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Biogas prediction and design of a

food waste to energy system for the
urban environment
Nathan Curry

Renewable Energy

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Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban
Nathan Curry*, Pragasen Pillay
P.D. Ziogas Power Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal,
Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Anaerobic digestion applied to the organic waste produced in urban environments could provide
Received 18 July 2011 a critical solution to growing garbage problems while simultaneously reducing external energy
Accepted 23 October 2011 requirements. As landfills across Canada and the rest of the world are filled to their limits, a carbon-
Available online xxx
neutral process which can locally generate electricity and heat while providing up to 50% volatile
solid reduction is something to be seriously considered. This paper investigates the feasibility of urban
anaerobic digestion, presents four techniques for biogas estimation e ultimate analysis, yield from
Anaerobic digestion
molecular formula analysis, a novel computer simulation technique using Anaerobic Digestion Model #1
Urban environment
Waste to energy
(ADM1), and a literature review of experimentally determined biogas yields. In addition, a case study for
Food waste small-scale anaerobic digestion system design is presented for an urban building.
Renewable energy Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction problem with this is that landfills around the world are running
out of space. The last landfill in the greater New York City area
1.1. Population growth and increased urbanization closed in 2001 and now 12,500 tonnes of garbage are transported
daily outside the state by truck, barge, and train [4]. London
Urban waste generation and disposal will continue to be a major currently sends 20 million tonnes of annual waste to 18 different
global issue as the world’s population grows past the 7 billion mark landfills that are running out of space [5]. Montreal, Canada, has
and more people move to urban areas. As of 2008, the number of a contract to send 1.3 million tonnes of waste each year to
people living in cities surpassed those living in rural areas and it has a landfill located 40 km away with permits that extend only to
been estimated that by 2050, 6 billion people will be living in cities 2012 [6]. In 2006, nearly a million tonnes of the waste generated
compared with 3.5 billion now [1]. in Toronto, Canada, was trucked to landfills across the U.S. border
Global population has more than doubled since 1960 and by into Michigan. As a solution, the City of Toronto has purchased
2050 it will have more than tripled to almost 9 billion [2]. Ninety- a landfill site that is over 200 km away from the downtown area
nine percent of projected population growth and 50% of the urban that opened January, 2011 [7]. Mexico City produces 12,500 tonnes
growth is predicted to occur in the developing world e currently of trash per day and sends it to a sprawling, polluted landfill that is
considered to be Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean - at running out of space [8]. As of 2011, two thirds of China’s cities are
a pace of almost 50% per year while North America and European overrun with garbage and millions of tonnes of waste are sent to
population growth will only increase by 2% and total urbanization non-sanitary landfills with one quarter of cities having no place to
will increase by 10% [2,3]. dispose of trash [9].
There is no simple solution to this waste problem. This is
1.2. The problem with landfills a pressing global issue that requires design and consumption
paradigm shifts as well as new waste management solutions.
The waste generated by this increasing urbanization of humans
and industries will have to be sorted and processed. The most
common waste management solution is landfilling. The main 1.3. Food waste available for anaerobic digestion

A study of global food waste published in 2011 by the Food and

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 514 848 2424x7089, þ 514 802 9099 (Cell). Agriculture Organization of the UN found that roughly one third of
E-mail addresses:, (N. Curry). all food produced for human consumption each year goes to waste

0960-1481/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
2 N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10

