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Gulf of Mexico and Blue ET 111 4,128 beyond

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05/31/11 08/02/11 7:54 PM 6:57 AM

I have posted this description of a personal experience in the hope that I might connect with others that have been sent on similar tasks. That might also be able to help me understand what is happening right now on planet earth. I just need to connect with like minds so we can brainstorm on the events that are shaping our lives at this cazy time in history. Enjoy the read enjoy the voyage then get back to me if you can add to this adventure. The Gulf of Mexico and beyond An alien perspective on the importance of 19.47 degrees latitude And much more! The Maya have been the center of attention for a long time but in this new century and millennia mostly because of their famous or is that infamous calendar and its possible end time predictions for 2012. Personally I dont think the calendar has anything to do with death or destruction, to me it is a sign of hope and change, but most definitely change. There is also plenty of debate over the actual end date of the Mayan time line some suggest it might be closer to 2018 than 2012. Sure enough though there are many strange events talking place on earth right now, earthquakes that seem to never want to end, weather that is right out of this world, and our sun which seems to think we need a little warming, not to mention super waves of energy from deep space, possibly our galactic core. On top of that Im now going to add a little alien intervention, some good, some, well Im not to sure about. In 2007 I was tapped on the shoulder and told the waiting was over, get off my butt and get over to Central America and become part of the most important event of my many lives. Being right up with the play I had no idea what that might mean, but given my past history I knew this was not the time to argue, if at all possible I always go in the direction of the wind, and it appeared to be blowing in the direction of north and east. That shoulder tap came late one night when I was asleep but not really, Im sure many readers will know what I mean by that. It has not happened to me very often but each time it does I am scared to move because I dont want to disturb the moment. Its a surreal feeling to see things around you in the night you know should not be there, unusually interesting things, one night it was a coal face, a pitch black wall covered in hieroglyphs, within the black I could see a faint opalescence a mother of pearl effect. This was a test of sorts I was told, without clear vision I was to touch only the glyphs needed to reach the end of what turned out to be a long tunnel with no ill effect, touch the wrong glyph, well I just knew that was not a good idea. This new night event was only slightly different, I could see a wheel spinning with a light being emitted from the central hub, the light split into many beams, and seemed to travel to the four corners of the world. It became obvious the more I looked at this wheel it was the famous stone wheel of the Mayan-Aztec calendar, the Sun Stone. I should know I had only seen it a hundred times or more in the books I had been reading at the time. I dont believe in coincidence. From those far corners of the world, pillars of light reached up into the heavens, the lights were in the form of spirals almost like a tornado. Close your eyes a voice said and see clearly, see what is really there, not the distractions, you must go, now is the time. I was told to go to the land of the Maya and Aztec, to the central city and look at the Sun Stone using only one eye. I was told there I would find the confirmation I had so dearly been seeking. The confirmation was to be the proof I desired to confirm my own experience had not been a simulation, or a make believe event, a trick if you like. No one doubted my own experience more than I, for almost 20 years I have been seeking proof, researching science, reading up on history both mainstream and alternate, asking trusted friends, could it be true, did I really go. The answer now so sure in my mind, YES! The journey I was about to undertake was to be the extra proof I needed. There was something going on there that would soon show itself to the rest of the world. If I wanted proof of my connection to other worlds, other realms, if I looked in all the right places I would surely find it. New Zealand is a very long way from Mexico, made even harder by the fact the USA and its secret services or secret government were never going to let me set foot on their soil, so the trip was to be a very long one via Argentina, also twice the price, and I was not exactly made of money. You have to believe the drive to go was immense and it had been building, I just needed that tap on the shoulder, to hell with the cost. 2007 was it special? What was happening that I didnt know about for the tap to come then? There is always a reason for these things, one day someone will tell me Hey did you know? That event it all started in 2007. Sometimes those deeply involved are the last to know just what it is they are involved in. I have a feeling this was one of those times. What many that have studied the Maya-Aztec-Mexica have not talked about is the close proximity and possible interaction of their famous city headquarters, which now goes by the name of Mexico City, to the famous 19.47 degrees latitude line. The Mexica center was later captured and expanded by the Aztec who had also adopted a Mayan style calendar. Most will already know the information contained within these several ancient calendars reaches far beyond the needs of a Stone Age people. One can only wonder who had whispered in their ear hundreds or even thousands of years ago, and exactly why? Also imagine the surprise on the faces of the Aztec when they discovered someone else had already been and gone in the area many years before them, the Toltecs are reported to have built the mind numbing complex know as Teotihuacan, then disappeared off the face of the globe, just as the builders of the Giza Pyramids had done! Seriously this area of the globe is important, or at least everyone that has come before us believed it to be so. Later the Spaniards came rushing in to the area with the usual European style or agenda to close the light out at this special place on the globe as quickly as possible. So perhaps we should be looking more carefully and asking about the strangeness of the location, why did they pick that place of all places? It was built in the middle of a swamp, even now hundreds of years after the swamp has been drained heavy Spanish church buildings are sinking into the soft earth. It must have created the most

