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Logging On to

1. To log on to
Developer/2000, go to Start
Developer R2.1 and select
Builder (See Figure 8.1)
Logging On to
1. To log on to
Developer/2000, go to Start
Developer R2.1 and select
Builder (See Figure 8.1)
Logging On to
1. To log on to
Developer/2000, go to Start
Developer R2.1 and select
Builder (See Figure 8.1)
Logging On to
1. To log on to
Developer/2000, go to Start
Developer R2.1 and select
Builder (See Figure 8.1)
Logging On to
1. To log on to
Developer/2000, go to Start
Developer R2.1 and select
Builder (See Figure 8.1)
Logging On to
1. To log on to
Developer/2000, go to Start
Developer R2.1 and select
Builder (See Figure 8.1)
Form Builder
Logging On to Developer/2000
1. To log on to Developer/2000, go to Start Developer R2.1 and select Form Builder (See
Figure 8.1)

Immediately, you will see

the window for
Developer/2000 Form
Builder for
Windows 95/NT with the
sub-window for Welcome
to Form Builder.
Immediately, you will see the window for Developer/2000 Form Builder for Windows
95/NT with the sub-window for Welcome to Form Builder.

Select 'Use the Datablock

Wizard' and click OK--This is
the easiest method to
design a new form.
4. You will now see the
Welcome to the Datablock
Wizard Window. Click Next to
Select 'Use the Datablock Wizard' and click OK--This is the easiest method to design a
new form.
4. You will now see the Welcome to the Datablock Wizard Window. Click Next to
You will now see the window
for the Datablock Wizard.
Select Table or View as
in the figure and click Next
You will now see the window for the Datablock Wizard. Select Table or View as in the
figure and click Next

You will now see the window

that prompts you to select a
table or a view--your
form will be created based on
this selection. Since no table
or view is being
shown, click on browse to look
at the list of tables and views
in your database.
You will now see the window that prompts you to select a table or a view--your form will
be created based on this selection. Since no table or view is being shown, click on browse
to look at the list of tables and views in your database.
Once you click browse, the
connect window will appear.
Type in your username,
password and database to
connect to the database.
Once you click browse, the connect window will appear. Type in your username,
password and database to connect to the database.
You will now see the tables window. Select current users and tables and click OK.
You will now see the list of tables created in your database. Select Students and click

You will now see your selected table and its available columns on your screen. Click on
the single right arrow to select the first column to be shown in your
form; in this case the STUDID column. You will now see this column under the database
items selected sub-window.

To move the rest of the

columns, simply click on the
double right arrow and this
will select all your columns in
to the database items.
To move the rest of the columns, simply click on the double right arrow and this will
select all your columns in to the database items.
You will now see the
Congratulations window.
Make sure that "Create the
block, then call the Layout
Wizard" is selected and click
on Finish.
You will now see the Congratulations window. Make sure that "Create the data block,
then call the Layout Wizard" is selected and click on Finish.
Report Builder

Invoking Report Builder

To invoke Report Builder, select Report Builder from the Developer/2000

R2.1 program group from the Windows NT Program menu.

It is not necessary to connect to the Oracle database immediately. Report Builder

prompts you to enter the connect information when it needs to access the database.
You have not reached that point yet.

When you invoke Report Builder, it displays a dialog box that asks where you
want to start:
Choose Use the Report Wizard and click OK.

Building a Report with the Report Wizard

The Report Wizard guides you step-by-step in creating a report. It uses what you
specify to create a data model and layout for the report.

When Report Builder starts the Report Wizard, you see the following screen:

To build a report with the Report Wizard, take the following steps:
1. Bypass the opening screen by clicking Next.

2. In the next screen, enter a title for your report. Enter Best & Worst Sellers.

3. In the same screen, you can also choose among various report formats.
When you select a style, the wizard displays a preview of that style on the
left side of the screen. Choose Tabular and click Next.

