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Cult Leader


v o l u m e i i i
“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the

- Marcus Aurelius, philosopher and Roman emperor


The section that follows is written with an "intermediate" student in mind - i.e. as
represented by a man who has been going out and cold approaching women
regularly for at least 6 months.

If you are just beginning your journey to mastery of cold approach pickup, by all
means continue to read on, but understand that the below exercise is not
necessary for results at the start, and may not even be all that helpful to you yet.

The Nature of Game

A man decides to learn cold approach, and he goes out and approaches women
regularly to master the fundamentals.

For months or years, his results disappoint him.

With hard work and the clever use of biological and psychological hacks, however, he
gradually begins to improve and to enjoy results becoming of his ambitions.

He finds that the game is played in good nights and bad nights - yin and yang.

There can be no good nights without bad nights.

Likewise, good nights usually produce the sloth and self-satisfaction that plants the
seed of bad nights.

This is an inexorable cycle - like a weather system, or the stock market.

What constitutes a good night or bad night is entirely subjective, of course, depending
on experience, expectation, context, psychology and so on.

But suffice to say, some nights out you'll get results, and feel more like yourself than
you've ever felt.

On other nights, results will elude you, and you will feel like you're being buried alive.

The Nature of the System

Now, the essence of this system is the transmutation of negative energy into positive.

In this system we neither resist, nor express, the negative emotion that is inevitable in
life. (Input)

Instead, we store this emotional energy within us like a strong electrical current.

Partially automatically, and partly through a certain conscious inner mental-emotional

operation which is difficult to describe, we convert this negative emotional energy into
positive emotional energy, producing within us experiences of euphoria, heightened
awareness and self-confidence, enhanced range and accelerated tempo of insight, and
so on. (Output)

The energy of emotion is chemical, i.e. it is physical matter.

Without the negative, there can be no positive, because there is literally no substance in
our machine to convert to positive energy.

This is physics - and there is no cheating physics.

Man is a kind of transforming apparatus whose primary purpose on the earth is to

convert negative into positive emotional energy.

Man does not exist for his own sake, any more than a cell of your liver exists to live its
own life independent of its function in your organism.

If you structure your life in such a way as to fulfill this purpose, the conscious
transmutation of negative into positive, for which you were designed, then the
mathematical laws on which the universe is run will inevitably and without fail reward
you with power, magnetism, and the attainment of all your egoistic ambitions.

Most "men" don't fulfill this purpose, however - the function for which they were
designed and to which they owe their life - and so they get nothing.


This elementary principle of "transmutation of energy" applies on many planes and on

many scales, but one on which it is very useful to know about is the transmutation of
bad experiences in game in the present, into good experiences in the future ( =
sex, girlfriends, friends with benefits, a life of real rather than illusory pleasures and
values, etc).

The facts of life are this:

1. Game is brutal.

A man goes out to a club and approaches girls, he takes initiative, he stays in set, he
endures tests, he does everything right - and still he gets his face ripped off.

Rejection, humiliation, mockery. Ugliness and failure.

Or he goes out, has more fun than he's ever had in his entire life, he meets an
exquisitely attractive women, has incredible chemistry with her, is a shadow of a hair
away from sleeping with her, but doesn't - calls her the next day, and she flakes.

I could go on. You get the picture.

2. The game is paid in blood.

Nothing else.

Blood is the only currency it accepts.

3. You can try to pay it in some currency other than blood, but it won't compute.

Frequency of sex, and quality and variety of girls, is mathematically correlated to how
much you've bled for it.

The game wants blood. It wants your blood.

If you do not give it what it wants and what it needs, it will give you nothing. Period.

4. From where you are now, you cannot even imagine what the bottom will be like.

The above three points, taken together mean, in effect, that you're going to have "bad

This is an inevitability.

You're going to have your face ripped off. You're going to be "rejected".

You're going to be mocked and derided by fools. You're going to be loathed and spat on.

You're going to go out there and have your heart torn out of your chest and nailed to a
wall in front of your eyes by different girls and by men who are larger, taller, stronger,
smarter, richer, happier, and better than you in every way.

