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Cult Leader


v o l u m e i
“Your mind is software - program it.”

- Eclipse Phase

Dear friend,

Have you ever seen a woman you wanted to start a conversation with…

...but your emotions started to go crazy and you just… couldn’t… approach her… matter how hard you tried?

How about this one….

You see your ideal girl.

The perfect girl who’s just your type… with the perfect face and body you get horny

You know that it’s now or never.

You know you’ve got to approach her… or forever lose the possibility of seeing her

But you just can’t do it.

Infuriating, isn’t it?

Let me go even deeper.

Consider this.

I want you to imagine that there was a PILL that completely removed your anxiety
and insecurity with women.

There were no negative side effects and it removed approach anxiety completely.

You could simply take this one little pill and in a few minutes, your approach anxiety
was gone, never to return.

Think of the possibilities.

You could literally walk outside your house right now and start meeting women.

You could approach as many women as you liked without fear of rejection.

And…. if you think about…

You would probably be getting laid with a hot girl by the end of the day.


Simply because of the law of averages.

Approach enough girls…

...and sooner or later you’re going to find one who’s “down to fuck”.


We live inside two boxes.

The OUTER BOX represents real limits.

Such as the laws of physics. Or the laws which if you break them you end up in

An example of real limits is that if you live in a hut in Antarctica…. may find it difficult to get laid with hot girls

Because there are simply aren’t any girls around.

There is NO amount of “pickup skill” which will change that situation.

Not even Russell Brand could get laid there.

So that’s a real limit.

If you’re struggling to get laid, and you live in Antarctica… may want to consider moving.

But way inside that boundary is a dotted line.

That line represents SELF-IMPOSED limits.

This is a much smaller box which we build around ourselves.

It’s made of excuses, laziness, doubts, fears, insecurities, anxieties, and

unresourceful emotions like anger, jealousy and excessive pride.



In this module I am going to show you a simple exercise to destroy approach

anxiety DEAD.

This technique will rewire your brain to approach the hottest girls, anywhere, at any
time, without hesitation or inhibition.

It based on something called mental programming.

Did you know you can program your mind just like you would program a piece of
computer software?

It’s true.

But most people never learn how to program their own mind.

Instead, they let other people program it for them.

Advertisers… the media… politicians… teachers and professors…

People are being programmed all the time.

And they allow themselves to be programmed.

Unfortunately, most people never learn how to program themselves.1

And as such, “most men lead lives of quiet desperation”, as Thoreau put it.

Here’s the problem.

We’ve got lots of “bugs” and “viruses” clogging up our software.

This is especially true when it comes to the whole area of women.

Approach anxiety is the biggest and most harmful of all the mental viruses in
our head.

Get rid of approach anxiety…

...or at least bring it down to a manageable level…

1 The reader should note that I use the words "program" and "hypnotize" interchangeably - just as I
also use "deprogram" and "de-hypnotize" interchably.

This is because the human being is an organic machine, and hypnosis is its machine language.

The hypnotic state is the “command terminal” by way of which the human machine is programmed -
whether for good or bad.

...and you will have more sex… and more love… and more femininity in your life…

...than you ever thought possible.

So here’s what’s going to happen.

i. I am going to show you a simple technique for “uninstalling” your approach

anxiety so that you can approach women with ease.

ii. You are going to follow along and do the exercise.

iii. Then you’re going to go approach some women and notice how much easier
it has become.

iv. Then you’re going to send me an email thanking me for giving you this
technique, and telling me your success story. Send it to

But before we get into that...

...first of all we have to do something else.

We have to redefine approach anxiety.

Once approach anxiety has been more accurately defined, it will be much easier to

Leading to more sex… more girls… more love and intimacy and pleasure and joy.

So let’s get down to it…



A man's eyes rest upon a nubile young woman.

He has a mental impulse to approach, but emotionally he desires not to do so.

For a long time, our community called this "approach anxiety".

This is in fact a misnomer because ordinarily, the inner hesitation to approach when
the opportunity arises is only very rarely mentally expressed as thoughts of
inferiority or anxiety...

On the contrary, failure to approach most often has its animating emotional impulse
in overweening pride. A man becomes puffed up.

■ "She's not hot enough..."

■ Or, "she seems like she'll be boring and stupid..."

■ Or, "I don't have to do this. I'm above approaching a girl in the street..."

■ Or, "this club is full of idiots, I'm not going to lower myself to these people..."

For a high value man, approaching a girl doesn't require courage so much as
humility... the humility to condescend to approach a girl whose behaviour or
appearance you may consider imperfect.

When you approach the girl and begin to build a relationship with her and her
friends, they will become more interesting as they open up to you over time.

Don't attack "approach anxiety". Anxiety isn't the problem - an excess of pride is.

Destroy pride. Become generous to the attractive but imperfect women you
encounter in life by giving them an opportunity to meet you.

Q. Sometimes failure to approach is certainly caused by feelings of inferiority

though, isn't it?

A. No. Never. Not when you understand that there is no reason you are not enough.

"Inferiority"... "anxiety"...

Why do you use these words when better words exist?

Think about this for a second.

You see a girl, and you feel hesitant to approach.

So 99% of people in our community call this "anxiety".

Well, number one, anxiety is not an objective word. It lacks precise meaning.
Anyone can mean almost anything they want by it.

Number two, it's a word used mostly by psychiatrists, psychotherapists and other
bullshit artists whose business model is to invent problems so that they can sell you

Now, I'm not hating on them. We've all got to earn a good living, and it's a free
market. And they could make an argument that I'm in the same racket.

But let's be frank. We're not here to do psychotherapy, right? We're here to learn
how to get laid.

So why are you using words from psychotherapy to talk about getting laid?

It's a completely different context, requiring completely different language and


Moreover, "anxiety" is simply not the dominant emotion in these cases. It just

Observe your actual thought process when you're hesitant to approach a woman
and you'll find that "anxiety" is a misnomer.

In 9 out of 10 cases, it is excessive pride - not anxiety - that is the problem.

I've approached hundreds of girls while feeling anxious and nervous. If I feel
anxious, I even tell the girl: "I feel so anxious doing this, it's kind of weird. Hi, who
are you?"

It's cute and funny. She'll like it.

I've never in my entire life met a girl who responded badly to complete honesty on
the approach.

Human beings absolutely love honesty. We love authenticity. We love it when strong
people allow themselves to be vulnerable.

By approaching, you demonstrate strength. By admitting nervousness (if that is

really what you feel in the moment), you demonstrate humanity.

The combination of these two things will make rejection more or less impossible -
assuming the girl isn't extremely distracted, in which case other tactics will naturally
be required.

Moreover, the girl herself is definitely going to feel anxious when she's
approached by a stranger, so by admitting your own anxiousness she'll often
immediately feel closer to you, more trusting, because you're both in the same
state (mirroring). Instant rapport.

Be more innocent about things. We're all just kind of goofy little dorks in this world,
none of us are really fully confident in social situations - you, me, or hot girls. It's

Our nervous system wasn't designed to feel at ease in modern social situations
which are full of strangers, and that's okay. There's no shame in it. Everyone's in the
same boat on this - absolutely everyone.

You wouldn't feel embarrassed that your car couldn't fly in the air, or float on water.
So why do you feel embarrassed when your vehicle (your body) is nervous in
situations it never evolved to deal with?

The answer is you shouldn't.

So in the 1/10 cases that you do genuinely feel "anxiety", embrace it and approach
anyway, in the understanding that there is no reason why you are not enough, and
that time is your ally.

Turn social nervousness into a strength by verbally expressing it on the opener. This
creates instant rapport with the girl and will enhance her trust and comfort, while
paradoxically making you seem high-status.



No, it's not our anxiety that prevents us from approaching, but pride.

■ "She's not hot enough."

■ "I'm not the type of person who does this."

■ "I shouldn't have to approach her."

■ "The people here are retards."

■ "There'll be better girls I can approach later on."

This is not anxiety language. This is excessive pride language.

A man doesn't want to lower himself to approach. He considers himself above it.

One would be wise to consider this saying from ancient script:

"For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives


- Galatians 6:3

Ancient script - old school, practical common sense - gives more insight into the
main causes of failure in practical pursuits like cold approach pickup than does any
modern psychology textbook full of made-up rubbish invented by people with no
personal record of success in any field of practical activity.

Pride/egoism. Sloth. Envy. Gluttony. Anger. Lust in its wrong place. Wrath in its
wrong place.

These are the factors that are really holding most men back with women.

Not “anxiety”.


The point is, the pickup community has chosen a wrong and stupid word to
describe the problem of hesitancy to approach.

A word that is (a) functionally meaningless, and (b) a descriptor of a symptom, not a

It is not the first such case of wrong and idiotic choice of words to describe a
concept in pickup, and it won't be the last.

That being said "approach pride" obviously doesn't have the same ring to it as
"approach anxiety"... but sober self-observation will prove that it is the former that
is man's real problem.


Failure to approach is the result of a sharply felt “inner civil war” between a
man's thinking center, and his emotional center.

That is, he sees the girl and his thinking center desires to approach (or thinks that it

At the same time, his emotional center - dormant before - is suddenly spurred into a
dark panic by the same stimulus of the girl and strongly desires not to approach.

