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A Research Paper

Presented to the Faculty of the

Senior High School Department

Cebu Institute of Technology-University

Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

the Requirements for the Course

Research 3 – Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion



Cabellon, Karl Thomas T.

Dejacto, Anthony Denn A.

Laput, Marc Restie S.

Ortiz, Jeshia Josselene C.

Paraiso, Louis Ian C.

Quijano, Chessed Jv E.

March 2019

The study looked into the extension of power banks’ charging capacity
with the use of piezoelectric materials. It determines the level of effectiveness in
using piezoelectricity as an alternative source of power generation and utilization
of noise present in the environment. The study used the experimental method. It
was conducted within the premises of Cebu Institute of Technology-University
(CIT-U). The power bank was tested in various places within CIT-U, and the
decibel reading was recorded, and compared to the electricity produced in
relation to sound intensity. It was found out that the noisiest places in CIT-U are
the study areas which have and canteen; these areas had the highest decibel
readings; the study area near the quadrangle had the highest noise level which is
69.7 decibels and the average noise level among the places is 67.33 decibels.
With this, these areas produced the most voltage; the study area near the
quadrangle producing 90.9 millivolts, and the average voltage gain among the
areas is 69.1 millivolts. Furthermore, noise present within the premises CIT-U is
sufficient in producing and extending the charging capacity of the power bank. It
is concluded that the produced voltage depends strongly on the intensity of noise
present in an area. The use of amplifiers were able to answer the problem of
gaining low voltage produced by the microphones. It is recommended for future
researches that in order to gain more voltage, they should use more sensitive
sensors to detect sound waves, and the use of non-power-generated amplifier.

The researchers would like to acknowledge the following people for

making this research study feasible and successful:

Mrs. Lina N. Baguio, the researchers’ previous teacher, for granting

approval for this study.

Mr. Joshua Vidal, the researchers’ current mentor, for sharing his ideas,

knowledge, guidance, and for his valuable comments and suggestions that

helped the researchers improve the concepts and ideas of the study.

Mr. Elmer Jun Flores, the researchers’ adviser for sharing his deep

knowledge about the study and for helping the researcher’s complete the power


Researchers’ family and friends, for their undying guidance and for the

financial, spiritual and emotional support they gave upon the researchers.

The researchers would also like to thank all the teachers that help them,

by giving some free time for the researcher’s to finish their research papers.

On the other hand, the researchers would like to thank the panelist for

sharing their expertise on the field and for giving comments that helps the

researchers’ finished the study.

Lastly, to the Divine Providence, for giving the researchers the inspiration,

motivation, blessings and for everything that makes this study feasible, possible

and successful.
Table of Contents


Abstract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents v

List of Figures vii

List of Tables viii


1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Problem Statement 3

1.3 Objectives 4

1.4 Purpose of the Study 4

1.5 Definition of Terms 5


2.1 Theories 7

2.2 Review of Related Literature and Studies 9

2.2.1 Related Literature 9

2.2.2 Related Studies 12


3.1 Proposed Method 16

3.1.1 Statistical Method 16

3.2 Description of Experiments 17

3.3 Description of Subject 18



5.1 Conclusions 26

5.2 Recommendations 26







List of Figures


2.1 Figure 1 in Chapter 2 7

2.2 Figure 2 in Chapter 2 9

3.1 Figure 3 in Chapter 3 17

4.1 Figure 4 in Chapter 4 21

4.2 Figure 5 in Chapter 4 23

List of Tables


4.1 Table 1 in Chapter 4 19

4.2 Table 2 in Chapter 4 22

4.3 Table 3 in Chapter 4 24

Chapter 1

1.1 Background of the Study

Decades through decades, smartphones have made lives of people much

easier and comfortable. Technology has brought ease, pleasure and comfort

throughout its creation and development. It aided the people with all the things

that they do in their lives. Through the years, the advancements of technology

has been rapidly increasing, making life much more easily as it is. It has been

seen as a massive expansion. Computers were invented and people became

capable of doing multiple tasks in one device, such as calculating, typing and

even playing. The invention of computers brought the idea of smartphones when

people wanted to have a hand-held device, capable of making calls/texts and

also do the work of a computer.