totaling 1.3 billion tonnes [10]. This waste is distributed fairly a viable substrate and presents different biogas estimation
evenly between developing and industrialized nations with 40% of techniques, Section 3 presents an overview of the design
the food waste in the developing nations occurring in the process for a small-scale food waste to energy system, Section 4
production and processing phases of consumption while in the is a case study of the design of a small-scale food waste to
industrialized nations, 40% occurs at the retail and consumer levels energy system for an urban building, and Section 5 presents the
of consumption [10]. conclusions.
Applying anaerobic digestion (AD) to this amount of food waste
has the potential to generate 367 m3 of biogas per dry tonne at
2. Anaerobic digestion in the urban environment
about 65% methane [11] with an energy content of 6.25 kWh/m3 of
biogas [12] yielding 894 TWh annually. This represents almost 5% of
2.1. Anaerobic digestion overview
the total global electrical energy utilization of 20,181 TWh in 2008
[13]. In addition, where anaerobic digestion technology is applied,
The first anaerobic digestion plant built to convert waste to
food waste would not be sent to landfills reducing transportation
energy occurred in 1859 at a leper colony in Bombay, India -
costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
although references to the process that produces a fuel gas from the
In 2009, the United States generated 243 million tonnes of
putrification of organic materials was observed and harnessed in
municipal solid waste (MSW) comprised mainly of food scraps,
much earlier centuries. Since the turn of the 20th century, it has
yard waste, plastic packaging, furniture, tires, appliances, paper,
become a widely used process and can be found everywhere from
and cardboard. The discarded MSW came from two main sources:
small farms in Africa, villages in India, integrated networks of farms
Residential (55e65%) and Commercial/Institutional (35e45%) with
in Germany and Denmark, and MW farm installations in the US.
construction and hazardous wastes not considered in the grouping.
In recent years, anaerobic digestion technology has seen rapid
Nearly half of this waste was recycled or reclaimed with 132 million
growth. Biogas plants around the world have experienced a 20 to
tonnes (54%) going to landfill [14]. Organic materials represented
30 percent increase each year with the most experienced and well-
the largest component of MSW with 34.2 million tonnes of food
developed markets being in Germany, Denmark, and Austria [17].
waste and yard waste disposed of each year. Waste breakdown is
As of 2007, Germany has 3700 biogas plants in operation [17],
shown in Fig. 1.
Denmark has 20 centralized plants and 35 farm scale plants in
operation [19], and Austria has 323 plants with an electrical
capacity of 81 MW [18].
In other parts of the world, AD technology also flourishes as
a waste-to-energy solution but on a smaller scale and in a decen-
tralized manner. In 2007, China had an estimated 18 million biogas
digesters and in India there are currently over 5 million small-scale
biogas plants in operation. The volumes of the digesters range from
2 m3 to 20 m3 and they are usually fed household and agricultural
wastes. The biogas is predominantly used for personal cooking and
lighting purposes [17].
Despite all of these advances, anaerobic digestion has yet to
make a large migration to the urban environment. Historically,
landfilling has been a cheaper option for urban development but as
landfills continue to run out of space and move farther from the
cities, the cost of landfilling will continue to rise, both monetarily
and environmentally. If the organic waste produced in the cities was
source-separated from the recyclable materials and digested on-site
in small-scale anaerobic reactors, it could provide a critical solution
to growing garbage problems while simultaneously reducing
external energy requirements and greenhouse gas emissions.
Fig. 1. MSW composition 2009 before recyclying, USA EPA.

2.2. The anaerobic digestion process

In Canada, the total amount of waste sent to landfill in 2008 was
26 million tonnes [15]. It has been estimated that almost 50% of
Anaerobic digestion is a process in which microorganisms
food produced for human consumption in Canada is discarded
breakdown biodegradable material in the absence of oxygen. The
totaling 6 million tonnes annually and representing 23% of total
process is widely used to treat wastewater sludges and industrial
waste [16].
and farm wastes because it provides volume and mass reduction of
Using the figures from the US and Canada and the biogas and
the input material. Anaerobic digestion is considered a renewable
energy content discussed at the beginning of this section (2.3 MWh
energy source because the methane-rich biogas produced is suit-
per dry tonne of food waste), the annual energy available from food
able for energy production and can replace fossil fuels. Additionally,
waste is in Table 1.
the nutrient-rich solids and liquids left after digestion can be used
Table 1 as fertilizer.
Energy available from AD of OFMSW in US and Canada.
The anaerobic digestion of food waste is a complicated
Food waste (t) Biogas (m3) Energy content (MWh) biochemical process. Based on temperature and input substrate,
US 34,200,000 3,765,420,000 23,533,875 different strains of bacteria digest complex chains of carbohydrates,
Canada 6,000,000 660,600,000 4,128,750 fats and proteins into their component parts. Anaerobic digestion
occurs in four separate phases: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, aceto-
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 has an overview genesis, and methanogenesis as shown in Fig. 2. The last stage of
of the anaerobic digestion process and introduces food waste as the process, methanogenesis, is where the biogas is produced [31].

