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Gatungay, Janessa P.


“There are more losers than winners in globalization. "

Globalization is a worldwide phenomenon that brought multiple opportunity to individual

through building stronger social connections and closer relations to those who are from another
countries. It has an immense impact which can be felt in our daily lives such as access to
advance technology, product can cost lower, immersion to different cultures (cuisines,
entertainment, products), etc. However, amidst the grandeur that globalization projects there are
more losers than winners. The rich continues to get richer while those who are living in
paycheck-to-paycheck can find it hard to provide for their needs (Gaille, 2018). Investments are
flourishing for those who are financially capable as opportunities to expand to international
assets is easier. They would continue to gain creating a capitalistic market for majority of the
middle to low income earners.

Furthermore, globalization can threaten the health environment. The free trade
contributes greenhouse gas emissions and micro-plastics from production of goods and
packaging harms marine life because of irresponsible disposal (Gaille, 2018). Huge production
and distribution of goods are made every day to cater demand of consumers. Companies that
successfully penetrated international market looks for countries with a weak environmental
protection to achieve their full production capacity (Josephson, 2022). Without the limitations of
regulations, they can operate freely even if it damages marine life or increases all kinds of
pollutions. These actions would result to lower quality of living for those residing near
manufacturing factories. It can threaten the biodiversity of the area harming people’s health,
animal habitats, and ecological balance. All in all, globalization benefits those who are leading it
mainly businessmen or politicians who gains in big international transactions. The capitalistic
advances has enormous returns for them but not for those who consumes them. As suggested
by the hierarchy of social class the small portion of the rich continues to win although majority of
the average and poor loses. The winners would always have the privilege to avoid
consequences, which they contributed to, brought by globalization and still gain from it. The
losers will then have to live by it surpassing struggles through their own practical ways.

Gaille, L. (2018, December 20). 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization. Retrieved

September 18, 2022, from


Josephson, A. (2022, August 24). Pros and Cons of Globalization. Retrieved September 18,

2022, from

Velocity Global. (2020, March 30). Globalization Benefits and Challenges. Retrieved September

18, 2022, from



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