c6 Recap

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Hrm recap

Last meeting our teacher was Ms Sheila Mae Landicho. We discussed the chapter 6: the selection and
placement. Selection is the process in which the company decides who will and will not be allowed to
hire. Under the selection method there are 5, the reliability, validity, generalizability, utility and legality.
first, Reliability is the consistency of performance. Estimating the reliability measurement. Correlation
coefficient measures the relationship between 2 variables. Test-retest reliability, closeness of
agreement. Next is the validity, technique measure intended skills. Under ng validity is the criterion-
related validity it is the related validation studies. There are 2 types po, the predictive validity and the
concurrent validity. Content validity, test validation strategy (exam) Next is generalizability, the degree
to which the validity of a selection method established in one context extends to other contexts. next is
utility, it is the overall usefulness of the personnel. Selection ratio is the number of job position in job
applicant. (kunware is 5 na job position so dapat 5 na job applicant lang) acqui-hire, the acquirer is
buying the idea of the team that they think that it is enough to solve the problem of the company. Last is
Legality, methods must conform to existing law and legal precedents. May 3 acts po na under ng legality,
yung civil right act of 1964 & 1991 or yung discrimination po, age discrimination in employment of 1967
tyaka yung Republic Act of May 12 1989, strengthening the prohibition if woman.

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