Phillips 1991

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Journal of the Geological Downloaded from http://jgs.lyellcollection.

Sociefy, London, Vol. 148, 1991, pp. 1091-1100,at University
9 figsCollege
PrintedLondon on August
in Northern 18, 2016

Progressive deformation of the South Stack and New Harbour Groups, Holy
Island, western Anglesey, North Wales
Department of Geology, University of Wales, PO Box 914, Cardif
Present address: British Geological Survey, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH93LA, U K .

Abstrad: The MonianSupergroup of westernAngleseycomprisesthreemajorlithostratigraphic

units: the South Stack (oldest), New Harbour and Gwna Groups. In northern and western Anglesey,
group, especially towards the base of the New Harbour Group. The variation in style and apparent
intensity of deformation recorded by the South Stack and New Harbour Groups were governed by
gross lithological differences. A correlation is proposed between the deformation histories of the New
HarbourandSouthStackGroups.Earlydeformation of thesupergroupproduceda pervasive
bedding-parallel S1 fabric (chlorite) in both the New Harbour and, to a lesser extent, South Stack
Groups. Development of the major, SE-verging F2 PenrhynMawrandRhoscolynanticlines,and
associated minor folds also produced an axial planar S2 pressure solution and crenulation cleavage
(phengite).The Rhoscolynanticlinewassubsequentlymodified by thelocalizeddevelopment of
recumbent, mesoscale F3 folds with an axial planar pressure-solution cleavage (phengite to phengitic
muscovite). The F3 event may have accompanied an episode of thrust faulting. Deformation of the
South Stack and New Harbour Groups was accompanied by a progressive regional greenschist facies
metamorphic event. Thesimplest interpretation of the deformation history of the Monian Supergroup
involvesaprogressiveSE-directed shearevent whichoccurredpriortothedeposition of an
Ordovician overstep sequence on Anglesey.

Rocksbelonging tothe MonianSupergroup(Shackleton Rhoscolyn anticline. Although Cosgrove(1980)recognized

1975) (LatePrecambrian to earlyCambrian)cropout the similarities between the deformation histories of the
extensively in western Anglesey, where they are unconfor- South Stack and New Harbour Groups, the exact nature of
by an Ordovician (Fennian)overstep the correlation and the effect of his early D1 event upon the
sequence (Beckly 1987). The Monian Supergroup comprises New Harbourmetasedimentsremained unclear. Recently,
three major lithostratigraphic units. The basal South Stack Lisie (1988) has recognized that bedding/cleavage vergence
Group (>loo0 m), sequence
a of interbedded meta- relationships, in the Rhoscolyn area, have been
sandstones,pelitesandsubordinatequartzites (10-25 m modified/reversed during a later phase of folding and as a
thick), is further subdivided into three formations: the South result questioned the existence of the early SE-dipping S1
Stack (oldest),Holyheadand Rhoscolyn Formations (cf. fabric of Cosgrove (1980).
Shackleton 1975) (Fig. 1). These are overlain by a 2-3 km The primary objectives of this paper are to elucidate the
thick sequence of highly deformed pelites, semipelites and deformation histories of the South Stack and New Harbour
subordinatemetabasic rocksknown as the New Harbour Groups,the age of deformationand toerect adetailed
Group, which is in turn overlain by the Gwna Melange. correlationbetween the deformation histories of the two
Barber & Max (1979) emphasized the differences in both groups. A SE-directed, progressive deformation model is
style and intensity of deformationrecorded at different proposed to explain the deformation history of this part of
structural/stratigraphic levels within thesupergroupand the Monian Supergroup.Althoughstandard symbolshave
argued forthepresence of amajorthrustseparatingthe been used (e.g. S1, S2) it is not intended that successive sets
South Stack and New Harbour Groups. They suggested that of structures necessarily imply a separate deformation event
the New Harbour Group was deformed prior to its tectonic ( D l , D 2 . . . Dn). For a more detailed description of the
emplacement upon an undeformed South Stack Group. This deformationstructuresdevelopedin the South Stack and
interpretation was contested by Powell andothers (in New HarbourGroupsthereader is referred to Phillips
discussion of Barber & Max1979) whointerpretedthe (1989).
differences in style andapparentintensity of deformation
recorded by the South Stack and New Harbour Groups as
being governed by lithological contrastsbetweenthe two
groups. Minor structures in the South Stack Group
Cosgrove(1980) concentratedon the minorstructures The South Stack metasediments are well exposed in the cliff
developedin the South Stack Group associated with the sections along the SW coast of Holy Island (Fig. 1). Several
major SE-verging Rhoscolyn anticline (Fig. 1). He generations of cleavage,lineationsand foldshave been
concluded that a NW directed D1 event produced an early, recognizeddeforming thesemetasediments (Phillips 1989)
lowangleSE-dipping fabric, whichwas thendeformed (Fig. 2). In general, the intensity of these structures
a SE-directed D2 eventthatformedthe increases towardsthe SE of Holy Island. Other minor
Downloaded from at University College London on August 18, 2016