You're going to be the emotional equivalent of the victim in a religious war in the middle
ages where the townspeople cut you into little pieces and spend the afternoon playing
with your limbs and carrying them around, giving your severed head to a group of street
children to play soccer with, feeding your genitalia to pigs.

5. As was said, the game is played in bad nights and good nights.

When you first start learning game, you'll have more bad nights than good nights.

As you progress, you'll continue to have "bad nights", but your bad nights will be better.


In your first year, a bad night could mean getting "lots of rejections", while a good night
could mean "making out with a cute chick".

Well, in your third year, your bad night could be "making out with a cute chick" - because
you didn't pull her.

While your good night would be making out with a handful of different girls before going
home with a beautiful woman, having sex with her, and making a genuine connection (in
terms of chemistry).

These are just examples. The point is that you'll always have bad nights and good
nights (which are relative to past results).

That's the eternal structure of the game, the stock market, the business cycle, the
weather, the seasons, subjective human experience: expansion and contraction, joy and

6. The terms "bad" and "good" night are highly subjective, but for our purposes
we define them as being either a positive or negative deviation from the mean of
your typical results.

That is:

■ A bad night = a night where you got a "worse" result than you've become
accustomed to expect.

■ A good night = a night where you got a "better" result than you've become
accustomed to expect.

7. "Bad nights" - thus defined - are a mathematical inevitability. As are good
nights, if you stick around.

So those of are the facts of life in game.

The nature of this game, is that it's played in bad experiences and good experiences -
yin and yang.

However, this process can be hacked.

Which is not to imply that you can avoid bad nights - because you can't.

But by applying the principle of transmutation of negative into positive, you can turn
"bad nights" into an engine which fuels your results, your life-force, your sex life and
your technical pickup skill in such a way that these things are improved, enhanced and
deepened at two or three times the speed that they otherwise would be.

Which is to say, you can use unpleasant results as an Archimedes lever to get more sex
with hotter girls, faster.

And this can be done according to a philosophy which is expressed by the words, "Take
care of the bad nights and the good nights will take care of themselves."

For a beginner, and in particular for a "keyboard jockey", the following exercise
will probably be of no practical value whatsoever.

That is, if you're in your first year of game, it is probably best if you simply:

■ focus on the fundamentals as outlined in ZEN + AND THE ART OF SEDUCING


■ go out and approach as often as possible to build experience

■ allow your brain's heuristic pattern recognition faculties to learn automatically.

For the first year, two years, or even three years, the game is learned purely by
repetition - not by thought.

It's moving center work, not thinking center.

Don't overcomplicate things unnecessarily.

And don't add extra layers of complexity if they discourage action.

That being said, however, if you're either:

(a) irrationally obsessed with game and sex, despite being a complete beginner
in cold approach, and simply want to get the fastest possible results in the
shortest possible time...


(b) a little more experienced in game (6-12 months of regular cold approach
under your belt, for example) and you want to increase the speed of your
results and get double or triple the yield on the efforts you're putting in (in
terms of sexual variety, new girls, frequency and predictability of SNLs,
dates, etc) with almost no additional work...

...then read on.

If you're a nerd, like me, you're going to love this.

If not, you're going to find it boring, and probably hate it.

But luckily, I don't give a fuck, so strap the fuck in, put your glasses on, and get your
pocket protector out, because I'm about to get scientific about this here game.



"The secret of rulership is to combine a belief in one's own infallibility with the
power to learn from past mistakes."

- George Orwell

The following mental programming tool is a “process-hack” by way of which we

can explosively accelerate our results in the game.

We do this through the following process:

(1) Use the emotional trauma of a disappointing night as the impelling force to
reflect on and systematically identify what the problems were, using a notepad
and pen, the day afterwards.

(2) Turn this raw information into "golden data" in an integrated auto-corrective
system by quickly finding solutions to the problem/s (either using simple common
sense, or by connecting yourself to the collective wisdom of the digital hive-

(3) Use the solutions arrived at to create new behavioural algorithms for what
to do in the future.

