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Automatic Shape Optimization of a Hydraulic Turbine Draft Tube

Article · May 2003

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3 authors, including:

Marcelo Reggio Francois Guibault

Polytechnique Montréal Polytechnique Montréal


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Automatic Shape Optimization of a Hydraulic Turbine
Draft Tube

Luis R. Puente+ Marcelo Reggio+and François Guibault*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal

*Centre de Recherché en Calcul Appliqué

Email: ,,

hydraulic turbines, interactive optimization tools

ABSTRACT have surged to help engineers to improve the
analysis, evaluation and optimization of feasible
This work describes the application of different designs. Examples of these are iSIGHT,
strategies to automatic shape optimization of an DAKOTA, NEOS, NetSolve, Nimrod, etc. and
hydraulic turbine draft tube. The study uses a some of them are free [1].
commercial CFD program and a design
exploration system. The specific tools applied In this work, the flow simulations have been
for the flow simulation and for design carried out with the commercial software
optimization of the draft tube are CFX5.5 and CFX5.5 [2]. This is a finite volume based code
iSIGHT, respectively. The idea behind the using unstructured grids. It solves numerically
optimization is the introduction of variations to the incompressible Reynolds averaged Navier-
the width of the cross sections to improve the Stokes equations.
efficiency of the whole hydropower installation. The optimization task has been guided by
The parameter considered to measure the iSIGHT. This software offers several
performance of the elbow is the pressure optimization algorithms which can be applied
coefficient. For the current case, the pressure easily in successive steps.
recovery factor increased from 0.45 to 0.47.


With the increasing competition, the design of One of the most important components in a
products of the highest quality and at less time hydraulic turbine is the draft tube. It accounts,
has become a major necessity. To respond to for example, for 20-50 % of the total energy
these requirements, CAD and CFD tools are used which can be recovered in low-head power plant
to improve the process design in different [3]. This converts the flow dynamic pressure into
engineering areas. They model and simulate the static pressure. The performance of the draft tube
processes of real world avoiding the construction depends on the velocity swirl distributions at the
of prototypes and the task of performing turbine inlet and other factors like cavitation, tail
experiments. With these tools, engineers can water depth, turbine operation point, hub wakes
explore different design alternatives in less time and secondary flows.
and cost.
A standard measure of the performance of these
In the hydraulic turbines field, CFD is a practical devices is the static pressure recovery
tool which can be used to predict the coefficient. It represents the energy balance
performance of hydraulic power plant between sections of the tube, a higher value
components during the design process or to meaning a higher performance and
propose modifications to the original design in corresponding power plant efficiency. In our
rehabilitation or upgrading projects. case, we consider the global coefficient between
In the last decade, besides the well spread CFD the inlet to outlet cross sections of draft tube
methodology applied for the analysis of with the following formula:
Pout − Pin
CP =
ρVm2 3.1 Parameters
Following a similar approach as presented by
where Pout and Pin are the outlet and inlet static Eisinger et al.[5], the shape of the draft tube is
averaged pressure respectively, ρ the fluid represented by various cross-sections (fig.2).
density, and Vm the mean swirl velocity. The Each cross section depends on a certain number
pressure Pin is a result of the whole field of geometric variables which may change from
solution. one section to another. The type and number of
The exact estimation of pressure recovery variables will impact the methodology to use in
coefficient is computationally expensive. Some the optimization. Here, only 10 rectangular
authors, like Bergstrom and Gebart[4], estimate sections with semi-circular ends, each one with
necessary a grid refinement to about 2 millions different wide section have been considered to
cells to obtain an error of about 1% in the facilitate the presentation of the idea. Once the
recovery factor. Fig. 1 shows the initial draft elbow is described, the next task is the
tube shape. The base diameter at the inlet is 100 optimization of its shape.