“Smartphones are special and popular for the applications they support.

People feel that they are better positioned to interact with people who are linked

to different social media. People prefer smartphones mainly due to the

advantages they get through media platforms. Social Media show a unique

avenue to execute things at the right time. Smartphones and social media have

been key factors in offering a better way to communicate with people, ease of

using several applications and learning and career growth” [1].

Smartphones are one of the many sought-after technology in this century.

Companies are competing against each other in searching for the most

advanced phone of the century; improving its operating system that is designed
to perform multiple tasks faster than any other. Through the years, the wide

advancement of smartphone compared to the old original cell phone can be

noticed. Different applications have been made to help people in communicating,

applications that help them in their field of work and security applications for their

identities, but behind these advancements, there are still some aspects in

smartphones that producers failed to look into; there are instances wherein

phones run far too slowly and may oftentimes cause overheating then eventually,

app crashes. The battery life of phones is also a big factor in terms of its

performance, the longer the battery life, the more useful it gets. The invention of

power banks came to life when technological companies try to address the

problem with battery life, creating an extension for phones. Power banks are

needed to be charged, so it can be utilized whenever the phone’s battery is

getting low.

Power bank users often get mystified with the mismatch between the

expected capacity of their purchased power banks and the actual number of

charges that they get for their smartphones or tablets. The reason for this

mismatch is that milli-Ampere-Hours (mAH) is not a good unit to measure battery

capacity when the voltages of the battery and charged devices are

different. Lithium-ion batteries used in power banks output 3.7 volt but phones’

batteries get charged at 5 volt. In addition to this, energy is also lost during the

conversion process from 3.7 to 5 volt, due to the resistance of the connecting

cable, and during the charging process. It can be noticed that the phones often

get warm and mildly hot during charging. This is simply electrical energy getting

wasted as heat during the charging process and is unavoidable in any charging

process [2].

Piezoelectric Effect is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric

charge in response to applied mechanical stress. One of the unique

characteristics of the piezoelectric effect is that it is reversible, meaning that

materials exhibiting the direct piezoelectric effect (the generation of electricity

when stress is applied) also exhibit the converse piezoelectric effect (the

generation of stress when an electric field is applied) [3].

In the environment, noise is rampant in loud music, television, phone

conversations, traffic and even pets barking at the middle of the night. These

noise have been part of people’s daily life. These are unwanted sound, but

somehow, they can be put into good use.

The study aimed to produce a power bank capable of utilizing noise to

extend its charging capacity. It also aimed to know the sufficiency of the noise in

CIT-U to be converted as an alternative source of electric energy for the charging

of power banks. Lastly, this study aimed to promote the use of piezoelectric

power generation.

1.2 Problem Statement

The study aimed to design and produce a power bank which utilizes noise

form the environment and convert it into electricity. Specifically, this research

answered the following questions:

1. What are the noisy places in CIT-U?

2. What area in CIT-U can generate the most voltage?

3. How sufficient is sound energy in extending the power bank’s charging


4. Based on the findings, what intervention may be proposed?

1.3 Objectives

This study aimed to:

 Design a power bank capable of converting noise from the environment

into electric power

 Prove the level of efficiency in utilizing the noise abundant in the

environment, at the same time,

 Promote the use of piezoelectric power generation.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The study aimed to know if piezoelectric is an effective alternative source

of power generation, considering the fact that noise is present and abundant in

all corners of Cebu. Furthermore, it aime to produce an efficient power bank

capable of utilizing noise from the environment into electrical energy that can be

used to charge smartphones. The produced noise powered power bank and the

results of the study will be of great benefit to the community especially to

students and teachers. The results will promote an alternative source of

renewable energy; the utilization of noise into electric power will help them

charge their phones easily. It will also be benefit the future researchers to serve

as basis for their study regarding the use of piezoelectric materials to create

electric power from sound energy.

1.5 Definition of Terms


It is a piezo material that generates voltage in response to an applied

mechanical stress.


It is an unpleasant sound that can vibrate and create mechanical stress to

produce electricity by the concept of piezoelectric power generator. Its intensity

can be measured through a decibel reader.


