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2124/23, 6:56 PM Cates 16 Personality Factors Test Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly disagree agree not agree disagree take time out for others. © ° ° ° ° I know that 1 am not a special person. © ° ° ° Itake control of things. © © ° ° ° Liry to forgive and forget. ° © ° ° [keep in the background. = Oo © 0 0 can't do without the company of others. ® ° ° ° I trust others. oO 0 0 © 0 Tam not easily frustrated. ° © ° ° Tcheer people up. © 0 oO ° Toften feel uncomfortable around others. ° © ° e} Iseldom feel blue. © 0 oO ° I dislike myself. © ° ° ° Ttake charge. ° © ° ° et others make the decisions. ° ° © oO I believe in the importance of art. ° ® ° ° ike to get lost in thought. © ° ° © ° I wait for others to lead the way. © © ° ° ° Jam willing to talk about myself. ° © ° ° 1 find it difficult to approach others. © ° ° ° Tenjoy my privacy. OQ © ° ° ° I swim against the current. Oo Oo © 0 0 1 feel guilty when I say "no." Q ° ° ° ® Tam hard to get to know. © ° 0 © ° Idon't talk alot. ° ° ° ® Ibelieve in one true religion. ° 0 ° © Tam not easily annoyed. © ° ° ° ® I feel crushed by setbacks. = © ° ° © ° 1am afraid that I will do the wrong thing, = © © ° ° ° enjoy being part ofa loud crowd. © ° ° ° I weigh the pros against the cons. ° © ° ° Ido unexpected things. © ° © ° ° I get angry easily. — O ° ° © ° Tam quiet around strangers. = © O oO Oo Idon't mind eating alone. ° © ° ° Imake people feel at ease. © ° ° ° Tuse my brain. ° ® ° ° Thave a good word for everyone. ° 0 © ° feel desperate. ° © ° ° Twant to be in charge. = Q. O° O° © O° htps:Vopenpsychometris.orgtests/18PF php 18 2124/23, 6:56 PM Cates 16 Personality Factors Test feel comfortable around people. ° © ° e} Tam the life of the party. 0 0 ® oO Idon't let others discourage me. © ° © ° ° Lenjoy being part ofa group. ° ° © ° Hove to daydream. ® ° ° I distrust people. ° ° ° Iworry about things. © ° ° Tam not easily bothered by things. © ° ° Irespect authority. © ° ° ° Ido things that others find strange. © ° I skip difficult words while reading. §— ° O° T feel comfortable with myself. © © ° Tam exacting in my work. © oO ° tend to analyze things. Q 0 © Tcontinue until everything is perfect. © ) © Tbelieve that people are basically moral. ° ° Tam quick to judge others. © ° © Tam relaxed most of the time, ° ° enjoy silence. ° I show my feelings. ° 1 judge people by their appearance. I prefer variety to routine, I never challenge things. 1 can't stand being contradicted. I try not to think about the needy. Tam easily put out. Iprefer to do things by myself. 1 get irritated easily. I know the answers to many questions. trust what people say. ike to stand during the national anthem. Love flowers. 1 find it hard to forgive others. eave my belongings around. 1 feel others’ emotions. et myself be pushed around. 1 don't like crowded events. I enjoy hearing new ideas. Tact wild and erazy. Tread a lot. I try to follow the rules. DDDODDODODODOD0G®GO0G®0O00000 ®PPOOCCHOOVDDDDDDOOOBOO0GOO0O0O GO 8080080 ODODODOOOOOOO0O00OOCOOO0O0O0000 TO®P®OOCOGOHOHOHOGHD00DC DOOD GOGOBOBOGOGOOC0BOB®BOO O9DODOOO0000 htps:Vopenpsychometris.orgtests/18PF php 215 2124723, 6.56 PM Tenjoy wild flights of fantasy. Tuse swear words. I don't worry about things that have already happened. I say what I think. Tam easily hurt. enjoy spending time by myself. I don't mind being the center of attention. I seldom get lost in thought. 1 seldom daydream. I suspect hidden motives in others. 1am not interested in abstract ideas. Tam easily discouraged. Tam not affaid of providing criticism, I disclose my intimate thoughts. I don't like action movies. Twant everything to be "just right.” 1 feel threatened easily. Tam the last to laugh at a joke. enjoy discussing movies and books with others. 1 joke around a lot. Thave a poor vocabulary. 1 dislike loud music. I make insightful remarks. 1 enjoy bringing people together. I get chores done right away. Treflect on things before acting. Iam not bothered by disorder. I don't like to get involved in other people's problems. Tbreak rules. I can take strong measures. Hove large parties. 1 do not like poetry. I believe that others have good intentions. Heave a mess in my room. 1 put off unpleasant tasks. oppose authority. I resist authority. I readily overcome setbacks. T get confused easily. I know how to comfort others. Lam open about myself to others. htps:Vopenpsychometris.orgtests/18PF php ° ° ° ODODDOOOO000 80 OOO000 800°C ° OODO00090000000 Cates 16 Personally Factors Test O®P®OOCOBO0GB00008 © OOOO BOBOBODBODD0B®O8HO000 2 0 @®OOCHGGOCGD00G08®8 @PO®00CG0C0O00G000 O®@ OOO00®@D0C ®POBOGPOCCOGO0D0GOODDD0O0O GO HHHOOO0GBOO00000000000 ° OODODODVDOD0DDDDDDDDD0DO00O0000 c 50000 OO@®00 315 212423, 6.56 PM Irarely notice my emotional reactions. Tamuse my friends. Tove to think up new ways of doing things. I dislike works of fiction. 1 do not enjoy watching dance performances. 1 start conversations. I make friends easily. often feel blue, 1 counter others’ arguments. 1 am not interested in theoretical discussions. Iseek quiet Thave frequent mood swings. Hearn quickly. I rarely look for a deeper meaning in things. Tike to read. Tkeep my thoughts to myself, Tiry to avoid complex people. I reveal little about myself. 1am not bothered by messy people. 1 consider myself an average person. ike order. avoid philosophical discussions. 1 am annoyed by others’ mistakes. ety during movies. Tam not really interested in others. Ibelieve that people are essentially evil. I know how to get around the rules. Tseldom joke around. I carry the conversation to a higher level. I spend time thinking about past mistakes. talk to a lot of different people at parties. Thottle up my feelings. I want to be left alone. take an interest in other people's lives. Lam wary of others. enjoy teamwork. Thave litte to say. I believe laws should be strictly enforced. 1 do things by the book. Tam open about my feelings. I believe that people seldom tell you the whole truth. htps:Vopenpsychometris.orgtests/18PF php ° ° ®P®O0O000C00000 ODODODOOODOODOO0OOCOOOO0O0O000 Cates 16 Personally Factors Test ° 0 POOPOPOHOHO0088C ®@OPOCGCO®GO08O OO OOO0000000C ° ° oo ° Oo Oo 000000000 DOOD G®O®HMOO @o @®@@®Oo0000C OCOOGO GOGO GB008O® DDO GHPHHHHOBBHBOBSOO0O0008O OO000 C ODDDDD0000000 OODODOOOO00000 O9DODOOO0000 45 Ttake deviant positions. —

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