As was said, the exterior form that the emotional center's "desire not to approach"
takes is (usually) that of excessive pride. It doesn't want to lower itself to
approaching the girl.

Observe yourself next time you feel hesitant to approach and you'll find what I've
said to be true.

So, there's division between centers: strong desire to approach (thinking

center) co-experienced with strong desire to do anything but approach
(emotional center).

And in the case of any sharp division between two centers of man, the third center
(if neutral) will go along with the desires or non-desires of whichever of the other
two is stronger.

In this case, the third center of man - the moving-instinctive center (body) - being
pretty much neutral, will simply go along with whichever of the two other "warring"
centers has mastery of the internal situation.

In most so-called "men" (who have not subjugated their emotions to their
mind) it will be their emotional center which has the power.

And so their body will obey their emotional center, they will fail to approach, and
thereby let an opportunity to meet and have sexual intimacy with a cool, pretty girl
evade them (...which is ironic given that it is man's body and emotional center
themselves that have the most to gain from approaching).

In a man - in the full sense of the word - the emotions are a SLAVE to the mind,
that is, to will, consciousness, mental decision.

And so a man will have no problem approaching a woman he desires. Not because

he isn't afraid or nervous or anything emotionally, but because having suffered, he
has made his emotions subordinate to his mind.

"Courage is mastery of fear, not absence of fear." - Mark Twain

The logical question thus becomes: how do we go about making our emotions
the slave of our mind, totally subordinate to consciousness and will?

The answer, as always, is ACTION.

Taking action is the one and only method on earth for transforming yourself from a
nothing into a "something".

In relation to pickup specifically, the primary method of this is to simply approach

again and again for many years, as with "gritted teeth"...

...until the emotional center (and by extension, the body) learns its proper role in the
human organism - which is a state of absolute slavery and obedience to the mind.

We can call this "gritted teeth method".

It is highly effective in giving a man power, inner strength, inner unity,

resourcefulness, sexual charisma and irresistible force of personality.

In this respect, gritted teeth method is holy.

The problem with gritted method, however... that it while it is very good in strengthening a man's emotional center and
making it obedient to his will….

...gritted teeth method isn't the fastest or the easiest way to approach and
seduce the hottest girls.

The easiest way to get results is to supplement gritted teeth method with mental
programming (i.e. “self-hypnosis”)

In this way, a man re-engineers his emotional center so that it actively desires to
approach. To fix it so that his emotions like approaching girls, and strongly desire to
do it.

With thinking center and emotional center thus aligned, the body will follow.

A man's inner psychological "empire" will stand undivided.

He will automatically become capable of approaching the women he desires with
ease and simplicity, and without fear.


That was a LONG fucking introduction.


Let’s get down to it and talk technique…


FULL DISCLOSURE: I based this exercise on an old NLP technique called the
"swish exercise" which I first became acquainted with in the excellent book
Unlimited Power, by Tony Robbins.2

I strongly recommend buying Unlimited Power, as well as Awaken the Giant Within.
Tony is a beast.

The reason I have borrowed his technique, repurposed it, rebranded it, and put it in
my course is because I have not encountered anyone in the pickup community
using this trick, but it has been indispensable to my personal results in cold
approach - particularly the relative speed with which I obtained them.

As a result, the guilt that I would feel from not serving this community if I didn't
include this exercise would outweigh the guilt I now feel in stealing another man's
work and, it could be argued, passing it off implicitly as my own.

So I decided to resolve this issue by both including the exercise, while also
including this disclosure notice with a sincere recommendation to check out the
original book in which I found this tool.

And having done so, I can now proceed to repurpose another man's intellectual
property as my own without any remorse of conscience whatsoever.






“The possession of anything begins in the mind.” - Bruce Lee

This technique should be done right before going out to do cold approach - or
at most 1-2 hours before hitting the field.

For insane results, combine it with the Animal Magnetism Protocol.

(1) Find a private, quiet place where you will not be disturbed.

(2) Sit in a comfortable, relaxed posture - such as straight up in a chair. Close

your eyes.

(3) Take a minute to run a quick "physical inventory" of your own body. Are any
of your muscles tensed unnecessarily? If so, consciously allow them to become
relaxed. (In the next two steps, we'll use subliminal programming to relax further.)

(4) Allow all the parts of your body to go "dead" (limp). Imagine that your legs are
made out of concrete. Now the rest of your body. Visualise a friend entering the
room to try to lift your leg, but being unable to lift it because it is so heavy.

(5) Now, become physically aware of each of the major joints in your body.
Become aware how loose and relaxed each of your joints are becoming...
neck-torso, torso-arm, forearm-bicep, hand-wrist, thigh-torso, etc. Imagine that
each of your limbs was connected to the other only by a loose piece of thread.

You are now primed for autohypnotic induction.

(6) With your eyes still closed: imagine yourself standing in the environment in
which you would like to pick up a woman (your campus, a bar or nightclub you
frequent, a mall, etc).

■ See this environment through your own eyes, as if you were there in real life
(1st person POV: this part is very important).

■ Simulate all the sensory data of that environment: really hear the sounds of

people talking and of the music, smell the air, feel the ground beneath your
feet and the temperature of the room and so on.

(7) Visualise a version of your ideal woman in the environment, within your line
of vision.

■ Make her as physically attractive as possible. Give her the most beautiful
face, the most excruciatingly taut sexy clothes, the perfect form. Make her
"real" - i.e. not a magazine type image, but the type of hot girl who you
actually see in real life but ordinarily fail to approach.

■ Make her seem as intimidating as possible - bitchy, aloof, seemingly busy

and impatient, surrounded by people, in conversation, etc. Whatever
represents a hard approach to you.

(8) In first person POV (through your "own eyes") see the girl in front of you,
and feel yourself want to approach, while not being able to do so.

■ As you look at her, feel all the emotions you would ordinarily feel: self-doubt,
"anxiety", a desire not to disturb her, quickening thoughts, panic, inhibition,
excessive pride, a powerful desire to do anything but approach.

■ Simulate the same physiological response you would normally feel in that
situation. Sudden shortness of breath, racing heart, breaking out in a sweat,
etc. Feel yourself suddenly too weak to move, as if your feet had become
glued to the spot.

■ Make this as horrific as possible: crank out the feeling of absolute

desperation, helplessness, terror, as high as you can possibly make it go.
Really try to be there. Make it emotionally scarring.

Warning: this part gets weird(er). Bear with me.

(9) Now, visualise a second mental movie. This one is the same as above,
except for the following important alterations:

■ This new mental movie is in the THIRD PERSON - not the 1st person.

■ You can now see the scene, yourself and the girl as if looking at it from
someone else's perspective - i.e. as if you were watching it on a screen, or

from the eyes of someone standing nearby.

■ In this scene, the "you" on the screen is an extremely idealised version of

yourself. You are exactly the way you would choose to be, if there were
absolutely no limits. Think Fight Club: "I dress how you want to dress, I act
like you want to act, I fuck like you want to fuck"... View your own "Tyler
Durden" type avatar: the person you would be, the manner in which you
would act, the clothes you would be wearing, the way you would look
physically (with no logical limitations). All of this has to be extremely
desirable - a total fantasy version of you - the person you would be if there
were no limitations. (NOTE: This part is very important. If the idealised image
of yourself isn't super-desirable to you, the exercise won't work - so pull out
all the stops. Don't be embarrassed.)

■ Watch as your idealised self approaches the girl. He is confident and in

control. See as the beautiful woman responds with immediate "love eyes" to
his approach, smiling flirtatiously, touching him playfully. Watch as the
idealised you and the girl start kissing one another, within seconds of
meeting. You can even observe as passersby watch the scene with
amazement and envy.

(10) Now, repeat the first mental movie ("MM1") from steps (7) + (8). Just as
your anxiety and terror to approach reaches its peak, watch as the second
mental movie ("MM2") from step (9) blasts through, replacing the first.

■ Make the transition as graphically dramatic as possible.

■ For example, you can see MM1 very clearly and vividly, with MM2 as a small
blurry square at the bottom of the "screen". Then watch as MM2 explodes
out - filling the entire screen and becoming super-vivid, bright and detailed. It
completely eclipses the first movie.

■ Important: During the "explosion" of MM2 replacing MM1, make the sound
"Woooooosh!" as loudly and dramatically as you can - in real life - with your

NOTE: this last part sounds crazy and infantile, but is an essential element in
making this work. The purpose is to anchor the new self-image to your
nervous system (bioenergetics). For this a connection between physiology
(the sound and sensation made by your body) + mind (the simulated mental
imagery) must be established. Without making the sound as dramatically as
possible at the appropriate point, this exercise will give only limited results.

(11) Open your eyes to break the state.

(12) Now repeat the sequence again, as fast as possible:

MM1 → "Wooosh!"/explode transition → MM2.

(13) Repeat the above step at least seven times.

■ Each time you're finished the sequence, open your eyes. Then close them to
begin the sequence again.

■ Do it very fast if you like. Repetition is key.

■ Conversely, it also works well if you give each fantasy lots of time: allow it to
develop naturally and take on a life of its own. (You'd be surprised how your
imagination begins to make the scene more and more detailed and involved
with each rep.)

