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LCC Silvercrest Senior High School


There are many Filipinos who are fond of eating their meals at the different
restaurants and even fast food. With that there are several food establishment
which are built to address the needs and the demands of every Filipino
customers. Different food establishment with different kinds of food to invest with.
They are eating to satisfy their hunger. Every-now- and then, it is a continuous
process in our community. According to information from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, about 45% of a family’s food budget goes toward eating out
somewhere. In 1977, that rate was at just 38%. That means the average
household is spending upwards of Php 312,000 per year just to eat outside of the
home. Consequently to sustain the needs and demands of the community the
government needs to establish more food establishments. And allowing to
establish more food businesses means having a lot of competitors in the
business world. Thus, this requires of having a strategy for a business to
maintain and increase the sales of the business.

Having the same product and services offering from many businesses find it
hard to market commodities. A well defined business strategy offers an effective
marketing sales. It’s a must have of every business inside of the competitive
world. It’s an asset to grow a business. But, nowadays despite of such, there are
many establishment, are sufferings on their sales. They are serving foods in
connection to the interest of their customers. But, there are food establishment
who are into process of bankruptcy and others because of the heavy competition
between stalls.

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

One of the reasons why the owner of the business can’t maintain their regular
sales a day due to heavy competitions between every business. According to
Tough Nickel, this makes it even harder on businesses trying to make a profit
within trade or service. Owners have to face more and more businesses and
markets and have to worry about trying to beat out the competition. With that the
owner must find a way to market their product by using online and traditional
marketing strategy that is effective enough to catch the attention of customers.

In business, promoting a product is one of the most important thing to do.

Additionally, not using any strategy to market products may cause business
downfall for being unable to promote product in public. It helps the business
improve the sales, without it business does not make sense. It is one of the factor
that a business need to have. Those marketing strategies enables the business
to attract customers. Businesses cannot meet goals without it.

Therefore, the use of different strategies for the business will be able to
support the increase of sales of the business itself. Having these strategies may
help to market the products to a larger number of customers. Promoting a
product must be effective so as finding the most effective strategy to promote it.
In addition finding the effective results of sales is a must to find out if there is any
changes. If there is still no changes might as find another effective strategy that
would help to achieve the goal.

In connection thereof, managers or the owners of different companies are

looking for strategies that will achieve their good sales. A strategies that will uplift
the status on their company in terms of sales. Such strategies are Traditional and
online marketing strategies.

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

Traditional Marketing strategy includes Print marketing such as

newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and other printed materials intended for
distribution, Broadcast marketing such as radio and television commercials, as
well as specialized forms like on-screen movie theater advertising, Direct mail
examples are fliers, postcards, brochures, letters, catalogs, and other material
that is printed and mailed directly to consumers and Telemarketing includes
requested calling and cold calling of consumers over the phone. This type of
marketing needs a big budget to be able to afford this marketing.

Online marketing includes marketing efforts anchored on electronic

devices such as websites, social networking sites, content marketing, banner
ads, Google ads and Video marketing. Every person that uses the internet is
reachable for this type of marketing since internet is very commonly used by the
most of the people these days.

According to Sherman Strandberry, July 20, 2018, digital marketing is

crucial for business today the reason behind this is internet is becoming one of
the most used tool. More and more people are logging on the web to carry out
their day to day activities, which includes purchasing goods and services. As
technology grows and the new digital ides are brought to life, the digital
marketing world grows with it. One of the reason why it continues to deliver
results is because it is a form of inbound marketing. Traditional marketing is
nothing new as it’s a form of marketing that we have been exposed to at one
point or another. It is a conventional mode of marketing that helps to reach out a
semi-targeted audience with various offline advertising and promotional methods.

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

This type of marketing is hard to ignore and includes the traditional ads we
encounter on a daily basis. This may have involved over the past few decades,
but the fundamental aspects remain the same. The selling techniques that
people used to today heavily rely on the infamous four P’s of marketing, product
price, place and promotion.

