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1. Calculate National Income by Income and Expenditure Method.

2. In a single day Raju, the barber, collects Rs 500 from haircuts; over this day, his equipment depreciates in value by
Rs 50. Of the remaining Rs 450, Raju pays sales tax worth Rs 30, takes home Rs 200 and retains Rs 220 for
improvement and buying of new equipment. He further pays Rs 20 as income tax from his income. Based on this
information, complete Raju’s contribution to the following measures of income (a) Gross Domestic Product (b)
NNP at market price (c) NNP at factor cost (d) Personal income (e) Personal disposable income.

3. The heights of a group of fathers and son are given below:

Height of father (in inches) 65  66 67 67 68 68 70 73

Height of son (in inches) 67  68 64 69 72 71 69 72

Calculate Karl pearson coefficient of correlation.

4. Calculate the correlation coefficient between X and Y and comment on their relationship:
X -3 -2 -1 1 2 3

Y 9 4 1 1 4 9
5. If the salary of a person in the base year is ? 4,000 per annum and the current year salary is ? 6,000 by how much

should his salary rise to maintanin the same standard of living if the CPI is 400?

6. The monthly per capita expenditure incurred by workers for an industrial centre during 1980 and 2005 on the
following items are given below. The weights of these items are 75, 10, 5, 6 and 4 respectively. Prepare a weighted
index number for cost of living for 2005 with 1980 as the base.

7. Given the following data:

Source: Economic Survey, Government of India 2004-2005

(i) Calculate the inflation rates using different index numbers.
(ii) Comment on the relative values of the index numbers.
(iii) Are they comparable?

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