It is an alternative source of power generator which may convert

mechanical stress to electricity or vice versa.


It is a mechanical pressure that can be exerted on a material and can

generate electrical voltage.

Social Media

It is a unique avenue for communication and information gathering using

internet which can be accessed through smartphones with internet connection.


It is an innovative hand-held gadget which requires charging and may be

connected to a power bank for portable charging.


It refers to a beneficial vast expansion of invention in the industries which

include smartphones and powerbanks.


It refers to the force of an electric current which is measured from the

capacitors, resistors and battery through a voltmeter.

Chapter 2

2.1 Theories

Piezo theory describes piezo as resources that accumulate a charge as a

result of the piezoelectric effect. The piezo materials can be in the form of

crystals and ceramics. As an reaction to an applied mechanical stress, these

piezo materials generate a voltage; this is known as the piezoelectric effect.

These materials will also lengthen or shorten in response to an applied voltage,

and this mechanism is known as the inverse piezoelectric effect [4].

Figure 1 Generator and Motor Actions of a Piezoelectric Element

When mechanically activated by the application of pressure or vibration,

the piezoelectric ceramics can generate electric voltages which are sufficient to

create a spark across and electrode gap. The application of this mechanism can

be seen in the igniting of fuel source in lighters, gas stoves and welding

equipment [4].

The push button cigarette lighters and gas BBQ grills are common

applications of the piezoelectric effect. In these applications, when a button is

pressed, it would cause a spring-loaded hammer to apply a mechanical force to a

rod-shaped single-layer piezoelectric ceramic. The ceramic element would then

produce a voltage that will passes across a small spark gap causing the ignition

of the fuel source [4].

Electrical energy that is released very quickly in a rod-shaped single-layer

piezo materials has a very high voltage but a very low current. Ignition systems

that apply the concept piezoelectric effect are small and simple, long lasting and

require little maintenance; however, the voltages and forces generated by the

piezo materials are small and usually require amplification. For example, a typical

disc of piezolectric ceramic will increase or decrease in size by only a small

fraction of a millimeter when a voltage or vibration is applied on it. In spite of this

minor change of thickness, many far-reaching +73 still use piezoelectric

materials [4].

According to the general piezoelectric theory, sensors rely on the

piezoelectric effect in order to generate a useful output signal. When the

piezoelectric elements are strained by an external force, there will be

accumulation of electric charges which were displaced. Figure 2 illustrates the

piezoelectric quartz crystal. The larger circles represent silicon atoms, while the

smaller ones represent oxygen. Crystalline quartz, either in its natural or high-

quality, reprocessed form, is one of the most sensitive and stable piezoelectric

materials available [5].

Fig. 2 Accumulation of Electrical Charge due to External Force

2.2 Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

According to TIngay(2015), in the article “What are the different

types of Noise?”, there are four types of noise: continuous noise, intermittent

noise, impulsive noise, and low-frequency noise. Continuous noise is noise that

is produced continuously by machinery that keeps running without interruption.

This could come from factory equipment, heating or ventilation systems.

Intermittent noise is a noise level that increases and decreases rapidly. This

might be a freight train passing by, factory equipment that operates in cycles or

aircraft overhead. Impulsive noise is most commonly associated with the

construction and demolition industry. This sudden burst of noise can startle you

by its fast and surprising nature. Impulsive noises are commonly created by

explosions or construction equipment such as pile drivers. Low frequency noise

makes up part of the fabric of the daily soundscape. Whether it’s the low

background humming from power plants or the roaring of large diesel engines,

there is exposure to low frequency noise constantly. This is also the hardest type

of noise to reduce at source, so it can easily spread for miles around [6].

In an article of Stilson, entitled “Piezoelectric Sensors”, he discussed the

concept of piezoelectric sensors and its internal structures. Piezoelectric sensors

exhibit the piezoelectric effect wherein the deformation in the material results in

an electric charge. Electrets are solids which have a permanent polarization; they

are commonly used in microphones. Piezoelectric microphones are an example

of these sensors; they turn acoustic pressure into a voltage. In such process, the

piezoelectric crystals act as transducers which turn mechanical stress into

electrical charge which in turn can be converted into a voltage. A clear

manifestation of this is that the piezoelectric transducers can be used for both

speakers and microphones [7].