Nev Harbour Group

gabbro - serpentinite

South Stark Group

@ Rhoscolyn Fm (quartzite-top left)

Holyhead Quartzite

Holyhead Fm (quartzite - top left)

South Stark Fm

0 2km
I 25 26 27 26
J thrust

Fig. 1. Simplified geological mapof Holy Island. Inset: map of Anglesey showing locationof study area. B.W.T, Breakwater thrust; P.M.A,
Penrhyn Mawr anticline; P.G.T., Porth y Garan thrust; R. A, Rhoscolyn anticline (Phillips 1989).

structuresincludesigmoidal,en-echelon quartztension theseunitsbeing dominated by S2 fabricdevelopment

fissures, cusp and mullion structures, and thrusts. [SH25967620]. In the
pelites, F2 resulted
in the
An early bedding-parallel S1 fabric (chlorite) is primarily deformation of S1 and a set of early quartz-tension fissures
developed/preserved within the meta-siltstonesand fine- by recumbent, asymmetrical folds. Thequartz tension-
fabric is defined by fissures indicate aconsistent SE-directedshearsense on
alternating (C1.5cm)quartz-and mica-lithons (Fig.3a) bothlimbs of, forexample, the Rhoscolyn anticline and,
[SH 2625 75101, with S1 developmentresultinginthe therefore, did notdevelop byaprocess of flexural slip
intensification of awell developed sedimentary lamination associated with F2 folding (cf. Cosgrove 1980).
(Fig. 3a). A NW-SE-trending L1 mineral lineation On thenorthern limb of the Rhoscolyn Anticline
(chlorite) is exposed on Sl/SO surfaces. No convincing F1 [SH26007625 to SH 2660 75101, S2 is locally deformed by
fold phasehasbeen identifiedwithin the SouthStack recumbent, SE-verging, NE-plunging (Fig. 2) F3 folds (Fig.
Group. 4) and an associated axial planar S3 pressure-solution fabric
Beddingand S1 weresubsequentlydeformedduring a (phengiteto phengitic-muscovite). The main effect of this
pervasive F2 fold event. F2 folds are gently NE-plunging later fold phase was to modify and locally reverse SO/S2
(Fig. 2), upright to recumbentstructuresexhibiting Z , M vergence relationships (cf. Lisle 1988). Deformation of S2
and S geometries relative to their position on intermediate during F3 wasaccomplished internal to beddingwith SO
and large scale F2 structures. An associated, pervasive, S2 being relatively undeformed (Fig. 4). The axial surfaces of
pressure solution cleavage(with phengitegrowth) may be F3 within the psammites are sub-parallel to earlier F2
axial planar to minor F2 folds, or weakly transecting as well structuresin the adjacentpelites, with F3 resulting in a
asformingconvergent and divergent cleavage fans. In tightening of these earlier structures and the superimposi-
lithologies in which S1 is well developed, S2 is characterized tion of S3 upon awell developed S2 transposition fabric.
by both a pressure solution and crenulation cleavage (Fig. Lisle (1988) emphasized the importance of identifying
3a). Meso-scalefolding of the massive orthoquartzites is modified to reversed bedding/clevage vergence relationships
limited [SH 2064 8225; SH 2600 76251, with deformation of in foldedterranes.The locally SE-dipping fabric, which
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South Stack Group N


New HarbourGroup
contour 1-4 H 5-9
. '. .: :
.. ..,.:.
: .:(
10-14 15+

Fig. 2. Representative structuraldata recorded from the South Stack and New Harbour groups. Equal-area projections.

