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Nurit Bittner, Ulrike Schulze-Späte, Cleber Silva, John D. Da Silva, David M. Kim, Dennis Tarnow,
Mindy S. Gil, Shigemi Ishikawa-Nagai

Changes of the alveolar ridge dimension and

gingival recession associated with implant position
and tissue phenotype with immediate implant
placement: A randomised controlled clinical trial

alveolar ridge dimension, immediate implants, peri-implant mucosa, soft tissue aesthetics

Purpose: This prospective, randomised, controlled clinical trial evaluated the relationship between
alveolar ridge dimensional change and recession with the implant position (horizontal and verti-
cal) and tissue phenotype in immediately placed and provisionalised implants without the use of
bone grafting.
Materials and methods: Patients (n = 40) with a hopeless maxillary anterior tooth received an
immediate implant and immediate provisional or customised healing abutment after flapless
extraction. Implants were finally restored 3 months after placement and followed up for 6 months
after delivery of the restoration. The alveolar ridge dimensional change and recession were meas-
ured using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans and digitalised dental casts. Alveolar
contour changes were correlated to implant position and tissue phenotype.
Results: The tissue phenotype showed no significant correlation to the alveolar ridge dimensional
change. At 6 months, the average alveolar ridge dimensional change was approximately 0.7 mm
in the buccolingual dimension independent of tissue phenotype. A statistically significant differ-
ence was observed on the recession values comparing tissue phenotypes, with more recession
observed in the thin phenotype (1.96 mm) than in the thick phenotype (1.18 mm). A significant
correlation was observed between horizontal implant position and buccolingual alveolar ridge
change. A positive correlation was observed between the horizontal implant position and the
dimensional change measured in the casts at the level of the free gingival margin. A statistically
significant negative correlation was observed between the horizontal implant position and the
resorption measured by the CBCT scans.
Conclusions: Patients with thin tissue phenotype had a more marked recession. The horizontal
implant position showed a relationship to the alveolar ridge dimensional changes observed. The
greater the buccal gap distance between the implant and the buccal plate, the lesser the radio-
graphic changes observed in the alveolar bone, however, the greater the changes observed in the
buccal aspect of the casts at the level of the free gingival margin.

Conflict of interest statement: This study was funded by Keystone Dental. Dr Tarnow is a
consultant for Keystone Dental and Dr Bittner has lectured for Keystone Dental. The remain-
ing authors have no financial interest in the companies whose materials were included in this

Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480 469

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

Introduction mechanical and surgical insults, less susceptible to

mucosal recession, and has more tissue volume
An aesthetic area can be defined as any area for prosthetic manipulation19. Sites with thin tis-
restored that is visible in the patient’s full smile1. sue phenotype have been shown to have a higher
The success of single-implant therapy in the an- frequency of recession, particularly if the implants
terior zone is not only determined by high survival are positioned buccally20.
rates, but even more by the long-term quality of The thickness of the buccal plate has also been
survival, dictated by a mixture of several factors2. shown to contribute to a risk of soft tissue recession
The determining factor in the natural appearance after immediate implant therapy21. Significantly
of any implant restoration is the soft tissue con- greater amounts of facial bone loss were observed
figuration of the implant site3. between implant placement and abutment connec-
Dimensional changes to the peri-implant fa- tion surgery, for implants placed on healed ridges
cial bone following immediate placement and that had a facial bone thickness of less than 1.8 mm
provisionalisation of a maxillary anterior single im- after osteotomy preparation22. A minimal buccal
plant are usually expected4. Placement of a den- bone width of 2 mm is recommended to maintain
tal implant5-8 or bone graft9 do not prevent the a stable buccal bony wall; however, only a limited
remodelling of the buccal plate in both delayed number of sites in the anterior maxilla display such
and immediate placements. The missing volume in a clinical situation. In the majority of extraction sites
the horizontal direction at the buccal aspect of the in the anterior maxilla, the buccal wall has been
alveolar ridge may cause a shadow in the respec- reported to be < 1.0 mm thick23 and additionally,
tive region, which can be aesthetically displeas- close to 50% of sites have been shown to have a
ing10. There is a wide variation on the reported bone wall thickness of ≤ 0.5 mm. Such a thin bone
buccolingual resorption observed with an immedi- wall may undergo marked dimensional changes24.
ate implant placement; the majority of the dimen- The position of the immediately placed implant
sional loss (two-thirds) has been reported to occur within the extraction socket is also an important
during the first 3 months of healing8. It has been factor in determining treatment outcomes20,25.
suggested that the volumetric tissue changes after Implants with a buccal shoulder position have
immediate placement in the aesthetic area can be shown three times more recession than implants
minimised, if a provisional crown is immediately with a lingual shoulder position20. The size of the
connected and a bone graft is inserted simulta- horizontal buccal gap was shown to significantly
neously11-13. Vertical loss of buccal peri-implant influence the hard tissue alteration that occurred
tissue volume may still lead to recession and a during a 4-month period of healing26.
crown length differing from the contralateral or The material presented here is from a pro-
adjacent tooth, or to a visible abutment or implant spective randomised controlled clinical study that
shoulder14,15. At the 1-year follow-up assessment evaluated the optical effects of the pink-neck im-
after immediately placed implants a recession of plant/abutment system as a primary objective. The
0.55 mm was observed16. A systematic literature results showed that when a pink abutment was
review showed that up to 26% of the immediately used, there was a significant colour change of the
placed implants presented a recession of the mid- peri-implant mucosa in the red aspect of colour
facial mucosa of > 1 mm17. compared with the conventional grey implant/
A horizontal resorption and recession can also abutment system27. The secondary objective of
be influenced by the implant position, tissue phe- this study evaluated the optical effects of the
notype and buccal plate thickness. A thick tissue anodised pink-neck implant and abutment versus
phenotype (51.9%) is more frequently observed the conventional grey implant/abutment system
in the population than a thin tissue phenotype in relation to the adjacent gingiva28. The results
(42.3%)18. A thick soft tissue phenotype is a desir- demonstrate that the colour difference between
able characteristic, because it is more resistant to the peri-implant mucosa and natural gingiva can

470 Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

be minimised when a pink abutment and pink- of smoking within the last 6 months, presence of
neck implant are used in patients who received an occlusion that could affect the immediate loading
immediate implant without any additional aug- result and presence of iatrogenic pigmentations of
mentation procedures. The present article shows the gingiva on the study site.
the evaluation of the tertiary objectives, which Patients were randomly divided into two
include the dimensional soft tissue changes of the groups with each group receiving a different type
alveolar ridge (buccolingual dimensional change of immediate implant: a conventional grey im-
and recession) after immediate implant placement, plant (PrimaConnex, Keystone Dental, Burlington,
during a 6-month follow-up period after final res- MA, USA) or an implant with an anodised pink-
toration and a 9-month period after immediate neck implant (Genesis implants, Keystone Dental).
implant placement, in relation to soft tissue phe- However, for the purpose of the tertiary objectives
notype and implant position. presented in this article, all study subjects were
either evaluated as one group, regardless of the
randomisation and the implant placed, or stratified
Materials and methods according to tissue phenotype.

