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E-Skills Portfolio

Comilang, Allyah Mae C.


BSBA Marketing Management

Human Resource Management

MGT 101

Reflection Essay
Human resource management plays an important role in the company. They’re
the ones who are assigned to recruit, hire and manage the employees. Human resource
is responsible on analyzing and designing work, guiding and teaching the employee on
what they’ve need to do. Human Resource practices are important for helping
companies deal with sustainability, globalization and technology challenges. The
sustainability challenges deal with economic and social changes. Global challenges
include competing in international market in order to survive, offshoring, and reshoring.
And Technology Challenges including the uses of new technologies, communication and
the work place. Strategic Management is an approach in which an organization plan,
solve and give action to achieve their goals and objectives. Strategic Management also
helps the organization to gain competitive edge over their competitors. Strategic Human
Resource Management is the ones who ensures that the company works as a whole to
reach its goals. And they’re the ones who assures that the business will have a greater
chance to succeed. In strategic management process, in strategy formulation, they’re
formulating a plan and decide on a strategic direction by defining the company’s mission
and vision, its external opportunities and threats, its internal strength and weaknesses.
After formulating the strategy, next is the strategy implementation. In strategy
implementation, the organization follows the chosen plan.

The legal system in United States are Legislative Branch, executive branch, and
Judicial branch. In the Philippines, the legal system is same with United States. Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) refers to the government’s attempt to ensure that the
employees have equal chance for employment and free from discrimination. Under EEO,
there are laws enacted for equal treatment and for the safety of the employees.

Work-flow design is the analyzing the tasks and allocating and assigning it to a
particular job category. Understanding the Work-flow, job analysis, and job design may
help the managers to analyze the whole work and to ensure that the process maximizes
the efficiency and effectiveness. Managers can redesign the jobs to ensure that they will
be able to achieve its goal. The human resource planning process are forecasting, goal
setting and strategic planning, and program implementation and evaluation. Forecasting

is the determining the supply and the demand. Goal setting and strategic planning, aims
to assist the managers and team leaders to plan strategically, set goals and objective,
and to align them with actions. The human resource recruitment is the process on how
they identify or attract potential employees. Methods used in selecting the employees
are reliability, validity, generalizability, utility and legality. The types of selecting
methods are via interviews, references, application blanks, and background checks,
physical ability test, cognitive ability test, personality inventories, work samples, and
honesty and drug tests. Training refers to the program of the company to help their
employees to gain knowledge, skills, and behavior emphasized in training and apply it to
their day-to-day activities. Performance management means that the managers ensure
that the employees’ output are congruent with the organization’s goal. Process of
performing management, not an event but a process, communication-based process in
which manager and employees work together to plan and monitor if they’re meeting
the goals and the objectives of the company. Development refers to the formal
education, assessment, job experiences, and international relationship to assist the
employee prepare for the future. Under the development planning systems are the self-
assessment, reality check, goal setting, and action planning of the employee
responsibility and company responsibility that need to be completed. Involuntary
turnover refers when the turnover occurs when the employee is terminated from the
position while the voluntary turnover is when the employee chooses to leave in the
organization by retiring or resigning. One causes the employee to resign is the job
dissatisfaction and it leads to job withdrawal.

Table of Content


Mind Map 5

Assigned Power Point 11

Group Activity 13

Midterm Coverage 15

Final Coverage 16

Mind Maps

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Power Point

Group Activity

Midterm Coverage

Final Coverage


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