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Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto juntopuede!”

Written by: FE Q. VILOS (T-III) DPLMHS (Lesson 3)

Written by: EVELYN S. PATAJO (T-II) DPLMHS (Lesson 4)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

English 10 QUARTER 3 WEEK 2 DAY ___________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy


Raise questions to clarify issues covered in the material
• Describe natural features covered in the material
• Formulate questions to clarify issues covered in the
material viewed.

Title: Raise questions to clarify issues covered in the material viewed

Oftentimes, it is enjoyable to view a material. But viewing it for educationally purposes demands
some skills for you to understand the material. Let us consider Nature as an example for us to
visualize things out. Nature is spectacular. It spells out what beauty really is and it is the answer to all
our human needs.” According to Albert Einstein, “Look deep into nature, and then you will
understand everything better.” If we only know how
to appreciate what it gives us, assess its present state, Viewing Strategies- Before, During and After
and do something to protect it, then we can be
assured of healthy living and experience the power of A. Before Viewing- Predict, Begin a
nature at its best (English Learner’s Material KNOW, WHAT, LEARN (K-W-L)
Diversity Celebrating Multiculturism Through Chart, Anticipation Guide and make
World). Einstein’s creative mind can help us visualize True/False statements about the video
what nature is. Of course, if your mind is trained to topic.
raise questions to clarify issues, especially when you B. During Viewing- Pause and check for
view a material, everything will become more understanding, Rewatch a video
comprehensible. Study the Viewing Strategies for segment with a purpose. Form
you to get more information on how are you going to questions based on what you have
understand any viewing material. watched and what may come and
make meaningful and personalized
C. After Viewing- Summarize the main
idea and supporting details. Recall on
thinking and emotions during
viewing. Socialize extended
responses (Facebook Post), compare
and contrast with the book or another
video, point of view of the video, and
create another video.
Source: Staff, TeachThought, and Terry
Heick. “40 Viewing Comprehension
Strategies.” TeachThought, May 16,
SAQ-1: What should be done before viewing the material?
SAQ-2: What strategy is used in viewing, when you summarize the main idea and supporting

Written by: FE Q. VILOS (T-III) DPLMHS (Lesson 3)

Written by: EVELYN S. PATAJO (T-II) DPLMHS (Lesson 4)

Let’s Practice!
(Write your answers on the separate sheets provided.)

Directions: Watch the video on Man-Evolution and pollution on You Tube.
A. Complete the table/task by writing what you already know about the video (in the first
column), what you want to know about it (in the second column), and after watching the
video, write what you learned (in the third column).

Man-Evolution and Pollution

(What I know) (What I want to know) (What I learned)

B. Answer the following questions as briefly as possible.

1. What is the video all about?
2. Describe natural features covered in the material viewed.
3. How would you help solve the problem on pollution?
4. What insights have you learned from the video?
5. What is the attitude of the man /character?

Key Points

Developing one’s wiewing comprehension is very important, because having this

skill helps a lot in understanding simple and complex ideas. It also develops our minds
in interpreting images, connecting visual images in videos, computer programs, and
To fully understand on how to view/watch any material, remember that there are
certain “Before viewing, During viewing and After viewing strategies” that one must
follow. Use these strategies to further understand and appreciate the viewing material.

Written by: FE Q. VILOS (T-III) DPLMHS (Lesson 3)

Written by: EVELYN S. PATAJO (T-II) DPLMHS (Lesson 4)

Let us see how much you have learned today!
Directions: Use the Man-Evolution and Pollution video to answer the activity that follows.
(Write your answers on the Learner's Activity and Assessment sheets.)

FORMULATING QUESTIONS to clarify issues covered in the material viewed

What are two possible questions that you can ask to clarify issues covered in Man-Evolution and
Pollution video?
Before Viewing During Viewing After Viewing

Question 1. _______________ Question 1. _______________ Question 1. _______________

________________________? ________________________? ________________________?

Question 2. _______________ Question 2. _______________ Question 2. _______________

________________________? ________________________? ________________________?

For further readings and exercises, you may access the following links:

Man-Evolution and pollution.


Staff, TeachThought. “40 Viewing Comprehension Strategies.” TeachThought,

May 16, 2020.

This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has not
been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this
learning resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning resources
available for the learners about the learning continuity plan of this division at
this time of the pandemic.
Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in this
learning resource. This material is not intended for uploading nor for
commercial use, but purely for educational purposes and for the utilization of
Zamboanga City Division only. No malicious infringement is meant by the

Written by: FE Q. VILOS (T-III) DPLMHS (Lesson 3)

Written by: EVELYN S. PATAJO (T-II) DPLMHS (Lesson 4)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

English 10 QUARTER 3 WEEK 2 DAY ___________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy


Use pronouns effectively
• Recall kinds of pronouns.
LEARNING Code: • Identify cases of pronouns.
COMPETENCY EN10G-IIIa-31 • Understand the proper use of pronoun in the
• Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in
pronoun number and person.

