Lesson Plan 8

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FULL Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name Ms. Lange Target Grade Level 6th Grade

Musical Concept of Focus: Dorian Mode

Standards Being Addressed: MU: Pr4.2.6c Identify how cultural and historical context
inform performances.

Materials of Instruction: Speaker, song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_OG-

wR_Cno), hand drums and finger cymbals.

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Activity/Transition: Today we’re going to be learning about a song from Armenia!
Armenia is a country in Asia. This song is translated as the Colorful Partridge. We’re going to
listen to the song first before we do anything else!

Activity #1 Objective: Students will utilize the Attentive Listening portion of WMP.
1. T: As I play this song, I want you to listen very carefully and see if you can identify
any instruments.
2. T will play the song and allow students to quickly absorb the music for the first time
3. T: Now that you have listened to the song, what are the instruments you picked up?
a. Ss: Guitar, a little bell of some sort, some sort of percussion instrument
4. T: Great job everyone!
Assessment: Students will identify at least one instrument in the song that they

Transition: Now we’re going to listen again but this time I want you all to move to the
music. It can be swaying, bobbing your head, etc. Do whatever the music moves you
to do.

Activity #2 Objective: Students will utilize the Engaged Listening portion of WMP
1. T will play the song a second time
2. As song plays Ss will move to the music in whatever way they are comfortable with
3. T: You all did such a fantastic job! You’re really starting to get the feel of the song
Assessment: Students will move to the song in whatever way they feel
comfrotable with.

Transition: Now we’re going to learn the song!

Activity #3 Objective: Students will learn the song utilizing WMP

1. Ss will tap a steady beat on their laps while T plays a hand drum and sings the song
2. Echo each line
a. T gives students starting note and sets up harmonic context on the piano
b. T points to self: Arev patsvets tukh amberen, gakav terav gananch saren (T
points to Ss and Ss will echo)
c. T points to self: Gananch saren sari dszeren parev perav dzaghigneren (T
points to Ss and Ss will echo)
d. T points to self: Sirunig, sirunig nakhshoona gakavig (T points to Ss and Ss
will echo)
e. T: Sirunig, sirunig nakhshoona gakavig (T points to Ss and Ss will echo)
3. Echo longer phrases:
a. T gives students starting note and sets up harmonic context on the piano
b. T points to self: Arev patsvets tukh amberen, gakav terav gananch saren.
Gananch saren sari dszeren parev perav dzaghigneren. (T points to Ss and Ss
will echo)
c. T points to self: Sirunig, sirunig nakhshoona gakavig. Sirunig, sirunig
nakhshoona gakavig. (T points to Ss and Ss will echo)
4. “Okay now I’m going to give you the starting pitch and then I want you to think the
words and make sure you remember all the words.” Ss audiate the song
a. “Are there any spots you forgot?” If there are go over the lyrics again and
have students audiate one more time
5. “Are we ready to do the whole song?” (Yes!) “Okay let’s go through and do the
whole song now!”
a. Ss and T will sing the whole song. If there were any trouble spots review it
with the methods from above and try to sing the whole song one more time.

Assessment: Students are able to sing the song with a few errors, but actively
making an effort to correct them.

Activity #4 Objective: Students will sing the song now knowing the story
1. T: Now that we know the song, I’m going to go over the translation of the song
2. T will go line by line breaking down the translation
a. T: The sun rose out of the dark clouds; the partridge flew out of the green
mountains. From the green mountains, from the source of the mountains, she
brought greetings from the flowers.
b. Refrain: Sweet, Sweet, colorful partridge (x2)
c. You weave your nest with flowers: Lilies, daffodils, and daisies, fresh and
glistening with dewdrops; You sing yourself to sleep and awake with a song
d. Refrain: Sweet, Sweet, colorful partridge (x2)
T: Now that you all know the translation to the we’re going to play an
accompaniment to the song
3. T: Now that you all know the translation to the we’re going to sing the song another

Assessment: Students are able to sing the song more comfortablely knowing the
translation/the story. There are little to no errors

Transition: Watch what I do and tell me what I added to song.

Activity #5 Objective: Students will play a rhythmic accompaniment to the piece

1. T will sing the song and play the hand drum, much like the first time but emphasizing
the accompaniment more
2. T: What did I do that I did the first time we heard the song and just now?
a. Ss you played while you sang!
b. T: That’s right! Now I want all of you to partner up and play either the hand
drum or the cymbals. Don’t worry we’ll switch off instruments after we do it
3. T will first go over the hand drum part and sings the song, so students know where
their part fall
a. T Great now hand drummers play that on the hand drum and if you’re playing
the cymbals join us by quietly clapping with me
b. Ss will do the hand drum part while T sings the song
4. T will then go over the finger cymbal part and sing the song, so students know where
their part falls
a. T: Now finger cymbal players play the part on your instrument and if you’re a
hand drummer, snap the finger cymbal part
5. T: Now we know both let’s do the whole song!
a. T will sing the song alone while students play the accompaniment the first
time together
b. (Second time) T: Now that you have a feel for it let’s all sing the song and
play the accompaniment!
c. Do this a final time so all students are able to play each instrument.

Assessment: Students are able to play the accompaniment with little to no errors

Closure: Great job today everyone! You really put forth a lot of effort learning something new
today! Next time we will play with Dorian mode just a little more.

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