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Reactions of e to PI nt Very dilute acids in the rain cause, 300 Mn cot Very aimeatues, Very concent@tS0 1 yiscuas ts batteries. They would corro akin, BU Cod is batteries Te come into contact Wi) Thar rT oy are a part of everyday life 5°? must reactions. itt it i ee ferent chemicals. cids react 1 il chemical rea yew subst There are patterns in the ways 2 The reactions on this page are 3! ction are made. Reactions using acids can aso produce d the tovie gas sulfur dioxide. You must fol whenever you work with acids. fangerous prod low safety rules c2re cts, such a5 fully Acids react with many substances, but one jays have the same common product i type of name; the \d is based on formed, a salt. Salts alw first partis the name of a metal and the secon the acid that has reacted to form it. > Acid + metal ‘An acid always reacts with a metal to produce a sa hydrogen gas. ‘There are three key reactions of acids: tt and acid + metal acid + metal carbonate acid + alkali (metal hydroxide) in VY ==» hydrochloric bubbles oF tances corrosive moderate hang @ Figure 2 Acids can bac, for'a moderate hazard’ depeng: their concentration Saale Formula | Sait hydrechioric acid |HC!___| ehergss nitric acid HNO; __| nitrate sz H,S0, _[sutsese § pop ‘4 =] in test tube splint © Figure 4 To confirm that he acid zine chlor a hygrogen gas bubbles of gas formed are hye ‘8 Figure 3 The reaction of zinc metal with hydrochloric acid — pop test The word and balanced symbol equations for this reaction are: acid > zine chloride + hyd cen = znthlea) + (9) + hydrochl Zn(s) + 2HCUaq) 78 © scanned with OKEN Scanner acid + carbonate cid always facts With a carbona te to we ans ae Produce a salt, water and copper Gronate = b f | ubbles of e | | atbon dioxide gas M | sulfuric sl the iui turns ue 4 du to the formation timewater Of copper sulfate «igure 5 THROM OF COPPT Carona vit suture ang aa balanced symbol Figure 6 To confirm that the pe word and symbol equations for this reaction ate as Follows; bubbles of gas formed are carbon "dioxide test the gas in limewater and observe the limevrater becoming cloudy srbonate + sulfuric acid copper © Copper sulfate + CuCOs) + HeS04(09) > CusO,iaqy = Acid + alkali n acid always reacts with an alkali su juce a salt and water, ‘ater + carbon dioxide +00) + coygy ich as a metal hydroxide, to vod Sodium nitrate solution (sodium nitric sodium nitrate plus water) aie | tee solution © Figure 7 The reaction of nivic acid and sodium hydroxide the word and balanced symbol equations for this reaction ae as follows: nite acid + sodium hydroxide — sodium nitrate + water HWOs(s) + NaQH(aq) > NaNOV(aqh + H,0() @® Ques This is a neutralisation reaction, A solution of the product has a pH of 7. You can predict the name of the salt made in a neutralisation 1 Which substances react with reaction if you know the names of the acid and alkali reactants: acids to make hydrogen gas? ‘gas produced from an acid nitric acid + sodium hydroxide —> sodium nitrate + water reaction turned limewater sulfuric acid + calcium hydroxide > calcium sulfate + water cloudy. What gas was made? What products would you expect if potassium hydroxide Show you can. reacts with nitric acid? Which two chemicals reacted to make these three products: calcium sulfate, water and carbon dioxide? Write a balanced symbol equation, including state WhatWouldyou expect taseelin this raitnte symbols, for the reaction of calcium with hydrochloric acid. (The formula of calcium chloride is CaCl.) Coe caaed ene een oeche yaks) Oicrichs [ite ets Ucar ergata tne brane etal i OND ergrnron lao Caer 3 How couldyouieollectthelgas produced tor restingt Wi Tita erate R tala Ay ea accel 79 © Scanned with OKEN Scanner <1 tan um st nen utr ne cl net ea laste the nmoaphera wher ove oxides reformed wh 10% rman, When tis appane ie Foe | solution Is acidic. ort oe «iar + tia ttre cr exh es awit all Mery a al neers that Reactions with oxygen ; doch, nti and sul cis are oot the only tematic mate! a6 Sotution witha pl less than 2. A group of compounds call andes are formed when substances eat with oxygen. When we consider thelr acidity an interesting patter appeats slongside the Motals Non-motals Non-metals can also react with Heaton each on ine aay atone, Toh ni ‘08+ Fer example: ‘anpeom + angen + mage ve alr» nygen > stl ise ( ha) 049) =» 2m } 560) + 04) + SOx) Catton + ongen + cbon de (G+ 049) + Ci) _ migesion cite ioe tangle tipo aren burer Copy and complete thi Element | Fo heat prot mat = hago | # Figure 2 Creating magnosian oxo se —_| ‘mogrestom meta in by reste ‘Figure 3 Coat (carbon) burning ap acidity of oxides Aa ait. ome pote elements have oH value, nan 7 some dle ate gat dissolve (they ae Beet a wth ac (mayesiom cade + sulfa sed 0,09) pues fone? £0 Ponseta water to form | hese alle gates tha Acid + metal oxide when acid react with meta oxides a salt and water ae forme This nother type of neutralisation resction and could be eames * her thee type a, De condeed Sonia oe + ybages | ox site, belion gator Wyott veya tod rections of aes sted fa 0) masta) vm | | Jssome metal oxides, such as magnesium oxide ERG GUARENACeL nag ea nee Neen mula of | Equation forthe formation | Aci, alka or {ste ee {AA + 30:6) 20,058 | vacua rtd nee Hy orig sty i wee eps ow al, Soe oer ewan Tomiiom xe» toeNonc cd ide «slam yt substance teats ‘lum ad tn ato act gain a Figure 4, these are the metal nonmetal divide ine, r fe, are insoluble they ate called bases. A base is a substance that has a pt above 7. but will not dissolve in water. In practical terms, these reactions wll sen be heated to speed up what is otherwise a very stow reaction, The advantage of using a base is that you can easily see when the aid as all reacted as some of the sold wil remain unreacted at the bottom of the Mask. This would allow you to ensure the salt produced is not contaminated by unreacted acid. tho ess, - @)auestions 1 ¥inat woud you call tho swbstanen wth tho forma 307 2 Predet the pH of sodium, ‘ode and explain your Choice, 3. Prediet whether bsrnuth ‘oxide willbe acess oF ‘ka 4 Insult doxde more ay to react with sodium Inydroxde or hyochlone ae? 15 When nitrogen gas reacts ‘with oxygen in the ar several ferent nitrogen ‘oxides can form. Write a balanced symbol equation {ortho formation of nitrogen, ‘monoxide (NO) and predict the pH of this gasdous oxide. | peu {— © scanned with OKEN Scanner (Je J Atom met neutrals nat is really happening? ‘Moms and molecules tov reactions. uring a neutralisation Fe Look again at re hyiogen common, to make an aqueous solution, from the other atoms. Iti these Thi > Hydrogen ions These hydrogen particles are in fact hydrogen ions. An fon is 8 . The hydrogen ive charge. the top right-hand corner of the formula, asin H ‘As one hydrogen ion combines with one chloride fon to make a neutral compound, the chloride particle must also be an ion with a single negative charge, (I. So when hydrochloric acid dissolves in water we see dissociation of the acid, is and neutralisation ae eae rod You now need tu eur common laboratory ais shown io ‘canbe inked t| " solation the Lower the pH wil be. molecules in many times. have one particular atom if ubstances dissolve in water ticles that make the scale of pH, 35 the more afte cach HCL molecule Associates when it dissolves in water water: «Figure 2 The eszocaton of hydrochloric acid when it dissolves in watt ge oni IB aor the iydogen stom. orm te Pan ft es testcase af tron Desig eae marl aan byfrogen atom Ht tio eel to known by another , awe 3Tetomaton ste no _y Alkaline substances in water ™*™=" rogeten sia om ea way, wc ok the eho aay aay dz 9 water. Metal yer, sane gubtances et el sta FOS qs—ron ‘ach Nao matecte ans that when an aid and Trneta hydroxide et mbined the solution will in fou ins. corpese fons rearrange, the products fom. sis ‘he fist of these wil happen in any Tre Feeaton reaction, whichis wiy_ * PAH 4 The Getocatonct wun donde when dates in water ma enuton clades were tine. Te a ae aton shows hon test frm fone “etion andthe negative on inthe ac, Ts ste QM) Sho a {ass forthe rules on naming salt. We youieeh ts boy se estou ann hom ae formal definition of an acid as a proton donor and ‘naliali as a proton acceptor, @ Questions 1 Why is a hydrogen ion also called a proton? 