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Thesis statement: In my point of view, health care should be free on account of a reservoir of merits it

has granted us, including the guarantee of health insurance a cost-effective system.

Body Paragraph 1: Health Initially, free health care pledges health insurance to people who don’t
insurance guarantee have insurance yet.

Supporting details -Explain: Free healthcare lower cost -> health insurance
+) Save thousands of lives -> numerous preventable diseases are
+) Patients can easily go to the hospital for treatment
+) More than 45 million Americans who do not have health insurance
today will have it under the Universal Health Care system.
+) The Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Obamacare (Medicare and
Medicaid) – provide affordable healthcare insurance coverage for all
Americans -> more than 16 million Americans obtained health
insurance coverage.

Body Paragraph 2: Secondly, free health interventions are overall cost-effective


Supporting details -Explain:

+) Inflated private health care system costs -> cost of treatment go
+) Regulatory government’s health care system ->various health care
conditions is pre-defined and fixed -> overall a more effective model.
+) Same standard but low cost -> accessible for anyone
+) No headaches or stress of dealing with private insurance companies.
+) In Qatar, health care is paid directly by the government -> spends
more on health care per person than any other country in the Gulf

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