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1. What role do elements such as uranium, thorium, iron and nickel,
found in the depths of the earth's mantle, play in protecting our planet
from the sun?
Uranium, thorium, iron and nickel are elements found in the mantle terrestrial
and in the core of the Earth and play an important role in the protection of the
planet against the sun's radiation. First, iron and nickel are the main
components of the nucleus of the Earth and its movement generates a magnetic
field that protects the planet from charged particles from the solar wind,
therefore this magnetic field deflects the charged particles, creating a kind of
shield that prevents them from damaging the atmosphere and the terrestrial
surface. Second, uranium and thorium are radioactive elements that
They are found in the Earth's mantle and give off heat as they break down. This
Heat is an important source of energy that contributes to the movement of plates.
tectonics, which in turn helps maintain the stability of the earth's crust and
protects to the planet of solar activity.
2. What makes Oxygen have been decisive in the passage of life from
water to dry land and that it still is today?
The passage of life from water to land was a long and complex process that
involved many factors, but one of the most important was the presence of oxygen
in the terrestrial atmosphere. As cyanobacteria and other organisms
photosynthetic cells began to produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis,
the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere began to increase. Due to this increase
in oxygen could allow the development of more complexes that could carry out
aerobic respiration and obtain energy in a more efficient. In simpler words,
oxygen allowed the development of organisms with more advanced circulatory
systems, which in turn allowed the colonization of drier terrestrial environments
and this led to terrestrial organisms
They also benefited from the oxygen in the atmosphere, as it allowed them to
breathe more efficiently and get more energy from nutrients. Today, the Oxygen
remains crucial for life on Earth because most of it Aerobic organisms, including
humans, depend on oxygen to perform breathing and getting energy.
Furthermore, oxygen is a key component in many biogeochemical processes, such
as the decomposition of organic matter and the formation of ozone in the
atmosphere that protects the Earth from solar radiation harmful.
3. Explain why CO2 makes Venus the hottest in the solar system even
though it is not the closest planet to it. How does the thermal
regulation system of planet Earth work? What is currently the
problem with that system?
CO2 is a greenhouse gas, which means it traps heat in the atmosphere. of a
planet and holds it back, raising the surface temperature On Venus, the
atmosphere is composed mainly of carbon dioxide, which makes the surface
temperature of the planet is extremely high, even higher than that of Mercury,
the closest planet to the Sun. On Venus, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere acts
as a "firewall" that prevents the heat generated by solar radiation
from escape into space. Solar energy reaches the surface of the planet and heats
it up, and then the heat is transferred to the atmosphere.
The atmosphere, in turn, acts as a kind of "blanket" that retains heat
and returns to the surface. This results in an extremely high surface
temperature on Venus, which is around 462 degrees Celsius, much hotter than
any another planet in the solar system. In addition, the atmosphere of Venus is
very dense, which it means that there are a large number of carbon dioxide
molecules present. Is Atmospheric density also helps keep heat near the Earth's
surface planet and prevent it from escaping into space. In short, carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere Venus acts as a greenhouse gas and traps the heat generated
by the solar radiation, resulting in an extremely high surface temperature
Although Venus is not the closest planet to the Sun, its dense, CO2-rich
atmosphere makes it become the hottest planet in the solar system.
How does the thermal regulation system of planet Earth work? Which
currently the problem with that system?
The Earth's thermal regulation system is based on the energy balance between
the amount of energy the planet receives from the Sun and the amount of energy
the planet emits into space. Energy from the Sun enters the Earth's atmosphere
in the form of electromagnetic radiation, and some of it is reflected by clouds and
the surface of the planet, while the rest is absorbed by the atmosphere, oceans,
and surface land. Objects that absorb this radiation emit it back as heat, and
part of this heat is emitted into space, while the rest is absorbed by the
atmosphere and resent back to the planet's surface. This process is known as
The greenhouse effect.
The current problem with Earth's thermal regulation system is that the activity
humankind has altered the energy balance of the planet. burning fossil fuels and
deforestation have increased the amount of greenhouse gases, especially carbon
dioxide, in the atmosphere. As a result, more heat remains trapped in the
atmosphere and is resent back to the planet's surface, which results in an
increase in global temperature. This phenomenon is known as change climate.
4. Why is the documentary talking about “the living Earth? Is it
important what this concept implies when managing disaster risk?
The current problem with Earth's thermal regulation system is that the
activity Humankind has altered the energy balance of the planet. burning
fossil fuels and deforestation have increased the amount of greenhouse gases,
especially carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. As a result, more heat remains
trapped in the atmosphere and is resent back to the planet's surface, which
results in an increase in global temperature. This phenomenon is known as
change weather.
5. Issue a conclusion around the concept of ecological balance and its
relationship with disasters
In conclusion, the concept of ecological balance refers to the natural balance that
exists between living beings and their environment. When this balance is
broken, either by the action human or natural factors, ecological disasters can
occur and affect seriously the health and well-being of living beings. Natural
disasters, like earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions are inevitable events
on Earth, but there are also disasters caused by human action, such as
deforestation, pollution and climate change. These disasters are the result of a
lack of ecological balance and can have serious consequences for life on Earth.
For the Therefore, it is essential that measures are taken to maintain the
ecological balance and prevent disasters. This implies protecting ecosystems,
reducing gas emissions greenhouse gases, promote sustainable agricultural and
forestry practices, and educate people about the importance of conservation and

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