Sanjay Bhayani also stated that marketing goods is a basic phenomenon

of every society. Consumers are becoming smarter in terms of purchasing. This
requires innovation in marketing. Distinguishing services of traditional as well as
internet marketing strategies.

Hoge’s (1993) idea of e-marketing is simple but it does not touch the
important aspect of customer relationship. Strauss and Ansarry define E-
marketing in their latest book as the use of information technology in the process
of creating communicating and delivering value to customers for managing
customer relationship in ways that benefit the organization and it stakeholders.
This explanation tells that E- marketing is not only about selling products or
providing services through IT but it is lot more than that. It is not just traditional
marketing using the information technology tools but it’s a strategic model to
achieve brand value and provide customer satisfaction.

The researchers decided to choose this topic to know the differences

between online and traditional marketing strategy. The researchers also want to
elaborate the effectiveness of online and traditional marketing strategy. To help
the owners to increase their sales. And for the researchers that will be benefited
by this study for being a customer also.

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School


The study assessed the food establishment’s owners towards the
differences of online and traditional marketing strategy in increasing sales of the
The study aims to answer the following:
1. What are the differences between online and traditional marketing strategy in
increasing sales of the business?

2. What are the different strategies to increase the sales of the business?

3. How does marketing strategies help to increase sales?

4. Why is it necessary for a business to have a marketing strategy?

5. What is more effective between the online and traditional marketing strategy?

6. Hypothesis

A. Hypothesis 1: Is there any significant differences between online and

traditional marketing strategy in increasing sales of the business?
B. Hypothesis 2: Are there no significant differences between online and
traditional marketing strategy in increasing sales?

7. Based on the collected data, what action can be gleaned by the researchers
to address the existing problem?

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School


This study entitled “The difference between Online and Traditional

marketing strategy to increase sales of selected food establishment in Lipa City
on the year 2019-2020”. This study focuses on how the owners of the business
increase their sales by using marketing strategies.
The researchers want to explain what is the difference between online and
traditional marketing strategy. The researchers also want to elaborate what is
more effective in using online and traditional marketing strategy to increase
The 40 respondents of the study are the owners of the business or the
entrusted person of food establishments within the vicinity of Lipa City. The study
was conducted from June to October 2019. This research will gather a data in
particular place in Lipa City. The researchers use Quantitative research to have a
successful research.

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School


The study aims to spread awareness the difference and the effectiveness

between online and traditional marketing strategy. This study is conduct to

benefit the following:

To the Students. This study will give advance knowledge to the students about

the strategies being used to gain more customers. This will also help them to

have a competitive mindset in every aspect in case of building a business.

To the 0wners. The study will help the owners of the business to know what is

more effective between the two marketing strategies, online and traditional

marketing strategy to increase the sales of their business. And for them to apply

it on their business.

To the Community. It will help the community to be globally competitive and

more knowledgeable about establishing a business. This will help them be

educated about the effective strategies that may used in case of building a


To the Future Researchers. The study will serve as a reference data in

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

conducting a new study that is related to the topic. This will give them an

overview about the chosen topic.


Online Marketing - is a strategy of marketing which uses the internet to deliver

promotional marketing messages to consumer.

Traditional Marketing - involves more conservative methods, and is slow but

efficient practices. More recognizable type of marketing.

Strategy - a method worked out in advance for achieving some objective. The

science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological and military

forces of nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted

policies in peace of war.

Sales - are activities related to selling or the number of goods or services sold in

a given time period.

Competition - a competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on

for amusement, exercise or in pursuit of a prize.

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

Commodities - an economic good. A good or services whose wide availability

typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of factors.


This chapter primarily presents the different researches and other

literatures form both foreign and local researchers, which have significant

bearings on the things included in our research. It focuses on several aspects

that can help the development of this study.Related studies will discuss about the

other researches about the difference between online and traditional

marketing .The literatures of this study come from articles on the internet.