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10 3

how all the different species of bacteria interact and further, how
each particular strain of each bacteria interact with each other. At
some points there can be 8 different methanogenic bacteria con-
verting acetic acid into methane. Any attempt at standardizing or
modeling an AD system will be based on a particular waste with
a particular experimental set up. For complicated wastes such as
food waste, the problems are multiplied as the biochemical path-
ways involved in the digestion are estimations and require
a case-by-case interaction to run efficiently. In addition, the
research motivation affects available data on digestion of food
waste. It’s rare to find experiments done from an energy or
economics perspective as the focus of the research is often on the
stability and completion of biochemical reactions and not on
optimum biogas production and high methane content.

2.3. Food waste as anaerobic digestion substrate

Waste analysis is one of the most important steps in the AD

process. Knowing the general composition of the input material to
the system is essential for calculating the amount and composition
Fig. 2. Anaerobic digestion process. of the biogas produced as well as the amount of energy contained in
the biogas.
Anaerobic degradability greatly depends on the composition of
The advantage of using anaerobic digestion in an urban envi- the input material considered. It’s very difficult to estimate or
ronment to treat organic waste as opposed to composting it is that measure the percentage of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins in
anaerobic digestion produces biogas with a high percentage of a heterogeneous substrate such as food waste due to the dynamic
methane which can be used as fuel whereas composting produces and sensitive nature of the biological process to the input compo-
mostly carbon dioxide which has no energy value [20]. Importantly, sition. There are several techniques available to estimate the
AD also prefers cooked and oily food waste to be digested where amount of biogas contained in a complex substrate such as food
composting does not [31]. In fact, the AD process produces more waste including ultimate analysis, molecular formula (if known),
biogas when used cooking oil and cooked meats are added [20]. computer simulation, and a literature review of experimentally
There are several types of anaerobic digestion, but for food determined biogas yields.
waste, studies have shown that mesophilic (w35  C) is the most
stable [11,21,22] Thermophilic digestion (w55  C) allows for faster 2.4. Ultimate analysis of food waste for biogas prediction
methane extraction and therefore has a lower substrate retention
time and can be considered in situations where size is a restriction, This technique of biogas estimation involves breaking food
but has been shown not to be as stable and more sensitive to input waste down into its elemental composition of carbon, hydrogen,
composition when dealing with food waste [11,21,22]. oxygen, and nitrogen. If 150 tonnes of food waste (dry basis) is
The anaerobic digestion of food waste can be performed in assumed, then the waste breakdown in Table 2 can be assumed.
a single continuously stirred tank or in a two-phase system. The
process can be run “wet” (less than 15% TS) or “dry” (15e40% TS) in Table 2
both single and two-phase systems, each having specific advan- Ultimate analysis of food waste.
tages and disadvantages depending on substrate, system size and % kg/mol
configuration [22]. C 48 5.45
For the case of small-scale systems that operate at a small scale H 6.4 0.46
(1 tpd food waste load or less), dry digestion systems such as the O 37.6 7.26
Dranco system have not been demonstrated to be feasible as the N 2.6 6.35
S 0.4 14.55
equipment needed to pump a high-solids slurry are much more
expensive than readily available wet digestion system components.
The methane in the biogas produced from the AD process can
If 1 mol of N is assumed, then C22H38013N is the chemical
be combusted to produce both heat and electricity using internal
formula for 150 tonnes of food waste (VS).
combustion engines or microturbines and hot water heaters in
Using Buswell’s Equation, the amount of biogas produced can be
a cogeneration arrangement where the heat generated is used to
predicted [23]:
warm the digesters or to heat buildings. Any excess electricity not
needed on site can be sold back to the grid. In the case of excess 
4a b 2c þ 3d
4a þ b 2c 3d

gas production or a repair needed in a boiler or genset, the biogas Ca Hb Oc Nd þ H2 O/
4 8
can be stored in tanks, special balloons, or sent to an enclosed flare
4a b þ 2c þ 3d
to prevent the release of methane into the atmosphere. In order to  CH4 þ CO2 þ dNH3 ð1Þ
configure an AD system in the urban environment, special
consideration must be paid to standing gas, fire, and building
codes as well as health and safety regulations for handling food C22H38O13N þ 6.75H2O / 12.13CH4 þ 9.88CO2 þ 1NH3
The literature on the anaerobic digestion of solid wastes is The CH4 yield is 55.7 tonnes at 25  C (0.668 kg/m3) or 83,383 m3
difficult to summarize and is often very confusing due to the “black CH4. The CO2 yield is 124.2 tonnes at 25  C (1.842 kg/m3) or
box” aspect of the process. Not everything is fully understood about 67,318 m3 CO2.This provides a total biogas yield of 1005 m3 of

