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April Fools’ Day

April Fools’ Day is an annual custom on April 1 consisting of practical

jokes or hoaxes. Jokesters often expose their actions by shouting
“April Fools!” at the recipient.

A practical joke, or prank, is a michievvous trick played on someone,

generally causing the victim to experience embarrasment,
perplexity, confusion, or discomfort. A person who performs a
practical joke is called a “jokester” or a “prankster”. Other terms for
practical jokes include gag and shenanigan.

1.) _________________________ : every year

2.) _________________________ : someone who receives
3.) _________________________ : a trick
4.) _________________________ : to cause to feel bad about
5.) _________________________ : someone who pranks others


Try to figure out these pranks:

1.Have someone point to their head and say the abbreviation for “mountain.”
2. Have someone say the word “roast” 10 times fast. Then ask them what you put in a toaster.
3. Say to someone, “I’m thinking of having updog for lunch.”
4. Say, “I have a knock-knock joke, but you have to start it.”
5. Ask a person which is correct: “The yolk of an egg IS white,” or “the yolk of an egg ARE
6. Have someone say the word “white” 10 times fast, then ask them what cows drink.
7. “Jane’s mother has four children: May, June, July, and…”
8. Ask a friend to say “shop” ten times, then ask them, “What do you do when you come to a
green light?”
9. Ask anyone to say “I eat mop who” ten times fast.
10. Ask someone, “What’s the second to last letter in the alphabet?”

1.) annual
2.) receiver
3.) a prank / practical joke
4.) embarrass
5.) prankster / jokester

1.) MT = empty
2.) bread
3.) What’s up dog? Nothing much, you?
4.) So the other person will say, “Ok, knock knock.” Then you say, “Who’s there?…”
5.) yolks are yellow
6.) water
7.) Jane
8.) go
9.) I eat my poo
10.) Each time they say “Y,” tell them it’s because you want to know!

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