In the chapter “Piezoelectric Sensors” of the book “Piezoelectric

Sensorics” by Gautschi, piezoelectric sensors were described to as having a

transduction element made of a piezoelectric material. They are called active

sensors because no external energy is needed to obtain an output signal. In

piezoelectric sensors, the sensing element and the transduction element are

usually one and the same. In a piezoelectric force sensor, the force is transmitted

directly through the metal parts of the transduction element. The mechanical

stress so induced polarizes through the piezoelectric effect the element which

yields a proportional electric charge as output [8].

Additionally, in the chapter “Piezoelectric Materials for Sensors” of the

same book, it has been stated that out of the increasing number of

piezoelectric ceramics, only a restricted number has been proven suitable for

transduction elements in piezoelectric sensors. The material should have high

piezoelectric sensitivity, high mechanical strength, and high stability of all

properties. Basically, natural and synthetic single crystals, piezoelectric

ceramics, textures and thin films can be used. The most important single crystal

serving as transduction element in piezo electric sensors are Quartz [9].

Meanwhile, in an article of Cattermole (2010), “Mobile Phones Charged by

the Power of Speech”, she stated that in the search for an alternative form of

energy, people tend to neglect sound energy. She has made this assertion in

relation to the findings of Korean scientists which was that speakers can be used

to do the reverse of its process - converting sound waves into electricity.

Piezoelectrics are materials capable of turning mechanical energy into electricity;

they create an electrical charge under stress. On average, a mobile phone

operates using a few volts, and as a normal conversation is conducted at about

60 – 70 decibels, it’s isn’t genuinely useful yet [10].

For the conduction of the suvey, in an article of Mordkoff (2016), he stated

that as long as the sample is based on 30 or more observations, the sampling

distribution of the mean can be safely assumed to be normal [11].

Related Studies

In the study “ Study of the Improvement of Noise Pollution in University of

Sulaimani in both New and Old Campus” conducted by Rauf, Hossieni, Ahmad,

Ali & Kawa (2015), the significant impact in the quality of life by Urban Noise

Pollution were stated. Increasing noise pollution has been proven to have

negative effects on personal and public health such as hearing impairment,

interference with spoken communication, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular

disturbances, disturbances in mental health, impaired task performance, negative

social behavior and annoyance reactions. Through these illnesses, noise

pollution in campuses may affect education, therefore, the control of intensity of

noise in an educational place must be studied. Rauf with his co-researchers

conducted the tests in the 25 totally different locations including corridors

between classes in each floor of the old and new campus of the University of

Sulaimani, and the results will present the level of noise pollution in a specific

area in the campus. The noise pollution has been measured by the use of a

digital noise dosimeter [12].

On the other hand, in the study of Gupta, Goel, and Yadav (2015) entitled

“Conversion of Sound to Electric Energy,” there are two methods involved in

converting sound to electric energy. The first method illustrates the use of the

“faradays law of electromagnetic induction” which states that the induced

electromotive force (Ԑ) in any closed circuit is equal to the negative of the time

rate of change of the magnetic flux (Φ) through the circuit. The second method of

converting the sound to electricity is with the use of piezoelectric materials: Lead

zirconium Titanate, Barrium Titanate, and Zinc Oxide. Electricity can be

generated directly from sound energy by piezoelectric effect. The way it works is

that the mechanical energy of sound is applied directly to a crystal (or possibly a

ceramic) with strong piezoelectric characteristics, and the crystal will generate a

small amount of voltage in response to the application of that mechanical energy

(sound). What is done is “squeezing” the crystal. A squeeze will generate a small

voltage for the duration of the squeeze. When the crystal is released, another

small voltage will be generated in the opposite polarity [13].

On the other hand, in the study of Bhatnagar (2012) called “Coverting

Sound Energy to Electrical Energy”, he stated that there is huge scarcity of

energy and there is a high need to produce electricity at faster rate and to find

other feasible method to produce electric energy [14].

