 5: Treasures

Expectations. A creature you can see within 5 Filthmother’s Jar

feet of you must attempt a Charisma saving throw of Wasting Beans
versus your spell save DC. On a failure, the target has
disadvantage on all Charisma-based ability checks Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
and saving throws until the following dawn. This clear jar filled with peculiarly dark, fetid beans
Health. A creature you can see within 5 feet of you has no opening. Holding the jar causes your mouth to
must attempt a Constitution saving throw versus fill with a coppery taste. While within 10 feet of the
your spell save DC. On a failure, the target loses half jar, you cannot be targeted by spells cast using a spell
its current hit points. slot of 4th level or lower.
Object. A Medium or smaller nonmagical object When a spell or magical effect would make you
you can see within 5 feet of you is cut in half. You regain hit points, you regain only half as many hit
decide if it is cut horizontally or vertically. If the points, rounded up.
object cannot function when split into two pieces, it
is destroyed. Hollow’s Coil
Once the faerie scissors have been used, they only
function as nonmagical scissors until the following Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
dawn. This vial of snow-white ink can be applied to one
of your limbs or neck with a brush or needle. If the
ink completely wraps around your limb or neck, it
becomes permanent as long as you remain attuned
to hollow’s coil. If the ink does not connect or your
attunement to hollow’s coil ends, the ink disappears
then reappears inside the vial.
While you are attuned to hollow’s coil and
the tattoo remains, you can use a bonus action
to remove the tattooed body part or reattach it
without injury. While detached from your body,
you can feel the body part as though it were still
attached. A hand may be able to grab hold of a coin,
an arm can grasp a flagpole, or a detached head may
scream from inside a box.
If the detached limb is successfully targeted by
Feyflight dispel magic (DC 15) or is brought into an antimagic
Wings field, the limb is destroyed and you suffer injury as
though the appendage were severed.
Feyflight Wings
Wondrous item, rare
Jar of Hearts
These 1-foot-wide gilded wings of stained glass are Wondrous item, rare
remarkably light and shimmer with all the colors of This small clay jar is ribbed along its edges and
the rainbow. Several straps allow them to be securely features a heart-shaped lid.
fastened to the back of a Medium or smaller creature. The jar contains four gaseous, violet-hued orbs
Originally called “Brighty Flighty Wingies” in the capable of stealing the essence of a creature’s vim
Sylvan tongue, the moniker feyflight wings has been and character.
accepted on the mortal plane. When the jar is encountered, each orb already
The wings are only decorative until you speak their contains the essence of a previous victim. When a
command word, at which point they become gos- creature grabs an orb out of the jar, the DM rolls a
samer and supple, like those of a butterfly or pixie, and d4 and consults the Jar of Hearts table to randomly
expand to be large enough to lift you from your feet. determine which orb is retrieved.
While in this state, the wings grant you a flying speed While holding an orb, you can use an action to
of 60 feet and the ability to hover. They can carry up attempt to affect any humanoid within 30 feet of
to 300 pounds. The wings revert to their diminutive you that you can see. The target must attempt a DC
state when you speak their command word again. 17 Constitution or Charisma saving throw (target’s
While wearing the wings, you can understand choice). On a failure, the target’s Constitution and
and speak Sylvan, but you can no longer hear or see Charisma scores are replaced by those of the orb
eldrin—a lingering pixie trick. drawn from the jar. The orb then disappears from
Chapter 5: Treasures

your hand and reappears in the jar. That orb now You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
holds the Constitution score and Charisma score of made with this magic weapon. If you score a critical
the victim (adjust the Jar of Hearts table to reflect hit with it, you regain a number of hit points equal to
the change). the damage dealt by the attack. While you’re attuned
If the jar is broken, each orb flies toward the next to the whip, you automatically stabilize whenever
nearest creature in the area to attempt one last swap you are dying at the start of your turn.
before flitting out of existence. If successful, the Fiend Flayer. The spirit naga Kaskret’s great failure
target’s scores are swapped with those contained in life was being seduced by the power of a demon
in the orb, then the orb is destroyed. Only a wish prince, and in its eternal torment, it craves fiendish
spell can bring back a creature’s essence if the orb blood. Kaskret, Agony’s Cry has 1 charge and gains
containing it is gone. an additional charge each time it slays a fiend with a
challenge rating of 4 or higher. While it has 3 or more
Jar of Hearts charges, the whip’s damage die increases to 1d12 and
its range increases to 20 feet.
d4 Constitution Score Charisma Score Immortal’s Wail. When you hit a creature with
this weapon, you can expend 1 of its charges to cause
1 12 17
the target and each creature other than you within
2 6 22 20 feet of the target to attempt a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw, taking 4d12 necrotic damage on a failed
3 20 4 save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
4 4 8 Sentience. Kaskret, Agony’s Cry is a sentient
weapon of chaotic evil alignment with an
Intelligence score of 11, a Wisdom score of 15, and a
Charisma score of 18. It has hearing and darkvision
out to a distance of 120 feet.
The weapon communicates by transmitting
emotions and short, grotesque visions to its wielder.
It may cause its wielder’s hand to cramp painfully if
it is displeased or send a tickling jolt up its wielder’s
arm if it is elated.
Personality. Kaskret, though its mind has been
ravaged by time without control of its form, still has
a prideful and industrious view of its place in the
world. It believes, given the proper circumstances,
that it may find redemption or at least rebirth into
its previous form. Kaskret, Agony’s Cry seethes in
hatred for the demon prince and will spell its own
wielder’s doom if it believes doing so would allow
it to slay him. Conflict arises if the wielder parlays
with devils, demons, or other fiends in view of the
weapon or if it is brandished against the archfey
who created it, whom Kaskret, Agony’s Cry fears
above all else.
Agony’s Cry Magic Mirror
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement
by a humanoid)
Kaskret, Agony’s Cry
This ornately gilded, handheld mirror contains the
Weapon (whip), legendary (requires attunement) spirit of an archfey. When attuned to the mirror, you
Kaskret, Agony’s Cry is a brutal whip of bone and may use an action to inquire about a specific creature.
sinew crafted by an archfey sorceress from the In answer, the spirit appears in the mirror. It casts
remains of a spirit naga that failed her long before scrying, ignoring the Wisdom saving throw required
the first mortal came into existence. The macabre by the target. For 10 minutes, you can see and hear
weapon twitches and coils from time to time of its that target through the mirror if is on the same plane
own volition. of existence as you.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Sentience. The magic mirror is a sentient, Mirror Sword

chaotic neutral item with an Intelligence score of
20, a Wisdom score of 15, and a Charisma score of Weapon (longsword), rare
16. It has hearing and darkvision out to a range of The blade of this longsword reflects a perfect image
120 feet. of its surroundings to everyone not attuned to it and
The weapon communicates telepathically with is said to even show vampires their reflections. While
its wielder and can speak, read, and understand attuned to the sword, you can see the reflections of
Sylvan and Common. the creatures it has slain trying desperately to escape.
Personality. An archfey named Apollonia lives If you are targeted by a spell attack while wielding
within the magic mirror. She refuses to show any this sword, you can use your reaction to reflect the
creature in a compromising situation and instead effect back at the caster as though it originated
causes a twinkling mist to envelope the glass from you. If the spell is 3rd level or higher, you must
surface of the mirror. She yearns to escape from successfully contest the spell attack roll with a melee
the mirror. attack roll to reflect it.
Curse. This item is cursed. Attuning to it curses Whenever the mirror sword reduces a creature
you until you are targeted by a remove curse spell to 0 hit points, a reflection of the creature is stored
or similar magic. As long as you remain cursed, within the sword. The mirror sword has room
you cannot discard the mirror, which immediately for four reflections. When it is filled or broken, it
teleports back into your pocket or pack when releases those reflections into the unoccupied spaces
you try to do so. After you use the mirror’s magic, surrounding it. These reflections are near-perfect
you must attempt a DC 17 Charisma saving throw. copies of the slain creatures and are hostile to
On a failure, Apollonia casts magic jar to switch everyone around them.
places with the humanoid attuned to the mirror. Most mirror swords come with one reflection
Because the spirit is bound to the mirror with already stored within them, usually of a powerful
a powerful curse, after 1d8 hours the archfey fiend or beast. The DM can select an appropriate
returns to the mirror and the humanoid’s soul creature from the Example Reflections table or
returns to its body. populate the sword as they see fit.

Menagerie Snare Example Reflections

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) d4 Reflection
You may speak this smooth crystal ball’s command
1 Bone devil
word to activate it. Once active, non-fey creatures
that come within 30 feet of the snare must attempt a 2 Behir
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.
On a successful save, the creature is deafened for 3 Vampire
1 minute by a cacophony of animal sounds from all 4 Treant
directions that only the creature can hear.
On a failed save, a creature targeted by the
snare loses the ability to speak for 24 hours but Permafrost Armor
can understand any languages it knows. For the
duration, the creature perceives itself to be a Tiny Armor (plate), very rare (requires attunement
CR 0 beast, though its statistics remain unchanged. by a creature favored by the Withered Court)
Any time the creature attempts to act in a manner This dull-blue armor is molded from frozen earth
its form would not allow, such as a bird attempting doomed to never melt. Heralds and knights of the
to grab a sword with its wing, the creature takes 1d6 Withered Court are gifted with these potent suits to
psychic damage. show their allegiance to the Withered sovereign.
A creature that fails its save by 5 or more is You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this
transformed into a Tiny CR 0 beast as with the armor. You are considered proficient with this armor
polymorph spell for 10 days. At the end of that even if you lack proficiency with heavy armor.
time, the creature can repeat its saving throw. Emissary. While you are attuned to the armor, you
On a success, the effects ends. On a failure, the can use a bonus action to extend your senses outward
transformation becomes permanent. A creature to detect the presence of fey. Until your next turn, you
affected by the polymorph spell can be reverted back know the location of any fey within 60 feet of you. 
to its normal form before the 10-day mark by means Winter’s Protection. While you wear the armor, you
of dispel magic or similar magic. cannot be charmed and are immune to cold damage.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Curse. This item is cursed. While you are attuned become inconsolable, irritated, or dismissive for
to it, all fey creatures not aligned with one of the seemingly no reason. In general, Queen’s Retort
sovereign courts are hostile toward you. is content so long as its wielder acts with regal
bearing and poise worthy of a court ally. Conflict
Queen’s Retort arises, however, if the wielder lives in squalor or if
the wielder attempts to surrender Queen’s Retort or
Weapon (longbow), artifact (requires attunement leave it behind.
by a creature favored by the Forest Court) After generations of battle, Queen’s Retort is
This supple, white wax wood bow is as light as a surprisingly bloodthirsty to those who stand in
single flower petal. Crafted as a gift to the Forest opposition of the Forest Court. It sees life and death
sovereign, this weapon became one of her most as seasons destined to move in an endless cycle. As
mercurial tokens of favor. For an age it has moved such, it holds little regard for the lives of mortals,
from servant to servant, for the enigmatic desires of though it takes special care to keep its wielder
the court. Such favor was garnered by this weapon safe from thieves and assassins. Secretly, Queen’s
that Queen’s Retort eventually became imbued with Retort fears that its history of violence will come
a shred of sentience and has since become a symbol back to haunt it, leaving it abandoned to languish in
of the Forest Court’s power. obscurity.
Magic Weapon. You gain a +3 bonus to attack Destroying the Bow. Queen’s Retort appears
and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It supple and easily broken, but it is completely
also functions as a cloak of elvenkind and boots of impervious to damage. If the bow is left in a realm
striding and springing. of shadow or negative energy for 1 year and 1 day, it
Random Properties. The bow has the following loses all its magic until it is returned to the Forest
randomly determined properties: Court. It can be destroyed forever if a ruling Forest
• 2 minor beneficial properties sovereign throws it into a fire.
• 1 major beneficial property
• 3 minor detrimental properties Rovanel, Sword of the Lake
Fey Hunter. When you first attune to it, the
Queen’s Retort has 1 charge. Each time you use Weapon (longsword), artifact
it to reduce a fey with a challenge rating of 3 or (requires attunement)
higher to 0 hit points, the bow gains an additional Created by an enigmatic archfey who heard the tales
charge. While it has 3 or more charges, you cannot of an ancient, legendary blade, this weapon is a pow-
be charmed and have advantage on saving throws erful tool in the hands of any who pledge themselves
against the spells and magical effects of fey. and their deeds to the inexplicable Lady of the Lake.
When you hit a creature with an attack using this Should their devotion falter, ruin is sure to find them.
weapon, you can expend 1 charge to turn the attack If at any time the bearer of the blade is slain, the
into a critical hit. sword disappears in a spray of water and returns
Nature’s Brilliance. When you score a critical to the waiting hands of the Lady of the Lake, who
hit with this weapon against a creature, it takes an bestows it upon a new champion. A champion that
additional 50 points of magical piercing damage. If is returned to life after losing the sword can, should
this damage kills a creature, it bursts into a flare of they be worthy, draw the sword forth from any pool
brilliant light and is destroyed. Undead within 100 of placid water.
feet of the target take 2d6 radiant damage, and plants This blue-green longsword shimmers like the
in the affected area become vibrant and overgrown as scales of an aquatic creature. Crystal-clear water
with the plant growth spell. perpetually drips from the ice-cold blade and quickly
Sentience. Queen’s Retort is a sentient neutral evaporates before touching the ground. Running
weapon with an Intelligence score of 10, a Wisdom water calms, mist coalesces, and rain slows in the
score of 19, and a Charisma score of 17. It has hearing blade’s presence.
and truesight out to a range of 60 feet. Rovanel, Sword of the Lake is a magic longsword
The weapon can speak, read, and understand that grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
Common and Sylvan, and it can communicate made with it. The sword deals an extra 1d6 cold
with its wielder telepathically. It speaks in a light, damage on a hit.
singsong, feminine voice. Curse. The chosen of the Lady of the Lake find
Personality. Queen’s Retort mirrors the grace, themselves inept with all other weapons. Attack rolls
intelligence, and volatile nature commonly found made with weapons other than Rovanel are made at
among the sovereign fey. One moment the bow may disadvantage. A remove curse spell suppresses this
seem helpful, understanding, and brilliant, only to effect for 1 minute.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Heroic Deeds. As the champion who wields the short rest, and this healing has no effect on undead or
blade forges their legacy, Rovanel gains additional constructs. Once used 3 times, this property cannot
properties (in the presented order) when certain be used until the next dawn.
tasks are completed or at the DM’s Discretion. An Implacable. While you are conscious, Rovanel
identify spell or similar magic used to investigate the is unbreakable by any means short of divine
sword reveals the nature of the next task required to intervention. While holding the weapon, you cannot
further bolster the blade. Such tasks may include: be disarmed unless you allow it. In addition, it
• The attuned user must defend the life of a functions as a ring of water walking and cap of water
stranger in battle against a creature of non- breathing while you are holding it.
lawful alignment. Unyielding. At the start of your turn, if you are
• The champion must lead a group into battle holding the sword, you can spend 1 Hit Die to recover
against overwhelming odds and win. hit points as you would on a short rest. While within
• The chosen wielder must protect their enemy 30 feet of Rovanel, you have advantage on death sav-
should they beg for life, even against the ing throws, and spells or spell-like abilities that would
wishes of their allies. kill you outright instead reduce you to 0 hit points.
• The attuned user must give their life for that Any creature other than you that attempts to wield
of an innocent. Rovanel must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
Touch of Invigoration. As an action, you can cause throw at the start of each of its turns or take 5d6 cold
the icy water that drips from the blade to soothe the damage.
wounds of one creature you touch. The target regains
hit points equal to its maximum number of Hit Dice.
A creature can only be healed in this way once per
My father once told me that a weapon is the sum
of an unwritten history penned in blood and sealed
in iron. We strive to become worthy to wield the
history of those who have risen and fallen before
us. Pray that you are worthy to be in the saga of
such a noble weapon.

Salve of Awakening
Potion, legendary
This shallow onyx container stoppered with a disk of
petrified bone contains three doses of oily paste that
smells of moss, blood, and clay. The container and its
contents weigh 4 pounds.
As an action, a single dose of the grimy paste can
be applied to a Huge or smaller beast or plant as
with the awaken spell. When a creature becomes
awakened by this salve, it must succeed on a DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or become hostile toward you
for 1 hour. Afterward, the awakened creature treats
you normally.
Sword of the Lake Scythe of Time
Weapon (sickle), very rare (requires attunement)
This appears as a simple harvesting scythe. You gain a
+2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this
magic weapon.
Chapter 5: Treasures

The scythe has 5 charges. It regains all expended outward to detect the presence of fey. Until
charges daily at dawn. your next turn, you know the location of any
Circle of Death. You can expend 3 charges as fey within 60 feet of you.
a reaction to cause a sphere of negative energy Depending on which sovereign fey has granted you
to ripple out in a 60-foot-radius sphere from the this blessing, you gain additional benefits.
scythe. Each creature in that area must attempt a DC Blossom Court. You regain 10 hit points at the
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 8d6 necrotic start of each of your turns due to the vitality of the
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a Blossom Court.
successful one. Court of the Winds. Your base movement speed
Death Ward. You can expend 2 charges as a is doubled as you are carried by the gale force of the
reaction to ward yourself against death for the next 8 Court of the Winds.
hours. While the effect is active, if you would drop to Forest Court. You gain advantage on Strength
0 hit points as a result of taking damage, you instead checks and Strength saving throws, and your melee
drop to 1 hit point and the effect ends. attacks deal an extra 1d4 damage as you are infused
Curse. This scythe is cursed, and attuning to it with the bestial might of the Forest Court.
extends the curse to you. Even if the attunement Heavenly Court. Whenever a creature begins its
ends, the curse remains. After each long rest, your turn within 5 feet of you or hits you with a melee
physical appearance becomes more skeletal. After attack, it takes 2d8 radiant damage as you emit the
10 days, you take on the appearance of an avatar brilliance of the Heavenly Court.
of death. These physical changes can be undone by Sleeping Court. Creatures have disadvantage on
any effect that removes a curse, such as a greater attack rolls against you as you are wrapped in the
restoration or remove curse spell. ethereal mists of the Sleeping Court.
Slithering Court. You cannot be targeted by spells

Magical Rewards (you can still be hit by area-of-effect spells) as you are
covered by the swarming shadows of the Slithering
Magical rewards are nonmaterial rewards granted by Withered Court. You gain +2 AC as you are
a powerful being. Gods, demigods, titans, fiends, and encased in the frost of the Withered Court.
fey are all likely candidates for awarding magical gifts Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
to the mortals who please them. until you finish a long rest.

Blessings Marks of the

Sisters of Sorrow
Blessings are the rarest and most potent type of
magical reward. A character with a blessing retains Granted by the three fates to their chosen champi-
it indefinitely unless the creature who bestowed it ons, a Mark of the Sisters of Sorrow offers a powerful
revokes its gift. gift to the one who carries it. Each mark is subtly
In the Planes, gods, titans, and sovereign fey are the different in size, color, and sometimes shape, depend-
most likely to bestow blessings upon mortals who do ing on who accepts it.
their bidding. Example blessings are provided here. The mark appears as a dark tattoo on the skin until
a creature dies or loses favor with the fates. Should
Blessing of Radiance the flesh on which the mark is made be damaged or
You gain resistance to radiant damage and can cast removed, the mark remains, timeless and unfading.
the daylight spell at will. The effects of this blessing are determined by
which gift a creature receives when the mark is
Blessing of the bestowed.
Sovereign Champion
A character who receives this blessing is regarded Gift of the Future
as an emissary of the sovereign fey who bestows it. This gift lets a creature twist the fates of those who
The effects of this blessing are determined by which oppose them.
sovereign fey has granted it. When a creature that you can see makes an
As an action, you undergo a transformation. For 1 attack, but before the attack hits or misses its
minute, you gain the following benefits: intended target, you can use your reaction to impose
• You cannot be charmed or frightened. disadvantage on the roll.
• You gain 10 temporary hit points. Once used, this gift cannot be used again until the
• As a bonus action, you can extend your senses next dawn.
Chapter 5: Treasures

Gift of the Present Boon of the Sovereign Fey

This gift grants an unnatural awareness of events as You are the undisputed sovereign of one of the fey
they occur, offering a creature a chance to act beyond courts. All creatures allied with your respective court
its normal limits. are charmed by you.
On your turn, you may use the gift of the present to You can use an action to take total and precise
gain an additional action. control of any one of your charmed subjects within
Once used, this gift cannot be used again until the 60 feet of you. Until the end of your next turn, the
next dawn. creature takes only the actions you choose and
doesn’t do anything that you don’t allow it to do.
Gift of the Past During this time, you can use your reaction to cause
This gift grants insight into countless moments of a the creature to use its reaction.
creature’s life and beyond, guiding the creature for
the task at hand. Boon of the Traveler
When you make an ability check, attack roll, or You gain the ability to speak, understand, read, and
saving throw, you can use your reaction to reroll write all languages.
the die and use either result. You can do so after
the initial roll but before any effects of the roll are Charms
Once used, this gift cannot be used again until the Charms are more common magical rewards than
next dawn. boons that give the recipient access to special powers
for a limited amount of time.
Gift of the Weaver Charms are often bestowed by demigods, fey,
This gift favorably bends the fates of allies close at witches, and archmages in the Planes.
When a creature you can see makes an ability Charm of Beastkin
check, attack roll, or saving throw, you may use your This charm grants you the benefit of the speak with
reaction to allow the creature to reroll the die and use animals spell. In addition, you have advantage on
either result. You can do so after the initial roll but Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to influence
before any effects of the roll are resolved. beasts. These benefits last for 10 days, after which the
Once used, this gift cannot be used again until the charm vanishes from you.
next dawn.
Charm of Rot
Boons This charm has 6 charges. You can use an action to
expend some of its charges to cast one of the fol-
Boons are magical rewards only available to 20th- lowing spells at its lowest level: blight (3 charges) or
level characters. Since characters cannot progress inflict wounds (1 charge). Once all its charges have
beyond level 20 in standard 5th Edition, boons are been expended, the charm vanishes from you.
extraordinary gifts granted to characters as a form of
advancement. Charm of the Watcher
Unlike blessings or charms, boons must be earned The triangular mark of the titan Hyperion appears on
by an individual rather than bestowed by another your skin. This charm has 4 charges. While outside,
creature. Boons represent a character’s personal you can use an action to expend charges to do one of
transformation into something more powerful than a the following:
mere mortal creature. • See out to a distance of 3 miles with perfect
clarity for 1 hour (1 charge).
Boon of the Dawn • Gain darkvision out to a distance of 120 feet
As an action, you can shed bright light in a 20-foot for 1 hour (1 charge).
radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The • Cast the arcane eye spell (4 charges).
light is sunlight. Any undead or fiends that end their Once all its charges have been expended, the charm
turn in the area take 2d6 radiant damage. disappears.
You can use this boon for up to 5 minutes, all at
once or in several shorter spans, each use requiring
a minimum of 1 minute from the duration. This boon
regains 1 minute of use each day at dawn.