(4) Deploy the Animal Instinct Re-engineering sequence, in advance, to

reprogram your brain and nervous system to effortlessly carry out the new
behavioural algorithms.

Or, to put it simply:

I. Identify.

II. Data.

III. New Behavioural Algorithms.

IV. Reprogram Self-Image.

Using this simple meta-algorithm - which takes as little as 10 minutes to perform the day
after you go out - you can double the rate of your learning, and therefore double the
speed of your results in terms of hot, rough sex with pretty young girls.

How does this technique work in practice?


Most "bad nights" are caused by bungled sets.

And most bungled sets are caused by simple lack of knowledge of what to do.

For example: a man has enough confidence to approach, but after a few minutes talking
to the girl, he doesn't know what to say next and so he leaves (beginner level).

Or, to take another example: a man has a lot of good experience with pickup in more
chilled-out, relaxed environments like bars or lounges, but when he finds himself in a
loud, messy danceclub, he's lost. There's no opportunity to talk to people, everything is
too loud, too crowded and dynamic.

It could be mixed sets, moving sets, seated sets, guy-girl sets, whatever.

Most often, it's gappy knowledge of one or more of the five core fundamentals:
approaching and re-approaching, staying in set, enduring tests, leading, and creating
logistical forward momentum (i.e. getting her home with you).


In management, there is an idea called the Theory of Constraints.

The Theory of Constraints states - by reductio ad absurdum - that no matter how good a
business is, there is always a small number of constraints limiting its output (profit):
otherwise the amount of money it made would be infinite - which is not physically

Likewise in game: no matter how good a man is with women, there is a constraint
somewhere which is limiting his results.

Otherwise his results would technically be infinite and almost laws of physics-defying:
e.g. he would be having sex with a Victoria's Secret model the moment that the impulse
to do so entered his head.

Now, it stands to reason that if you know what your specific constraints are
(because they vary from person to person) - you can make your results go
nuclear when you attack those constraints directly.

Well, this is where "bad nights" come in.

Every time you go out and have a "bad night", you have - whether you're consciously
aware of it or not - come up against your own personal constraints, i.e. your unique
weak point(s).

Looked at in this way, bad nights are actually more valuable to your long-term results
(and to the good life in general) than are "good nights"...

But only if you are prepared to squeeze every last drop from the lemon.

A weak point is always based, fundamentally, in lack of knowledge.

When a man encounters one or more of his weak points, he either doesn't approach
because he lacks the confidence that arises from knowledge of best-practice, or he
does approach but bungles the set because he "doesn't know what to do next".

And from this, we get "bad nights": disappointments, frustrating experiences, close calls
and near misses, avoidable "rejections", avoidable failures, etc.

Now, my constraint in creating this supercourse is that I cannot individually address
every single weak point that a man could possibly have - because there are too many of

Moreover, once you begin combining one or more weak points in different permutations,
the number of completely different scenarios that would have to be addressed becomes
almost infinite.

Which is to say, there are almost as many specific sticking points in game
(constraints on results), as there are men.

But while I can't create a module on every single possible sticking point and how to
solve it - both for space and time considerations, and also because every student who
doesn't have that sticking point would find it immensely boring - what I can do is to offer
you a single self-programming algorithm, universal in its applications, with which you
can solve any sticking point you encounter, thereby removing your most important

And that's what this process hack allow us to do.


The first step, which is vastly underappreciated, is to coldly and analytically

identify the real cause of the problem.

You do this by sitting down with a pad and pen the morning or afternoon after you have
a bad night, or even just an unsatisfactory experience, and listing all the reasons for
why you had a disappointing experience.

Start simple.

Once you've identified the simple causes, try and go deeper.

For example, maybe you had a bad night because you didn't approach anyone.

But why didn't you approach?

Try and isolate the root cause.

This problem, for example, could have its basis in one of a variety of completely
different deeper causes, none of which have anything in common.

■ For example, maybe you didn't approach because you were not accustomed to
that specific type of environment and so in the moment you froze.