Title: Use pronouns effectively

Pronouns are simple to define but can be confusing to use. For example, “Each person should
follow their dreams,” represents a failure to correctly balance the singular (each person) and the
plural (their dreams).

Correcting the statement can be done in two ways:

• Each person should follow his or her dream (to balance the singular)
• All people should follow their dreams (to balance the plural)

To avoid noun repetition and use pronouns effectively, we should remember the different kinds of
pronouns and the way they can be used in a sentence:

Kinds of Pronouns Meaning Pronouns Example

1. Personal Represent person or I, you, he, she, it, we, I call to see him today.
pronouns thing they
2. Demonstrative Point out someone or this, that, these, those That is his laptop.
pronouns something
3. Relative Relate one part of a who, whom, which, We don’t know the
pronouns sentence to another. whoever, whichever person who donated
this money.
(who relates to person)
4. Reflexive Reflect back to myself, yourself, Joon decided to reward
pronouns someone or something himself, herself, itself himself with a dinner
else in the sentence themselves, yourselves out.
(himself relates back
to Joon)
5. Interrogative Ask a question who, what, when, What in the world
pronouns (interrogate) where, how were you thinking?
6. Indefinite Do not refer to any everything, anything, Everything was ready
pronouns person, amount or someone, somebody for the party.
thing in particular few, all, some

Written by: FE Q. VILOS (T-III) DPLMHS (Lesson 3)

Written by: EVELYN S. PATAJO (T-II) DPLMHS (Lesson 4)

Cases of Pronouns
Case refers to the form of the noun or pronoun takes depending on its function in a sentence.
Personal pronouns have 3 cases:

Subjective Case Objective Case Possessive Case

I me my, mine
you you your, yours
he him his
she her her, hers
it it its
we us our, ours
you you your, yours
they them their, theirs

A. Subjective case is the B. Objective case is used C. Possessive case shows

doer (subject) of the as an object of a verb or ownership.
action in the sentence. object of the Examples:
Examples: preposition. 1. That is our
1. She is at work. Examples: clubhouse.
2. They will sing the 1. He will meet us 2. The dog scratches its
song for you. later. ear.
3. I love the rain. 2. She sits with me. 3. What is mine, is
3. Tony writes them a yours.

To check your understanding about pronouns, answer SAQ-1 and 2 on a separate sheet.
SAQ-1: What are the kinds of pronoun?
SAQ-2: What are the cases of pronoun?

Let’s Practice!

A. Tell whether the underlined pronoun is B. Tell whether the underlined pronoun is
personal, demonstrative, relative, subjective, objective or possessive.
reflexive, interrogative or indefinite. 1. Lanny put the gift under it.
1. This is my property. 2. Do not forget your responsibility in the
2. He prepared himself for the test. group.
3. He is the man, who sings songs. 3. The teacher gave us a long-range
4. How do you know that? assignment.
5. Everybody seems ready today. 4. Place your trophy next to mine.
5. You and I are meant to be.

Key Points

In linguistics and grammar, a pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. It is used to
avoid repeating the same nouns over and over again. There are kinds of pronouns such as: personal,
demonstrative, relative, reflexive, interrogative, indefinite pronoun, etc. There are also cases of
pronouns in English. They are subjective case, objective case, and possessive case.
• Subjective case – is the doer of the action and usually found before the verb.
• Objective case – is an object of the verb and usually found after the verb.
• Possessive case – shows ownership.
Hence, all of these pronounce have different functions and purposes.

Written by: FE Q. VILOS (T-III) DPLMHS (Lesson 3)

Written by: EVELYN S. PATAJO (T-II) DPLMHS (Lesson 4)

Let us see how much you have learned today!
Directions: Understand the proper use of pronoun in each sentence.
(Write your answers on the Learner's Activity and Assessment sheets.)

A. Give the correct pronoun from the options provided in each sentence.
1. He and (me, we, I) will pick out what we’re eating for dinner.
2. He is the writer to (which, whom, whose) the award was given.
3. The book (which, whom, whose) weighed 3 pounds fell off the shelf.
4. Arthur pours a cup of coffee for (herself, himself, itself) every morning.
5. (That, Those, These) is so amazing.

B. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with the correct pronoun.
1. Five of ourselves took a cab to the play.
2. Are you and them attending the meeting?
3. A person as young as they should not be given too much responsibility.
4. Who can I go out tonight?
5. The committee told Tan for they to write a new resolution.

For further readings and more exercises, you may access the following links:

“Using pronouns effectively,” English Grammar, accessed August 05, 202,
“Cases of Pronouns: Rules and Examples,” Grammar, accessed August 05, 2020,

This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has
not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this
learning resource in our efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning
resources available for the learners about the learning continuity plan of this
division at this time of the pandemic.
Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in
thislearning resource. This material is not intended for uploading nor for
commercial use, but purely for educational purposes and for the utilization of
Zamboanga City Division only. No malicious infringement is meant by the

Written by: FE Q. VILOS (T-III) DPLMHS (Lesson 3)

Written by: EVELYN S. PATAJO (T-II) DPLMHS (Lesson 4)

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