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
4 N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10

biogas/tonne VS. This value assumes that 100% of the food waste practical characteristics of solid wastes need to be interpolated into
substrate is broken down. Practically, about 40e65% of the organic their carbohydrate, protein and lipid constituents.
material is broken down, scaling the biogas yield down to For those outside the wastewater engineering field, ADM1 is
402 m3/tVS to 653 m3/tVS [22,24,25]. This range is close to a steady extremely complicated to use and requires extensive knowledge of
state experimentally determined biogas yields for mesophilic the biochemistry involved in the anaerobic process as well as
digestion of food waste of 367 m3/tonne VS [11]. a complete chemical breakdown of the input substrate. This can be
a hindrance for renewable energy researcher as the output of this
2.5. Biogas prediction from molecular formula estimation model is very useful for energy calculations.
In 2009, a transformer was developed which improves on the
If estimated from the values presented in [38] for a “mixed Continuity Based Interfacing Model (CBIM) developed in 2005 [18].
kitchen waste” the carbohydrate, protein, and lipid concentration of The CBIM balances the macronutrient (CHNOP) elemental continuity
the sampled food waste are 59, 33, and 8 percent respectively. with respect to chemical oxygen demand (COD) balance and charge
Using these values for the nutritional breakdown of food waste and balance. The CBIM assumes the input feedstock to have a constant
a biogas yield for each category based on theoretical molecular composition which does not allow for dynamic simulation [39]. The
formulas for carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids as given in [15], transformer developed in [40] takes this process a step further by
a value for the maximum biogas potential (in Nm3 of CH4/tVS) of attempting to maintain the mass balance, COD balance, and charge
the mixed food waste can be estimated. balance according to a predefined, ordered, maximization procedure.
Carbohydrates (based on C6H10O5) e 59% at 415 Nm3/tVS This transformer allows ADM1 to be more accurately employed as
Proteins (based on C5H7NO2) e 33% at 496 Nm3/tVS a biogas estimation tool. The process is described in the next section.
Lipids (C57H104O6) e 8% at 1014 Nm3/tVS
This calculation yields a methane production value of 2.7. Using the transformer as a tool for biogas prediction
490 Nm3/tVS which is equivalent to 754 m3/tVS of biogas at 65%
methane. As in Section 2.4, this value is assuming that all of the Using the transformer developed in [40], the 32 required inputs
volatile solids are destroyed. Applying a realistic correction factor of for ADM1 can be estimated for complex substrates through the
40e65% volatile solids destruction, the biogas yield using this input of 11 parameters. This development helps to strengthen the
method is 302e490 m3 of biogas produced per tonne of volatile link between ADM1 and commonly measured characteristics of
solids. The experimentally determined reference value of solid wastes. The transformer was programmed in C and incorpo-
367 m3/tVS is squarely within this range of biogas yields. rated into a General Integrated Solid Waste Co-Digestion model
The biggest problem with this method is that the percentages of (GISCOD) that runs in Matlab-Simulink [38].
carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids are not readily available for For this method of solid waste digestion, the following practical
a mixed substrate and difficult to measure. In this case, the result characteristics are considered available: total COD (CODt), soluble
