PET SB Unit 1 and 2

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Emma Heyderman and
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Map ofthe units 4

lntroduction 6
Preliminary for Schools content and overview 7

1 My life and home 8

2 At school 16
Vocabu/ary and grammar review Units 1 and 2 24
3 Havingfun 26
4 On holiday 34
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4 42
5 Different feelings 44
6 That's entertainment! 52
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5 and 6 60
7 Getting around 62
8 lnfluencers 70
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8 78
9 Stay fit and healthy 80
10 Looks amazing! 88
Vocabu/ary and grammar review Units 9 and 10 96
11 The natural world 98
12 Express yourself! 106
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 11 and 12 114

Grammar reference 116

Phrasal verb builder 141
Irregular verb list 143
Writing bank 144
Speaking bank 152
Extra resources 163
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Unittitle Reading Writing

- - - - - - - -- - -

Part 5: 'Sonio's home ' - living on o boot

Reoding for understonding of vocobulory .. Part 2: Listening for 5 e .
Two candidotes doin:s c,r, in~
Pen, ,ngP a¡,,_.

Part 6: 'On their woy to school ' - an Emily tolking about her ex . .....____
A post about whot you u sed to do ot
unusuol school journey in Chino primory school exchonge student Periences----.._
Part 2: An article on whot mokes o
Reoding for detoiled understonding of Part 1: Seven short text -
words ond sentences . s 0bout d.
greot se h oo I Two con d 1dates doing s . a,Iy¡¡,.
¡----------,..._________________J...:.u_s1_·n..::g:...o_ m_i_nd_ m_o....:pc__to__:..p_lo_n_o_n-:--o_n_s_w_e_r_,...__ _ _ _ _ __ __Peak, ngPa,13'
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 1 and 2
Part 3: 'Ariono's hobby - sond sculptures ' Part 2: A story obout o doy out Part 4: Ryon Porilla _ an I nsto .......____
Reoding for detoiled understonding Plonning poragraphs photographer 9ram
Talking o~out o skiing holi doy
Two cond1dotes doing Speok
ing Port¡
Part 1: Identifying text purpose Part 1: An emoil Discussing o quiz ----....._
Suggesting where to go in o city ond Part 3: 'A bushcroft skills coursef
whotto do peo ple' ª' Your:
A fomily discussing their next haliday

Different feelings Part 4: 'How I deolt with stress '

Vocabu/ary and grammar review Units 3 and 4
Part 2: A story Part 2: Listening for focts, opini~
Identifying the topic of o poragraph Using odjectives to describe feeling feelings . . j

Identifying linking words (this, then, do, Two cond1dotes domg Speaking Part\
a/so, however, etc.)
Part 2: 'Turn off the TVond go out! Part 2: An orticle obout o celebration Elizo ond Bello plonning o night out
Selecting events from on entertoinment in your country Part 1: Seven short texts about doilylile
guide Using the correct style for on orticle Two condidotes doing Speoking Part l

Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5 and 6

üi - ... Part 1: Identifying text purpose Part 1: An emoil

Useful emoil expressions
Part 4: Olivio tolks obout extremelyheaii
snow while travelling in Itoly
Identifying distracting information
Mio ond Owen discuss getting to the stmic
on time
Two candidates doing Speoking Part 2

{:l .. Famous fomilies

Part 6: An article about Hannoh Alper, o
Part 2: An orticle obout o person you
Part 3: ' How to beco me famous onYauTut•
Completing notes
fomous influencer Using correct spelling and Corter ond Will discuss presenters for o
punctuotion YouTube chonnel

Three condidotes doing Speoking Part l
Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8

.. .. Part 3: 'Teenager Julia Ryan talks about
Part 2: A story about feeling nervous Part 2: People talking in six different
Using a range of post tenses to explain situations .,.
. h 1yau n«•
Identifying opinion and attitude what happened Identifying the situatIon and w 0
to listen far
Two condidates doin g Speoking port
Part 2: 'Our top picks at the Street Food Part 2: An article Part 1: Seve n short texts abou
market' Li stening carefu ll y far informotion
. g port 2
Selecting places to eat Two candidates daing Speo kin
¡Speaking - - _ _ 1Vocabulary ___ ___ _ __ _ 1G_r-ammar-_ __ --- -- - - -
Part 1: soying your neme, how cid -s endings /s/, /z/ House ond home Prepositions of time
you are, where you live ond study ond /rz/ Countoble ond uncountoble nouns Frequency odverbs
Present simple ond present continuous
Stote verbs
a few, a bit of, many, much, a lot of ond lots of
Prepositions of place
Part 3: Discussing o new lunchtime -ed endings /d/, /t/ A typicol school doy Post simple
club for students ond /Id/ fail, pass, take, lose, miss, study ond teach Post simple ond post continuous
Agreeing ond disogreeing do, eam, hove, make, spend and take usedto
Moking o decision So do I o nd Nor/Neither do I

Part 2: Describing o picture -ing endings /í]/ Leisure octivities Verbs followed by to ar -ing
Exploining whot you con see ond Prepositions of place
where things ore Phrosol verbs
People's hobbies
Part 3: Discussing where to go in o Weok forms in Holidoy octivities Comporotive ond superlotive odjectives
capital city comporotive travel,joumey ond trip a bit, a /ittle, slightly, much, far, a lot
Moking suggestions ond giving structu res Buildings ond places notas ... os ...
reasons big and enormous (grodoble ond non-grado ble

Part 4: Describing personal Modal verbs : weok Feelings can, could, might, may (ability ond possibility)
experiences ond strong forms Adjectives ond prepositions should, shouldn 't, ought to , must, mustn't, have
Asking other people what they think Adjectives with -ed ond -ing to ond don 't have to (odvice, obligotion ond
Adjectives of emotion ond their opposites prohibition)
Part 3: Discussing plons foro festival Controstive stress Television progrommes Present perfect
Moving on to o new subject Going out just, aiready ond yet
been/ gone, meet, get to know, know ond since ond for
findout Present perfect ar post simple?