Foreign Literature

The population of senior who are more literate, more knowledgeable and who

are more aware of the technology and those who have a positive behaviour

towards online shopping and internet are more into online shopping. But the

population of senior who are less aware of the internet and the shopping sites

are less involved in the shopping sites because they do not have a positive

attitude towards online shopping rather they are much more interested in offline

shopping and the seniors who are more involved in the internet uses more online

sites for purchasing the goods over the internet. The senior which have more

knowledge about the internet and the shopping sites they compares both the

Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

shopping i.e. online and offline shopping for their purchasing of goods. However

their knowledge and the use of internet by them has no connection with their age

and their satisfaction level while purchasing online .(Iyer and Eastmen 2014)

The internet marketing is not only about selling products or providing service

through it but it is lot more than that.It is not just traditional marketing using the

information technology tools but it's a strategic model to achieve brand value and

provide customer satisfaction. Idea of internet marketing can be derived as type

of marketing in which objectives are achieve through use ofelectronic

communication tools like internet,interactive TV and mobile phones. (Strauss and

Ansary, 2006)

Marketing is more economical and faster way to reach out to buyer directly, and

is the ideal way for business to advertise locally or internationally. As the result in

case of comparison; both types of marketing can help traders and marketers to

do business. Each has advantages and disadvantages. In traditional marketing

consumers can see and touch the real goods or service but the domain of effect

is low, on the other hand using of internet marketing will exceed the boundaries

and introduce goods and services to the demographic of internet users. Also

using the internet would be more chipper, faster and convenient for marketing.

Approximately the advantages of internet marketing are much more than

advantages of traditional marketing. Table 2 identifies the core differences


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

between traditional marketing and internet marketing. (Salehi,M,. Mirzaei,H,.&

Aghaei,M. 2012)

Day by day there is upward growth of online services in regular usages by

customers. However, traditional marketers somehow do not admit that the world

changed. They are slow taking advantages of new opportunities presented to

them. (Stuart E.J.2014)

Online Marketing get the advantage In a great deal of statistical comparisons,

and it is typically alot of less expensive and simple to use than conventional

media. She also state that internet Advertising is successful by it self, and

companies which might not have the money to split into traditional advertising

media can more effectively utilize Internet Advertising to cultivate their brands.

(Monica Oniel, 2017)

Local Literature

Online marketing is more effective marketing strategy that can use specially in

the philippines. It is the most popular marketing strategy because it is accessible

and more convinient. By the use of online marketing the buyer can easily found

their likes and choose from many option But some of the people are also doubtful

whether the product is legitimate or not. (Maureen Cruz, 2016)


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

35% of Filipino Internet users don’t mind getting online ads, as long as these are

relevant to their needs. A survey from Nielsen even mentioned that 83% of these

Filipino users say their lives were made easier because of relevant advertising.

43% of online users wouldn’t mind getting their usage patterns tracked as long as

they receive relevant ads in return. This presents an opportunity for digital

marketers to get highly targeted results from online advertising, getting great

value from all their marketing investments. (Jomer Gregorio, 2015)

,Businesses are attracted to online marketing because of its many advantages

over traditional marketing. Philippines is now one of the countries who mainly use

social media, with 12 million users who spend an average of 4 hours per day on

Facebook alone. By the use of online marketing the target buyer can easily get.

Unlike putting up a gigantic billboard on a highway just to have exposure for your

brand, online marketers can now simply post a sponsored advertisement on

Facebook for a significantly lesser amount and reach their target market who

really might be interested in their brand .(APEX Global, 2017)

Every business wants to grow and develop a strong client base. Advertising or

promoting a business is key to achieving massive growth. While modern digital

marketing methods can help reach more people, traditional marketing is still very

helpful in promotional campaigns. We believe that Traditional Marketing still

works and it generates new customers and create more brand awareness.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

People still remember your brand/ product through tangible things such as flyers,

brochures, etc. There are still people who browse the yellow pages or read

newspapers and magazine. They still notice billboards, they still watch TVs and

listen to radios. (NetRev Marketing 2019)

