OMAE2004 51219 Final

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A Wavelet Approach to Pipeline Leak Detection by Pressure Analysis

Conference Paper · January 2004

DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2004-51219


5 311

3 authors, including:

André Laurindo Maitelli Andrés Ortiz Salazar

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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Proceedings of OMAE2004:
23rd International Conference on
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Vancouver, Canada
20-25 June 2004



Ricardo Dantas Gadelha de Freitas/PETROBRAS André Laurindo Maitelli/UFRN Brazil


Andrés Ortiz Salazar/UFRN Brazil

ABSTRACT ocurrence of a leak, causes that are not part of the process). The
One of the most challenging tasks in an oil field is AIS learns about continual changes in the pipeline. This is
implementation of a software-based leak detection system on a useful as pipeline operation always changes and instrument
multi-phase flow pipeline. When a leak occurs in a multi-phase drift could occur over a long time period.
flow pipeline, the flow cannot be measured with accuracy. So,
none of the various pipeline leak detection methodologies can INTRODUCTION
offer good performance on a multi-phase flow pipeline. This paper will show the theoretical aspects related to the
This paper will discuss implementation of a leak detection problem of the detection of leaks in multiphase pipelines, it also
system in a particular oil field using state-of-the-art signal will show how the field tests are accomplished to simulate
processing techniques to apply to the data collected in a oil leaks in a certain pipeline, as well as some results already
pipeline. This leak detection system is still in development and obtained in some tests using techniques of signal processing to
uses a more practical approach to the problem than traditional detect leaks. As a test pipeline, it was chosen a terrestrial
methods and was implemented on a PC under the Windows pipeline named “U-B”. It is a mulphase pipeline with a
operating system. complex profile . Another decisive factor for this choice was
Windowing, joint time-frequency analysis and wavelets the fact that the commercial system of detection of leaks in
were considered to develop methods of detecting leaks by operation is not working well and has a difficult syntony in
watching for the wavefront. The idea behind these techniques this type of pipeline. The pipeline U-B has an extension of 38
is to cut the signal of interest into several parts and then analyze Km and diameter of 12 ", with 2 boxes of corrosion
the parts separately. It is impossible to know the exact monitoration, located one to 9,8 Km of the extremity " E " and
frequency and the exact time of occurrence of the leak another located to 4,5 Km of the extremity " U ". Other point
frequency in a signal. In other words, a leak signal can simply where it can have another monitoration is a blockade valve
not be represented as a point in the time-frequency space. It is placed to 17,9 Km of " E".
very important how one cuts the signal to implement the
The wavelet transform or wavelet analysis is probably the
most recent solution to overcome the shortcomings of the 1. The effects of the leak in the profile of pressure of the
Fourier transform. The wavelet transforms are used to perform pipeline
atomic decompositions of the pressure signal that comes from a
single point of a pipeline. A number of time-frequency When in fixed regime of operation, the profile of pressure
decompositions are attempted. What is expected of this of a pipeline, by definition, is invariable through the time. The
decomposition is that it fits the perceptible changes in the pressure measured in any point along the pipeline is invariable.
pressure and then an Artificial intelligent System (AIS) decides The measurement accomplished by a connected instrument in
if the variations in the signal are inherent (common-cause any point in this pipeline, would result in a measurement of a
variations) or external to the process (failed instrument, constant value.

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In fact, the measurement instruments connected in a pipeline This net is used as physical way of communication between a
that operates in a fixed regime doesn't inform constant values. control personal computer and the PLC, using an industrial
The pressure of the system is considered as being the average network. The communication among the data acquisition
of those pressure measurements. Although the pressure varies personal computer , used for this study, and the control
with the time, the medium value is accepted as indicative of the personal computer uses an ethernet based network existent in
regime conditions. Petrobras, with TCP-IP protocol . That communication
The measurement of the pressure in the pipeline is architecture can be visualized better in the Fig. 2.
influenced by noises generated due to existent flotations in the
measurement, that have three principal causes: a)the noise
caused by the own measurement device (measurement noise);
b) the noise caused by the control system of the pipeline
(control noise); and c) the mechanical properties of the fluid
and of the pipeline (hydraulic noise). Besides, waves that
travel along the pipeline exist. These waves cause " stress " in
the pipeline and small variations in its transverse area in several
places. Those variations implicate in variation of the volume
and density, producing changes in the pressure.
To have an idea of the type of information generated
during a leak it is necessary to know the behavior of the
pipeline when an event of that type happens. In the moment of
the leak, it happens a mass loss in the place of the leak, causing
a decrease of the local pressure. When the leak is small, the
pressure profile quickly comes back for a close profile of the
pressure previous to the leak. When it happens leaks of
moderate size, the pipeline is adjusted and it passes to another
regime state, supporting the losses of the leak. When the leak is
big, the pipeline doesn't support the losses due to the leak and Fig. 2: System architecture
the pressure drops continually. The fig.1 shows the pressure
profile when a moderate leak occurs.
3. Leak Simulations