Moreover, in the study “Conversion of Noise Pollution into Electrical

Energy” conducted by Jaware, Gautam, Mar, Panday, & Sindhav (2017), the

advantages and disadvantages for utilizing sound energy were stated. Its

advantage is that there is noise pollution everywhere, so electricity can be

generated anywhere. The electric energy converted from the method of using

piezoelectric materials is a clean energy, and there are many applications in

using this method. The disadvantage in using this method is that its efficiency is

not so good, so improvement is required. Its initial cost is also high [15].

Although Jaware’s study have concluded that the efficiency of using

piezoelectric materials for the conversion of noise to electrical energy have not

been proven satisfactory, a similar study, which involves the use of piezoelectric

materials, has yield better result.

In the study of Jamal, Hassan, Ferdous, & Lisa entitled “Generation of

Usable Electric Power from Available Random Sound Energy”, a relatively less

explored source of green energy is proposed – the sound energy. Random sound

energy around can be treated as a source of electric power after their efficient

conversion using suitable transducer. Piezoelectric transducers were used for

conversion of sounds into electric energy. The produced electric energy from

multiple piezoelectric transducers were stored in multiple super capacitors which

are then summed up and amplified through adder and voltage multiplier circuits.

The resultant electric power was used to charge a rechargeable DC battery so as

to store this energy. A small 9 volt DC battery was found to be fully recharged

within half an hour from fully discharged stage using medium sound source

through the proposed conversion circuit. In this way, random sound energy from

the environment can be stored as electric energy which can be used later to

deliver electric power to drive compatible small loads. The proposed idea can

give a new source of green energy and can contribute in global search for

renewable energy [16].

The following studies have also proven that piezoelectric material is useful

and effective in converting noise into electrical energy, given that the appropriate

electrical design and strategies have been applied in the use of piezoelectric


In a study of Garg (2018) called “Generation of Electrical Energy from

Sound Energy”, Noise (sound) energy was converted into a sustainable source of

electric power by using a suitable transducer. This can be done by using a

transducer by converting vibrations caused by noise into electrical energy. An

application is proposed for the same, in which a speaker and a transformer are

used to convert noise produced by car horn into electrical energy. The vibrations

created by noise can be converted into electrical energy through the principle of

electromagnetic induction. The received signal was stepped up using a

transformer. A similar setup was placed at distance of 1 meter from the exhaust

pipe of a 350 cubic centimeter engine of a motorbike. The demonstrated ideas

probe into a clean and readily available source of energy [17].

Finally, in a study conducted by Bacosa and Baldivino entitled “Sound

Energy: An Electric Source of Noise Pollution Based Power Bank”, they designed

and developed a device that can make useful energy from noise and use it to

power a power bank with suitable architectural design, component design, code

generation, and integration system. Their produced power bank were tested

indifferent areas. It was found out that the efficiency of the device in terms of

charging it, utilizing the noise from the environment, is proven effective especially

in noisy places. They stated that it was possible make the device as a basis for

technologies recycling noise pollution to be an alternative source of energy [18].

Chapter 3

3.1 Proposed Method

The research method used was experimental method. An experimental

method deals with the object or subject of the research in an exact manner and

determines the extent of the effects or influence of the treatment on the

object/subject, then discovers the causes of such effects [19]. The study uses the

experimental method to clarify the mechanisms by which these factors contribute

to the design and developing a power bank capable of converting noise from the

environment into electricity. The materials that will be used includes: resistors,

power bank, piezoelectric materials, electret microphones, capacitor, and switch.

The researcher conducted a survey on different places of Cebu Institute of

Technology University (CIT-U) where students mostly loiter, and among stated

the places, they were asked what place is the noisiest.

3.1.1 Statistical Technique

The statistical technique used in this study is the Pearson’s or Pearson

Product Moment of Correlation Coefficient, which summarizes the linear strength

of the relationship between the variables. This technique tested the dependence

of the dependent variable on the independent variable. In this test, there will

always be a result between 1, which quantifies the positive relationship between

the variables and -1 which states the negative results of between the variables.

