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REPUBLIC ACT - Department of Health

8th Congress

Republic Act No. 6675

An Act to promote, require and ensure the production of an Adequate supply, distribution, use and
acceptance of drugs and medicines identified by their Generic Names

9th Congress

Republic Act No. 7719

An act promoting voluntary blood donation, providing for an adequate supply of safe blood, regulating
blood banks, and providing penalties for violation thereof

Republic Act No. 7876

An act establishing a senior citizens center in all cities and municipalities of the Philippines, and
appropriating funds therefor

10th Congress

Republic Act No. 8505

An act providing assistance and protection for rape victims, establishing for the purpose a rape crisis
center in every province and city, authorizing the appropriation of funds therfor, and for other purposes

11th Congress

Republic Act No. 9003

An act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary
institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties,
appropriating funds therefor, and for other pruposes

Republic Act No. 8980

An act promulgating a comprehensive policy and a national system for early childhood care and
development (ECCD), providing funds therefor and other for other purposes

Republic Act No. 8976

An act establishing the Philippine food fortification program and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 8972

An act providing for the benefits and privileges to solo parents and their children, appropriating funds
therefor and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 8750

An act requiring the mandatory compliance by motorists of private and public vehicles to use seat belt
devices, and requiring vehicle manufacturers to install seat belt devices in all their manufactured

Republic Act No. 8749

An act providing for a comprehensive air pollution control policy and for other purposes

12th Congress

Republic Act No. 9296

An act strengthening the meat inspection system in the country, ordaining for this purpose a "meat
inspection code of the Philippines" and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9288

An act promulgating a comprehensive policy and a national system for ensuring Newborn Screening
Republic Act No. 9275
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Public Health Laws and Programs
An act providing for a comprehensive water quality management and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9271

An act strengthening the regulatory capacity of the Department of Health in Quarantine and
International Health Surveillance, repealing for the purpose Republic Act No. 123 of 1947, as amended

Republic Act No. 9262

An act defining violence against women and their children, providing for protective measures for
victims, prescribing penalties therefor, and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9257

An act granting additional benefits and privileges to Senior Citizens amending for the purpose Republic
Act No. 7432, otherwise known as "An act to maximize the contribution of Senior Citizens to nation
building, grant benefits and special privileges and for other purposes"

Republic Act No. 9241

An act amending Republic Act No. 7875, otherwise known as "An act instituting a National Health
Insurance Program for all Filipinos and Establishing the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation for
the purpose

Republic Act No. 9211

An act regulating the packaging, use, sale, distribution and advertisements of tobacco products and for
other purposes

Republic Act No. 9208

An act to institute policies to eliminate trafficking in persons especially women and children,
establishing the necessary institutional mechanisms for the protection and support of trafficked
persons, providing penalties for its violations, and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9173

An act providing for a more responsive nursing profession, repealing for the purpose republic Act No.
7164, otherwise knows as "the Philippine Nursing Act of 1991" and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9165

An act instituting the comprehensive dangerous drugs act of 2002, repealing Republic Act No. 6425,
otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended, providing funds therefor, and for
other purposes

13th Congress

Republic Act No. 9482

An act providing for the control and elimination of human and animal rabies, prescribing penalties for
violation thereof and appropriating funds therefor

Republic Act No. 9442

An act amending Republic Act No. 7277, otherwise known as the "Magna Carta for disabled persons,
and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 9439

An act prohibiting the detention of patients in hospitals and medical clinics on grounds of nonpayment
of hospital bills or medical expenses.

14th Congress

Republic Act No. 9502

An act providing for cheaper and quality medicines, amending for the purpose Republic Act No. 8293
or the intellectual property code, Republic Act No. 6675 or the Generics Act of 1988, and Republic Act
No. 5921 or the Pharmacy Law, and for other purposes

15th Congress
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Public Health Laws and Programs
Republic Act No. 10354
An Act Providing For A National Policy on Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health

Republic Act No. 10152

An Act Providing for Mandatory Basic Immunization Services for Infants and Children, Repealing For
the Purpose Presidential Decree No. 996, As Amended

Republic Act No. 10611

An act to strengthen the food safety regulatory system in the country to protect consumer health and
facilitate market access of local foods and food products, and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 10606

"National Health Insurance Act of 2013"
An act amending Republic Act No. 7875, otherwise known as the "National Health Insurance Act of
1995", as amended, and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 10586

An act penalizing persons driving under the influence of alcohol, dangerous drugs, and similar
substances, and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 10532

An act institutionalizing the Philippine National Health Research System

Republic Act No. 10524

An act expanding the positions reserved for persons with disability, amending for the purpose Republic
Act No. 7277, as amended, otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability

Republic Act No. 10174

An act establishing the people's survival fund to provide long-term finance streams to enable the
government to effectively address the problem of climate change, amending for the purpose Republic
Act No. 9729, otherwise known as the "Climate Change Act of 2009", and for other purposes

16th Congress

Republic Act No. 10747

An Act Promulgating a Comprehensive Policy in Addressing the Needs of Persons with Rare Disease.

Republic Act No. 10410

An act recognizing the age from zero (0) to eight (8) years as the first crucial stage of educational
development and strengthening the early childhood care and development system, appropriating funds
therefor and for other purposes

Republic Act No. 10666

An act providing for the safety of children aboard motorcycles

Republic Act No. 10645

An act providing for the mandatory Philhealth coverage for all Senior Citizens, amending for the
purpose Republic Act No. 7432, as amended by Republic Act No. 9994, otherwise known as the
"Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010"

Republic Act No. 10643

An act to effectively instill health consciousness through graphic health warnings on tobacco products

Republic Act No. 10640

An act to further strengthen the anti-drug campaign of the government, amending for the purpose
section 21 of Republic Act No. 9165, otherwise known as the "Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of

Republic Act - Department of Health Page 3 of 4

Public Health Laws and Programs
Republic Act - 8th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act - 9th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act - 11th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act - 12th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act - 14th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act - 15th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act - 16th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act -10th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).
Republic Act -13th Congress | Department of Health website. (n.d.).

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Public Health Laws and Programs

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