CPD Plan

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What is your How will you What resources do How is the Is there a How does the How will

How does the How will you Has the

specific measure you require to goal/objective deadline? If so, goal/objective know when goal/objective
goal/objective? progress? achieve this relevant, with what time do challenge and you have been been achieved?
goal/objective? a clear purpose you have to extend you? successful? (Tick if
and benefit? achieve the yes/identify
goal/objective? reasons if no.)

Enhanced By becoming Career service 24/7 Enhancing By end of It will help me to By feeling
Presentation more self- presentation august 2022 get ready for more self-
Skills confident FutureLearn skills not only interviews and QA confident and
provide me for getting by getting
Week 6 lectures
chances of placement good
Practice with people getting placement
placement but
also enhance
my presonallity

Digital By learning Career service It will By end of It will help me By getting

Marketing and using 24/7 enhance my 2021 to get better better and
digital career and placement enhanced
marketing will increase and increase results
tools to get Week 2-4 my visibility my while
better lectures in the resume/profile doing
results digital digital
Practice space marketing. marketing
It will compaigns
increase my
Time By consuming Career service It will enhance By end of June It will effect on By utilizing
management time 24/7 my time 2022 my entire life time in
effectively management positively and effective way
FutureLearn skills and will will allow me to
MOOC also enhanve manage work
Week 11 lectures my attentions load and home
towards my duties as well
Practice duties

The Goal and Objective Setting Matrix

To tackle the first item on my CPD plan I planned to get help from career services to discuss this matter. I believe
that the career services can guide me about how to present my self in front of people especially while in interviews
for placement. This kind of activity will enhance my presentation skills and also enhanced my confidence level as
well. Further, my tutors are best source of motivation and increasing my presentation skills. Their feedbacks and
comments regarding my current situation will boost up my confidence in the coming days. For this, I just started
recalling my previous presentation especially the recent presentation so that I can point out my mistakes and
especially my confidence level in these presentation. Further, I started focing again on week six lectures that are
all about presentation and different question answers techniques. In simple words, I am on my way in learning
and increasing my presentation skills. In coming Feb I planned to register a course at FutureLearn related to
enhancing presentation skills for further boost in this area. In simple words, I will follow the CPD plan to enhance
my skills.
To tackle the second item on my CPD plan I registered a course at FutureLearn and completed it which is related
to digital marketing. In this course I learned about different tools and things related to social media marketing. It
was a great experience for me to know about my own profile information in the digital world. I completed this
course and learn how to use KPI to enhance the visitibility as well as getting marketing compaing results. I

understand that how digital marketing work effective and what things must have to keep in mind while planning
and implementing digital marketing strategies. During this course, test base system was very effective in recalling
the information regarding the course and I believed that it was best thing that you recall things soon after
completing the course. It is like reading information second time but in fast speed. Overall, this course was very
informative and I learned many things from this course.
To tacke the third item on my CPD plan I have decided to follow the tutor feedback so I can work on my time
management skills. I believed that time management is very important because an effective time management
can increase your abilities but also increase your results or performance as well. If we do things on right time than
our actions always produce positive results for us. For this purpose I have planned to register couple of courses
regarding time management at FutureLearn. Further, I am following my tutor feedback regarding the time
management will will be a positive point in my life especially my career life. In simple words, these things are
going to make my career bright and making my life a balance life.

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