Class Notes On Mcommerce Planning

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Responsibility. Individuals and institutions alike must accept responsibility.

When they start

working for the company, all employees are required to sign a contract stating that they will abide
by the posted rules regarding software use (licensing), software transference, and not reusing
labeled digital products for personal use.
System safety It is necessary to ensure and monitor the security of Web-based information systems
as well as their availability. The majority of data protection laws address both data security
(protection of the data from loss or falsification) and data protection (protection of the data from
abuse). As a result, the owner of collections of personal data is obligated to provide information
about the data being stored (that is, businesses are required to disclose at any time which
individuals' data are being stored).
According to data protection regulations, an explanation of a malfunctioning computer system is not
196 10 eSociety Keeping Life's Quality Alive In the digital age, citizens' ability to communicate
with anyone, anywhere, at any time should not diminish their quality of life. The individual ought to
be able to maintain both his private sphere and his connection to cyberspace at any time. It is
extremely problematic and should be rejected to record each individual's activities in digital
memory (information trace in cyberspace).
As an alternative to the ethic of individualism, systematic thinking, which plays a significant role in
computer science that is related to economics, can be used to develop a more comprehensive ethic.
A person's, a group's, or an institution's behavior is considered good if it improves the higher
system, according to this ethic.
Within autonomous teams for knowledge workers and eTeams or eTeams, the ethical maxims of
flexible work hours and workplaces are achievable. Organized correspondence frameworks support
networks in a use#ful way on the off chance that they elevate admittance to the data as well as
control self#determination and the right to a voice. According to Hodel, the ethical maxim for
eTeams reads: modified): " Supported by information systems, knowledge workers and eTeams
form genuine communities when they value honesty, teamwork, and individuality and deliver
exceptional services.
10.6 Literature References Reichwald et al. wrote a book about the changes brought about by
organizational cooperation and distributed workforms. Rei98]. The authors provide illustrations of
the most crucial aspects of telecooperation and provide more in-depth responses to the necessary
guidance questions. They talk about issues and aspects of use at the service level, the organization
level as a whole, the market level, and the level of society.
Virtual The work of Wüthrich and colleagues The potential of virtual organizations and virtual
marketplaces is outlined in WPF97. Six case studies are also discussed, along with their potential
for success. The work is completed by a management decision-making aid.
Works on Frappaolo's [Fra06] book uses case studies from well-known businesses to cover the most
important aspect of knowledge management. Ideas from a variety of businesses regarding the
creation and management of knowledge are the subject of the work by Ichijo and Nonaka (Ich06).
Multioption In his book "Multioption Societies" (Gro 94), Gross presents a fundamental
undersociety view of the dynamics of contemporary businesses by aligning them to concurrently
available trading options, most of which are connected to people's desires for more.
Gross examines this development by highlighting simulation world boundaries, impetuses (driving
forces), and impetuses.
Johnson's book "Interface" (Joh97) about the interface culture discusses how new technology has
altered communication and creativity. The author discusses digital agents, bitmapping, the
visualization of digital samples, and a variety of other topics. Johnson's cultural model makes a
connection between technology and creative use.
10.6 Literary References 197 The work by Edvinsson and Malone [Edv97] demonstrates how a
company can control intellectual capital in addition to its financial aspects. capital This intellectual
capital consists of financial key indicators, process management indicators, innovation indicators,
customer base indicators, and human resources indicators.
In their work on information management, the authors Laudon and Laudon [Lau02] include a
chapter on computer science ethics. The facets of ethical trading in an information company are
highlighted and illustrated with concrete examples in this section. Johnson [Joh01] has also
published a piece on computer ethics. The author emphasizes in this that appropriate behavioral
norms have an impact on the business as well as the ethical issues associated with the use of
information and communication technologies.
In his dissertation, Hodel [Hod98] summarizes a number of studies on eTeams into a single ethical
Glossary Aggregator A business web aggregator is a digital supermarket that sells goods and
services from multiple manufacturers.
An electronic marketplace known as an agora is a type of business web in which buyers and sellers
openly negotiate prices for goods and services.
Alliance Alliances are business webs made up of self-organized, loosely connected partner
networks that want to share their expertise and work together on a solution.
Analytical CRM Customer data warehouse care and evaluation are the focus of analytical customer
relationship management (CRM). Customer categories are created, behavior models of customers
are gathered, and customer valuations are carried out.
See coding for asymmetric coding.
Auction Electronic auctions are processes that use the Internet to dynamically form prices. They are
held so that prices can be flexible when supply and demand meet.
Using digital signatures, authentication looks into the authenticity of participants in an electronic
Banner Banners are advertisements that are affixed to web pages and can be clicked to bring up
additional information.
200 Glossary Bluetooth Bluetooth is a shortwave radio frequency-based transmission technology
that does not require a cable connection.
Browser A browser is a piece of software that lets you see what's on a web page.
A business process is a series of activities that contribute to the success of the company. The
individual tasks can be completed manually or with a machine.
Networks for the production and marketing of electronic goods and services are known as business
webs or b-webs. Open marketplaces (agora), tightly organized hierarchical networks (aggregator,
distributor, integrator), and self-organized and loosely joined communities (alliance) are all
examples of this kind of cooperation.
Call center The customer's first point of contact for telephone requests is the call center.
Certificate In accordance with ISO Standard X.509, a certificate is a type of electronic identification
that is required when digital signatures are used.
See the public key infrastructure for the certification site.
On the Internet, a chat is an electronic conversation that takes place in real time between two or
more users.
Procedures for encoding and decoding texts and documents using symmetric or asymmetric pairs of
keys are referred to as coding or cryptography. There is a public key and a private key in
asymmetric coding.
Multichannel management or collaborative customer relationship management (CRM) combines all
of the tasks needed to select and manage media and contact channels for customers and groups of
Glossary 201 Communication center A communication center is a centralized coordination site that,
regardless of the medium or customer contact channel, handles all incoming customer requests
In this book, the term "community" refers to an Internet-based community that is created by chats,
portals, or customer relationship management software.
Cookie A cookie is a file that is stored on the visitor's hard drive when they visit a website and is
used for registration.
Customer relationship management is referred to as CRM.
Customer buying cycle There are four phases to each purchase process: stimulation and motivation,
evaluation, buying, and service after the sale. When it comes to building long-term relationships
with customers, the post-sale phase is especially crucial.
An integrated collection of customer data that enables analysis and decision support is known as a
customer data warehouse.
Customer equity The sum of an individual customer's acquisition equity, retention equity, and add-
on selling equity from up- and cross-selling activities is known as customer equity.
See the value of a customer over time.
Relationship management with customers

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