■ Become immersed in the fantasy each time. The more reps you do, the more
immersed you'll become.

■ Note: The first few times, you may find it hard to really "see" the images
vividly. With each rep, however, the imagery will become more and more vivid
and will tend to take on a life of its own. If you like, indulge the fantasy and
see where it goes. If not, simply keep repeating the sequence very quickly,
seven or more times.

Do a trial run of the above exercise now, while reading through each step, to
practice it and to get acquainted with all the steps and their correct sequence.

It will seem a little complicated at first.

However, if you do a dry-run, a "dress rehearsal" - doing the exercise slowly as you
read through the instructions - you'll soon be able to do the whole thing from
memory. It's simple.

After one or two dry-runs like this, you will be able to easily and fluidly do this
exercise at any time without needing to read the instructions. It's very simple once
you internalise the main parts.

The exercise itself - including the several minutes it takes to physically relax (which
is an indispensable part of all effective hypnosis) - should take no longer than 10-15
minutes from start to finish.

The longer you do it, however, and the more times you do it, the better it will work.
Repetition is key.

Although you should run through the exercise now to get a feel for it, the time to do
this exercise is right before you go out to do cold approach.

View it as a pre-field supplement to going out and approaching.

When you take this "supplement" before going out, you will find that it radically
accelerates your results - primarily through completely eradicating approach anxiety.




On about the 7th "rep" of the AIRe exercise, you will tend to find that you feel
good - very good.

This is because the critical faculties (thinking center) and the emotional center are
very far apart. They are not only bad at communicating to one another, it's almost
like they speak two different languages.

Even if the thinking center knows that this simulated reality is fake, the emotional
center has no way of knowing that.

The emotional center cannot distinguish between real and fake stimulus.

If you override your brain with new memories, your emotional center believes
they're real despite your thinking center knowing they're not.

It takes the simulated reality as real data... new "memories" of success with
women which begin to overwrite your established self-image based on your
old memories.

It's a little bit like how placebos can cure illness even if the person taking it knows
it's only a placebo.3

I realise that as a practical man, interested in worldly, practical success, this

whole operation may appear to be highly preposterous to you.

But I advise you to try it out. It only takes 10 minutes or so. Try the exercise as
outlined above, then go out and approach a couple of women.

You'll find that you have a very different experience: it's smoother, there's less
internal resistance, you have a primal desire to approach and you can execute on it
almost effortlessly as soon as a girl enters your line of perception.

3“Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Irritable Bowel Syndrome”, Kaptchuk
TJ, Friedlander E, Kelley JM, Sanchez MN, Kokkotou E, Singer JP, Kowalczykowski M, Miller FG,
Kirsch I, Lembo AJ,


It almost seems too easy, I know.

But consider this: fear of approaching, reluctance to approach, is all in the head.

It's not that you're physically incapable: it's a mental resistance, an emotional one.

The problem is purely mental, and so is the cure.

"Approach anxiety" isn't the real you, but is a form of negative hypnosis. So we treat
it with positive hypnosis.

If it seems strange to you that you should be able to alter your emotions so
radically just by simulating imaginary fantasies, consider that people do this in
the negative all the time.

For example, some people can't help but to imagine a part of their body being
tortured or mutilated, and even though they know it's not happening in real life, they
can't stop themselves from physically cringing at the thought. They can actually feel
it happening.

If a person did this for long enough, it is not at all beyond the bounds of possibility
that they might make themselves physically ill.

Likewise with negative thoughts, worries, negative fantasies, imagining all the things
that could go wrong in work, in business or with one's family. People make
themselves very sick in this way.

And the reason they make themselves sick is because a large chunk of the
mind and nervous system cannot distinguish between stimulus which is real
and stimulus which is fake.

If you imagine being in a stressful situation frequently enough, your body will
respond in kind by releasing real cortisol into your blood.

Likewise if you imagine yourself triumphant, crushing it, as in AIRe, your body will
release a fractional amount of real dopamine, real endorphins - as if you were really
experiencing these things.

Is this logical? No. But it happens.

Don't believe me? Consider sexual arousal.

If you fantasise about having a sexual experience with a desirable girl in an arousing
situation, you will get a hard-on.

Everyone is familiar with this experience, but it's actually pretty weird when you
break down what's happening logically:

Mentally you've envisioned yourself having a sexual experience with a girl... but
your sex organ is responding physiologically as if you were with a real girl.

Your genes desire to reproduce. But your genes can be fooled easily - by the mind,
or by pornography. Happens all the time.

In these cases, your DNA (your machine) really believes that the girl you're mentally
simulating in your head is real - and it responds by priming you for reproduction in
real life.

What works to produce a useless or negative result, can be made to produce a

desired and useful result.

By feeding your brain simulated "data" of you approaching stunning girls over and
over and over again, and succeeding over and over and over again, it rewires your
brain and nervous system to believe that you're the type of person who really does
that and succeeds in this way.

The body is a machine - and in some aspects, it is not necessarily a very smart one.

We can take advantage of our "stupid" machine by suggesting things to it.

The body and the emotional center believe whatever you show them.

The trick is in knowing how to communicate with them.

They respond to imagery above all else. This game is about show, not tell.

Sounds bizarre, but try it.

Moreover, the Animal Instinct Re-engineering technique does not merely

change your emotions: it is also a biohack. It actually improves your physical
(motor center) competence at cold approach by rewiring your motor neurons.

It has for some time been known to science that:

(1) the human brain is "plastic", and

(2) repeatedly carrying out a certain action or physical operation (such as
tying a knot, or playing a song on an instrument) rewires the brain in such a
way that performance and competence at the action improves over time.

A wealth of evidence now suggests a related but even more surprising fact,
however: that simply imagining that a physical action is being performed
rewires the brain to improve competence at that action, and does so almost as
effectively as does real physical practice.4

Simply by imagining we are performing an act, researchers have found, we

physically reengineer the structure of our brain.

4 See Norman Doidge, M.D., The Brain that Changes Itself (Viking Press, 2007), pp. 196-215.



"Our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our ideas - are physical in the
universe... if we picture something, if we commit ourselves to it, that is a
physical thrust towards realisation that we can put into the universe. The
universe is not a thing that is going to push us around... we are going to bend
the universe and command and demand that the universe is going to
become what we want it to become."

- Will Smith

In one study conducted by Dr. Alvaro Pascual-Leone, two groups of people

who had never studied the piano were taught to play a series of notes.

One group (the physical practice group) sat in front of a keyboard and played the
music for two hours each day, for five days.

Another group (the mental practice group) also sat in front of a keyboard for two
hours a day, for five days - but instead of playing the notes, they simply imagined
themselves playing the music and hearing it.

Both groups had their brains mapped before, during and after the experiment.

After the practice week, both groups were instructed to play the note
sequence in real life, and a computer measured their accuracy.

The result?

Both the physical practice group and the mental practice group had learned to play
the sequence with equal accuracy.

Moreover, both groups had experienced similar brain changes.

The researchers concluded that mental practice on its own produced a

physical change in the motor system - the same physical change as was
produced by actually playing the piece.

Not only were the mental practice players as accurate as the physical practice
players, but the actual physical changes in motor signals to the muscles were the
same in both groups.5

5 Ibid.

Another study, carried out by Drs. Guang Yue and Kelly Cole, demonstrated that
merely imagining one is exercising one's muscles physically strengthens them
in real-life.

In the study, one group was instructed to physically exercise a finger muscle, five
days a week for a month (15 contractions with 20 seconds rest in between).

Simultaneously, and for the same amount of time, a "mental practice" group were
instructed to simply imagine themselves doing the same number of contractions,
but with the addition of imagining a voice shouting "Harder! Harder! Harder!"

By the end of the study, as expected, the physical practice group had increased
muscle strength in the finger by 30%.

What was surprising, however, was that the mental practice group had also
increased their muscle strength, by as much as 22%.6

Researchers postulate that when the mental practice group imagined the muscles
were being contracted, the neurons which transmit instructions from brain to
muscle fibers were activated and strengthened.

Even though the "order" was never carried out physically, the mental
activation of the relevant motor neurons resulted in real-world strength
increases - because the neurons still fired off in response to the thought.

You will find, if you try it, that repeatedly simulating a powerful and vivid mental
image of an idealised version of yourself approaching and effortlessly seducing
beautiful women not only substantially increases your confidence to approach, but
also measurably and empirically improves your actual physical competence and
reflexes in the field too.

This makes the AIRe exercise profitable even long after you've ceased to struggle
with "approach anxiety".

6 Ibid.


"Wonderful, wonderful, damn I feel wonderful, I'm looking at your girl and I
feel like fucking her."

