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Unit 2 Presentation skills

By the end of this unit you will be able to

identify your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter
«s» use a stock of phrases for presentations
■* use visuals effectively
us plan, structure and give a clear, effective final 10-minute presentation in English

Lesson 1 What makes a good presentation?

1 W ork in pairs. R ead th e q u o ta tio n below a n d discuss th e questions.
1 Do you agree w ith th e quotation? W hy/W hy not?
2 W ho does it seem relevant to?
A m an who cannot speak well will never m ake a career. (Anonymous)

Successful presentations
2 W ork in groups. T hink of a good lectu re o r p re se n ta tio n you have seen. W h a t w as it
ab o u t? W hy w as it successful?

3 W ork in groups. M ake a list of w h a t m akes a successful le c tu re /p resen ta tio n .

The speaker was confident.

4 M ake a sp id erg ram of y our ideas from Activity 3.

5 C om pare yo u r sp id erg ram w ith o th e r groups. Are your ideas sim ilar o r different?

You can use online tools for creating a spidergram.
Lesson 1

Unit 2 Presentation skills

By the end of this unit you will be able to

* identify your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter

*► use a stock of phrases for presentations
use visuals effectively

plan, structure and give a clear, effective final 10-minute presentation in English

Lesson 1 What makes a good presentation?

1 W ork in pairs. R ead th e q u o ta tio n below an d discuss th e questions.
1 Do you agree w ith th e quotation? W hy/W hy not?
2 W ho does it seem relevant to?

A m an who cannot speak well will never m ake a career. (Anonymous)

Successful presentations
2 W ork in groups. Think of a good lectu re or p re se n ta tio n you have seen. W h a t w as it
ab o u t? W hy w as it successful?

3 W ork in groups. M ake a list of w h a t m akes a successful le c tu re /p re sen ta tio n .

The speaker was confident.

4 M ake a sp id erg ram o f y o u r ideas from Activity 3.

5 C om pare your sp id erg ram w ith o th e r groups. Are yo u r ideas sim ilar o r different?

You can use online tools for creating a spidergram.

Module 3 Speaking

Questionnaire: reflect on your experience

6 Think of a p re se n ta tio n you have given recently. C om plete th e q u estio n n aire below.
W rite yes o r no n e x t to each q uestion.

7 H ow m an y positive an sw ers have you got? W h at w ould you like to im prove?

M y goal is to get rid o f phrases like ‘well’which I use too often.

The audience

W h en we give a p resentation, we speak to th e audience. The presen ter should m ake
th e inform ation interesting an d useful for them .

8 W ork in groups. Think o f conferences w h ere you w ere sitting in th e audience. Say
w h a t you don’t like a b o u t som e p re se n te rs’ behaviour.
W hat I really hate is when a presenterjust reads w hat’s on the slides.

9 W h at sh o u ld a p re se n te r k n o w a b o u t th e audience in o rd er to m e e t th e ir
ex p ectatio n s? M ake a list a n d co m p are it w ith o th e r people in th e group.
The presenter should know what the audience knows.

Presentation criteria
1 0 W ork in groups. M ake a list of c rite ria for evaluating a p rese n tatio n . Take into
a c c o u n t th e ideas you d iscussed in th is lesson. P resen t yo u r crite ria to th e group.

Presentation goal

The structure, style, and delivery of a p resen tatio n depend on its goals. There are
norm ally several goals, b u t it is possible to choose a prim ary one.


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