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Chas Pawlikowski

Mr. Lamb

Physics 1

February 14, 2022


The pipe bomb egg safety device

The purpose of this lab was to create a device that could enable an egg to survive a drop of up to

3 meters. The design my group decided to use was unique. We didn’t wanna follow some video

as we thought that was boring. So we ended up with a cylindrical design with the egg in the


Materials- 35 straws, 12 paper clips, 10 rubber bands, 2 meters of tape

Weight 23 grams

The physics related science used in the construction and design of our “pipe bomb”. While

designing it we attempted to use a rudimentary understanding of shock absorption, momentum,

and force. We used shock absorption as a basis for how the egg would be safe creating a tall

cylindrical structure so the straws could absorb the impact. Knowing the rules of momentum we
also assumed that because the egg was safely strapped in that would soften its momentum. The

last physics rule we used while designing is force and the idea the force needed to be spread our

far away from the egg. Leading to our design being taller. The farther up the more potential


The results of our hard work was unsatisfactory. We succeeded at the first level as we knew we

would because we tested it. The design when dropped correctly works as intended. We failed the

second level. The problem with our design was the unpredictability of the drop. Unfortunately

our design took a bad bounce after it slipped out of my hand and that’s why it broke. To make

more uniform results happen we could’ve added arms on the outside to streamline landing. I

have learned that the ideal circumstance does not happen every time. My partners were

Skylar,Maria, and Aiden.

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