Part 2: Describing what peo ple ore Word stress in Weather extreme/y, fairly , quite, rather, real/y ond very
doing in photos compound nouns Compound words too ond enough
Adding new points, ond correcting The future: wi/1, going to , present continuous ond
yourself present simple
Describing things you don't know Prepositions of movement
the neme of
Part 1: Answering general questions Conditionol Phrosol verbs Zero, first ond second conditionols
Tolking obout your doily routine ond sentences: Describing people When, if, un/ess + present, future
whot you like Contracted words Adjective prefixes and suffixes
Adjective arder

Part 4: Discussing sport, fitness and Word stress: lllnesses ond occidents which, that, who , whose, when ond where clouses
heolth ogreeing ond Sports (defining ond non -defining)
Showing ogreement ond polite disogreeing go, play ond da Post perfect

Part 2: Describing everydoy objects Connected speech: caurse, dish, food, mea/ ond plate Commonds ond instructions
in photos linking sounds Shops ond services Hove something done
Explaining whot things are made of
ar used for

Part 4: Discussing woys to help the Word stress in The natural world The possive: present ond post simple
environment longer nouns Nou n suffixes Comporotive ond superlative odverbs
Giving exomples

Part 1: General questions lntonotion in Collocotions: using your phone Reported speech and reported commonds
Talking about habits ond routines direct and indirect ask, ask for, speak, talk, soy ond tell Reported questions
questions Negative prefixes lndirect questions
... ·- -..
• • •••••••••••••••
••• • ••• ••••••••••-
1 Preliminary for Schools content

and overview
• art/Timing \, ~;¡~~~ - - • . " ' ,.
.... :"l ,, < ~~i:\:.-,,:;... 1 E;am focus·:,~.~;;,,.,.,. - ,,_, ·~- ... ~"- .,· .!!
1 Part 1 Five very short texts: signs and messages, Parts 1-4 and Part 6: Candidates are expected to
Reading postcards, notes, emails, labels, etc. followed by five read for the main message, global meaning, specific
4-5 minutes three-option multiple choice questions. information, detailed comprehension , understanding
Part 2 Five descriptions of people to match to eight of attitude, opinion and writer purpose and inference.
short texts. Part 5: Candidates are expected to show
Part 3 Longer text with five four-option multiple understanding of vocabulary and grommar in a short
choice questions. text, and the lexico-structurol patterns in the text.
Part 4 Gapped text where five sentences hove been
removed Candidates must select the five correct
sentences from a list of eight.
Part 5 Four-option multiple choice cloze text with six
gaps. Candidates select the word which best fits each
Part 6 An open cloze text consisting of a text with six
gaps. Candidates think of a word which best suits
each gap.

2 Part 1 An informal email. Candidates write an email Candidates are mainly assessed on their ability
Writing of about 100 words in response to a text. to use and control a ronge of Preliminary -level
4-5 minutes Part 2 An article or story . There is a choice of two language. Coherent organisation, spelling and
questions. Candidates are provided with a clear punctuation are also assessed.
context and to pie. Candidates write about 100 words.

3 Part 1 Short monologues or dialogues with seven Candidates are expected to identify the attitudes
Listening three-option multiple choice questions with pictures. and opinions of speakers, and listen to identify gist,
approximately Part 2 Six short unrelated dialogues with six three- key information, specific information and detailed
30 minutes option multiple choice questions. meaning, and to identify, understand and interpret
Part 3 Longer monologue. Candidates complete six meaning.
sentences with information from the recording.
Part 4 Longer monologue or interview. Six three-
option multiple choice questions.

I+ Part 1 A short conversation with the interlocutor. The Candidates are expected to be a ble to ask and
Speaking interlocutor asks the candidates questions in turn, understand questions and make appropriate
12 minutes using standardised questions. responses, and to talk freely on topics of personal
Part 2 An individual long turn for each candidate. A interest.
colour photogroph is given to each candidate in turn
and they talk about it for about a minute. Each photo
has a different topic.
Part 3 A two-way conversation between candidates
(visual stimulus with spoken instructions). The
interlocutor sets up the activity .
Part I+ A discussion on topics related to the
collaborotive task in Part 3. The interlocutor asks the
candidates the questions.


• •• •• • •
• •
Starting off

o • •

Work in pairs and answer the questions .
The pictures show four bedrooms. Tell each other

what you can see in the photos. •
Which room is most like yours? Which is the most
different? Give reasons.

• What changes would you like to make to your room? •
• When you go away, what do you miss about your •

Listening Part 2

O Work in pairs . Tell your partner about these things.

• 1,n
• Before you listen, quickly read the first - eof
each question and underline the key wo rd s.
• the building where you live
• the street where your home is • Don't choose an answer until you

• a place where you would like to live hove heard the whole text for that
9 vou will hear people talking in six different situations.
With your partner, look at questions 1-6. Who will you
hear? What is the situation in each conversation?
Prepositions of time
Page 116 Grammar reference
Prepositions of time
1 t¡., io {Yte.ilÁs, 1A ~At -tke._i1 v,ioul~ Uke. -to Uve. tfl. O Exam candidates often make mistakes with prepositions
1 You will hear two friends talking about the kind of flat of time. Choose the correct option in italics.
they would like to live in . 0
1 1sometimes leave work@/ on the evening.
They agree that it should
2 On / In summer, you must come to Poland.
A be on one of the higher floo rs.
B have at least three bedrooms.
on / at 4 o'clock.
3 1'11 see you
4 We usually go to the beach at / in the morning.
C be close to public transport.
5 1go shopping in / on Saturday.
2 You will hear a boy telling his friend about changin g
school. What does he say about it? 8 Complete the table with phrases from ttie box. Think of
A He finds the lessons hard. more phrases to add to the table.
B He still misses his old school friends . 5 o'clock 2020 bedtime half past four July
C He thinks his new classmates are unfriendly. 25 May my birthday Sundays the afternoon
the holidays thi. weel1ene weekdays winter
3 You will hear a girl talking about a trip to the beach.
What did she like best about it?
at m on
A swimming in the sea (with times of (with parts of the (w1th days and
B going on a free boat trip the day and the day, years, months dates)
e playing volleyball weekend) and seasons)

4 You will hear two friends talking about the town where -tke.v-ie.e.keM
they live. They agree that
A there's too much traffic.
B sorne parts of it are dangerous. O When do people do the things in the pictures? When do
C it's smaller than they would like. you do them? Use prepositions of time.

5 You will hear a boy talk ing to a friend about a shop.

So rne people go by bu s very early in L . __ __
What does the boy think about the shop?
the mornin g. 1 gel the bus at 8.15.
A There aren 't enough assistants.
B The prices there are reasonable.
C lt se lis a wide variety of items.

6 You will hear two friends talking about their homes.

The girl says her room would be better if
A it was quieter.
B it was a lot bigger.
C it was sometimes warmer.

O For each question, choose the correct answer. Listen

again and check your answers.