Adventurers are caught unaware by an enormous lightning worm.

T his chapter provides templates and stat
blocks for many of the creatures that can
play a role in a campaign set in the Planes.
The first part of this chapter provides templates
that can make any existing creature a member of one
For more information about the sovereign fey courts,
see “Exploring the Sovereign Courts” in chapter 3.

Blossom Court
of the sovereign fey courts. After the templates is a The following monster templates allow you to
bestiary of creatures native to the mortal and faerie upgrade any existing creature to become a vassal, a
realms followed by a collection of NPCs ready to courtier, or the sovereign of the Blossom Court.
serve as friends or foes.
Blossom Vassal Template
Sovereign Court You can create a vassal of the Blossom Court by

Monster Templates making the following adjustments to the statistics of

any creature.

Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature

Each sovereign fey court has a theme based on the
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
aspects of nature over which they wield the most
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
control, but the theme does not entirely define the
creatures who belong to a court. For example, a Hit Dice. The creature gains two additional Hit Dice
troll could easily belong to any of the seven courts. and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
However, its appearance and capabilities will Hit Dice.
manifest differently depending on which of the
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
seven it aligns with. The templates provided show
increases by 4. An ability score cannot be increased
the mechanical changes that occur when a creature
above 30 using this feature.
swears allegiance to a particular court.


During your adventures, you may find yourself in These templates also provide individual ele-
a position where one or more player characters ments that can easily be applied to characters,
become vassals, courtiers, or even sovereigns NPCs, or monsters even if you don’t want to
of the faerie courts. At such times you can use use the full template. The sovereign actions in
the templates provided here to enhance these each section would make a great extra action to
characters—simply ignore the challenge rating boost the power of a courtier or any other mon-
note and recalculate any modifiers or DCs with ster with a little more flavor. Whenever using
the character’s relevant score. Keep in mind that pieces of these templates, try to pick only one
these templates bestow a significant amount or two new features, and make sure to replace
of power, so all party members should receive any modifiers or DCs with the base creature’s
templates or equivalent boosts to keep play ability scores.
experience balanced.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from increases by 4.
nonmagical attacks.
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
• Magic Resistance. The courtier has advantage
to the charmed condition.
on saving throws against spells and other
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak magical effects.
and understand Sylvan.
• Sweet Scent. Any creature that targets
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating the courtier with an attack or harmful
increases by 1. spell while within 30 feet of it must first
attempt a DC 15 Charisma saving throw.
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
On a failed save, the creature must choose
• Magic Resistance. The vassal has advantage a new target or lose the attack or spell.
on saving throws against spells and other Creatures that can’t be charmed are
magical effects. immune to this effect.

• Sweet Scent. Any creature that targets • Verdant Blessing. The courtier regains 10 hit
the vassal with an attack or harmful points at the start of its turn. If the courtier
spell while within 30 feet of it must first takes fire damage, this trait doesn’t function
attempt a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. at the start of the courtier’s next turn. The
On a failed save, the creature must choose courtier dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit
a new target or lose the attack or spell. points and doesn’t regenerate.
Creatures that can’t be charmed are
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus
immune to this effect.
increases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
• Petal Dance. The courtier creates a swirling
Blossom Courtier Template storm of flower petals to fill a 15-foot-radius
sphere at a point it chooses within 60 feet.
You can create a courtier of the Blossom Court by While the courtier stands in the storm of
making the following adjustments to the statistics of petals, it has advantage on attack rolls, and
any creature. creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls
against it. The petal storm remains for 1
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
minute or until the courtier chooses to end
type in addition to its original creature type.
the effect.
Spells and abilities that affect fey now affect the
Blossom Sovereign Template
Hit Dice. The creature gains ten additional Hit Dice
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these You can create a sovereign of the Blossom Court by
Hit Dice. making the following adjustments to the statistics of
any creature.
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
increases by 6. An ability score cannot be increased Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
above 30 using this feature. type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
Damage Vulnerabilities. The creature becomes
vulnerable to fire. Hit Dice. The creature gains sixteen additional Hit
Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using
Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
these Hit Dice.
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks. Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
increases by 6, and it gains 10 ability points. Each
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
ability point can be used to increase an ability score
and understand Sylvan.
of its choice by 1. An ability score cannot be increased
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity above 30 using this feature.
to the charmed and frightened conditions.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance sovereign dies only if it starts its turn with 0
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
nonmagical attacks.
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus
Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune increases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
to cold and poison damage.
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
• Petal Dance. The sovereign creates a swirling
to the charmed, exhaustion, frightened, and poi-
storm of flower petals to fill a 30-foot-radius
soned conditions.
sphere at a point it chooses within 60 feet.
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak While the sovereign stands in the storm
and understand Sylvan. of petals, it has advantage on attack rolls,
and creatures have disadvantage on attack
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
rolls against it. The petal storm remains for 1
increases by 8.
minute or until the sovereign chooses to end
Traits. The creature gains the following traits. the effect.

• Magic Resistance. The sovereign has

advantage on saving throws against spells and Blossom Sovereign Actions
other magical effects.
The list of known Blossom sovereign actions is
• Sovereign Fey. The creature is a sovereign presented here in alphabetical order.
fey, empowered by a demesne of the faerie
realm. The sovereign gains the ability to draw CROWN OF ROSES
power from its realm to produce effects called Action: 1 bonus action
sovereign actions. Sovereign actions are magical Range: 120 feet
effects the sovereign can create by expending Sovereign Point Cost: 1
sovereign points. The sovereign fey sends a rose from its crown
  When a creature becomes a blossom hurtling toward one creature or object within 120
sovereign, it gains a pool of sovereign points feet of it. When it does so, it makes a ranged spell
equal to its current Hit Dice maximum and attack. On a hit, a target takes 4d12 magical piercing
can never have more sovereign points than its damage and becomes poisoned until the end of its
current Hit Dice maximum. Use of a sovereign next turn.
action requires the listed action, sovereign
point cost, and range restriction detailed in OVERGROWN
its description. Sovereign actions follow the Action: 1 action
general rules of spellcasting as detailed in the Range: 60 feet
5th Edition core rules, and they use Charisma Sovereign Point Cost: 5
as the spellcasting ability and for spell attacks, The sovereign fey causes two shambling mounds to
though technically they are not spells. For the sprout from unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of it.
purposes of determining the strength of a The shambling mounds act on their own initiative,
sovereign action’s magical effects, such effects but they obey all commands issued to them by the
are treated as though they were produced by sovereign fey (no action required). A shambling
spells of 8th level. A creature recovers any spent mound disappears when it drops to 0 hit points.
sovereign points during a long rest.
• Sweet Scent. Any creature that targets the
Action: 1 reaction, which the sovereign fey takes
sovereign with an attack or harmful spell while
when it takes damage
within 30 feet of it must first attempt a DC 18
Range: 60 feet
Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the
Sovereign Point Cost: 3
creature must choose a new target or lose the
The sovereign fey emits pheromones toward one
attack or spell. Creatures that can’t be charmed
creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The target must
are immune to this effect.
succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be
• Verdant Blessing. The sovereign regains 15 hit stunned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving
points at the start of its turn. If the sovereign throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
takes fire damage, this trait doesn’t function effect on itself on a success.
at the start of the sovereign’s next turn. The

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Blossom Sovereign Example Stat Block

The following is an example of the Blossom sovereign template applied to a dryad.

Blossom Sovereign Dryad

Medium fey, typically lawful neutral

Armor Class 13 (16 with barkskin) Tree Stride. Once on her turn, the dryad can use 10
Hit Points 136 (21d8 + 42) feet of her movement to step magically into one living
Speed 30 ft. tree within reach and emerge from a second living
tree within 60 feet of the first tree, appearing in an
unoccupied space within 5 feet of the second tree.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 26 (+8) Both trees must be Large or bigger.
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +7
Verdant Blessing. The dryad regains 15 hit points at
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
the start of her turn. If the dryad takes fire damage,
slashing from nonmagical attacks
this trait doesn’t function until the start of her next
Damage Immunities cold, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, poisoned ACTIONS
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Elvish, Sylvan Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+6 to hit with
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4 shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6)
bludgeoning damage, or 10 (1d8 + 6) bludgeoning
TRAITS damage with shillelagh.

Innate Spellcasting. The dryad’s innate spellcasting Fey Charm. The dryad targets one humanoid or beast
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20). The dryad that she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target
can innately cast the following spells, requiring no can see the dryad, it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
material components: saving throw or be magically charmed. The charmed
At will: druidcraft creature regards the dryad as a trusted friend to be
3/day each: entangle, goodberry heeded and protected. Although the target isn’t under
1/day each: barkskin, pass without trace, shillelagh the dryad’s control, it takes the dryad’s requests or
actions in the most favorable way it can.
Magic Resistance. The dryad has advantage on saving
Each time the dryad or its allies do anything
throws against spells and other magical effects.
harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw,
Sovereign Fey. The dryad is a sovereign fey. Her ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise,
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 the effect lasts 24 hours or until the dryad dies, is on
to hit with spell attacks), and she has 21 sovereign a different plane of existence from the target, or ends
points. The dryad can take the following sovereign the effect as a bonus action. If a target’s saving throw
actions: Crown of Roses, Overgrown, Pacifying is successful, the target is immune to the dryad’s Fey
Perfume, Photosynthesis, Poppy Field. Any spent Charm for the next 24 hours.
sovereign points are recovered when the dryad The dryad can have no more than one humanoid
completes a long rest. and up to three beasts charmed at a time.
Speak with Beasts and Plants. The dryad can com- Petal Dance. The dryad creates a swirling storm
municate with beasts and plants as if they share a of flower petals to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere at
language. a point she chooses within 60 feet of her. While
the dryad stands in the storm of petals, she has
Sweet Scent. Any creature that targets the dryad with
advantage on attack rolls, and creatures have
an attack or harmful spell while within 30 feet of her
disadvantage on attack rolls against her. The petal
must first attempt a DC 18 Charisma saving throw. On
storm remains for 1 minute or until the dryad
a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or
chooses to end the effect.
lose the attack or spell.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

PHOTOSYNTHESIS Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak

Action: 1 bonus action and understand Sylvan.
Range: Self
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
Sovereign Point Cost: 2
increases by 1.
The sovereign fey absorbs light and transforms it
into energy. The sovereign fey heals 4d12 hit points Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
and ends all conditions affecting it. The sovereign fey
• Air Lift. When the vassal falls, it descends 60 feet
cannot use this ability if it is in total darkness.
per round and takes no damage from falling.
POPPY FIELD • Free Bird. As a bonus action, the vassal can end
Action: 1 action one effect or condition that reduces its speed or
Range: Self causes it to be paralyzed or restrained.
Sovereign Point Cost: 6
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
The sovereign fey causes a field of massive poppies
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
to sprout from the ground in a 150-foot-radius circle
centered on itself. While the poppies remain, the area
is considered difficult terrain. When a creature enters Wind Courtier Template
the field for the first time or starts its turn in the
You can create a courtier of the Court of the Winds by
field, it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving
making the following adjustments to the statistics of
throw or fall unconscious until the field disappears,
any creature.
the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action
to shake or slap the sleeper awake. The poppy field Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
remains for 10 minutes or until the sovereign fey type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
chooses to end the effect. and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
Creatures that cannot be magically put to sleep are
Hit Dice. The creature gains ten additional Hit Dice
immune to this effect.
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
Hit Dice.
Court of the Winds
Speed. The creature gains a flying speed of 30 feet. If
The following monster templates allow you to the creature already has a flying speed, it increases by
upgrade any existing creature to become a vassal, a 30 feet.
courtier, or the sovereign of the Court of the Winds.
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
increases by 2, and its Dexterity score increases by 4.
Wind Vassal Template An ability score cannot be increased above 30 using
this feature.
You can create a vassal of the Court of the Winds by
making the following adjustments to the statistics of Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
any creature. to the charmed and frightened conditions.

Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells and understand Sylvan.
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
Hit Dice. The creature gains two additional Hit Dice increases by 4.
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
Hit Dice.
• Air Lift. When the courtier falls, it descends
Speed. The creature gains a flying speed of 30 feet. If
60 feet per round and takes no damage from
the creature already has a flying speed, it increases by
30 feet.
• Flyby. The courtier doesn’t provoke
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma and Dexterity
opportunity attacks when it flies out of an
scores both increase by 2. An ability score cannot be
enemy’s reach.
increased above 30 using this feature.
• Free Bird. As a bonus action, the courtier
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
can end one effect or condition that reduces
to the charmed condition.
its speed or causes it to be paralyzed or
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in- realm to produce effects called sovereign actions.
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating. Sovereign actions are magical effects the sover-
eign can create by expending sovereign points.
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
  When a creature becomes a wind sovereign, it
• Jet Stream (Recharge 5–6). The courtier launch- gains a pool of sovereign points equal to its cur-
es itself forward, moving in a straight line up to rent Hit Dice maximum and can never have more
its speed. Each creature in the line must attempt sovereign points than its current Hit Dice maxi-
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, mum. Use of a sovereign action requires the listed
a creature takes 22 (4d10) thunder damage and is action, sovereign point cost, and range restriction
knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature detailed in its description. Sovereign actions
takes half damage and is not knocked prone. follow the general rules of spellcasting as de-
tailed in the 5th Edition core rules, and they use
Wind Sovereign Template Charisma as the spellcasting ability and for spell
attacks, though technically they are not spells.
You can create a sovereign of the Court of the Winds For the purposes of determining the strength of a
by making the following adjustments to the statistics sovereign action’s magical effects, such effects are
of any creature. treated as though they were produced by spells of
8th level. A creature recovers any spent sovereign
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
points during a long rest.
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature. Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
Hit Dice. The creature gains sixteen additional Hit
Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using Actions. The creature gains the following action.
these Hit Dice.
• Jet Stream (Recharge 5–6). The sovereign launch-
Speed. The creature gains a flying speed of 60 feet. If es itself forward, moving in a straight line up to
the creature already has a flying speed, it increases by its speed. Each creature in the line must attempt
60 feet. a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save,
a creature takes 44 (8d10) thunder damage and is
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score in-
knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature
creases by 2, its Dexterity score increases by 4, and it
takes half damage and is not knocked prone.
gains 10 ability points. Each ability point can be used
to increase an ability score of its choice by 1. An ability
score cannot be increased above 30 using this feature. Wind Sovereign Actions
Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune The list of known Wind sovereign actions is pre-
to lightning and thunder damage. sented here in alphabetical order.

Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity

to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Action: 1 bonus action
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak Range: 120 feet
and understand Sylvan. Sovereign Point Cost: 1
The sovereign unleashes a biting wind at one creature
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
or object within 120 feet of it. When it does so, it
increases by 8.
makes a ranged spell attack. On a hit, a target takes
Traits. The creature gains the following traits. 26 (4d12) magical slashing damage, and the target is
pushed back 10 feet.
• Air Lift. When the sovereign falls, it descends 60
feet per round and takes no damage from falling.
• Flyby. The sovereign doesn’t provoke opportunity Action: 1 action
attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach. Range: Self
Sovereign Point Cost: 3
• Free Bird. As a bonus action, the sovereign can
The sovereign creates a swirling vortex of wind. All
end one effect or condition that reduces its speed
creatures within 150 feet of the sovereign must succeed
or causes it to be paralyzed or restrained.
on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or take 39 (6d12)
• Sovereign Fey. The creature is a sovereign fey, bludgeoning damage and become restrained until the
empowered by a demesne of the faerie realm. The beginning of the sovereign’s next turn. On a successful
sovereign gains the ability to draw power from its save, a creature takes half damage and is not restrained.
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Wind Sovereign Example Stat Block

The following is an example of the Wind sovereign template applied to a roc.

Wind Sovereign Roc

Gargantuan monstrosity (fey), typically chaotic neutral

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Sovereign Fey. The roc is a sovereign fey. Its spellcasting
Hit Points 496 (32d20 + 160) ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +9 to hit with spell
Speed 20 ft., fly 180 ft. attacks), and it has 32 sovereign points. The sovereign
can spend sovereign points to take the following
sovereign actions: biting wind, cyclone, static cloud,
28 (+9) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 8 (−1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) storm form, and surge. Any spent sovereign points are
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +11, Wis +6, Cha +9 recovered when the sovereign completes a long rest.
Skills Perception +6
Damage Immunities lightning, thunder ACTIONS
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
Multiattack. The roc makes two attacks: one with its
Senses passive Perception 16
Beak and one with its Talons.
Languages Sylvan
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +6 Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 27 (4d8 + 9) piercing damage.
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Air Lift. When the roc falls, it descends 60 feet per one target. Hit: 23 (4d6 + 9) slashing damage, and the
round and takes no damage from falling. target is grappled (escape DC 19). Until this grapple
ends, the target is restrained, and the roc can’t use its
Flyby. The roc doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks
talons on another target.
when it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Jet Stream (Recharge 5–6). The roc launches itself
Free Bird. As a bonus action, the roc can end one effect
forward, moving in a straight line up to its speed. Each
or condition that reduces its speed or causes it to be
creature in the line must attempt a DC 18 Dexterity saving
paralyzed or restrained.
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 44 (8d10) thunder
Keen Sight. The roc has advantage on Wisdom damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save, a
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. creature takes half damage and is not knocked prone.

While in this form, the sovereign is invisible, is
Action: 1 action immune to all nonmagical damage, and has advan-
Range: Self tage on all saving throws. While in this form, the
Sovereign Point Cost: 6 sovereign can pass through small holes, narrow
The sovereign creates a cloud of intense static charge in openings, and even mere cracks. While in storm
a 90-foot-radius sphere centered on itself. If a creature form, the sovereign cannot make attacks or use
begins its turn in this field and is holding or wearing legendary actions.
any manufactured metal objects (such as metal weap-
ons or suits of metal armor), the creature must succeed SURGE
on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or drop the object Action: 1 bonus action
if it can. If the creature doesn’t drop the object, it has Range: Self
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the Sovereign Point Cost: 5
start of its next turn. The cloud remains for 10 minutes The sovereign magically teleports to an
or until the sovereign chooses to end the effect. unoccupied space it can see within 120 feet of
it. Immediately after it disappears, lightning
crashes down, and each creature within 20 feet
Action: 1 reaction, which the sovereign takes when it of the space the sovereign left must attempt a
takes damage DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10)
Range: Self lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much
Sovereign Point Cost: 2 damage on a successful one.
The sovereign transforms into a shapeless mass
of electricity until the beginning of its next turn.
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Forest Court Hit Dice. The creature gains eight additional Hit Dice and
recalculates its hit point maximum using these Hit Dice.
The following monster templates allow you to
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score increases
upgrade any existing creature to become a vassal, a
by 2, and its Constitution score increases by 4. An ability
courtier, or the sovereign of the Forest Court.
score cannot be increased above 30 using this feature.

Forest Vassal Template Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance

to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
You can create a vassal of the Forest Court by making nonmagical attacks.
the following adjustments to the statistics of any
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
and understand Sylvan.
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
Hit Dice. The creature gains two additional Hit Dice
increases by 4.
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
Hit Dice. Traits. The creature gains the following traits.

Ability Scores. The creature’s Constitution and • Magic Resistance. The courtier has advantage on
Charisma scores both increase by 2. An ability score saving throws against spells and other magical
cannot be increased above 30 using this feature. effects.

Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance • Pack Tactics. The courtier has advantage on an
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
nonmagical attacks. courtier’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature
and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
to the charmed condition. • Primal Heart. At the beginning of the courtier’s
turn, it can use a bonus action to roll a d20. If it
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
rolls lower than its Constitution ability score,
and understand Sylvan.
it can choose to end one negative condition
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating currently affecting it or regain hit points equal to
increases by 1. its Constitution modifier.

Traits. The creature gains the following traits. Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
• Magic Resistance. The vassal has advantage on
saving throws against spells and other magical Actions. The creature gains the following action.
• Call of the Wild (Recharge 5–6). The courtier
• Primal Heart. At the beginning of the vassal’s lets out a commanding call. All friendly creatures
turn, it can use a bonus action to roll a d20. If it within 60 feet of the courtier that can see and
rolls lower than its Constitution ability score, hear it can immediately use their reaction to
it can choose to end one negative condition make one weapon attack, adding the courtier’s
currently affecting it or regain hit points equal proficiency bonus to the attack’s damage roll.
to its Constitution modifier.

Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in- Forest Sovereign Template

creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
You can create a sovereign of the Forest Court by
making the following adjustments to the statistics of
Forest Courtier Template any creature.

You can create a courtier of the Forest Court by Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
making the following adjustments to the statistics of type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
any creature. and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.

Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature Hit Dice. The creature gains sixteen additional Hit
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature. these Hit Dice.
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
increases by 2, its Constitution score increases by 4, creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
and it gains 10 ability points. Each ability point can
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
be used to increase an ability score of its choice by 1.
An ability score cannot be increased above 30 using • Call of the Wild (Recharge 5–6). The sovereign
this feature. lets out a commanding call. All friendly creatures
within 300 feet of the sovereign that can see and
Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
hear it (including the sovereign) can immediately
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
use their reaction to make one weapon attack,
nonmagical attacks.
adding the sovereign’s proficiency bonus to the
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity attack and damage roll.
to the charmed and frightened conditions.

Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak Forest Sovereign Actions
and understand Sylvan.
The list of known Forest sovereign actions is pre-
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating sented here in alphabetical order.
increases by 8.
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
Action: 1 reaction, which the sovereign takes when a
• Magic Resistance. The sovereign has advantage creature falls prone within melee range
on saving throws against spells and other magical Range: Self
effects. Sovereign Point Cost: 1
The sovereign makes two melee attacks against the
• Pack Tactics. The sovereign has advantage on an
attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
sovereign’s allies is within 10 feet of the creature
and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Action: 1 bonus action
• Primal Heart. At the beginning of the sovereign’s Range: Self
turn, it can choose to end one negative condition Sovereign Point Cost: 6
currently affecting it or regain hit points equal to For 1 minute, the sovereign fey magically increases
its Constitution modifier. in size along with anything it is wearing or car-
rying, becoming Huge if it is Large or smaller,
• Sovereign Fey. The creature is a sovereign fey,
or Gargantuan if it is Huge. For the duration, its
empowered by a demesne of the faerie realm.
Strength becomes 25, if it isn’t already higher, and
The sovereign gains the ability to draw power
its hit point maximum is doubled. In addition, the
from its realm to produce effects called sov-
reach of its melee attacks increases by 5 feet, it
ereign actions. Sovereign actions are magical
doubles its damage dice on Strength-based weapon
effects the sovereign can create by expending
attacks, and it makes Strength checks and saving
sovereign points.
throws with advantage.
  When a creature becomes a forest sovereign,
When the effect ends, any hit points it has above
it gains a pool of sovereign points equal to
its hit point maximum become temporary hit
its current Hit Dice maximum and can never
have more sovereign points than its current
Hit Dice maximum. Use of a sovereign action
requires the listed action, sovereign point cost,
Action: 1 bonus action
and range restriction detailed in its descrip-
Range: 60 feet
tion. Sovereign actions follow the general
Sovereign Point Cost: 3
rules of spellcasting as detailed in the 5th
The sovereign fey summons four beasts of challenge
Edition core rules, and they use Charisma as
rating 2 or lower that appear in unoccupied spaces
the spellcasting ability and for spell attacks,
within 60 feet of it. The beasts act on their own
though technically they are not spells. For
initiative, but they obey all commands issued to
the purposes of determining the strength of a
them by the sovereign fey (no action required). Each
sovereign action’s magical effects, such effects
beast disappears when it drops to 0 hit points.
are treated as though they were produced by
spells of 8th level. A creature recovers any
spent sovereign points during a long rest.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes


Action: 1 action Action: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 300 feet
Sovereign Point Cost: 2 Sovereign Point Cost: 5
If the sovereign jumps at least 15 feet as part of The sovereign lets out a resounding howl,
its movement, it can use a bonus action to land compelling creatures to join its pack. Any beast or
on its feet in a space (or spaces, if the sovereign is humanoid within 300 feet of the sovereign that can
Huge or larger) that contains one or more other hear the howl must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma
creatures. Each of these creatures must succeed on saving throw or be charmed by the sovereign for
a DC 18 Strength or Dexterity saving throw (target’s 8 hours. A charmed creature obeys all commands
choice) or be knocked prone and take 19 (3d12) issued to it by the sovereign (no action required),
bludgeoning damage plus 19 (3d12) slashing damage. treating all former allies as enemies. If a charmed
On a successful save, the creature takes only half creature takes damage, it can repeat the saving
the damage, isn’t knocked prone, and is pushed 5 throw at the end of its turn, ending the charmed
feet out of the sovereign’s space into an unoccupied effect on a success.
space of the target’s choice. If no unoccupied space is
within range, the creature instead falls prone in the
sovereign’s space.

Forest Sovereign Example Stat Block

The following is an example of the Forest sovereign template applied to a giant ape.

Forest Sovereign Giant Ape

Huge beast (fey), typically lawful neutral

Armor Class 14 currently affecting it or regain hit points equal to its

Hit Points 387 (31d12 + 186) Constitution modifier.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
Sovereign Fey. The ape is a sovereign fey. Its spell-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +9 to
26 (+8) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 9 (−1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) hit with spell attacks), and it has 31 sovereign points.
The sovereign can spend sovereign points to take the
Skills Athletics +13, Perception +6
following sovereign actions: Gore, King of Beasts,
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Master’s Command, Mighty Leap, and Wild Hunt. Any
slashing from nonmagical attacks
spent sovereign points are recovered when the ape
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
completes a long rest.
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Sylvan ACTIONS
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +5
Multiattack. The ape makes two Fist attacks.
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Magic Resistance. The ape has advantage on target. Hit: 24 (3d10 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
saving throws against spells and other magical
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 50/100
ft., one target. Hit: 32 (7d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Pack Tactics. The ape has advantage on an attack
Call of the Wild (Recharge 5–6). The ape lets out a
roll against a creature if at least one of the ape’s
commanding call. All friendly creatures within 300
allies is within 10 feet of the creature and the ally
feet of the ape that can see and hear it (including the
isn’t incapacitated.
ape) can immediately use their reaction to make one
Primal Heart. At the beginning of the ape’s weapon attack, adding the ape’s proficiency bonus to
turn, it can choose to end one negative condition the attack and damage roll.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Heavenly Court Hit Dice. The creature gains eight additional Hit Dice
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
The following monster templates allow you to Hit Dice.
upgrade any existing creature to become a vassal, a
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score in-
courtier, or the sovereign of the Heavenly Court.
creases by 2, and its Wisdom score increases by 4. An
ability score cannot be increased above 30 using this
Heavenly Vassal Template feature.

You can create a vassal of the Heavenly Court by Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
making the following adjustments to the statistics to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
of any creature. nonmagical attacks.

Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells to fire and radiant damage.
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
Hit Dice. The creature gains two additional Hit Dice to the charmed and frightened conditions.
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
Hit Dice.
and understand Sylvan.
Ability Scores. The creature’s Wisdom and Charisma
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
scores increase by 2. An ability score cannot be
increases by 4.
increased above 30 using this feature.
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance to
fire and radiant damage as well as bludgeoning, pierc- • Dazzling Aura. When a creature that can see
ing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. the courtier starts its turn within 30 feet of
it, the courtier can force it to attempt a DC 15
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
Constitution saving throw if the courtier isn’t
to the charmed condition.
incapacitated and can see the creature. If the
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak target fails the saving throw, it is stunned until
and understand Sylvan. the beginning of its next turn.
  Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
to avoid attempting the saving throw at the
increases by 1.
start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can’t
Traits. The creature gains the following traits. see the courtier until the start of its next turn,
when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature
• Magic Resistance. The vassal has advantage on
looks at the courtier in the meantime, it must
saving throws against spells and other magical
immediately attempt the save.
• Heavenly Fire. A creature that touches the
• Heavenly Fire. A creature that touches the vassal
courtier or hits it with a melee attack while
or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet
within 5 feet of it takes 11 (2d10) radiant damage.
of it takes 5 (1d10) radiant damage. The vassal can
The courtier can choose to suppress this trait at
choose to suppress this trait at will (no action
will (no action required).
• Magic Resistance. The courtier has advantage
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
on saving throws against spells and other
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
magical effects.

Heavenly Courtier Template Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-

creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
You can create a courtier of the Heavenly Court by
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
making the following adjustments to the statistics
of any creature. • Neutron Star. The courtier creates a tiny,
superdense star at a point it can see within 90
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
feet of it. When the star appears, each creature
type in addition to its original creature type.
(except the courtier) within 15 feet of it must
Spells and abilities that affect fey now affect the
succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

or be trapped within the star’s gravitational next turn, when it can avert its eyes again.
field for 1 minute. While trapped, a creature If the creature looks at the sovereign in the
cannot move more than 15 feet away from the meantime, it must immediately attempt the
star. A trapped creature can use an action to save.
repeat the saving throw, breaking free of the
• Heavenly Fire. A creature that touches the
gravitational field on a success. A courtier can
sovereign or hits it with a melee attack while
only have one star summoned at a time, and
within 10 feet of it takes 11 (2d10) radiant
they can choose to end the effect early (no
damage. The sovereign can choose to suppress
action required).
this trait at will (no action required).

Heavenly Sovereign Template • Magic Resistance. The sovereign has advantage

on saving throws against spells and other
You can create a sovereign of the Heavenly Court magical effects.
by making the following adjustments to the
• Sovereign Fey. The creature is a sovereign
statistics of any creature.
fey, empowered by a demesne of the faerie
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a crea- realm. The sovereign gains the ability to draw
ture type in addition to its original creature type. power from its realm to produce effects called
Spells and abilities that affect fey now affect the sovereign actions. Sovereign actions are
creature. magical effects the sovereign can create by
expending sovereign points.
Hit Dice. The creature gains sixteen additional Hit
  When a creature becomes a heavenly
Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using
sovereign, it gains a pool of sovereign points
these Hit Dice.
equal to its current Hit Dice maximum and
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score can never have more sovereign points than its
increases by 2, its Wisdom score increases by 4, current Hit Dice maximum. Use of a sovereign
and it gains 10 ability points. Each ability point can action requires the listed action, sovereign
be used to increase an ability score of its choice by point cost, and range restriction detailed in
1. An ability score cannot be increased above 30 its description. Sovereign actions follow the
using this feature. general rules of spellcasting as detailed in the
5th Edition core rules, and they use Charisma
Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
as the spellcasting ability and for spell attacks,
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
though technically they are not spells. For
from nonmagical attacks.
the purposes of determining the strength of a
Damage Immunities. The creature becomes im- sovereign action’s magical effects, such effects
mune to fire and radiant damage. are treated as though they were produced by
spells of 8th level. A creature recovers any
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immu-
spent sovereign points during a long rest.
nity to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
increases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
and understand Sylvan.
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
increases by 8. • Neutron Star. The sovereign creates a tiny,
superdense star at a point it can see within 90
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
feet of it. When the star appears, each creature
• Dazzling Aura. When a creature that can see (except the sovereign) within 30 feet of it
the sovereign starts its turn within 30 feet of must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw
it, the sovereign can force it to attempt a DC 18 or be trapped within the star’s gravitational
Constitution saving throw if the sovereign isn’t field for 1 minute. While trapped, a creature
incapacitated and can see the creature. If the cannot move more than 15 feet away from the
target fails the saving throw, it is stunned until star. A trapped creature can use an action to
the beginning of its next turn. repeat the saving throw, breaking free of the
  Unless surprised, a creature can avert its gravitational field on a success. A sovereign can
eyes to avoid attempting the saving throw at only have one star summoned at a time, and
the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can choose to end the effect early (no action
it can’t see the sovereign until the start of its required).
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Heavenly Sovereign Example Stat Block

The following is an example of the Heavenly sovereign template applied to a green hag.

Heavenly Sovereign Green Hag

Medium fey, typically neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Sovereign Fey. The hag is a sovereign fey. Her
Hit Points 229 (27d8 + 108) spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
Speed 30 ft. 19, +9 to hit with spell attacks), and she has 27
sovereign points. The hag can spend sovereign
points to take the following sovereign actions:
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) Burn Out, Meteor Shower, Molten Core, Shooting
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +11, Perception +8, Star, and Supernova. Any spent sovereign points
Stealth +5 are recovered when the hag completes a long rest.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks ACTIONS
Damage Immunities fire, radiant
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Draconic, Sylvan Illusory Appearance. The hag covers herself and
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4 anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical
illusion that makes her look like another creature
TRAITS of her general size and humanoid shape. The
illusion ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end
Amphibious. The hag can breathe air and water.
it or if she dies.
Dazzling Aura. When a creature that can see the hag   The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up
starts its turn within 30 feet of her, the hag can force to physical inspection. For example, the hag could
it to attempt a DC 18 Constitution saving throw if appear to have smooth skin, but someone touching
the hag isn’t incapacitated and can see the creature. her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise, a
If the target fails the saving throw, the creature is creature must take an action to visually inspect
stunned until the beginning of its next turn. the illusion and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to (Investigation) check to discern that the hag is
avoid making the saving throw at the start of its disguised.
turn. If the creature does so, it can’t see the hag
Invisible Passage. The hag magically turns
until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its
invisible until she attacks or casts a spell, or until
eyes again. If the creature looks at the hag in the
her concentration ends (as if concentrating on
meantime, it must immediately attempt the save.
a spell). While invisible, she leaves no physical
Heavenly Fire. A creature that touches the hag evidence of her passage, so she can be tracked only
or hits her with a melee attack while within 10 by magic. Any equipment she wears or carries is
feet of her takes 11 (2d10) radiant damage. The hag invisible with her.
can choose to suppress this trait at will (no action
Neutron Star. The hag creates a tiny, superdense
star at a point she can see within 90 feet of her.
Innate Spellcasting. The hag’s innate spellcasting When the star appears, each creature (except the
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19). She can hag) within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC
innately cast the following spells, requiring no 18 Strength saving throw or be trapped within
material components: the star’s gravitational field for 1 minute. While
At will: dancing lights, minor illusion, trapped, a creature cannot move more than 15
vicious mockery feet away from the star. A trapped creature can
use an action to repeat the saving throw, breaking
Magic Resistance. The hag has advantage on saving
free of the gravitational field on a success. The hag
throws against spells and other magical effects.
can only have one star summoned at a time, and
Mimicry. The hag can mimic animal sounds and she can choose to end the effect early (no action
humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds required).
can tell they are imitations with a successful DC 18
Wisdom (Insight) check.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Heavenly Sovereign Actions on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or become

blinded for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the sav-
The list of known Heavenly sovereign actions is ing throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
presented here in alphabetical order. effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
BURN OUT creature is immune to the sovereign’s Supernova
Action: 1 bonus action for the next 24 hours.
Range: 120 feet
Sovereign Point Cost: 5 Sleeping Court
The sovereign chooses one creature (including itself),
object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of The following monster templates allow you to
8th level or lower on the target ends. upgrade any existing creature to become a vassal, a
courtier, or the sovereign of the Sleeping Court.
Action: 1 action Sleeping Vassal Template
Range: Self
Sovereign Point Cost: 6 You can create a vassal of the Sleeping Court by
A shower of celestial matter falls to the ground in a making the following adjustments to the statis-
20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a tics of any creature.
point the sovereign can see within 300 feet of it. Each
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a crea-
creature in the cylinder must attempt a Dexterity
ture type in addition to its original creature type.
saving throw. A creature takes 28 (8d6) bludgeoning
Spells and abilities that affect fey now affect the
damage plus 35 (10d6) radiant damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.
Hit Dice. The creature gains two additional Hit
MOLTEN CORE Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum
Action: 1 action using these Hit Dice.
Range: Self
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score in-
Sovereign Point Cost: 2
creases by 4. An ability score cannot be increased
The sovereign fey dramatically raises the ambient
above 30 using this feature.
temperature in a 150-foot-radius sphere centered on
itself for the next minute. All creatures in the area Damage Immunities. The creature gains im-
who aren’t immune to fire damage must succeed on munity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or gain one level damage from nonmagical attacks.
of exhaustion. If the sovereign repeats this action
Condition Immunities. The creature gains
before the 1 minute duration is up, creatures in the
immunity to the charmed condition.
area must repeat the save with disadvantage.
Languages. The creature gains the ability to
SHOOTING STAR speak and understand Sylvan.
Action: 1 bonus action
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
Range: 120 feet
increases by 1.
Sovereign Point Cost: 1
The sovereign fey sends a tiny flame hurtling toward Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
one creature or object within 120 feet of it. When
• Endless Dream. The vassal is immune to
it does so, it makes a ranged spell attack. On a hit, a
any effects that would put it to sleep or
target takes 26 (4d12) radiant damage and glows with
cause it to become unconscious.
ambient starlight. The sovereign has advantage on the
next attack roll made against the glowing target. • Incorporeal Movement. The vassal can
move through other creatures and objects
SUPERNOVA as if they were difficult terrain. It takes
Action: 1 reaction, which the sovereign fey takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
when it takes damage inside an object.
Range: 120 feet
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus
Sovereign Point Cost: 3
increases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
Each creature of the sovereign’s choice that is
within 120 feet of it and aware of it must succeed
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Sleeping Courtier Template Sleeping Sovereign Template

You can create a courtier of the Sleeping Court by You can create a sovereign of the Sleeping Court by
making the following adjustments to the statis- making the following adjustments to the statistics of
tics of any creature. any creature.

Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a crea- Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
ture type in addition to its original creature type. type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
Spells and abilities that affect fey now affect the and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
Hit Dice. The creature gains sixteen additional Hit
Hit Dice. The creature gains eight additional Hit Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using
Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum these Hit Dice.
using these Hit Dice.
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score increases by 4, its Wisdom score increases by 2, and
increases by 4, and its Wisdom score increases by it gains 10 ability points. Each ability point can be
2. An ability score cannot be increased above 30 used to increase an ability score of its choice by 1. An
using this feature. ability score cannot be increased above 30 using this
Damage Resistances. The creature gains resis-
tance to psychic damage. Damage Immunities. The creature gains immunity
to psychic damage and to bludgeoning, piercing, and
Damage Immunities. The creature gains im-
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.
munity to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks. Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immu-
nity to the charmed and frightened conditions. Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
and understand Sylvan.
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
and understand Sylvan. Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
increases by 8.
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
increases by 4. Traits. The creature gains the following traits.

Traits. The creature gains the following traits. • Endless Dream. The sovereign is immune to
any effects that would put it to sleep or cause
• Endless Dream. The courtier is immune to
it to become unconscious.
any effects that would put it to sleep or cause
it to become unconscious. • Incorporeal Movement. The sovereign can
move through other creatures and objects. It
• Incorporeal Movement. The courtier can
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
move through other creatures and objects. It
inside an object.
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn
inside an object. • Sovereign Fey. The creature is a sovereign
fey, empowered by a demesne of the faerie
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus
realm. The sovereign gains the ability to draw
increases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
power from its realm to produce effects called
Actions. The creature gains the following action. sovereign actions. Sovereign actions are
magical effects the sovereign can create by
• Invisibility. The courtier magically turns
expending sovereign points.
invisible until it chooses to end the effect. The
  When a creature becomes a sleeping
invisibility ends early if the courtier attacks
sovereign, it gains a pool of sovereign points
or casts a spell. Any equipment the courtier
equal to its current Hit Dice maximum and
wears or carries is invisible with it.
can never have more sovereign points than
its current Hit Dice maximum. Use of a
sovereign action requires the listed action,
sovereign point cost, and range restriction
detailed in its description. Sovereign actions
follow the general rules of spellcasting as
detailed in the 5th Edition core rules, and
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

they use Charisma as the spellcasting ability LOST LULLABY

and for spell attacks, though technically Action: 1 bonus action
they are not spells. For the purposes of Range: Self
determining the strength of a sovereign Sovereign Point Cost: 5
action’s magical effects, such effects are The sovereign sings an eerie lullaby that distorts
treated as though they were produced by perception of space and time. Every creature within
spells of 8th level. A creature recovers any 300 feet of the sovereign that can hear the song
spent sovereign points during a long rest. must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
or become charmed. The sovereign must take a
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
bonus action on its subsequent turns to continue
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
the lullaby. It can stop the chorus at any time (no
Actions. The creature gains the following action. action required). The tune ends if the sovereign is
• Invisibility. The sovereign magically turns
While charmed by the sovereign, a target uses
invisible until it chooses to end the effect. The
all its movement to move in a random direction.
invisibility ends early if the sovereign attacks
To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a
or casts a spell. Any equipment the sovereign
direction to each die face. The creature cannot take
wears or carries is invisible with it.
actions while charmed in this way. Whenever a
target takes damage or it begins a turn unable to
Sleeping Sovereign Actions hear the chorus, it can repeat the saving throw. If
the saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it.
The list of known Sleeping sovereign actions is
A target that successfully saves is immune to the
presented here in alphabetical order.
sovereign’s lullaby for the next 24 hours.
Action: 1 action
Action: 1 bonus action
Range: 150 feet
Range: 120 feet
Sovereign Point Cost: 6
Sovereign Point Cost: 2
The sovereign forces a creature it can see within
The sovereign implants a fear in the mind of one crea-
150 feet of it to attempt a DC 18 Charisma saving
ture within 120 feet of it. When it does so, it makes
throw. On a failure, the target’s mind is pulled
a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 4d12
into the twisting realm of the sovereign’s own
psychic damage and becomes frightened until the
dreams. The body of an affected creature be-
end of its next turn. At the end of the target’s next
comes incapacitated for 1 minute, while the mind
turn, the target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
of the creature wanders the bizarre dreamscape
saving throw or take 4d12 psychic damage and
of the sovereign’s subconscious. At the end of
remain frightened until the end of its next turn. On
each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat
a successful save, the target is no longer frightened,
the saving throw, ending the effect and return-
and the effect ends. The effect also ends if the target
ing to its body on a success. A creature whose
is reduced to 0 hit points or the sovereign chooses to
mind remains in the sovereign’s subconscious in
end the effect (no action required).
this manner for 1 continuous minute becomes
permanently trapped there, until the sovereign
decides to free them or it is freed by a wish spell
Action: 1 reaction, which the sovereign takes when it
or a similarly potent magical effect.
takes damage
A creature that succeeds on a saving throw against
Range: 5 feet
this effect becomes immune to it for 24 hours.
Sovereign Point Cost: 3
The sovereign emits a shower of sleeping sand toward
one creature it can see within 5 feet of it. The target
Action: Varies
must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw
Range: Varies
or fall prone and unconscious for 10 minutes. The
Sovereign Point Cost: 1
sleeper can repeat the saving throw whenever it
The sovereign casts one of the following spells
takes damage or when someone uses an action to
without the need for components: dream, major
try and wake it. Creatures immune to being charmed
image, mirage arcane, programmed illusion, project
aren’t affected by this ability, but all other creatures
image, or seeming.
are (even if they don’t typically sleep).

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Sleeping Sovereign Example Stat Block

The following is an example of the Sleeping sovereign template applied to a medusa.