Most of the FILIPINO consumers still prefer shopping in brick and mortar stores

over online platforms, favoring the physical appeal of products despite the

convenience of online purchases, according to a study by digital research and

consulting firm, Research and Tech Lab (RTL).Filipino shoppers also prefer

inspecting the products themselves before making a purchase, while others

factored in the cost of shipping and the length of delivery time.The research

firm’s study also revealed that majority of shoppers who use both online and

traditional platforms are aged 18 to 31 years. While preferring to see the products

for themselves, shoppers were found to be searching for products online before

buying them in physical stores. (RTL, 2019)


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

This chapter deals with the methods and procedures in gathering needed

in the study. These are research design, respondents of the study, data

gathering tool used in preparing and validating the questionnaire or the research

instrument, data gathering procedures and the statistical method used.


In order to get the answers to the forenamed problems and to justify and

satisfy the objectives of the study, the researchers uses quantitative research

design since it is suitable and the most applicable to the study.

To support the study, the researchers used descriptive research and

correlational research design because these designs are the most filled in the


Descriptive research design uses questionnaires and interview to gather

data about a group of people. By this, the study’s research problem and the

prepared questions by the researches can be easily answered since this will be a

matter of just answering those research questions written in questionnaires.

Correlational research design looks into the degree of association

between variables. The main purpose of using correlations in the research field is

to find out which variables are connected to each other.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

For the methods of collecting data, the researchers will use

Questionnaire method to gather information.


Our study wants to know the differences between online and traditional

marketing strategy.

The chosen respondents, owners of food establishments, the 100

owners with age of 18-49 years old. Online and Traditional Strategy is the

primary concern, that is why those food establishment owners are the chosen

and fitted respondents for our study to become successful in the near future.


The survey questionnaire was used in the study as it was the most

effective and easiest way in collecting data from the chosen respondents.

The content of the instrument was based on the problems that needed

on answers, all of the participants was given same set of questions and answer it


Generally, questionnaires comprises of questions about traditional and

online marketing strategy. It is divided into five parts, first, the differences

between Online and Traditional marketing strategy in increasing sales of the


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

business. Second, different strategies to increase the sales of the business under

traditional and online strategy. Third, how does these marketing strategies to

help to increase sales. Fourth, why is it necessary for a business to have

marketing strategy. Lastly, the effectiveness of inline and traditional marketing

strategy in increasing sales. Each part of questionnaire has 10 questions, over all

50 questions that are surely connected with it. The questionnaires are big help to

the researcher to get the exact information needed from the respondents

The data gathering instrument was structured as a scale 1-4 wherein (4)

strongly agree (3) agree (2) disagree and (1) strongly disagree

Subject where then instructed to respond to their degree of agreement

with the statement contained in the instruments


Before the researchers start the survey they will do first a pre-interview in

every food establishments and will ask if they are willing to answer the survey

questionnaires. One hundred copies of questionnaires will be given to one

hundred respondents.

After getting the questionnaire, the next is they will organize the papers

base on the results. Will stack those questionnaires to be easy to check it again.

Then after that they will keep those questionnaires to provide evidences.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School


Using information gathered from the survey, data analysis plan would

include a number of procedures leading to the result of the finding of the study

about the differences between online and traditional marketing strategy and how

the owners of food establishment would respond about the topic.

The procedures to be observed are as follows.

1. Summarizing the numerical data. This would be done through tally that will

base on the certain answers of the chosen respondents in the survey

questionnaires using frequency and percentage.

2. Mathematical/statistical interpretation of the summarized data by the using

of weight mean and ranking.

3. Verbal interpretation of the information gathered about the ““The

difference between Online and Traditional marketing strategy in increasing

sales of selected food establishments in Lipa City in the year 2019”

4. The scale type questionnaires used by the researchers are like scale to

identify respondents’ opinion as well as their response about the

differences between online and traditional marketing strategy. It used a

scale of 1-4 wherein (4) strongly agree, (3) agree, (2) disagree and (1)

strongly disagree.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

In line with this, to analyse the data gathered are as follows:

1) Frequency Distribution. This was used to arrange the data gathered by

categories and the corresponding frequencies.

