Consumer Behaviour 1

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Submitted to:
Rameeza Ejaz
Submitted by:
Ayesha Farooq
Roll no:
BBA 6th (B)
Course Title:
Consumer Behaviour
Course Code:
MKT (432)
1.Find two examples (e.g., advertisement, articles, etc.) depicting practices
that are consistent with the societal marketing concept and two examples of
business practices that contradict this concept. Explain your choices.
What societal marketing concept is?

The societal marketing concept requires that all marketers adhere to principles of social
responsibility in the marketing of their goods and services: that is, they should endeavour to
satisfy the needs and wants of their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the
well-being of consumers and society.

Societal Marketing is nothing but an outgrowth of the principles of Corporate Social

Responsibility and Sustainable development. It underlines that an organization should not
ignore the society’s long-term welfare to achieve its mission and vision. An organization
should have moral and environmentally friendly strategies and should ensure that proper acts
and laws are implemented.

In today’s world of increasing environmental destruction, scarcity of resources, rapidly

increasing population, and abandoned social services. the societal concept of marketing is
doubted. It is questioned that “Are organizations doing an outstanding task of customer
satisfaction in line with meeting long run societal welfare?”.

Consider example of a fast-food industry. They do provide yummy food, but this food is full
of health concerns. The burgers are rich in fat and so are the fries and pies too. Such products
are packed in handy form and packaging generating lot of waste. Thereby, in the process of
satisfying customer, these fast-food outlets are creating increasing health concerns as well as
environmental issues.

The closer the organizations move towards their customers, the more evidently, they realize
the fact that the objective of any organizational business lies outside the business, i.e., in the
society. Thus, this drives the organizations to make a remarkable contribution for the
society’s welfare and upliftment.

Societal marketing should consider the following things:

 The consumer’s needs are of utmost significance.

 Genuine, modern, and continuous developments in the products should be executed to
increase the product’s life and value.
 Emphasize on building long term customer relationship and not on doing business. Do
societal good. In short, an organization should market the product keeping in mind the
consumer, organizational and long-term societal needs, and welfare.

The Societal marketing concept is significant because of the following advantages it has:

 It ensures that all the economic resources are channelized in the right direction.
 It develops entrepreneurs as well as managers in a specified society.
 It raises the living standard of the people.
 It increases the speed of economic development of society.
 It makes economic planning more significant and more fruitful to people’s life.
two examples depicting practices that are consistent with the societal marketing

1. A very good example of an organization following societal marketing concept is the

Body Shop: Body Shop is a cosmetic company founded by Anita Roddick in 1976.
The company uses only natural, vegetable-based materials as ingredients for its
products. It is totally against animal testing, advocates community trade, as well as
complete protection of planet. Thus, it totally engrosses the concept of Societal

2. Another example is Ariel. It is a detergent produced by Procter and Gamble. Ariel

runs special fund-raising campaigns for less privilege classes of the world, mainly the
developing countries. It also contributes a share of its profits from every bag sold for
the societal development.

Two examples of practices that contradict with societal marketing concept.

1. Alcohol: is a very dangerous thing, and it has many of the negative externalities out
there in the society, for the fact that, it is very harmful for health, and on the other side
it is just waste of money, but there is no doubt that the customers still want it. It would
be senseless for the business not to provide a good with such a large demand. Instead,
Government should be respected as supplies are approved.

2. Flights: There is no doubt in the fact that flights in and flights out of the country is
very high, However, as we all know the fact that, it is very terrible for the
environment. It causes both environmental as well as noise pollution. Though in this
theory of societal marketing, a company would stop providing the flight, as the harm
done to the environment outstrips the satisfaction provided to customers. However, it
is clear this would reduce profits made by travel companies and other associated
organizations. Therefore, these flight companies are just focussing on providing as
many flights as they can legally to full fill the demands of their customers.

To conclude, we can say that societal marketing concept states that a company’s job is to
assess the needs and wants of the target markets and to provide optimum satisfaction to its
customers ensuring both consumers as well as societal welfare. In short, an equilibrium must
be maintained by the marketers among organizational profits, consumers satisfaction as well
as social wellbeing.

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