O Think of the three best and worst things about the place
where you live. Use the ideas below, or your own.
Work in small groups and compare ideas.
• how big or sm all it is
• interesting places to visit
• the people who live there
• traffic and public transport
• how safe it is
things for young people to do
o Make sentences 1-8 from Exercise 3 ..
· necessary ' 1efory
the frequency adver b s, 1f
. r~e 01
and compare your sentences. n\\<a~
Frequency adverbs
Page 116 Grammar reference: 1rarely listen to music on the radio.
Frequency adverbs
Really? ! listen to music on th"-
o Read about daily habits in Julian's town. How similar is 0
10 a11,,

it to life where you live?

o work in pairs. How often do you do th e t~
p ictures? Use .
express,ons l'k
I e every da,
h- ·
'/, once
and twice o month. 01
OH- ~s, 3ef Uf UVffl
MUi, eijlvt o'c/,Q-d MUi, t/u;' MAi-e cereai 1text my best friend
far breaijtWt. TheJ MAi-e úuuJr, a,t a,.you+ui, o'c/,Q-d every day.
dat,s- D ~ h w,,u,a/J,y a,t ainJ-wt ux..
Petrp{,e dlm't w,,u,aUy30 to 6-ed /,a,te. TheJ rift"en 30 to
6-ed a,t ten.

o Work in pairs.
1 Do frequency adverbs like often, sometimes and
usual/y go before or after the main verbs
(like go or hove)?
2 Which is correct: frequency adverb + be, or
be+ frequency adverb?
3 Where do we usually put longer frequency expressions
like every doy or most doys?

O Complete the sentences with the words in brackets.

1 1listen to music on the radio. (occasionally)
1 OCCASlOKA(~ lis-te.11. -to mu.sic 0 11. -ttt_e. Y-Av\lO.
2 1 check my phone for messages. (every two hours)
3 l'm late for school. (never)
4 1 write emails to friends. (sometimes)
5 1 don't have lunch at home. (always)
6 l'm sleepy in the morning. (almost every day)
7 1go out on Monday nights. (hardly ever)
8 1 stay in bed late. (most weekends)

Reading Part 5

O Work in small groups. Look at the pictures on page 11. O Read the article without filling in the gaps.
• Tell each other about the homes in the pictures. Answer the questions.
• Which would you like to have a holiday in? Which 1 What kind of text is it? (e.g. a story, an article ...)
would you like to live in ali the time?
2 Which photo matches the text?
• Do you know of other un usual places to live?
3 Which four of these points are in the text?
• Sonia goes to lots of places and does exc,
• Look at the words befare and after each gap.
. . • She doesn't meet people of her own age.
• Don't look at the gaps yet. Read the text to get • Her education takes place on the boat.
a general idea of the type of text, its tapie and
• Living on a boat has sorne disadvantages. t"el
the main points. h 'son 11
• She doesn 't usually feel afraid when s e
• Try each of A, B, C and D in the gap.

e Which has the right meaning and

fits the grammar of the sentence?
, Read the article below and for each question, choose the
correct answer. Use the questions in ita/ics to help you .

Most teenagers live in flats or houses, but right now Sonia Ruiz
is waking up somewhere in the Pacitic Ocean because her home
is a 20-metre boat. She has (1) ... . . . .. . . over halt her
lite sailing with her mother and tather, who are both scientists.
Sonia's un usual (2) ... . .. ot lite means she regularly
sees wha\es and gets to swim with dolphins, and she has
(3) ........ .... ... ........ .... friends al\ over the world. She does her
schoo\work online and her studies are going wel\.
Lite on board , though , is sometimes uncomfortable. Space
is limited , so there are no wide-screen TVs or sott sotas.
Bad (4) ... ... .... ........... that \asts for days is common,
(5) .... in winter. Storms at sea can be frightening,
although modern boat equipment usua\ly helps sailors
(6) .............. ........... them.

Sonia \oves her boat and she nearly a\ways tee\s sate on it. She
contacts friends by using social media and whenever they get
together, they have great tun in the sea and on the beach.

1 Which word do we use with a period of time?

A passed B used e taken D spent
2 Which noun often goes with 'of life'?
A path B way e road D track O Work in small groups. Which of these would you like?
3 Which verb often goes with 'friends'? Which wouldn't you like? Give reasons .
A added B formed e caught D made • often going to different places
4 Which noun often goes with 'bad'? • rarely seeing friends
A climate B forecast e weather • never going to school
D temperature • making new friends around the world
5 Which adverb means 'especia/ly'? • having very little space at home
A particularly B extremely • living close to nature ali the time
e completely D absolutely

6 Which verb means 'keep away from'? O Do you think it's good for a teenager _to live like Sonia?
A prevent B control e avoid D remove Why / Why not?

My lile ood ha=

4J] 11
u¡.¡,,¡,,¡.¡- o Make questions using the present simple
contmuous. Add or change words 1f neces
. orth,

Present simple and present continuous 1 what / 'habit ' / mean? 1
2 the school bus/ stop/ in your street?
Page 117 Grammar reference
Present simple an d presen t con tinuous 3 who / watches / the most / TV / in your ho
use, .il
Page 118 Grammar reference 4 you / prefer / to get up / early or late? ·
Sta te verbs 5 everyone / talk /to/ their partners / at th e
O Match the extracts from the article (1-5) with the uses of 6 what colour clothes / you / wear / today?
the present simple and present continuous (a-e) . 7 who / sit / behind / us / in this lesson?

1 Most teenagers live in flats or houses . e,

s what / you / sometimes / forget /todo¡ in th
morning? e 4
2 Sonia Ruiz is waking up somewhere.
She regularly sees whales.
Her studies are going well.
o Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions froíl\
Exercise 3 .
5 Sonia loves her boat.
Wh at does ' habit' mea n?
a something that happens regularly

b something in progress, but not at the present moment lt m ea ns som ething you 0-ft '
e verbs not normally used in the continuous .....__,_
Do the task below.
d something happening at the present moment
e something that is generally true • Use the present continuous to_ write three questior,

about what your partner 1s domg, thinking or feel :
Complete the email with the present simple or present now, e.g. Are you feeling good? ir,
continuous form of the verbs in brackets . • Use the present simple to write three questions abr
what your partner likes, wants or prefers, e.g. Doy;·
••• •
prefer weekdays or weekends?
Ask and answerthe questions.

