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DéD. DUNGEON MASTER'S SCREEN DUNGEON KIT Delve into dungeons with this kit alo r the worl rics 's greatest roleplaying game Usine Tuts Kit Within this youl find several Dungeon Master easier Here ar tips on using those tools make yourjobas the + coNDmion caRDs Keep these en reference cards handy for encountersin which conditions appear Simply hand cancion card tothe afflicted yer Wren the con the payer canturn INTUTE CARDS \henthe payers rolinatve for an encounter deal ot theinitiative the turn oder forthe payers characters, tre. The highest initiative got car ‘umber the next highest receives 2, and saan, Py nese in ‘umerial order ‘GEONORPH caRDs The geom session preparation or even for coming un witha mapin the middle a play! Every cardhas tunnel or other paint of ‘edge Deal the cards out: tion oneach nection pointstouch, NUMBERED GRID The dry erase sheet hasa ban numbered grid onthe back You snusethsto sketch outa dungeon map anduse parcntiediceto randomiyplacs encounters treasure or features onthe map. You ould alsolet your layers raw andtrack thir own map fromyour ily correlaedto the numbered spaces, ACTIONS IN COMBAT (On your turn in combat, you can mave a distance up to your speed and take one action. You decide whether to move first or take your action first, and ‘you can forgo maving, taking an action, or doing any- thing atall on your turn, ‘When you take your action on your turn, you can take one of the actions here. Ifyou can't decide what to do on your turn, consider taking the Dodge or the Ready action. ATTACK ‘You make one melec or ranged attack. Certain features, such as the Extra Attack feature of the fighter, allow you to make more than one attack with this action, Ifthe attack you want to make is part of a spell, you need to take the Cast a Spell action instead. Gast A SPELL You cast a cantrip or a spell of 1st level or higher. See the spells casting time; it might take an action, a bonus action, or a reaction to cast, oF it might take a minute or more. Das You gain extra movement equal to your speed (plus any modifiers) for the current turn. DisENGAGE Your movement daesit provoke opportunity attacks forthe rest of the turn Dover Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the at- tacker, and you make Dexterity saving throws with advantage. You lose this benefit ifyou are incapaci- Lated or if your speed drops ta 0. HELP ‘You help one creature with a task, giving that crea ture advantage on the next ability check it makes for that task. Or you distract one creature within 5 feet tif you, and the next attack roll that an ally of yours. makes against that creature has advantage. Whichever option you choose, the advantage gors away once used or when your next turn starts. He You make a Dexterity (Stealth) check in an attempt to become hidden—unseen and unheard. IMPROVISE You do something not covered by any of the other actions, such as crashing into a door, intimidating a foe, or calling for a parley. The DM wall let you know ‘what Kind of roll you need to make, if any, to deter ine success or failure. READY ‘You wait for a particular circumstance before you act, which lets you act using your reaction before the “start of your next turn, You must decide in advance (@) what perceivable circumstance will trigger your reaction and (b) the action you will take in response (0 that trigger Ifyou veady a spell, it must have a casting time of action, and you must concentrate on it until you release it SEARCH ‘You make a Wisdom (Perception) check or an Intel gence (Investigation) check to find something, Use A Macic ITEM ‘You use a magic item that requires your action, for its use. Usran Onnor You use an object, other than a magic item, that re- quires your action for its use. ‘OrHer Activity on Your Turn ‘Your turn can include a variety of flourishes that require neither your action nor your move: + You can communicate however you are able, through brief utterances and gestures, as you take your tur + You can interact with one objector feature ofthe environment for fee. Ifyou want to interact with a second object or environmental feature, you must use your setion to co =o, Casey) sl 8 g zg 3 g 2 ah. 2 A 2 al a 3 a a g a 3 2 2 x 2 z i a ® a z 5 5 5 5 5 5 & 5 5 _ 3) eee SU BES ee a | Nia HAIR EA a aT Nea ES . radiant damay / + Arestrained creature's speed becomes + Brown mold feeds on warmth, drawing 1, adit caa't henefi from any bonus ‘0 lis speed. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage ‘The creature has disadvantaye on Dexterity saving throws, = CONDITION - Ifyou gain alevel of exhaustion, add ‘to any levels you already pave. You suffer the eifect of your current level and all lower levels, 28 shown below. ‘Finishing a long rest reduces your level of exhaustion by 1, provided you ingest food and drink. If your exhaustion level drops to0, youre no longer exhausted, Level fect 1) Disadvantage on ablty checks 2 Speed helved 3 Disadvantage on atackeolls and saving throws bit point maximum halves 5 Speed recuced to 6 Death “CONDITION + BPE) heat from anything aroundit. A patch ‘of brown mold covers a 10-faot square, and the temperature within 30 feet oft is always frigid When a creature moves to within 5 feet of the mold for the first time on, a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a DC 12 Constitution saving: throw, taking 22 (4410) cold damage on a failed seve, or halfas much damage on a sucessful one. Fire brought within 5 feet ofa ppaich causes it to instantly expand, covering a 10-oot square (centered: ‘on the fire) A patch of brown mold ‘exposed to an effect that deals cold damage is instantly destroyed. mL 3 + INITIATIVE + + INITIATIVE « + INITIATIVE « + INITIATIVE + + INITIATIVE « + INITIATIVE « ~ sinmiative- © + INITIATIVE + MIN es TCU em Ta ANU MRCSN MRCS OT mie Masih MUNA UU a Ca eT Ca A NAS LE Ct CHUN T TM COL UEm)LOU UIE He i MIN es TCU em Ta ANU MRCSN MRCS OT mie Masih MUNA UU a Ca eT Ca A NAS LE Ct CHUN T TM COL UEm)LOU UIE MIN es TCU em Ta ANU MRCSN MRCS OT mie Masih MUNA UU a Ca eT Ca A NAS LE Ct CHUN T TM COL UEm)LOU UIE MIN es TCU em Ta ANU MRCSN MRCS OT mie Masih MUNA UU a Ca eT Ca A NAS LE Ct CHUN T TM COL UEm)LOU UIE @ box for all your cards. Carp Box _ SNODVud 99 sNOaDNNG Q Ce ese ie , ! (. OP TUS RAGE v Setrinc a DC Monster MoTIvaTION CONBITIONS a Ame i ASIEN dN Visteiuity OurDOoRS | a oncom. i) cad SE ee Rota d es, 7s Swicenon Bn Easy 10 3-5 Conquer the dungeon 415_Recover froma baitle Move 10+ feet, and jump a number of fect up to your Strength eles eases F Prone Berean vel siaitenyy centre canttslcencisers otstreania GORTIE B aia hc paipods of an CT ee egies SS eT Moderate 15 5-8 Seekan item 16-17. Avoid danger score, When you rake & standing long jump, you can leap only + A blinded creature can't see and automatiealy + Aninisble crt isimposbletsewthout | + Aprone cresture's ony movernent 5 Fae. Ga ne ee SE a Sacer New ae eee emneane ee noe eee oer eel emacs tpra eee eerie et Rete utente ap Md Quay Efe ‘ FEN aR OES aA ATT cme 10 ae 2 «Attack lls against the creature nave advantage, es Ul and thereby end the conn Spa eee et rca eee I 4100 Purpose 100 Purpose ‘Wisdom (Perception) scores Nee eeene 30 HicaiuMei se and the creature's attach ols have disadvantage SE REEL ae eet + The tetue has disadvantage on damage to te erature, inlidng om spaliand other areas of fect, CORTE ESL Normal 300 feet 3ries 24 miles — AuBInLe Disvance fee eee reece eee ae ae ack al Peete reese erent eel erent eae 2-03 Armory 34-56 Library Slow /200{est Zines Biles ABIETSUse steak nee ee Datcaeninyetane severe coe ee eet eae et en Chanweo perpeiata cera a ae Pe eine ett bas Damage be g 0 Audience 597-58 Lounge STE ea Teena Ree ace Sy Steel tered + ehamed eat can't tac tne charmer advantage ite tact in wat 5 Peet era etree eee te ere eee chamber 58 Mediation Cover ee ae no a a ae cae or target the charmer nth harm ables or ee feet oftecesture, Other, the Peis eat Eafe cee era Fcatee eee ne ethee 05 Aviary chamber Piles een Sane ae 5-10 2410. 