The researcher tested if the noise level affects the voltage output of the device.
3.2 Description of Experiments

The assemblage of the device started with electret microphone which

captures the sound vibrations in the environment. According to a study, it is

recommended to use more microphones and to arrange them in a parallel circuit

to harvest stronger sound [18]. In this study, more electret microphones are used

in order to harvest more electricity for the power bank. It was then connected

into a preamplifier which receives the sound waves after the mic captures it. The

preamplifier needs to get a load of energy that is stored in battery in order to

work. After which, it was connected into the amplifier, which amplifies the voltage

that will flow into the power bank to extend its charging capacity.

Figure 3. Power bank Components and Diagram

After the construction of the power bank, it was tested on various places

around the school, together with the reading of decibel measurements in the area

and compare the sound intensity to the produced electricity. It was measured

through a voltmeter and decibel reader. The result of this formula was expressed

in the unit of decibels (dB). Voltage gain was expressed in unit voltage (V).

3.3 Description of Subject

The study focused on the utilization of noise into an electric energy for its

potential in extending the power bank’s charging capacity. The variable, which is

noise is subjected into the microphone to create vibrations in order to produce

electricity. One major property of an electret microphone is the utilization of

sound waves to create vibrations and convert into an electrical signal. As sound

waves move into a medium the particles vibrates forwards and backwards.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents, analyzes, and discusses the data gathered from

the experimentations which looked into the efficiency of utilizing noise for the

extension of power banks’ charging capacity.

Table 1 shows the different decibel readings recorded in each places in

CIT-U measured using the decibel reader. The table shows the range of the

decibel of noise present in the different areas, as well as the average decibel

present in each location.

Table 1

Places in CIT-U with the Noise Level Measured (in decibels)

Average Noise
Noise Level
Places Level
Study area
60.8 – 80.2 dB 69.7 dB

Study Area
62.3 – 80.1 dB 68.7 dB
(ST Building)

Study area
56.8 - 80.5 dB 68.4 dB
(near canteen)

College library 53.1-73.9 dB 62.0 dB

Classroom 59.8 – 78.5 dB 66.9 dB

Main Canteen 57.7 – 79.5 dB 68.3 dB

The quadrangle study area is proven to be the noisiest area in CIT-U

premises with an average noise level of 69.7 decibels. It is then followed by the

Science and Technology Building Study Area which has an average noise level

of 68.7 decibels, then the study area beside the canteen which has an average

noise of 68.4 decibels, and lastly from the canteen with an average noise level of

68.3 decibels. In a normal classroom setting, there is an average noise level of

66.9 decibels. On the other hand, the college library has the lowest average

noise level of 62.0 decibels.

The recorded decibels of sound were not constant; thereby, the average

decibels measured in each area were used for comparison. It is revealed that the

average noise level among the places tested in CIT-U is 67.33 decibels. The

study area in the quadrangle has the highest noise level because it is where the

students spend most of their time; it is also a venue where they can

communicate freely unlike the library where loud discussions are prohibited.

It is revealed that canteen and the study areas are the noisiest places,

since there are a lot of students that loiter and that talking is allowed. There are

many students that loiter in the library, but loud, verbal communication is

prohibited, affecting the amount of noise present in the area. The noise level of

each area were tested in order to verify which place is noisiest.

Figure 4 shows a bar graph of the noise levels in the different places in


Study Area Study Area Study Area College Classroom Main
(Quadrangle) (ST Building) (Near Library Canteen


Figure 4

Noise Level in Various Places in CIT-U

In an article, “Harmful Noise Levels” by Calhoun (2017), a table of decibel

level of a number of sounds were presented. It was shown that normal

conversation has a noise level of about 60 decibels and office noise has an

average noise level of 70 decibels [20]. Similarly, the measured noise level in

CIT-U, averaging 67.33 decibels, is fit to the description of the sound level

according to the article.

Table 2 shows the different places in CIT-U and level of noise measured

(in decibels) with their corresponding voltage gain which was measured through

the use of the multitester.

