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Lecture 3

Compressible Flow
1. Normal shock wave equations,
• Strong and weak shocks,
• Rocket application exemples.

J.C.Fernandes Pereira, AERODINÂMICA III, ADIST, 2020, vol. 1, Capítulo-2, Chapter-3,

3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

John D. Anderson, Modern Compressible Flow with historical prespective, McGraw-Hill

4th Edition, Chapter-3, 3.1-3.5

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-2-2021 1

1-Simplification of the continuity, momemtum and Energy Equations for Quasi 1D
isentropic flows

2-Chocked flows, , mass flow rate critical area, Variation of Mach number with area

3- Application Examples
Convergent nozzle isentropic
Convergent nozzle - diverging isentropic

To read:
J.C.Fernandes Pereira, AERODINÂMICA III, ADIST, 2020, vol. 1, Capítulo-2, Chapter-3, 3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4

John D. Anderson, Modern Compressible Flow with historical prespective, McGraw-Hill

4th Edition, Chapter-3, 3.1-3.5

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 2
1. Normal SHOCK WAVE

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 3
Converging Diverging nozzle




José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Contact discontinuity Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 4
Shock waves ( normal, oblique and dettached

Analogy with hydraulic jump

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 5
Normal shock wave
shock front leads to both compression and heating.
The passage of the gas through the


José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 6
Normal shock wave thickness

𝛿-Shock wave thickness

Measurements of the
thickness of shock waves in air
have resulted in values around
José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-
Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 200 nm 7
Formation of a normal shock wave

Self-steepening of a finite amplitude sound wave. In the region where the state variables
of the wave (here, pressure) would become multi-valued, irreversible processes dominate
to create a steep, single-valued shock front (vertical dashed line).
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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 8
Normal Shock equations
Rankine(1870) and Hugoniot (1877)
Wave is perpendicular to flow direction

• Adiabatic because the thickness is very


They vanish from the jump conditions because of

the uniformity of the upstream and downstream
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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 9
How to write the unknown variavles as a fuction of Mach numner?

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 12
Effects of the passage of a sound wave and of
a shock wave.
• As a sound wave passes through a gas, the
pressure and density of the gas oscillates back
and forth along an adiabat (a line of constant
entropy], which is a reversible path.

• In contrast, the passage of a shock front

causes the state of the gas to jump along an
irreversible path from point 1 to point 2, that
is, to a higher pressure, density, and entropy.
The curve connecting these two points is
called a Hugoniot, (and simultaneously
Rankine) who derived, from the conservation
laws, the jump conditions for the state
variables across a shock front.

• After passage of the shock, the gas relaxes

back to point 3 along an adiabat, returning to
its original pressure but to a higher
temperature and entropy and a lower density.
The shock has caused an irreversible change
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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 13
in the gas.
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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 15
José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-
Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 16
Normal shock relations

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 17
Normal shock relations
Stagantion temperatures are equal acroos a normal shock

Are obtained from isentropic relations

Pressure increases across a shock wave and stagnation pressure decreases

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 18
Shock Losses
Stagnation pressure jump relation
• The stagnation pressure ratio across the shock is

where both p2/p1 and M2 are functions of the upstream Mach number M1, as derived
previously. The figures show the po2 /po1 ratio, with the second figure showing an
expanded scale near M1 ≃ 1.

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José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 20
Weak shock and strong Shock

• convenient measure of shock strength.

• Thus, a shock is said to be weak if , and strong if .

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 21
Weak shock
Serial expantion of Keeping only 1st order terms:

Is close to sound An infinitesimal shock corresponds to a Mach wave

• It can be seen that the flow across the weak shock is isentropic .

(i.e., and are constant) to first order in the shock strength. This
is the case because the increase in specific entropy across the shock is only third
order .
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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 22

Weak shock

Entropy grows as but the entropy increase can be neglected


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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 23
Strong shock

Between M=1 and M=1.3 the isentropic and shock wave density ratios are very close equal

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 24
Isentropic relation and Rankine
Hugoniot relation

← 𝑀! 1.3 1.0
José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-
Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 25
Application example: Rocket Nozzle
Aexit A
e= = e* » 77
Athroat A

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 26
Converging-diverging nozzle

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 27
• Aplication examples Rocket Nozzles

• On a rocket, thrust is used in opposition

to weight. Because the center of pressure
is not normally located at the center of
gravity of the rocket, aerodynamic forces
can cause the rocket to rotate in flight.