Cosgrove (1980) interpretedas having beendeveloped bedding-parallel fabric (chlorite), and a second NW-dipping
during his early NW-directed D1 event, is now interpreted S2 crenulation cleavage (Fig. 2). Bedding within the group
as being due to thereversal of SOIS2 vergence during F3. has largely been transposed into the S1 fabric [SH 2510 7900
In the core of the Rhoscolyn Anticline, asymmetrical to to SH242079551. The mineralogy, morphology and
symmetrical minor F2 folds were modified during F3 (Fig. metamorphicgrade of S1in the New HarbourGroup is
3b) [SH 250 7501. Hinge migration occumng in response to comparable tothat of the earlybedding-parallelfabric
this later fold phase resulted in the localized folding of S2 identified in the underlying South Stack Group.
and the reorientation of this fabric on the overturned limbs AssociatedwithS1 is well-developed
a L1mineral
into parallelismwith the developing S3 fabric.Conse- (chlorite) lineation and quartz elongation lineation (Fig. 2
quently,S3 was superimposedupon S2, leading tothe and Fig. 3c). Quartz tension-fissures are commonand
observed increase in intensity of the fabric on the exhibita SE-directedshearsensecomparable to similar
overturned limbs of these fold structures (Fig. 3b). structures in the South Stack Group. Despite the intensityof
Also developed in the South Stack Group, affecting to S1 in the New HarbourGroup,no F1 folds havebeen
varying degrees all lithologies, isa set of conjugate kink recognized.
bands which are broadly coaxial to F2 and F3. The intensity F2 folds dominate within the New HarbourGroup,
of thesestructures varies considerably,andthey clearly deforming the earlier S1 and L1 lineation (Fig. 3c and d),
post-date all the earlier folds and fabrics. withL1lying approximatelyorthogonal to later F2 fold
hinges (Fig. 3c). F2 folds are predominantly NE-plunging,
SE-verging (Fig. 2),recumbent non-cylindrical structures
Minor structures in the New Harbour Group with an axial planar S2 crenulation cleavage. O n the basis of
Overlying the South Stack Group are the highly deformed, fold interferencethreegenerations of F2 folds havebeen
dominantly pelitic chlorite-mica-schists of the New Harbour identified. All thesegenerationsdeformS1andexhibit a
Group (Fig. 1).Twogenerations of fabricshavebeen consistent SE-directedshearsense with an axial planar
identified deformingthese
metasediments; and early crenulation cleavage (phengite) of equivalent metamorphic
1094 Downloaded from
E. P H at IUniversity
L L I P S College London on August 18, 2016

' E W

Fig.3. (a) Well-developed bedding-parallelS1 fabric within a metasiltstone deformedby a spaced S2 crenulation cleavage(pencil is 15 cm
long) (South Stack Group). (b) SE-verging F2 fold modified duringF3 resulting in the localized folding of S2 in the hinge of the fold (South
Stack Group). (c) F2 fold deformingS1 and L1 in the New Harbour Group. (a) SE-verging F2 fold developed within theNew Harbour
Group. (e) Bedding-paralllel thrust developed along the upper boundary of a quartzite unit, South Stack Group [Sh 2600 76551 (cliff is
10-15 m high). (f) Post-F2 thrust fault deforming the South Stack Group [SH2365 79551.
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W London on August 18, 2016

Fig. -(continued)

NW S.E, grade.Consequently,it is concluded that all three fold

generations developed during the same progressive defor-
mation event.
Finally, a late set of conjugate kink bands deform both
S1 and S2 cleavages. The intensity of kink band
development varies considerablyand is comparable to
structures of asimilar agedevelopedin theSouth Stack

Major fold structures

Two major, SE-vergingkilometre-scale anticlines deform
boththeSouthStackand New Harbour Groups (Fig. 1).
They are separated by a broad syncline occupied by the New
Harbour Group. These are, in the north the Penrhyn Mawr
anticline and to the south the Rhoscolyn anticline (Figs 1, 5
Fig. 4. Field sketch of an F3 fold showing the modificationto and 6). The essential features of the NE-plunging Penrhyn
localized reversal ofSO/S2 vergence relationships.0 = angle Mawr anticline are illustrated in Fig. 5. The relative position
between bedding andS3/F3 axial surface (scalebar is 25cm). and attitude of both the major anticline and intermediate