2) Percentage. This was used to determine how much a part of a variable

comparison with the whole is: P = F / N x 100 Where P is the percentage, F is

the frequency of a question, and N is the total number of respondents who

answered the questionnaire.

3) Ranking. This was used to arrange the questions accordingly to their

magnitude, from the highest weighted mean to the lowest weighted mean,

wherein the highest ranked 1.

4) Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the average of the number

who answered the statements in each questions.

WM = A (4) + B (3) + C (2) + D (1) N

Where A is the number of respondents who answered 4 as strongly agree, B

is for 3 as agree, C is for 2 as disagree, D is for 1 as strongly disagree and N

is the total number of respondents.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School


The gathered data were tabulated in the same sequence that they appeared in
the questionnaire which also reflected the order of the specific questions posited
on the statement of the problem. The same tabulated data where analyzed and
interpreted to be able to respond to the same specific problems of the study.
Table 1 Shows differences between Online and Traditional marketing
Table 2 shows different strategies that can help to increase sales of the
Table 3 Shows how marketing strategies helps to increase sales.
Table 4 Shows the reason why it necessary for a business to have a
marketing strategy
Table 5 Shows the most effective marketing strategy between Online and
Traditional marketing strategy.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
S.O.P #1 What are the differences between
Online and Traditional marketing strategy in a Weighte Verbal Rank
business? d Mean
LCC Silvercrest Senior High SchoolInterpretatio
1.1 Online Marketing uses:
a. Online or digital marketing has a much simpler 3.33 Agree 1st
process, saves time, affordable pricing and gives
the result much quicker when compared to
b. Online marketing encompasses all marketing 3.25 Agree 4th
efforts that use an electronic device or the internet.
c. Online marketing is the practice of leveraging 3.28 Agree 2.5th
web-based channels to spread a message about a
company’s brand, products, or services to its
potential customers.
d. Online marketing is the use of a diverse and 3.28 Agree 2.5th
evolving set of Internet based digital techniques to
reach targeted audiences through social media,
websites, etc.
e. Through online marketing the expected sales 3.3 Agree 5th
can gain by simply advertising in social medias and
other marketing channels.

Average Mean: 3.29 Agree

1.2 Traditional Marketing uses:

a. Papers such as flyers to advocate their product 3.33 Agree 3rd
and attract customers.
b. Billboard encourages customer to buy their 3.15 Agree 5th
c. Discounts and promos to attract customers 3.58 Strongly 1st
d. Print or radio advertisements can be very costly, 3.28 Agree 4th
20 and you need
printing materials can be expensive
to hire people to distribute this.
Lipa City Colleges
G. A.
e. Direct Solis St.,
selling toLipa City Batangas
market a product or service with 3.38 Agree 2nd
Telephone Number: 756-1943
the FaxofNumber:
help actual756-3768 local 300
Average Mean: 3.34 Agree
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

Table 1.1, Among the 5 items under ‘’Online Marketing Strategy’’, The item “a”
with the weighted mean of 3.33, answered “Agree” was interpreted as the highest
rank “1”. The item “e” with the weighted mean of 3.3, answered ”Agree” was
interpreted as the lowest rank “5”. Otherwise under “Traditional Marketing
Strategy”, item “c” with the weighted mean of 3.58, answered “Strongly Agree”
was interpreted as the highest rank “1”. The item “b” with the weighted mean of
3.15, answered “Agree” was interpreted as the lowest rank “5”, therefore, there is
an enough evidence that there is difference between online and traditional
marketing strategy.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School
S.O.P #2 What are the different strategies to Weighted Verbal Rank
increase the sales of the business? Mean Interpretation
2.1 Online Marketing uses:

a. Advertise the product on social media so the 3.50 Agree 2nd

customers can reach it easily.
b. Sites like facebook and twitter makes it easy to 3.53 Strongly Agree 1st
live-stream an event associated with the business.
c. By means of online marketing it can increase 3.25 Agree 5th
your companies’ trustworthiness by updating live
story about you product.
d. Facebook, Google and any other platform will 3.38 Agree 4th
give the manager data where they can check how
many audience has seen their ads and how much
are being converted as their customer.
e. Web-based channels can help to spread a 3.45 Agree 3rd
message about a company’s brand, products, or
services to its potential customers.
Average Mean: 3.42 Agree