• The lift of a rocket is a side force used

to stabilize and control the direction of

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 29

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 30

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 31
Critical thinking
Continuing the example of the thrust equation it is straight forward to use the
equation of thrust to calculate thrust using input values.

However, by employing critical thinking, students can determine the variables

that can affect the thrust produced by the engine as shown in Figure .

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 32
Thinking about the thrust equation
from a design standpoint
Thinking about the thrust equation from a design standpoint, it allows the
students to get a big picture context as to why diffusers and nozzles, the topics
they will study in detail in the class, are important in an engine.

𝑇 = 𝑚̇ 𝑉𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 − 𝑚̇ 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − (𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 − 𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 )

𝑚̇ is the mass flow rate,

𝑉𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 is the velocity at the exit,
𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 is the velocity at the inlet of the engine,
𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 and 𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 represents the exit and inlet pressure of air and 𝐴 is the nozzle
exit area.

In terms of design, it is obvious to see that the terms 𝑚̇ 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 and (𝑃𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡 −
𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 )𝐴 are reducing the thrust generated by (𝑚̇ 𝑉𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡). This is the reason why
all engines have diffusers or inlets to reduce the contribution of 𝑚̇ 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑡. The
difference in ambient and exit pressure gives rise to pressure drag which can be
reduced by proper design of the nozzle.

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 33
Designed and manufactured in the United
States by Rocketdyne (later known as Pratt
& Whitney Rocketdyne and Aerojet
Rocketdyne), the RS-25
burns cryogenic liquid hydrogen and liquid
oxygenpropellants, with each engine
producing 1,859 kN
José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-2-2021 Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 34
José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-
Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 35
Thrust equa.on

Thrust equation for a rocket engine

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 36
Exercise-2 Critical thinking
RS-25 Engine
The RS-25, also known as the Space Shuttle Main Engine

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 37
Air standard properties

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 38
" #.%&
= =77.2⟹iterative sol. 𝛾=1.2, Me≃4.76
"∗ '.'(#

H Pa (Pa) F Te (K) Me
"" '.)% (km) kN
= =3.88 ⟹M ≃ 0.18
"∗ '.'(# 0 101350 1753 1105 4.76
𝑈* = 𝑐 𝑀 = 𝛾𝑅𝑇* M= 3721 m/s , R=461 [J/kg K] 5 54000 1801 1105 4.76
+# 10 26410 1828 1105 4.76
⟹ ,-''=1+0.1 x 0.18 ⟹3611 K 15 12030 1843 1105 4.76

20 5460 1850 1105 4.76
⟹ =1+0.1 x 4.76) ⟹𝑇* =1105 K

F = 𝑚̇ 𝑉𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 − (𝑃a − 𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡 )=494 x 3721 − (𝑃a − 𝑃𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑡)=1,838,468-(Pa-16800)

⟹ =(1+0.1 𝑥 4.76) ) (1.2/0.2) ⟹ 𝑃* =16800 N/m2

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-2-2021 Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 39

b) Pe=Pa
This condidon is also referred to as the “design condidon”, as in this state the
nozzle flow is exhausdng ideally without any shockwave paherns, and due to
an inverse reladonship between Pe and Ve. this will result in the maximum
thrust achieved.
At h=13000 m ⟹Pa ≃16800 N/m2

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 40
The effect of
ambient pressure is
clearly significant in
the design of rocket

• Staged propulsion, as in the case of the Saturn V rocket which

launched the Apollo missions, allows for each stage to use a different
nozzle/engine be=er suited to that opera>ng regime. So why not build a
nozzle that can adjust its exit area, or other characteris>cs to adjust for
ambient pressure change?

• The aerospike rocket engine directs the exhaust around a central

spike/ramp, where the exhaust flow is able to expand on the side open
to the atmosphere and self-adjust to changes in ambient pressure. This
affords far more efficient opera>on across an al>tude range. The
atmosphere in this case essen>ally operates as the nozzle walls. Unlike a
conven>onal converging-diverging nozzle, the aerospike is highly
efficient across all pressure regimes.

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-2-2021 Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 41

Aerospike • No aerospike engines are yet implemented, though many full-
engines scale and working models for testing purposes have been built.