- Gucci Mane, Wonderful

Assuming a baseline of more or less normal hormonal levels and physical

fitness, applying the Animal Instinct self-induction sequence before each cold
approach session will:

■ make approaching a hot girl an unconscious and almost immediate reflex,

carried out largely without thought

■ reduce hesitancy and inhibition

■ condition the nervous system and brain to associate approaching women

with pleasure, fun, play, and lightheartedness

■ induce a state of "flow" on command

■ dramatically cut down the time it requires to “boot up” in field - i.e.
reaching "state" faster with fewer warm-up approaches

■ enhance mastery of people and situations by strengthening confidence,

frame control and overall "iciness"

■ make your physical expression (kino) more playful and sexual in an easy,
unforced, natural way

The real fun, however, comes when we synergistically combine the tool of Animal
Instinct autosuggestion with some of the biological hardware upgrades explored in
the ANIMAL MAGNETISM X Series, especially those which involve hacking




When the “mental software patch” of Animal Instinct Re-engineering is

merged with the “biological hardware” of high testosterone, the combination
can be an instrument of godlike power in the field...

I'm talking about dominating the environment like a fun-loving dictator, fucking
around, dancing, picking girls up like a beast, instant makeouts, multiple makeouts
in short periods of time, threeway makeouts, and so on...

Autosuggestion on its own is powerful.

Combine autosuggestion with high natural testosterone levels + a little bit of

Cumulative Charisma, however, and the playing field is yours...

This exercise comes with a warning, though.

What we're beginning to get into here is heavy duty "Black Ops" psychological
technology... which may seem to some to be unsettlingly similar to a (science-
based) form of "black magic".

Anything that goes into your subconscious and uproots and rewrites the previously
established codes of normal social behaviour is likely to come with its potential

This instrument can have the effect of reducing social inhibition so much that it
becomes difficult to restrain oneself, especially while drinking alcohol and/or
experiencing the euphoria and sensitivity to stimulus that can come about from self-
remembering and meditation.

Unloosed by the shackles of externally programmed inhibitions and self-policing

mechanisms, the id - the “inner animal” - is free to roam wild in the jungle of

It is for this reason that I advise moderation of alcohol on nights where you use
the AIRe induction sequence.

When combined with alcohol, self-hypnosis and high testosterone can “unloose the
demon” in ways which - if unregulated - can potentially cause unhelpful social
outcomes, such as being kicked out of clubs for approaching (and persisting with)

girls whose boyfriends are standing right next to them, and subsequently getting in
altercations, etc...

(Trust me on this one.)



Those who know me know that I no longer put much stock in flashy game.

Instant makeouts and things like that are good for building self-confidence
(particularly in the first year or two of learning cold approach) but the reality behind
appearances is that, although it is extremely fun, making out with a ton of hot girls
in the club doesn't substantially make you any more likely to get laid that night.

What increases your chances of getting laid that night - the only thing that increases
your chances of getting laid that night - is spending time with the girl.

So while running around the environment in "beast mode" and making the club your
bitch is fun, it isn't necessary for results, nor does it particularly help with creating
relationships with the top 0.1% of aesthetically desirable women.

That being said, for those who do like "fun-loving dictator" game, the combination

+ Testosterone Hacking

+ Animal Instinct Re-engineering

+ Social momentum

...can, with practice and repetition, become a pretty consistent formula for turning
any club into a carnival of instant makeouts, threeway makeouts, and so on, and for
generally transforming yourself into the loud, obnoxious piece of shit you secretly
yearn to be.

The above three elements, when combined, are like “flow in a bottle”,

■ sexual drive

■ total disinhibition

■ gangster frame control

■ the boisterous, fratboy-ish, "Stifler-type" energy that is sexually

magnetic to pretty blonde teenagers

In any case, the point is simply that AIRe is not only a weapon for attacking
approach anxiety (which would relegate it to irrelevancy for anyone but beginners)
but is also an instrument for radically optimizing your results at any level of cold
approach experience and competence...

…whether that means approaching hotter girls, more girls, staying in set longer,
getting sexual sooner in the interaction, being a better closer, simply having more
fun infield, or any other number of things.

The only limits are those of your imagination...


If administered regularly and repetitively (= key) as a supplement to going out and

approaching women on a consistent basis, the AIRe self-induction sequence is an
instrument of power which you can use to condition your brain + nervous system to
approach any girl or group of girls whenever the impulse arises, without
hesitation or inhibition.

It is also an excellent "bridging hack" for programming yourself to approach much

hotter girls than you ordinarily feel comfortable cold approaching - "9"s and
"10"s, etc...

This last factor - actually approaching the "9"s and "10"s - is critical, as 90% of the
reason that most men learning CA don't sleep with the hottest women is not due to
these women being any more "difficult" to seduce, but due to the fact that they
simply don't approach them... or do so only very rarely.

The results of the Animal Instinct exercise on your psychology might be

shocking or even disturbing to you at first.

When I first did this exercise, I was actually unnerved by how dramatically it altered
my behaviour.

I remember seeing a girl on my college campus, and considering approaching her.

Where normally there would then have ensued an internal struggle and I would have
thought "well, here it goes" before approaching, this time it was like I simply
watched myself approaching her before my conscious mind had time to think.

It was funny. Paradoxically, I actually found myself more nervous in set than was
usual - because my mind had had so little time to "internally prepare". (Still got her
number though.)

The more times you do this exercise, immediately following it by taking real
world action to hammer in the new behaviour, the more that it will embed itself
in your programming.

In this way you upload a powerful new "behavioural script" into your brain and
nervous system.

In the first several months it will have only a short-term effect. That is, you'll need to
do it regularly before going out - like brushing your teeth - to keep "approach
anxiety" at bay.

Over time, the combination of "virtual" and real experience approaching
women will literally rewire you until "approach anxiety" is more or less
completely erased.

This has a powerful effect on your identity, which can come to be transformed by
this exercise + taking action on a very deep level.

Of course, in keeping with the iron Law of Use, if you then failed to approach a girl
for several weeks, some degree of "approach anxiety" would return, with or without
mental practice.

But I'm assuming that you're going out and talking to women regularly (ideally 2-3
days or nights a week or more - one at the very least.)

When you do the Animal Instinct self-hacking technique before going out, it
will make you feel as if you have already warmed up before you've even arrived
at the club.

Combine this with the Animal Magnetism Protocol and a little bit of Cumulative
Charisma (opening 3-5 short sets upon arriving) and you'll find that you go into a
flow state more and more rapidly every time you go out. It's almost spooky.

The state of “godmode” sometimes enters unexpectedly, like a sudden nitrous

boost, or someone spiking your drink with ecstasy.

Sex, carnage and a lot of funny stories are often the result.



"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of

your mind."

- Romans 12: 2

Every single thing that has ever been created by humans, individually or
collectively, began as a thought in somebody’s mind.

All systems of commerce or government, all products of industrial manufacturing or

works of art - every thing that is a thing began as a thought, or mental model, long
before it had become tangible in reality.

The process of designing the kind of life you want to live, the experiences you
want to have, and the personal powers you wish to possess, is no exception to
the above-mentioned syntactic law of how reality is produced.

That is: you must reverse engineer all of these things, by clearly creating them in
your mind first.

What you want to be, to have and to experience, must begin as a thought first - a
super-vivid mental image or vision - before it ever becomes a tangible reality in
the world.

This seems like a vaguely ludicrous or embarrassing idea when applied to our own
personal life - particularly to things like sex and dating, around which people have
many culturally programmed (mimetic) insecurities.

Yet if you met an architect who intended to construct a building without first
designing a plan or model, you would want to take very good care to remember his
name, in order to make sure you never went anywhere near that building.

To create anything, we have to create a finished mental model of it in our mind


The secret to this, however, is that the very act of generating this "inner model" of
what we want has a dual role.

It doesn't just give us a conscious target towards which to aim.

It also programs our subconscious mind to mobilise all its resources to bring us
closer to the imagined thing.

That is to say, it hypnotizes us into a trance of competence.


The brain + nervous system are a machine, and hypnotism, autosuggestion,

placebo (all of which are the same thing) are the means by which this machine
can be programmed to do absolutely anything you desire it to do.

As Tim Ferriss put it, outside of certain limits of physics and law, all rules can be
bent or broken. Reality is negotiable.

The reason men feel as if their reality is fixed, inflexible and limited, is that they live
most of their lives in a state of hypnotic sleep.

They are asleep, and they are absorbing hypnotic suggestions from a vast number
of external influences (mainly from other sleeping people) all the time.

If we desire freedom, we must wake up.

The process of self-remembering - of gradually becoming more and more

conscious, beginning with bodily awareness in the present moment - is the primary
instrument of awakening from hypnotic sleep.

There is, however, a paradox:

This is that one of the most effective ways of awakening is to exploit the power of
our own latent hypnotic suggestibility consciously - that is, to use our greatest
weakness, our own "asleepness", to mobilise our inner resources in the service of a
conscious aim.

This is the art of conscious self-programming - or what we call Reality Design

Engineering (RDE).


Unconscious programming is the cause of most of our unhappiness and lack

of freedom and personal liberty.

The way towards freedom is first to become aware of our own individual
programming (that is to say, the "laws" that govern us), and then gradually, by
degrees and with effort, to act more and more independently of it.

The more external programming, the more "laws" a man is under, the less free he is.

The less external programming, the less "laws" he falls under, the more free he is -
because then he is able to write his own laws, to program himself and his world
according to his desires.

Q. Does the difference between unconscious and conscious programming lie

all in this - that conscious programming is self-programming, whereas
unconscious programming is done to us by others?