Patient selection and population Surgical procedure

The Institutional Review Boards of the Harvard All patients had extraction of the hopeless tooth
Medical School/Harvard School of Dental Medi- using a flapless approach after premedication with
cine and Columbia University approved this mul- either 2 g of amoxicillin or 600 mg of clindamy-
ticentre, randomised, controlled clinical study. The cin, 1 hour prior to surgery. Once an intact buccal
centres where this study was performed were plate was confirmed, implants were immediately
the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and the placed, following the manufacturer’s instructions,
Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. according to each of the randomisation groups.
Patients 18 years of age or older who met the No bone graft material was used to fill up the
study inclusion criteria, were recruited through the space between the implants and the sockets. The
Harvard Dental Centre Faculty and Teaching Prac- implants were positioned with their platform 3 to
tices and the Columbia University College of Den- 4 mm apical to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ)
tal Medicine Triage, Periodontics, Prosthodontics of adjacent teeth and placed in a lingualised pos-
and Implant Dentistry Clinics. ition. The final torque at placement was estab-
A total of 52 patients were screened, from which lished by titrating the insertion torque values in
40 patients met all the inclusion criteria and none the increments of 5 Ncm with a minimum final torque
exclusion criteria, and thus, all were included in the of 10 Ncm at placement.
study (20 patients in each study centre). The inclu- If the buccal plate was affected, grafting pro-
sion criteria included presence of a hopeless max- cedures were performed and the implant was
illary anterior tooth (including second premolars) planned for a later time on a stage-two surgery.
without periodontal disease, with probing depths of These patients were not included in the study.
3.0 mm or less on the mid-buccal gingiva of the test Subjects were given postsurgical instructions
site, as well as presence of a healthy contralateral and medications including antibiotics (500 mg of
or adjacent tooth. Patients were excluded if they amoxicillin or 300 mg of clindamycin) and analge-
had a medical systemic condition that prevented sics (600 to 800 mg of ibuprofen).
surgical intervention or implant placement proced-
ures. Female patients who were pregnant, lactating
Prosthetic procedure
or planning to become pregnant during the study
period, were also excluded, as well as patients with After implant placement, the restorations were
presence of acute infection on the study site, history placed based on the insertion torque. If the final

Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480 471

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

appointments: at 3 and 6 months. This means that

patients were followed up for 9 months after the
implant placement and 6 months after the final res-
toration was inserted.

• Tissue phenotype: was considered thin if when
probing the midbuccal gingiva, the probe was
visible through the soft tissue, and thick if the
probe was not visible (15 UNC colour-coded
Fig 1 Horizontal implant position measurement. Periodontal
probe used to measure the distance from the buccal aspect probe, Hu-Friedy, Chicago, IL, USA).
of the implant to the buccal plate. • Horizontal implant position: the distance from
the buccal aspect of the implant to the inter-
nal side of the buccal socket wall was meas-
implant torque was < 25 Ncm, a customised heal- ured using a periodontal probe (15 UNC colour-
ing abutment was made with auto-polymerised coded probe, Hu-Friedy) (Fig 1).
polymethyl methacrylate (Super T, American Con- • Vertical implant position: the vertical distance
solidated, West Conshohocken, PA, USA) to pre- of the implant to the free gingival margin,
vent any occlusal forces to the implant, while main- measured using a probe (15 UNC colour-coded
taining the subgingival contours. If the implant probes, Hu-Friedy).
insertion torque was ≥ 25 Ncm, a full-contoured • Radiographic measurements: two cone beam
screw-retained provisional restoration was made computed tomography (CBCT) scans of the
with auto-polymerised polymethyl methacrylate maxillary arch were taken on each patient using
(Super T), which was maintained out of occlusion. the i-CAT Next Generation tool (Imaging Sci-
Three months after implant placement, a final ences International, Hatfield, PA, USA) with
implant level impression was made using dispos- an image resolution of 0.3 mm. The first was
able plastic trays (Disposable Trays, GC America, taken prior to implant placement, the second
Alsip, IL, USA) and polyether impression material was taken 6 months after delivery of the final
(Impregum, 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA). The sub- crown. The software InVivo 5 (Anatomage San
gingival contours were copied to the impression Jose, CA, USA) was used to orient the scans and
coping using auto-polymerised polymethyl meth- analyse the sagittal sections to ensure accuracy
acrylate (Super T). on measurements (Fig 2).
Patients received a titanium computer-aided
design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM Radiographic measurements were obtained by sub-
customised abutment as a final restoration, which tracting the measurements of the preoperative scan
was anodised to appear pink or conventional grey with the postoperative scans, and these included:
depending on the randomisation group (Genesis or 1. Buccolingual dimensional differences between
PrimaConnex implants, respectively), and a zirconia the two CBCT scans at the level of the crest of
cement-retained crown (Katana Noritake, Kuraray, the alveolar ridge. Using the digital software, the
Tokyo, Japan), cemented with provisional cement measurements were done at corresponding areas
(TempBond NE, Kerr Dental, Brea, CA, USA). of the ridge, by measuring the distance from an
arbitrary distinct anatomical point to the crest of
the bone ridge on the preoperative scan and rep-
Follow-up appointment
licating this distance on the postoperative scan.
After receiving the final implant restoration, the The distance measured was from the most buccal
patients were assessed at two different follow-up to the most lingual aspect of the alveolar ridge.