happens to be close to predicted yield but that might not hold true COD (CODs), VFAs, total carbon (TC), total inorganic carbon (TIC),
for other mixed wastes in general. This method works better for TKN, TAN, total phosphorous (TP), orthophosphate (orthoP), total
a homogeneous substrate where the carbohydrate, proteins, and alkalinity (Scat), total solids (TS), and total volatile solids (TVS).
lipid values are obtainable from USDA or similar archives. From this complete list of characteristics, the 11 inputs to the
transformer can be determined:
2.6. Computer simulation of biogas production
1. Particulate COD (CODp) in gCOD/m3(Calculated as (CODt e
The most advanced model of the biogas production from CODs) where CODs is split into soluble substrate minus COD of
anaerobic digestion comes from the Anaerobic Digestion Model 1 VFAs (CODs e COD of VFAs) and VFAs)
(ADM1). This was developed by the International Water Association 2. Soluble COD subtracting COD of VFAs (CODs e VFA) in gCOD/m3
in 2002 with the objective of building a mathematical model of 3. Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) in gCOD/m3
anaerobic digestion based on the interactive, dynamic chemistry of 4. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) in gC/m3(Total carbon minus total
anaerobic reactors. Currently, it is the research tool which most inorganic carbon)
completely models the process in which a complex substrate 5. Total Organic Nitrogen (Norg) in gN/m3 (Comes from estima-
breaks down in the absence of oxygen [29]. tion of Proteins (C6H1203N2))
The first step of the ADM1 model converts solids into carbohy- 6. Total Ammonia Nitrogen (TAN) in gN/m3
drates, lipids, proteins and inert material (soluble and particulate 7. Organic Phosphorous (TP-OrthoP) in gP/m3
inert). The second step is the hydrolysis process which disintegrates 8. Ortho-Phosphate (orthoP) in gP/m3
the products of the first step into sugars, amino acids and long chain 9. Total Inorganic Carbon (TIC) in mol HCO3 /m3
fatty acids (LCFA). Next, the amino acids and sugars are fermented to 10. Total Alkalininty (Scat) equ/m3(Estimated from total alkalinity
produce volatile fatty acids, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide (acido- measurements)
genesis). Then the organic acids - LCFA, proprionic acid, butyric acid 11. Fixed Solids (FS) in g/m3 (Total Solids e Total Volatile Solids)
and valeric acid - are anaerobically oxidized into acetate, carbon
dioxide and hydrogen (acetogenesis). In the last step, carbon In the case of not being able to measure all of these parameters
dioxide and hydrogen and acetate are metabolized into methane by directly, literature surveys and specialized archives (USDA, etc) can
methanogenic bacteria (methanogenesis) (see Fig. 2) [29]. be used to determine the necessary input parameters.
For wastewater applications, the ADM1 input parameters are Using ADM1 to predict biogas from food waste is simulated by
estimated from experimental data as well as expert knowledge using transformer inputs for kitchen waste and experimental
about expected characteristics. For the Differential and Algebraic hydrolysis rates (5.22, 1.86, and 1.24 d 1 for carbohydrates,
Equation version of the ADM1 model (DAE) developed in 2006 proteins, and lipids respectively) [38]. The disintegration constant
there are 26 dynamic state concentration variables, 19 biochemical kdis was set at 0.5 for solid waste according to [22]. Using the
kinetic processes, 3 gas/liquid transfer kinetic processes and 8 transformer and values from [38], the biogas yield was 316 m3/tVS,
implicit algebraic variables represented with varying sensitivities which is only a 14% difference compared with experimental yield of
[29]. In order to use this model with complex substrates, the 367 m3/tVS [11].