A. No, it is not that way at all.

The vast majority of our unconscious programming is self-inflicted - i.e self-


All programming without exception (good and bad) begins and ends with

We begin to imitate others from a very young age - particularly our parents, but
later, our peers, media figures, authority figures, and so on.

We imitate their thought patterns, their emotional patterns, their likes and dislikes,
their manner of expressing themselves, their opinions and so on - even their

Strip back the programming, strip back all the things that a man has imitated, and
there is in most cases nothing left. This is why we call a man who has not worked
on himself a "man in quotation marks" - because when you get under the hood he
is literally not there. He doesn't exist.

There is nothing in him that is his own - even his desires are merely an imitation of
the desires of others.

This is what keeps us in the prison in which we live: imitation.

Observe yourself next time you're having an argument about politics, for instance.

Do you really care about the issue at hand? Does it really impact your life? Or are
you simply imitating the views or manner of expression of someone else - your
father, for example?

Or observe yourself the next time you become upset, frustrated, angry at being cut
off in traffic, for example.

Would you, as a child, have become angry at this?

Or did you repeatedly observe someone else - your mother, maybe - acting in this
way in this situation, and you are merely imitating her emotions and her negative

So to answer your question: no, the distinction isn't in self-programming. The

distinction is in choice of programming… choice of who to imitate.

When we program ourselves unconsciously, we don't do so through choice. It

happens automatically as a result of our failure to remember ourselves, and then we
absorb things from others and from the culture.

In addition to producing mild euphoria through stimulating certain chemicals in the

brain like dopamine, self-remembering is like anti-virus software for your mind.

No one in our culture has learned about this clean, powerful anti-virus software,
however, and so they're riddled with malware.


No man would ever willingly choose to have "approach anxiety".

Yet here we are in the 21st century and 99 out of a 100 men suffer from this artificial
and unnecessarily restrictive program.

They weren't born with it, because it isn't natural. Observe young children talk to
other children they've just met. You won't see approach anxiety.

No, men assimilate it - they program it into themselves - through imitating others
unconsciously from a young age, until a suite of emotions and behavioural
algorithms that began as imitation become very real.

You weren't born with anxiety, with pride, with anger, with sadness, with frustration,
or with fear.

You imitated these emotional states in others.

And you can easily unprogram them if you will simply commit to observing yourself
at all times.

Conscious programming is "conscious" insofar as it is carried out by a

conscious man, for the purpose of assisting him in the execution of a specific,
consciously decided-upon aim.

That is - conscious programming is self-hypnosis undertaken for the explicit

purpose of producing a desired result in the real world.


There's a very good, quite old book about this subject of self-programming.

Very few people know about it. But the theory and practical instructions given in the
first 3-5 chapters of this book have been a secret weapon for me.

The book is called The New Psycho-Cybernetics, and it's written by Maxwell Maltz
and Dan Kennedy.

One of the things this book said, was that it is helpful to view the conscious and
subconscious not so much as two distinct “minds”, but rather as (a) a
conscious mind and (b) a servo-mechanism, or "automatic goal-striving

The purpose and function of the latter in a developed man is to obey the
instructions of the will (conscious mind) and to helpfully facilitate consciousness in
achieving its desired end, whatever that may be.

All creatures contain within them an "Automatic Success Device".

In animals, it's "instinct".

In us, it's our subconscious.

Through self-hypnosis/autosuggestion, we can program our Automatic Success

Device or servo-mechanism (subconscious mind + nervous system) to assist us in
obtaining the things we desire with substantially greater ease, speed and felicity
than by using our conscious mind alone.


“...Trained in autosuggestion, or self-hypnosis, such a subject can… control

the rate of his heartbeat [and] anesthetize himself to to a degree against pain
of electric shock or torture.”

- G.H. Estabrooks, Harvard Ph.D. and Rhodes Scholar,

hypnoprogramming consultant to the U.S. military intelligence during
World Wars I and II7

If the conscious mind is equivalent to the muscles of one finger, the

subconscious servo-mechanism is equivalent to the muscles of the whole
hand, and even the rest of the entire arm.

These unseen and largely unknown inner forces represent an untapped resource of
demonstrably significant power and strength in practical affairs which the vast
majority of people do not even begin to suspect, let alone know how to tap into.

When the conscious and unconscious forces within you are united by a single
vision and can work together collaboratively to manifest its reality, your
seduction of the women you desire will become effortless and will happen with
an easy and unhurried playfulness.

Walking up to a woman who represents an ideal of femininity, youth, spontaneity

and beauty to you and communicating with her in an effortlessly seductive way
happens in a natural and uncontrived fashion - as when the earth revolves around
the sun, without any excessive exertion or strain.

The heavenly bodies in moving on their axes do not attempt to exert any control or
influence of the situation: their movement is spontaneous and uncontrolled, and
because of this, it is perfect.

We call seduction based on this principle gaming without gaming.

"The less effort, the faster and more powerful you will be."

- Bruce lee

7“Hypnosis Comes of Age”, Science Digest, April 1971, pp. 44-50. See
~txporter/scidig.htm to read the full article.

You yourself do not “do” seduction to the girl.

Rather, you surrender to the seduction which is inevitable once you have
approached her in the understanding that there is no reason why you are not
enough + that time is your ally.

You execute the correct "form" externally, while internally surrendering to the
moment and allowing the seduction to happen of its own accord.

When you bring your subconscious desires into harmony with your conscious
activity, approaching and seducing an erratic and beautiful young girl becomes
substantially easier than in the ordinary way of simply "forcing yourself" by
willpower alone to take correct action, as if with gritted teeth.

The pepper shaker falls from the shelf, and your hand shoots out to catch it.

The shaker is firmly in your hand before your eyes have even seen it fall.

This is Animal Instinct - that is, mastery of moving center - and this, in game, is
what hypnotic re-engineering will cultivate: the instinctive and reflexive ability to
physically approach the girl almost before your eyes have even perceived her.

Surrender to a state of total self-trust in your own value, and in the ability of
your subconscious to produce the desired result for you, without thought on
your part.

Your first few times ever approaching a girl will inevitably be messy and "cringey".
This is inevitable.

But the more approaches you do, the better and more fully your subconscious mind
will know exactly what to do in each situation

Your subconscious mind knows what to say.

It knows when to lead. It knows when to back away.

It knows how the girl is feeling. It knows how to change what she’s feeling.

It knows how to give her pleasure. It knows when is the right time to take pleasure

Consciously, you simply put yourself in the physical situation, and trust that your
subconscious mind will carry you through the rest of the way, based on its stored

database of knowledge and impressions (personal, ancestral/genetic and perhaps
even collective).

Approaching a desirable female and communicating with her in such a way that you
dominate her mentally, emotionally and sexually is not something that you do but
something that happens through you.

Here we encounter the paradox of the Mobius Strip (Ouroboros):

Your subconscious mind is like an invisible hand which will guide you towards
success at every step of the interaction, if you take measures in advance to
consciously guide it to do so.

How do we guide our subconscious to work for us? It is, in principle, as simple
as programming a computer.

The subconscious is a servo-mechanism. It has no life of its own: it is not a “spirit”

or an “inner god” but simply a machine, an apparatus which has been implanted
within us by evolution for the purpose of survival and good living.

Through self-suggestion, through programming our mind while in a state of

relaxation or mild hypnotic trance, we communicate our commands to this internal
apparatus and it gradually begins to change first our internal perceptions, then our
behaviour, and then, with time, our external reality.

This is the basis of all visualisation techniques, and all auto-hypnosis.

Yet many people who have tried these techniques do not get results from
them. You may be one of these people.

The reason is that there is a "glitch" in this otherwise elegant system - a glitch
which AIRe has been designed specifically to address.

The understanding of this glitch will go a long way towards explaining why the AIRe
technique in particular - in contradistinction to many other self-hypnosis and
visualisation techniques - works so effectively.

This glitch in the functioning of our internal goal-striving device is that, interposed
between conscious mind and servo-mechanism, there rests a kind of "barrier" of
unique construction and material.

This barrier is something that we can loosely refer to as the "self-image".

The self-image is like a guard in front of the door of the servo-mechanism.

Any command which you attempt to communicate to the subconscious will be

rejected by the self-image if it is inconsistent with the self-image.

Through visualising ourselves in the third person - as if watching an idealised

version of ourselves on a screen - we can reprogram the self-image.

Failure to reprogram the self-image, however, is what causes many visualisation/

hypnotic techniques to fall upon barren soil, giving only limited results.




Every human being carries within them an internal mental picture of “who they

We call this mental construction the self-image. It begins to develop in childhood,

becoming more complex over the course of development.

The self-image is composed of a mosaic of different layers of impressions, which

are in turn based upon a complex interplay of reality and subjective interpretation.

Consider a twenty year old girl with an eating disorder.

When she looks in the mirror, what she sees is something radically different from
what you see when you look at her.

(Likewise, when she looks at you, she is seeing something very different - either
positive or negative - from what you see when you look in the mirror.)

We call this mental meta-model the self-image because it's literally a visual
phenomenon in nature.

The example of the rake thin girl who starves herself to death because she really
sees herself as overweight, is only the most striking example.