2.2 Traditional Marketing

a. Television advertisements bring authenticity and 3.23 Agree 2nd

realism to a product.
b. Through flyers, brochures and postcard you can 3.25 Agree 1st
easily promote and attract your target customers.
c. Direct selling is the most effective way to market 3.23 Agree 2nd
a product or service because through person-to-
person, you can do demonstrations.
d. Radio is a traditional marketing that reaches a 2.98 Agree 5th
22 of time.
large audience within a limited period
e. In advertising the product we used billboard to 3.10
Lipa City Colleges
Agree 4th
G. A.customers.
attract the Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
Average Mean:
3.16 Agree
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

Table 2.1 shows that the statement “b” got the highest rank with 3.53 weighted
mean, answered “Strongly Agree”. Statement “c” got the lowest rank with 3.25
weighted mean, answered “Agree”. In table 2.2 shows that statement “b” with
3.25 weighted mean, answered “Agree” was interpreted as the highest rank “1”.
Statement “d” with 2.98 weighted mean, answered “Agree” was interpreted as
the lowest rank “5”. Therefore, there is an enough evidence that many people is
in favour to use online marketing as marketing strategy than traditional marketing


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

S.O.P #3 How does marketing strategies help to Weighte Verbal

increase sales? d Mean Interpretatio Rank
1. Using marketing strategies can help to earn 3.45 Agree 4th
expected sales.
2. Having a marketing strategy helps you to beat 3.35 Agree 10th
out the competition between direct competitors.
3. Through marketing strategy you can learn more 3.58 Strongly 1st
about your target market and how to make your Agree
product better to earn customers.
4. Marketing strategy helps the business to 3.45 Agree 4th
encourage the possible customers to purchase the
product that they are offering.
5. Marketing strategy helps the business to catch 3.43 Agree 7th
the attention of the customers.
6. Marketing strategy helps the owner to gain more 3.55 Strongly 2nd
customers. Agree
7. Marketing strategy can help the business to find 3.53 Strongly 3rd
a way to be profitable. Agree
8. Marketing strategy is beneficial to utilize multiple 3.45 Agree 4th
marketing channels to help communicate with
various customers.
9. Marketing strategy helps in providing information 3.43 Agree 7th
to the public that the brand exists with the hope of
this people patronizing the brand.
10. Through marketing strategy, marketing your 3.38 Agree 9th
product is easier and efforts are worth
24 it.

City Colleges 3.46 Agree
G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

Table 3, shows that in statement “3” with the weighted mean of 3.58,
answered are “Strongly Agree” was interpreted as the highest rank “1”. While
statement 2, with the weighted mean of 3.35, answered “Agree” was interpreted
as the lowest rank “10”. According to NetRev Marketing 2019, every business
wants to grow and develop a strong client base. Advertising or promoting a
business is key to achieving massive growth. While modern digital marketing
methods can help reach more people, traditional marketing is still very helpful in
promotional campaigns.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

Table 4 shows that statement “1” got the highest rank “1” with the

S.O.P #4 Why is it necessary for a business to

have a marketing strategy? Weighte Verbal Rank
d Mean Interpretatio
1. Provide the business with focus and direction by 3.55 Strongly 1st
identifying the best opportunities. Agree