Sleeping Sovereign Medusa

Medium monstrosity (fey), typically lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) creature does so, it can’t see the medusa until the
Hit Points 247 (33d8 + 99) start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again.
Speed 30 ft. If the creature looks at the medusa in the meantime,
it must immediately attempt the save.
If the medusa sees itself reflected on a polished
10 (+0) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) surface within 30 feet of it in an area of bright light,
Skills Deception +10, Insight +8, Perception +8, the medusa is, due to its curse, affected by its own
Stealth +11 gaze.
Damage Immunities psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
Sovereign Fey. The medusa is a sovereign fey. Its
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19,
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
+9 to hit with spell attacks), and it has 33 sovereign
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
points. The medusa can spend sovereign points
Languages Common, Sylvan
to take the following sovereign actions: Dream
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +5
Prison, Imaginary Veil, Lost Lullaby, Night Terrors,
TRAITS and Sleeping Sand. Any spent sovereign points are
recovered when the medusa completes a long rest.
Endless Dream. The medusa is immune to any
effects that would put it to sleep or cause it to ACTIONS
become unconscious.
Multiattack. The medusa makes three melee
Incorporeal Movement. The medusa can move attacks, either one with its Snake Hair and two
through other creatures and objects. It takes 5 with its Shortsword or two ranged attacks with its
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an Longbow.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
Petrifying Gaze. When a creature that can see the 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing damage.
medusa’s eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the
Snake Hair. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach
medusa, the medusa can force it to attempt a DC 14
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d4 + 6) piercing damage
Constitution saving throw if the medusa isn’t
plus 14 (4d6) poison damage.
incapacitated and can see the creature. If the target
fails the saving throw by 5 or more, the creature is Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range
instantly petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing
the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained. damage.
The restrained creature must repeat the saving
Invisibility. The medusa magically turns invisible
throw at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified
until it chooses to end the effect. The invisibility
on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The
ends early if the medusa attacks or casts a spell. Any
petrification lasts until the creature is freed by the
equipment the medusa wears or carries is invisible
greater restoration spell or other magic.
with it.
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to
avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Slithering Court Slithering Courtier Template

The following monster templates allow you to You can create a courtier of the Slithering Court by
upgrade any existing creature to become a vassal, a making the following adjustments to the statistics of
courtier, or the sovereign of the Slithering Court. any creature.

Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature

Slithering Vassal Template type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
You can create a vassal of the Slithering Court by
making the following adjustments to the statistics of Hit Dice. The creature gains eight additional Hit Dice
any creature. and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
Hit Dice.
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
type in addition to its original creature type. Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
Spells and abilities that affect fey now affect the increases by 2, and its Dexterity score increases by 4.
creature. An ability score cannot be increased above 30 using
this feature.
Hit Dice. The creature gains two additional Hit Dice
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
Hit Dice. to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks.
Ability Scores. The creature’s Dexterity and Charisma
scores both increase by 2. An ability score cannot be Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune
increased above 30 using this feature. to poison damage.

Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from to the charmed and poisoned conditions.
nonmagical attacks.
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity and understand Sylvan.
to the charmed condition.
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak increases by 4.
and understand Sylvan.
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
• Disturbing Aspect. As a bonus action, the
increases by 1.
courtier can target one creature within 60
Traits. The creature gains the following traits. feet of it that can see it. The target must
succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw
• Disturbing Aspect. As a bonus action, the
or become frightened of the courtier for 1
vassal can target one creature within 30
minute. A creature can repeat the saving
feet of it that can see it. The target must
throw at the end of each of its turns, end-
succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw
ing the effect on itself on a success. If the
or become frightened of the vassal for 1
creature’s saving throw is successful or the
minute. A creature can repeat the saving
effect ends for it, the creature is immune to
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
the courtier’s Disturbing Aspect for the next
the effect on itself on a success. If the
24 hours.
creature’s saving throw is successful or the
effect ends for it, the creature is immune to • Magic Resistance. The courtier has
the vassal’s Disturbing Aspect for the next advantage on saving throws against spells
24 hours. and other magical effects.

• Magic Resistance. The vassal has advantage • Toxic Shock. If a creature takes damage from
on saving throws against spells and other a melee weapon attack made by the courtier,
magical effects. it must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute.
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
more, the target is also paralyzed while
poisoned in this way.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in- successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating. immune to the sovereign’s Disturbing Aspect for
the next 24 hours.
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
• Magic Resistance. The sovereign has
• Black Out. The courtier creates an area of
advantage on saving throws against spells
magical darkness to fill a 15-foot-radius sphere
and other magical effects.
centered on a point it chooses within 60
feet of it. The courtier can see through this • Sovereign Fey. The creature is a sovereign
darkness. The darkness remains for 1 minute fey, empowered by a demesne of the faerie
or until the courtier chooses to end the effect realms. The sovereign gains the ability to
(no action required). draw power from its realm to produce
effects called sovereign actions. Sovereign
Slithering Sovereign Template actions are magical effects the sovereign can
create by expending sovereign points.
You can create a sovereign of the Slithering Court by   When a creature becomes a slithering
making the following adjustments to the statistics of sovereign, it gains a pool of sovereign points
any creature. equal to its current Hit Dice maximum and
can never have more sovereign points than
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
its current Hit Dice maximum. Use of a
type in addition to its original creature type.
sovereign action requires the listed action,
Spells and abilities that affect fey now affect the
sovereign point cost, and range restriction
detailed in its description. Sovereign actions
Hit Dice. The creature gains sixteen additional Hit follow the general rules of spellcasting as
Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using detailed in the 5th Edition core rules, and
these Hit Dice. they use Charisma as the spellcasting ability
and for spell attacks, though technically
Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
they are not spells. For the purposes of
increases by 2, its Dexterity score increases by 4, and
determining the strength of a sovereign
it gains 10 ability points. Each ability point can be
action’s magical effects, such effects are
used to increase an ability score of its choice by 1. An
treated as though they were produced by
ability score cannot be increased above 30 using this
spells of 8th level. A creature recovers any
spent sovereign points during a long rest.
Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
• Toxic Shock. If a creature takes damage
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
from a melee weapon attack made by
nonmagical attacks.
the sovereign, it must succeed on a DC 18
Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
to necrotic and poison damage. for 1 hour. If the target fails the saving throw
by 5 or more, the target is also paralyzed
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
while poisoned in this way.
to the charmed, exhaustion, frightened, and poi-
soned conditions. Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus
increases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
and understand Sylvan. Actions. The creature gains the following action.

Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating • Black Out. The sovereign creates an area
increases by 8. of magical darkness to fill a 30-foot-radius
sphere centered on a point it chooses within
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
60 feet of it. The sovereign can see through
• Disturbing Aspect. As a bonus action, the this darkness. The darkness remains for 1
sovereign can target one creature within 60 feet minute or until the sovereign chooses to end
of it that can see it. The target must succeed the effect.
on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or become
frightened of the sovereign for 1 minute. A
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
on a success. If the creature’s saving throw is
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Slithering Sovereign Example Stat Block

The following is an example of the Slithering sovereign template applied to an ettercap.

Slithering Sovereign Ettercap

Medium monstrosity (fey), typically neutral evil

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Toxic Shock. If a creature takes damage from a
Hit Points 132 (24d8 + 24) melee weapon attack made by the ettercap, it must
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or
be poisoned for 1 hour. If the target fails the saving
throw by 5 or more, the target is also paralyzed
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) while poisoned in this way.
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +9, Survival +5
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
ettercap knows the exact location of any other
slashing from nonmagical attacks
creature in contact with the same web.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Web Walker. The ettercap ignores movement
frightened, poisoned restrictions caused by webbing.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Sylvan ACTIONS
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4
Multiattack. The ettercap makes two attacks: one
with its Bite and one with its Claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Disturbing Aspect. As a bonus action, the ettercap
one creature. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage plus
can target one creature within 60 feet of it that can
4 (1d8) poison damage. The target must succeed on
see it. The target must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma
a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
saving throw or become frightened of the ettercap
for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
effect on itself on a success.
itself on a success. If the creature’s saving throw is
successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
immune to the ettercap’s Disturbing Aspect for the one creature. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) slashing damage.
next 24 hours. Black Out. The ettercap creates an area of magical
Magic Resistance. The ettercap has advantage on darkness to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere at a point it
saving throws against spells and other magical chooses within 60 feet of it. The ettercap can see
effects. through this darkness. The darkness remains for
1 minute or until the ettercap chooses to end the
Sovereign Fey. The ettercap is a sovereign fey.
Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
DC 19, +9 to hit with spell attacks), and it has 24 Web (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Weapon Attack:
sovereign points. The ettercap can spend sovereign +9 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one Large or smaller
points to take the following sovereign actions: creature. Hit: The creature is restrained by web-
Cascading Filth, Curse of Rot, Pseudopod, Swarm bing. As an action, the restrained creature can
Symphony, and Wave of Stench. Any spent attempt a DC 18 Strength check, escaping from the
sovereign points are recovered when the ettercap webbing on a success. The effect also ends if the
completes a long rest. webbing is destroyed. The webbing has AC 10, 5 hit
points, vulnerability to fire damage, and immunity
Spider Climb. The ettercap can climb difficult
to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage.
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings,
without needing to make an ability check.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Slithering Sovereign Actions fey (no action required). A swarm disappears when
it drops to 0 hit points.
The list of known Slithering sovereign actions is
presented here in alphabetical order. WAVE OF STENCH
Action: 1 bonus action
Action: 1 action Sovereign Point Cost: 2
Range: 120 feet The sovereign emits a ghastly stench. All creatures
Sovereign Point Cost: 6 who breathe within 15 feet of the sovereign must
The sovereign conjures a wave of putrid filth that attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
crashes down on an area within range. The area can save, a target takes 26 (4d12) poison damage and
be up to 60 feet long, up to 20 feet wide, and up to is incapacitated until the end of its next turn as it
20 feet tall. Each creature in that area must attempt retches and reels. On a successful save, a target takes
a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 39 (6d12) half damage and is not incapacitated.
magical bludgeoning damage and becoming poisoned
until the beginning of the sovereign’s next turn on Withered Court
a failure. On a successful save, a creature takes half
damage and is not poisoned. The following monster templates allow you to
upgrade any existing creature to become a vassal, a
CURSE OF ROT courtier, or the sovereign of the Withered Court.
Action: 1 reaction, which the sovereign fey takes
when a creature comes within its reach Withered Vassal Template
Range: Self
Sovereign Point Cost: 3 You can create a vassal of the Withered Court by
The sovereign makes a melee spell attack against a making the following adjustments to the statistics of
creature within reach. On a hit, the target takes 14 (4d6) any creature.
necrotic damage and becomes cursed for 1 minute.
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
While cursed in this way, the creature must
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
attempt a DC 18 Constitution saving throw at the be-
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
ginning of each of its turns. On a failure, the creature
must roll a d4 to determine additional conditions it Hit Dice. The creature gains two additional Hit Dice
contracts: 1) blinded, 2) deafened, 3) gains one level and recalculates its hit point maximum using these
of exhaustion, 4) poisoned. Hit Dice.
A remove curse spell ends the curse effect but does
Ability Scores. The creature’s Constitution and
not end any conditions contracted during the curse.
Charisma scores both increase by 2. An ability score
cannot be increased above 30 using this feature.
Action: 1 bonus action Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
Range: 60 feet to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
Sovereign Point Cost: 1 nonmagical attacks.
The sovereign fey sends a pseudopod hurtling toward
Damage Immunities. The creature gains immunity
one creature or object within 60 feet of it. When it
to cold damage.
does so, it makes a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the
target takes 26 (4d12) magical bludgeoning damage Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity
and becomes grappled (escape DC 18). Until the to the charmed and frightened conditions.
grapple ends, the target is restrained and has disadvan-
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
tage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
and understand Sylvan.
SWARM SYMPHONY Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
Action: 1 action increases by 1.
Range: 60 feet
Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
Sovereign Point Cost: 5
The sovereign fey conjures 2d4 swarms of insects • Flash Freeze. If a creature takes damage from a
to appear in unoccupied spaces within 60 feet of melee weapon attack made by the vassal, it must
it. The swarms act on their own initiative, but they succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
obey all commands issued to them by the sovereign its speed becomes 0 until the end of its next turn.
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

• Permafrost. If the vassal is hit by a single Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
instance of damage that deals 5 damage or less, creases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
it instead takes no damage.
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus in-
creases to match its adjusted challenge rating. • Reverence. The courtier creates an area of
magical silence to fill a 20-foot-radius sphere at
a point it chooses within 120 feet of it. Creatures
Withered Courtier Template other than the courtier are deafened and cannot
You can create a courtier of the Withered Court by speak while in the area covered by the sphere
making the following adjustments to the statistics of and cannot cast spells that require verbal
any creature. components. The sphere remains for 1 minute or
until the courtier chooses to end the effect.
Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
Withered Sovereign Template
and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.

Hit Dice. The creature gains eight additional Hit Dice You can create a sovereign of the Withered Court by
and recalculates its hit point maximum using these making the following adjustments to the statistics of
Hit Dice. any creature.

Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score Creature Type. The creature gains fey as a creature
increases by 2, and its Constitution score increases type in addition to its original creature type. Spells
by 4. An ability score cannot be increased above 30 and abilities that affect fey now affect the creature.
using this feature. Hit Dice. The creature gains sixteen additional Hit
Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from these Hit Dice.
nonmagical attacks. Ability Scores. The creature’s Charisma score
Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune increases by 2, its Constitution score increases by 4,
to cold damage. and it gains 10 ability points. Each ability point can
be used to increase an ability score of its choice by 1.
Condition Immunities. The creature gains immunity An ability score cannot be increased above 30 using
to the charmed and frightened conditions. this feature.
Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak Damage Resistances. The creature gains resistance
and understand Sylvan. to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating nonmagical attacks.
increases by 4. Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune
Traits. The creature gains the following traits. to cold damage.

• Flash Freeze. If a creature takes damage Condition Immunities. The creature gains im-
from a melee weapon attack made by munity to the charmed, exhaustion, and frightened
the courtier, it must succeed on a DC 14 conditions.
Constitution saving throw or its speed Languages. The creature gains the ability to speak
becomes 0 until the end of its next turn. and understand Sylvan.
If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or
more, the target is also restrained until the Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating
end of its next turn. increases by 8.

• Icy Stare. As a bonus action, the courtier Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
targets one creature it can see within 30 • Flash Freeze. If a creature takes damage
feet of it. If the target can see the courtier, it from a melee weapon attack made by
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving the sovereign, it must succeed on a DC 18
throw or gain one level of exhaustion. Constitution saving throw or its speed
• Permafrost. If the courtier is hit by a single becomes 0 until the end of its next turn.
instance of damage that deals 10 damage or If the target fails the saving throw by 5 of
less, it instead takes no damage. more, the target is also restrained until the
end of its next turn.
Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

• Icy Stare. As a bonus action, the sovereign targets Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold
one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
target can see the sovereign, it must succeed on a a successful one. Creatures who fail the save by 5 or
DC 18 Constitution saving throw or gain one level more also become restrained until the end of their
of exhaustion. next turn.

• Permafrost. If the sovereign is hit by a single CRYSTAL TOMB

instance of damage that deals 12 damage or less,
Action: 1 action
it instead takes no damage.
Range: 150 feet
• Sovereign Fey. The creature is a sovereign fey, Sovereign Point Cost: 6
empowered by a demesne of the faerie realms. The The sovereign forces a creature it can see within 150
sovereign gains the ability to draw power from its feet to attempt a DC 18 Constitution saving throw.
realm to produce effects called sovereign actions. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more,
Sovereign actions are magical effects the sovereign the creature is instantly petrified. Otherwise, a
can create by expending sovereign points. creature that fails the save begins to turn to ice and
  When a creature becomes a withered sovereign, is restrained. The restrained creature must repeat
it gains a pool of sovereign points equal to its the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becom-
current Hit Dice maximum and can never have ing petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a
more sovereign points than its current Hit Dice success. The petrification lasts until the sovereign
maximum. Use of a sovereign action requires chooses to end the effect or the creature is freed by
the listed action, sovereign point cost, and range the greater restoration spell or similar magic.
restriction detailed in its description. Sovereign
actions follow the general rules of spellcasting as FRACTURE
detailed in the 5th Edition core rules, and they use Action: 1 bonus action
Charisma as the spellcasting ability and for spell Range: 120 feet
attacks, though technically they are not spells. Sovereign Point Cost: 5
For the purposes of determining the strength of a The sovereign explodes into a hail of icy shards
sovereign action’s magical effects, such effects are and magically teleports to an unoccupied space
treated as though they were produced by spells of it can see within 120 feet of it. Immediately after
8th level. A creature recovers any spent sovereign it disappears, each creature within 20 feet of the
points during a long rest. space the sovereign left must attempt a DC 18
Dexterity saving throw, taking 55 (10d10) magical
Proficiency. The creature’s proficiency bonus
piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much
increases to match its adjusted challenge rating.
damage on a successful one.
Actions. The creature gains the following action.
• Reverence. The sovereign creates an area of
Action: 1 bonus action
magical silence to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere at
Range: 120 feet
a point it chooses within 120 feet of it. Creatures
Sovereign Point Cost: 1
other than the sovereign are deafened and
The sovereign fey sends a flurry of snow toward one
cannot speak while in the area covered by the
creature or object within 120 feet of it. When it does
sphere and cannot cast spells that require verbal
so, it makes a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target
components. The sphere remains for 1 minute or
takes 26 (4d12) cold damage and has disadvantage
until the sovereign chooses to end the effect.
on attack rolls and Dexterity saving throws until the
end of its next turn.
Withered Sovereign Actions
The list of known Withered sovereign actions is
Action: 1 reaction, which the sovereign takes when it
presented here in alphabetical order.
takes damage or would drop to 0 hit points
Range: Self
Sovereign Point Cost: 2
Action: 1 action
The sovereign heals 26 (4d12) hit points and gains
Range: 30 feet
temporary hit points equal to half that amount.
Sovereign Point Cost: 3
The sovereign exhales a 60-foot cone of frigid air.
Each creature in that area must attempt a DC 18

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Withered Sovereign Example Stat Block

The following is an example of the Withered sovereign template applied to a stone giant.

Withered Sovereign Stone Giant

Huge giant (fey), typically neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) The giant can spend sovereign points to take the
Hit Points 364 (27d12 + 189) following sovereign actions: Breath of Winter, Crystal
Speed 40 ft. Tomb, Frostbite, Fracture, and Harden Heart. Any
spent sovereign points are recovered when the giant
completes a long rest.
14 (+2) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Stone Camouflage. The giant has advantage on
Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +12, Wis +7
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in rocky
Skills Athletics +12, Perception +7
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks ACTIONS
Damage Immunities cold
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, Multiattack. The giant makes two Greatclub attacks.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
15 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning
Languages Giant, Sylvan
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +5
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
TRAITS range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 29 (4d10 + 7)
bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it
Flash Freeze. If a creature takes damage from a melee
must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be
weapon attack made by the giant, it must succeed on a
knocked prone.
DC 18 Constitution saving throw or its speed becomes
0 until the end of its next turn. If the target fails the Reverence. The giant creates an area of magical
saving throw by 5 of more, the target is also restrained silence to fill a 30-foot-radius sphere at a point it
until the end of its next turn. chooses within 120 feet of it. Creatures other than
the giant are deafened and cannot speak while in
Icy Stare. As a bonus action, the giant targets one
the area covered by the sphere and cannot cast spells
creature it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target can
that require verbal components. The sphere remains
see the giant, it must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution
for 1 minute or until the giant chooses to end the
saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.
Permafrost. If the giant is hit by a single instance of
damage that deals 12 damage or less, it instead takes REACTIONS
no damage.
Rock Catching. If a rock or similar object is hurled
Sovereign Fey. The giant is a sovereign fey. Its at the giant, the giant can, with a successful DC 10
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +9 to Dexterity saving throw, catch the missile and take no
hit with spell attacks), and it has 27 sovereign points. bludgeoning damage from it.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Native Bestiary
The following pages include descriptions and stat Arnaki
blocks for various inhabitants of the Planes. They are
presented in alphabetical order. Arnaki are shapeshifters born from the fatigue of
restless travelers. Arnaki delight in lulling mortals to
sleep with stories and traveling the world to collect
Stat Blocks anecdotes for their tales. These fey possess unique

by Creature Type shapeshifting abilities that allow them to travel with

relative ease through the Mortal Realm.
Born of Weariness. Weary travelers who pause too
Here are the creatures in this chapter sorted by close to a faerie crossing may unwittingly summon an
creature type. arnaki. These good-natured fey dutifully grant mortals
the rest they desire and actively seek exhausted
Construct creatures in need of a bedtime tale. Of course, lulling
travelers into magical deep sleep leaves them defense-
Living spellbook less, but arnaki are incapable of thinking through
the consequences of their actions. This inherent lack
Fey of awareness makes arnaki the perfect unwitting
minions for more devious fey creatures.
Arnaki Natural Storytellers. Arnaki stories are nonsensi-
cal, filled with excessive detail and inscrutable
Deathless plotlines. As an arnaki ages, its tales become more
Faerie guardian complicated as it incorporates new people and places
Feather witch Arnaki
Magnophyta caster
Magnophyta warrior
Mender mindsie
Master mindsie
Nuska swarm

Empire legionnaire
Empire warmage

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

it has encountered. Occasionally, a well-traveled

arnaki needs to halt its mission to sort through the Sheep Form
vast amount of information it has acquired. When this
happens, the arnaki finds a flock of sheep in a quiet
town or pasture, then shapeshifts to hide among them
for a few days. The fey uses this rest to review all the
events experienced since its last break, counting the
number of new details to add to its stories.
Sleeping Servants. Because arnaki possess an
innate talent for putting creatures to sleep, they
often befriend members of the Sleeping Court,
though they rarely possess the dedication to become
members themselves. Following the trail of an arnaki
is an excellent way to locate dreaming mortals—for
purposes fair or foul. It is not uncommon to find
arnaki in the company of figments, nuska, or mind-
sies. Though arnaki delight in the company of others,
they are loath to travel with others of their kind. The
presence of two or more arnaki inevitably devolves
into a chaotic competition as each tries to focus the
audience's attention on their own story. Only mutual
service to a much stronger-willed fey can force arnaki
together for a substantial amount of time.