As you'll understand later, one of the single greatest blockages to getting things
done in life (such as approaching a girl) can often have its center of gravity simply in
the fact that you quite literally cannot see yourself doing it.

Induce a trance of relaxation, and internally simulate a vision - in the third

person - of yourself doing the thing that is to be done, and succeeding at it.
Repeat this several times.

What you'll find is that fears and doubts about the thing slip away, and a subtle
feeling of joy and excitement enters.

It is to this day the single strangest and the most surprisingly effective psychological
"hack" that I have ever discovered.

It sounds like complete insanity: imagining something is true will alter the physical

world, reminiscent of Voltaire's quip, "to pray to God is to flatter oneself that
thoughts can alter nature."

And yet it is true. Thoughts can and do alter nature.

And the extent to which they do so is very surprising.

The consistency of cold, hard results (sex with beautiful girls) that I have profited
from as a result of routinely using this simple exercise has convinced me that there
is something very, very big behind this idea of the self-image.

Schwarzenegger used it.

He literally envisioned images of himself with the body he wanted to have. Not the
body he did have, but the body he wanted to have.

He created his physical body in his own mind - down to the most vivid detail - long
before he created it in reality.

His actual physical development was a lagging indicator: mentally he was already
there, he just had to work hard and execute as his body caught up with his mind
and emotions.

Paul Tudor Jones used self-image programming to become one of the richest
men on earth.

During the mid 1980s, he set aside time each evening to actively visualise himself
dealing with crises. He created a mental movie in his own mind, gaming out every
situation, every possible bit of news that would influence the market, and how he
would respond.8

He mentally simulated other traders breaking down under the pressure of a major
market crash, and he visualised himself acting coolly and rationally, taking
advantage of their emotional reactiveness.

And when the markets did crash in 1987, he made about $100 million dollars in a

8 Recorded in Sebastian Mallaby, More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of a New
Elite, p. 135. Jones described it as writing a “script” for the market. “Every evening I would close my
eyes in a quiet place in my apartment. I would picture myself in the pit. I would visualise the opening
and walk myself through the day and imagine the different emotional states that the market would go
through. I used to repeat that exercise every day. Then when you get there, you are ready for it. You
have been there before. You are in a mental state to take advantage of emotional extremes because
you have already lived through them.”

couple of hours.9

What makes the self-image so ungodly powerful - for good as well as bad - is
that it can be manipulated, hacked and fucked with almost without limitation.

Self-image is a double-edged blade. Depending on how it's used, it can free a man,
or imprison him further. In the vast majority of cases it is an imprisoning force: an
agent of inertia.

And believe me: if you don't personally design your self-image, it will be designed
for you by other men, usually without your awareness...10

And the degree to which, on a scale of one to ten, these people internally care
about your happiness, is exactly zero.

As a result, you will find yourself getting fucked very hard by life, again and again.
And I don't mean fucked in a good way. I mean fucked as in raped up the ass by
armed home invaders.

If, on the other hand, you don't want to be fucked up the ass by continuous and
unremitting failure and disappointment in every aim you set your hand to... then I
suggest you begin to take a long hard study of this self-image thing... what unique
programming yours consists of, and which parts of this programming you may need
to selectively alter to suit your purposes.

9 Ibid, p. 136.



Self-image is like a circle drawn around a man in chalk, within which he is

magically imprisoned, as if by voodoo.

He cannot see the chalk circle. Part of its charm is that it is invisible to him.

All a man knows is that he cannot step outside of this small invisible ring, and any
attempt to do so causes him pain and discomfort.

And if, in the midst of his life, the thought occurs to him that now is the time that he
can and should step outside of the circle, and that doing so could potentially bring
him pleasure and happiness, there is immediately set in motion within his mind a
vast and complex machinery to explain and justify why he shouldn't.

If a man could see this enchanted chalk circle drawn around him for what it is
- just chalk - it would immediately cease to hold him in bondage.

So it is with the self-image. The "magic" is not real. The spell is in your mind.

But like the chalk circle, so long as self-image remains invisible to us, it will continue
to hold us enchanted in its power.

If we could see it, it would lose much of its magic.

Then we would be able to redraw the chalk circle, expand it, change its shape, give
ourselves more room to roam about...

And then, little by little, we'd be able to to step outside of it... if only a couple of
times a week in the beginning, to be on the safe side.

Each time we successfully stepped outside of the circle and made it back inside
safe again, the hold of the voodoo over us would grow a little weaker.

And finally, thus strengthened, we could walk outside of the circle and leave it
forever, never to return.

Then a man would, for the first time in his life, be able to go and explore the real


As was said, the self-image stands like a guard at the door of the servo-

Any command given by the conscious will to the servo-mechanism must pass
through self-image first - and to do so it must be consistent with self-image.

So what are we to do? Change our aim - make it less ambitious?

Impossible, because the aim itself - the desired outcome - must be grandiose to the
point of insanity, or it will not have the potency which a subliminal message requires
to penetrate to the subconscious.

No, the key lies not in changing what we want so that it is consistent with a limited
self-image, but in altering our self-image so that it is consistent with what we want.

The self-image is not your master. Make it serve you - not the other way around.

This is the beginning of unity of self - all inner functions subordinate to the will. And
not until you become the dictator of your internal reality can you begin to influence
and alter the reality and perception of others.

Q. Is self-image always negative and restrictive? Would it be better if we had

no self-image at all?

A. Probably not.

As you'll see from doing the Animal Instinct Re-engineering exercise, the self-image
itself - if it's actively programmed so as to be in alignment with your aims - is
actually very helpful.

You've got to be aggressive with it, though. Design is the key word. Don't leave it to

Our goal is not to eliminate the self-image, but to selectively and strategically rewrite
it so as to attain our desired ends with greater ease and simplicity than is afforded
by simply accepting whatever (usually distorted) self-concept we have chanced to
have impressed upon our mental operating system during childhood and

But certainly, self-image has a protective function.

Even for an unconscious man, the self-image can be very useful and even essential,

as in the case of a self-image which says "I'm not the kind of person who does
heroin", and so on. This is unquestionably better than nothing.

I speculate that self-image has evolved - in the total absence of the sane reason
that is engendered by self-remembering and which our remote ancestors once
benefited from - to protect "man in quotation marks" from his own extreme
suggestibility and credulity, and this is why it stands guard in front of the servo-

Without self-image, a modern acculturated man could be told that he is a

sheep, and - so far as his behaviour is concerned - he would really become a

Such things can be made to happen in stage hypnotism.

A man can even be given a real physical blister with the touch of the hypnotist's
finger, only because he believes the finger is a red hot poker.11

A woman can be induced to have spontaneous multiple orgasms through hypnosis,

on stage in front of hundreds of people.

But as it is, a person needs to voluntarily let their guard down to be


That is to say: the stage hypnotist either deliberately selects only those people who
have a weak or pliable self-image or, if he is skilled, he tricks or confuses the self-
image by a variety of means (misdirection, pattern interrupts, etc) and then, while
it's distracted, issues a command to the servo-mechanism.

Without self-image, however, this wouldn't be necessary: anyone and everyone

could be hypnotised at all times, perhaps against their will.

This is the evolutionary function of self-image: it's there to protect us, though like
many of the functions of our machine that have evolved to protect us, it is a crude

Much like law enforcement agencies and the prison system, that which is set up to
protect us from harm can also become a stultifying force which may limit us and
prevent us from growing in ways that were not originally intended.

11“Herpes simplex and second degree burn induced under hypnosis”, Ullman M, http://

The war on drugs and the modern prohibition-based law enforcement system
+ prison-industrial complex serve as a very good metaphor for how self-image
has come to operate in the psychology of the ordinary man or woman.

Initially you have laws against something relatively harmless like marijuana set up
for whatever reason - enough people at the time genuinely believe that it's
dangerous, whatever.

And law enforcement bureaucracies are duly established to protect people from

So life goes on.

But gradually it begins to become more and more obvious to normal disinterested
people, based on science and the cumulative experience and common sense of the
society, that the previous assumptions were wrong, and that marijuana in
moderation is not remotely as dangerous as it was believed to be.

But by now, this "superorganism" called law enforcement has grown to be

enormous and to consume vast social resources, based on the old belief.

And so now you have a situation in which you have incredibly powerful entrenched
interests who not only profit by the severity of the law, but who will suffer greatly if
the law is changed - people at lower levels lose their jobs, people at higher levels
lose their power as their bureaucracies are reduced in size to adapt to the fact that
they don't serve any useful societal purpose.

And so this organism of the "law enforcement/prison-industrial complex" has taken

on a life of its own, and is able to limit the progress of the society towards what
should be a judicial system based on science and reason, and laws which change
to reflect new facts.

What is true at the collective level, is true at the individual level.

Self-image is an internal self-policing force... the object of which is to limit

behaviour for the perceived good of the organism, based upon what has
previously been accepted as true about ourselves and the nature of the world.




The self-image has a glitch that we can exploit.

The glitch is that while self-image is based mainly upon memories of events (and
interpretations of those memories), it cannot tell the difference between real and
fake memories.