472 Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

19.46 mm
19.45 mm 90.0 deg. 90.0 deg.
3.00 mm 3.00 mm

a b

a b

Fig 2a-b Scan measurements: (a) Preoperative (tooth to buccal plate, 1.14 mm; buccolingual [B-L] width at 3.0 mm, 8.34
mm; B-L width at crest, 8.57 mm); (b) Postoperative (implant to buccal plate, 0.44 mm; B-L width at 3.0 mm, 5.98 mm; B-L
width at crest, 5.69 mm). The vertical line in yellow bisecting the tooth serves as a reference. The orange horizontal line was
used to determine the distance of the measurements at the crest of the ridge on the preoperative scan. The same distance
between the arbitrary anatomical point selected (marked with a green circle) to the crest of the ridge was used on both scans
to ensure standardisation of the measurement. Note that measurements were performed at the same height with a difference
of 0.01 mm (19.45 mm of distance for the preoperative scan and 19.46 mm for the postoperative scan. The blue line marks
the measurement conducted 3 mm below the crest of the ridge. At this height the thickness of the buccal plate was also
measured on both scans.

2. Buccolingual dimensional differences were made at baseline and at the 6-month follow-up
measured between the two CBCT scans visit. The casts were obtained by alginate impres-
3.0 mm below the crest of the alveolar ridge sions (Jeltrate Fast Set, Dentsply, York, PA, USA)
as indicated above. Using the digital software, and poured in a type III gypsum (Microstone, Whip
the measurements were done at corresponding Mix, Louisville, KY, USA). All casts were scanned and
areas of the ridge from the most buccal to the superimposed digitally. The recession was meas-
most lingual aspect. ured first with a vertical line, then the differences in
3. Differences in thickness of the buccal plate on the buccal contours between the baseline cast and
both CBCT scans were noted, by measuring the 6-month follow-up visit cast were measured
from the buccal aspect of the root, or the im- at the sagittal view, starting from the edge of the
plant, to the most buccal aspect of the buc- free gingival margin of the postoperative cast in
cal plate at a predetermined height of 3.0 mm increments of 1 mm (Fig 3). These measurements
below the crest of the alveolar ridge. corresponded only to the dimensional change
observed in the buccal aspect on the casts, not the
All radiographic measurements were recorded as full buccolingual dimensions that were recorded
positive since the values of the preoperative scans, radiographically. Because the dimensional change
which were subtracted with the postoperative was determined by the distance between the two
scans, were larger on all patients. buccal contours (marked with red lines in Fig 3),
the values obtained were recorded as positive for
the dimensional change and the recession, even
Cast analysis
though they denoted a loss of tissue dimension
The digital software Compare (Planmeca, Helsinki, between the preoperative dimensions and the
Findland) was used to digitally analyse the casts 6-month follow-up dimensions.

Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480 473

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype


The patient population included 20 males and

20 females, aged from 24 to 72 years old, with
a mean age of 46.9 (± 3.2) years. The treatment
2.4556 mm sites included 13 central incisors, 11 lateral incisors,
4 canines, and 12 premolars. The torque insertion
1.0783 mm
for the implants ranged from 5 Ncm to 50 Ncm.
1.9335 mm Eighteen patients presented an insertion torque
for the implants of 25 Ncm or more and received
1.0512 mm a provisional crown at the time of surgery. The
other 22 patients had implants placed at a torque
1.5148 mm value of < 25 Ncm, and thus, received a custom-
ised healing abutment at the time of surgery.
1.0302 mm When the tissue phenotype was evaluated,
31 patients were classified with thick phenotype
1.2324 mm and 9 patients with thin phenotype.
Table 1 shows the summary of the measure-
1.0089 mm ments obtained by comparing the CBCT scans
performed before implant placement and the
0.93743 mm
6-month visit after the restoration insertion, clas-
sified by tissue phenotype. The measurements
0.90336 mm include buccolingual alveolar change at the crest
of the ridge, 3.0 mm below the crest of the ridge
and the buccal plate thickness difference. The
Fig 3 Digital cast measurements superimposing the pre- two-sample t test with unequal variance showed
operative and postoperative scans with the aid of a digital
software (Romexis, Planmeca). The red arrow marks the no statistically significant difference between the
buccal aspect of the study site on the preoperative cast. The resorption observed radiographically on patients
green arrow marks the buccal aspect of the study site in the
postoperative cast. The measurements were performed from with thick and thin phenotype, and for the buccal
the buccal aspect of the preoperative cast to the postopera- plate thickness. The average buccolingual differ-
tive cast in 1.0-mm increments apically. The reduction in
alveolar contour from the preoperative cast to the postopera- ence observed at the level of the crest of the al-
tive cast can be observed. veolar bone was 0.54 mm for the thin phenotype
and 1.06 mm for the thick phenotype (P = 0.29).
The average buccolingual difference observed in
the alveolar bone (3.0 mm below the bone crest)
Statistical analysis
was 0.47 mm and 0.66 mm for the thin and thick
Summary statistics (mean, standard deviation phenotypes, respectively (Figs 4 and 5). For the
and range) were calculated for the buccolingual buccal plate thickness difference, the average dif-
alveolar dimensional change, recession, implant ference observed was 0.14 mm for the thin pheno-
position and buccal plate thickness. Two-sample type patients and 0.26 mm for the thick phenotype
t test with unequal variance was used to compare patients (P = 0.35). From all of the radiographic
the measurement of the casts and the CBCT scans measurements, the measurement of the buccal
with the tissue phenotype. An evaluation of the plate could not be performed in three patients (two
correlation between all variables was conducted with the thin phenotype and one with the thick
with the Pearson’s correlation test for each pair of phenotype), since these patients presented with
variables. Values were considered statistically sig- primary teeth with short roots; the root was not
nificant at P ≤ 0.05. present at 3 mm below the crest of the ridge.

474 Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

Table 1 Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan measurements (results classified by tissue phenotypes)

Variable Measurement Thin phenotype Thick phenotype P value

B-L difference at the crest Mean (mm) 0.54 1.06 0.29
n 7 28
Standard deviation (mm) 1.11 0.86
B-L difference 3.0 mm from Mean (mm) 0.47 0.66 0.10
the crest n 7 28
Standard deviation (mm) 1.52 0.75
Buccal plate thickness Mean (mm) 0.14 0.26 0.35
difference n 5 27
Standard deviation (mm) 0.80 0.96

B-L, buccolingual; statistical analysis comparing values of the two different tissue phenotypes, performed with two-sample t test
with unequal variance; variables assessed include the buccolingual dimension difference from the preoperative and postoperative
CBCT scans at the crest of the bone and 3.0 mm below the bone crest, as well as the difference of the buccal plate thickness.

a b

c d

Fig 4a-d A patient classified with thin phenotype. The study site of the maxillary right central incisor: (a) Preoperative
frontal view; (b) Postoperative frontal view; (c) Preoperative occlusal view; (d) Postoperative occlusal view (at the 6-month

