Thermochemistry Practice Problems Key

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EEN TC Chapter 5 - Thermochemistry - Practice Problems 1, Copper metal has a specific heat of 0.385 J/g raise the temperature of 22.8 g of Cu from 20,0°C.t0 875°C. A) 197x 1053 B) 10x 1073 C) 3291 ¢B) 731 E) 10.5 kJ Gers x at e pain yu 0385 To (@45-20)3 AY ‘alculate the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 12.0 g of water from 15.4°C 10 93.0°C. The Si heat of water = 4.18 J/g-°C. A) 0.0275 B) 3245 (C) 3895 D) 9313 B) 3,890] Gemese Ae yi, T = l29% te (43-15 Yee 24 3. How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 2,500 g of water from 27°C to 72°C? The specific heat of water is 4.184 I/g.°C. °C, Calculate the amount of heat required to Aan | B) 10.kF ©) 280k) 470k) 750K Games _ 2 yio,7o T . 7500 f Arla T_ (72-222 = AS 4, A beaker contains 115 g of ethanol at 18.2°C. Ifthe ethanol absorbs 1125 J of heat without losing heat to the surroundings, what will be the final temperature of the ethanol?” The specific heat of ethanol is 2.46 J/g: A) 4.08°C_ B) 141°C C) 18.4°C (D)22.2°C E) 36.4°C Wage T eS 97 246 D2 (tg - lend iG) ues F weve’ 22r\R Co Wtris How ‘many degrees of temperature rise will occur when a 25.0 g block of aluminum absorbs 10.0 kJ of heat? The specific heat of Al is 0,900 J/g.°C. AL OA4C B) 225°C C) 225°C D) 360°C (Ease qe Se At joooo T = 2S Ar OTT» At = wa z xe 6. 1f 325 g of water at 4.2°C absorbs 12.28 kJ, what is the final temperature of the water? The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/ A) 421°C B) 48°C C) 9.0°C @©)32c E) 2,938°C qe td x S ebt ) q* mre~(te-*% 2 B08 y% WIT _ (te 4DY'C ai . ae ss, tures (R230 i" ” 7. A glass containing 200. g of H2O at 20°C was placed in a refrigerator. The water loses 11.7 kJ as it cools to a constant temperature. What is its new temperature? The specific heat of water is 4.184 J A) 0.013°C B) 4°C © CD) 14°C E) 34°C qm Se AE Huq = —|l4oe ~ 20d aA Eine with a mass of 218 g has a heat capacity of 83.9 J/°C. What is the pecific heat of copper? S 0.385 Jg-°C D) 1.32 Hg°C By 1.83% 10'/e-°C BE) 24.5 Ig°C ©) 260Mg-°C Ce we ax Gx - 0°385 = Se G. = Ss = ° mm 218 4 g°e 9. The specific heat of gold is 0.129 J/g-°C. What is the molar heat capacity of gold? A) 0.039 Jimol-°C_ D) 39.0 kJ/mol-°C B) 0.129 J/mol-°C BE) 197 J/mol-°C 25.4 Wmol-°C Venole aé gold = 19697 3 S x moley roass (46°94 9 = 10. Octane (CsH1s) undergoes combustion according to the following thermochemical equation: 2CsHisil) + 2502(g) > 16COx(g) + 18H:0(1) AH an = = 11,020 kJ/mol. molar hea Lk capacity = = O29 FT Given that AH°COx(g)] = -393.5 kJ/mol and AH°{H20()) 85.8 kJ/mol, standard enthalpy of formation of octane. @ 210 kJ/mol D) = ~420 kJ/mol -11,230 kJ/mol E) 420kJ/mol C) 22,040 kJ/mol Alam = Hp 7 Hrener + 7 _f: y+ 250 a0 [e(-anaes) + 19 285-8] ~ [Cat Ceta) + 22P| 020 Ke cane — stay | ~ [2(Abe t14)} ’ 1020 Kee hin = —y44or4 + O20 2 = — 2lo kT m of 11, Glycine, C:HsO;N, is important for biological energy. The combustion reaction of glycine is given by the equation ACHSOIN(s) + 90g) > 8COx(g) + LOH:O(1) + 2N2(g)— AH? an = 3857 ki/mol Given that AH®(COx(g)} = ~393.5 ki/mol and AH {H;0(1)] = -285.8 ki/mol, calculate the enthalpy of formation of glycine. 