4d10 odio 2 aa rere eee eeces 1 Aparaljeed chasuura te hacaceeieael attackroll has cleadvantage, ee Banquet room 60 Nursery Half cover +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws against nae ae seat iene You can hold your breath fora nuriber of minutes equal to 1+ eee eee reer ery eee eed ee 3. Neglected One dungeon hazard such as brown mold, yellow mold, oF green slime: 08-10 Barracks 61 Observatory aed eid eters aura geais anne eeinate Foop, Drink, AnD Lopcine ite en eae ag your Const tion mci (minimum of 30 seconds) tolntral sorill with the creature RestRAINeD patent Bithorlaine 2 Offce iewee! ron te el eee ae eee eta Bate een ereees ere ar 4 Abandoned. Mort ofthe dungeon is deserted and quit nx atom Denery (Seat) Bedroom Pantry Cate Ceara ere. for « number of rounds equal to yaur Constitution modifier Deareneo + The creature automatically fails Strength benefit rom any bonus to its speed. checks have disadvartage because any sounds stand out as unusual Bestiary Pen or prison pe Iieacks ecle(fects thet chains anti opeatne Gallon Improvisinc DaMace dirk elt ee anti veaa ste rael et he SR eae en ‘and Dexterity saving throws. + Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and 5 Secure Ability checks made ta break dovin doors, open locks, of similar Cell Reception room eee 4 BIE Dice Examples to Ohit points and are dying, and you can't regain hit points or ‘utomaticll falls any ability check that + Attack rolls against the creature the cresture's attack rolls have disadvantage. beeing and entering activities have disadvantage Chantry Refectory JL TRICREN aS TEEN Banquet (oer person) 110” Burned by ese ity ling boskeae, pried bya paeGn nea Veo eaten orate ee male Knee eater Patan noo & Tivitng The dungeonisieswly populated, Any loud ois or other tert Chapel Eee aa 2410 Being struck by lightning, stumbling into a fre pit ‘ Meanaaee tics ec came ee ae) ry fea drawing phenomena require check for Dungeon Encounters (see Cistern Salon Licht Cheese, hunk 4610 Hity falling rubble ina collapsing tunnel, stumbling ito a vat of acid CONCENTRATION: LUSHAN Haig pentiae™ FRIGHTENED. critical hitifthe attacker is within 5 feet : e& below) Classroom Sarine ¥ iad Uche Te pa ae Inn stay (ver day) AGE Tan crete by conmeecdneeneles MT oy niyo cel idee werdne traureaovagtcar) Tree pee erecta teeter ‘Ta atone eres reg ee teres ied Eien a ites ] Closet siting room are se ID Squalid T8d}0 Being submerged in lava, being hitby a crashing fying fortes specifies how long ou can concentrate on it You can end checks and attack rolls wile the source ofits feer NORE Ge tcc ail saa Conjuring room Smithy a re pane oe Poor 2AgIO. Tubing into avortexof freon the Elemental Plane of Fe, being crshed inthe jaws of ee eer eee eta rae eh awa ee Pernirico peer ENTE cai Stable ee teed aerate Moder 4 godlike creature or a moon-sized monster factors can break your concentration: Fhe ciesene cans tela croneeeeen ane + Apetified creatures transformed, along with Preven ieee % we hea crypt ‘Storage room Lett ROR aoe entre Comfortable + You cast another spel that requires concentration. source ofits fear pcan aiatL meeeuaeee + The creature automaticaly fails DUNGEON ENCOUNTERS iat Seen Lowered hood a SR eat Oaject Armor CLass Oxject Hit Points: aR EES een eet Into a solid inanimate substance. Its weight SAPS Oevtorinvaathig tee “aR aoe ar eee Divination room Study oth ae TORT ea a Aistocratie fou take damage. Succeed on a Corstitution saving throw to Resets EN ser oF reine eae eng iy saving (Once during each day and each right that the adventures spend exploring a dungeon, you Denn Tele a Wea rh ‘Substance ‘AC Substance AC ‘Ste Fragile Resilient ‘maintain your concentration, with @ DC equal to 10 or half the Grapriep % ae ‘+ Attack rolls against the creature can roll a d20 to see if an encounter occurs, On a 1, roll on the table below. You can use the, f ie f Thr ieee Cloth, paper tope 11—_Iron, steel 19 Tiny (bottle, lock) 2 (lds) § (244) damage you take (round down), whichever number is higher. + Acrappled creature's speed becomes 0, and it + The creature is incapacitated (see that y fae abaniaee see condi ies eampuaekrain aaa rT ee an hanes Opscuren Areas Squalid Crystal, glass, ice 13 Mithral 21 Small (chest, lute) 3,(Id6) 10 (326) aaa ath can't benefit from any bonus tits speed Condor sca} catmoe er spnkandis : hy 9 le Te a eeauneeee GS Poot NERS iit IAgahatihns I aa a Ll) acide as aah re ee eee el eee sae nes be! alien ade a Unconscious 66 Encounter oe 7c aoe Light Creatures have disadvantage Dim light, patchy fo Sena Stone Large (cart, 10-R.