Fig.5. Simplified cross section through

the Penrhyn Mawr anticlinefrom South
Stack [SH 2048 82301 to Porth Dafarch
[SH 2335 80001.
1096 PHILLIPS Downloaded from
E. at University College London on August 18, 2016



; < =way UP
0 MOm
/ =S2
td ’



Fig. 6. Simplified cross section through
the Rhoscolyn anticline.

scale structuresweredetermined by the variation in consistent

with the Rhoscolyn anticline being an F2
measured bedding attitude, F2 fold vergence and S, M and structure. The intermediate relationship of the dip of the
Z fold-geometries, SO/S2 vergence relationships and axial plane of the anticline to the mean dip of S2 and S3 is
younging directions determined for well preserved sedimen- considered to be duetothe partialrotation of its axial
tary.structures.The calculatedorientation of thismajor surface toward the SE during F3. Rotation of this major
anticline is comparabletothe meanplungeand axial anticline toward the SE also resulted in the modification of
orientation of both minor F2 folds and L2 lineation minor F2 folds within its core.
developedin the SouthStack Group; consequently the The lack of exposure of the South Stack Group between
Penrhyn Mawr Anticline is of F2 age. Bwa Du [SH 2600 76251 and Porth Dafarch [SH 2335 80001,
At Rhoscolyn,however, initial SOIS2 vergenceand in conjunction with the highly deformed nature of the New
minor F2 fold relationshipshavebeen modifiedby F3 HarbourGroup,makestheinterpretation of the gross
resulting in a more complex structural history. Whilst the structure of this area problematical.Indirectevidencefor
geometry of the minor F2 folds relative to their position on the structure of this area is afforded by the resistivity study
the anticline suggests that the Rhoscolyn anticline is F2 in of Habberjam & Jackson (1974). The increase in resistivity
age, SOIS2 vergencerelationships are variable on asmall with depth and the symmetry about Trearddur Bay of high
scale, especially on the northern limb of the anticline due to resistivity values, indicative of the psammitic South Stack
F3 folding. If, however, SO/S2 relationships are ignored in Group (Fig. 7) (for details see Habberjam & Jackson 1974),
where F3 folds are conspicuous, then S2 is suggests that the Penrhyn Mawr and Rhoscolyn anticlines

Holyhead M t Trearddw Bay Cymyran b y

a soundmo locahons

1 3 4km

0 < 400 c J
630 . 7 I.. .. c 1000 S.:.
”< 7580

c] New HarbourGroup

RhOsC-OIYn Fm. Fig.7. (a) Contouredplot of resistivity

along a linefrom Holyhead Mountain to
Ho/@ad Fm. Cymran Bay (Holy Island)
& Jackson 1974). (b) Simplified cross
3 1 m
South Stack Fm. section
based on
0 1 2 3 4km the resistivity dataof Habberjam &
P Jackson (1974) and field data.
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arelinked by amajor syncline occupied by the lower