difficult of problems for the Mexica and Aztec to build and expand such a city there. The legend has it before they settled the Aztec were mostly nomadic and at times mercenaries, they hired themselves out to fight wars or settle disputes, they were far more war like than the Maya or Mexica who had settled there first. The Aztec where on a quest it appeared and had moved into that area looking for a sign, an eagle with a snake in its talons or beak resting upon a cactus is the sign they sort and found at that location, now called Mexico City this symbol is shown on Mexicos Flag. So was their quest that much different than mine? One has to ask is that the only sign, the only thing that brought them all to a halt at that particular location? There it is, Mexico City, right on the magic 19.47 latitude, give or take a decimal point, a few miles, right in the middle of a swamp. Those that have studied the work of Richard Hoagland and friends will know the significance of this latitude on a globe like the planet earth. The Yucatan Peninsula also frames this latitude and is doted with Mayan City complexes like Chichen Itza, Uxmal, and a dozen others, these are no ordinary cities, the central pyramids are built to a mathematical code that suggested they know where they stand on this planet, they were designed by people that knew the earth so well their locations are keyed to the Great Pyramid at Giza, there is much more to all this than meets the eye. (See work of Carl Munck) These complexes and the people that lived within them were charged with the sacred task of balancing the negative energy that occasionally came steaming from a device deep within the gulf, a job they did so well, like their previous brothers and sisters the little understood Olmec, until they too were almost wiped from the face of the globe by the Spanish invaders and other earlier mysterious forces that have never been recorded in our history books. Science or Geology will tell us 65million years ago a giant asteroid slammed into or very close to this mysterious latitude, it actually created the Golf of Mexico as we recognize it today. It fractured the earths surface at that location and honey combed it both on the surface and underwater. The Yucatan Peninsula is famous today for its amazingly large sinkholes caused by the above event, many of which are tourist attractions in their own right, I should know Ive now seen them with my own eyes. These also make up some of the largest underwater caves know to man which attract divers from around the world, but something very strange lies beneath the waters of the Golf of Mexico, not only oil I am told, and not all the drilling rigs in the golf are after the black gold. Nobody knows for sure if the meteor strike right at the heart of the Earth at that point (19.47deg) was deliberate of not, it was just to far back in our history for any records to remain, of course I am referring to alien records. But the suspicions are very high and appear to be proven, let me explain why that might be. The earth, a living entity, is sensitive in many areas of its surface but 19.47 deg lat points are extremely sensitive because this is a breathing point of the heart cell if you like, a charka point, this is where the earth communicates with dimensional realms we can only imagine, but they most likely reach back to the core of the galaxy and also mother sun. They are also connected to our evolutionary path just as much as those of our planet. If someone ever wanted to try and arrest the evolutionary progress of the earth and or the human race one of the best places to plant a blocking device would be anywhere on the globe close to 19.47 degree latitude north or south, north being the best bet because it has most always housed the greatest population. One can only wonder are there more of these devices somewhere else? Zeena and her people are sure at least one unearthly device has burrowed its way beneath the warm waters of the Caribbean starting from the GOM, but before I use their words to describe what it might be doing, can we find any earthly proof that something unusual could be there? I know you will be thinking this is getting a little spooky, but something strange and unexplained is even talked about in scientific circles. The Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, with water depths exceeding 8,400 metres, which is strange enough considering how close to the land masses of the area this trench really is. Its depth is comparable to the deep trenches in the Pacific Ocean. Trenches in the Pacific are located in places where one tectonic plate subducts or slides under another. The Puerto Rico Trench in contrast is located at a boundary between two plates that slide past each other, with only a small component of subduction. The trench is less deep where the component of subduction is larger. The unusually deep sea floor is not limited to the trench, but also extends farther south toward Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico Trench is also associated with the most negative gravity anomaly on earth, -380 milliGal, which indicates the presence of an active downward force? Many tectonic models have been proposed to explain this geologically fascinating, tectonically active region; however, none have gained acceptance, and the region remains poorly understood. I should not have to draw your attention to the strange recorded happenings of the Bermuda triangle which in my mind should more correctly be named the Puerto Rico triangle. If you believe in the Bermuda triangle or not, science still cannot explain why the earth pulls downward excessively in that area. I have two thoughts here, is it some foreign artificial device causing this anomaly or is it mother earth trying to digest or draw this monster into its fiery interior in an attempt to destroy it? According to my alien friends it appears whatever crashed into the Gulf of Mexico 65 million years ago (date is very debateable) was not a random asteroid and it has split itself into at least two pieces, they suspect actually more than two. It appears as if it was designed to withstand the impact, most likely it had a disposable outer shell protecting whatever was within, the outer shell was sacrificed to the impact, leaving a large section which is organic by their reckoning which remains where it fell, my friends do not know when the first transmissions were sent into space from the crash site, they tell me there have been spasmodic transmissions over many thousands of years, but since 1947 it has been sending out some form of radio signal continuously, these appear to be in part at least directed at our moon, even more strange perhaps the moon soon started talking back after those continuos transmissions. UFO researches will be well aware many strange reports of unidentified flying objects began in earnest around that time and mostly in an area of the USA not too far removed from the gulf. Mexico however has always been a hot spot for UFO activity, perhaps more so today than ever. Wasnt it Christopher Columbus who sighted a UFO or strange lights in the sky as he sailed toward the Bermuda Triangle? Nothing here is exactly new. Another portion of this, shall we say asteroid appears to be digging its way closer to Puerto Rico, its very heavy and very large from all accounts and not hard to spot with the right equipment, but possibly far to deep by now to