Table 2

Places in CIT-U with Corresponding Decibel and Voltage Reading

Average Voltage Gain Voltage Gain

Noise Level
Places Noise Level (without (with
(Decibels) amplification) amplification)

Study area
60.8 – 80.2 dB 69.7 dB 90.9 mV 7.81 V

Study Area
62.3 – 80.1 dB 68.7 dB 82.3 mV 7. 76 V
(ST Building)

Study area

(near 56.8 - 80.5 dB 68.4 dB 81.9 mV 7.85 V


53.1-73.9 dB 62.0 dB 25.7 mV 7.73 V

Classroom 59.8 – 78.5 dB 66.9 dB 43.7 mV 7.74 V

Canteen 57.7 – 79.5 dB 68.3 dB 90.1 mV 7.77 V

The voltage gain measured varies depending on where the wires of the

voltmeter are attached to; the voltage gain (without amplification) was connected

directly to the parallel connection of the microphones while the voltage gain (with

amplification) was connected to the pre-amplifier. The area where there is

greatest voltage gain is the study area in the quadrangle with 90.9 mV, and when

it was amplified, it became 7.81 mV. The average voltage gain (without

amplification) measured among the areas in CIT- U is 69.1 mV while with

amplification, the average voltage gain is 7.78 V.

Figure 5 shows the voltage gain reading (with and without amplification)

among the various places in CIT-U.

Figure 5

Places in CIT-U with Corresponding Voltage Reading with and without


It is revealed that there is little difference between the amplified voltage

gains in the various places in CIT-U. It is because the amplifier regulates the

output voltage in order to sustain the required charging power for the power

bank. Therefore, in order to identify the voltage gain from the microphone itself,

the multitester was connected directly to the microphone.

In a similar study, “Sound Energy: An Electric Source of Noise Pollution

Based Power Bank” by Bacosa and Baldovino (2018), the recorded noise level in

their classrooms lie on the range of 44-74 decibels [18]. The formula for decibel

was used in determining the voltage output. Compared to this study, the

multimeter was used to test the actual voltage gain of the power bank due to the

harvested sound energy.

Table 3 shows the application of the statistical method which is the

computation for the Pearson Product Moment of Correlation between the

independent variable, noise level, and the dependent variable, the voltage gain.

Table 3

Pearson Product Moment of Correlation for Relationship between Average

Decibel Level and Voltage Gain

Pearson Product Moment of Correlation (PPMC) is the statistical method

used to determine and measure the linear strength of the relationship of the

variables, noise level to the voltage output of the device. The result of this

statistical method which is 0.906811907, clearly states the strong relationship

between the level of noise to the voltage output. As the level of noise decreases

or increases the voltage output increases or decreases also.

The sound energy from the noise present in the premises of CIT-U is

sufficient in producing electric power for the charging of the power bank.

However, the voltage gain from the electret microphone, without amplification, is

not sufficient to charge the power bank; an amplifier is needed in order to

produce a constant voltage which will be utilized to charge the power bank.

Chapter 5


5.1 Conclusions

Based on the data gathered, the voltage gain rely mostly on where the

power bank was placed and does not depend on the number of people present

within an area. It was shown that 3 microphones alone are not enough to

produce voltage that would suffice the charging power required by the power

bank. It needs an amplifier to amplify the voltage gained from the vibrations of

the microphones and maintain it at 7 volts, which is enough to charge the power

bank. However, the amplifier is power-generated, and rely its power from another

battery. The intensity of sound present in a particular area affects the amount of

voltage produced by the power bank. Overall, the noise present in the school

was found out to be sufficient in extending the charging capacity of the power


5.2 Recommendations

The researchers recommend using bigger or more electric microphones in

order to acquire more voltage. Using sensitive sensors can also be used to

detect sound waves present in the environment to create more vibrations, and

potentially produce more voltage. The use of an alternative source of power

amplification is also recommended, especially one that is not power-generated or

one that is directly connected to the power bank’s battery. For future researchers,

conduct this experiment in an environment that allows verbal discussion or in

places where noise is abundant. Effective locations to make the device work at
optimum are places wherein many people are occupying and creating sound as it

produces greater voltage such as the school’s study areas and canteen.


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Appendix A

Survey Sheet

Tally of Survey

What place do
Places in CIT- Where do you
you think is
U loiter most?