Hi David, O /PI /si, /z/ and fu/

1(1) . .'.;.t .(l,lÚ-tÍ~ ... (write) to you from our hotel, Try saying these words . Which ones end with /s/? Whii~
right next to the sea! 1 (2) .. ................ ............... (sit) in my end with /z/? Which end with /rz/?
bedroom right now, which (3) .. .... . .. ........ (have) a
big window, and 1 (4) .... .... . . . .. .... ... (look) out across belongs cate hes cha nges chooses does 1
the waves ata little island . 1(5) ... .. . ... ........ (love) finishes forgets gets goes likes lives love, I
it here, and in the evening I sometimes passes plays practises prefers sees
(6) ... . .......... (stay) here and watch the sun go
speaks studies thinks uses walks wants
down .
washes wears works

Every day, we (7) .. .. ........ (go) for a walk a long
the cliffs. The weather (8) .. . . . .. .. ... (get) hotter Work in pairs. Think of a friend or family member. Tell
every day. lt was 35ºC yesterday! But we always your partner these things about them .
(9) .. . . ... ... (leave) the house early in the
• facts, e.g. She tives in . .. , she belongs to .. .
morning while that cool wind from out at sea
(10) .. . . .................. (blow). 1(11) .. .. • things he or she often does, e.g. He often p/ays ...
(have) a really good time here, and 1 • something your friend is doing around now, e.g. ShE;
(12) ... .... ....... .. (not want) to go home! learning Spanish.
• what you think your friend is doing right now, e.g. Hi
wa/king home.
O Now ask your partner more questions about the frieni
or family member.
Vocabulary Grammar
House and home a few, a bit of, many, much, a lot of and lots of
O Which of these does your home have? Page 118 Grammar reference
a few, a bit of, man y, much, a /ot of, /ots of
a ba lcony a bathroom a bedroom a dining room
a garage a garde n a hall a kitchen
o Look at what Gina says about her free time. Then
complete the rules with countab/e or uncountable.
a living room stairs
don't have much time to watch TV. There aren't many
O Look at the pictures. Where can you find the things from

programmes l like and I usually have a lot of homework

the box? in the evenings. After that, 1often like to do a bit of
exercise. Sometimes my friend comes to my house. We
talk a lot and we play a few video games. That's lots of
armchair bath blankets chest of drawers cooker fun!
cupb oards cushi ons dishwasher duvet fridge
microwave mi rror pillow rug sink sofa taps
t oilet towe ls wardrobe washing machine 1®141~
l For small numbers with .. ................ nouns we use
2 For small amounts with . ............... . .... nouns we use
a bitof.

3 With ................................ nouns in questions and negative

sentences we use much.
4 With .................................. nouns in q uestions a nd negative
sentences we use many.
5 We use a Jot of or Jots of for large amounts or numbers.
We use them with countable or uncountable nouns.

. 6 lf there is no noun, we use a lot instead of a lot of.

O Choose the correct option in italics.

1 1puta bit of / a few make-up on, but not many / much.
2 lt doesn't take many / much time to wash those clothes
and it only takes a lot of / a few hours to dry them.
Countable and uncountable nouns 3 l've gota bit of / a few video games but I can't buy any
more beca use they cost much / a /ot of money.
Page 118 Grammar reference 4 Those new light bu lbs don't use many / a /ot of
Countable and uncou ntable nouns

o Choose the correct option in italics. Check with the

extract from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary.
electricity, so /ots of / much people are buying them.
1don 't use much / many shampoo, justa bit of / a few
drops. My hair always goes dry if I use a lot / a lot of.
1am looking for new fumiture / fumitures for my room . 6 There isn't much / a /ot space in my bedroom so I don't
keep a bit of / many things there.

f~rniture noun [U] {;¡¡¡J

objects such as chairs, tables and beds that you put into
O Work in pairs. Ask your partner what he or she likes
doing at home. Use expressions from Exercise l. Which
, a roollil or building.
answer most surprises you?
1 ~ommon Learner Error
~ e cann~ ke fumiture plural. Do not say ' furnitures'. Do you watch much TV?

o Look at the extract again. What tells you the noun

furniture is uncountable? What letter do you think there
1watch a few programmes. But I spend
a lot of time at home playing the piano.
is for a countable noun?

o Think about the kitchen in your home. Write down three

countable and three uncountable things you can find
there. Tell your partner. My life and home (
Speaking Part l
• Work in pairs. Ask and answer the quest·
Exerc1se 4. Use the correct prepositions • 11
• 111

•n Your an
Prepositions of place 1Mlllj
Complete the dialogue with the correct for
Page 119 Grammar reference verbs in brackets and prepositions of plac rn (: f the
Preposit ions of place e and t'1
page 152 Speaking bank
Speaking Part 1
1 11\
1 1 Exam candidates often make mistakes with prepositions q
like at, in and on. Choose the correct option in ita/ics. 1
1 Sometimes we play on / at his house.
2 He sometimes goes running at / in the park. 2
3 We usually stay in/ at home playing computer games. 3
4 There's a window on / in the left of my bed. 4
5 1normally spend my day in/ at the beach.
6 1 have sorne photos in/ on the wall.

O Work in pairs. Tell each other about your apartment 6

or house. Describe each room and what's in it. Draw a
picture of your partner's home. Show it to your partner.

O Complete the gaps with at, in and on.

Matteo: How old (1) .. . Av:e. ~01L . (you / be), Alba?

school a town Alba: l'm 15. My birthday was (2) .... . March.
work a country Matteo: And where (3) .. . ... . .. (you / come) frorr
home my room Alba: 1live (4) . .. ........ Manresa, a town about 60
kilometres from Barcelona.
Matteo: Who (5) ... ...... .... . ... ... (you / live) with?
Alba: With my parents and my little brother Miquel,
who 's still (6) . . . primary school.
Matteo: How (7) ...... ............ ... ........ .. . (you / go) to school?
Alba: 1usually go by bus, but (8) ... . spring and
summer I so m etimes walk.
Matteo: What (9) . . .. (you / enjoy) doingin

your free t ime?
Put the words in order to make questions. Then match Alba: Well, 1 really like seeing my friends
the questions with the answers. (10) . . the evenings and
(11) . . weekends, but I often stay
a (12) ... ....... ...... home and read .
1 your / what 's / name? In Ancona, a town on
0)/v\-!:'s ,00L,(Y- KAwtel
the coast, in ltaly.
b Yes, because I enjoy
O Listen and check.
2 old / you /are/ how?
talking to people in e{~
3 live / where / you / do? English.
4 at / English /do/ study c l'm 13. 1'11 be 14 next
/ school / you? month. • In the Speaking exam, be friendly and polite when
5 it / you / like / do? d Matteo Bianchi. you meet the examiners and the other candidate.
e Yes, 1 have English • Speak clearly and loudly enough for the
lessons every day. examiners and your partner to hear you.
• G ive longer answers by adding details
such as places and times of day.