ever be stopped by any technology this planet has. It well could explain the gravitational anomalies in that area. Another portion of the globe, which has a strange magnetic anomaly, possibly something metallic buried beneath the surface, is in Antarctica near lake Vostok, and this area is commanding attention from all that would probe the mysteries our planet. There is also suspicion from those in the know that this area may well, in a remote way, be connected with what we are about to discuss in the next section of this report. My alien friends suggest, even though one portion of the GOM asteroid is organic the piece heading toward Puerto Rico is definitely not so, its a device of some sort with a mission in mind. What they are equally concerned about is there are mostly likely other similar but smaller devices heading out in other directions from that portion of the GOM but too small to detect and over areas it is do dangerous for my friends to fly. (unfriendly fire) Do we know what these things might be trying to do? For those of you with access to google earth it will be a big help if you use that to find the areas I am now going to earmark, because this format gives you a good view of the undersea formations I will be trying to describe. Go to cape horn at the base of South America then head east a little to the South Georgia Islands even slightly further east from here you will see a curved set of Islands these are the South Sandwich Islands all peaks of ancient volcanic cones. It is interesting to note one of these small Islands is called Thule Island, a group of three here are called collectively Southern Thule. An old Alien outpost a laboratory of sorts once used by my friends. On google earth you will see a sort of pressure wave formed in the earths crust to the eastern side of these sets of Islands, this type of formation is important because it appears the earth manufactures a type of lubricant at these heavy pressure points apparently this lubricant looks a little like oil but is something else altogether. If you now head up to the Caribbean, to the area around Puerto Rico, you will see a similar pressure wave, interestingly enough all those Islands you see in the area are also peaks of extinct volcanoes this could be a clue as to the type of substance we are dealing with because it appears it might have come from much deeper within the earth than the substance we recognize and call oil, although is saying that it is not at all clear where oil actually comes from or how it is made, in spite of what some people might be trying to tell you, but thats another story and not on the agenda here. The substance of this report could very well be primordial, very ancient indeed, it also seems, as far as I know, only to be found in close proximity to volcanoes, or at least it appears to be formed in these areas. Undersea trenches are where you need to start looking the softer newer earth crust collides with older deeper and more solid sections of the earth mantel. In these areas it seems or so I have been told, this rather unusual fluid is formed. Not oil as such but something that looks similar. The difference with the Gulf of Mexico-Caribbean deposit is that many millions of years ago when the large asteriod or whatever it was hit that area rupturing the cavities that had been storing the oil like liquid near Puerto Rico and shifted or allowed much of it to move into the underlying areas of the Gulf, well that is what was first thought but after my friends detected that some portion of the asteroid was slowly moving eastwards out of the gulf and toward these areas of deep liquid deposits it became apparent that digging into these reserves of liquid might be its ultimate goal, so does it want to release this liquid so that it will find its way to the surface? My friends cannot penetrate the sea floor to check out exactly what is happening down there because there is so much surface activity from shipping and oil drilling it is not possible to get near the place. Its also on the doorstep of the most sophisticated military hard-wear you could imagine and no alien race in going to set themselves up to be shot at as would be the case so the area is now a no go for my friends. Since 2010 I have received information from other sources, which seem to confirm in part at least, these findings. What I have been told first hand from my alien friends is that this substance at first appears natural enough, but it has an intelligence factor to it, all oil is a danger to biological life, just look at the devastation in the Golf of Mexico with a standard oil spill, this substance is just as deadly in that aspect, no question there, but it is multi-stranded. It appears to be able to think for itself, we have never seen it on the surface of the planet as yet because it forms at such depth it has never to our knowledge found its way to the surface, but this does not mean it could never do so, one earthquake in the wrong place could open it to the surface. Or one purposeful act of drilling or tunneling could allow it to reach the surface. It could actually be a totally new life form that we have not yet had the dubious pleasure of meeting. New species of plant and animal life are discovered every day on the surface of our planet. Who can know what life lies beneath the surface that we have yet to meet up with. But wait there is more! My friends have detected what appears to be some form of artificial nano-technology within this substance. At first it was hard to tell one from the other because as I have said this liquid appears to have a certain level of intelligence which perhaps makes it a mark for spiking if you like, perhaps it can be trained to do things or controlled in a way similar to a computer chip, with the right technology its a ticking time bomb just waiting to be used, another thought put in my head, was the biological portion of the asteroid the brains of the outfit hence the feverish attempts to drill into it from above in the Gulf of Mexico, more on that soon. What I have not told you is that the laboratory at Thule Island was mostly set up to study this substance. At super cool temperatures the substance does not appear to be able to think, if that is the correct terminology, once warmed up it can kill if touched. Not a nice thing to think about if it ever got to the surface in a warm climate! So who if anyone spiked it? Who laced it with a technology that can control or activate it at will? My friends dont know for sure but the story they told me which I will shortly relate to you might go a long way toward explaining things. They have been trying for years to figure a way to neutralize or at least control this substance and it has killed many of their kind in the process. But so far super cooling is the only sure way to keep it safe. If it exists as they are sure it does in massive amounts at locations around the globe, drilling for oil at super depths which is now becoming the trend is like playing Russian Roulette with all life on earth. This was a conundrum for the people from Haven, they were faced with a double task, while being shot at by all and sundry and quite possibly the ancestors of the tribe who spiked the liquid in the first placed, they knew the evolution of the human race was being compromised by these signals being beamed into the damaged heart of the earth at point 19.47 deg lat in the GOM, and to be fair they had a vested interest in our evolutionary progress in a positive manor, as you will

