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1.Motch the rooms in the box with the pictures.

What items do people take to a camcamp

backpack - sleeping bag - hiking boots - swimsuit - life jacket - camera - sunglasses - tent - helmet
- torch - slippers - waterproof jacket

1. backpack
2. slippers
3. swimsuit
4. sunglasses
5. hiking boots
6. sleeping bag
7. camera
8. life jacket
9. torch
10. shop
11. helmet
12. waterproof jacket

2. Place the items from Exercise 1 in the correct column. then add one more item for each activity
Mountain boots
waterproof jacket
on the beach :
sleeping bag
rafting :
horse riding :

4. read about Forest Hill summer camp. choose the activity you would like to do in the morning,
afternoon and evening.
R / in the morning I would like to walk on the volcano and walk on the trail
in the afternoon I would like to swim in the river and raft and at night I would like to be at the
campfire sing music, look at the stars and eat marshmallows
creativity: ability or facility to invent or create
Instruments: An object made up of one or more pieces that is used to produce music.
excursion: departure or short trip that is done as fun
blush: turns red
canoeing: a sport that consists of competing in speed or skill with kayaks
rafting: adventure sport that consists of descending several people in a non-motorized boat through
a river
barbecue: used to grill outdoor food placed on the grill.
Campfire: A large fire that generates many flames and is made of easily combinable material,
usually outdoors.
Volcano: Mount with a crater in its upper part, generally conical in shape, formed by solidification.

5. In pairs, ask and answer about the activities you want to do at summer camp.

R / I would like to go rafting, canoeing, visiting places like the volcano and other places and also
swimming in the lake.

6. Read the table and complete the sentences with at, in or, on
A. We will have art classes in the morning.
B. the song festival is at 9:00 pm on saturdays and sundays
C. In the afternoon, we will go to the river and return to the camp at 6:00 p.m
D. IN night, I prefer to play games near the campfire instead of telling stories
E. we get home on Sunday at 7:00 p.m IN the evening
F. the next school camp will be IN june
G. On Saturday we will do activities on the lake and IN night we will play hide and seek.

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