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 1

A, precipitation noun. Any or all of the forms of water particles, whether liquid

or solid, that fall from the atmosphere (e.g., rain, hail, snow or sleet). It is a
major class of hydrometeor, but it is distinguished from cloud, fog, dew, rime,
frost, etc., in that it must fall.

 Precipitation is any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and

falls back to the Earth. It comes in many forms, like rain, sleet, and snow.
Along with evaporation and condensation, precipitation is one of the three
major parts of the global water cycle.
B, Runoff. the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity.

Runoff can be described as the part of the water cycle that flows over land as

surface water instead of being absorbed into groundwater or
evaporating. Runoff is that part of the precipitation, snow melt, or
irrigation water that appears in uncontrolled surface streams, rivers, drains, or

C, Infiltration is an indicator of the soil’s ability to allow water movement into

and through the soil profile. 
Infiltration is the process by which precipitation or water soaks into subsurface
soils and moves into rocks through cracks and pore spaces. 
D, Evaporation is simply the process by which liquid turns into a gas. Water (a
liquid) turns into vapor (a gas) when heat energy is applied to raise its
temperature to 100°C (212°F).
 2 ,Hydro-logic Cycle The water, or hydrologic, cycle describes the pilgrimage
of water as water molecules make their way from the Earth’s surface to the
atmosphere and back again, in some cases to below the surface.
 Hydro-logical cycle, also known as water cycle, is a continuous movement of water
between hydrosphere, atmosphere, and lithosphere in a cyclic manner 
The hydro-logical cycle is the event of rotation of water from its source, then it becomes rain and
falls into groundwater again and some flows back into the sea.
Elements of hydro logical cycle
Precipitation,Evaporation,Infiltration and Surface Runoff.
3 a, major methods for calculating average-precipitation over a
watershed are:.
Arithmetic Mean
Theissen Polygon Method
ISO-Hyetal Method and
Inverse distance weighting method.
b, Theissen Polygon Method is the most accurate method because This
method assigns weight at each gauge station in proportion to the catchment
area that is closest to that gauge.
4A, Hydrology is an extremely important field of study, dealing
with one of the most valuable resources on Earth: water. All
aspects of the Earth’s available water are studied by experts
from many disciplines, from geologists to engineers, to obtain
the information needed to manage this vital resource.
 B,
The field of hydrology consists not only of studying the natural distribution and
movement of water, it is also concerned with the impact of human activities on
water quality and with problems in water management. People use water for
many purposes. In their homes, people use water for drinking, cooking,
cleaning, and bathing.
5A, water balance A state of equilibrium in which the fluid intake from water
and other beverages, and foods equals fluid lost in the urine, GI tract, sweat,
and other secretions.
The meaning of WATER BALANCE is the ratio between the water assimilated into the
body and that lost from the bod

The law of water balance states that the inflows to any water system or area is equal to
its outflows plus change in storage during a time interval. 
B,The simplest form of water balance equation is as follows:
 P = Q + E ± ∆S.
Where, P is precipitation, Q is runoff, E is evaporation and ∆S is the storage
in the soil, aquifers or reservoirs.

6A,Precipitation is measured from space using a combination of

active and passive remote-sensing techniques, improving the
spatial and temporal coverage of global precipitation observations.
Precipitation is measured by using a rain gauge.
B, Types of rain gauges:
1) Non-recording: Symon’sgauge
Non-recording rain gauges only show how much rain has fallen.
2) Recording
recording rain gauge An instrument that automatically records the amount of
precipitation collected as a function of time.
:this types rain gauge also classify in to:
- Tipping-bucket type
- Weighing-bucket type
- Natural-syphon type
C,Non-recording rain gauges only collect rain. It do not simultaneously
measure or record rainfall.But recording rain gauge is An instrument that
automatically records the amount of precipitation collected as a function of time. 
 7,

Rain gauge measuring principle (rain gauge type) determines the general

accuracy, reliability and maintenance requirements of the rain gauge.
Graduated cylinder rain gauge (also called a standard rain gauge or a
manual rain gauge) is highly reliable but one must get wet in the rain to read
off rain information in real-time.
 8A, Environmental data, particularly, rainfall data are highly vulnerable to be
missed, which is due to several reasons, such as malfunction instrument,
incorrect measurements, and relocation of stations. Rainfall data are also
affected by the presence of outliers due to the temporal and spatial variability
of rainfall measurements.
1. B,
Simple Arithmetic Method
Normal Ratio Method
Modified normal ratio method
Inverse distance method
Linear programming method

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