Ingp Imperfect

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Review Film Imperfect

Group Member :
1. Himatul Karimah
2. M. Habib Mauludin
3. Nella Maulidatus S.

Imperfect: Career, Love and Scales, is a film that was worked on by Ernest
Prakasa and his wife Meira Anastasia. This film is adapted from Meira's novel
entitled Imperfect: A Journey to Self-Acceptance, a novel that exists because of
the insecurity that arose in Meira while she was the wife of Ernest Prakasa.
Released in 2019, played by Jessica Mila, Reza Rahadian, Yasmin Napper,
Dion Wiyoko, Boy William. Directed by Ernest himself and comes from a book
about how to diet by his wife which was developed into a complete story. This
film is very interesting and touching with typical Ernest.
A light and simple story but very relatable to current events, a story about a
woman who always feels insecure about herself. Who is only busy comparing
himself to others.

Rara (Jessica Mila) is a smart employee, able to solve problems and provide
innovative ideas for the company. Rara only has one close friend, Fey (Shareefa
Danish), and her loyal lover, Dika (Reza Rahadian).
Unfortunately Rara feels unhappy, with the discrimination and ridicule from her
office colleagues. And everything became even more annoying for Rara when
her boss Kelvin (Dion Wiyoko) said that Rara failed to get promoted because
she was 'not pretty and too fat'.
All the ridicule from office mates, questions from her mother's friends and all
her mother's advice disturbed Rara. Until finally he decided to go on a serious
extreme diet, every day he only drank fruit and vegetable juices, watched his
diet and exercised strictly.
For Rara, being thin and beautiful is the only way for her to survive and live a
happy life. Even though Dika, his lover, continues to oppose, and Fey continues
to advise him. But for Rara, this is the only way for her to be 'happy'.
Everything went wrong when Rara was finally able to become ideal and attract
the attention of many people. The excessive changes in Rara disturbed Fey and
Dika. And after all this Rara still feels unhappy.

The selection of actors for each character feels right, all of them can bring their
roles to the fullest. Shareefa Danish turns out to be an outspoken and supportive
friend, it's like vanishing from thoughts about her always scary roles in
thriller/horror films. Especially for Neti cs, the four of them appeared with
natural jokes and brought the story to flow more.
However, changing the setting to an inappropriate place makes the audience a
little dizzy. Apart from that there are many parts that are skipped, even so the
story is still well connected and makes the audience understand the storyline.
When compared to the novel version, we prefer the film because it can be seen
clearly visually how the characters played by each actor are depicted. If the
novel takes a few hours to finish a story, then the film only takes about 2 hours
to finish this imperfect film.

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