have found in other sections of my story, but still what to do? Or which problem first? Arecibo was set up in Puerto Rico with the real peoples funding (yes USA government) to protect the people of earth from outside interference I hope, the cover story you will all know, but it was less than a year before the PTB (Powers That Be, non-people yes also USA government) tried to close it down, some might wonder why. Long story short Project Cyclops got pushed around shut down reopened like all government committees it was going nowhere and the PTB were happy. My friends made new friends, Europe and the USA had been so corrupted it was impossible to work with them anymore, the earth was thrown to the wolves so to speak but my friends did not give up on us. Project Cyclops is now project Serendip still at Arecibo, there is some private funding by people and counties I cannot revel but they are our friends their work here is vital to our evolutionary progress because some are trying very hard to retard it. However I would not rely on that saving us, as they try to block these signals it does not appear to be working. Perhaps the Maya could have done it better? Look out your window if you live in any large city around the world. You will see a large spiked tower yes? Usually one of the tallest structures about, ever wonder why every city has one, ever wondered why they had those long antennas on them only good for broadcasting extra long frequency signals the type that can play with your mind on a subconscious level, hello, welcome to 1984. You are being spoken to 24/7 by that tower, courtesy of a gateway created in the GOM and spread through the earths own crystal matrix, a signal which in part at least, is being feed from our own moon. At risk of distracting us from our true course here for a short moment, those that are not convinced that our moon is a hive of activity, including mining, ancient artifacts, alien hi-tech installations and much more, should go back and have a closer look at some of NASAs fudged, blurred, as they say pencil brushed out, de-coloured photos of very interesting locations on our moon, for you see from time to time NASA misses the odd alien artifact in their pictures mostly because there are hundreds of them to see in the originals. So is this strange liquid hostile to life on earth or is it just a natural by-product of deep pressures and volcanic upheavals, intelligence and all? Perhaps it is both, now we must journey down a slightly different path, once again from information supplied courtesy of my alien friends who seem to know our own history far better than we do. Perhaps this might explain how the liquid has become laced with a form of nano-technology. Prior to the Ice age melt there had been a longstanding civilization on earth, which had kept life on a fairly even keel for a very long period of time. Just before the melt there were some major earth changes including crustal upheavals that not only destroyed cities and infrastructures but formed mountains where there had been plains, this weakened what was once a peaceful alliance. The flooding that followed the melt also took out vast low lying coastal areas that contained many major seaports and seats of power, this opened the way for what were once lesser groups to make a play for power and control. Perhaps one of the worst things to happen in this long running battle was in its eleventh hour both sides started in with the use of nuclear weapons as they became more and more desperate and had tried every other means of one-upmanship at their disposal. During this long war what we might call conventional weapons were used along with others the like of which the earth is only now coming to recognize once again, biological weapons. One or both of the loosing sides booby-trapped their own back yards in the best traditions of modern warfare with diabolical weapons of mass destruction the like of which the earth has not yet had the dubious pleasure of sampling. The object of these booby traps appeared to be, if one side decided to leave the scene of the crime, ie planet earth, they would trigger the booby trap from outer space as they left for wherever it was they came from. Or if they decided not to activate the booby trap at that time they could always do so prior to their return and so neutralize the opposition or whoever it was that had set themselves up as rules of earth in the mean time. One form of booby trap appears to have been the use of this special dark liquid which seems to be alive, perhaps in a way our own blood is alive, it was laced with some form of nano-technology which can be activated from space by remote control but the liquid needs to be released into the sea first either by way of underground ducting already in place or by remote devices such as we seem to have in the Gulf of Mexico. I am the first to surmise this is mostly speculation even on the part of my alien friends but from my experiences with them they very rarely if ever get these guesses wrong. The people that told me what I have just written above have been attempting to neutralize or deactivate the nano-tech particles within the dark liquid, at great cost to them selves. To make it worse there are elements (humans) on this planet that have tried to stop my friends from working on this problem. This is where the deceit and betrayal starts or is that continues, after my friends where driven from their experimental laboratory under Thule Island during the Falklands war in 1982 they were still negotiating with the USA government to help protect what was on the United States back door, the Gulf of Mexico and its underwater stranger and incoming signals from space for which SETI was, in part, designed to intercept. So now we have gone full circle and on the 1st of November of 2007 along I come right into the hot spot, The Gulf of Mexico, armed with nothing more than a set of eyes and ears that I had been told not to use! Yes it was the Day of the Dead, or at least one of the Days of the Dead, if there was any spiritual energy in the air surely it would help me connect with the something I had been asked to seek out. I think it was day two after my after arrival in Mexico City I first laid eyes on the wheel, I already knew the Spanish had tried to destroy it by firing a canon into it, similar to the French with the sphinx in Egypt. What is it with the dark forces always trying to destroy any light they see on the horizon? Silly question really, I should think we all know the reason for it. But the stone is 3 feet thick and weighs 25 ton thank goodness the cannon ball bounced right off, but the central hub is a bit knocked around because of it. Perhaps it might not have mattered if the Spanish had chiseled off all the hieroglyphs, like homeopathic medicines the age-old message might be leached into the basaltic rock forever more, regardless of what one does with it. I wondered if the fact that it was carved from volcanic rock could have some relationship with the volcanoes associated with and in the areas of the dark liquid? The wheel was actually stolen a second time this time from the Spanish and buried in the center of Mexico City, right under what is the central square today The Zocalo such was its reverence the Aztec risked all to steal this 25 ton rock right out from under the Spaniards. Perhaps we are lucky it was found and on display for all to see in this day and age,