■ Or maybe you felt too exhausted, drained, or otherwise physiologically

depressed, to spur yourself to action.

■ Or maybe you had actually had a run of great nights for the past several weeks,
and you were overly self-satisfied.

Be as specific as possible about the cause of the problem. If you try to treat the
symptom rather than the cause, you will be lost.

Attempt to isolate root causes vs. symptoms. This is very important if the rest of the
exercise is to yield real profits.


On the basis of the above, we now have what's called Golden Data.

We call this data golden because it was gained in the field just hours before. (Science
demonstrates that memories can become not only patchy but incredibly distorted over
time, so the closer the data is to the actual event, the more it's worth.)

From the point of view of future results, this data - gained according to step 1. - will be
more valuable to us than gold.

Whatever you think your problems are is irrelevant.

Let the data be your god.

That is, be guided by a recognition of the things that actually cause you problems in the
field, undistorted by "creative" thinking, overcomplication, false memory, self-
justification, the passage of time, or external suggestion.

This sounds simple, but most men studying pickup often do the opposite.

They flounder around trying to solve problems which they haven't even had yet, rather
than focusing on the real constraints that are actually binding them.

Another reason this data is gold is because if you have a handful of disappointing
nights over the course of a time period, and you run this post-field algorithm each
time, you will tend to see patterns emerging.

That is, you'll generally find when you get down to it that you actually have a small and
quite limited number of constraints that keep popping up again and again, but which
may manifest themselves in different ways.

Like a lot of hard data, this can be counterintuitive, because while you're actually in the
field doing cold approach, every failure will feel different and therefore feel like it had a
distinct cause.

But the data will very often show you that there is a small and limited amount of specific
knowledge you lack, and this is the upstream cause of all these smaller failures.

Which is to say: the data may actually reveal that you have less limitations than you feel
you do.

And so this data is priceless in the sense that it points you objectively towards
the 20% of things you need to work on, which - if you fix them - could quite
feasibly end up giving you 80% of your future results. (Pareto Principle)


The formal exercise of sitting down and specifying exactly where the constraint on our
results lies allows us to precision target exactly what the problem is, and what solution
is appropriate.

Once we've identified the problem, the next step is to find new behavioural algorithms
to solve it.

One of the main causes of failure in cold approach - much overlooked by the community
- is simply that men lack practical knowledge of what to do in certain specific cases.

This is because cold approach is still so rare.

Unlike starting businesses or lifting weights, very few people do cold approach, and so
there is little "inspiration" to draw on from others outside of tiny pockets of the internet.

The result is an impoverished mental model of the process of pickup, composed of a lot

of "gappy" knowledge (especially when it comes to executing the fundamentals).

Sober reflection of the data the day after a suboptimal session will reveal the gaps in
your knowledge.

And once you have identified these gaps, you can begin to construct and reprogram
yourself with behavioural algorithms to deal with them in future.

Q. What is a "behavioural algorithm"?

A. A "script". A best-case protocol, tactic or strategy for how to deal with a specific
situation or issue.

Q. Could you give an example?

A. I like verbal game, and I tend to do very well with it.

If you put me in front of a girl in a situation in which she (a) can hear my voice clearly,
and (b) is relatively undistracted, then there is a very high chance that I will produce a
result - makeout, sex, a date, a number, or whatever.

But sometimes I arrive in a club in which this kind of game is impossible - too loud, too
dancey, too crowded with people pushing up against each other all the time, etc.

So now I have a very simple behavioural algorithm (best-case protocol), roughly along
these lines: "Open girl verbally. OR: → If club is too loud/crowded to open verbally, open
physically - e.g. spin-handshake; caveman game; double high-fives, etc."

This isn't something I consciously think about in the field - it just happens automatically
now when the situation calls for it.

But to upload a new habit like this, I had to come up against the problem many times,
and identify specifically what was causing it (rather than blaming it on something
completely nebulous and useless like "my game sucked tonight" or "those girls were
idiots" or whatever).

You have to be stung by the problem many times first.

You need burns.

Then you solve it consciously, act on the solution a few times, and the solution becomes
habituated, engrained and automatic - it becomes part of your "software".

