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I. E.

Inmaculada de la Merced


REA: INGLES LEARNING ACTIVITY No 12 FULL NAME: . SECTION:.. ROLL NUMBER: DATE:.././2011 TEACHERS: Maria Snchez Mejia William Chavez Quispe

Complete the chart below to test. How well you do thing.

Utiliza expresiones de manera para opinar sobre el desempeo de las personas de su entorno desarrollando su asertividad y respeto.

How well can you () Very well Speak Spanish Sing Dance Play the piano play the flute cook Swim in the beach
2. Complete the pictures with right adverbs


Not very well

Not at all

Brindamos una educacin integral, cientfica, humanista, basada en los principios evanglicos y en la espiritualidad mercedaria; formando jvenes lderes, emprendedores, con conciencia ambiental, para lograr mejor calidad de vida.

I. E. Inmaculada de la Merced


MANNER ADVERBS A. MANNER ADVERBS QUALIFIES THE VERB. It tells you how people do things. They are formed from adjectives by adding ly. Manner adverbs answer the question How a) slow careful careles bad clear beautiful inmediate quick rapid wonderful B. POSITION a) After the verb He runs quickly V M.A. They paint beautifully V M.A. C. ADJECTIVE VS ADVERBS An adjective describes a noun (a person or a thing) or is linked with it by a form of to be. (am are is was were) a beautiful woman she is very beautiful An adverb describes how something goes on or is done and often modifies a verb. b) After the verb + object She speaks English well V. ob M.A. He looks at me angrily V. ob M.A. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ dangerous polite intelligent easy lucky heavy happy crazy angry _________ c) _________ _________ _________ _________ d) _________ _________ _________ _________ good hard fast scientific historic economic dramatic _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


she sings very beautifully

a slow car

the car goes very slowly

his speech is very fluent

Peter speaks English very fluently.

We meet at the usual place.

We usually meet at school.

We make the adverb by adding ly to the adjective. Some adjectives and adverbs have the same form. Remember: fast fast hard hard good well friendly friendly

Brindamos una educacin integral, cientfica, humanista, basada en los principios evanglicos y en la espiritualidad mercedaria; formando jvenes lderes, emprendedores, con conciencia ambiental, para lograr mejor calidad de vida.

I. E. Inmaculada de la Merced


CLASSWORK 1. Form Adverbs from the adjectives in brackets and write them in the blanks: GOOD LOUD SLOW EASY HEAVY BEAUTIFUL HARD ECONOMIC RAPID 1. Old people walk____________. 6. English is easy. I learn it__________. 2. My parents work_______ to get money. 7. Guerrero plays soccer________. 3. Michael Jackson sings___________ 8. My classmates speaks________ in 4. Astronauts walk________ on the moon. class. 5. Ramn Ferreyros drives cars 9. ___________, Peru is in bad condition. very______. 10. Firemen act_______ to avoid fires. 2. Rewrite the using Manner Adverbs: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Shes a good swimmer. They are neat writers. I am an efficient worker. You are a careles driver. We are hard students. He is a quick speaker. Shes a careful cleaner. They are bad cook. She They I You We He She They _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________



Deadalus and his____________ son, Icarus, had to escape from Crete. Icarus worked___________, and made a ___________pair of wings for himself and his son. The wings were made of feathers and wax. Before they left Crete, he told his son two things. He said, you must fly________. Dont fly too________, because the ____ sun will melt your wings. They left Crete and flew_________ up into the blue sky. Icarus___________forgot his fathers words and began to fly________. He flew too high and the sun melted his wings. He fell into the_______blue sea and he died_________.
4. Read and answer these questions Theres a Soccer match on TV. Today Sporting Cristal is playing Cineciano. They are both good teams. They Usually play well but today Cineciano is playing very well and Cristal is playing badly. a. Whats on TV today? ___________________________________ b. Which teams are paying? ___________________________________ c. Are they good tennis? ___________________________________ d. How is Cineciano playing today? ____________________________________ e. How is Cristal playing? ___________________________________ Johan Paker is an excellent driver. He always drives slowly, carefully and well. All his friend say John is a good driver. Hes very carefully. a. Whats his name? ___________________________________ b. Is he good or bad driver? ___________________________________ c. Does he drive well or badly? ___________________________________ d. Is he a fast driver or slow driver? ___________________________________ e. How does he drive? ___________________________________

Brindamos una educacin integral, cientfica, humanista, basada en los principios evanglicos y en la espiritualidad mercedaria; formando jvenes lderes, emprendedores, con conciencia ambiental, para lograr mejor calidad de vida.