4. The next screen prompts you for the SQL SELECT statement that will form
the basis of the report. You can enter the statement directly if you know the
syntax, or you can build the statement using the built-in Query Builder.
For this exercise, click Query Builder.

5. Because the Query Builder needs to connect to the database to provide you
with a list of database objects that you can access, it displays the Connect
dialog box. Connect using the following:
o Username: samplestar
o Password: samplestar
o Database: dmdb

Click Connect.

6. After you connect to the database, the Query Builder displays the Select
Data Tables dialog box, which shows the list of tables to which you have
access. To identify the best-selling and worst-selling products, you need to
include the PRODUCTS and SALES tables. Double-click
You can also include a table by selecting it and then clicking Include.

7. Click Close.

Now, the Query Builder should look like the following screen:
The line connecting the two tables indicates that the Query Builder is aware of the
join columns that link the two tables, based on the foreign key constraint definition
stored in the database.

To identify the best-selling and worst-selling products, you need to calculate the
sum of the number of units sold and the sum of the amount of the sales for each
product. To add columns showing the sums to the query, follow these steps:

1. Click in the SALES table box to highlight the box.

2. In the Query Builder toolbar, click the Define Column button.

3. In the Defined Columns field of the Define Column dialog box,

type sum_units.

4. Place the cursor in the Defined as box and click Paste Function.

5. In the Paste Function dialog box, select the SUM() function.

6. Click OK.

7. In the Define Column dialog box, click Paste Column.

8. In the Paste Column dialog box, select the column UNITS.

9. Click OK. Now, the Define Column dialog box should look like this:
As an alternative to the previous steps, you can type the expression
SUM(UNITS) in the Defined as field.

10.Click OK.

11.Repeat steps 2 through 10 to define a new column to show the sum of sales.
Define the column sum_sales to be SUM(SALES).

When you complete the steps, you should see the two sum columns in the SALES
Next, you define the columns by which the query will be sorted. Take the
following steps:

1. In the toolbar, click the Sort button.

2. Double-click the ITEM_DESC column to move it to the Sorted Columns

box. Then, click the ITEM_DESC column to activate the Sorting Order
section. Click Ascending.

3. Click OK.
Next, you select the columns that you want in your query. You select a column by
double-clicking it.

1. Select the following columns:

o sum_units
o sum_sales

The UNITS and SALES columns are checked automatically when you
check the sum_units and sum_sales columns:

2. You can inspect the SELECT statement that will be generated by clicking
the Show SQL button on the Query Builder toolbar.
3. Click Close to close the Show SQL dialog box. Then, exit the Query Builder
by clicking OK.

At this point, the Report Wizard displays the SQL Query Statement box, which
shows the SELECT statement that you just generated.

Finishing the Report

To finish the report, take these steps:

1. Click Next to continue.

2. In this step, you choose the columns that you want to display in the report.
Select all of the columns by double-clicking each column name to move it to
the Displayed Fields box.

3. Click Next.

4. Now you can choose the columns for which you want to calculate totals.

However, if you select any columns in this dialog box, the calculation will
be performed by the Reports engine. First, the Reports engine will retrieve
all of the required data, and only then will it perform the calculation. For
large amounts of data, it is far more efficient to perform the calculation on
the server. For this reason, you defined the summary columns in the Query
Builder in the previous exercise. The calculation is performed as part of the
SELECT statement, so that the result set returned by the query already
contains the calculated data.

Skip this step by clicking Next.

5. The next screen gives you the opportunity to modify the column labels and
the column widths. Make the following changes for the ITEM_DESC
a. Position your cursor in the Labels column and change the
ITEM_DESC label to Item Description.
b. Position your cursor in the Width column and change the width from
10 to 35.

6. Click Next.

7. Click Predefined Templates and choose Confidential Heading Landscape.

8. Click Next. Then, click Finish to finish the report.

The wizard produces a report that it displays in the Live Previewer:

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