2 What isthe charge on the potassium ion in potassium hydroxide, KOH? '3 Why is an acid called a proton donor? '4 Which ions would you expect to be produced if solutions of hydrochloric acid and. potassium hydroxide were combined? '5 Wiite a dissociation equation for sulfuric acid. You will need to consider the charge on the sulfate ion and how to best represent the ‘hvdroaen ions that form. Paneeimn cecnmncecelent Caisie Poca (HNO. Apart Pra aenitialyrt AA riser crea are formed. H/Abalanced symbol equation Wi diagram showing the ions forme ride dissociates ara pnoG poe Cece © Scanned with OKEN Scanner stop 2 filtering unreacteg 4, Step 3 - evaporation of salt salt a pure 212 cn cymraan ng "ON heaps it become guess ni soition uneactes thabottom ofthe beaker in 2 How does using a nslube base copper oxide, help make a pure salt my would the cotour ofthe esting shit stat as colores, bocome ve 2 é pal bib and then become a dap = tide is added? 18 Explain somo o tho changes you woud xpoct to 00 I this method were olowed ingolble magnesium carbonate mae erie copper oxide unveacted copp seen at the bottom ofthe beaker. This wil Indicate that all ofthe acid particles have reacted, ‘ditional care must be taken by wearing safety goggles instead of glasses, # Figur 2 Reacting copper oxido with hot suite ald © Scanned with OKEN Scanner The reactivity series 9 Metals reacting with oxygen ing what happens when metals react wih eer poce ther in he ext sees rive and potassiom ae shiny when fresh igh on exposure to en er By observing what happen ye react we start to reconnise Fattorns. Magnesium is abway® Frore reactive than copper. BY with 8 baht white fame iris sensible to look away sher neat 15 gs iter may aso be ised magnesium + Oxy90N —> magnesium oxide copper + Orygen —> copper oxide 4 Displacement reactions omgen in the ait cut but immediately to protect you wing he, ae Bann arg i A i mcg pn in ‘metals in severs! co Girart rections ast or sis pen metals 2 with OY meals ome of reactivity can be determines For example — Drei that metal. 5. you add tnt copper softs ane + The reactivity series of metals f Pe : ees = Pe ery eae sustres coie with ters est fom e ey sdtslecement eect 2 metals to ur Ametal place an Figure 4 Zine and copper sulfate istiniemrngaa cei ens acting hoes inane icp crt aceemante by pre manne pore meals (cements). Tey not fom compounds es a se cae aeipoea « fore reactive etl ie calum ad auium are ony found You shouldbe able to make prediction 2 Figure 2 The reactivity ea of metas > Metals reacting with water Obse fven though aluminium is quite reactive, itis often window frames. When aluminium f white aluminium oxide quick rer over the aluminium and preve ay aking place, so the window frame d Qsiow you can what happens when metals react with water helps place the reactivity series + Ptasum ects vl nd ut nte las asthe hydogen produced cathes reo ave tse a safety se to vew is cine en iy at ee pon ed vtogen very slowly, but much more quickly if it is heated in steam, * « Cope doesnot ree ticeably with water or steam, When metals react with water, metal hy When wet ater, 2 metal hydroxide and hydrogen are formed, For example: ea 2K(s) io water — potassium hyd +2H,0() + 2kOH(a9) de+ hydrogen + Hh(a) me iron sulfate solution available Figure 3 Potassium reacting ace cs ehyrogen Se ofthe diferent pieces of metal using Sandpaper before we use laboratory? 4 Why are the group 1 metals stored under ol? 15 Explain the products you would expecta plece of zinc and a pece of magnesium were placed in ‘copper sifate at the same © Scanned with OKEN Scanner Bettas mios Co and | tive metals, such 35 5 2 compounds and _s ee 4 ead: it is mainly lad sue > Extracting metals from their ores ie es in obtaining 3 pur 5 ‘re and extracting very sila. The rocks 4 fom underground age mae sed quae. Sometimes get to particular valuable om the oe fogs Saha ae sy the principles ofthe ectvty sere ar use. Once taken You wil notice the addition of non-metal - carbon This is because it would not be sensible to use one meal to extact another, as all metals are valuable resources. Carbon sedi available a coal or charcoal and is also very cheap. Figure 2 samp of 6 ang Auiniun (Carbon) 4 Zinc Iron lead Copper least react # Figure 3 Apart ofthe reactty fees of metals extracting metals with carbon ou fitremembe that» more reactive sbstanc Sie es ctv satsce om _ nds. Tat exactly what hoppers ky eerie withthe compound fo hy pon cath is below It nthe reactivity sein my wample theo malachite contains the for end copet carbonate When is bested comp anges to make Copper oxide. This can then fed with carbon to extract the copper” oe pe react bon —> carbon dioxide bon dioxide + copper cpp ate scat mo + © 4 Oy is reaction doesnot happen at room feature. It requires very strong heating to a reduction reaction to extract the metal. The compound craton a) {F002 SUC Of xg, otherwise happen ect th the apes A pe air and reform al oxide, the metal and los ting asthe reducing agent. a rer A sto wari a sane Questions }—— 1 Why do we nt use carbon to extra 12 Why do we not use carbon to extract alumi? 