or was it always written the wheel would once more capture the imagination of those carrying the light within them, that it still sits on the magic line of 19.47 is good to see and perhaps more important than many realize. I think it important I stood in dead center of the Zocalo while in Mexico City, it made me feel closer to the wheel in some way, almost part of its history. You have to know that it is thought the sun stone was carved during the reign of the 6th Aztec monarch in the year 1479, yes look again 1479, and placed in the lat. line of 19.47. Anyway damaged or not there it was, and there I was, the Sun Stone was looking right back at me. I did not know how I fitted into the picture. Perhaps if you knew that I was conceived on this planet in the year1947 you would get the same shivers up your spin that I do whenever I think about it. Out there in the Gulf an object had started sending a signal to whomever in that same year 1947. I had traveled many thousands of miles to talk with this stone and I didnt have the faintest idea how to start up the conversation. Then I remembered I needed to look at it with one eye, the eye of perception, not the bifocal eyes designed to hunt for game. So even though I was standing in a hall full of people I closed my eyes and asked the wheel how could I be of help? Well of course it said nothing! I was wondering how long I could stand there with my eyes closed before a security guard came along and asked me what I thought I was doing, or anyone else for that matter. After a while I went for a short walk around the room it was an amazing place the Museo Nacional de Antropologa. I could almost hear the history of ages about me sure I could hear all that, but the rock of the sun sat there looking at me and said zilch! This was not going to be as easy as I had thought so I toured the rest of the museum, if not today I would have to come back the next day and the day after that. Being there during the Days of the Dead perhaps was not such a good idea, too much static I thought. As I was walking out toward the main gate I passed by the room that contained one of the huge Olmec heads, it called out to me, the head actually caused my ears to pop as you do when you gain or loss altitude. I was with a party of others in a mini tour so I could not hold them back for long as we were all about to leave. I just pointed to the Olmec room and ran over to get a better look at what had hailed me. Strange that no one really knows anything much at all about the Olmecs, they are a blank page in one of the most interesting and diversely cultured areas of the globe. I hardly had time to shut my eyes and try the third eye routine before I was struck down with the most god awful headache. I could not stand to be so close to it even though I was only at the door to the display room, I had to leave anyway my time was up and I was glad too, my head was pounding. So much for talking with the Sun Stone, it said nothing and the Olmec head drove me from the museum, what a welcome I thought, is this all one big mistake? It was some time later back in my hotel room after a few pills and half a dozen coffees my head got back into a space I could use to think with. Truthfully I was a little disappointed, no more than that I was highly disappointed. The only thing which helped to lift me was the excitement of being in Mexico, the only other place that had ever drawn me like Mexico was Rotorua back in New Zealand, and anybody reading this book will know what impact that place has had on my life to this point. I decided to just go with the flow it had always worked for me in the past, dont try to hard to make things happen, when the time was right I knew I would be made aware of it. Sleep beckoned. The area of Mexico that contains its capital is surrounded with volcanoes both live and extinct, strangely enough so is Rotorua, I now live in Auckland City New Zealand, the largest city of that country, it must surely be unique in the fact it is host to no fewer that 50 extinct Volcanos all within a few kilometres of down town, in some way it would appear the earth prefers to speak to me from its inner depths, if in some way this dark liquid from its interior has something to say perhaps I am the one to hear it, this was the thought upper most in my head as I passed into the land of the subconscious. The Sun Wheel had spoken to me, I just had not heard it in the form I was expecting, the headache was my brain expanding to busting point with what it had told me, the Olmec Head had just topped me up with a little more than I could handle, well it is a big head. The earth stone born of fire and brimstone had indeed spoken as I had been promised it would, now after a nights sleep I felt like an encyclopaedia but none of it made sense, it was like another language, thousands of pages of script and I could not read it. A computer code perhaps, it was sound but not a language, not even like on Haven, there were pictures of things I could not recognise, it was like everything was either upside down or inside out, my depth perception would not let me look at the pictures in my head in a way I could tell up from down, left from right and they appeared to be layered, but a thousand fold deep. One picture over the top of another until nothing made sense. It was like my head was just not big enough to lay it all out in an area big enough to see all. What to do, I could not print it out like on a computer, nor ask someone else to interpret it for me? Or could I? After my ten days away from the earth time line in 1989 it took me weeks and even years to decipher all the information I had received, still, Im sure there are pockets of information I have not managed to regurgitate 20 years after the fact. I knew deep down I would have to wait this out, let it unravel be patient, I was hooked into this so deeply it was difficult to do nothing. To be truthful though I didnt really know what I was supposed to be seeing, the voice had not told me what expect, or even what it was all about, just confirmation of sorts. I was heading for the Yucatan in a day or two and more succinctly Palenque was my first stop, I knew there was a Temple of the Sun there, perhaps the home of the legendary Pacal of Von Daniken