Optimization is the process of maximizing or
minimizing a desired objective function with the
combination of independents variables while
satisfying the some constraints. The optimization
problem can be expressed mathematically like.
Minimize f (w), w= (w1, w2, w3, ..., wn)T
Subject to ci(w) = 0, i=1, 2, ..., m'
The design problem was implemented using the
iSIGHT environment. This is an explorer ci(x) ≥ 0, i=m'+1,...,m.
software that provides a shell for the design Where f(w) represents the objective function, w
process. In iSIGHT, design problems are is the column vector of n independent variables
specified, and simulation codes from multiple and ci (w) are the constraint functions. Maximize
disciplines can to be coupled. This is ease by a the function f(w) is to obtain the minimum of
graphical interface with which one can set up, - f(w).
monitor and analyze a design problem.
The objective function in this case is the pressure
A strategy of approximation to the optimum recovery coefficient CP, which should be
point of the pressure recovery coefficient with maximized. We consider 10 cross-sections with
two different grid sizes was developed. We use w as the independent variable and the range of
a direct search optimization method and integer values are the constraints functions.
variable values in the first step and a gradient
method in the second step, with the finer grid The constraints reduce the space of solutions.
and real variable values. This space is the feasible region and represents
some knowledge about the simulated system. For is increased, if the same value decreases, the
for example, physical and cost restrictions show opposite direction is checked. When all
the values that a variable cannot take. directions have been evaluated the best solution
is the new point base. This method was selected
The constraint can be hard or soft. Hard
because we can use integer values to the
constraints guide the optimization process and if
independent variables.
it is violated by a combination of variables, then
that combination is not explored. Boundary In the second step, with the finer mesh, the
value constraints are of this type. DONLP method was used with real values of
independent variables. It is a gradient based
Soft constraints are indirect conditions which
method and uses a slightly modified version of
make a relation to carry out in the optimization
Pantoja-Mayne update for the Hessian of the
process. When the soft constraints are violated,
Lagrangian [6].
some penalty is added to the objective function.
In this case, the search process continues with The exploratory techniques like genetic
the modification of objective function. With algorithms and simulated annealing were robust
these constraints we add some knowledge about to search the optimum, unfortunately, due to
the optimum draft tube, like presented by Raabe their stochastic nature the search time was
[8], where the cross-section area only can be the considered too long for the current appliacaiton.
same or larger than the last one. We define 9 soft
constraints Rij ≥ 0 where Rij =wi-wj, which are
the difference between nearby cross-sections 4. SIMULATION MODEL
width. wi, wj, and Rij are in direct relation with BOUNDARY CONDITIONS.
the section area in this case. When any of these
soft constraints is violated a function objective INLET.- A normalized velocity profile was
with zero value is imposed. given at the inlet boundary similar to operation
mode T of ERCOFTAC Turbine 99 workshop.
The difference between these velocity profiles
was the velocity field next to runner's cone. In
3.2 Optimization Methods our case we don't have this cone.
iSIGHT v.7.0 has 13 optimization techniques OUTLET.- We consider the outlet boundary with
available. Because there is not a single a constant static pressure and open conditions.
optimization method for all kind of problems, the The open condition is used to observe possible
choice will depend if the problem to solve is backflow into of the draft tube domain due to
linear or non linear, among others. In linear secondary flows.
problems only a unique optimum exists whereas WALLS.- A no-slip and zero velocity at the wall
for non linear problems many local optimums is the boundary condition here.
may exist.
The non linear optimization techniques can be
classified in two groups, local and global TURBULENCE.
methods. In local methods a starting point is Turbulence was modeled using the standard k-
chosen, a direction of movement is prescribed epsilon model and logarithmic wall functions to
according to some algorithm and a line search or
take into account the near wall layer. In spite that
trust region is performed to determine an some authors consider that the k-epsilon model
appropriate next step. The process is repeated at is inaccurate for description of the flow in the
the new point and the algorithm continues until a
draft tube, in a recent work Mauri[7] has found
local minimum is found. The global methods that the numerical results are in good agreement
require only the computation of objective with the experimental data. The values of y+ in
function values to select suitable search
the draft tube solution varied from 26 to 360
directions. approximately.
In the first step we used the Hooke-Jeeves direct
search method. This technique begins with the
initial shape of draft tube and proposes a step and
search direction to each independent variable.
When the function value increases the step size
PARALLEL PROCESS. Roache [9] proposes the use of Grid
Convergence Index (GCI) to estimate the error in
The CFX-5 solver was run in parallel with 4
the solution based in the Richardson
partition processes and send to an Origin2000
extrapolation. It is calculated between three
with 6 R10000 processors (250 Mhz each).
different grids. This is defined as:
CFX5 uses node based partitioning with a public
domain package named MeTiS (multilevel graph 3ε
partitioning software). The mesh partitions are GCI =
solved using separate processes, each one r p −1
working on a processor. The MPV is the
protocol used for communication between h2
processes during the parallel run. MeTiS and h1
MPV are the default used by CFX-5[2].
f 2 − f1
iSIGHT read the initial data file containing the where r is the grid cell ratio between coarse (h2)
geometric information of the draft tube. It and fine (h1), p is the order of the method used, h
verifies the constraints and begins the shell is the cell size, ε is the relative difference
program which starts the CFX loop. The process between the grids f1 and f2, the solutions from
begins with the reading of data (fig. 3). This the fine and the coarse grid, respectively. In the
information is processed by a program and next table we compare the three mesh and their
transformed in a Patran format file. The results.
cfx5build program reads the Patran file and
creates the geometry, grid, boundary conditions Coarse Intermediate Fine
and solution options. Each section has a grid h = 13 h=7 h = 3.5
independent of others. After a solution is
computed, the file containing this information is Nodes 54218 126980 704714
interpolated to obtain an initial velocity field for
Cells 296021 441744 3 072720
the next step. This calculation accelerates the
solution convergence. The cfx5solver program Cp 0.7618 0.542 0.4511
finds the velocity field solution to this geometry.
Finally, the cfx5post program is used to compute ε 0.4055 0.201
the pressure recovery coefficient. r 1.85 2
GCI 0.502 0.201

It is noted that this study only analyzes the
problem with a single variable by section. Other
types of cross-sections can be studied. However,
Fig.3 they are computationally more expensive in time
regarding the design problem. Fig.4 shows the
optimization progress. The first 400 runs belong
6. GRID AND ERROR ESTIMATION to the first optimization step with the Hooke-
Jeeves method on the coarse mesh. The recovery
A coarse grid (fig. 6) was used in the fist pressure coefficient is 0.7618 with the initial
optimization step with the Hooke-Jeeves method shape and reaches up to 0.8063. After this, we
and the finer grid was used with the DONLP observe the second step on the finer mesh using
technique. the DONLP method. The pressure coefficient
evaluated with this mesh, with the same final efficient elbow. In the future, other different
shape of first step, is now 0.5425 and after 64 alternatives like genetic algorithms and
runs the coefficient is 0.5746. Finally, the simulated annealing will be explored, and new
recovery pressure coefficient change from 0.45 variables will be added to the optimization
with the initial shape to 0.47 valued with the design process of the elbow. Neural networks are
finer meshes. currently being considered as an approximation
technique to reduce the optimization time. This
methodology could be used as well to explore
different operation points of the power plant and
0.8 to get a global optimum draft tube.
Pressure coefficient



0 75 150 225 300 375 450
Run number

In the fig. 5 we observed the final draft tube
obtained after the optimization process. There
are small differences between the initial and final
shapes, less of 2 cm in the sections 1 and 9, and
less of 1 cm in the others. Fig. 6 shows the
coarse mesh of first step and the inflation zones,
required by the modeling of turbulence, in the
near wall region.


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