9B PPerfect or PSimple

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G present perfec or pas simple? V past participles P irreguler past participles > Hare you seen the film? Did you like 2 I've read the book, I've seen the film spoken to. film ador or actress Who was? What did you say? film more then three times What fim? When was the last time yousaw it? in film What film wasit? Why did you cry? Soundtrack’ from a fim What fl was i Did you like the fl? ‘the cinema in the middle of a film | What film was i? Why did you leave? inthe dnema ‘What film was if? Why did you sleep? somebody in the back row Who was i? Oid you see the fim? a Complete the questionnaire above with these past participle. 3 PRONUNCIATION irregular participles slept bought cried kissed left spoken seen -—-@_-Put three irregular past participles in each column, b Interview a partner with the questionnaire. If he / she Bee Dine Sitka Peaeee ag says ‘Yes, I have’, ask the other two questions, pormgeaeky (Gren nein Tey paid spoken taken wom —_written 2 VOCABULARY past participles i = a Look at the past participles in 1a. Which ones. 1 are regular 2 ave irregular (and the same as the past simple) R ci 4 are irregular (and different from the past simple) | b (94> Listen and check. Practise saying them. b © p.154 Irregular verbs. Highlight the past participles that are different from the past simple 4 GRAMMAR present perfect or past simple? 4 Look at the dialogue. In pairs, answer the questions. 5 LISTENING & SPEAKING a Look at the four books and answer the questions, + Have you read the book? + Have you seen the film(s)? b Read the website information about The Book Programme on Radio South, What is tonights programme about? What are listeners going to do? ean ca 95) Listen to Carl, Linda, and Sam phoning the programme ai peear e nespanitre Wohi cale em EOke A Listen again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Cael thinks books are usually better than films 2. Heloved the Lord of the Ringe films. 3 Linda says people read a lot. 4 She thinks people buy books after they sea film. nks good books make bad films 6 He preferred the James Bond books. 5 Sam d ‘A Have you ever spoken to anactor or actress? b © p38 Grammar Bank 9B. Read the rules and do the exercises. 1 What tense is question Az Yes, (Ihave). 2. What tense are questions B and C? B Who was it? 3 Which question is general? Jude Law, 4 Which questions are specitic? C What did you say to him? Tasked him forhis autograph. In pairs, think of a film based on a book and make a class list on the board. £ Look at the chart. What are the questions? y Yes No | like i? \ \ Yes No | like i § In pairs, ask and answer about the films in ap | Interviewer Russell, can you describe your day? Russell Well, rst we had some classes and ‘we learned how to land. Interviewer What happened then? Russell Well, when we finished the lasses ‘ve went up in the plane, Interviewer How high did you go upt Russell. About 800 metres, Interviewer ‘Then whet happened? Russell Well, Lsaton the foorand waited, Interviewer How did you feel” Russell Very fightened! That was the worst Part waiting to jump. Interviewer And then? Russell Then the instructor said jump!" and I jumped Interviewer Hov vas itt Russell It was incredible, Firs L fill very fast. Icouldeit think I forgot all the instructions, Suddenly the parachute ‘opened, and I floated down, Interviewer Did you land OK? Russell Yes. I cid ~ perfecly Interviewer How did you feel afterwards? Russell Great I felt fantasti, I was rally happy. I thought I did it” Interviewer Would you like to doit again? Russell Weil no, I wouldn’: Interviewer Why not? Russell Becuuse it can be dangerous, One ‘ofthe people in my group broke hisleg. And vo months after thar Theard that someane died Interviewer How? Russell His parachute didn't open and he fell. Presenter Our next caller isCadl from Essex. Hello, Car Carl Hi Presenter What do you think, Carl? Do 00d books make good films? Carl Well, ve read a Jot of books and then Seen the films, and I usually think that the books are bette. For example, | loved the Lord ofthe Rings books but I didnt ‘ike the lms very much, Presenter Thabk you, Carl. Our nest caller 's Linda from Manchester. Helo, Linda, Linda Hi Well, what | thinks that today people don't read very much. But they 40 go to the cinema. And sometimes ster they've seen a film of a book then they go and buy the book, « that’s good thing because they reed more. Presenter But do you think good books make good films? Linda Yes. I've 1ead alot of good books and then P've seen the films and P've loved them al, The Bxorist, Harry Potter, Gone with the Wind. They're all grext books and great films, Presenter Thank you, Linda. And our last caller is Sam from Cardi, Hello, Sem, What do you think about our question today? Sam I think it depends. I think good books don’rusually make good films, But I've seen some fils which I think are better than the books. That's usually because the book was’ very good, Presenter So bad books can make good fins? Sam Thavsright Presenter Give me an example Sam Well the James Bond films. The books arent very good but some of the films are grea, like Goldfinger o: From Russia with Lo Presenter Thank you, Sam, Bye.

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