resistivity New Harbour Group.
hrnh bands thrusts
Thrust faulting
Two episodes of thrusting have been recognized: an early
phase of bedding-parallel thrusting, and a late post-F2 phase
of brittle thrust faulting (Phillips 1989). Greenly (1919) was
the first to recognize the presence of bedding-parallel thrusts
along the upper boundaries of the quartzites (Fig. 3e)within
the South Stack Group (e.g. the Breakwater thrust. Fig. l),
although subsequent workers (e.g. Cosgrove 1980) have not
discussed these structures. These early thrusts are deformed
by later F2 folds [Sh260076251 placing a relative age on
initial thrusting as pre-F2.However,theincrease in the
intensity of S2 towards the top of the quartzites suggests that Fig. 8.Correlation between the deformation historiesof the South
movement continuedalongthesestructuresduring F2, Stack and New Harbour Groups. N, data collected from north of
possibly in response to layer-parallel flexural slip. south of Trearddur Bay.
Trearddur Bay; S , data collected from
A second phase of post-F2 brittle thrusts deforms both
the South Stack and New Harbour Groups, and includes the 2 m of thecontact. A pervasivefabricdeveloped within
Trearddur Bay [SH225 7881 andPorth y Garanthrusts these rocks occurs parallel to both the contact and S1 in the
[SH 256877251 (Fig. 1) (after Greenly 1919). The sense of New Harbour Group. This foliation, along with the contact,
overthrusting on these structures is towards the SE (Phillips was then deformed during the F2 fold phase [SH 2400 80351.
1989). In the South Stack Group the intensity and number Kinematic
indicators within the graphitic-schists
of these NW-dipping thrusts increases
betweenPorth [SH 240080351 (e.g.rootlessfolds, tension-fissures and
Dafarch [SH2335 80001 and Porth y Corgwi [SH2202358] shear bands) yield a SE-directed shear sense prior to F2.
(Fig. l). The intensity of thrusting in this area is atypical of The intensity of S1 increases downward through the New
the South Stack Group, with both the meta-sandstones and Harbour Group, especially within the pelites and metabas-
pelites becoming highly schistose in the vicinity of these ites at the base of the group. Consequently, the boundary
structures (Fig. 30. The Trearddur Bay Thrust is considered between the South
Stack and New Harbour Groups
to have deformed thecontactbetweenthe New Harbour representsahigh-strainzone. The grossdifferences in
and SouthStackGroups,basedon the presence of fault lithology between the New HarbourGroupand,more
bounded lenses of highly deformed graphitic-mica-schist in competent,SouthStackGroup would haveresultedin
the Trearddur Bay area [SH 2521 7901; SH 2535 78731 which higher strains being recordedalongthislithostratigraphic
are commonly observedmarkingthecontactbetweenthe boundary.
two groups [SH 2400 80351 (Phillips 1989). It is possible that
thrusting in the South Stack Group (between Porth Dafarch
and Porth y Corgwi) represents the Trearddur Bay Thrust at Progressive deformation model
a deeper level within the Monian Supergroup. Previous workers,includingBarber & Max (1979) and
Cosgrove (1980), have interpreted the deformation histories
of the South Stack and New Harbour Groups in terns of
Correlation between the deformation of the South several discretedeformationevents.Adetailedstudy of
Stack and New Harbour Groups thesestructures(Phillips 1989), however,hasled toa
A direct correlation can be made between the deformation reappraisal of thedeformationhistory of the Monian
histories of the South Stack and New Harbour Groups (Fig. Supergroup exposed inSW Anglesey. Successive gener-
8), supported by the broadly coaxial
the ations of ductile structures developedin the South Stackand
consistentSE-directedshearsenseobtainedfor successive New Harbour Groups are broadly coaxial (Figs 2 and 8).
generations of minor structures developed in both groups. For example, L1 in the New Harbour Group lies
Barber & Max(1979) argued for the presence of a major approximately orthogonal to later F2 fold hinges (Fig. 3c)
separating the
Stack and New Harbour i.e. parallel to the stretching direction of this fold phase.
Groups, with the New Harbour Group having been Furthermore, consistent
a SE-directed shear
sense is
deformed prior
to its tectonic
emplacement uponan obtainedforthesevariousductilestructures, whichis
undeformedSouthStack Group.However,the proposed mimicked by the SE sense of overthrusting established on
correlation invalidates this conclusion. The identification of the later brittle thrusts.
a previously unrecognized bedding-parallel S1 fabric in the Consequently,the simplest interpretation of the
South Stack Group provides important new evidence that deformation history of the South Stack and New Harbour
deformation Groups isin terms of one progressiveSE-directedshear
histories. event. This event can be best illustrated in terms of three
The boundary between the two groups is marked by a progressive stages.
distinct change in both lithology and apparent intensity of Stage 1 (Fig. 9). The initial stages of deformation were
deformation.Associated with thiscontactareaseries of dominated by shearing concentrated within the New
discontinuous, highly-sheared metabasites
graphitic HarbourGroupandpelitichorizons of the SouthStack
schists (Fig. 1) [SH 27007464; SH 240080351,which either Group, Shearing resulted in thedevelopment of a
occur at this boundary or in the New Harbour Group within bedding-parallel S1 fabric in both groups, accompanied by
1098 Downloaded from at University College London on August 18, 2016

NW S.E directed shear S.E

New HarbourGroup

South Stack Group

Rhoscolyn Fm.

