Fs2 Episode 10-1 Yan1

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Field Study 2 Learning Episode 10

Writing My Learning/Lesson Plans

Participate and Assist

Lesson Plan in
Grade Level
Learning Outcomes

 Cognitive
 identify parts of the microscope and their functions
 Psychomotor
 locate the different parts of a microscope accurately when given a picture
 Affective
 appreciate the developed of microscope
Learning Content

 Microscopy

Learning Resources


Learning Procedures
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Student’s

Daily Routines Okay class before we start our lesson (Students do as told)
for today, please pick up some rubbish
and kindly arrange your chairs. Thank

Are you all done? Yes sir.

 Prayer Good! Can anyone on this group lead (one student will
the prayer? volunteer to lead the
 Greetings
“Good morning! Sir.”
“Good morning class.”

“We’re all feeling

“How are you feeling this morning?”
well sir”

“That’s nice to hear.”

 Checking Attendance Class monitor, kindly check the

(Class monitor will
attendance and remind me later who
check the attendance)
are absent today.

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Before we proceed to our next topic, “Yes sir.”
presenting a new lesson. let us review first what we have
discussed last meeting, do you
remember our lesson?
Very good, so what our lesson last
(One student will
raise his/her hand
and answer the
question) “We have
discussed last
meeting about metals
and non-metals sir.”
Yes, indeed.

I think that you are now ready for our

next topic for today, class.

B. Establishing a purpose for the This morning, we are going to discuss

lesson about microscopy.

C. Presenting Have you seen a compound “Yes sir.”

Examples/instances of the microscope? How would you describe
new lesson it?
(Students will raise
Great! Do you have any idea what is their hands)
(A student will define

Yes, please stand.

Indeed. Let us give him/her a round of


D. Discussing new concepts and What is microscope? (Students will listen

practicing new skills #1 attentively in class
 An instrument used to magnify discussion)
objects too small to be seen
with our unaided eye.

 It is used by biologists in
studying objects or organisms
that are invisible to the naked
What is a compound microscope?
 Type of microscope that uses
visible light to illuminate the
object being observed.

 Consist two optical parts, the

ocular lens in the eyepiece and
the objective lenses.
Do you have any question regarding to
“No sir”
the function of microscope and
compound microscope?

If none, let’s now proceed to the parts

and the functions of compound

E. Discussing new concepts and PARTS AND FUNCTION OF

practicing new skills #2 COMPOUND MICROSCOPE

1. Eyepiece/Ocular lens-
contains the magnifying lens
where you look through which
usually provides a 10x or a 15x
2. Body tube- connects the
eyepiece to the revolving
nosepiece with the objectives.
3. Arm- supports the body tube
and connects it to the base. It is
where the microscope is held.
4. Mirror- reflects the light
upward through the diaphragm,
the specimen and the lenses.
5. Diaphragm- regulates the
amount of light that goes into
the body tube and reaches the
6. Stage- supports the slide
containing the specimen being
7. Stage clip- holds the slide in
8. Revolving nosepiece- holds the
objective lens and facilitates the
changing of the desired
objective to its position.
9. Coarse adjustment knob-
moves the tube and lower
power objective (LPO) lens
closer or farther away from the
stage to view the image of the
10. Fine adjustment knob- brings
an image of the specimen into
fine focus showing the detailed
parts of the specimen while
using the high power objective
(HPO) lens.
11. Objective lens- these are the
scanner, Low Power Objective
(LPO) and High Power
Objective (HPO) that magnify
the image of the specimen.
12. Base- provides support and
serves as a stand of the
13. Inclination joint- joint that
connects the arm and the base “No sir”
of the microscope.

Do you have any question, clarification

in our lesson class?

F. Developing Mastery (Lead to Okay, now that you have understand (Students will raise
Formative Assessment #3) our topic, can you define the their hands and
microscope and compound answer the questions
microscope? that have been asked)

“Microscope An
instrument used to
magnify objects too
small to be seen with
our unaided eye.”
One student answer

“On the other hand,

microscope is a type
of microscope that
uses visible light to
illuminate the object
being observed.”

Very good! You’re listen carefully in

our class discussion.
(One student will
enumerate the parts
of microscope)

“The different parts

Who can enumerate the parts of
of microscope are
compound microscope?
eyepiece, body tube,
arm, mirror,
diaphragm, stage,
stage clip, revolving
nosepiece, coarse and
fine adjustment knob,
objective lens, base,
and inclination joint.”

Very good class! I think you find

interesting about our topic.

G. Finding practical applications Now, that you have already learned (Students will raise
of concepts and skills in daily about microscope and compound their hands and
living microscope and its parts and function, I explain).
have here a picture of compound
microscope. You will identify the
different parts and familiarize it.
(One student will
volunteer go to the
Anyone here in the group volunteer to
front and identify the
identify the parts of microscope?
parts of microscope)
Thank you for your active
participation. Let’s give him/her 10

H. Making generalization and For the generalization, we have

abstractions about the lesson discussed about microscope and
compound microscope. Where
microscope defined as an instrument
used to magnify objects too small to be
seen with our unaided eye and the
compound microscope defined as a
type of microscope that uses visible
light to illuminate the object being
observed. There are different parts of
compound microscope which are the
eyepiece, body tube, arm, mirror,
diaphragm, stage, stage clip, revolving
nosepiece, coarse and fine adjustment
knob, objective lens, base, and
inclination joint.

