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Por t Nyanzar u

Mushar ib Needs help reclaiming Hrakhamar

Hew Hackinst one Wants help to slay the dragon
Undr il Sil ver t usk
Kill Shago Omal a / Kwayot hé
Needs help infiltrating Rokah
Fir ef inger
Far oul & Gondol o
Acquainted Azaka St or mf ang Wants help to retrieve heirloom from Firefinger Nephyr
Needs map Ler ek Dashl ynd Needs map of Nangalore Wyr mhear t Mine
Familiar with Saja Eku Free Mbala Friends with aaracokra
Finds flowers in Nangalore Tzindel o
Sal ida
Inet e / Gr andf at her Zit embe
River Mist & Fl ask of Wine At aaz Ykl wazi
Knows location of Omu Nangal or e Has decendent in Kir Sabal Evidence of r ed
Zal kor é dr agon at t ack

Kir Sabal St ar Goddess

Or ol unga
Needs orchids Ashar r a
Saj a N' baza Thessal andr a
Knows location of Omu Mwaxanar é & Na Br avewing

Hr akhamar
Mbal a
Wants Saja's scales Passage t o
Knows everything Nanny Pu' pu Wants hair & fingernails Wyr mhear t
Viewpoint t o... Sit hi Vinecut t er

Al dani Basin Hear t of Ubt ao Camp Right eous

Al dani Val indr a Hval spyd Tr acks l eading
(l obst er - f ol k) Shadowmant l e away
Dr uf i

Camp Vengeance
Needl e's OMU For t Bal uar ian
Bones Cmdr . Br eakbone
Cmdr . Liar a Por t yr
Or d Fir ebear d
Gr ut a Hal sdot t ir
Per ne Sal hana
Qawasha & Kupal ué
Nar whal Sist er Cyas
Lor sa Bil wat al
Bwayes O' t amu
Wul f Rygor

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