To test and to perfect the techniques of sign processing for

leak detection , some simulations of leaks have been done in
three points: a) point 1 - located 9,8 Km away from the
extremity " E "; b) point 2 - located 4,5 Km away from the
extremity " U "; and c) point 3 - located 17,9 Km away from
the extremity " E ". The fig. 3 shows a leak generated in a
The procedure used in those simulations is described as
following: a)Instalation of pressure transmitter in each point of
leak simulation with acquisition equipment set to store
pressure data in a frequency of 20 Hz; b) 3/4" valves are
prepared and connected to the pipeline, in the simulation points.
Those valves allow the leak simulation when they are open; c)
Each valve is opened for 5 minutes, with minimum interval of
20 minutes for the subsequent ones.
The tests are accomplished to get records of the pressure
data for subsequent analysis. Fig. 4 shows the profile of the
Fig. 1: pressure profile with a moderate leak (real data)
pressure data obtained during a test.

2. Field test

This case in study uses as a field test a multiphase

pipeline where the transferred oil, actually, is composed of oil,
water and gas and, for that reason, the measurement of the
flow is not reliable. Therefore, the only measurement that is
used for this study is the pressure of the pipeline. The
information of the pressure transmitters (PT's) is acquired by a
PLC through a cable. The PT's generate an analogical
information from 4 to 20 MA. The PLC digitize the information
of the PT and spread this information through an industrial net.

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Fig.4: Raw pressure data during a leak simulation

Fig. 3: Simulated leak using a 3/4" valve

4. Goals of the research

This system is still in a development phase and has as a

goal, to assist the solution of a concrete problem, taking as
base, the techniques of detection of existent leaks, looking for a
new approach to implement a leak detection system in
multiphase pipelines and also to detect small leaks.
The development proposal is leak detection system (LDS)
based on a PC computer, using advanced signal processing Fig. 5: Detection of leaks
techniques and artificial intelligence. The main objective is that
the developed system has a minimum of false alarms and allow
the detection of small leaks.
In the current phase of development, the simulate leaks 5. Conclusions
are analyzed to discover which the best technique of signal
processing is the better adapted for the detection of leaks in The expected contribution is the reduction of the
each type of operation of the pipeline. socioeconomic impact due to the occurrence of leaks, through
When applying short-time Fourier transform (STFT) to an immediate intervention. It is also had as objective the
characterize a pressure profile development and application of new technologies for pipeline
simultaneously in both the time and frequency domains it control, increasing in a significant way the operational safety
doesn’t have good results in this type of signal. However, it and the reliability of the operation of the pipeline system.
also can use wavelet analysis to perform the same operation The next phases of the research consists of the
because of its similarity to STFT, but with good results. accomplishment of leak simulations with pressure
Wavelet transform is closely related to short-time Fourier measurements more perfected and in several points of the
transform. All thesetransform processes employ the same pipeline. The development of statistical tools to perform
mathematical tool, the inner product, to compare the signal to analysis of the pressure profile of the pipeline in the several
the elementary function . In some cases, wavelet analysis is operation types will be considered. Besides, the use of
more natural because the signals always have a long time cycle techniques of Artificial Intelligence and Specialist Systems will
at low frequency and a short time cycle at high frequency. be considered to analyze the possible alarms, determining your
Wavelet analysis detects signal discontinuity, such as leaks in a validity or not.
pressure profile and other non-smooth features. Ridding The study will be applied in real time after the approval of
signals of noise is often much easier to identify in the wavelet the system through the application of the techniques developed
domain. in the processing of the simulation data filed to obtain a
For example, in a certain simulation, it was provoked 3 satisfactory answer.
leaks that generate a pressure profile as shown in the Fig. 4.
This pressure profile was analyzed using wavelet of Coiflets 5,
showing the occurrence of the three simulate leak events, as it
is seen in the Fig. 5.

3 Copyright © #### by ASME

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4 Copyright © #### by ASME

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