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Submitted to:
Dr. Ayesha Nazish
Submitted by:
Safa Alam (19010920-089)
Ayesha Farooq (19010920-104)
Entrepreneurship (MGT-303)
BBA 6th (B)
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Contact details
Email: Khufudev@gmail.com

Contact no: 03366810572

Contact no: 0341 4143865

0345 0481757


Every year thousands of entrepreneurs decides to set up their own business,

anticipate great financial rewards. However, over half of new business start-ups fail in
their first year, so what makes the difference between those and profitable business
ventures? What makes an entrepreneur extraordinary? this case study focuses on
Khubaib Bin Tariq, one of Pakistan best-known entrepreneurs. His career shows that
there is no single factor that makes an entrepreneur. As he says, ‘Anyone can do it’.

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Khufu, a highly motivated and driven Web Developer, with a dedicated work ethic.
Aiming for professional experiences with challenging environment. He has been
serving clients nationally and internationally for the past three years now. He is a
Frontend Web Developer, having expertise with static websites, but if someone is
looking to add more dynamics to their website, he is always open to experimenting
with newer techniques. He has attained his skills with HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
Sass, Bootstrap, G-SAP, & Elementor, with the aim of divulging into more web
development services.

One of the key factors in building his software house is Khufu’s ability to recognize
and seize opportunities. In his early twenties he built his software house with the help
of his 3 other friends who help to gather the finances. He started working on tech
ideas in his school life and in 3 rd semester of his university he was sure about his aim
for life. He was clear that he doesn’t want to go for seeking a job but to become an

He started his journey with an investment of about half of million which was mainly
for renting an office and necessary equipment. From the first month his software
house stated generating revenue of 40-50k after excluding all he expenses. Growth
rate of Techtor has been around 5-8% a year.
Starting a business
What makes an idea grow into a business? Khufu venture highlights the key elements.

 Identify the gap in the market- do research. What do people need. What is
missing from the market? In this rapidly changing world, IT related ideas and
firms are insanely. No matter how many software houses and IT firms are
being developed it wouldn`t be sufficient to meet the need of world demand.
That’s what Khufu’s idea was about.
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Khufu is ready to invest in other software houses to grow its business, before
investing he looks for several key elements in an entrepreneur’s business plan. These
reflects to his own approach to investment.

 Do they understand their product, services, customer, and the market?

 Have they worked out what the costs and projected profile will be? clear
research into the market and projections for revenues and costs is important.
 Do they believe in their productor service and are they willing to work hard at
it? Khufu believe entrepreneurs need to show conviction by investing their
own finances into the business.

Over the past 3 years Khufu has used his drive, ambitions, and skills to develop a
business. He was willing to take risk. By using an opportunity, taking risks, and
having plan, Khufu believes that anyone can be an entrepreneur.
In an interview when Khufu was asked what is the thing that he would suggest to
young entrepreneurs he answered that to become successful and make your business
successful never start your 1st venture on partnership base. That create many
ambiguities. Taking approval of your other partners is also very time consuming and
3 sometimes confusing too.
Research is very important, to be a successful entrepreneur one must have knowledge
about existing business and knowledge about business models of other companies in
that field.

What is success?
According to Khufu success is `PEACE`. To be successful, a peaceful mind is very
necessary. In his early days of struggle Khufu did some jobs and tried to do
something else, but he wasn’t satisfied at that time. Now after moving towards his
field and developing a software house he found his mind at peace which is actual
success according to him.
He believes in going the extra mile to achieve his goals and putting in a commitment

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to teamwork. He is open to communicating and sharing of views to achieve maximum
productivity and high-end product.

1. What inspired you to develop your idea?
2. When did you know you wanted to become an entrepreneur?
3. How have your priorities changed from when you first started?
4. How did you decide where to establish your company? As for you, your
5. What challenges did you have to overcome at the beginning of your journey?
6. What is unique about your business?
7. What have been your failures, and what did you learn from them?
8. What advice would you give to someone who is trying to become an
9. How did you raise funding?
10. What have you enjoyed most about starting your own company?
11. What are the qualities of a good entrepreneur?
12. How do you define success?
13. Who is your biggest inspiration as an entrepreneur?
14. What do you wish you could change?

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