Holyhead Fm.

nrhyn Mawr Anticline
Rhoscolyn Anfiche vertical = horizontal scale

Slmp//fied Crosssection [effects

of later fauitmg
removed l

Fig. 9. Cartoon illustrating the progressive deformation history proposed for New
the Harbour and South Stack Groups(a detailed cross
section through theSW coast of Holy Island is available as Supplementary PublicationNo SUP 18071 (one A3 page) from the British Library,
Document Supply Centre, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ and from the Society Library. Itis also availableon request from
the author).

thelatedevelopment of sigmoidal quartz-tension fissures. arisenfrom this study regards the validity of the use of
The competence contrasts between the orthoquartzites and standardstructural symbols
in deformed
interbeddedmeta-sandstones and
led to terranes. Such symbols
were originally designed to
detachment (thrusting) along the upper boundaries of these distinguish between successive generations of minor
quartzite units. Gross differences in mechanical anisotropy structuresrelated to severaldiscretedeformationevents.
betweenthepredominantly psammitic South Stack Group However, in areas where a progressive deformation history
and pelitic New Harbour Groupresulted in the development can be established the use of these symbolsmay lead to
of a high-strain zone along the boundary between the two confusion. Consequently, with the increasing application of
groups. progressive deformation models to complex, deformed
Stage 2 (Fig. 9). This stage is characterized by F2 folding terranes (e.g. Key et al. 1991) perhaps a review of this type
together with the development of a NW-dipping foliation. of nomenclature isnow required.Unfortunately, such a
The Rhoscolyn andPenrhyn Mawr anticlines form,and revision is beyond the scope of this paper.
flexural slip associated with the development of these major
structures probably resulted in continued movement along
earlier thrusts and the New Harbour/South Stack contact. Discussion
Stage 3 (Fig. 9). The ductile deformation of stages 1 and Although adirectcorrelation can bemadebetweenthe
2 was superseded by anepisode of SE-directedbrittle deformation histories of the South Stack and New Harbour
thrusting. SE-overthrusting of the Penrhyn Mawr anticline Groups, and a similar deformation history recognised in the
caused thereorientation of earlier folds andfabric in the New Harbourmetasediments exposed in NWAnglesey
hangingwall of this structure.Tectonic thickening of the (Khonstamm 1980), a number of key questions need to be
MonianSupergroup led to F3 folding and fabric consideredwithrespect tothe tectonic evolution of the
development within the South Stack Group and the rotation Monian Supergroup.
of the Rhoscolyn anticline toward the southeast. The age of deformation of theMonianSupergroup
deformationevent was accompanied by a remains uncertain.An Ordovician (Fennian) overstep
progressive,regionalgreenschist facies metamorphic event sequence on Anglesey provides the only age constraint on
(Phillips 1989). Theseearly,dominantlyductilestructures deformation.
Foliated clasts New
of HarbourGroup
werelaterdeformed by at least one phase of high-angle material in the Ordovician sediments prove at least the early
brittle faults, including the North Stack, Porth Namarch and fabric within the Supergroup is pre-Fennian in age.
Bwa Du faults (Fig. 1). One importantpoint whichhas High-angle brittlefaults which deformearlier-developed
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ductile structures within the supergroup (e.g. North Stack ments may have occurred in response to sinistral
Fault) can be shown to havecontrolledsedimentation transcurrentmovementsalong this shearzone during the
during the Ordovician (Bates 1972,
1974). TheGwna late
Precambrian to earlyCambrian. So although the
Melange exposed on the Llyn Peninsula is involved in shear presence of a volcanic arc complex can be established in the
zonesthat are overlain by sediments no youngerthan Anglesey area, it remains a possibility that deformation of
Moridunian (lower Arenig) age (Beckly1987). Conse- theMonianSupergroupoccurredinresponse tomajor
quently,deformation of the MonianSupergroupoccurred transcurrent fault movementsandterrane accretionalong
but in the absence of the NWmargin of an Avalonian superterrane during late
radiometric datathe exactage of deformationremains Precambrian to early Cambrian times.
Clasts within the Gwna Melange are commonly aligned
parallel toan early S1 fabric.Gibbons & Ball(1991)
described a similarbedding-parallel fabric within the New A direct correlation