Upload "new memories" about yourself and you can begin to alter your self-image.

Upload fake memories of yourself succeedingly wildly with women. Then go out and
actually approach. Repeat.

The self-image is very stubborn and resistant to change.

But it can be made malleable and compliant to your will if you know how to attack it
in its weak point.

Its weak point is that it can't tell the difference between real and fake memories.

This glitch is in fact one of the reasons that self-image is usually such a stultifying
force in most people in the first place - it cannot tell the difference between reality
and illusion.

So you can exploit this in the positive.

And that is what we do in Animal Instinct Re-engineering - which performs two

operations simultaneously:

i. We communicate our intended outcome (reflexive, fearless cold approaching)

to our subconscious servo-mechanism, so that it can act in concord with our
conscious will and we can harness its great force to achieve our desires with
ease and felicity.

ii. We go down into the database of our subconscious and selectively re-
engineer our self-image by feeding it new data in the form of “new
memories”. In this way, the self-image changes to accept the new order
which we wish to impose.


A vivid mental image will pull you towards success even when there is no
logical support for it.

Just as the best way to break a habit is to replace it with a new habit, the best way
to remove your erroneous and restricting self-image is not to try to remove it
directly, but to feed your brain new data and "new memories".

Things get "filed away as true" in the human mind not according to reason, but
simply through the process of induction.

We hear Molloy say a thing, and it's filed away as probably true.

Then we hear the same thing said by Browne, and it becomes a conviction for us.

We'll now fight to the death to defend this conviction from anyone who dares to
question it in our presence.

The extreme suggestibility of modern acculturated man is his gravest and most
serious flaw.

But we can actually take advantage of our innate suggestibility if we harness it

in the support of a conscious aim.

Once we know that whatever data is introduced to the mind through repeated
induction is automatically "filed away as true", it becomes possible to implant the
precise behavioural scripts, emotions, powers and beliefs that we want to manifest,
and in this way to design our own reality through reverse engineering.


Anything you can imagine yourself doing, you can do.

But you must understand the language of the subconscious, the way to talk to it.

(Incidentally, the better you become at hypnotising yourself in this way, the better
you will intuitively understand how to covertly reprogram others - that is, to
effectively communicate with their subconscious mind. But that is a topic for later.)

The main "tricks" to communicating with your subconscious are as follows:

i. Use super-vivid imagery. The more detailed it is, the more vivid it is, the
better it will penetrate. (You can also reverse engineer stories, metaphors or
allegories which are chosen to implant a desired belief in yourself or others,
though this is a more advanced topic.)

ii. The image must be super-desirable. The fantasy must be highly desirable to
you for this exercise to work. Idealise. Play god. Be the dictator. Tap into what
you really want - deep in your lizard brain - regardless of ethics, morality or
logic. I cannot emphasise the importance of this principle enough. The more
"realistic" the image you visualise is, the less effective it will be. The more
illogical and super-desirable the envisioned fantasy, however, the more
horsepower your subconscious will exert in getting you to it in real life.

iii. Repetition repetition repetition. Hammer in your idealised mental movies as

often as possible. The more times you induce trance, the easier it becomes,
and the deeper your trances go - just like building a muscle.


“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.” - Plutarch

Communicating a bold, highly desirable fantasy movie or mental image to your

subconscious magnetizes the whole of your essence towards the attainment
of the thing desired.

This process can work in mysterious ways.

If you want a certain result that you're not, as of yet, currently getting - hot
girls chasing you and being desperate and needy towards you, for example -
put aside 5-30 minutes a day for the "virtual reality" of visualisation and
actually see it happening.

Simulate your desired outcome in high definition.

Experiment with different POVs - most people find that seeing an idealised version
of themselves in the THIRD PERSON is much more effective than viewing things
from the first person, but it might be different for you.

Before going to sleep at night,

(1) relax your body consciously to access the "command-line interface",

(2) then play out the movie of exactly what you want in your own mind -
seeing your future fantasy life as if on a screen.

You can do this as often as you want, and the more times the better, but sometimes
you only need to do it just once or twice to create a kind of "current" within yourself.

It sticks.

Create the movie, and hammer it into your subconscious through the above formula:
Super-vividness + Super-desirability + Repetition, repetition, repetition.

Reality Design Engineering plants a seed.

You may forget all about it, but what you'll find is that your subconscious mind will
begin guiding you towards actualising what you programmed into it without you
being consciously aware of it.

Then a week or a month or a year later, you find yourself in a real situation which is
remarkably similar or even identical to the one you visualised - thinking it was
simply idle fantasy.

It seems very weird, but there is no mystery to it. It has nothing to do with any
so-called "law of attraction".

It's brute genetics: the creature that can mobilise these internal powers (esp. the
reticular activating system) to solve problems and improve its condition has a
survival and reproductive advantage over the one that can't.

This mental tool can be used to blast through fears and internal blockages like
"approach anxiety", as illustrated earlier, but the applications of it go much

In combination with the "playing god" reality-creation exercise that I will outline
below, I have used the AIRe new memories exercise to literally create events and
situations which otherwise wouldn't have happened to me.

Initially I used it to destroy my "approach anxiety" - which was once a very real
problem for me, particularly with daygame.

This worked efficiently for me, and the more I did it, the better it worked.

That demonstrated the basic usefulness of the tool, so I began to experiment with
the principles more deeply.

I got much weirder with it.

And then so did my life.

For example, one day, I took a pad and paper and listed out all the traits I
wanted in a girlfriend, down to the finest details of her appearance, clothing,
personality, etc, as well as the type of relationship we had, activities we would
do together, and so on.

Then I used controlled visualisation and guided fantasy to actually see this girl, and
to see myself with her in a variety of situations.

What happened next was very strange.

First, over the course of the next several months, I began to attract girls in my cold
approach who were very similar, in some cases physically identical, to the type of

girl I had envisioned - both in terms of appearance and personality.

Up to this point, I had never attracted this calibre of woman before - either in terms
of desirability of appearance, style, or personality type/demeanor.

Second, and maybe even weirder, however, was that a girl who I was already
dating on and off at the time began, gradually, to literally physically transform
into the idealised girl who I had visualised in my mind's eye.

I mean, she started to dress differently, she got better at doing her makeup, she
became slimmer (she had been about an "8" when I met her, but increasingly came
to appear more like a "9" or "10").

Her personality itself even began to change.

Our relationship improved. We grew closer. We loved each other more deeply, and
had better sex.

Believe me or don't believe me. This exercise - in combination with real-life cold
approach on the reg - does strange fucking things.

"To the uninitiated, auto-suggestion or self-mastery is likely to appear

disconcerting in its simplicity. But does not every discovery, every invention,
seem simple and ordinary once it has become vulgarized and the details or
mechanism of it known to the man in the street? Not that I am claiming
autosuggestion as my discovery. Far from it, autosuggestion is as old as the
hills; only we had forgotten to practice it, and so we needed to learn it all
over again."

- Émile Coué


“If you don't know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere.”

- Henry Kissinger

To begin Reality Design Engineering, first get a pen and pad, and take a few
minutes to do the following exercise...


1. Take at least one or two minutes to "brain vomit" onto a page a list of
everything you could possibly want to be, do or have - being as greedy,
egotistical and "unrealistic" as possible.

2. Be the dictator. Be "god". No limits. Write things down as if they would be

magically granted to you as soon as your pen left contact with the paper.

3. Be crude and obscene if you want: design the life you would have if there
were absolutely no limitations, moral, ethical or logical.

4. This stuff can be purely related to girls and sex if that's what animates your
imagination most at the moment, but if you like it can also involve things like
money, wealth, fitness, personal appearance, freedom, independence, and/or
the symbols associated with these values in the form of private property and

5. Anything you desire is fair game: it could be "good" or "bad", moral or

amoral, selfless or selfish. Just brain vomit whatever comes to your mind.

6. If you want inspiration, think of shows like Entourage or Californication, or

check out Dan Bilzerian's Instagram. (This kind of cultural input keeps men
imprisoned in a world of illusory values, but if you harvest this imagery and
use it consciously it can be profitable to you.)

7. Be as specific as possible. Describe details. Make this fantasy list extra-

vivid. Don't take too much time on each item, however. Move quick, listing as
many things as possible.

8. Fantasize under the assumption that all this would be given to you not in a
month or a year but right now. Determine exactly what it is you desire in this




Now, seriously, for real this time, I want you to actually go and get a pad and paper
and do what was described above.

The rest of this won't come together and give you the results you desire if you don't
do some preliminary fantasising.

Get a pad and paper.

Brain vomit your desires.

Your animal desires: the wishes of your lizard brain.

No morality, no logic, no restrictions.

Finished now?

Okay. I'll take your word for it this time.

Now, first thing to be aware of is that no matter what you wrote down, there is
somebody out there in the world right now who has all of these things, or who could
have them if he so wanted.

Some of these people are in such a position because of circumstances not

depending on their own personal behaviour: a Saudi prince, for example.

However, many of these men - who have everything which you could possibly wish
to have right now - acquired these personal qualities, experiences and things due to
making changes in their own behaviour.

There was a point not that long ago during which they had none of these things.

