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2123723, 850 PM Thi ths Attempt review Dashboard 7 My courses 4 (T3070 20221 7 Be thi, 1 Taithir Started on Thursday, 23 February 2023, 648 PM State Finished ‘Completed on Thursday, 23 February 2023, 650 PM Time taken 2 mins 6 secs Grade 250 out of 10.00 (25%) tion 1 iy chia phat bidu chinh xc v ung (thread) trong hg du Ranh Ludng €6 thé tn tai 6c lap bén ngodi tig rink (Cac lng trong mat tgn tinh Iubn dug thye hign song song trén moi he théng (ic lng trong mt tg tri chia 58 nhau Khéng gian nga xép cia tg tinh % (Cac ung trong mot tg rin chia sé md lenh eb tinh ©. Céc hang trong mat ign tinh c6 khing gian sia chi riéng bigt The correct answers: Ce ling trong mt tin trinh chia sé ma lénh cia tin tinh auniion Tong hing det yéu chu truy nhap da, tn ta theo thi ty cc yéu cBu truy nh tél Cylinder 15,4, 12,7, 19. Ga thiét du doc dang 6 Cylinder s6 8. Hiy cho bit thuit ton st dung 6 dau doc di chuyén lin lt tl ede Cylinder 8 -->7—-> 4 o-> 120-9 1S» 1918 Look ers c-lo0K SCAN sor ‘The correct answers ate: LOOK, SSTF Intps:fexam soit hustedu velmodiquiitoviow phpattempt=257758emid=345, 1s 2123723, 850 PM ‘Thi ths Attempt review cussion 3 rong quin ly b6 nhd, kh niém phan Goan trong 42 c3p t6i ving nhs Kdng sit dung nim gia 2 tén rinh bt ky ‘Ving ns mi tn trinh khng dice phép ty cip te Kdng a dung, duce quin ly yd nhung nim ri he nén Khng ding duce Kendng st dung nhung kang duge quan Wj day di © Buge cp cho tién trinh nhung knéng dug ign tinh sit dung The correct answer is: Bide ep cho tin trinh nhung khéng dug tién vinh sung avetiond cont ares to 180 ‘rong Ki thust phn doan, s6 highg phn t trong bang qui idan li: a. Séluang md dun chung tinh b. 1024 phn wr 4 doan (stack, data, code, heap) Kendng xe din #3 dogn (stack data, code) The correct answers: $6 lugng mé dun chung trinh Mat hé thing dige quan I theo chién luge kt hop phn trang ~ phn doan véi kich thusic trang vit ij la 1000 bytes (dé dam gin trong tinh foci. M@t chung trinh gm 5 dogn fin Iugt 6 kich thud li 12234bytes, 7434bytes, 24BEBbytes, S4SBbytes va 79TObytes. Bit ng Kh thc hién chung tein, bing quan lj doan va bing quan I trang luén duige nap vao cic trang dc lip. Néu nap toin bé chiang tinh Khi thychign, cin bao nhiéu trang vat (k cd cc trang danh cho phan quan I) 60 a Gif ti hse 6X e 6 The correct answer is: 65 Intps:fexam soit hustedu velmodiquiitoviow phpattempt=257758emid=345, 26 2123723, 850 PM ‘Thi ths Attempt review auetion 6 CCictign trinh Pt, P2,P3, Pa, PS dus day thy hhign song song, 51, 2, $3, a la céc bin Semaphores dugc khéita0 gi tr bing 0, Cc bi bb c6 gif tr ban du Li: a= 2. b= 3 Pro P28 PS PGS!) b=b+a POS2) PS) PISS) b=b*2 VSI) PS) azas2 anat2 V(S2) (SI) b=bta VIS3) (SA) Kh eS Um tinh rn kt the, gi tr eB bn a va b Bs a 9=8b=80 b as4 b= 10 6. Tit cd che dip an knic dbu sai® ‘The correct answers a=8b=80 cussion 7 Pht biéu nto duéi é4y la KHONG DUNG vé 58 ditu phéi cing viée Uob Scheduler) Lua chon tin tinh trong Jeb queue ® ‘Quyét inh 56 ign tinh tan ti dng that trong bé nhs (Can dim bio ty 1g hgp ly gla ede 1/0-bound Process vi CPU-Bound Process ‘ude thye hién khéng thuing xuyén Yeu edu t6e 46 thy hién phanh The correct answers: You eBu td thy hién nan Intps:fexam soit hustedu velmodiquiitoviow phpattempt=257758emid=345, 38 2123723, 850 PM Tong fe cfu tre chuong (Céu tic phn doan, (CSu tic tuyén tinh (Clu tic phan trang Clu tic Overlay CSutaic nap déng The correct answer is CSu tre tuyéin tinh seston arco. out of 180 [Nguyén tie chung trong quan Wj tiét bi ngoai vi ea cic may tint thé th ba til im vide theo nguyén tic phin cp ndo dus diy Device Controller a yo-Devices b._ Device Contoler 1yO-Deviees ~ Processor. Processor ~ Device Contrller® Processor ~ Device Controller /O-Devices. Processor ~ /O-Devices -- Controller. ‘The correct answer is: Processor -- Device Controller --/O-Devices. tion 10 Hay chia thuat ngt khéng nm cling shém véi cdc thust ngit cn a ux MU Fees uu FIFO The correct answers: FCFS = Announcements Intps:fexam soit hustedu velmodiquiitoviow phpattempt=257758emid=345, ‘Thi ths Attempt review Vn sau, eS thie KHONG cho phép thye hign chiang tinh e6 kich thu lén han kich thuse b6 nhs vt WL 48 2123723, 850 PM ‘hits Attempt review Jump t. Intps:fexam soit hustedu velmodiquiitoviow phpattempt=257758emid=345, 56

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