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-2-2021 Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 42

c) With the altitude increase the stagnation conditions will not change.
The outlet Pressure condition will be equal to the ambient pressure:

H (km) P0/P M A/A*

0 204 3.77 20.3
5 378 4.1 32.7
10 775 4.5 57.9
15 1724 4.96 110.1
20 3846 5.43 207.9 • Too heavy at high aldtude!
José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-
Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 43
Exercise 3

Exercise 3 Air is flowing from a large tank through a converging-diverging nozzle into
an atmosphere at standard conditions ( p= 101.35 kPa, T=297 K). If the normal shock sits
right at the exit area (Ae=5 cm2) and the Mach number after the shock is 0.54, find
a) The pressure in the tank;
b) The throat area;
c) The mass flow rate ;
d) The temperature of the tank
Exercise 3


2) Describe the mechanism by which the energy of the fluid element changes
as it moves from station 1 to station 3.
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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 47

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José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-
Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 49
2) Describe the mechanism by which the energy of the fluid element changes
as it moves from station 1 to station 3.

The work done by the pressure and viscous normal force field on the fluid
element is the mechanism by which the energy decreases in moving from
station 1 to station 3.

The flow energy decreases across the shock wave through a combination of
pressure and viscous normal stress forces of roughly equal magnitude that
act to compress the fluid element increasing its internal energy while
decelerating it and reducing its kinetic energy.

The loss of kinetic energy dominates the increase in internal energy

José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 50
Exercise 5

Exercise 5: Supersonic NOZZLE

The power of a rocket is a function of the altitude because of the exterior pressure. Supose that
the throat area is equal to 1 cm2 and inside the combustion chamber P0=100 atm , T0= 2000K
and suppose that the combustion gases have γ=1.25 and the exaust gases R= 415.7 J kg-1 K-1
a) Calculate the discharge mass flow rate of the nozzle
Warning: The expressions used in the solution result from previous manipulation. The student should follow his line of
reasoning and in the end compare with the results presented.

R=8,314 J mol-1 K-1


γ +1
P0 A* γ 2 γ −1
m= ( ) = 0.73kgs −1
T0 R (γ +1)
Exercise 5
b) Assume that at ground level the exit pressure is equal to the
exterior pressure, determine the exit area value

From the isentropic reladons γ +1

A 2 1 2 γ −1 2 γ −1
( *
) = 2
( (1+ M ))
A M γ +1 2
P γ −1 2 (𝛾 − 1)
= (1+ M )
P0 2

It can be obtained
Exercise 5

c) Calculate the impulse force at lift-off

The impulse T is given by a control volume momentum
balance , as Pe=Pa it gives T=mve and is necessary to
obtain ve

v = Mc = M γ RT
v 2 = M 2γ RT = M 2γ RT0 =
γ −1 γ −1
P C (γ −1) P
= M γ RT0 ( ) γ = M 2γ P
T0 ( ) γ
P0 γ P0

From the isentropic relation

γ −1
P γ −1 2 γ
= (1+ M )
P0 2

γ −1
2 P
(γ −1)M = 2(( ) γ −1)

It is possible to obtain vD
Exercise 5
d) Calculate the impulse force at 23500 m , where pe=0.03 atm

At al<tude

The gain is due to the atmospheric pressure that is very small at this altitude.
e) Calculate the exit area for design conditions at 23500 m (Pe=0.03 atm). What is the force?
The flow suffers a strong expansion from P=1 atm to 0.03 atm and the exit
velocity is equal to the previous question d).
Exercise 5

The force F= m ve is given by

The gain is minimal however the exit area change from 10.68 m2 to 152.68 m2 , and
consequently the rocket weight will be prohibitive.
f) InvesIgate if a normal shock wave appears inside the nozzle (that has been designed
for Pe=0.03 atm and 23500 m aldtude) when it is at lim-off corresponding to Pe= 1.08 atm.
Calculate also the force.
Exercise 5

If a shock occours at the exit,

throught a shock wave:

If a shock wave is located at the exit : P3/P2=35.9, P3=1.077

This means that the pressure (1.08 atm) outside is greater than the pressure amer the
shock ( if it was located at the exit, consequently there is a shock wave inside the nozzle
and very close to the exit.
The force value is given by:

And the force is much lower than the force value obtained for the design adjusted to the
ground level because a shock is inside the nozzle!
• Why Normal shock wave occours ?

• Converging-diverging nozzle flow regimes

• Normal shock wave equations. Stagnation pressure variation

• Strong and weak shocks

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José C. Fernandes Pereira, 23-

Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 60
Normal Shock Wave

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 61
Normal Shock Wave

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Técnico-A2564-aero-III-Lecture-3 62
Normal Shock Wave

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