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They treated the land as it was clearly empty (les natifs en sueur) so they printed
something  the frontier, the land of opportunities.

1) Class 1  question about this at the final (data)

Americans can be strongly together on a lot of subjects! Economy, terrorism, but there
are also subjects such as abortion or environment. The subjects that divide the most
seem to be the least important: maybe one of the reasons it’s so unimportant because
people are so divided?
We need to know that a lot of people are moderate, much less extremes.

But Americans are quite far apart  a ‘party gap’ (gun policy…).
What should be the role of government?  division between the parties we didn’t have
before since the 80s (Reagan). Republicans  do less, Democrats  do more! There has
been shifts of kind of people that support who.

Valence issues (we all agree about)

Parties are being pulled to their extremes  the one that are increasingly visible are
those at the extremes. The more active the noisier.

Only if you work the land it is yours (Jefferson etc.)! Indian removal, manifest destiny
(we are going to show the Europeans how it is done!) but they had to romanticize it.
Lewis&Clark expedition after the Louisiana purchase + they got California  huge land!!
So you send people to live there, railroads. They finance the railroads by the
checkerboard. The yeoman farmer  if you have your land that will bring democracy (a
whole set of values!)

2) Class 2
The Wall and Lady Liberty, Trump’s wall that clearly wasn’t built. At most he replaced
parts of the existing wall. The sentiment of the Statue of Liberty is the contrary of this
wall  give me your poor, I welcome everyone! Absolute contradiction! In 1875 they
make a national immigration policy but enormous contradiction  Chinese exclusion
and at the same time then they put up Statue of Liberty. Trump was dealing with a non-
existing issue! There are immigration misperceptions (only 15% of immigrants…)

3) Class 3
See presentation
My home is my castle!

4) Class 4  self-made men. Carnegie as the philanthropist. A substantial part of

American households give to charity! Such as churches…
But this a lie that these people are self-made men!
Not a lot people make it but the belief remains strong!
The lower the inequality the higher the intergenerational mobility! There are also a lot
of whites that are poor!
5) Class 5
They create megachurches, they attract educated people, get heavily political (lobbies…)

Wertrational/Zweckrational  different reasons to get active politically.

Why the TEA party is not a political party?

Structure/agency!!!! Question on that

No questions about session 10.

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