2 Wie a word equation forthe extraction of tin rm tn oxide sig carbon. 4. Why is a chemical reaction needed to extract a metal fom itso 15 Complete te balancing of ths equation, which shows the reaction between kon and carbon: -+Fe+ C0, 2Fe:0s+C nite pel arale —" jnsen baer Se. Figure 4 Garetng copper the aboratony 3 scale this would happen inside a blast furnace . Coke, a pure sample of carbon, is h a copper orion. a type of decomposition e metal oxide, we use or broken down to relea In these examples, carbon is duction reactions in Topic 10. Oso you can... n © scanned with OKEN Scanner 9 z FI bE 3 oy - Hy ® ry Es F & 2 Fe FI @ 5 g with electricity Extractin' + industrial-scale extraction ibn an industrial Level there are more ges to consider Mating the meta i Grarequves high temperatures and is quite 7 = sing with carbon wil Grgerous. The whole system is therefore or more reactive metals rr Gog, Aluminium ganged in steel 30 Done ofthe malten ann, ! at work 0 nate cary 19008 thrOUDh eects escapes. was ! trae first entracted inthe i ro maximise production, sever electrodes ! = To med to pase more cuent through the | mim ee eon a ie To give maximum suface wea the smperatre of is ined withthe regativeelectce. see SG Wo uminiom i separated out from the SS an ee & mn atoms from the axide form molecules of orygen gas and Same Je sears conte en edness > Extracting metal from molten ore ag a next nactie el cn by CoE ee 3 energy from electricity, making the process vey expensive. in water ors rlten. Once Generating electricity by si fuels produces electrolyte due such as C0,, which contribut is condcting pop Freenhouse effect and global warming, Lickly the heating A etal ore ia compound formed betnen a metal gnpite electrode Ce ee in eco grihite 2 Set heat sources are needed electrodes are needed. These are often made of a i ne i . graphite a special typeof carbon that can conduct ee electricity. Carbon is used because i i ess em meter tae «page cog erratic ae Despite all the challeng 1€ costs involved it is still worthwhile irene solution extracting metals, which shows just how valuable they are. Show you can. Once attached to an electrical supply, the electrodes wil bec placed in an electro! he circuit wil i 5 ‘reduced by the electrical current, ae 7 ae 2 Which compound does bauxite mest contain? 3 Which electrode (postive or negative) do each ofthe folowing form at 4) the metal by the non-metal? b 4 Why is there no flame to heat the bauxite to keep it molten during electrolysis? 15 List the challenges with extracting metal using electrolysis and suggest ways in which these are overcome 72 13 © scanned with OKEN Scanner -+ The properties of metals Oo es e@ — \ mod Net = 2 ‘aot — contrat Dneuldl)— tic ting point — thermometer < ‘+ Figure 2 The properties and some uses of metals meta atoms bond together they are ald ahy by date, wren cor come from the ote ‘hala G tre mentored er tike 8 glue, F als can be explained based on this model, 15 ‘The electrons Holding the metal ator together Your knowiedge of atorric ructure, withy the GFOUD 1 Thence wy they can be cn «Figure 3 How metals bond together for example: + metals are hard and strong because the atoms are held together so strongly « they conduct heat well because the atoms are held closely together « they conduct electricity because the electrons in the glue are free to move and carry the electrical current * they are malleable and ductile because you can push against the layers of the atoms and the electron glue will move with them, holding the atoms together in the new arrangement. You will remember that pure samples of metals do not always give the best set of properties. Metals can be combined to make alloys. This means that two or more different types of atoms are held together by the electrons. Review Topic 4 in Book 1, to see how allovina metals affects their nennertiae © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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