fame might have an answer to the riddle. My plan was to do the same in front of the sun temple as I had in front of the sun wheel, close my eyes and see if one could help sort the overlay problems of the other, a long shot, but I was going to Palenque anyway, nothing to loose. As it turned out I was lucky to get to Palenque at all, I had been booked to stay at a Hotel in Villahermosa for the night after a flight from Mexico City, then drive to the Mayan wonder the next day, but the day before I arrived in Mexico half or more of the coastal area known as Tabasco had been flooded out, this included the town of Villahermosa. Fortunately the nearby airport was the highest land in the region and even though I could not get in to Villahermosa town itself I did managed to get a Mini Van that took me direct to Palenque, even though it required a two hour midnight drive. The stars where out, no not one UFO sighted! Palenque was everything I expected it to be, fantastic Mayan artefact, worth a day out of any ones life just to see it. As you might expect I was keen to get a look at the temple of the sun, initially I was disappointed it

was one of the smallest of the temple complexes backing into a hill of trees, which the howler monkeys seemed to call home, judging by the noise at least. I did my thing, using what I hoped might be my third eye, if I had one? Nothing again it seemed, no fire no brimstone, but this time I did not walk away disappointed Ill wait and see I thought. After all it was a wildcard thought anyway and the voice had never suggested I go to Palenque for any answers other than my own wonderment. There was a lot more to my wanderings about the Yucatan Peninsula but that is not for this report. I had to wait until I was home, and many months later before the information I had initially downloaded would present itself to me in a form I could understand. That aside there was another form of communication relating to some of this adventure which was a great help to me in understanding other aspects of the airborne communications that seem to be a part of all this. I have a friend that would appreciate Im sure the jigsaw puzzle aspect of my endeavour here, I already had a lot of information thanks to 1989, but now it seemed I had more of a proactive roll to play and this was planet earth we were dealing with, not some far flung dimension that was about to implode in on itself without ever actually touching our planet in a way anyone but me and a few others would ever know about. My South African contact House (see other chapter) had already chimed in a few years prior to all this with some interesting snippets of information about some new material that a contact of his that worked for Marconi in England had heard about, even though House seemed to think his friend had not personally handled or worked with this material he was sure it had come from either Antarctica or some place near the Falkland Islands, it appeared in Marconis laboratories very soon after the Falklands War, just a coincidence, maybe but remember I dont believe in them. I am sure House had said it was a liquid, maybe not, but anyway the most interesting aspect of this material was its ability to be programmed, but once an on switch of sorts was thrown this material would start interfering with their weather satellites. Turn the material off the interference went away. Case proven. House was sure this information would be correct because his friends field of expertise was actually satellite communication and programming. The scary part comes next, his friend and many others that worked for Marconi started dieing like flies! I think twenty or more, and all suicides according to reports House had seen. This is sad but the fact the material could be programmed and it was sending signals out into space, is just too much of a coincidence for anyone surely? And what on earth was going on with Marconi and associates. The jigsaw is on the table can I find some edgings? Is any of this real do you think? You had better believe it is. We are talking about the future well being of planet earth here! I have purposefully kept myself away from mystics, clairvoyants, medians, all those keen on telling us what the future has in store, not because I dont believe what they might have to say, but rather so my thoughts and discoveries are my own. When I was first swept into this world of alien interaction full time in 1989 I did not have my head full of others theories or belief systems, I quite simply didnt have the knowledge, had never done the study, what I wrote about in the first edition of Coevolution was just what I saw and was told. Its raw information and I am trying to keep this second adventure or the account there of the same. If what I say turns out to be wrong, its my mistake not anothers theory or belief crossing the divide, it simply means what I have seen or absorbed or believed to be the facts of the matter, have been misinterpretations. Also what I say will be original, I will not be trying to fit my discoveries into someone elses theory. If I do list others thoughts or statements here from now on it is only because they where pushed into my face almost accidentally or as a matter of fact as I tried to make sense of what I had seen or been told during my wonderings. They will be after the fact discoveries, some of which have gone a long way to reinforcing and making sense of my own observations. Collaboration, and we all need that from time to time. Collaboration is what seemed to appear on my doorstep, or rather computer screen. I had now been home for more than 2 years, slowly piecing together fragments of information from my overload experience. The story I was building appeared to more of a spiritual journey, perhaps an integration of humans into the cosmic plan, as said, I was putting this together from the raw info, I dared not go outside looking for information that fitted and trying to make what I knew fit, I had to piece it together from what I had stored in my head. I was only part way through that process when a friend sent me a link to a web site, an interactive forum site where others could post their thoughts about the theme subject started up by the original poster. At least I think that is how it happened, perhaps it was a phone call that alerted me to this information, just as long as you know that the information found me rather that I searching for it. Here is a condensed version of what my friend suggested I read, the posting is known as the Bezerk thread, it now runs at well over a thousand pages. This was posted October 2010 1. earlier this year several things of significance happened, including: - In January, Chinese archaeologists discovered evidence of alien technology under the Great Wall of China. After lots of their own analysis, they decided on a course of action and a timetable. I don't know the details. But I do know, that the Chinese sent a diplomatic briefcase to various national embassies, with a timelock for October 13. (Japan's is a couple of days later) - various western factions detected an 'organism' under the Earth's crust that has recently been activated or woken up. This organism started becoming active in the Gulf of Mexico, and seemed then and now, to pose a hazard. The countries who were in the loop on this seemed to be called the Odessa group, and the plan to deal with it seems to be called Odessa Protocols. We know Russia has known about the organism for some time, and has developed some countermeasures against it. Russia has been actively helping other nations get up to speed it seems. But during this time, China has been aware, but not playing along. Everyone was wondering 'what does China know' that we don't. A lot of people believe that the whole GoM oil 'leak' thing was caused so that 'damage control' could go in and sort some immediate headaches out, while it bought time about what to tell the American public. 