Mastered Concep-WPS Office

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Mastered Concept in Fluid Mechanics based on sex

The purpose of this research is to describe the effectiveness of STEM on the physics concepts
understanding seen from gender differences. The research method used is a type of quasi-experimental
design with 2x2 factorial design and saturated sampling technique. The data collecting technique used a
tested method to see the results of students’ concept understanding. Hypothesis testing was done using
two-way ANOVA 2 x 2 factorial designs. The results of the study are: (1) there are differences in STEM
and conventional learning on concepts understanding and the use of STEM learning is more effective
than the conventional one; (2) there are differences in the results of understanding the concept
between male and female students where male students are higher than female students; and, (3) there
is no interaction between learning and gender towards concepts understanding. The research
recommends designing the STEM-integrated ESciT learning to be relevant with the indicator
measurements and to manage the learning effectively to obtain optimum learning outcome.

Rumadani Sagala, UMAM Rofiqul, Andi Thahir, Antomi Saregar, Indah Wardani

In light of the growing diversity in contemporary cities, planning literature calls for inclusive and
participatory planning acts. Alas, little has changed in planning practice. This paper inquires into the
pedagogical aspects of a case study of a qualitative research methods course aiming to prepare planners
to plan with ‘The Other’. Presenting five queries and the pedagogical inputs they have yielded, the
conclusion suggests that inclusionary planning approaches should already be implemented in planning
schools and that the relational approach and qualitative methods can provide adequate tools for
widening planners’ perception of ‘The Other’ and to integrating his/her standpoint in the planning

Mor Shilon, Efrat Eizenberg

We conducted a study of student performance in and perceptions of a blended classroom delivery of a

3rd-year-level fluid mechanics course. In the blended classroom pedagogy, students watch short on-line
videos before class, participate in interactive in-class problem solving (in pairs), and complete
individualized on-line quizzes weekly. The hypothesis is that when the cognitive load attendant on fluid
mechanics problems is significant, an interactive learning environment yields greater learning outcomes
than the traditional modeling-and-mimicry approach. We analyze this claim in the context of the
complexity, ill-structuredness, and cognitive load inherent in navigating fluid mechanics problems.
Comparisons are made among traditional and blended classroom deliveries by the same experienced
instructor via student surveys and direct assessment of student performance. The results reveal
dramatic improvement in student engagement, perceptions, and achievement in the blended classroom
pedagogy. Significant differences are found in final course total and the withdrawal/fail/passing (WFD)
rate. Further, a regression model explains a strong amount of variation in final course total and the
coefficients suggest that the blended classroom pedagogy adds approximately 4–5 points on a 100-point
scale. Student surveys reveal significantly greater enthusiasm, stimulation, self-perception of how-much-
learned, perception of the value of the course activities, and the overall effectiveness of the course and
instructor in the blended classroom. The combined use of the lecture videos, the interactive exercises
in-class, and online quizzes provided an opportunity for students to manage their cognitive load while
learning the subject of fluid mechanics.

Donald R Webster, Robert S Kadel, Wendy C Newstetter

Mathematics physics is often considered by students as a very difficult subject to learn, one of the
causes that makes this happen is the lack of learning media that supports students. In addition, most of
the existing media use foreign languages, so that in this case Indonesian language learning media is
needed, namely the mathematical physics e-module on vector material which is then seen from student
responses based on gender differences. This study aims to analyze students' perceptions of the
mathematics physics e-module and to analyze students' perceptions based on gender differences in the
mathematics physics e-module. This type of research is survey-based research with a quantitative
approach. The population of this study was physics education students who contracted mathematical
physics with a sample of 80 students. The instrument used in this study was a student perception
questionnaire with 15 questions and an interview sheet with 10 questions. The data analysis technique
used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential data analysis using t-test. The
results showed that overall students had a positive perception with a perception value of 60% in the
very good category and 40% in the good category, whereas when viewed from the gender difference,
male students had a perception value of 76.6% in the very good category and 23, 3% in the good
category, for female students 50% in the very good category and 50% in the good category. That is,
students with gender differences have striking differences in perceptions. Student perceptions can be
used as a determining factor in the selection of open materials. From the results, it can be seen that
gender differences can help in assessing the products made so that they will support the learning
process and increase student learning motivation.

Astalini Astalini, Darmaji Darmaji, Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Auliya Ramadhanti
This research was conducted to answer students' perceptions based on gender towards the e-Module
Mathe-matics Physics I on linear equations. This methodology uses quantitative research which is
analyzed using statistical and inferential analysis techniques with a sample of 120 students. After testing,
the results sho-wed that the perceptions of male students and female students' perceptions were
concluded that the average value of female students' perceptions had differences. From the difference
in the average value of student perceptions based on gender in the research sample, it shows that the
perception of students with male gen-der is higher than the average value of female gender perception
because male students tend to have critical thinking skills towards material. related to mathematics
compared to female students.

Dwi Agus Kurniawan, Astalini Astalini, Darmaji Darmaji, Tanti Tanti, Shella Maryani

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