O: •nsfroni
Work in new pa i rs. Ask and answer the questio
Exercise 6.
Writing Part l O Read Frankie's reply and answer the questions.
1 How many main paragraphs does Frankie use?
page 145 Writing bank
An email 2 Which paragraph deals with each of the notes?
3 How many sentences does Frankie write about
O Work in pairs. Look at the exam task and answer the 4
each of the notes?
In Frankie's email, find prepositions of place,
prepositions of time and frequency adverbs.
1 Who has written to you?
A le.x, ~owr 6~llsk-spMkl~ {v-lrn.Á.
2 What do you have to read?
3 What kind of text must you write? •••
4 What news does Alex tell you first? How do you feel From: Frankie
about this?
5 What does Alex ask you next? What information must
you give? HiAlex,
6 What does Alex ask you in the third sentence? l'm so happy you can spend a fortnight at my place.
7 What does Alex ask you last? l'm really looking forward to it!
Summer is lovely here. 1usually spend August on the
coast, so July would be the perfect time.
Read this email from your English-speaking friend
1 live in a three-bedroom flat on the fifth floor, in a
Alex, and the notes you have made.
quiet neighbourhood . lt's comfortable, with modern

• •• furniture, big windows anda large balcony where 1

sometimes have barbecues at weekends .
lt hardly ever rains in July, so l'd recommend
bringingjust light clothes, plus your swimming
From:Alex costume. There's lots to do here and l'm sure we'll
have a fantastic time.
See you in the summer!
Many thanks for inviting me to
come and stay with you for a Frankie
couple ofweeks. l asked my mum

and dad and they said yes! - - - - ' Bv-llllA11.H
Plan your own reply to Alex. Use each of the notes as a
Which month would be best for
me to come? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SA~ v,ike,11. heading and write your own ideas below them.

We've never really talked about AfVÁ v-ik~.

your home. What's it like?·-----¡l)e,scv-lbe. lt
l'll start planning my trip today.
Whatshould I bringwith me? -
See you soon!
Alex ... - lt's 5v-e.A-l:
tkt-\t ...
Say when and why

Write your email to Alex, using ali the notes.

• Write your email in about 100 words.

Begin and end in a friendly way.
Use paragraphs, one for each of the notes.
Write at least one sentence about each of the notes .
• You must answer this question in the exam.
• Try to use frequency adverbs and prepositions of place
• Read the instructions and the email that's and time .
included in the question . Who do you hove
to write to? Which points must you
• Check your partner's email. Has your partner:

include? • organised the email like Frankie's?
• written about all four notes on Alex's email?
, Note down ideas and plan your reply.
How many paragraphs will you need? written about 100 words?
My lile and home
At school

Reading Part 6

O Match t he sent ences (1- 4) with the photos (A-O). Don

complete the ga ps for now.
Starting off 1 At Brooklyn Fre e School, there (1) .. ne

A typical school day exams, homework or marks. The students make

(2) . .. . . . rules.

O Work in pairs . Put the activities from the box in order to

2 In t he School of the Future in the USA, the student!
don 't have (3) . .. .. . . . buy books. They use
make a typical school day. Add your own ideas. a co mputer (4) .. ................. ... is connected to the
, internet.
do homework go home have a break 3 0restad Gymnasiu m in Denmark is a school
have lunch at sch ool make notes (5) •···· ...... ... ..... ...... cl assroom walls. More than l,OO~
pay attention set off for school work in groups students study in open-learning zones where teac'
walk arou nd helping (6) ..
-i se.:t off fov- sc/1.ool 4 lf (7) . . . . . . .. live on a huge continent like ay
O Work in pairs . Look at the photos and answer the
Austra lia, your nearest school might be hours aw oi
Students who live too far (8) . . .i ª sc :~sc
questions. study at the School of the Air and rece1ve their 1
• What can you see in each photo? over the internet.
How do you think they are connected with different
types of school?
O What type of word is missing in each gap (1- 8) in
Exercise 1 (a verb, a preposition, etc.)?

. dwrite 0r
• Read the sentences from Exercise 1 agarn an
word in each gap.

O Look at the photo. Where do you think these children are
going to school?

8 For each question, write the correct answer.

Write one word for each gap.

10 $(HOOL
The children (O) of ......... Gulu, which is
a small village in China, used to have
(1) .... .......... un usual journey to school. Their
village (2) ... . located in a deep valley
surrounded by mountains and it took them five
hours to get to their school. The pupils had to
climb up a mountain along a path that was
(3) ............. ............... narrow in places that they
were in danger of falling into the valley below.
Thei r teacher, Shen Qijun, ran this school
(4) ................................. over 26 years. Although his
students enjoyed school, only two of
(5) .................................. went to university. Everything
changed when a newspaper wrote a report and
this journey to school beca me famous. The local
government decided (6) . ..... close the
school beca use the journey was too dangerous.
People sent money and the families could afford
to send their children to the town below the
mountain to attend school there.

C, What do you like about your school? What would you

• Without filling in any of gaps 1-6. quickly read like to change? Make notes on the ideas below. Add your
the text to find out what it's about. own ideas.
• For each gap, look a t the sentence and decide
classrooms and facilities
what kind of word (e.g. a preposition)
j ourney and location
is missing.
rules, homework and exams
• Read the sentence again and think teachers and subjects tim etable
of the word which best fits the gap.
O Work in groups. Tell each other your ideas.

l'd like to have new desks in th e classroo m.

Th ese on es are too small!

1would like to walk or cycle to school.
1 don't like goin g by bus every day.