2. just over the last 18 hours - satellites started detecting an anomalous signature reading coming from the Great Wall of China. My understanding is that it matches the signature readings that they get from the organism, and from the signals coming in from deep space that are aimed at the organism. Whatever it is that comes in from space that reacts with the organism, they are referred to on the Bezerk thread as Splashzones. My understanding of a splashzone is a physical location where the organism has 'surfaced' in some capacity, either above ground or

above ground on the ocean floor. 3. An uncomfortable number of insiders indicate that the organism is a type of terraforming technology which is being deployed in advance for new residents. I am told that we have new housemates who like a slightly different type of air and water than we do. Seems that they consider us too primitive to deserve such an abundant resource as this planet. They see us shitting in our own nest, while spending most of our money on ways to kill, instead of using our knowledge and money for peace and environmental repair. The questions on my mind right this minute are: - do the Chinese want disclosure, or would it hinder behind the scenes attempts by nations working together to fix this problem? - do the Chinese have a 'deal' or a genetic relationship to the incoming visitors? - who activated the antenna under the Great Wall of China? Is it a protective device of some sort put there two thousand years ago or more? Or is it a device to accelerate an invasion? - what does STUXNET have to do with all this? A quantum virus? Is it even 'ours'? - is all this stuff 'unplanned' or is this just good window dressing to get people like me to buy into the alien 'fear card'? Remember I did not go looking for this, I had just dropped a few words in the ear of someone who always has his ear to the ground, and this is what I got back! To say I was shocked is an understatement. When you are safe in your own head you can talk yourself out of anything. You can convince yourself if you forget about it, it will go away, and dont worry it was all in your imagination anyway. Move along nothing to see here. Perhaps naively I thought when I was in Mexico I was alone in all this, the only one looking for clues to the biggest puzzle perhaps in human history, well just me and a few ETs with vested interests in the planets survival, as is, so to speak. Also this appears to be a timing thing, the voice, you must go now! Its all happening now perhaps to prevent something as much as facilitate something, or both. Are humans guiding some of the negative aspects of this just as much as something from off-planet, my questions were endless. But to have all the above shoved in front of you, the e-report, how are you going to make that go away? My first reaction and my last, because Im still doing it now, is work harder on the overload information I still had in my head, could I see a ray of hope in there, was there a message to help explain what I was reading, both from the internet and my own travels, after all I was sent to the Gulf of Mexico to find answers, I decided the jigsaw puzzle needed more attention. I started to ask myself some questions about why I had been sent so far for what seemed like so little. I went back to the voice of my dreams. Close your eyes the voice had said and see clearly, see what is really there, not the distractions, you must go, now is the time. So I decided since the journey had already been undertaken, now was the time to close my eyes and see clearly. Now that the distractions of the actual adventure were over, is this what the voice was actually saying? Each night for a week I went to bed with nothing but the picture of the sun wheel in my head, all that got me was a week of frightful dreams, my partner kept waking me up and asking me not to kick out at her in my sleep. I cant now remember exactly what they were about, but the wheel had seen many horrific deaths. Not long after I tired meditation using the Hemi Sync tapes from the Monroe Institute. I had used them before but this time by mistake almost, or at least without thinking about it, I had running next to me as I meditated, a portable negative ioniser. Now you know I dont believe in coincidences. The very reason I owned the Elanra Ioniser was because it had come highly recommended for use in countries that have a reputation for dodgy food and water, also it had been suggested it could be good for altitude sickness, this fitted the bill as far as I was concerned as part of my adventure after Mexico included the high altitude Peruvian city of Cusco, the ioniser appears to have worked its miracles for me on all counts, because the food was kind to me and apart from a headache after eight hours or so in Cusco, there were no other ill affects during the whole time away. Whatever the reason might have been, a whole new world appeared before me during this meditation session, my eyes were indeed opened. I could write another book just describing this new world I had found, but for now I will concentrate on the Sun Wheel and what it had to say for itself. This was a world set in space, no boundaries, no walls, just infinite space, and guess what? This was exactly what I needed to lay out the pictures, the multioverlaid pictures I had stored in my head after my visit to the museum in Mexico City. I could see right off they were stacked in columns, dozens to each column almost like seats in a picture theater. In this new world of mine I could move around in the space as if flying, I could be on one side then the other without encumbrance, it was like when you first learn to ride a bike as a child, the world appears to be your oyster. You can go almost anywhere, cover vast distances in a short time compared to walking. I was in one of those worlds, child like, I just wanted to explore it, but a pressing need kept me focused on the pictures. Which turned out not to pictures at all in the end. The Monroe Hemi-Sync CDs are reported to tune your brain-wave patterns as their name suggest to synchronize both sides of the brain to work in unison, this is done with a gentle resonant vibration. Similarly the Elanra