Esports Yr2 Unit 10 News Update Task 1 CW

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Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet

(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)

You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in your Weebly section called

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM
mark which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1:
Research and analysis of the audience (U10:LO1_AC1.1)
Please answer ALL boxes in order to pass this section.

Question/task Answer
1. Teenage gamers/hardcore gamers

Suggest at least 3 groups within society 2. Middle aged Women

who might look to get their news from a
short form 60 second update.
3. Professional / busy workers.

1. Youtube Shorts, tiktok, both of which are popular with the younger
generation and only have videos that are 60 seconds or less.

2. I can see middle aged women watching a lot of BBC or ITV, so the 60
Where do your audience engage with second news updates is probably where they would get short form news
short form news updates? Provide updates.
examples in each box.
3. On something like facebook or twitter, because they are older platforms
that older aged people and professional workers tend to use more often
than something like youtube.

1. Nintendo Direct
Suggest a News update programme for 2. FYI Daily,
each group you have mentioned above, BBC MINUTE.
this should be relevant to their 3. National / international news stations and recaps, since they would most
demographic. likely be interested in watching TV at home.
List examples of 3 stories that may be 1. 1st story could be something about a new game releasing, for example
included in each of the programmes listed how Legend of Zelda: Tears of the kingdom is releasing 12 th of May.
above. 2nd Story could be about a tournament that recently happened in the
esports world of gaming. For example, there was a tournament that
happened recently called Frosty Faustings, which is one of the biggest
fighting game tournaments of the year.
3rd story could be about an announcement of a load of new games. For
example, there was a Nintendo direct recently unveiling a load of new
games for the Nintendo switch.

2. 1st story could be about an event that happened, for example the Emmy
awards which are quite popular.
2nd story could be about a celebrity’s action, for example in the above video
FYI daily, it tells us about how David Beckham has a new tattoo.
Exploring “Engaging With An Audience” worksheet
(U10, LO1: AC 1.1&1.2)

3. They would most likely be interested in anything that would impact their
work, so for the first example, it could be if there are any covid spikes / any
lockdown news they need to worry about.
2nd could be a new product that just launched that could help them with
their work

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