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10 5

2.8. Literature review of biogas produced from food waste D ¼ 1 e b 0:1
for b>0:15 (3)

For mixed food waste, Table 3 shows biogas yields that have where: D ¼ Density in dry tons/m3, b ¼ Dryness (%).
been reported for mesophilic digestion: A graphical representation of these equations can be seen in
From Table 3, the average value biogas from digestion food Fig. 3. As dry material in a substrate increases, density decreases. In
waste at mesophilic temperatures is approximately 370 m3/tVS the case of food waste, density is 0.78 tons/m3.
which is less than a 1% deviation from the full-scale 100 tpd study
done on the mesophilic digestion of food waste in [11].

Table 3
Experimental biogas yields for food waste.

Source Biogas yield m3/tVS

Discarded Food 355 [34]
Food waste 367 [11]
OFMSW 310e490 [35]
OFMSW 300e400 [26]
OFMSW 255e494 [36]
Food Waste 288 [32]
OFMSW 390 [33]
Food Waste 472 [27]

3. Design of small-scale anaerobic digestion system for food

Fig. 3. Dryness vs. Density for organic materials.

There are several important factors to consider when discussing

the feasibility of designing an anaerobic digestion system to oper- 3.3. Digester sizing considerations
ate with food waste as the predominant input substrate. Food waste
is considered a desirable input substrate but it is also prone to over- In order to figure out the size of the tank needed to digest the
acidification and lower pH levels due to the amount of fatty acids waste, several related parameters are needed: input flow rate,
produced. A review of important considerations for digesting food dryness, total solids, volatile solids, organic loading rate, and
waste follows. hydraulic retention time. The size of the reactor can be calculated
by a modified version of the organic loading rate equation:
3.1. Amount of waste available
m kg
Flow Rate *Volatile Solids Concentration
An estimation of the total tonnage of input substrate is a very day m3
Volume m3 ¼
important first step in the design process. Often this amount is not
Organic Loading Rate =day
directly known and needs to be estimated through a waste audit. A m3
total amount of waste can be estimated from a weekly, monthly, or (4)
annual audit.
From the estimate of annual tonnage, the amount of dry mate-
3.2. Dryness of input rial can be calculated. Once the amount of dry material is known
and the density, then a flow rate can be calculated after the tonnage
One of the more important parameters for AD systems is the is converted to cubic meters and divided by the number of days in
dryness of the input material. Before an accurate size of the a year.
digestion tank or a prediction of biogas content can be made, Next, the amount of volatile solids (VS) needs to be measured or
the amount of dry solids present in the input substrate is taken from literature. This can be done in a laboratory by taking
necessary. In agricultural manure waste, there is only a 2e12% a sample, weighing it, drying it in an oven at 550  C until it
solids content meaning the input slurry is mostly water. The maintains a stable weight (24 h) and then comparing the two
potential biogas comes from the solids content, so accordingly, weights. In the case of food waste, literature shows volatile solids
manure has a very low biogas yield per ton. According to are usually 90e95% of the total solids (dry material) or 28e29% of
a literature review of waste taken from cafeterias, restaurants, the substrate’s wet weight [11,27,28]. Once the VS percentage is
and markets, food waste is approximately 30% dry material known, the concentration of organic material in kg/m3 can be
[11,22,25e28]. obtained by multiplying VS by the weight of the substrate per cubic
As the water content in the substrate decreases, the density of meter (derived from density).
the substrate decreases. This is an important factor to note when From here, it becomes necessary to have a desired organic
converting from tons of input material to a volumetric measure- loading rate for the substrate. Studies of the mesophilic digestion of
ment of cubic meters. food waste show that the organic loading rate can be much higher
The relationship between dryness and volume can be deter- than typical wastewater treatment or farm waste systems while
mined by the following set of inequalities: remaining stable. For wastewater treatment and farm waste, OLRs
can range from 1 to 5 kgVS/m3 [29,30]. The Environmental
D ¼ 1 for b  0:15 (2) Protection Agency’s yearlong study of food waste AD in California

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
6 N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10

ran successfully at an OLR of 7 kgVS/m3 [11]. Other studies have

shown that the OLR for food waste can go as high as 10 kgVS/m3
while remaining stable and producing biogas [21,26,28].
Once flow rate, concentration, and possible OLR ranges have
been determined, a design choice becomes necessary. Due to the
fact that OLR and HRT depend on each other and can both be used
to size the system, one or the other must be fixed in order to
determine the appropriate reactor size. This process should leave
an amount of eligible play for the parameter that has been fixed
once the system has been sized. Once in operation, changing HRT
and OLR have different effects on the system and the possible
consequences need to be considered before sizing can occur. If the
concentration of VS is increased by increasing the OLR while
keeping the HRT constant, then the viscosity of the slurry changes
and subsequently the pumpability of the substrate changes. There
is a usually an upper limit of 15% on pumps used to transport the
slurry, so the system could experience mechanical failure if the OLR
was already close to the upper limit [17]. In contrast, if the OLR is
held constant and the HRT is changed, then the system could
experience undesirable biochemical effects such as the organic
matter not breaking down as much and subsequent methane
production would decrease. Using the OLR as a prominent design
criterion does not appear often in literature, it is the HRT of
a system that is varied.

3.4. Biogas yield

Once the system has been properly sized, hydraulic retention

time and organic loading rate have definite values, then the biogas
production and specific methane production can be calculated.
A comparison of typical reported biogas yields from literature is
seen in Fig. 4 [11,17,31]. Food waste has a higher yield of biogas per
dry tonne than most substrates. Comparing food waste yields with
cow manure for example shows that food waste yields 15 times
more biogas per tonne than farm waste. This is intuitive because
the manure has already been digested by an animal and therefore
large amounts of the energy have already been removed. A litera-
ture survey of biogas yields from food waste was provided in
Section 2.8.