There is no technical problem in game that cannot be solved by the application of

the appropriate behavioural algorithm.

That's all that outer game is: a collection of different behavioural algorithms to deal with
the varying situations encountered and transform whatever you come up against (input)
into sex with cute girls (output).

Good game = inner game + outer game.

■ Inner game all flows from the understanding that:

(1) There is no reason why you are not enough

(2) Time is your ally

■ Outer game, on the other hand, is simply about accumulating more and more
behavioural algorithms, and becoming unconsciously competent at executing
them through repetition and practice, thus giving yourself more and more control
over your environment (in the sense of capacity to adapt to all circumstances)

But you should only add a new behavioural algorithm in response to the
problems you actually encounter in the field.

Then you build your game gradually on that foundation over time, just like adding layers
to an architectural construct.

If you try to just memorise a bunch of techniques like a lot of keyboard jockeys do, they
won't stick, because they're not emotionally relevant to you yet.

You've got to be burned by the fuck-ups, before you can correct them.

This is the way it is in game - this way and not some other way.

Q. How do we identify the right outer game behavioural algorithm to solve our


A. There are two ways:

(1) Pad and pen + common sense. You keep your pad and pen out from the last part,
and you state the problem clearly to your servo-mechanism in writing.

For example, you were making out with a girl, but you failed to pull. It burns you on the

You understand that it's not personal failure, however - you simply lacked knowledge of
what to do.

So you write in the pad: "how to get a girl to come home with me"

Then you simply begin trying to solve the problem in writing - based upon solutions
you've heard talked about by others in books, articles and forums about pickup, for
example, or simply based upon your own common sense and experience.

You'll tend to find in doing this that you actually know more about pickup than you think
you do.

Which is to say, once you've targeted the problem specifically, you'll notice that it almost
begins answering itself.

(2) Plug yourself into the hive-mind.

Google is your friend. As is YouTube. Search for your specific sticking point and see
how others have solved it.

Give special preference to infield video, especially those put out by RSD, which are of
the highest quality at present.

Seeing is believing. Seeing is also knowing what to do. Infield video (unconsciously)
gives your mind a new script, so when you're in that situation in future your
subconscious knows roughly what steps to take.

Q. What about the extensive number of operations on which there are no

searchable videos of successful infield?

A. Forums + Google.

For example, if you don't know how to pull a girl home, google "rsdnation pulling" or
"rsdnation same night lay". (As you know, I'm an RSD junkie, so I'm partial to their
forums for this, but you can substitute it for whatever tribe within the pickup community
has improved your results the most.)

Internet forums are far from a perfect resource, of course, owing to the large number of
contributors in every kind of online community whose lack of practical success in their
own lives will by no means discourage them from attempting to better the condition of
others by having these others think as they do.

Nevertheless, if used correctly - i.e. as a problem-solving instrument - the "hive-mind" of

our collective community can offer a wealth of good ideas and practical advice.

A good rule of thumb for efficient use of forums is to reflexively discard the advice of
anyone who expounds "anti-theories" - i.e. theories for why something can't be

The human brain appears to have a certain quirk whereby (as the economist Galbraith
once put it) faced with choosing between admitting inadequacy and proving that there is
no need to, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.

So whenever you read a post by someone complaining that they can't do something -
which in most cases will inexorably be followed by a long and usually very compelling
argument "proving" that the thing itself "realistically" can't be done - simply close the tab.

"Remember that all is opinion."

- Marcus Aurelius

With that caveat in mind, however, many forum posts from guys who go out and
approach will have a lot of value in the sense of providing actual positive solutions to
difficult problems - things that have worked for them.

It's not the final word on the subject, but it's data, food for reflection.

You can then test it and refine it infield. The point is that now you'll at least have some
model for what to actually do the next time.

Bear in mind too that just as everyone has unique weaknesses, so also does everyone
have individual strengths.

A guy who is just beginning in game may get worse results than me, on average, but he
might also happen to be better at dancefloor game, for example, and so his thoughts on
it will give me good ideas and strategy for the future.