The measurements performed by digitally t test with unequal variance it was determined
comparing the dimensions on casts obtained that there was no statistically significant differ-
before implant placement and at the 6-month ence of the buccal resorption between patients
visit after the restorations were inserted, are with thin or thick phenotype, when the initial
depicted in Table 2. The alveolar dimensional cast and the 6-month follow-up cast were com-
change was measured at different vertical levels pared digitally. At 6 months the average buccal
from the free gingival margin, starting from the dimensional change was approximately 0.73 mm
edge of the gingiva (0 mm) of the postoperative for patients with thin phenotype and 0.67 mm
cast to 5.0 mm, apically. Using the two-sample for patients with thick phenotype.

Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480 475

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

a b

c d

Fig 5a-d A patient classified with a thick phenotype. The study site of the maxillary right lateral incisor: (a) Preoperative frontal
view; (b) Postoperative frontal view; (c) Preoperative occlusal view; (d) Postoperative occlusal view (at the 6-month follow-up).

Table 2 Buccal alveolar dimensional changes observed in The results based on the correlation of the hori-
the casts (results classified by tissue phenotype)
zontal and vertical implant position and casts and
Thin Mean (SD), Thick Mean (SD), P CBCT scan measurements, are shown in Table 3.
n mm n mm value To assess the correlation between values, the Pear-
0 mm 4 0.59 (0.86) 25 0.99 (0.54) 0.43 son’s correlation test was used. The vertical implant
1 mm 4 0.74 (1.08) 25 0.74 (0.43) 1.00 position showed no significant correlation to the
2 mm 4 0.89 (1.01) 25 0.67 (0.42) 0.70 alveolar dimensional change or recession observed
3 mm 4 0.87 (1.04) 25 0.61 (0.52) 0.66 in the casts, or to the resorption observed on the
4 mm 4 0.74 (0.91) 25 0.57 (0.65) 0.74 CBCT scans. However, the horizontal implant pos-
5 mm 4 0.52 (0.64) 23 0.45 (0.58) 0.86 ition showed a statistically significant correlation
Recession 4 1.96 (0.40) 25 1.18 (0.85) 0.02* to some of the alveolar ridge changes. A statistic-
Statistical analysis comparing values of the two different tissue
ally significant positive correlation was observed
phenotypes, performed with two-sample t test with unequal between the horizontal implant position and the
variance (*statistically significant, P ≤ 0.05); measurements
obtained using the Planmeca Romexis digital software by
dimensional change measured in the casts at the
comparing the buccal dimensions of the preoperative and post- crest of the gingiva of the 6-month follow-up cast
operative casts on a sagittal view. SD, standard deviation.
(0 mm) and 1 mm below the gingiva (r = 0.54,
P = 0.003 and r = 0.45, P = 0.01, respectively).
Regarding the recession observed by digitally This indicates that the bigger the horizontal gap
comparing the preoperative and the 6-month fol- between the implant and the buccal plate at im-
low-up cast, the two-sample t test with unequal plant placement, the more marked the dimensional
variance showed statistically significant difference change observed in the casts at the level of the free
on the different tissue phenotypes (P = 0.02), with gingival margin.
more recession observed in patients with thin phe- A statistically significant negative correlation
notype (1.96 mm) than in patients with thick phe- was observed between the horizontal implant
notype (1.18 mm). position and the changes on the alveolar ridge

476 Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

Table 3 Pearson’s correlation between implant position and measurements observed in the casts and the cone beam com-
puted tomography (CBCT) scans