3 ~537.2 kJ/mol 268.2 kJ/mol C) 2.149 ki/mol Aer = Hprods - H > (ec — 3857 = “¢ayng 28S%)] [alae D) -3,178 i/mol E) -964 kJ/mol vent 3-5) + lof- 25-2) +2 (P)) -L4 (ate CH 0,4) aeons tl H)fa = 5272 ST ve 12. Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation of liquid methanol, CHsOH(1), using the following information: C(graph) + 02 + COxg) = ~393.5 kJ/mol Ha(g) + (1/2)02 > H20(1) AH? = -285.8 kJ/mol CH:OH(!) + (3/2)02(g) > COxg) + 2H200) AH ‘Alig pHcO.N = (—60064.385 AH 26.4 ki/mol =1,691.5 kJ/mol D) 47.1 ki/mol g ) -238.7 ki/mol E) 47.1 ki/mol 1691.5 kJ/mol Alyn. = H pred ~ 4 veact _F2h+y = (6243-5) +26 28S" 2)| - [Gs cHyott )+2(6D/ Aig CHyoH Fags HFK = -2989 =, 13. Calculate the standard enthalpy change for the reaction 2CsHial) + 170g) > 16CO(g) + 18H:0(1). ven: CaHis(l) + 2502(g) 9 16COx(g) + 18H:0(1) AH? 1 —11,020 kJ/mol 2 x 2+ 2COVg) + Oxg) > 2COxE) = -$66.0 ki/mol <— A) 10.450 ki/mot @ 6.492 kI/mol B) 6,492 kJ/mol 10.450 kJ/mol C) 15,550 kJ/mol cy BN 16 Cop 7 162 t BOR ANE a(+ $66) = Ae Ig 16 a6 A * ERD COE RS 2Cahi, * ye By = -)1020 7 44523 = E49 ze Thad 14, During voleante eruptions, hydrogen sulfide gas is given off and oxidized by air according to the following chemical equation 1g) + 30g) > 2SOxg) + 2HO(g) lculate the standard enthalpy change for the above reaction given eve eS 3Sis) + HO(g) > Hy 2) + SOx) AH? = 146.9 kJ/mol —14er 4 B® Sis) + Oxg) > SOXg) AH® = 296.4 kI/mol 3 —22 1 -2 @ 1036.1 mot D) 443.3 kimot let KE 742.3 ki/mol EB) 742.3 ki/mol wet C) 149.5 ki/mol —S — IN: 2H3S+4 502 — 35+2420 \ay ~ ‘orn Ne 35 s+ 303 Duos + 50% + L—__ 15, Calculate the standard enthalpy change for the reaction CoHistl) + 21042) + 8CO(g) + SCOxg) + ISHLO(). Given: Ne20 2CsHisil) + 250%) > 16COxg) + ISH2O(1) — AH® = ~11,020 kJ/mol om = 4 * 2COlg) + Oxg) > CONE) AH? = -$66.0 kJ/mol +2264 1.0454 x 10* mol D 6.492 ki/mol EB) 1.0454 10 ki/mot wer'7 Af -8.756 kJ/mol © 1.1586 x 10" ki/mol $603, _> z O° + YO, 16, Calculate the enthalpy of reaction for Ha(g) + C2Ha(g) > C2Ho(g) [AH «CHa(g)) = 52.3 Ki/mol; AH°(CoHa(g) Meret Bewson Hyer > = [—#4-9]-[s2-3 + c joe = BS 17. The enthalpy of combustion of acetylene bed by 4g) + (5/2)O% 2) > 2C 1299 K/mol ‘alculate the enthalpy of formation of acetylene, given the following enthalpies of formation AH°{COxg)] = 393.5 kJ/mol AH" H:00)] Mam © Hope 84,7 kJ/mol] -j294 2 £203 -1399 ee 48% - ANs GH = loz +294 18. Given the following AH? values, [+ Hig) + 4Oxg) + 1:00) AH 2 H:0x(1) > HxXg) + Oxg) AH nn = 187.6 K/mol calculate AH" ry for the reaction H20x41) + H20(1) + % avant 4 + 0, > thd + yes 19. A 26.2 g piece of copper metal is heated from 21.5°C 10 201.6°C. Calculate the amount of heat ar by the metal. The specific heat of Cu is 0.385 J/g-°C. TewrSxd . 2 2era ge O7> aS T_»~ (2016-215) Z ay SA — ar | = 262 O° BBS x reo tTH| 1216 °F SJ | 20. Find AH®;0 for the reaction CHA(g) + 20x) > COxg) + 2H20(). AH® (CHa(g)) = -74.8 kJ/mol; AH"; (COxg)) = ~393.5 kJ/mol; AH®; (HO(1)! kimol] 1 Atlyen. © Hpe rd Hres ~2IS+S $(B*-28S> SH 2Na(s) + 2H20(1) + 2NaOH(ag) + 2Ha(g) (AH* (NaOH(ag) 426.8 kJ/mol, AH®; (HOW) Allyn ys = H peed: = ie . [2(- 4260) 42°] - = 3536457) = 23. The specific heat of silver is 0.235 J/g-°C Tew munya TE many joules of heat are required to heat 475 g silver spoon from 20°C to 35°C? em eS < At a 5 Fn (3g-20) 285.5 kJ/mol] d+ 228 I

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