So class, I think you are now ready for “Yes sir.”

our quiz for today, right?
I. Evaluating Learning (Students will review
I will give you 5 minutes to review. and prepare ½ sheet
Then please prepared ½ sheet of paper. of paper)

“Don’t forget to write your name and “Yes sir.”


“Okay, everybody please keep all your

notes. Only ½ sheet of paper and
ballpen at the top of your table.”

“Number 1…….”(Teacher is
conducting a quiz)

“Pass all your papers in front at a count

of 10.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.”

Okay, please settle down everyone.

J. Additional Activities for (Teacher will give an assignment)

Application or Remediation
“As your assignment, draw a
compound microscope and label its
parts. Put it on a short size bond paper
and submit it on our time.”

“Do I make myself clear?” “Yes sir.”

Okay, thank you class for your active

“Thank you and
Goodbye class and see you next goodbye sir.”


1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson/ learning plans?
 The topic, the duration I have for the lesson, knowing my content, and knowing
the materials that are available to help you teach for success are all factors that I
considered when writing lesson plans

2. What difficulties did you meet in writing your lesson/learning plans?

 Because I have never written a lesson plan before and this was my first attempt, I
believe that selecting a topic to teach is the most difficult part of the process. It is
a challenge for me, but I know that it will benefit me in the future when I become
a teacher.
3. What were the best features/areas for improvement of your lesson learning plans?
I am well aware that there is always room for enhancement. I believe that one of
the best features/areas for betterment in your lesson learning plans is motivation,
in which students actively participate in games/activities that encourage critical
thinking, brainstorming, and cooperation in class discussions.

Questions Answer

1. How did you arouse students’ interest? I piqued my students' interest by asking a few
What motivational techniques did you questions and by introducing them to some
indicate in your plan? unfamiliar concepts. By employing this
technique, it will encourage them to pay
attention to the conversation and exercise
critical thought.

2. How did you respond to the diverse To respond to the different students, I first
types of learners? observed their areas of specialization and
2.1 gender, needs, strengths, interest expert knowledge. I could then determine
and experiences which activity would be best for them. I
2.2 Linguistic, cultural, socio- divide them into groups based on their areas
economic and religious of interest whenever there is a group activity
backgrounds. where they can use their abilities and talents.
2.3 With disabilities, giftedness and
2.4 In difficult circumstances
2.5 From indigenous groups
3. What instructional strategies will you In order to help the students fully understand
employ in face-to-face or in a remote and appreciate this lesson, I will use video
learning delivery for this lesson? presentations as one of my primary
Explain. instructional strategies whether I am
delivering it face-to-face or virtually.

4. Was the language used appropriate to yes, despite using english, the language was
the level of the students? Explain your appropriate for the students' level because the
answer briefly terms were clear, concise, and simple to

5. What types and levels of questions did 1. Have you seen a compound
you formulate? Are they of the higher microscope? How would you describe
order thinking skills (HOTS)? Write it?
two (2) examples. 2. Enumerate the different parts of
microscope and describe each briefly.
6. What instructional resources will you Textbooks, YouTube, multimedia materials,
use? Why? Cite the possible online and other course materials are the
resources that you can utilize whether instructional resources I'll be utilizing.
done in the classroom or in remote
7. Are your modes of assessment aligned Yes, it was aligned for example
with your learning outcomes and
activities? Cite a specific example.  identify parts of the microscope and
their functions
 recite the importance of the
microscope into the field of science.
 As your assignment, draw a
compound microscope and label its
8. Will your performance tasks ensure Yes, because they take into account the
the mastery of the learning learning objectives of the lesson, performance
competencies? Explain briefly. tasks guarantee mastery of the learning

9. In a scale of 1-10, how will you rate I'm going to give my learning plans a 4
your learning plans? Justify your because I know there's a lot to enhance and
answer. fix in the flow of my lesson plan, and I
believe there's always opportunity for

10. If this lesson is not implemented face If implementing this lesson face-to-face is not
to-face, how are you going to do it possible, I will do so remotely by creating a
remotely? positive learning environment, staying
connected, working with others, responding to
regular feedback, and setting a goal.


Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?

 Since lesson planning is regarded as the model for teaching, it is an essential

component of the instructional cycle. It acts as a manual for the instructor as they
demonstrate their lesson, giving them more confidence and preventing them from
fumbling in front of the class.

Write Action Research Prompts


1. The problems/challenges I encountered in writing my learning/ lesson plans is I don’t

know how to make a flow of my lesson plan and connect it to my objectives and
learning outcomes but still I do my best and I hope that I can improve more.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges to improve my skills in

doing my lesson plan.

3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to help enhance those

situations/problems I will seek assistance from my resource teacher and those who
have expertise in creating lesson plans so that I can gain an understanding of how to
create lesson plans effectively and efficiently.


4. Based on my answer in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this
episode Lesson Planning: Train You to Become a Pro

Work on My Artifacts
Paste one lesson plan and write your simple reflection.

Lesson plan is definitely one of the toughest tasks that a teacher can undergo. We need
to work hard for it so that we have a confident to face our students and run smoothly our
discussion. Indeed, lesson plan serves as a guide of what students need to learn and how it will
be done effectively during the class time. Then, you can design appropriate learning activities
and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning.

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