2. It helps creating organizational plan to cater to 3.43 Agree 6.5th

the customer needs.
3. Helps to identify the tools that the company can 3.40 Agree 9.5th
effectively use to fight competition and gain market
4. Using marketing strategies can help the 3.50 Agree 8th
business to know what they want to achieve and
work for it.
5. Marketing strategy helps a business to know the 3.53 Strongly 2nd
right strategy that can use to help them in achieving Agree
their goals to increase their sales.
6. Marketing strategy is a major step for a company 3.40 Agree 9.5th
when developing a product or service.
7. To help you develop the product and services in 3.45 Agree 5th
your business that meets the needs of your target
8. To raise awareness for the product and create a 3.48 Agree 3.5th
strong brand.
9. To get existing customers to buy
26 more products 3.48 Agree 3.5th
and to get their loyalty.
Lipa City Colleges
10. Marketing
G. A. Solis St.,strategy is important to avoid 3.43
Lipa City Batangas Agree 6.5th
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bankruptcy because
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756-3768 competition.
local 300
Average Mean: 3.47 Agree
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

weighted mean of 3.55, answered “Strongly Agree” tells provide the business
with focus and direction by identifying the best opportunities will help the
business to increase their sales. Otherwise, statement “3” and “6” both got the
lowest rank “10” with the weighted mean of 3.40, answered “Agree”. According to
Salehi,M,. Mirzaei,H,.& Aghaei,M. 2012, marketing is more economical and
faster way to reach out to buyer directly, and is the ideal way for business to
advertise locally or internationally. As the result in case of comparison; both
types of marketing can help traders and marketers to do business.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
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S.O.P #5 What is more effective between Online
and Traditional marketing strategy? Weighte Verbal Rank
d Mean Interpretatio
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School
5.1 Online Marketing

a. Online marketing may take a considerable 3.30 Agree 5th

amount of time and investments to see favorable

b. Online marketing offers higher level of 3.23 Agree 3rd

engagement and interaction.

c. The business can easily get customers by the 3.35 Agree 1.5th
use of Online marketing because it is more
accessible and convenient.

d. Online marketing can gain a lot of customers 3.15 Agree 4th

than traditional marketing without spending a lot of

e. Online marketing can help to boost the business 3.35 Agree 1.5th
and to help businesses to improve their
performance through internet or social medias.

Average Mean: 3.28 Agree

5.2 Traditional Marketing

a. The ability to reach a large audience is the 3.38 Agree 2nd

primary advantage of TV and radio.
b. Traditional marketing generates new customers 3.45 Agree 1st
and create more brand awareness.
c. Sample strategy in traditional marketing like 3.28 Agree 4th
newspaper and magazines
are viewed as
trustworthy and credible, often engendering intense
Lipa City Colleges
loyalty among long time readers.
G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
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d. Traditional marketing has a
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high and proven 3.25 Agree 5th
success rate.
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

Table 5.1 shows that both statement “c” and “e” with the weighted mean of
3.35, answered “Agree” was interpreted as the highest rank “1”. Statement “a”
with the weighted mean of 3.30, answered “Agree” was interpreted as the lowest
rank “5”. In table 5.2 shows that statement “b” with the weighted mean of 3.45,
answered “Agree” was interpreted as the highest rank “1” while statement
“d” ,answered “Agree” got the lowest rank “5” with the weighted mean of 3.25.
Each has advantages and disadvantages. In traditional marketing consumers
can see and touch the real goods or service but the domain of effect is low, on
the other hand using of internet marketing will exceed the boundaries and
introduce goods and services to the demographic of internet users. Also using
the internet would be more chipper, faster and convenient for marketing.
Approximately the advantages of internet marketing are much more than
advantages of traditional marketing. .(Salehi,M,. Mirzaei,H,.& Aghaei,M. 2012)

Table 6 Linear Correlation

∑x ∑y ∑ xy ∑2 ∑2
x y

3.45 3.33 11.4885 11.9025 11.0889

3.38 3.25 10.985 11.4244 10.5625
3.40 3.28 11.152 11.56 10.7584
3.37 3.28 11.0536 11.3569 10.7584
3.44 3.30 11.352 11.8336 10.89
3.39 3.33 11.2887 11.4921 11.0889
3.42 3.15 10.773 11.6964 9.9225
3.36 3.58 12.0288 11.2896 12.8164
3.29 3.28 10.7912 10.8241 10.7584
3.31 3.38 29 11.1878 10.9561 11.4244
∑ x =33.81 ∑ x =33.16 ∑ xy =112.1006 ∑ x 2=114.3357 ∑ y2 =110.5688
Lipa City Colleges
G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
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LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