Vocabulary Grammar
foil, pass, take, lose, miss, study and teach Past simple
O Exam candidates often make mistakes with foil, pass, Page 120 Grammar reference
take, lose, miss, study and teach. Complete the sentences
with words from the boxes. o work in pairs. Last year, Emily went to Mex·
. ico c¡ t

( _ _ _ _fa_i_l _ p_a_ss__ta_k_e_ _ _ _)
an exchange student. What d1fferences do y
found between her life in Canada and her lif:~
>' to
ink 1
in Me,·
1 We have to ............ L\.ke. ........... an exam at the end of this
course. (= do an official test)
ndrews Cana
2 1hope 1.... ..... .. .......... the exam and get a good mark.
(= be successful in an exam)
3 l'm studying a lot beca use I don 't want to
........................... my exam . (= not be successful in an

( ______l_
_is_s _ __ _~)

4 1don 't ~ant to . : . . .. ... . my class. (= not go to

somethmg or amve too late to get on a bus, a train ,
etc .)
5 1often ... . ......... ... .... my keys . (= not be a ble to find
something or someone)

( ____l_e_
a r_n__s_tu_d_Y__t_e_a_c h
_ _~ )
6 1want to .............. ................... how to ride a horse.
(= get new knowledge or skills)
7 My dad 's going to .............................. me how to cook.
(= give new knowledge or skills)
B My brother would like to ............................... biology at
university. (= go to classes, read books, etc. to try to
understand new ideas and facts)

O Choose the correct option in ita/ics.

1 How often do you@J/ make exams?
2 Do you ever miss/ lose your books, homework or

What subject(s) does your favourite teacher
teach / learn you?
Would you like to take / learn a new sport, a new
language ora musical instrument? Mexico Cily
/ -
(populatlon: over 20
5 Is it sometimes OK to miss/ lose school? mlllion people)
6 Do you know what degree you 'd like to learn / study
at university?

Write follow-up questions for each question in Exercise 2.

1 'i,Z)o ,_0ou l1ke. e.x,AJ.i1.s? 'i,Z)o ,0ou sfovl,0 A lo-!: fov- -1:~e.w.?

o Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from

Exercise 2, and your extra questions.
O Listen to Emily talking about what was different.
O Work in pairs. Student A, ask the questions from
ín4' Make notes on these topics.
' , 1tº4t1 Exercise 3. Student B, read Emily's answers from
• the school uniform Exercise 4. Then change. Try to say the regular past
• the city simple endings correctly.
• shops and entertainment
C, Exam candidates often make spelling mistakes with the
O Work in pairs. Write the interviewer's questions, using 0 past simple. Underline and correct one spelling mistake
you and the past simple. in each sentence.
1 Where / go / last year? /ivkexe ).¡). ,001,1 ~o ,0eM? 1 My friends and I plaied football in the playground.
2 Where / stay? 2 In the first lesson our English teacher teached us sorne
3 Why / choose / Mexico City? new words for sports.
4 Speak / Spanish / befare/ go? 3 When I moved to a new school, 1studyed very hard.
S How / feel / when / first / arrive? 4 Last weekend, 1founded a very good restaurant in my
6 Like / the city? town.
7 What subjects / study? S When I arived at school, my friends weren't there.
8 Enjoy / the experience? 6 My friend Sara bringed her dog to school one day.
7 l'm reading a book that my teacher recommend to me.
O Listen again and complete Emily's answers. 8 We puted ali our things in the car and we set off on
~ 1 . .. f;,le.rt.t ......... to Mexico.
2 ..
. .. with Alicia and her family in Mexico City. G!) Complete Amelia's review with the past simple form of
3 . to improve my Spanish. the verbs in brackets .
4 Yes, 1did. 1 . . French and Spanish at school
in Canada.
S When 1 ... ................ , 1....................... ....... scared. /10111 wru ~tJJt e'XflR)tiR,lwe ru
6 1 . . . ita lot.
M e ~ d/JJdent?
7 ..... .... maths, chemistry, biology, Spanish and
lt (1) ........... f;,ltA:S. .. ......... (be) an incredible experience.
lots of other subjects.
1 (2) ......... ........... ......... (spend) tour months in a high school
8 Oh yes, 1did. l'm really glad 1 ................................ there. in Beijing. 1 (3) . . . (choose) China's capital

O Look again at Emily's answers. Underline the regular past

city beca use 1 (4) ....................... . ........ (want) to go
somewhere very different. Wellington, the capital of New Zealand,
simple forms. prCie)the irregular past simple forms. has a population of 200,000, while Beijing has a
population of over 20 million!
/P/ /d/, /t/ and /r.d/ Befare 1 (5) ... (leave) home,
Listen to the sentences. How do we pronounce these
~~lt~(r~e\ ~:;~~b:~~~:te
regular past simple -ed endings? Choose the correct
1 (7) ... (feel) very nervous when
1 (8) ... (say) goodbye to my fam1ly.
1 1stayed with Alicia and her family. /d/ /t/ /Id/ My host family in China(9) . (look alter)
me really well. 1 (10) . .. .. . . (eat) ali kinds of
2 1wanted to improve my Spanish. /d/ /t/ /Id/ new food, 1 (11) .............. ................ (see) sorne wonderful
3 1liked the city a lot. /d/ /t/ /Id/ places and of course 1 (12) . . ...................... (make) a lot
of new friends.
Complete the table with the past simple form of the
l w~ hRMml1WUI, tú
verbs from the box. Then listen and check.
¡ tJ, ot/te!t dl1u/MtJ,.. • • '. ._. ._J ,'

arrive decide help invite like live need
study want wash watch Work in pairs. Think of a place you went to.
Ask and answer the questions.
/rd/ • Where did you go?
• Why did you go there?
• How did you feel?
• What did you think of the place?

1visited Madeira.

Atschool e
~r------------------------.. . . ,_ . . ,.
Past simple and past continuous
Page 120 Grammar reference
Past continu ous
o Look at the picture. What happened to Emily when she
was walking to school?

Listen and check. What do you think happened next?

Listen to the rest of Emily's story. Were you right?

O questions.
Look at the extracts from Emily's story. Answer the

l Sudden/y a woman appeared from nowhere and she

started screaming at the dogs. The dogs ron off.
Did the three actions happen at the same time?
What happened last? Alicia goes to Ca nada to stay with Emily. Complete
2 The sun {J§ssñíñíñ§)and fEis"'Téeliñfpgood. Emily's blog with the past simple or past continuous
Do we know when the sun started shining? form ofthe verbs in brackets.
Do we know if the sun stopped shining?
3 ~ s waik,~ to schoo/ with Alicia when we saw a group
Did Emily and Alicia see the dogs before they started
walking to school? Í One morning, Alicia (1) p.¡oke, up ......(wake up)
j early for school and she (2) . . . . . . (go)
O Complete the rules with post simple or post continuous. 1 downstairs. 1 (3) ............... .... ..
dad in the kitchen. We (4)
. (talk) loudly to my
................................. (stop)
I: 1
¡. talking and 1(5) ................... . .... (say), 'Look outside!
There's 20 cm of snow on the ground. We 'll have to
1@14J-_ l ski to school!' Alicia (6) ... ........ . ........ (feel) excited
and nervous at the same time. Snow in Mexico City
• We use the (1) ..pAs±. siw.ple... to talk about actions is very rare and she (7) ... . . ........ . ... (not know)
or situations in the post (often one action happened how to ski. 1(8) ......................... ......... (help) her to put on
after the other). the ski s. As we (9) ... ...... . . ...... (set off) for school,
one of the neighbours (10) ... .................... (shout),
• We use the (2) ......... to talk about an activity
'Everything is closed. No school today! '
that was already happening a t a moment in the
post. We don't soy if this activity finished or not. We (11) ................................. (take off) our skis and we (12)
. .. . . .. . (start) playing in the snow.
• We often use the (3) .... .... and the
(4) .. .... together to show that an action
happened in the middle of an activity. Listen and check.