Small fey (shapechanger), typically chaotic good

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving

Hit Points 21 (6d6) throw or be knocked prone.
Speed 40 ft.
Shapechanger. The arnaki can use its action to poly-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA morph into a Small sheep, or back into its true form. Its
12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it
is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to
Skills Perception +3, Performance +4
its true form if it dies.
Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 ACTIONS
Languages Common, Sylvan
Challenge 1 (200 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2 Slam (True Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning
TRAITS damage.

Bedtime Story (True Form Only). If the arnaki tells Ram (Sheep Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to
a story for at least 1 minute, it chooses up to four hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) bludgeoning
creatures within 60 feet of it who listen the entire damage.
time and attempts to lull them into magical slumber.
Sympathetic Yawn. The arnaki emits a yawn that
Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving
induces slumber. Creatures of its choice within 30 feet
throw or fall unconscious for 8 hours until the sleeper
of it that can see and hear the arnaki must succeed on
takes damage or someone uses an action to wake it.
a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become drowsy. A
If a target remains asleep for the entire duration, it
drowsy creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and
receives the benefits of a long rest. This ability does not
ability checks until the end of its next turn, at which
affect undead and creatures that can’t be magically put
point it can repeat the saving throw. On a success, the
to sleep.
creature is no longer drowsy and is immune to the
Charge (Sheep Form Only). If the arnaki moves at arnaki’s Sympathetic Yawn for the next 24 hours. On
least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it a failure, the creature falls unconscious for 1 minute,
with a Ram attack on the same turn, the target takes until it takes damage, or until someone uses an action
an extra 5 (2d4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is to wake it.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Deathless are desiccated creatures transformed NESTING DOLL
by a failed attempt to achieve immortality. Not Each doll is a Tiny object with AC 17 and
quite dead, but barely recognizable as living, a 15 hit points. When a creature dies within
deathless must drain life essence from other 5 feet of a doll without a soul, it steals
creatures to restore a semblance of its former the creature’s soul. A stolen soul remains
appearance. trapped until the doll is destroyed or a
Cursed Alchemy. Rather than be satisfied with deathless chooses to release it. A creature
the longevity of their kind, some mortals of fey whose soul is stolen cannot recover hit
ancestry seek immortality through unnatural means. points or be returned to life by magic.
The result of such experimentation is an affliction
that causes the body to wither but provides an
opportunity to seize eternal life. dolls fashioned after its former likeness. There
Soul Thief. When a being is transformed into a are always five dolls in this set, and once all five
deathless, it has exactly one year to find and bind a receive a bound soul, the deathless is granted
remarkable mortal soul. If it fails, its twisted body immortality. As long as at least one doll holding
crumbles to dust, and the deathless is permanently a soul is intact, a deathless cannot be killed
destroyed. However, if the deathless successfully (unless they fail to collect a new soul within the
repeats this process five times, binding at least one year). Consequently, deathless are obsessed with
worthy soul each year, its former appearance is keeping the dolls safe from harm. If a doll holding
restored, and it becomes immortal. a soul is destroyed, a deathless must carve a new
Dark Effigies. To ensure its survival, a set and begin the cycle of hunting for souls all
deathless first carves a set of magical nesting over again.

Medium fey, typically neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) life in 5 days. When it does so, the deathless reforms
Hit Points 119 (14d8 + 56) within 5 feet of the nesting doll (if multiple dolls con-
Speed 30 ft. tain souls, the deathless chooses which).


18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1)
Multiattack. The deathless makes three weapon attacks.
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +5
It can replace one of these with Soul-Stealing Touch.
Skills Arcana +8, Insight +7, Perception +7
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, Death Blow. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
and slashing from nonmagical attacks 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage
Damage Immunities poison plus 11 (2d10) necrotic damage.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Death Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
120 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d10 + 2) necrotic damage.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Common, Sylvan Soul-Stealing Touch. The deathless targets one crea-
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4 ture within 5 feet of it that isn’t a construct or an un-
dead. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Intelligence
TRAITS saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by
22 (4d10) and the deathless gains an equal number
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the deathless fails a
of temporary hit points. This reduction lasts until the
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
target finishes a short or long rest. The target dies if
Regeneration. The deathless regains 20 hit points at its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. A humanoid
the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and all slain in this way has its soul ripped from its body and
its nesting dolls are intact. teleported into the deathless’s set of nesting dolls. A
creature whose soul is trapped in this fashion can-
Soul Bound. If the deathless is reduced to 0 hit points
not be resurrected by any means as long as the dolls
or its body is destroyed but at least one nesting doll
remain intact.
with a bound soul is intact, the deathless returns to

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Empire Soldiers the end, but the ones who do emerge as unstoppable
bulwarks of force capable of defending themselves
The Eldrin Empire boasts an impressive military of and everyone around them. For more information
elite soldiers trained to combat mortal armies and about the role of legionnaires in the Eldrin Empire,
creatures poised to invade the realm. While foot see Chapter 2: Mortal Realm.
soldiers form most of the empire’s armed forces,
two types of specialized fighters have helped Empire Warmage
the nation emerge victorious after centuries of The Eldrin Empire has no shortage of talented mages.
warfare. Still, the casters who work in tandem with soldiers
on the field of battle undergo extensive training
Empire Legionnaire to hone their mental and physical capabilities.
Legionnaires are elite ground troops trained to fight Warmages learn to sculpt their spells with incredible
in the most unfavorable conditions. Few individuals precision, but they must also undergo field training
can see the legionnaire’s brutal training through to to ensure their survival on the field of battle.

Empire Legionnaire Empire Warmage

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield) Armor Class 15 (with mage armor)
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +5, Con +6 Saving Throws Con +4, Int +7, Wis +4
Skills Athletics +10, Perception +4, Survival +4 Skills Arcana +7, Athletics +4, Perception +4,
Senses passive Perception 14 Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Common Sign, Sylvan Languages Common, Common Sign, Sylvan
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3 Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3

Hold the Line. While standing within 10 feet of an Hold the Line. While standing within 10 feet of an
ally, the legionnaire has advantage on saving throws ally, the warmage has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed or frightened. against being charmed or frightened.

ACTIONS Spellcasting. The warmage is a 9th-level spellcaster.

Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
Multiattack. The legionnaire makes three melee 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). The warmage has the
weapon attacks or two ranged weapon attacks. following wizard spells prepared:
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach Cantrips (at will): acid splash, firebolt,
5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 8 ray of frost, shocking grasp
(1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands. 1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): acid arrow, gust of wind,
Shield. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
scorching ray
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball,
the target is pushed 5 feet away from the legionnaire.
lightning bolt
If the target is pushed to within 5 feet of a creature
4th level (3 slots): dimension door, ice storm
friendly to the legionnaire, the target provokes an
5th level (1 slot): cone of cold
opportunity attack from that creature.
Tactical Caster. When the warmage casts a spell that
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
causes damage, it can choose itself and any number of
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 +
allies to be immune to the damage caused by the spell.
4) piercing damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage if
used with two hands to make a melee attack. ACTIONS
REACTIONS Multispell. When the warmage uses its action to cast
Living Bulwark. When an ally within 5 feet of the a spell, it can also cast a cantrip.
legionnaire is hit by an attack or targeted by a spell, Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
the legionnaire can use its reaction to cause the 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage, or
attack or spell to target it instead. 5 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Faerie Guardian
When a mortal is born, several things can cause a faerie FAERIE GUARDIAN ITEMS
guardian to form. Some are intentionally called by ritu- A faerie guardian carries two very rare
als cast upon a pregnant mortal. Others are summoned magic items usable only by itself.
when a remarkable child needs to be protected, but the Favor Token. A faerie guardian can
most powerful are bound by a dying wish. spend 1 minute enchanting any object that
Godparent. Faerie guardians are imbued with fits within a humanoid hand. After that,
magical powers that they use to act as a godparent any creature that holds this favor token
to a humanoid creature. A guardian is preoccupied can telepathically communicate with the
with the well-being and fortune of their protégé, but guardian if they are on the same plane of
a selfless personality is not guaranteed. Guardians existence. A guardian can only have one
can resent their position or make their charges’ such token active at a time.
lives miserable in the name of “assistance.” Faerie Wishing Star. This iridescent, star-shaped
guardians determine the most appropriate way to stone allows a faerie guardian to bend the na-
help their charges, which doesn’t always match ture of reality, mimicking the effect of a wish
typical mortal methods. spell. Crafting a wishing star takes 1 year, and
Unique Beings. The appearance of faerie guardians a guardian can only have one star at any one
varies depending on their personality and on the time. The length of time required to craft a
needs of their charges. They can alter their forms at wishing star makes the item invaluable to
will but usually have a preferred appearance that can the faerie guardian, and if it is lost, a guard-
manifest as anything from large beasts to unassuming ian goes to great lengths to retrieve it.
humanoids to glowing bodies formed from pure light.

Faerie Guardian
Medium fey, any alignment

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Innate Spellcasting. The faerie guardian’s innate
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
material components:
At will: detect magic, mending, minor illusion,
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) thaumaturgy
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +5, Cha +8 2/day each: invisibility, polymorph, remove curse
Skills Arcana +4, Deception +8, Insight +5 1/day each: plane shift (self only)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
Magic Resistance. The faerie guardian has advantage
slashing from nonmagical attacks
on saving throws against spells and other magical
Damage Immunities radiant
Condition Immunities charmed
Senses passive Perception 12 Shapechanger. The faerie guardian can use its action
Languages Common, Sylvan to polymorph into a Small or Medium creature of its
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3 choice or back into its true form. Other than its size, its
statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it
TRAITS is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to
its true form if it dies.
Guardian. A faerie guardian must always have one
humanoid creature as its charge. If a guardian’s charge ACTIONS
is killed, the guardian immediately dies. The guardian
instinctively knows the location, physical state, and Multiattack. The faerie guardian makes one Rapier
emotional state of its charge as long as they remain attack and one Shooting Star attack.
on the same plane of existence. If the charge is on a
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
different plane of existence, the guardian knows which
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8)
plane, but not the exact location. This feature ceases
radiant damage.
to function if the charge is shielded by spells or effects
that would prevent divination spells or other forms of Shooting Star. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range
magical detection. 60 ft., one target. Hit: 23 (4d8 + 5) radiant damage.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

A fancy is a creature born from the feeling of freedom Medium fey, typically unaligned
that comes from dancing with wild abandon. These
creatures are driven to seek others who can match Armor Class 15 (with mage armor)
their intense desire for uninhibited motion. Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18)
Fun and Free. Fancies are driven to dance but Speed 30 ft.
cannot bear dancing alone. Unfortunately, most STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
creatures they dance with can’t move for as long as a
18 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
fancy can. In the rare instance that two fancies meet,
Saving Throws Str +6, Dex +4
it’s theorized that they’ll continue to dance together
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +6,
until the end of time.
Performance +4
Endless Music. The fancy’s long, spindly limbs
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened,
endlessly bob and sway to the music that constantly
pours out of its tassel-like ears. Upon hearing this
Senses passive Perception 11
music, other creatures are compelled to join the
Languages Sylvan
fancy in its wild dance. Creatures overtaken by this Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2
compulsion become trapped, dropping dead from
exhaustion if they are unable to free themselves. TRAITS
Dealing with a fancy requires careful preparation.
A creature must find a reliable way to prevent Entrancing Melody. When a creature that can
itself from hearing the song and discover a way to hear the fancy starts its turn within 30 feet of it,
it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw
soundlessly communicate since fancies can't hear
or become charmed by the fancy. While a creature
anything above the din of their own music.
is charmed in this way, it is restrained while it
Last Call. Fancies are attracted to the Mortal Realm
dances wildly in place. A dancing creature can
by creatures unable or unwilling to let a party end.
use its action to repeat the saving throw, ending
Festivals and carnivals of excess are likely to draw the
the charmed effect on a success. A creature that
attention of a wandering fancy, and its unfortunate
succeeds on this save is immune to Entrancing
victims are usually found only after the revels finally Melody for 24 hours.
end, presumed to have dropped dead from sheer
exhaustion. ACTIONS
Multiattack. The fancy makes two Kick attacks.
Fancy It can replace one Kick with Endless Waltz.
Kick. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning
Endless Waltz. The fancy moves up to its speed
without provoking opportunity attacks. As part
of this movement, it can attempt to grapple any
Large or smaller creature within 5 feet of its
path. A grappled creature (escape DC 14) must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
at the end of each turn or gain one level of
exhaustion. A fancy can only have one creature
grappled at a time.

Swing. While the fancy is grappling a creature, it
can force a different creature within 5 feet of it to
attempt a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, the target and the grappled creature take 9
(2d8) bludgeoning damage.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Feather Witch Bird Form. In their natural state, feather witches

resemble giant birds. Each witch has a different
A feather witch is a fey creature who captivates appearance, but all are compelled to create magic
children with delightful tales, songs, and rhymes birds modeled after their own form. A feather witch
before ultimately capturing them and transforming that appears as a giant goose transforms children into
them into birds. geese, while a witch that appears as a black bird may
Aviary Keepers. Feather witches always keep a create a murder of ravens. The transformed creatures
lair where they can transform captured children become mindless beasts, forgetting their past lives to
and keep them caged. These aviaries of unfortunate become dutiful servants of their captors.
victims are precious to each witch, so they are Wicked Wards. Feather witches only collect
typically well-hidden and always warded by wicked children. A traveling witch may observe a vil-
protective magic. Remote forest cottages, caves, or lage for days or weeks before choosing a spoiled or ill-
abandoned towers are all excellent candidates for a behaved victim. After finding the perfect prize, they
feather witch’s lair. lure the child back to their lair for transformation.

Feather Witch
Medium fey, typically neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft. in humanoid form; 30 ft., fly 60 ft. in Multiattack. The feather witch makes two weapon
hybrid form attacks and casts one cantrip.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Beak (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +7
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4).
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Skills Animal Handling +4, Deception +6, Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Perception +4, Performance +6 target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, or 13 (2d8
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and + 4) bludgeoning damage when used with two hands.
slashing from nonmagical attacks Storyteller’s Charm. The witch targets one humanoid
Senses passive Perception 14 within 30 feet of it that can hear and see it. The target
Languages Common, Sylvan must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3 magically charmed by the feather witch.
Each time the witch or its allies do anything harm-
TRAITS ful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw, end-
ing the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the
Innate Spellcasting. The feather witch’s innate
effect lasts 24 hours or until the feather witch dies,
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15,
the witch ends the effect (no action required), or the
+6 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the
witch moves more than 300 feet away from the tar-
following spells, requiring no material components:
get (whichever comes first). If a target’s saving throw
At will: eldritch blast, hideous laughter,
is successful, the target is immune to the witch’s
Storyteller’s Charm for the next 24 hours.
3/day each: expeditious retreat, feather fall,
If a creature remains charmed by the witch for 24
consecutive hours, it transforms into a Medium or
1/day each: guards and wards, magic mouth
smaller bird of the witch’s choice. A creature trans-
Kindred Soul. The feather witch can understand formed in this way replaces all its game statistics
and be understood by all winged beasts, regardless with that of the new form and is under the witch’s
of whether they can normally speak a language. control.
The witch also has advantage on Wisdom (Animal Only a wish spell or similarly potent magic can
Handling) checks made to interact with such return a transformed creature to its original form.
Summon Flock (1/Day). The feather witch magically
Shapechanger. The feather witch polymorphs into calls 3d6 birds (use blood hawk statistics). The called
a bird-humanoid hybrid or back into its humanoid creatures arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting as allies of the
form. Its statistics, other than its speed, are the feather witch and obeying its spoken commands. The
same in each form. It reverts to its hybrid form if it beasts remain for 1 hour, until the feather witch dies,
dies. or until it dismisses them as a bonus action.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Figments are fey born from the vivid dream activity
of creatures who fall asleep in the Wildes. They
resemble tiny sparks of color repeatedly blooming
to life, with a narrow beak peeking out of the
Imagination Siphon. Figments are drawn to
powerful dreamers to feed on their imaginations.
Once a figment has consumed a creature’s dream,
it can bring to life any creatures and objects it has
tasted. When an area is devoid of any dreamers
or a figment is driven away by a bigger fey, it can
temporarily sustain itself with its own dreams until
it finds a suitable host.
Particular Prey. Few true fey are capable of
dreaming, so figments typically reside where mortal
creatures are more likely to be found. Swarms of
figments may lurk at established crossing points
into the faerie realm or infest the few mortal-
friendly communities that exist in the Wildes.
Figments that cross into the Mortal Realm are
often mistaken for other ghostly creatures, like
Reflections of Reflection. The colors and
disposition of a figment reflect the thoughts of the
last creature upon which it fed. A figment fed by an
evil creature might crackle with red energy and act
hyper aggressively, while a figment fed by a happy
dreamer may complacently sparkle with calming
blue light.

Tiny fey, typically any chaotic alignment

Armor Class 15 creature can use its action to examine the illusion and
Hit Points 42 (17d4) locate the figment with a successful DC 13 Intelligence
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) (Investigation) check. On a success, the figment is no
longer invisible.
1 (−5) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 7 (−2) 20 (+5) Innate Spellcasting. The figment’s innate spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately
Skills Insight +2, Investigation +3
cast the following spells, requiring no material
Condition Immunities charmed, prone
Senses truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 8
At will: color spray, mage hand, minor illusion
Languages Sylvan, telepathy 30 ft.
1/day each: dream, major image
Challenge 2 (450 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2
Brain Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
Hide and Seek. The figment can use a bonus action
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) psychic damage.
on its turn to combine with the form of a Huge or
smaller object or creature that is part of an ongoing Dream Sculpt. The figment reshapes an ongoing
illusion. When it does so, the figment becomes invisible illusion spell it can see (using the spell’s normal
to creatures that cannot see through illusions. A parameters for the illusion).

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Living Spellbook object in view during their awakening. Names like

Gem, Bookmark, Quill, and Ink Pot are all common.
Living spellbooks are constructs created to serve See the create living spellbook spell in chapter 1 for
spellcasters. These unique beings are most often information about how to create a living spellbook.
found in the company of archmages, performing a
variety of secretarial tasks. Living spellbooks can
Living Spellbook
perform all rote functions of a standard spellbook
and even cast spells on behalf of their masters.
This quality makes them uniquely capable to deal
with problems their creators are too busy to deal
Arcane Servants. A living spellbook exists only to
serve the whims of its master. Those who can afford
the magical cost and requirement to maintain a
living spellbook are usually the magic elite. Because
of their specialized nature, they are most often
employed by court magicians, academy wizards,
or other individuals who no longer heed the call of
Evolving Personalities. Most living spellbooks
come into existence as a blank slate with little to
distinguish themselves from the tasks they are set
to perform. However, as a living spellbook ages, it
develops quirks and personality traits that often
reflect those of its creator.
Spellbook Names. Most creators view living
spellbooks as tools of efficiency, so the constructs
are rarely given creative names. A living spellbook’s
name typically reflects their function or perhaps an

Living Spellbook
Medium construct, typically neutral

Armor Class 13 Spell Storing. When commanded by its creator, or

Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32) when a situation arises that the living spellbook’s
Speed 30 ft. creator predefined, the living spellbook can cast any of
the spells written on its skin, requiring no components
(spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). When
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 7 (−2) a spell is cast in this way, it is erased from the living
Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning, spellbook and must be written onto the skin before it
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks can be used again.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Spellbook. A spellcaster who creates the living spell-
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
book can use the living spellbook in place of a regular
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
spellbook. New spells can be copied directly onto the
Languages speaks the languages of its creator but can
skin of a living spellbook as a caster would copy spells
read all languages
onto pages. While studying and preparing spells, the liv-
Challenge 2 (450 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2
ing spellbook assists with recitation and memorization.
Immutable Form. The living spellbook is immune to
Multiattack. The living spellbook makes two Paper
any spell or effect that would alter its form.
Cut attacks.
Magic Resistance. The living spellbook has advantage
Paper Cut. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
on saving throws against spells and other magical
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Magnophyta are sentient bipedal plants that build
communities regulated by a highly complex caste
system. Their kingdoms stretched across the Wildes
in times long gone, but never-ending political
squabbles have caused them to fall far from their
previous influence.
Floral Heads. The most attention-grabbing feature
of the magnophyta are their blossom-shaped heads,
which can resemble any species of flowering plant.
The color, shape, and scent of their heads are points
of pride to every magnophyta, and their physical
characteristics dictate their role in society.
Complex Politics. The factors that dictate what
type of blossom head is best suited for what role
are many and extremely complicated. The intricate
rules of this system are largely impossible for other
creatures to comprehend. However, magnophyta are
obsessed with etiquette, and outsiders who commit
a social faux pas (intentional or not) are swiftly met
with fey justice.
Powered by the Sun. Magnophyta, like their
non-sentient plant cousins, require sunlight to

Magnophyta Warrior
Medium fey, typically lawful neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) to the frightened condition. This effect is suppressed
Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9) while the magnophyta is incapacitated.
Speed 30 ft. Rose – Armor of Thorns. A creature that touches
the magnophyta or hits it with a melee attack while
within 5 feet of it takes 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
14 (+2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)
Leaf on the Wind. The magnophyta’s leaf-covered
Skills Acrobatics +5, Intimidation +4, Perception +4
arms can function as wings to slow its fall or allow
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
it to glide. When the magnophyta falls and isn’t
Languages Sylvan
incapacitated, it can subtract up to 100 feet from
Challenge 3 (700 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2
the fall when calculating falling damage. It can
TRAITS move up to 2 feet horizontally for every 1 foot it
Aversion to Fire. If the magnophyta takes fire damage,   Additionally, in conditions of moderate or
it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks stronger winds (at least 10 miles per hour), the
until the end of its next turn. magnophyta gains a flying speed of 60 feet while
not moving against the direction of the wind.
Grown for War. The warrior caste of magnophyta
society is comprised of various kinds of flowers, each
granting one of the following traits.
Daisy – Mantle of Innocence. Any creature Multiattack. The magnophyta makes two weapon
that targets the magnophyta with an attack or a attacks.
harmful spell must first attempt a DC 12 Wisdom
Blade of Grass. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
saving throw, with advantage if the magnophyta has
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage.
attacked it in the last 24 hours. On a failed save, the
creature must choose a new target or lose the attack Livingwood Greatbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5
or spell. to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3)
Gladiolus – Blooms of Bravery. The magnophyta piercing damage.
and friendly creatures within 10 feet of it are immune

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

survive. This restriction means that magnophyta plant varieties, which often gives them unique
communities thrive only in particular regions appearances that set them apart from common
of the Wildes. They are much more likely to stay varieties of magnophyta.
rooted than wander as frequently as other fey do.
Magnophyta Warrior
Magnophyta Caster While there are substantially more magnophyta war-
Magnophyta casters are the smallest caste of riors than casters, they still account for just a small
magnophyta society, born with unique biologi- portion of magnophyta society. Like casters, warriors
cal processes that allow them to use sunlight to are meticulously bred to demonstrate traits ideal for
synthesize magic. Each caster is engineered through battle. Warriors tend to have smaller or less vivid
generations of careful breeding, so they tend to blooms than other magnophyta, with bodies com-
spend little time with other magnophyta. Due to posed of thick or bark-like stems and significantly
the unique genetic traits required to cast magic, more leaf growth.
magnophyta casters are always hybrids of flowering

Magnophyta Caster
Medium fey, typically lawful neutral

Armor Class 12 (16 with barkskin) from the magnophyta’s spells, the creature must
Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16) succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or have its
Speed 30 ft. speed reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn.
Sunflower – Solar Power. Using its Innate
Spellcasting trait, the magnophyta can cast the bless
8 (−1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
spell at will, the guiding bolt spell thrice per day, and
Skills Arcana +5, Nature +5, Perception +4, the dawn spell once per day. Additionally, whenever a
Persuasion +7 creature takes radiant damage from the magnophyta’s
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 spells, the creature must succeed on a DC 15
Languages Sylvan Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3 of its next turn.

