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After discussing the 

different  ethical principles, do you think cutting down of trees is

considered ethical?

I would say that cutting down trees is NOT considered as ethical. Trees as we all know
are vital to not only our existence but also for the animals as well. Lesser trees in our
planet means there would be no balance in the ecosystem. Trees widely provide
oxygen which we all need to survive in a daily basis. For animals, trees are shelters
where they could reside if forests are to be cut down there would be disturbance in their
ecosystem leading them to residential areas. Applying the biocentric view on this stand,
all forms of life have an inherent right to exist, this applies to trees and the animals
affected. Early extinction of animal species due to hunting because they are starting to
look for shelter in areas where humans actually live. This is an ethical dilemma that one
should consider rather than focusing on the benefits it could give them. There is a much
larger scale that would be tipped if humans continued to exploit forests.

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