The difference between having these qualities, experiences and things and not
having them was rooted in some change in their behaviour.

They learned how to do something they hadn't known how to do before.

Or they found a way to generate the courage required to do that which they needed
to do.

Or they discovered some kind of trick for getting what they wanted more effectively.


Be aware that:

(1) it's a more exciting world out there than you may think: no matter how
insanely grandiose your desires, somebody out there in the world is
experiencing those things right now - for them, it's normal.

(2) a substantial percentage of such people did not originally know how to
achieve the realisation of these desires, but changed their behaviour in some
way that allowed them to do so.

(3) if you change your behaviour so that it exactly matches their behaviour,
you can have exactly what they have. That is to say, you can reverse
engineer their results.


Now that you have programmed your subconscious mind with a suite of clear
desired outcomes or "target object" towards which it can move you like a
guided missile, we can get down to the core of Reality Design Engineering.

This consists in:

(1) devising super-vivid mental movies of an idealised version of yourself

experiencing the things you listed above (seen in the third person, as if you
were watching yourself on a screen)

(2) setting aside a certain amount of time per day - as little as 5 minutes -
ideally before sleep at night, for conscious imagination of the above

Remember to run down the quick physical relaxation trance induction as detailed in
the first several steps of the AIRe sequence before going ahead and visualising your
desired outcome.

Relaxing the body prior to self-hypnosis is an important part of the process.

Many people who attempt visualisation exercises fail to see benefits because they
neglect conscious physical relaxation first.

See yourself approaching a Victoria's Secret model type girl in the street or in
a bar and making out with her.

See her becoming needy, trying to get your attention, trying to seduce you.

See your behaviour as if you were Tyler Durden in Fight Club, or Eddie Mora in
Limitless. You're confident and in control, dressed in fine clothes.

You look however it is you would physically like to look: you see yourself tanned,
with a defined jawline, the body of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.

See yourself crushing it in your business or profession - going into flow states,
taking over your industry, building systems.

See yourself getting out of Phantoms and Lamborghinis, drinking exquisite coffee
and talking to your supermodel girlfriend while the two of you sit in a luxury suite or
by your personal infinity pool.

See yourself having the kinds of sexual experiences that you desire.

These are just ideas.

There are no limits. Don't be afraid to go nuts. No one can see inside your head so
you may as well go big with it. You've got nothing to lose.

Take the advice of Big Brother:

"Even if you fail at your ambitious thing, it's very hard to fail completely.
That's the thing that people don't get."

- Larry Page, Google co-founder (net worth, $32 billion)


All of this may seem preposterous to you, as it seemed to me. But there are
concrete, mechanical reasons for why the vision needs to be grandiose to the
point of madness.

The more desirable the picture, the more effectively it gets transmitted to the
subconscious, and the faster will be your results in that direction.

Go for huge, apparently unachievable aims - aims that are so ambitious as to be

almost insane, like those of a deranged dictator.

This is an absolutely imperative part of how to "hack" the software of the servo-

In this respect, you have to train yourself to "be the dictator", to see a glorious and
elaborate vision of what you'll get, be and become in the future, even and especially
if there are no logical reasons to support the potential "reality" of this outcome.

Real-world action is going to be necessary, too, of course.

Only real-world labours and real-world suffering will bring you what it is that
you want (assuming it's worth having).

But required action can be supplemented with and, in a sense, "lubricated" by

autosuggestive technology and self-image hacking.

See yourself approaching hot girls in the streets or in nightclubs or bars and
"watch" as their positive reactions exceed your expectations.

See yourself making out with them within seconds of meeting, walking hand in hand
to a taxi to go home with them.

See them touching you and smiling and being playful, asking you if you'll be their
boyfriend, pleading with you to come home with them.

Imagination and desire visualisation can be planned in advance (as when you
base it on a "playing god" list) or it can be completely impromptu and free-

Often, simply by relaxing and allowing your imagination to "run away with itself",
you'll see your real desires come to the surface for the first time in a concrete rather
than a vague way, and this will pull you towards them much faster.

Or while in the flow of imagination you'll invent or discover completely new desires
which energize you in your real-world efforts and provide a powerful sense of
purpose and direction.

"It is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one

else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition."

- Larry Page



"Imagination rules the world." - Napoleon

Animal Instinct autosuggestion + the "playing god" exercise (the combination

of which I call Reality Design Engineering) was the principal Archimedes lever
that I used to elevate my game from a paradigm of “seducing hot girls” to
being seduced by hot girls.12

Background: I was a couple years into the game, and I was getting good results -
SNLs, dating hot girls, etc.

My sticking point - as is the case for many intermediates - was that I was always
stuck in the role of the pursuer with most of the girls I approached.

The result I really wanted, but didn't know how to produce, was to walk up to a
gorgeous girl and, through some kind of Jedi mind trick, have her immediately begin
physically escalating on me, actively flirting with me, and becoming affectionate and
intimate - right off the approach.

Previously I had semi-consciously thought that to desire such a thing was indicative
of (a) insecurity and (b) laziness. But the heart wants what it wants, so one day I
consciously visualised this result using AIRe self-programming...

Now. Logic should dictate that visualising myself being seduced may increase
my self-confidence, but it should not have any effect on the behaviour of girls I

That it is to say, as crazy as it is that just thinking about lifting weights in a

concentrated way will increase my strength due to its firing off of the relevant motor
neurons, the idea that if I think about John lifting a dumbbell, John's arm will get
stronger, is plainly ludicrous.

Nevertheless, I gave it a try anyway, purely for fun.

I envisioned tall, beautiful, elegant model-looking type girls trying to seduce me.

I observed “myself” as if through someone else’s eyes as the girl proceeded to try
and get my attention by flirting and touching me excessively while I hung back
uninterested, making zero effort. And I visualised the girl begging me to come home

12 On my good nights, at least.

with her.

Fast-forward about nine days.

It's Tuesday night and I decide to hit the club solo to talk to some chicks, because
why the fuck not right? I had a drink at the bar, did some approaches and fucked
around. The vibe was good.

Next thing I know I’m in set with two twenty year olds, both of them from Los
Angeles, visiting my city. I chat with them for a while.

Both are beautiful - the most attractive girls I'd seen that night.

The slightly hotter one - African American, neuroscience student, looks like a pro
model and is an inch taller than me in high heeled ankle boots - keeps touching me,
physically escalating on me, staring in my eyes, etc.

And she's doing this - to my surprise - (a) just five minutes into the interaction, and
(b) despite the fact that I haven't touched her or run any "game" once - not even a
hug or anything.

But she's escalating on me as if we've already slept together. (Note: all three of us
were stone-cold sober.)

Finally the girls said to me: come get food with us. To which your boy replied: ok.

So having came, saw and conquered I left that place about thirty minutes after
having arrived on my own and knowing no one.

I was looking scruffy in my black hoodie and Falcons jersey but I had these two tall,
model-looking girls on each arm - both of them dressed to the nines in high heels,
makeup, etc.

I walked out of that place real slow - looking everyone dead in the eyes - and I saw
other men watching me like "who the fuck is this kid rolling like this on a Tuesday?"

Long story short we got back to mine, the girls then proceeded to seduce me, and I
ended up in bed with the hotter one (the other had to get a 5am flight - ouch), who
was at that time one of the most attractive girls I'd ever slept with from a cold

And I had visualised this exact scenario - down even to the details of the clothes the
girl was wearing - just 9 days before, using the RDE exercise.

Now, I want you to think about something for a second.

Let's say that I'd been in the game for two years or so at this point.

That's 730 days. During that 730 days I had a few one night stands with very pretty
girls, but I had never been actively seduced by one.

But just nine days after having communicated that outcome to my servo-
mechanism using RDE, it happened.

9 days.

Now, once again, I am not saying that visualisation/self-hypnosis without

action is adequate to get results.

In fact, visualisation techniques should represent only a tiny fraction of your total
efforts - at the core of which should be regular cold approach, self-remembering,
intentional suffering, and the non-expression of unpleasant emotions.

What I am saying is that if you are already taking consistent and dedicated worldly
action to actualise your aims (in terms of cold approach), when you supplement that
action with Reality Design Engineering, it can unleash powerful inner forces.

For the record, the reason I think this particular instance of Reality Design
Engineering worked so surprisingly well in such a short space of time was not
that my thoughts "summoned" some sort of supernatural or magical
intervention in the fabric of reality, or "attracted" the situation to me in a way
which wouldn't have otherwise happened.

Rather, when I did the exercise, I had already amassed enough infield cold
approach reference experiences - and I had consumed enough pickup theory - that,
on some level, I already knew exactly what to do to get the girl to game me.

Deep down in my subconscious, as a result of 730 days of conscious work and

hustle, there was an enormous vault of memories and information – the correct
application of which would give the right result.

What I needed was not new information, but access to the information and
knowledge I already had.

And, largely without my conscious intent, autosuggestion and self-hypnosis in the

form of AIRe/RDE gave me that access.


■ A powerful, vivid mental image of success will draw you towards it in

reality even in the absence of logical reasons to support this

When you program your self-image to believe that I am the type of person who does
X, or I am the type of person who is treated in Y kind of way, it gradually begins to
become your physical reality.


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