TRAITS Innate Spellcasting. The magnophyta’s innate

spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15,
Aversion to Fire. If the magnophyta takes fire damage, +7 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the
it has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks following spells, requiring no material components:
until the end of its next turn. At will: gust of wind, speak with plants, thorn whip
Grown for War. The caster caste of magnophyta (11th level)
society is comprised of various kinds of flowers, each 3/day each: barkskin, entangle, fog cloud, goodberry
granting one of the following traits. 1/day each: control winds, freedom of movement
Carnelian – Wildfire (1/Turn). The magnophyta is Leaf on the Wind. The magnophyta’s leaf-covered
unaffected by its Aversion to Fire trait. Using its Innate arms can function as wings to slow its fall or allow
Spellcasting trait, the magnophyta casts the burning it to glide. When the magnophyta falls and isn’t
hands spell at will, the scorching ray spell thrice per incapacitated, it can subtract up to 100 feet from the
day, and the fire shield spell once per day. Additionally, fall when calculating falling damage and can move up
whenever a creature takes fire damage from the to 2 feet horizontally for every 1 foot it descends.
magnophyta’s spells, the magnophyta can cause the Additionally, in conditions of moderate or stronger
fire to leap from the target to a different creature that winds (at least 10 miles per hour), the magnophyta
it can see within 10 feet of the first target. The second gains a flying speed of 60 feet while not moving
creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving against the direction of the wind.
throw or take half as much damage as the original
target. The second creature cannot have been affected ACTIONS
by the original spell.
Thornwhip (11th-Level Cantrip). Melee Weapon
Snowbell – Winter’s Rime. Using its Innate
Attack: +7 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6)
Spellcasting trait, the magnophyta can cast the ice
piercing damage, and if the target is a Large or smaller
knife spell at will, the snowball swarm spell thrice
creature, the magnophyta may pull it up to 10 feet
per day, and the cone of cold spell once per day.
closer to itself.
Additionally, whenever a creature takes cold damage

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Marionettist Soul Vessels. Since marionettists remain part

effigy, there is always a chance that a wayward
A marionettist creates spellbinding performances us- dying soul might be drawn into them. Unfortunate
ing lively puppets animated by magic. Though some marionettists can have multiple souls trapped
use their talents to bring joy to an audience, others within them at one time, which causes their minds
simply use the puppets to cope with the unfortunate to fracture as multiple personalities manifest and
circumstances of their creation. fight for dominance. Creating different puppets
Effigy Masters. Marionettists create intricate to represent each personality trapped within can
puppets to use in their performances, but they are help a marionettist sort through the mental noise
also one of the few beings able to create effigies of multiple souls, so an affected fey may speak
capable of housing fey souls (for more information through a particular puppet to communicate one
on effigies, see chapter 3). This talent makes kind of information and only communicate a
them highly sought by hopeful fey parents, but different kind of information through another.
marionettists are rarely willing to perform such a
Imperfect Beings. Marionettists are created
when the soul of a dying fey jumps into an incom-
plete or improperly prepared effigy. Such upsets are
rare, but when they do occur, the result is a half- The way the marionettist interacts with
finished transfiguration into a marionettist. Fey the world through its various puppets is
parents are rarely pleased to see their efforts fall to unique and can lead to interesting inter-
ruin, so the origins of a marionettist are typically actions, but such interactions need to be
painful. handled with care. Associating distinct
personalities or identities with different
emotional states or objects can happen
in our real world as a response to trauma.
Therefore, it is a good idea to cover mental
health conditions (specifically dissocia-
tive identity disorder) using the safety
tools resources found in chapter 4 before
introducing the psychological aspects of
the marionettist into your game. If you
want to avoid introducing the darker
themes discussed in the marionettist’s
entry, we recommend discarding its lore
entirely and creating something new that
best suits the world of your game.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Medium fey, typically chaotic neutral

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) 1. Harlequin. The marionette selects one target it can
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on
Speed 30 ft. a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or perceive everything
as hilariously funny. The target falls prone, becoming
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA incapacitated and unable to stand until the end of its
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) next turn. A creature with an Intelligence score of 4 or
Skills Arcana +6, Performance +8, Sleight of Hand +7 less isn’t affected.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and 2. Wizard. The marionette creates three glowing darts
slashing from nonmagical attacks of magical force. Each dart hits one target within 30 feet
Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened, of it. A dart deals 1d4 + 1 force damage to its target. The
petrified, poisoned darts all strike the same target simultaneously.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 3. Spider. The marionette conjures a mass of thick, sticky
Languages Common, Sylvan webbing within 30 feet of it. The webs fill a 10-foot cube
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4 from that point until the end of the marionette’s next
turn. The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure the
TRAITS area. Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or en-
Immutable Form. The marionettist is immune to any ters them during its turn must attempt a DC 14 Dexterity
spell or effect that would alter its form. saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained
as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free.
Magic Resistance. The marionettist has advantage on
A creature restrained by the webs can use its action to
saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
attempt a DC 15 Strength check. If it succeeds, it is no lon-
Magic Weapons. The marionettist’s weapon attacks are ger restrained. The webs are flammable. Any 5-foot cube
magical. of webs exposed to fire burns away immediately, dealing
1d4 fire damage to any creature in the fire.
4. Snake. The marionette creates a twisting pattern of
Multiattack. The marionettist makes two weapon colors that weaves through the air inside a 10-foot cube
attacks and uses Animate Marionette. within 30 feet of it. The pattern appears for a moment,
then vanishes. Each creature in the area who sees the
Scissors. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
pattern must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage.
or become charmed until the end of its next turn. While
Wire. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 30/60 charmed by this spell, the creature is incapacitated and
ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage, has a speed of 0. The spell ends for an affected creature if
and the target must succeed on a DC 15 Strength or it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to
Dexterity check (target’s choice) or become restrained. shake the creature out of its stupor.
A restrained target can use its action to repeat the
5. Skunk. The marionette creates a 10-foot-radius sphere
save and is no longer restrained on a success. While a
of yellow, nauseating gas centered on a point within 30
creature is restrained, the marionettist can’t use its Wire
feet of it. The cloud spreads around corners, and its area
on another target.
is heavily obscured. The cloud lingers in the air until the
Animate Marionette. The marionettist produces one end of the marionette’s next turn. Each creature that
magically enchanted marionette in a space within 5 is completely within the cloud at the start of its turn
feet of it. Once produced, the marionette becomes a must attempt a DC 15 Constitution saving throw against
creature under the marionettist’s control for 10 minutes poison. On a failed save, the creature spends its action
or until the marionette is reduced to 0 hit points. Once a that turn retching and reeling. Creatures that don’t
marionettist summons a particular type of marionette, need to breathe or are immune to poison automatically
it cannot summon that type again for 24 hours. succeed on this saving throw.
As a bonus action, the marionettist can command any
6. Honey Pot Bear. The marionette opens a honey pot
or all active marionettes at the same time.
from which swarming, biting locusts fill a 10-foot-radius
A marionette is a Tiny construct with AC 18, 20 hit
sphere within 30 feet of it. The sphere spreads around
points, STR 4, DEX 18, CON 1, INT 3, WIS 3, and CHA 1.
corners, and its area is lightly obscured. The sphere re-
It has a speed of 30 feet and has blindsight out to a
mains until the end of the marionette’s next turn, and the
range of 30 feet. It has +8 to hit and deals 6 (1d4 + 4)
sphere’s area is difficult terrain. When the area appears,
force damage. Each type of marionette also has an action
each creature in it must attempt a DC 15 Constitution sav-
that recharges on a roll of 5–6.
ing throw, taking 2d10 piercing damage on a failed save or
When the marionettist uses this feature, choose or
half as much damage on a successful one. A creature must
roll which marionette it summons from the following
also attempt this saving throw when it enters the effect’s
area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Mindsies are fey with soft, pillowy bodies and Small fey, typically lawful good
limbs that swivel without elbows or knees.
Sprouting from their wide foreheads are three Armor Class 11
horns that resemble a crown. Hit Points 7 (2d6)
Curious Mind. Mindsies are drawn to thinking Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)
and understanding. These fey collect information STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
by connecting their minds with other creatures
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 8 (−1) 8 (−1)
to learn more about their surroundings and
Damage Resistances psychic
how to survive within them. In exchange for
Senses passive Perception 9
knowledge, mindsies offer counsel for troubling
Languages Common, Sylvan, telepathy 30 ft.
thoughts. Powerful mindsies can even tap into
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2
recurring nightmares and reshape them into more
manageable dreams. TRAITS
Calming Crown. When threatened, a mindsie
can “crown” an imposing creature and suppress Damage Transfer. While attached to a creature,
hostility until there’s an opportunity to escape the mindsie takes half the damage dealt to it
or the creature comes to its senses. Mindsies are (rounded down), and the attached creature takes
born with an innate understanding that delving the rest.
into the minds of others can potentially cause Innate Spellcasting. The mindsie’s innate
grave harm, so all are bound to a collective rule spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
that crowning is only acceptable in self-defense or 12). It can innately cast detect thoughts at will,
when used therapeutically. requiring no material components.
Mindsie Crown. A creature that starts its turn
Mender Mindsies attached to a mindsie must succeed on a DC 12
Mindsies that focus on healing become mender mind- Wisdom saving throw or it can only take actions
sies, letting their crowns droop down into glowing chosen by the mindsie until the beginning of its
tentacles that are warm to the touch. Their presence next turn.
alone is soothing, but their ability to deescalate
conflict is unrivaled. Mender mindsies are called ACTIONS
upon when powerful fey struggle with nightmares.
Crowning. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
Their ability to heal minds ensures that each decision
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) psychic
is made with confidence.
damage, and if the target has a head, it is
grappled (escape DC 12) as the mindsie attaches.
Master Mindsies
While attached, the mindsie can make this
As centuries pass, mindsies grow in power, eventu-
attack only against the target and has advantage
ally becoming master mindsies. These elders have
on the attack roll. The mindsie can detach itself
grown multiple rows of crowns, and their eyes by spending 5 feet of its movement.
have turned translucent. When a master mindsie
connects with another creature, its eyes change to Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
match the appearance of its partner’s eyes. With 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning
age, master mindsies have come in contact with a damage.
rainbow of different thoughts and emotions. Such
experience allows these mindsies to cast negative
emotions from others’ minds by creating monstrous

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Mender Mindsie Master Mindsie

Small fey, typically lawful good Small fey, any alignment

Armor Class 11 Armor Class 12

Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6) Hit Points 78 (12d6 + 36)
Speed 0 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover) Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)

14 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Skills Insight +4, Perception +4, Stealth +3 Saving Throws Str +5, Int +7
Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning, Skills Athletics +5, Insight +3, Perception +3,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Stealth +5
Senses passive Perception 14 Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning,
Languages Common, Sylvan, telepathy 60 ft. piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Sylvan, telepathy 120 ft.
TRAITS Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3

Innate Spellcasting. The mindsie’s innate TRAITS

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14).
It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no Damage Transfer. While attached to a creature, the
material components: mindsie takes half the damage dealt to it (rounded
At will: calm emotions, detect thoughts, down), and the attached creature takes the rest.
heroism, sleep Innate Spellcasting. The mindsie’s innate
1/day each: dream, enthrall, modify memory spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15).
Mindful Transfer. A creature attached to the It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no
mindsie has advantage on saving throws against material components:
fear effects and gains the same benefits of any At will: calm emotions, compulsion,
magical healing the mindsie receives. detect thoughts, minor illusion, shocking grasp
1/day each: feeblemind, mass suggestion,
Mindsie Crown. A creature that starts its turn modify memory
attached to a mindsie must succeed on a DC 14
Wisdom saving throw or it can only take actions Mindsie Crown. A creature that starts its turn at-
chosen by the mindsie until the beginning of its tached to a mindsie must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
next turn. saving throw or it can only take actions chosen by
the mindsie until the beginning of its next turn.
Crowning. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) psychic Crowning. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) psychic
damage, and if the target has a head, it is
damage, and if the target has a head, it is grappled
grappled (escape DC 14) as the mindsie attaches.
(escape DC 15) as the mindsie attaches. While
While attached, the mindsie can make this
attached, the mindsie can make this attack
attack only against the target and has advantage
only against the target and has advantage on
on the attack roll. The mindsie can detach itself
the attack roll. The mindsie can detach itself by
by spending 5 feet of its movement.
spending 5 feet of its movement.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Energy Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning
120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) force damage.
Manifest Nogog (2/Day). The mindsie summons a
REACTIONS nogog from its mind into the nearest unoccupied
space adjacent to it. If the mindsie isn’t currently
Mind Ward. When a creature attacks a target
attached to a creature, it attaches to the nogog as
within 10 feet of the mindsie that it can see
part of this action.
(including the mindsie), the mindsie can use its
reaction to force the attacker to attempt a DC 14 REACTIONS
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker
must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. Psycho Switch. When the mindsie takes or deals
This ability cannot be used against area effects, such a single instance of damage, it can convert the
as a fireball explosion. damage to psychic.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

When repeated nightmares torment a creature in
the faerie realm, those dreams risk manifesting
into a hungry nogog. These fey ogres use their
might to instill as much terror as they can into
their prey to sustain themselves.
Sadistic Feast. Nogogs have a focused mindset
dedicated to getting the most fear out of a
creature. If it knows it can repeatedly torment its
prey for more meals, the ogre will keep it alive and
come back for more later. The nogog finally kills its
prey when the fear starts to diminish, enjoying one
last large meal before moving on to its next target.
Hot Blooded. The slightest distraction from a
nogog’s terror routine incites the dream ogre’s
fury. Its skin starts to glow all over with tiny heat
spots as it thrashes about in anger. While raging,
its voice becomes a potent weapon that can pierce
most hardened psyches.
Unbridled Nightmares. The nogog has more
in common with a thunderstorm than its fey
brethren. It doesn’t discriminate between friend or
foe and isn’t capable of bartering. The nogog knows
only fear and slaughter, making it a predictable
and effective tool under the command of powerful

Large fey, typically chaotic evil

Armor Class 11 ACTIONS

Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 40 ft. Multiattack. The nogog makes two weapon attacks.
Shout Bolt. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (3d4) psychic damage.
19 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 3 (−4) 5 (−3) 12 (+1)
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Damage Immunities psychic
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Senses passive Perception 7
Languages Giant, Sylvan Frightful Roar. Each creature of the nogog’s choice
Challenge 3 (700 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2 that is within 120 feet of it and can hear it must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become
TRAITS frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Nightmare (1/Turn). If the nogog hits a creature with a the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving
weapon attack and any of the damage dice roll the high- throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the
est number possible, the creature is frightened of the creature is immune to the nogog’s Frightful Roar for
nogog until the end of its next turn. the next 24 hours.
Terrorizing. The nogog scores a critical hit on
successful attacks against creatures with the
frightened condition.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Nuska Nuska Swarm

Nuska are ancient, semi-corporeal fey tasked with When a nuska is forced to deliver too many bad
delivering dreams to the material realm. Departing dreams, it becomes irate and dangerous. In this state,
each night from their burrows in the Wildes, nuska it seeks out similarly irritated nuska and forms a
fly across the world to spark the imaginations of swarm, a mindless riot protesting their thankless task.
sleeping creatures. When Dreams Go Bad. Nuska are empathic
Dream Messengers. Nuska are primarily creatures and experience great anguish when
concerned with their deliveries, ensuring they’re one of their dream deliveries turns out to be
made before dawn. As such, they only sacrifice a nightmare. Particularly devastating dreams,
carried dreams to escape situations that risk a string of harmful nightmares, or dreams
disrupting their schedule. “poisoned” by the malice of evil fey can cause a
The Rigidness of Old Age. Nuska are formed of nuska to forget itself and fly into a destructive
pure imagination and are invisible to creatures rampage. An enraged nuska first seeks other
unwilling to make believe. Children, whose nearby nuska and stirs them into a frenzied
minds eagerly play pretend, are typically the only swarm. A swarm of seething nuska lose all sense
individuals who can see nuska, though there are of duty, taking out their frustration on any they
exceptions. Especially creative individuals like art- encounter, oblivious to the harm they cause.
ists or those living among the fey can also perceive Pacifism Rebuked. Of course, taking out their fury
a nuska. on others does nothing to alleviate them, and the
Go with the Flow. Nuska travel the world by swarm typically has to be put down with violence.
swimming through objects as though they were Once defeated in the material realm, nuska reform
water. This freedom of movement isn’t completely in the Wildes with their mental faculties once again
without limits since they cannot pass through intact. It is not uncommon for reformed nuska to
manufactured metals. Faerie hunters sometimes seek those who quelled them and express gratitude
trap nuska using cages of cold iron, which is one by granting joyful lucid dreams.
of the few materials through which the fey cannot Nexi of Negativity. Nuska exude an
phase. uncontrolled stream of psychic energies when
distressed, which is hazardous only when
amplified by an entire swarm. This energy cluster
Nuska corrupts a nuska’s abilities and enhances them to
an alarming degree.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Tiny fey, typically lawful neutral

Armor Class 13 ACTIONS

Hit Points 12 (5d4)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. If the target
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
5 (−3) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) saving throw or enter a state of dreamlike whimsy for
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5 1 minute. An affected creature must roll a d4 at the
Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing, start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for
and slashing from nonmagical attacks the round. At the end of each of its turns, the creature
Condition Immunities charmed can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save,
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., the effect ends, and the creature can’t be affected by
passive Perception 13 Dreamlike Whimsy for 24 hours.
Languages understands Common and Sylvan Dreamlike Whimsy
but can’t speak
d4 Effect
Challenge 1 (200 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2
The creature spends all its movement skipping in
TRAITS a random direction. To determine the direction,
1 roll a d8 at the beginning of each turn and assign
Dream Messenger. The nuska can carry up to six vivid a direction to each die face. The creature avoids
dreams. As a bonus action, the nuska can expend one moving into hazards.
of these dreams to cast the dream spell (save DC 12)
The creature is incapacitated as it spends the
on a sleeping creature within 5 feet of it. The nuska 2
turn counting sheep.
regains expended dreams at dawn.
The creature is charmed by the nuska, perceiving
Lucid Flow. The nuska can move through other
3 it as a beloved childhood imaginary friend. It
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It may otherwise act normally.
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an
object. The creature spends its action miming harmless
4 but clearly impossible acts, such as flapping their
Whimsical Invisibility. The nuska is invisible. Fey arms to fly.
creatures and humanoid children under the age of
10 can see through this invisibility. Alternatively,
Waking Dream (Recharge 5–6). The nuska expends
if a creature participates in childlike activities for
a vivid dream to conjure an illusion in the mind of a
10 minutes, such as chanting nursery rhymes or
creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must
playground games, it may attempt a DC 15 Wisdom
attempt a DC 12 Intelligence saving throw. On a failure,
ability check. On a success, it can see through the
a pleasantly familiar phantasmal object, creature, or
invisibility for 24 hours. A creature that fails this
other visible phenomenon that is only perceivable to
check cannot attempt it again until it completes a
the target appears for 1 minute. While the phantasm
long rest.
remains, the creature uses its action to interact with
the phantasm each round as if it were real. At the end
of each of its turns, the target can repeat the saving
throw, ending the effect on a success.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Nuska Swarm
Medium swarm of Tiny fey, typically chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 ACTIONS

Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if the swarm has
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) half of its hit points or fewer. If the target is a creature,
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6 it must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, enter a state of nightmarish fever for 1 minute. An
and slashing affected creature must roll a d4 at the beginning of
Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, each of its turns to determine its behavior for the
and slashing from nonmagical attacks round. At the end of each of its turns, the creature can
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, repeat the saving throw. On a success, the effect ends,
paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned and the creature can’t be affected by Nightmarish
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Fever for 24 hours.
Perception 14 Nightmarish Fever
Languages understands Common and Sylvan
but can’t speak d4 Effect
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3 The creature perceives all its allies as twisted
monstrosities and expends all its movement to
TRAITS move as far away as possible from the nearest
Negative Nexus. A creature takes 7 (2d6) psychic
damage when it enters the swarm’s space for the first The creature suffers tactile hallucinations, drops
time on a turn or starts its turn there. everything it is holding, and uses its action to
make one unarmed strike against itself. The
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s attack hits automatically.
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
The creature perceives itself to be falling into
through any opening large enough for a Tiny nuska.
3 an endless abyss. The creature can't move and is
The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary incapacitated.
hit points.
The creature becomes irrationally afraid of the
Turbulent Flow. The nuska swarm can move through 4 dark. It is incapacitated while standing in dim
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult light or darkness.
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its
turn inside an object.
Waking Nightmare (Recharge 5–6). The swarm
Whimsical Invisibility. The nuska swarm is invisible. attempts to conjure an illusion in the mind of a
Fey creatures and humanoid children under the age creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must
of 10 can see through this invisibility. Alternatively, succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or see a
if a creature participates in childlike activities for terrifying phantasmal object, creature, or other visible
10 minutes, such as chanting nursery rhymes or phenomenon that is only perceivable to the target for
playground games, it may attempt a DC 15 Wisdom 1 minute. While the phantasm remains, the creature
ability check. On a success, it can see through the takes 7 (2d6) psychic damage at the beginning of each
invisibility for 24 hours. A creature that fails this of its turns and must use its action to interact with the
check cannot attempt it again until it completes a phantasm as if it were real. At the end of each of its
long rest. turns, the target can repeat the saving throw, ending
the effect on a success.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

These hollow creatures are born from a fey cut off
entirely from the magic of the faerie realm. Without
access to this magic, the fey’s power begins to wane,
and they slowly lose their physical forms, memories,
and abilities. This growing loss drives them to steal
the identities of others, so they do not disappear
Fading Identities. A passenger is born when a
banished fey fades beyond recognition. They pos-
sess humanoids to keep from disappearing forever,
comingling their beings with unwilling hosts. The
longer the passenger spends inside a host, the more
confused they become about which memories are
theirs and what belongs to them. This confusion
often leads the passenger to believe they are the
victims they possess, and they begin to take on their
feelings and attitudes, trying to live the victims’ lives
as usual.
Fey Pariah. A passenger’s severance from the
magic of the faerie realm is the result of a potent
curse bestowed by an archfey. Only truly heinous
crimes garner this kind of extreme punishment,
but by the time a fey becomes a passenger, it usu-
ally cannot remember the crimes that led to its

Medium fey, typically neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) ACTIONS

Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Multiattack. The passenger makes two Slam attacks.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +6 Assume Identity (Recharge 5–6). One humanoid
Skills Deception +7, Perception +6 target the passenger can see within 30 feet of it
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or
slashing from nonmagical attacks become cursed. While a creature is cursed in this
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened way, all damage dealt to the passenger is also dealt
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 to it, and it has disadvantage on saving throws
Languages Common, Sylvan made to resist the passenger’s spells. The passenger
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 can only have one creature cursed in this way at
any one time.
TRAITS A creature who remains cursed in this way for 3
consecutive days becomes permanently possessed
Innate Spellcasting. The passenger’s spellcasting ability
by the passenger. The passenger disappears, and the
is Charisma (spell save DC 15). It can innately cast the
target is incapacitated and loses control of its body.
following spells, requiring no material components:
The passenger now controls the body and assumes
At will: detect magic, disguise self, faerie fire
all of the target’s statistics, but doesn’t gain
3/day each: dominate person, hold person
access to the target’s knowledge, class features, or
Magic Resistance. The passenger has advantage on proficiencies. This possession can only be ended by
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. a wish spell.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

A phocidae is a gentle creature that can transform
from its normal seal form into a beautiful humanoid.
Phocidae are generally mild souls who prefer dancing
in the moonlight on the lonely shore or basking in
the sun on outlying reefs.
Sea Monsters. Phocidae are often seen near the
shore, watching inquisitively with almost humanoid
eyes. Such sightings cause fishers to weave tales of
sea monsters. Some phocidae play good-natured
tricks on sea-faring vessels, while others may lash
out protectively if attacked.
Voiceless. Phocidae are unable to use their voice
while on land. When the desire to set foot on
shore overtakes a phocidae, it uses a magic conch
to “borrow” a voice to communicate with local
Magical Skin. To shapeshift, a phocidae must
cast off its sealskin. Within these magical skins
lies the power to return to seal form and therefore
to the sea. If this sealskin is lost or stolen, the
creature is trapped in humanoid form until it is

Medium fey, typically chaotic good

Armor Class 11 (natural armor) Bite (Seal Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing
Speed 30 ft., swim 40 ft. damage.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bone Spear (Humanoid Form Only). Melee or Ranged
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage or 5
Saving Throws Dex +4
(1d8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two hands to
Skills Athletics +3, Perception +2
make a melee attack.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Aquan, Sylvan Magic Conch (Humanoid Form Only). The phocidae
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 targets a humanoid it can see within 60 feet of it
(creatures warded by a magic circle or protection
TRAITS from evil and good spell can’t be targeted). The
target must attempt a DC 14 Charisma saving
Amphibious. The phocidae can breathe air and water.
throw. On a success, the target resists the
Keen Smell. The phocidae has advantage on Wisdom phocidae’s efforts to steal its voice, and the
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. phocidae can’t attempt to steal that creature’s voice
again for 24 hours. On a failure, the target’s voice
Shapechanger. The phocidae can use its action to poly-
is magically stolen, and the phocidae may use it to
morph into a humanoid or back into its true form, which
speak any language the target knows. A creature
resembles a seal. Its statistics are the same in each form.
whose voice is stolen cannot speak or cast spells
The phocidae can choose whether or not any equip-
with verbal components.
ment it is wearing or carrying melds into its new form. It
A creature’s voice can only be recovered if the
reverts to its true form if it dies.
magic conch is destroyed, the phocidae dies, or the
ACTIONS phocidae chooses to release the captured voice.
A phocidae can only possess one stolen voice at a
Multiattack. The phocidae makes two attacks with its time.
Bone Spear.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Tachinids are plantlike fey that reproduce by infect-
ing humanoid hosts. A tachinid emits pacifying
spores that allow it to control plants and influence
Parasitic Reproduction. Tachinids are driven
by an intense desire to reproduce, which requires
access to humanoid hosts and a place to hide them
while the transformation takes place. A tachinid
often spends months preparing a hidden nest before
infecting an entire group of victims. Once the fey has
the hosts safely contained, it watches them closely
over the three-day transformation process. Any hosts
the tachinid deems weak or otherwise unfit are
slaughtered and fed to the other victims to provide
additional nutrients.
Solitary Creatures. While tachinids are driven by
a never-ending cycle of reproduction, they spend the
majority of their lives alone, avoiding their own kind.
As soon as a transformation is complete and a new
tachinid is born, the parent tachinid flees, leaving its
new children to fight one another for possession of
the nest.

Medium fey, typically neutral

Armor Class 14 (natural armor) ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise,
Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12) the effect lasts 24 hours or until the tachinid dies.
Speed 30 ft. If a target’s saving throw is successful, the target is
immune to the tachinid’s Pacifying Spores for the
next 24 hours.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) If a creature spends three consecutive days
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5 charmed in this way, the creature transforms
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned into a tachinid. Only a wish spell can reverse the
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 transformation.
Languages Sylvan
Speak with Plants. The tachinid can communicate
Challenge 2 (450 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +2
with plants as if they shared a language.
Magic Resistance. The tachinid has advantage on
Multiattack. The tachinid makes two Vine Lash
saving throws against spells and other magical
attacks. It can replace one of these attacks with Root
Web if it is available.
Pacifying Spores. The tachinid targets one creature
Vine Lash. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
it can see within 30 feet of it. If the target is a
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 +
creature that breathes, it must succeed on a DC 14
3) bludgeoning damage.
Constitution saving throw or be magically charmed.
The charmed creature regards the tachinid as a Root Web (Recharge 5–6). Grasping roots burst from
trusted friend to be heeded and protected. Although the ground in a 20-foot-radius circle centered on the
the target isn’t under the tachinid’s control, it tachinid. A creature standing on the ground within
takes the tachinid’s requests or actions in the most the area when the roots appear must succeed on a
favorable way it can. DC 13 Strength saving throw or be restrained until the
Each time the tachinid or its allies do anything beginning of the tachinid’s next turn.
harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw,

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

The enigmatic fey creatures known as wickerbeasts
are a rare but chilling sight. Often appearing in remote
regions of the world, these creatures subsist on the
souls of other beings. These fey take the shapes of
various humanoids or animals completely made of
woven wooden branches, but regardless of their form,
each carries an ornate golden mirror.
Cursed Origins. The true origins of the wickerbeast
are unknown, but fey scholars generally agree that
these creatures suffer from some form of curse. The
wickerbeasts endlessly search for souls to possess,
navigating life through what they can perceive in their
mirrors. However, since these creatures are incapable
of speech, their exact motivations remain a mystery. 
Captured Souls. The inside of a wickerbeast’s
woven body is hollow, and the souls they capture float
inside this space. Wickerbeasts do not have defined
facial features, but when they possess a captured
soul, light shines through the branches of their faces,
creating an imitation of eyes. Folklore suggests that a
creature might know it is safe from a passing wicker-
beast as long as they can see its two eyes glowing.

Medium fey, typically unaligned

Armor Class 18 ACTIONS

Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Multiattack. The wickerbeast makes two Slam attacks.
It can replace one of these attacks with Enchant.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (−1)
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 7
Skills Perception +5, Stealth +4 (2d6) frost damage.
Damage Immunities cold
Enchant. The wickerbeast attempts to enchant a
Damage Resistances fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and
creature within 60 feet of it that can see its mirror. The
slashing from nonmagical attacks
creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
be paralyzed for 1 minute. The DC of this saving throw is
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 15
equal to the target’s Charisma score. At the end of each
Languages understands Sylvan but can’t speak
of its turns, an affected creature can repeat the saving
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +3
throw, ending the paralyzed condition on a success. 
TRAITS Capture Soul (Recharge 5–6). The wickerbeast at-
tempts to absorb the soul of one creature within
Creeping Desolation. The wickerbeast emits a frosty
60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 15
aura that produces slippery rime. Area on the ground
Constitution saving throw, or its soul is stolen.
within 30 feet of the wickerbeast is difficult terrain.
Incapacitated creatures automatically fail this sav-
Magic Mirror. The wickerbeast’s mirror is not a sepa- ing throw. A creature whose soul is stolen cannot
rate object but a part of the creature’s body. Therefore, recover hit points through any means. Additionally, if
damaging the mirror damages the wickerbeast, and it a creature dies while its soul is captured, it cannot be
cannot be disarmed of its mirror by any means. brought back to life by magical effects or spells like res-
urrection. A creature’s soul can only be recovered if the
Magic Resistance. The wickerbeast has advantage
wickerbeast that possesses it is destroyed or chooses
on saving throws against spells and other magical
to release the captured soul. A wickerbeast can possess
up to two captured souls at a time.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

NPC Wanted List

This appendix contains statistics for various non- Chess
player characters (NPCs) that adventurers might
encounter during a campaign set in the Planes. Chess is the masked leader of the Checkered Folies,
a troupe of performers that moonlight as spies and
SPOILER WARNING Trickster Being. Chess is a demigod, born of a
union between a trickster god and a mortal. Little
Before you read further, please take note is known about Chess’s true ambitions or goals,
that the NPCs presented in this section but he tends to appear whenever an opportunity
are all characters who have appeared in to upset the status quo presents itself. From the
the Venture Maidens show. The entries outside, there appears to be no pattern to the
reveal information about each character jobs the Checkered Folies or the demigod choose
discovered during the events of Campaign to accept, and Chess offers no information to the
1, so read this section only if you are all contrary.
right with knowing the secrets revealed In recent years, Chess has taken an interest in the
over the course of that campaign. tiefling sorcerer Fera Velen, and experimenting with
the possibility of demigods transferring their powers
to mortals as the gods do.

Demigods Rem
On rare occasions, unions between a celestial being Rem is the former commander of the Sisters of
and a mortal can result in the birth of a demigod. Sorrow, but she now acts as a free agent intent on
Little is known about these unique individuals, but undermining the gods’ control of the Mortal Realm.
their powers undeniably play a key role in the destiny
of their parent realms.


Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Grave One. Rem is a demigod, born of a union gods, which eventually led her to establish the
between a death god and a mortal. Rem possesses Sisters of Sorrow.
the ability to transfer her consciousness into the Eventually, Rem grew discontent to serve
bodies of the recently deceased, so she has spent any celestial master, no matter their intentions.
countless centuries in the Mortal Realm seeking Her growing unrest led her to recently sever all
an outlet for her substantial divine power. A deep connection to the Sisters of Sorrow and find a way to
hatred for her godly father drove her to serve rival end the gods’ influence on mortalkind.

Medium humanoid (demigod), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 15
Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64) Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end
Speed 30 ft. of its next turn.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Dazzling Mantle. Each creature of Chess’s choice
12 (+1) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 22 (+6)
within 120 feet of him that is aware of him must
succeed on a DC 19 Charisma saving throw or become
Saving Throws Con +9, Wis +9, Cha +11
charmed by him for 1 hour. If an affected target takes
Skills Arcana +8, Deception +11, Insight +9,
damage from Chess or if it witnesses Chess attacking
Perception +9, Performance +11 or damaging any of its allies, it is no longer charmed.
Damage Immunities poison If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned ends for it, the creature is immune to Chess’s Dazzling
Senses passive Perception 19 Mantle for the next 24 hours.
Languages all
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +5 Words of Harm. Chess issues a string of magically
laced words that shred the mind of one creature
TRAITS that can hear him within 60 feet of him (the
target does not need to understand Chess). The
Immortal Nature. Chess is immune to poison and dis- target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving
ease and does not require food or water to survive. He throw or take 22 (4d10) psychic damage and have
does not age and cannot be aged by magic. He regains disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before
20 hit points at the start of his turn if he has at least 1 the end of its next turn. On a successful save,
hit point, and as long as any piece of his body is intact, the target takes half damage and does not have
missing limbs regrow over the course of 1 minute. disadvantage.
Innate Spellcasting. Chess’s innate spellcasting ability
is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit with spell
attacks). He can innately cast the following spells, Vicious Taunt (3/Day). Chess can use a bonus action
requiring no material components: on his turn to target one creature within 30 feet of
At will: alter self, nondetection, suggestion him. If the target can hear Chess, the target must
3/day each: charm monster, mirror image succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw or have
1/day each: dominate monster, mass suggestion disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Chess fails a saving throws until the start of Chess’s next turn.
throw, he can choose to succeed instead.
Master of Masks. If Chess is destroyed, he gains a
new body in 24 hours if at least one of his masks Chess can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
is intact, regaining all his hit points and becoming the options below. Only one legendary action option
active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of can be used at a time and only at the end of another
the mask (if multiple masks are intact, Chess chooses creature’s turn. Chess regains spent legendary actions
which mask). at the start of his turn.
Attack. Chess makes one attack with his Baton or uses
ACTIONS Words of Harm.
Multiattack. Chess makes two Baton attacks. He can Move. Chess moves up to his speed without provoking
replace one of these attacks with Words of Harm. opportunity attacks.
Baton. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., Innate Spellcasting (Costs 2 Actions). Chess casts a
one target. Hit: 12 (2d4 + 7) magical bludgeoning spell from his Innate Spellcasting list.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Medium humanoid (demigod), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) and the target must attempt a DC 15 Constitution saving
Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 72) throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save,
Speed 30 ft. or half as much damage on a successful one.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to
hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 +
16 (+3) 22 (+6) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 6) piercing damage, and the target must attempt a DC
Saving Throws Dex +11, Wis +7, Cha +10 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison
Skills Acrobatics +11, Deception +10, Insight +7, damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Perception +7, Stealth +11 successful one.
Damage Resistances necrotic
Fear the Reaper (Recharge 5–6). Rem calls the souls of
Damage Immunities poison
the living into undeath. All living creatures within 60
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned
feet of Rem must attempt a DC 18 Constitution saving
Senses passive Perception 17
throw, taking 66 (12d10) necrotic damage on a failed
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Elvish, Infernal,
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
thieves’ cant
A humanoid slain by this attack rises 24 hours later as
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +5
a shadow under Rem’s control (unless the humanoid is
restored to life before then).
Assassinate. During her first turn, Rem has advantage BONUS ACTIONS
on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a
Death Glare. Rem fixates on one creature she can see
turn. Any hit Rem scores against a surprised creature is
within 60 feet of her, and the target suddenly learns
a critical hit.
how they will die (the most gruesome possible scenar-
Evasion. If Rem is subjected to an effect that allows io). Upon receiving this vision, a creature must succeed
her to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened
damage, she instead takes no damage if she succeeds on for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at
the saving throw, and only half damage if she fails. She the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on
can’t use this trait if she’s incapacitated. a success. A creature that successfully saves is immune
Immortal Nature. Rem is immune to poison and disease to the effects of Rem’s Death Glare for 24 hours.
and does not require food or water to survive. She does
not age and cannot be aged by magic. She regains 20 REACTIONS
hit points at the start of her turn if she has at least 1
Corpse Taker. If Rem is reduced to 0 hit points and her
hit point, and as long as any piece of her body is intact,
body is destroyed, her soul can jump into any humanoid
missing limbs regrow over the course of 1 minute.
corpse within 1 mile that has been dead no longer than
Innate Spellcasting. Rem’s innate spellcasting ability 10 days. The corpse returns to life with 1 hit point and
is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell is now under Rem’s control. Rem’s hit points, speed,
attacks). She can innately cast the following spells, Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, and special senses are
requiring no material components: replaced by those of the new body, but she retains all
At will: animate dead, gentle repose, nondetection, her other game statistics.
speak with dead Once Rem assumes control of a body, the original
3/day each: greater invisibility, revivify soul can never be returned to it by resurrection spells or
1/day each: create undead, finger of death other magical effects that require its body.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Rem fails a saving
throw, she can choose to succeed instead.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Rem deals an extra 24 (7d6) Rem can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
damage when she hits a target with a weapon attack and options below. Only one legendary action option can be
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
within 5 feet of an ally of Rem’s that isn’t incapacitated, turn. Rem regains spent legendary actions at the start of
and Rem doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. her turn.
Attack. Rem makes one attack with her Shortsword or
ACTIONS two attacks with her Light Crossbow.
Multiattack. Rem makes three attacks with her Move. Rem moves up to her speed without provoking
Shortsword or two with her Light Crossbow. opportunity attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach Innate Spellcasting (Costs 2 Actions). Rem casts a spell
5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d6 + 9) magical piercing damage, from her Innate Spellcasting list.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Venture Maidens Fera Velen

Fera is a tiefling sorcerer born with a spark of divin-
In recent years, four adventurers known as the ity that fuels her power.
Venture Maidens have become major players in the Loose Threads. Fera was raised by her mother,
fate of the Mortal Realm. a paladin in the service of the Eldrin Empire. As
her family moved from place to place, Fera first
Arrnodel Ithil discovered her natural aptitude for healing magic,
and her delighted mother attempted to train the
Arrnodel is a moon elf warlock bound to serve a young tiefling to follow in her footsteps. Over time,
fallen goddess imprisoned within a shadow realm. it became clear that Fera had neither the fortitude
Power’s Price. Originally schooled as an alchemist, nor desire to join her mother’s path, and escalating
Arrnodel’s life changed forever when she stumbled conflict began to strain her relationship with her
upon an eldritch stone that ensnared her with family. It was at this point the tiefling set off on her
promises of power. Entering a pact with a serpentine own to flee the nest and live life her own way.
being from beyond the stars heralded the end of the During this time, Fera began to worship the
moon elf’s comfortable academic life and set her on three sister gods of fate, attracted by the concept
an adventurer’s path. that her future was already laid out, so all the
Shortly after her travels began, Arrnodel was recruited mistakes she made were simply part of her
to the Sisters of Sorrow, a legendary mercenary organiza- predestined role. This cavalier philosophy led to a
tion dedicated to preserving the web of fate. With the tumultuous adulthood of odd jobs that led her to
help of her fellow agents, Arrnodel survived an attempt studying the healing arts with the priestesses of
on her life by her previous serpentine patron by forging Caer Leona.
a new pact with a shadowy queen of the dead. Fera first met the Sisters of Sorrow when two
While the moon elf maintains many of her connections of their agents came to Caer Leona to deal with a
to the Sisters of Sorrow, she now spends most of her fallen angel sealed in the catacombs beneath the
time acting as the queen’s emissary in the Mortal Realm. castle. The sorcerer’s talents proved invaluable to
completing the dangerous mission, and afterwards
she received an invitation to join the mercenary
organization. As a worshipper of the three sisters
of fate, she gained their confidence and quickly
rose through the organization’s ranks.
Fera continues to work alongside members of the
original Sisters of Sorrow in a diplomatic capacity,
but her devotion to the fates has waned as she
has formed an intimate bond with the trickster
demigod Chess.

There is much to be learned by reading books,

but schooling can never prepare you for the vast
quantity of unknowable secrets that populate
our world . Every step into darkness is another
opportunity to find new sources of light , and the
greatest gift to any scholar is the discovery that
there is so much more to learn .