• We can use when, as or while to introduce the

activity in the (5) ..... Work in pairs. Choose a title below (or use your own)
When/As/Whi/e / was walking to school, I saw a and prepare a story about an un usual day at school, lik,
group of dogs. Emily's day. Use the past simple and past continuous.

• we generally use when to introduce the action in

Bad weather stops classes!
the (6) 1 become teacher for a day!
¡ was walking to school with Alicia when we saw Famous visito r arrives at school!
a group of dogs. .... No electricity all day!
O Work in groups. Tell each other about the un usual daY•
7 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Listening Part l

o Read the questions and underline the key words.

1 What do the students need to bring tomorrow?

A B e

o Work in pairs. Look at the pictures for questions 1-7 in

Exercise l. What can you see in each one?

A B e • Before you hear each recording, underline the

2 What time does the girl's school start?
key words in each question (nouns, verbs and
question words) so that you know exactly
what to listen for. _,,,,.---.
• The first time you listen, try to choose •
the correct answer. Then, as you listen
again, check your answers.
A B e
3 Where does the boy live? Listen and make notes of the important words you hear
next to the pictures. Then listen again and for each
question, choose the correct answer.

• - I[
"',e;. :,l ·.\
. . ~. ~:...::. :
A B e Page 121 Grammar reference
4 Where did the boy find his football boots? used to
O Read Marina's post. Which words does Marina use to
talk about things that happened regularly in the past
but don't happen now?

What was your primary school like? Did you use to hove
the sorne teacher for ali your subjects, for exarnple?
A B e Yeah! We used to hove the sorne teacher for everything and
5 What did the girl eat befare she carne home? we rarely got homework. We used to hove little tests but
nothing serious. 1always used to hove lunch at school. After
lunch, we didn't use lo hove proper lessons, our leacher
used lo lake us to a big room lo play garnes. At the end of
the doy, my murn or dad used lo collect me from school.
Marina, Bologna, Ita/y

o Answer the questions.

1 Does used to change when we change the subject

6 What are the two friends going to buy Paul for his pronoun (//you/he/she, etc.)?
2 Y,.,hat hap~ens to used to in a negative sentence and
1n a quest1on?
3 What verb form generally follows used to?
o Write a post saying what you used to do or have at

primary school.

In. pY"l),l,l_t-\'(~ .sc~ool, [ {:0 d.Y"Av-i A lot.
B e 1 d.ld.n'. t fo ...
do, earn, hove, make, spend and take O Complete the sentences. Listen and check .
1 Shall we .... .... .. . . ... with creative writing?
O Complete the questions with do, earn, 2 How ...... .. . .. .... communication skills?
hove, make, spend or take. 3 Good . ... . Let's talk about another subject.
In which school subject(s) ... 4 1don't ...... ........ ... ... . Sorne of us don't have bikes.
1 can you . .. .... Mue. .......... fun? s l'm not ...... ................... about that one.
2 can you ..... . . ................ friends? 6 ... go for that.
3 do you need to
. . . .. . ... .... ... a good
O Match the underlined phrases from Exercise 4 with these uses.
4 do you .. .... most of your • Suggesting: Sha/1 we • Disagreeing:
time learning facts? • Agreeing: • Deciding:
5 does it .. ... .. ...... a long time to
do homework?
6 do you often . .... . ... ..... .. mistakes? • Listen carefully to the examiner's instructions.
Then look at the pictures.
Which school subject(s) .. .
• Talk about the different things in the pictures
7 would you like to ..... .......... ...... . as a
degree at university? by making suggestions and replying politely
8 can help you ........................... money? to your partner's suggestions.

O Work in pairs. Ask and answer the

O Work in pairs. Read the instructions for the Speaking Part 3 task. Do
questions from Exercise l.
the task. Talk for about two minutes.
Speaking Part 3 A teacher would like to organise a new lunchtime club for students to
practise their English. Here are sorne activities they could do.
page 159 Speaking bank
Part3 Talk together about the different activities the students could do at the

o Tanya and Gareth's teachers would like

to introduce one of these new subjects.
club and say which will be the most popular with their classmates.

Listen and answer the questions.

bicycle repair
creative writing
communicatio n skills
computer programming
home economics
money matters

1 Which subject(s) does Tanya suggest?

2 Which does Gareth suggest?
3 Which subject do they both choose?

So (do) I and Nor/Neither (do) I

page 121 Grammar reference

So (do) I and Nor/ Neither (do) I
O Underline the words that Tanya and
Gareth use to agree. When do we use
nor? When do we use so?
1 Gareth: l'm not sure about that one.
Tanya: Noram l.
2 Tanya: 1still think communication
skills is the best option .
Gareth: So do l. Let's go for that.
Writing Part 2
O Read Charlotte's answer below. Does she have any of
your ideas from Exercise 3?
Page 148 Writing bank
An article
O Read the task below and answer the questions. What ma"es a
1 What do you need to write? 9reat sGhoo\?
2 What information do you need to include?
In m'{ opinion, in a 9reat
f>lhoo\, the 5tudent5 enjo'{
You see this advert for a writing competition.
bein9 there buau5e the
Articles wanted! tealhm tealh we\\ and the'{
What makes a great schao/? \earn new thin95 ever'{ da'{,
Is it the people who work there, the facilities The da55roomf> are large and bri9ht and there if>
or something e/se? enough 5pale for ever'{one. When we were at primar'{
What sort of clubs and activities shou/d a
great schoo/ offer?
f>lhoo\, we didn't u5e to f>tart da55 unti\ q o'dol\:. 1
The best article will win a laptop. be\ieve that a \ater f>tart to the da'{ if> better.
1a\50 fee\ that a 9reat 5lhoo\ needf> a wide variet'j
Write your article. of f>lhoo\ dubf>. In f>ome f>lhoo\5, 5tudentf> lan do
intemtin9 thin95 \i\:e ma\:in9 filmf>, b\095 and muf>il,
O Make a list of things that make a great school.
whi\e in m'I f>lhoo\, we Gan on\'j lho0;,e between
tuckeV's, tAcfütie.s . . . footba\\ and ba5\:etba\\.
O Complete the mind map with your ideas from
Exercise 2. Add reasons. You may need to add sorne
more shapes and lines to the map.
O Look at the questions. Can you answer 'yes' to ali of
them for Charlotte's answer?
1 Does the article include ali the information for the
2 Is the answer written in paragraphs?
3 Are the ideas connected with words /ike and, because
and while?

