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SmantSereen Level 2 Diploma in Electrical installations (Buidings and Structures) Unit 201 Worksheet 1 201: Health and safety in building services engineering Worksheet 1: Health and safety legislation your notes and the internet (refer to Resource 1: Useful health and safety legislation ‘websites), answer the following questions. 1. 2. ‘What, according to the Health and Safety at Work ete Act, are: 2) the employees’ responsibiites with regard to health and safety? PEPOns Lie For TGamselaes avd 61 Te Wee de NOPE, SRE ») the employers’ responsibilities towards the employees? Safe Coonan Place: Fete prwvidi oy! Sef Phags WS2rti nt Qnvivomen ye According to the Electricity at Work Regulations, stat. 2) when tive working is permitted Exceg Hone Chr Commctan tea )_ the regulation that provides a defence, provided that all practical steps have been taken Rasalan Ne 2 ©). what must be provided in the way of isolation Means ak S2 RR gh Ovo , Srrge (Re 12) d) in what conductor protective devices must be inserted Th Live Wire [Rrods Colour) €€)_ the requirement for equipment to be maintained Reg 4 State the main requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. Femeniegy — Pvoidiray He Bvebraling Rave Which regulations cover the provision of health, safety and welfare in the workplace? HS e& {© 2622 Cy and Gul af London inate A igh reserved Page Tota ‘SmartScreen Level 2 Diploma in Electra! Insaatons (Buleings and Structures) Unit 201 Workshot 1 5. Identify five common materials which come under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations. Horm Fk Chemi cds, OiL, Solvents acheriver 6. According to the Working at Height Regulations, state: 2). the minimum height at which precautions should be taken Ne Minimute heio(t | ) the duy holders’ responsibities | AAW Woorte ah Raq te Property Planned dnd Sryanised Tatca Weectear COnd Hons into COnce A prople Looe etResighd MU be Treineol Cuno! | Competent Fern Comipmrert ib intepeched rd wody fe- uu 7. Under the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations, name four pieces of typical PPE required when working on a construction sito. Groves, Hat, Safahy beads , 30Q9 (e, 8 What percentage of accidents is caused by manual handling, as recorded for 2001/2 under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations (do a search in the HSE website)? 38% 8. _ State the main iferonce betwoon the toms ‘statutory’ and non-sttutory’ statutory is Lega Wy Sindin AS nat Legally binding buf we need EEC and als oan ass eed. Riri

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