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Kara Brynehilde Sawyeh Noor

Kara is a dwarven barbarian whose pursuit of justice Sawyeh Noor is a human monk raised in a remote
has evolved into religious zeal. monastery dedicated to preserving elemental
Blood Ties. Kara was born a princess to the leader harmony.
of a dwarven clan deep within the mountains. From a Sins of the Father. Placed in the care of monks
young age, she was trained in the traditional Dwarven from a young age, Sawyeh has dedicated her life
art forms of fighting and sought to forge her legacy to seeking oneness of body and mind. Under the
as a fierce warrior among her people. The dwarf’s life guidance of her masters she has successfully
underground ended abruptly when treachery struck embarked on the path to master manipulation
her clan. A raiding party of dark elves snuck through of the four elements. As she grew and trained,
the clan’s defenses, and in one fell swoop Kara found Sawyeh began to wonder about her past, receiving
herself alone in the world. Taking axe in hand and with no answers from the temple leaders about
a heavy heart, she set out for the surface, intent on her parents or history. After passing her first
honing her skills to one day avenge her fallen family. elemental trial, Sawyeh decided to take leave of
Becoming an agent of the Sisters of Sorrow pro- the monastery and head out into the world to find
vided Kara with the resources necessary to increase answers about her family and hone her growing
her power, and when she once again encountered abilities.
the dark elf leader who had led the attack on her The monk’s travels lead to her induction into the
family, she was ready. The dwarf challenged the elven Sisters of Sorrow, where she first became aware
matron to a fight, and with a powerful blessing from of the Eldrin Empire and its growing conflict with
the dwarven all-father, Kara emerged victorious. the fey of the Wildes. Sawyeh’s awareness of the
Since that religious experience, Kara has evolved mounting faerie incursions was brought into sharp
into a military leader, spearheading dangerous mis- focus when her party was attacked by a fey creature
sions and campaigns with former Sisters of Sorrow possessing the body of her father. After learning that
agents. the creature was responsible for the death of her
mother, the monk was forced to slay the creature
alongside her father, whose life force was too weak
to survive after a decade of imprisonment by the
puppeteering fey. Heartbroken, but finally armed
with the truth, Sawyeh set her parents’ souls to rest
and devoted her powers to helping the world as they
had sought to do.
As the fey threat continues to grow, Sawyeh
has devoted more time to aiding the carillons in
defending the Mortal Realm and has officially begun
training in the mysteries of their order.

When I began training at the monastery , the

first lessons I received were about balance .
Everything in life , whether elemental magic or
relationships, thrives when brought into balance .
I guess that concept hasn’t really ever left me ,
and over time , I’ve realized it is a good guide
for living . Work to bring harmony to the world
in whatever way you can , but don’t forget to also
tend to the harmony within yourself.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Arrnodel Ithil
Medium humanoid (elf), neutral

Armor Class 15 (leather) Chain Lightning (2/Day). A bolt of lightning

Hit Points 142 (19d8 + 57) arcs toward a target within 150 feet of Arrnodel.
Speed 30 ft. Three bolts then leap from that target to as many
as three other targets, each of which must be
within 30 feet of the first target. A target can be
15 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) an object or a creature but can be targeted by only
Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +9 one of the bolts. Each target must attempt a DC 17
Skills Arcana +8, History +8, Insight +7, Dexterity saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) lightning
Investigation +8 damage on a failed save or half as much damage on
Damage Resistances lightning, necrotic a successful one.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Raven’s Wing (1/Day). A wing-shaped void of negative
Languages Common, Elvish, Primordial,
energy 5 feet long appears in an unoccupied space
telepathy 120 ft.
within 30 feet of Arrnodel and remains for 1 minute.
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
When the wing appears, it makes two attacks against
TRAITS targets within 5 feet of it. The wing has a +9 to hit and
deals 16 (3d10) points of necrotic damage. As a bonus
Fey Ancestry. Arrnodel has advantage on saving action on each of her turns, Arrnodel can move the
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put her wing up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space she can see,
to sleep. then make two more attacks with it. A creature killed
by the wing rises as a zombie on initiative count 20
Innate Spellcasting. Arrnodel’s innate spellcasting abil-
under Arrnodel’s control.
ity is Charisma. She can innately cast the following spells
(spell save DC 17), requiring no material components:
At will: darkness, detect magic, fear, levitate,
speak with dead Summon Murder (3/Day). As a bonus action,
Arrnodel summons a swarm of ravens, which appears
Magic Resistance. Arrnodel has advantage on saving
in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of her and
throws against spells and other magical effects.
obeys her commands. When summoned, the swarm
ACTIONS has 20 temporary hit points and a +5 bonus to attack
and damage rolls. The swarm acts right after Arrnodel
Multiattack. Arrnodel uses Eldritch Beam four times. on the same initiative count and remains for 1 hour.
The ravens disappear after the duration or if Arrnodel
Eldritch Beam. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, range
is knocked unconscious or killed.
120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) force damage, and
the target is pushed 10 feet away from Arrnodel in a
straight line.
Storm Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to Siphon Soul. In response to a living creature dying
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 within 60 feet of her, Arrnodel regains 12 (2d6 + 5) hit
+ 4) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) lightning damage. points.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes
Everything in life needs balance, and what could be more perfectly
balanced than the child of an aasimar and a tiefling? With both
hellish and angelic powers, I was born with magic that could
change the tides of any battle...but truth be told, I’d rather use it
to get myself a free drink—or five. However, if destiny isn’t going
to give me a choice in the matter, I guess I may as well have some
fun, make some friends, and gain some power along the way.
After all, it’s best to start planning for retirement early, I hear.

Fera Velen
Medium humanoid (tiefling), neutral good

Armor Class 14 Spark of Life Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon

Hit Points 165 (22d8 + 66) Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6)
necrotic damage.
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) Cure Wounds (Spell). A creature Fera touches regains
23 (3d8 + 10) hit points. This spell has no effect on
Saving Throws Con +7, Cha +9
constructs or undead.
Skills Arcana +10, Insight +8, Persuasion +11,
Religion +10 Fireball (Spell). A streak of fire erupts into a 20-foot-
Damage Resistances cold, fire, poison radius sphere of flame at a point Fera can see within
Condition Immunities frightened, poisoned 120 feet of her. Each creature in the area must attempt
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) fire
Languages Celestial, Common, Infernal, Sylvan damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4 successful one. The fire spreads around corners and
ignites flammable objects that are not being worn or
TRAITS carried.

Born of Magic. Each time Fera casts a spell, she can As Above (1/Day). A 30-foot sphere of brilliant,
shape the magic to her will in one of the following glittering light crashes down at a point that Fera
ways: can see within range. Each creature in the area must
• A spell that targets a single creature may target an attempt a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed
additional creature. save, the target takes 26 (4d12) radiant damage and
• The spell’s range is doubled. A spell with a range of is blinded for 1 hour. On a successful save, the target
touch instead has a range of 30 feet. takes half as much damage and isn’t blinded.
• She has advantage on the spell’s attack roll. So Below (1/Day). One creature that Fera can see
Divine Nurture. When a creature within 30 feet of within 60 feet of her must succeed on a DC 17
Fera (including her) regains hit points, it regains an Charisma saving throw or be stunned for 10 minutes.
additional 5 hit points (factored into her spells). A creature with 30 or fewer hit points is killed instead
and is dragged into the Nine Hells.
Infernal Nature (1/Day). While Fera has half her hit
points or fewer, she can use a bonus action to regain REACTIONS
80 hit points.
Deny Death (3/Day). In response to a creature Fera
ACTIONS can see within 30 feet of her falling to 0 hit points, the
creature is instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Multiattack. Fera makes two melee attacks or casts
fire bolt twice. Alternatively, she can cast fire bolt and Godly Favor (2/Day). In response to failing a saving
one other spell. throw or missing an attack roll, Fera can roll 2d6 and
add the result to the total, possibly changing the
Fire Bolt (Spell). Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit,
range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (4d10) fire damage.
A flammable object hit by this spell ignites if it’s not
being worn or carried.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes
I first joined the Sisters of Sorrow
because I was hoping to find a
cause worth dying for, but my
time with the Sisters brought me
something greater—ideals worth
living for. Every day I bear the
weight of the loss of my clan , but
every day presents an opportunity
to live up to the ideals my fathers
sought to instill in me : devotion ,
courage , honor, and respect . By
living these ideals and instructing
others in our new order, the spirit
of the Embersunder clan remains
strong .

Kara Brynehilde
Medium humanoid (dwarf), chaotic good

Armor Class 19 (mithral half plate, shield) Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
Hit Points 221 (26d8 + 104) 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage
Speed 35 ft. plus 10 (3d6) radiant damage and 10 (3d6) cold
damage. If Kara scores a critical hit, she rolls damage
dice three times instead of twice.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5)
Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Saving Throws Str +14, Dex +6, Con +14, Int +6,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning
Wis +7, Cha +9
damage, and if the target is Huge or smaller, it must
Skills Athletics +8, Perception +7, Survival +7
succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be
Damage Resistances poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
knocked prone.
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, poisoned Sanctify Weapon (Recharges after a Short or
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 Long Rest). Kara’s weapon glows with divine
Languages Common, Dwarvish radiance. For 1 minute, she gains a +5 bonus to
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4 attack rolls with that weapon.

Divine Shelter. When a friendly creature within 10 Celestial Bulwark. In response to another creature
feet of Kara takes damage, the damage is reduced by 5, within 30 feet of her being hit by an attack roll, Kara
to a minimum of 0. gives the creature a +5 bonus to AC against that
attack. If the attack still hits, Kara can choose to
Heroic Resilience. Kara is immune to disease and
take the damage of the attack in place of the target.
effects that would reduce her hit point maximum.
Kara must be able to see or hear both the creature
Each day, the first time Kara is subjected to an effect
and the attacker to use this ability.
that would kill her without dealing damage, the effect
is negated. Parry. Kara adds +4 to her AC against one melee
attack that would hit her. To do so, she must see
Magic Weapon. Kara’s weapon attacks are magical.
the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon or a
ACTIONS shield.

Multiattack. Kara makes two weapon attacks.

Chapter 6: Friends and Foes

Sawyeh Noor
Medium humanoid (human), lawful good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 20/60
Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80) ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
Speed 70 ft., fly 60 ft.
Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning
17 (+3) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) damage plus 7 (2d6) acid, cold, fire, or thunder damage
(Sawyeh’s choice).
Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +8, Con +8, Int +7,
Wis +8, Cha +5 Water Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
Skills Acrobatics +8, Insight +8, Perception +8, 30 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage,
Stealth +8 and if the target is Huge or smaller, it must succeed on
Damage Immunities poison a DC 18 Strength saving throw or either be knocked
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled, prone or pulled up to 25 feet toward her (Sawyeh’s
poisoned, restrained choice).
Senses passive Perception 18
Become Wind (Recharges after a Long Rest). As an
Languages all
action, Sawyeh, along with anything she is wearing
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +4
or carrying, becomes invisible for 1 minute. While
invisible, she has resistance to all damage except force
Feyflight Wings. Sawyeh wears a pair of magical
wings that grant her the ability to fly, but she cannot REACTIONS
hear or see eldrin due to a curse put on the wings.
Deflect Missile. In response to being hit by a ranged
Magic Weapons. Sawyeh’s weapon attacks are weapon attack, Sawyeh deflects the missile. The
magical, including her unarmed strikes. damage she takes from the attack is reduced by 30.
If the damage is reduced to 0, she catches the missile
Temple of Masters. Sawyeh has proficiency in all
if it’s small enough to hold in one hand and she has a
saving throws, is immune to poison and disease, and
hand free.
does not require food or water to survive. She cannot
be aged by magic or suffer ill effects of old age. Parry. Sawyeh adds +5 to her AC against one attack
that would hit her.
Rapid Strikes. In response to a visible enemy moving
Multiattack. Sawyeh makes three attacks, either with within 5 feet of her, Sawyeh makes one unarmed
her Unarmed Strike or Dart. She can replace one of strike attack against that enemy. If the attack hits,
those attacks with her Water Whip. she can make a second unarmed strike against the


Adventure themes................................................................... 121 Faerie Realm, see Wildes
Archfey....................................101–103, 105, 108–109, 124, 127, Fancy/fancies........................................................................... 196
129, 131, 158, 160–162, 210 Fate........................................ 5, 8, 15, 18, 26, 28–29, 50, 60–61,
Arnaki................................................................................. 191–192 114, 127, 150, 157, 164–165, 217
Arrnodel Ithil..................................................................... 217, 219 Father......................................................... 73–74, 77–78, 80, 124
Letters........................................................ 6, 100, 149, 217 Favor(s)............................................................................. 103–104
Ashtar................................... 14, 75–77, 79, 89–91, 123, 126, 157 Feather witch(es)..................................................................... 197
Background(s)......................................................................15–25 Fera Velen..................................................................214, 217, 220
Bastard’s Breach................................................................. 93–95 Letters.............................................................6, 8, 88, 220
Bastard god..................................................................................78 Feywalk Jungles................................................................... 74, 91
Bell(s).......................................................................27, 90–91, 122 Fiend(s)........................................15, 151, 156, 160–161, 164–165
Blessing(s)........................................................................ 164–165 Figment(s)......................................................................... 192, 198
Blossom Court...................................................................110–112 Forest Court.............................................. 113–114, 162, 174–176
Monster templates................................................167–171 Monster templates...............................................174–176
Boon(s)....................................................................................... 165 Gate(s), see realms
Borderlands.............................................................75, 78, 93–95 Gnome(s).............................................................................. 14, 118
Quest board.....................................................................95 God(s)................................... 7–8, 77–78, 84, 126–128, 150, 164
Calendar............................................................................... 76, 125 Adventure hooks.......................................................... 128
Caer Leona......................................... 75, 77, 79, 88–89, 125, 217 Great Council.............................................................................. 75
Carillon(s), see Carillon Order Grey Haven........................................................................... 95, 97
Carillon Order............................... 75, 89–91, 122–123, 129, 218 Grove elf/elves, see elf/elves
Adventure hooks.......................................................... 123 Half-elf/half-elves......................................................................14
Changeling(s)...........................................................101–103, 106 Halfling(s).....................................................................................15
Charm(s).................................................................................... 165 Half-orc(s).....................................................................................14
Chasiana...................... 14, 74–75, 78–79, 87–89, 125–126, 147 Heroic destinies.................................................................. 42–62
Quest board.....................................................................89 Heavenly Court......................................................... 114, 177–180
Chess�������������������������������������������������������������������������214–215, 217 Monster templates...............................................177–180
Cold iron..............................................................24, 146, 158, 207 Human(s)............................................................................... 14–15
College of Bells............................................................. 27–28, 68 In-Between.....................................................102–103, 105–108
Common Sign, see languages Random encounters.......................................... 106–108
Court of the Winds................................................... 112–113, 158 Jade Isles............................................................. 82–84, 125–126
Monster templates................................................171–173 Quest board.....................................................................82
Currency.......................................................................78, 95, 103 Jane’s Town......................................................................... 82–84
Deathless................................................................................... 193 Kara Brynehilde................................................................ 218, 221
Demesne(s)............................................... 93, 105, 108–110, 129 Letters.........................................................6, 105, 163, 221
Demigod(s).............................................. 150, 164–165, 214–217 Kronos Desert....................................14, 74–75, 79, 84–86, 125
Dragonborn........................................................................... 13–14 Quest board.....................................................................86
Dwarf/dwarves...........................................................................14 Language(s)..................................................................75–76, 103
Dwelling(s)....................................................... 99, 102, 108–109 Legionnaire(s)....................................................... 31–32, 86, 194
Eldrin Empire........................... 11–14, 73–77, 80–93, 123–126, Living spellbook(s)....................................................63–64, 199
146–148, 194, 217–218 Ingenium........................................................................................ 7
Adventure hooks.......................................................... 126 Magic item(s).......................... 41, 50–51, 60, 70, 146–164, 195
Exploring..................................................................80–93 Pricing.....................................................................147–148
History of.................................................................. 73–75 Relics of faerie................................................................157
Life in........................................................................ 75–80 Storied treasures.......................................................... 148
Eldrin ............... 8, 11–12, 30, 73–78, 80–93, 123–126, 157, 159 Magnophyta............................................................ 112, 200–201
Elf/elves.................... 11–13, 30, 74–75, 77, 81, 96–97, 217–219 Caster.............................................................................. 201
Empire soldier(s)...................................................................... 194 Warrior...........................................................................200
Legionnaire................................................ 31–32, 86, 194 Marionettist(s)............................................................... 202–203
Warmage........................................................................ 194 Mindsi(es)...............................................................192, 204–205
Faelyn.................................74–75, 77–82, 86–88, 93, 125–126 Master mindsie............................................................ 205
Quest board.....................................................................82 Mender mindsie........................................................... 205
University of..........................................75, 78, 81, 87, 147 Mindsie.......................................................................... 204
Faerie guardian(s).................................................................... 195 Mother, the........................................ 73–74, 77–78, 80, 89, 124

Mother’s Delta.......................................... 15, 74, 80, 87–89, 125 Wickerbeast(s)......................................................................... 213

Quest board.....................................................................89 Wildes, the......................................... 7–8, 13, 24, 38, 75, 78, 81,
Mortal Realm.................................. 5, 7–8, 11, 13–15, 28, 30, 39, 89–91, 96, 99–119, 122–123, 128–129, 157
73–102, 109, 116, 118, 122–123, 127–130, 146–148, 155, Creatures of.......................................................... 101–102
157, 191, 196, 198, 214–215, 217–218 Life in.................................................................... 103–104
Nogog(s)..........................................................................204–206 Nature of..........................................................................99
North Point.............................................................75, 84, 86, 125 Neutral ground.................................................... 105–109
Nuska....................................................................... 192, 207–209 Withered Court........................................ 118–119, 161, 187–190
Nuska swarm....................................................... 207, 209 Monster templates.............................................. 187–190
Passenger(s).............................................................................. 210
Phocidae...................................................................................... 211 Sidebars
Plateau of Andorra.......................................... 75, 81, 89–91, 125 Bastard God, The.........................................................................78
Quest board......................................................................91 Campaign Building Best Practices........................................ 142
Planes, the...................................5–11, 13, 15, 30, 36, 73, 75–77, Carillon Order as Campaign Villains.....................................122
96, 99, 110, 114, 116, 118, 121–145, 147–148, 152, 164–165, Circle of the Grove Druids in the Planes.............................. 30
167, 191, 214 Cold Iron Weapons.................................................................. 146
Realm(s)......................................7–9, 11–15, 24, 28, 30, 73–119, Current Leaders of the Empire...............................................125
122–123, 126–131, 146–148, 155–157 Different Types of Favors.......................................................104
Properties.......................................................................130 Don’t Be “That” Rogue...............................................................49
Traveling.................................................................130–131 Eldrin Empire as Campaign Villains..................................... 124
Relic(s) of faerie, see magic items Faerie Guardian Items............................................................. 195
Rem............................................................................ 105, 214–216 Fiends in the Planes....................................................................15
Sawyeh Noor............................................................ 105, 218, 222 First Session Ever?................................................................... 133
Letters......................................................................... 6, 218 God-Driven Organization Example: Sisters of Sorrow.....127
Shifting Plains............................................14, 75, 79, 91–93, 125 Gods as Campaign Villains..................................................... 126
Quest board.....................................................................93 Grove Elves Do Not Have Fey Ancestry..................................13
Sisters of Sorrow........ 8, 127, 164–165, 214–215, 217–218, 221 House Rules to Minimize Player Conflict............................ 143
Oath..................................................................................127 How to Keep Combat Interesting......................................... 139
Sleeping Court......................................... 114–116, 180–183, 192 How to Make Magic Items Feel Special............................... 147
Monster templates..............................................180–183 Make Exploration Matter.........................................................47
Slithering Court................................................116–118, 184–187 Matriarchal Society.................................................................... 76
Monster templates.............................................. 184–187 Mortals in the Wildes.............................................................. 102
Sovereign Court(s)................ 102–105, 108–119, 128–129, 162 Nesting Doll............................................................................... 193
Adventure hooks.......................................................... 129 New Language: Common Sign................................................ 77
Exploring................................................................109–119 Other Template Uses............................................................... 167
Hierarchy................................................................ 104, 110 Players Who Refuse to Talk about Safety........................... 134
Monster templates.............................................. 167–190 Portraying the Marionettist.................................................. 202
Spell(s)....................................... 7, 12–13, 26–31, 34–35, 37–42, Preventing Transformation.................................................... 102
45–46, 48–49, 51–56, 58, 60–72, 76–77, 79, 87, 100, Religion in the Wildes.............................................................104
102, 106, 108, 131, 138, 140, 142, 147–149, 151, 153–156, Safely Roleplaying Tragedy......................................................44
158–165, 194–195, 199 Secrets of the Wildes................................................................99
Casting fees.....................................................................79 Session Zero Checklist............................................................ 135
Sound spells.............................................................68–72 Soulforger’s Gift....................................................................... 156
Subclass(es)...................................................................25–42, 68 Sovereign Courts as Campaign Villains.............................. 128
Tachinid(s).......................................................................... 112, 212 Spoiler Warning........................................................................ 214
Teeth, the........................................................................ 14, 86, 94 Tenets of Blood...........................................................................34
Tiefling(s)..................................................................... 15, 217, 220 Tenets of the DM...................................................................... 145
Titan(s)...................7, 13, 39–41, 84, 86, 128, 131, 150, 164–165 Tips to Make Running NPCs Easier......................................140
Treasure(s), see magic items Travel between Realms............................................................... 7
Tsar(s), see tsarina(s) Variant Reluctant Successor: Proud Successor................... 23
Tsarina(s)...........74–78, 80–83, 86, 88–90, 92–94, 124–126 What Is a Demesne?.................................................................110
Unaligned fey............................................................102, 196, 213 Who Are the Carillons?............................................................ 90
Valerian Reach........................................................14, 86, 96–97 Who Are the Venture Maidens.................................................. 5
Valley of Yalanthanil................................ 13–14, 30, 75, 95–97 Why “Eldrin?”.............................................................................. 11
Quest board..................................................................... 97 Why Seven Courts?.................................................................109
Veil, the.................................................................... 13, 75, 86–87 Wisdom of the Wildes.............................................................101

W elcome to the Planes, a fractured world struggling
to hold itself together against the rising tides of chaos.
Across the realms, mortal creatures teeter toward extinction,
locked in eternal combat with restless fey and petulant
gods who seek to redefine reality for themselves. Heroes of
destiny are all that stand against erasure of the mortal realm,
and cosmic forces conspire against them at every turn.

This book provides tools that both players and DMs need to
explore the world of the Venture Maidens, an actual-play
stream and podcast of the same name. Inside, you’ll find
an array of player options inspired by the mythology of the
Planes, an innovative Heroic Destiny system to enhance
character narratives, a cadre of confounding faerie foes, and
much more.

With these tools in hand, only one question remains. Will you
weave your own destiny, or will you be just another thread in
the tapestry of fate?

ISBN 978-1-946678-28-7


9 781946 678287

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