• Read the instructions and the text in the task.

Decide what information you need to include.

• Think about the topic and your reader. Note

down sorne ideas and decide how
many paragraphs you will write.

• Make a plan for each paragraph.

Then write your article.

G Write your article in about 100 words. Use your ideas

A lM8e, bV'i8kt from Exercise 3.
clAssV'oom 6',litk
spAce is mo'i'e
O When you are ready, use the questions from Exercise 5
to check your writing. lfyou can answer 'yes' to ali the
questions, it is probably a good answer.

Atschool O
Vocabulary and
1 grammar review

o Underline and correct one mistake in each s

o Complete the email with at, in or on in each gap.

1 we don't eat always in the dining roorn .
/!ve don.'{; v1[¡j\)v1,0.s ev1{; in. -1:/1.e din.i~ v-oo141._
••• 2 Helio, 1call to ask if you want to go out tonight.
3 Why do you stand here in the rain at this tirn
. .
Hi everybody, 4 l'm tired usually 1n the morrnng. g
s l'm never believing anything my brother tells rn
Well, here I am (1) in New Zealand, staying with a e.
6 1every day make my own bed.
very friend ly family (2) . .......... the town ofWestport.
lt 's quite a big house and my bedroom is (3) 7 How do you often have a bath?
the second floor. 1like it because there are lots of s I get normally home at about half past five.
cupboards to put my things (4) .. .......... and the bed
is much bigger than the one (5) .......... my room
(6) ..... home! Vocabulary
(7) .. ..... ...... the evenings and (8)
the family sometimes take me out, though most
... weekends,
o Label the pictures with words from Unit l.

of the time we just stay (9) ........... and watch TV. 1 1 aY-JM.GKvllY- 2 s
usually go to bed quite early, sleep well and get up
(10) . . . . about 7.30 (11) .. .......... the morning.
l 'm enjoying myself a lot here, but l'm looking
forward to being home again (12) ............... August
Write soon!
3 f ----- 4 e---- -


O Choose the correct option in italics.

1 1have a big family and there's always a lot of
(fíouseworTCJ houseworks to do. " -
2 We've gota few / a bit of time befo re the film starts.
Let's get a drink.
s d ------- -- 6 m- - -- - - --
3 lt's very dark and cold here in winter so I don't go out
a /ot / a /ot of.
4 The living room is very big but there's not many / much
furniture in it.
5 Max usually spends a lot of time/ times in ~is room.
6 1 haven't got much / many work today, so 111 go out. o_ d_ _ ____
7 d 8 e
7 Paula isn't very well, but I think she can eat
a few / a bitoffood now.
s My paren t s Sometimes
. invite a bit of / a few peo ple to
have dinner w1th us.

9 w_ _____ _ 10 w _ _____ m_ __ _,,

~ e.
JI • • • • • • • • • •

... . . . . . . .
••• • • • • •
• •
. Vocabulary and
grammar review
• • • • • • • • •

o Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
O Choose the correct option in italics. 1 Anita ..........{tU ...... (fall) asleep when she
1 1was late for school beca use 1/ost / ~ h e bus. vMl.sAo.l~ (do) her homework.
2 Our teacher says that you can learn from 2 When I got to my classroom, sorne of my
making / doing mistakes. friends ......... . ............. (chat) and one of them
3 My grandfather taught me to be positive. .................... ....... (write) on the board.
1 learned / studied a lot from him.
3 Yesterday, when we ....... ....... (have) lunch,
4 The physics test was very easy so I think 1'11 pass¡ foil the phone ....... ....... .......... .. . (ring).
4 While 1 .......... ... ............ (buy) sorne milk in the
5 Sam went on a school trip yesterday and he gat ¡hada supermarket, 1........... . ........ . ... (see) a famous TV
lot of fun. actor.
6 When Helen changed schools, she soon did / made a 5 At first 1.......... . ........ ..... (think) chemistry
lot of new friends. .................................. (be) difficult but now I love it.
7 l'm nervous beca use we're taking / passing a difficult 6 My rabbit ....... . .. ..... ..... (escape) as 1
exam today. . . ...... (clean) its cage.
8 When my brother leaves school, he'd like to do/ make 7 When my best friend ................................. (jump) off the
engineering at university. table, it ................................. (break).
8 On Monday we . . . .. (read) an article in
English and then we . .. .. . . . . . (write) a short
text about it.
O Underline one mistake with a verb in each sentence. 9 Last weekend 1. . . ..... .. (stay) at my cousins'
0 1 A TV company choosed my school to make a film house. 1really . (enjoy) myself.
because it is the oldest in the city. 10 1 . . (feel) ti red alter the long walk so 1
2 1think I lefted my school bag at your house last night. .. . (go) to bed .
3 The teacher was kind. She teached the students well.
4 1woke up very early beca use I was planing to go to the
O Complete the sentences with the words from the
lake. box. There are three extra words you do not need.
5 My dad only payed €75 for his mobile phone.
give gave use used
6 While my sister was riding her bike, she felt and injured
her leg. used didn't wasn't weren't

7 When I was younger, 1prefered to take the bus to go to

school. 1 When my mum was younger, she ....... .... .. .... . . to
play basketball at school.
8 1met Holly a very long time ago. We were studing at
the same school in London. 2 At primary school, 1didn't . . . . . . . to have
lunch at school.
3 When Mr Marsden was our teacher, he used to
.. . .. us a lot of homework.
4 Befare Eva bought an alarm dock, she
. .. .......... . to be late for school.
5 My grandparents . . .... . . . . . use to watch TV
beca use they didn't have one .

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