Harvest knowledge from other people's specialities - in game and in life. This is how you
become a human supercomputer.

Once a certain level of competence and confidence has been obtained, you can get
good ideas from anywhere - even from people who aren't capable of executing on them

Just be careful about those anti-theories.


Now that you've precision targeted the problem and designed or discovered a new
behavioural algorithm to deal with it in future, you can proceed to program the new
behavioural script into your self-image, using the self-programming tech of Animal
Instinct Re-engineering outlined in the last module.

Take a seat somewhere quiet and private, close your eyes, and simulate a virtual reality
in your mind's eye in which you see a highly idealised version of yourself carrying out
the new behavioural operations.

Watch as you succeed fantastically with the new behaviour, immediately eliciting
reactions and positive results with pretty girls that far exceed even your wildest

Repeat this again and again, at least seven times, and make sure to use the nervous
system anchor of the "wooosh!" sound to connect the mental image to the moving-
instinctive center so that it sticks, as explained previously.

Programming the new behavioural algorithms into ourselves via the self-image
accomplishes several distinct things at once - each of which on their own is
enormously powerful, but which taken collectively are dynamite for accelerated
learning and putting your sex life on steroids:

(1) It hypnotises us into believing that we have already done the new thing.

By reprogramming our self-image as that of somebody who has already
executed the desirable behaviour many times, we increase our self-confidence
that we can actually do the given operation successfully, and this will by itself
make us more effective at it in reality. Sounds crazy: try it and you'll find it's true.
(Emotional center)

(2) It mentally prepares us to do the thing in advance, like in a dress

rehearsal. Real life will always be more complicated (more variables), but by
preparing in advance we cut down the future difficulty and mental strain
enormously, improving performance. (Thinking center)

(3) It literally rewires our motor system on a physiological level to do the

given thing more effectively in future, by firing off the relevant motor
neurons. This will make the new behaviour physically easier to do in future, even
to the point of it becoming your automatic response before you've even practiced
it in real life... just like mentally simulating piano practice actually made people
better at it, and mentally simulating weight training really strengthened actual
physical muscles.1 (Moving-instinctive center)

1 Norman Doidge, M.D., The Brain that Changes Itself (Viking Press, 2007), pp. 196-215.




Every single problem you face - in life, in your profession, in your business, in
your art, but particularly in the field during cold approach pickup - is literally
making you more valuable as a man by forcing your brain’s reticular activating
system to hone in on solutions.

Being solution-oriented rather than problem-oriented is what separates the top 10% in
every field of human endeavour from the 90% whose results are dogshit.

“Reality is negotiable” – this is the philosophy of a closer.

Solutions-orientation feeds on problems. Problems are its food, and thinking and
reflection are its digestive organs.

In all human pursuits, and in society generally:

■ the 99% are problems-oriented

■ the 1% are solutions-oriented

To be problem-oriented means exactly what the words say: the person’s focus is
on the problems facing them.

To be solutions-oriented – that is, to be a closer – means that a person’s focus (via their
reticular activating system) is honed in on solutions and the relentless drive to find them
at any cost.

This is not a natural state for anyone: it has to be trained and conditioned.

To the self-made solution-oriented minority (masters), problems are viewed not

merely as incidental phenomena occasionally encountered, but as constituting
the very essence of the game being played.

This is a subtle distinction, but one which can be made to yield reality-altering results if
you understand it and can train yourself to apply it.

The problem-oriented person (or “loser”) views unexpected difficulties as an unwelcome

intrusion upon the game he is playing.

For example, if cold approach pickup was likened to a game of football, the problem-
oriented man views obstacles (such as the girl being pulled away by her friends at the
last minute) as equivalent to a hurricane, which ruins the pitch and makes playing the
game physically impossible.

For the solution-oriented man (or “closer”), however, the obstacle in this case is not
viewed as a hurricane, but is embodied simply as the opposing team.

Without an opposing team, there can be no game. Likewise, without obstacles and
problems which have to be solved, there is no game.

The problems themselves are the game.


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