Study area
13 14

Study Area
8 7
(ST Building)

Study area
12 12
(near canteen)

College library 15 3

Classroom 4 11

Main Canteen 13 18

Decibel Reader (Sound Meter Application) Digital Multi tester

Appendix B



Making of Power Bank

Charging of Power bank from Noise Charging of Phone from Power Bank


Quadrangle Study Area

ST Building Study Area

Study Area near Canteen

College Library



Appendix C



January 2019 February 2019

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

week week week week week week week week

Making of the



Appendix D

Materials Quantity Price

10 Mah Powerbank 1 Php 1, 800

Research Adviser Php 500.00

Print Php 390.00

Microphone 3 Php 300.00

Capacitors 4 Php 80.00

Container 1 Php 60.00

Resistors 3 Php 26.00

Bread Board 1 Php 70.00

Wire 1m Php 25.00

Rechargeable Battery 1 Php 350.00

Diode 1 Php 20.00

Battery Holder 1 Php 30.00

Switch 1 Php 20.00

IC 1 Php 28.00

Small Light Bulb 1 Php 20.00


Appendix E

Karl Thomas Tajanlangit Cabellon

Villa Bayabas, Poblacion Pardo
Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Cell Number: +639981624252
E-mail address:

Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino

2016-2018 Secondary Education ( Senior High School)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Cebu Institute of Technology- University

N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

2013-2016 Secondary Education (Junior High School)

Cebu City A. Gothong Memorial National High School

C. Padilla Street, Cebu City

2006-2013 Elementary

Pardo Elementary School

F. Jaca, Pob. Pardo, Cebu City

Anthony Denn Ancho Dejacto

55 F. Jaca St. Pardo Cebu citu

Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Cell Number: +639425583513
E-mail address:


Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Citizenship : Filipino


2016-2018 Secondary Education ( Senior High School)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Cebu Institute of Technology- University

N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

2013-2016 Secondary Education (Junior High School)

Divino Amore Academy

Mohon,Talisay City,Cebu

2006-2013 Elementary

Mohon Elementary School

Mohon Talisay City Cebu

Marc Restie Sasan Laput
Tabtuy, Tuyan, City of Naga,
Cebu, Philippines 6000
Cell Number: +6399293444092
E-mail address:


Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Citizenship : Filipino


2016-2018 Secondary Education ( Senior High School)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Cebu Institute of Technology- University

N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

2013-2016 Secondary Education (Junior High School)

Mary Help of Christian School

Tunghaan, Minglanilla, Cebu

2006-2013 Elementary

Mary Help of Christian School

Tunghaan, Minglanilla, Cebu

Jeshia Josselene Capili Ortiz
857-E Bayabas St. Mambaling
Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Cell Number: +639146549889


Gender : Female

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Citizenship : Filipino


2016-2018 Secondary Education ( Senior High School)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Cebu Institute of Technology- University

N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

2010-2015 Grade 5 to Grade 10

Sunny Hillside School

Ipag, Mariveles, Bataan

2006-2010 Grade 1 to Grade 4

Saint Nicholas Catholic of Mariveles

San Carlos, Mariveles, Bataan

Louis Ian Calinawan Paraiso
4681 Idaville Subdivion, Poblacion Ward 3,
Minglanilla, Cebu, Philippines 6000
Cell Number: +639565968248
E-mail address:


Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Citizenship : Filipino


2016-2018 Secondary Education ( Senior High School)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Cebu Institute of Technology- University

N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

2013-2016 Secondary Education (Junior High School)

Naga National High School

West Poblacion, City of Naga Cebu

2006-2013 Elementary

Minglanilla Central School

Pob. Ward 1, Minglanilla, Cebu

Chessed JV Eredia Quijano
857-E Bayabas St. Mambaling
Cebu City, Philippines 6000
Cell Number: +639280937128
E-mail address:


Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Religion : Roman Catholic

Citizenship : Filipino


2016-2018 Secondary Education (Senior High School)

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Cebu Institute of Technology- University

N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

2013-2016 Secondary Education (Junior High School)

Naga National High School

West Poblacion, City of Naga Cebu

2006-2013 Elementary

Pitalo Elementary School

Pitalo, San Fernando Cebu


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