ioniser can be programmed to operate on nine different frequencies from 4 Hz to 40 Hz including the Schumann Resonance (7.83Hz) Alfa 10 Hz, so some might see here I was maybe playing with fire to have both running at the same time, even if not intentionally. When I first got the ioniser I tried several frequencies over several nights (it is reported to work best as a health aid during sleep) all of the frequencies ended up giving me a headache, I wonder now, was I going places in my sleep and downloading too much information, similar to the Olmec head in Mexico? The only way I could use the ioniser in the end was to have it set to run at 5minute intervals on and 5 minutes off. This is totally uncharted territory I bet for everyone reading this, so I advise caution if you want to try it for yourself. That was how I got to be where I was, looking at those pictures. When I reached to touch them they rippled like a stone dropped into water, what was I supposed to do with them? I pondered the question and soon that same voice said just two words, jump in. The old adage Faint heart never won fair lady came to mind and jump I did. What comes next makes an experience with aliens seem a little ho-hum. Where would you like to go? said a voice from behind me. Turning to find no one, I asked, excuse me (my colonial English upbringing) who said that? A face appeared, smiling, kind of a unisex face, could have been a man or a woman, but at least human looking, saying, can I be of help? I replied as you might expect with the question. Im not sure what Im doing here, I was just looking at these pictures and someone suggested I jump in, now Im not sure what to do

next, can you help? The face had a sense of humor it would appear. Do you always jump on command? it asked. Well no, I replied, but I trusted the voice that suggested I do so. It is good to trust your intuition, the voice suggested, If you dont trust that then who is there left to trust? It did not wait for a reply but continued on, the answer to you quest will most likely appear to you if you follow that tunnel over there. A hand appeared also from out of nowhere and pointed to my left, following it I could see a glowing light that Im sure was not there a moment or two ago. Just join the queue, make a few friends and youll be there in no time, literally. The face suggested, and was gone before I could thank it. This is how I arrived at some of the answers I had been seeking and shall now declare. I will not include the entire journey of discovery into new lands, that will be delivered another time in another place, all we need concern ourselves with now is what I learnt in that place of wonderment that concerns our problems in the Gulf of Mexico. This might come as a surprise to many, Im not a newager, I never have been, Im not even super spiritual, I know little or nothing about all the subjects that are related to those names, I do revere nature, I do know we are killing our planet, I do believe in intelligent engineering to use a crude tradesman like word for how everything came to be in our universe, but Im also not religious in any way shape or form. Perhaps because of all that Im the right choice to go looking for answers, because I have nothing to hang my hat upon as they say. Ill just call it as I see it. When I reported on my alien interaction back in 1989 I tried not to cloud any of that report with personal feelings, I just reported what they had to say and left it at that. Im going to try and do the same thing here. At first it seemed an anticlimax to be told most of what was happening in the GOM was natural, as natural as accidents can be. Remember the Gulf catastrophe had not happened back in 2007 when I was there, and it was 2010 before I started my out of body experiences. The gulf had just then exploded. But I was soon to understand what was meant by natural. I was also told to look elsewhere before coming back to the Gulf. I was told to go to Mars, in a non-physical way for some of the answers. There I found that the seed of the Gulf of Mexico was blowing in the wind for want of a better phrase. Mars had once had oceans and one of the main life forms within that ocean was what is being described back here on earth as AUgie, an intelligent liquid capable of becoming almost anything within its chemical make up including gold. It is very adaptable and does not necessarily need water to survive in but water is one of its best friends, water allows it to spread its seed more easily, heat is also a friend because it speeds up its metabolism everything happens faster when its warm. Only fire has its measure, it cannot survive in that much heat, maybe close to 2000oC is its extinction temperature. The earth knows this, volcanoes to the rescue? But are they hot enough? Maybe even earthquakes are allowing deep core magma to get at this AUgie were it lays before it can be released. Set fire to the rig, burn the water? Getting the picture? Its inert on Mars now because the place is so cold. Its inert on earth in most of the places it has been deposited because they are also cold. Or the earth has locked it up deep down, the earth does know what its doing it would appear, not so sure about some humans? Well I have not figured out if all the deep drilling is intentional or accidental, we have both stupid and greedy people on this planet that are innocent of everything but their greed. There are however some people working for non-people that are not innocent and will try to take you out simply because they have been told to do so! AUgie is basically a naturally intelligent substance, though possibly not a native of earth. (Au) portion of Augie, standing for gold. Russia experimented with deep drilling during the cold war, their files are locked up and labeled top secret. What did they find? Why are they more advanced in their understanding of AUgie than most others? Why is AUgie attracted to heavy water? Reports from alien sources suggest it is. Was it brought here? (to earth) Most likely, but we could also have our own version of it. It could also have arrived here by accident. Was it spiked (modified)? Reports seem to suggest it was. Investigation incomplete. 5/5/11 As of June 1st 2011 I have been informed by those that should know there is no contamination in the GOM by AUgie as we might know it, maybe there never was? However oil pollution is there for all to see, well actually the worst pollution is on the sea floor where all cannot see it! End of this report not the end of this event. [b]The second task[/b]Close your eyes the voice said and see clearly, see what is really there, not the distractions, you must go, now is the time. I was told to go to the land of the Maya and Aztec, to the central city and look at the Sun Stone using only one eye. [b]OK done that![/b]The second task was to listen to the stones of the Jaguar without ears to hear. The voice said the teeth would talk to me if my hands did the listening the message had been left there long before the coming of Inca. ??

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