I. E. Inmaculada de la Merced


5. Look at the pictures and answer the questions. How does it sing? How does she play tennis? How does he drive?

(awfull) (good) IT SINGS AWFULL SHE _________________ How does he write poems? How does Barney draw? (careless) HE _________________ How does he dance?

(beautiful) BARNEY ____________

(neat) HE ___________________

(bad) HE ___________________

Answer the following questions, USEFUL EXPRESSIONS I think... In my opinin I believe that Well, I think that

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

How does your mother cook? How do you draw? How does your father play soccer? How do you behave in class? How do you do your homework? How do you greet your friends? What kind of cook are you? How do you swim? What kind of student are you? How do you dance? _________________________________

Brindamos una educacin integral, cientfica, humanista, basada en los principios evanglicos y en la espiritualidad mercedaria; formando jvenes lderes, emprendedores, con conciencia ambiental, para lograr mejor calidad de vida.

I. E. Inmaculada de la Merced


HOMEWORK 1. Read the conversation and write each adverb properly. Check the words you dont know. My job is killing me!
STEVE: PHIL: STEVE: I __________ (absolute) hate my life. My job is killing me! Whats so terrible about it? I have to work overtime almost every day. Because I come home late, I _________(brief) see my kids before they go to bed. On the weekends, they wake up early and hang out with friends, so I dont see them then either. I can __________ (hard) remember the last I took a real vacation or did something really fun! No one ever said life is easy. I can deal with a Little hardship. Thats not the problem. I just thought life would have more opportunities for me, and I wouldnt face the same sort of worries my parents had. If it makes you feel better, I always used to feel like you, too. My old boss once said that his 20s were fun, his 30s were terrible, and his 40s were fantastic. He____________(constant) worried about money and the future during his 30s. he had trouble making ends meet. Was he right? More or less, I suppose so. My 30s were quite stressful with more and more work responsibilities. But my 40s have had fewer worries. I dont have to ______________(careful) plan the business side of my life to find time for my wife and kids. I have more money too. So, I have to wait____________(patient) for another six years! It would seem so!





2. Complete each sentence by using the adverbs into the box (before change all the words to adverbs of manners). FRIEND HIGH BAD QUIET HEAVY DEEP CLEAR DIRECT IMPATIENT SHY FREE TRUE SPECIAL SUDDENLY IMPATIENT WRONG bad SLOW DANGEROUS MOTHER In my new job office, I can work __________. The prisioner was____________ accused. John is _______ qualified for that kind of job. The nurse spoke________ to the patient. The Windows is _________ painted. Tommy is studying_______ is the living room. It is snowing _________ up in the mountain. My nephew doesnt speak very__________. The firefighter made her decision _________. Mark was waiting for his girlfriend_________. My boss called me and went______ to the point. My aunt behaved in a _______ way when I was sick. The new manager spoke _________ to the staff. My father is ______ concerned about the new economic measures. Sheila found that her friend is ________ in love with her. This bunch of flowers was ___________ chosen for you. Terry is a dangerous driver. He drives___________. Yesterday, there was a football match. Roy was a bad player. He played _________. If you walk so___________ you will miss the bus. Carla is impatient. Carla is waiting for her friend___________.

Brindamos una educacin integral, cientfica, humanista, basada en los principios evanglicos y en la espiritualidad mercedaria; formando jvenes lderes, emprendedores, con conciencia ambiental, para lograr mejor calidad de vida.

I. E. Inmaculada de la Merced


Brindamos una educacin integral, cientfica, humanista, basada en los principios evanglicos y en la espiritualidad mercedaria; formando jvenes lderes, emprendedores, con conciencia ambiental, para lograr mejor calidad de vida.

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