be established between the
Harbour Group beneath the Gwna Melange/New Harbour deformation histories of the New Harbour and South Stack
contactin N Anglesey. Disruption of the New Harbour Groups,a conclusion supported by thebroadly coaxial
Group was interpreted by these authors as having occurred nature and the consistent SE-directed shear sense obtained
during the deposition of the Gwna Melange, whilst the New for successive generations of minor structures developed in
Harbourmetasedimentswere still only partially lithified. both groups. Early deformation of the Monian Supergroup
This interpretation has important implications for the timing produced a pervasive bedding-parallel S1 fabric in the New
of deposition of theGwnaMelange with respect to the Harbourand,toalesserextent,South stack Groups.
timing of deformation of the underlying New Harbour and Development of themajor SE-verging F2 Penrhyn Mawr
South Stack Groups. The comparable, relative age of fabric and Rhoscolyn anticlines,and associatedminorfoldsalso
development and postulated bedding-parallel nature of S1 in produced an axial planar S2 pressure solution to crenulation
the Gwna Melange with respect to the deformation cleavage. The Rhoscolyn anticline was subsequently
sequence of the Monian Supergroup suggests that melange modified by the localized development of recumbent
deposition occurred during the early stages of deformation mesoscale F3 folds with an axial planar S3 foliation. The F3
of the South Stack and New Harbour Groups. event was restricted to the structurally deeper South Stack
The Monian metasediments and their associated igneous Group and may have accompanied an episodeof the post-F2
rocks have previously beeninterpretedasrecordinglate thrust faulting. The simplest interpretation of the deforma-
Precambriansubduction (see Wood 1974; Barber & Max tionhistory of this part of the MonianSupergroup is in
1979),with theMonian blueschists exposed in eastern terms of one progressive SE directed shear event. The initial
Anglesey providing a key piece of evidence for the existence stages of deformation of the Monian Supergroup may have
of this subduction system (Thorpe et al. 1984). A accompanied deposition of theGwna Melange. Deforma-
collision-accretion process may have resulted
in the tion and melange generation may have occurred in response
generation of theGwnaMelangeanddeformationata to (a) the collision-accretion of a Monian arc system with a
deeper level within the supergroup, perhaps similar to the continental
margin; or (b) during
development of the Tiawanese Lichi melange whichwas faulting and terrane accretion along the NW margin of an
generated by the collision of an arc system
with a Avalonian superterrane during the late Precambrian to early
continental margin (Page & Suppe 1981). Cambrian.
The identification of high-angle ductile shear zones (e.g.,
the BerwShearZoneineastern Anglesey) separating This research was carried out during a NERC funded PhD research
radically different rock units, led directly to the application studentshipinthedepartment of Geology attheUniversity of
of suspect terranetheory to the Anglesey area (Gibbons Wales, Cardiff.
1983, 1989). In central Anglesey the Monian Supergroup is
separatedfromabelt of gneisses and c . 600 Magranitic References
rocks (theCoedana Complex)by majorbrittlefaultsand BARBER,A . J. & MAX,M. D. 1979. A new look at the Mona Complex
ductile shear zones. It is possible that the deformation of the (Anglesey, North Wales). Journal of theGeological Society, London,
Monian Supergroup and melange generation may have been l36, 407-432.
BATES,D. E. B. 1972. The stratigraphy of the Ordovician rocks of Anglesey.
related tomajortranscurrentfaultingresulting in the Geological Journal, 8, 29-58.
dissection of the Monian arc system, rather than active plate BATES,D . E. B. 1974. The structure of the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of
subduction. The correlation of the South Stack Group with Anglesey, with special reference to faulting. Geological Journal, 9,
the Cullenstown Formation(Crimes & Dhonau 1967) and 39-60,
BECKLY,A. J. 1987. Basin development in North Wales during the Arenig.
more recently an enlarged Cahore Group (Tietzsch-Tyler & Geological Journal, 22, 19-30.
Phillips 1989) links the MonianSupergroup with thelate COSGROVE,J . W. 1980. The tectonic implications of some small scale
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Received 17 October 1990; revised typescript accepted 10 June 1991.

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