In getting the linear correlation between two variables, the formula below
is used:
r =n ∑ xy−¿ ¿ ¿
10 ( 112.1006 )− ( 33.81 )(33.16)
√ [ 1143.357−1143.1161 ] [ 1100.688−1099.5856 ]
√ ( 0.2409 ) (1.1024)
r =−0.2592
For the hypothesis, the researchers mainly used Pearson product which is the r
value. From the computation, it turned out that there is a negligible negative
correlation between the difference of online and traditional marketing strategy
with the value of r = 0.26, thus the hypothesis is accepted.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

This chapter presents the summary, conclusion of the study as well as the
recommendations based on the researcher’s findings.


The summary was conducted to determine the differences between traditional

and online marketing strategy in increasing sales of selected food establishment

in Lipa City 2019-2020. From the cited objective of the study, the researchers

formulated the problems to gather the necessary needed data.

The researchers use the descriptive and correlational method of the research

with the questionnaire as the data gathering instrument.

Validation was done to the survey questionnaires before administering it to 40

respondents from the selected food establishment of Lipa City. To analyze and

interpret the data, percentage, ranking and weighted mean were used as the

statistical device in addition.The sex or gender of the respondents indicates that

20 of them were females while 19 of them were boys and there is only 1 whose

part of LGBTQ. It shows that most of the respondents are female.This implied


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

that more females cooperated and openly expressed their opinion during the

survey conducted at Lipa City. A total of 40 respondents from selected food

establishments participated in this study. The large majority of this owners or

trusted person which is 15 respondents were 18-25 years old.An additional 11

respondents were 26-33 years old.Next is 8 respondents which is 42-49 years

old.Then 5 respondents which is 34-41 years old .And the remaining 1

respondent is 50-57 years old.


The study has contributed to knowledge in issues associated with the

difference between online and and traditional marketing strategy.

Based on the research method that we have used, can conclude the following:

 It is evident that that the respondents agree that there is a difference

between online and traditional marketing strategy

 Many people is in favour of using online marketing than traditional marketing

strategy. Through online Marketing business can reach millions of people in a

short period of time. It can also help the business to generate qualified

leads/sales without investing too much money.

 Advertising or promoting a business is a key to achieve massive growth.

 Marketing strategy is an economical and fastest way to reach the consumers.


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

 The buyer can see and touch the real goods and services with the use of

traditional marketing but the effect is low while online marketing is cheaper,

fastest and more convenient to use.


Based on the findings of the study the following recommendations are endorsed

to the following personalities:

Owners of food establishments the main benefactors of the study. For them to

have such knowledge on how to increase their sales.

For the future researchers, for them to have a basis on their study. And it will

be a useful reference for them who have a related topic about the differences of

online and traditional marketing strategy.

Apparently research is made for intended purposes and aims.

Therefore, before creating the action plan researchers should establish the

purpose and direction of the output.This study aims to gain a broader

understanding about the differences of Online and Traditional Marketing Strategy

in increasing sales of selected food sstablishments in Lipa City.It will serve as a


Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300
LCC Silvercrest Senior High School

tool to elevate a business by guiding the owners or trusted person of the

business to know the right marketing strategy that they can use to promote their

product and to increase their sales. The researchers decided to have free

seminars for all owners of a food establishments.

First ,the researchers must use social media or flyers that

includes the date ,place and where did the seminar will be held.

Second, invite a guest speaker who can share his/her experience

on how the marketing strategies helps them to gain more customers and how it

helps to develop their product.

Lastly, give them a brouchures that discuss the differences

between Online and Traditional Marketing to help them choose the most effective

marketing strategy that they can use to develop their product and increase their



Lipa City Colleges

G. A. Solis St., Lipa City Batangas
Telephone Number: 756-1943
Fax Number: 756-3768 local 300

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