-by-10-F, window) 5 (1410) 27 (5410) + You're overwhelmed by an enormous (Gee the condition. + Atteck olls against the cresture have advantage, Guiardioom Trophy “oom ighily x se ight, patchy fog, Comfortable z distraction, such as 8 wave crashing into you. cee + An unconscious creature is incapacitated 1 Alone, powerful creature appears! You choose the creature, selecting one with a Hall Vestibule ‘obscured ‘on Wisdom (Perception) moderate foliage Wealthy ‘Succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw + The condition also ends ifen effect + The creature automatically fails Strength and fpeetrel eee tn eared challenge rating that if 1-3 higher than the level ofthe player characters. The creature maa Waiting room checks that rely on sight reccrmta SKILLS AND Associateo AgiLities {0 maintain your concentration, removes the grappled creature from the reach of the Dextevty saving throws. and is unaware of its surroundings. i lives in the dungeon or is passing through, and its hostile toward the group only if Hallway ‘yell Heavily Visionis blocked: creatures Darkness, opaque fog, seat chunk skill ability skill Ability ‘rappleror grappling effect, such as when a creature Pie ete tore Hae eastern alleen see ee erenae creme eres mere tel ele pore | they provoke it, Kerrie! ‘Workshop obscured are effectively blinded. Peeeteeene rite ‘Acrobatics Dexterity Medicine ‘Wisdom EXHAUSTION ; Is hurled away by the thunderwave spell. Peete a tena say le 5 undo "2-4 Hostile creatures prow nearby! You choose the creatures, selecting five with @ ae CoRR MBSE (1 is ce sae : eee ee eae + Trees aoa i Seah od Dory | i chalenge rating eqalto the lvl ofthe player character. There creatures ae either Trackinc DCs peeeenet ‘Arcana Intelligence Perception wisdom 1) Disadvantage on abitity checks! } Deere aaEEy suspended, not neutralized, 4 ‘monsters native tothe dungeon or hostile explorers. Ground Surface ‘Aahletics Strength Performance Charisma aie sperd ated ) + Anincapaciated creature + Attackrollsaguinst the creature have advantage. © 5 Apatch of brown mold, green slime, or yellow mold lies nearby. SAVES TEST FoRAcIN DCs A Bete Cae aaa an temecrece eee men | arta ama poner Beer iecencien 4 ee eee eee eee eee ee eae Sey Abe, eo History Intell gence Religion Intelligence 4 Hit point enaximurn halved 7 aad se Siees «+ Apolsoned creature has disadvantage on attack rolls critical hit ifthe oe a a ear eae aon! ‘Abundant food and water sources 10 trsigtt Wisdor SieghtotHand) —Desteiy ‘spades eines ee ete | ear table in the Payers Honeboo ech deysines ec atutepacad Limited fod and water sources 5 Inimiestion hacia Stet Denery € Death : Cate ea tal sca Bod Weyl, any ood ahd water sues 20 Investigation Intelligence ‘Survival Wisdom 5 DELVE INTO THE DUNGEON’S DEPTHS This kit equips the Dungeon Master with a sereen and other tools that are perfect for running D&D’ adventures through dungeons, whether ruined orthriving.. ‘The Dungeon Master's screen features a painting of a fantastic vista that plungesinto the deep reaches ofa mountain. Usefulrules references cover the screen’sinterior, with an emphasis on dungeon-delving. ‘The kitalso includes the folowing: + 1dry-erase sheet, featuring the actions you can take in combat on one side and a numbered grid for drawing dungeon maps on the other + 36 geomorph cards. perfect for dealing a random dungeon layout with interlocking map + ZT reference cards to track conditions, initiative, and more + box tohold the kit's cards For use with the fifth edition Player’s Handbook’, Monster Manual’. and Dungeon Master's Guide & & DUNGEONSANDDRAGONS.cOM i il ‘az tet ws aan cans

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