Horizontal implant Vertical implant

position position
B changes measured at 0 mm on casts Pearson correlation 0.54 –0.28
P value 0.003* 0.14
B changes measured at 1 mm on casts Pearson correlation 0.45 –0.01
P value 0.01* 0.95
B changes measured at 2 mm on casts Pearson correlation 0.36 0.07
P value 0.06 0.73
B changes measured at 3 mm on casts Pearson correlation 0.24 0.09
P value 0.22 0.66
B changes measured at 4 mm on casts Pearson correlation 0.19 0.08
P value 0.32 0.69
Recession measured on casts Pearson correlation –0.15 –0.24
P value 0.43 0.20
B-L measurement on CBCT scan at crest Pearson correlation –0.20 0.06
P value 0.26 0.73
B-L measurement on CBCT scan 3 mm below crest Pearson correlation –0.51 –0.11
P value 0.002* 0.53
Buccal plate thickness Pearson correlation 0.37 0.29
P value 0.04* 0.11

B, buccal; B-L, buccolingual; Pearson’s correlation between implant position and measurements observed in the casts and the cone
beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans; Variables include buccal dimensional changes (B), recession, buccolingual changes
(B-L) measured with the CBCT scans and buccal plate thickness; *P ≤ 0.05 statistically significant result.

dimensions measured on the cone beam scans Discussion

3.0 mm below the crest of the bone (r = –0.51,
P = 0.002). This indicates that the bigger the hori- This study demonstrates that certain variables,
zontal gap between the implant and the buccal such as tissue phenotype and horizontal implant
plate at implant placement, the less the resorption position in the socket, can be crucial to obtain
observed in the scans. For this analysis, no cor- improved aesthetic results with the immediately
relation was conducted with the tissue phenotype placed implants.
due to the limited number of subjects with thin The results of this study are in agreement with
phenotype. those reported in the literature in regard to alveolar
There was also a statistically significant cor- ridge dimensional change in immediate implant
relation between the horizontal implant position placement. The results show an overall average
measured at the time of implant placement and loss of the buccolingual dimensions of 0.7 mm,
the buccal plate thickness difference measured in 6 months after implant restoration. The follow-up
the CBCT scans (r = 0.37; P = 0.04). This indicates time is adequate, since the majority of the alveolar
that the higher the buccal gap distance, the more ridge dimensional changes were observed during
the buccal plate thickness differs between the pre- the first 3 months of healing8. Some studies have
operative scan and the postoperative scans. shown improved results with the use of bone graft-
ing, depicting an average loss of 0.32 mm29.
The amount of recession observed showed a
statistically significant difference depending on

Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480 477

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

tissue phenotype, with patients with thin phe- potentially 4 to 6 mm more apical than the cast
notype showing significant more recession, and measurements. These results suggest that as the
this finding is supported by other studies20. The buccal gap distance increases from the implant
recession observed in this study was 1.96 mm to the buccal plate, the overall thickness of the
for patients with thin phenotype and 1.18 mm free gingiva decreases; however, the dimension
for patients with thick phenotype. These values of the alveolar bone buccolingually may show
are similar to the values reported by Evans and less reduction.
Chen20; these authors reported that sites with Ferrus et al26 reported a relationship between
the thin tissue phenotype had a mean recession the size of the horizontal buccal gap and the
of 1.8 ± 0.82 mm (range from 1 to 3 mm) and amount of hard tissue alteration that occurred dur-
the sites with thick phenotype presented a mean ing a 4-month period of healing following imme-
recession of 1.3 ± 0.52 mm (range from 1 to diate implant placement; they concluded that the
2 mm). larger the horizontal gap, the greater the amount
The implant position proved to be a very im- of newly formed bone. This could explain why the
portant variable when evaluating the alveolar alveolar ridge dimensions showed improvement
ridge dimensional change, with a positive cor- radiographically with the greater horizontal gap
relation between implant position and buccal distance of the implant position. Nevertheless,
dimensional change observed in the casts, which this dimension may not necessarily be associated
indicates that the greater the buccal gap dis- with the buccal aspect of the alveolus.
tance the greater the dimensional change. On It has been previously suggested that volu-
the other hand, a negative correlation was noted metric tissue changes after immediate extraction
when evaluating the alveolar ridge dimensional placement in the aesthetic area can be minimised
changes observed radiographically in the CBCT if a provisional crown is immediately connected
scans, indicating that the greater the buccal gap and a bone graft is inserted simultaneously11. The
distance the lesser the resorption observed. The results of the present study could have been dif-
greater the buccal gap distance between the im- ferent if a bone graft material had been used.
plant and the buccal plate, the lesser the radio- One limitation of this study is the small num-
graphic changes observed in the alveolar bone; ber of patients with thin phenotype. While the
however, the greater the buccal alveolar dimen- total percentage of patients with thin phenotype
sional changes observed in the buccal aspect, at in this study is consistent with the ones reported
the level of the free gingival margin. Even though in the literature30, it may have been too small
these results can be confusing, an important to determine a strong relationship between vari-
aspect to note is that not only the alveolar ridge ables. This limitation prevented evaluating the
dimensions measurements were performed with correlation between the three variables of tissue
two completely different techniques, but also the phenotype, implant position and the alveolar
area measured on each one was a different area. dimensional changes. Future studies with larger
The alveolar ridge dimensional changes were sample groups may be able to evaluate the spe-
measured on the casts from a predetermined line cific variables.
dissecting the tooth to the buccal aspect of the Another limitation of this study was that no
soft tissue, measuring only the buccal aspect. graft material was added between the implant
Results were shown to be significant on the 0 and the buccal bone plate. This was due to the
and 1 mm values, which measure the thickness protocol design and could be considered as a limi-
of the free gingival margin. On the CBCT scans, tation, since previous studies have reported that
the measurements were performed from the buc- placing a bone graft at the time of immediate im-
cal to the lingual alveolar dimensions; however, plant placement can reduce the amount of alveolar
these measurements were performed at the bone and soft tissue collapse11-13.
crest and at 3 mm below the bone crest, which is

478 Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480

Bittner et al Alveolar ridge dimensional change associated with implant position and tissue phenotype

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Nurit Bittner, DDS, MSc David M. Kim, DDS, DMSc

Director, Postgraduate Prosthodontics, Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Peri-
Division of Prosthodontics, Section of Oral odontology Program Director, Division of
and Diagnostic Rehabilitation Sciences, Periodontology, Harvard University School
Columbia University College of Dental of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
Medicine, New York, USA.
Dennis Tarnow, DDS
Ulrike Schulze-Späte, DDS, PhD Clinical Professor of Dental Medicine,
Director, Section of Geriodontics, Depart- Director of Implant Dentistry, Division of
ment of Conservative Dentistry and Peri- Periodontics, Section of Oral, Diagnostic
odontology, Center of Dental Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences, Columbia
Nurit Bittner University Hospital Jena, Friedrich Schiller University, College of Dental Medicine,
University, Jena, Germany; Assistant New York, USA.
Professor of Dental Medicine, Division of
Periodontics, Columbia University, College Mindy S. Gil, DMD, DMSc
of Dental Medicine, New York, USA. Department Oral Medicine, Infection,
and Immunity, Division of Periodontol-
Cleber Silva, DDS ogy, Harvard University School of Dental
Assistant Professor of Dental Medicine, Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
Course Director of Oral Radiology, Divi-
sion of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Shigemi Ishikawa-Nagai, PhD, DDS,
Columbia University, College of Dental MSD
Medicine, New York, USA. Associate Professor, Postdoctoral Peri-
odontology Programme Director, Division
John D. Da Silva, DMD, MPH, ScM of Periodontology, University School of
Associate Professor and Vice Dean, Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials
Sciences, Harvard University School of
Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.

Correspondence to:
Professor Nurit Bittner, Director, Postgraduate Prosthodontics, Division of Prosthodontics, Section of Oral and
Diagnostic Rehabilitation Sciences, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, 630 W 168th Street. PH 7W
Room 119, New York, NY 10032, USA. E-mail:

480 Int J Oral Implantol 2019;12(4):469–480

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