Fig. 5. System design flow chart.

4. Case study of design of food waste to energy system for an

urban building

4.1. Waste analysis

Fig. 4. Biogas yields of various substrates in m3/tonne VS. The focus of this case study is on a general mixed food waste
that is found in most large kitchens and cafeterias in urban high-
rise buildings. If organic waste is not source separated, it is often
3.5. System design overview necessary to do a waste audit to accurately determine the
percentage of the total waste that is biodegradable. At Concordia
A flow chart of the biogas design process described in the University, a student-funded organization named Sustainable
previous sections can be seen in Fig. 5. Concordia does a yearly month-long waste audit to estimate the

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10 7

average composition of the waste that is sent to the landfill. The

most recent waste audit results from 2007 are shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 8. Downtown waste fluctuations over the course of a year.

For mixed food waste biogas yield, the value from the Envi-
Fig. 6. Waste breakdown for the downtown campus (2007). ronmental Protection Agency’s yearlong mesophilic, mixed food
waste study is used: an average of 367 m3 of biogas per tonne of VS
added to the digester. For 165 tonnes of food waste produced on the
According to the audits from 2002 to 2007, the average amount Concordia downtown campus, 50 tonnes of VS would be produced
of digestible waste is 35e43% of the total waste [37]. From the (30% VS average). This gives an annual yield of 18,350 m3 of biogas
records of the waste sent to the landfill, a total tonnage of waste can with a composition of 65% methane and 35% CO2.
be calculated as well as a reasonable estimate of how many tonnes For biogas made up of 65% methane, an energy value of
of waste per year are available for anaerobic digestion. From the 6.25 kWh/m3 is used [12]. Knowing there are 18,350 m3 of biogas
landfill records, it’s also possible to determine how much waste available, the total energy content of the biogas can be calculated as
comes from individual buildings and then estimate the amount of 114,688 kWh annually. If the biogas is sent to a 10 kW water boiler
organic waste located therein. to offset natural gas costs, 90e95% of the energy or
Taking the most recent year’s data as an example as shown in 103e109 MWh/year (Fig. 8.) is available due to boiler efficiency
Fig. 7, Concordia sent 698 metric tonnes of waste to landfill at a cost [31]. If the biogas is sent to an internal combustion engine attached
of $131.28 per tonne for a total cost of $91,608. Consultation of the to a 3kW generator, then the efficiency drops to 35% and there is
landfill records show that 55% of Concordia’s waste was produced only about 40 MWh (Fig. 9) of energy is available [31]. In Con-
in the downtown campus totaling 385 metric tonnes. Taking into cordia’s case, it has been calculated that if all of the biogas was sent
account the fact that up to 43% of this waste is biodegradable and to the water boilers located in the same building, the total energy
could be used for composting or anaerobic digestion, 165 tonnes of costs for heating could be offset by 3%. Annual thermal and elec-
food waste is available. The amount of waste per month fluctuates trical energy production is seen below.
with the season and as a result the resulting energy output is not
constant. The total amount of biogas can be extrapolated and the
monthly energy production can be estimated using the downtown
campus waste fluctuations as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 7. Total tonnes of waste sent to landfill annually. Fig. 9. Annual thermal and electrical energy content of biogas.

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
8 N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10

4.2. System design The top-mounted 735 W mixer has a stainless steel shaft and
paddles and runs at a slow rpm approximately 8 h per day. The tank
Implementing an anaerobic digestion system in the urban temperature (35  C) is maintained by circulating the substrate
environment presents several unique challenges due to the (15e20% TS) through a hot-water heat exchanger. This provides
explosive nature of the gases involved and the paradigm shift additional mixing for the system.
involved with more waste handling and management occurring The digester is fed through the interruption of substrate re-
inside of city buildings. Additionally, designing a system that is circulation by using a 3-way valve that diverts the intake of the
feasible for the amount of waste produced and the amount of space pump from the digester to the mixing/hydrolysis tank. Slurry is
available also presents unique challenges. then pumped from the mixing tank to the digester at the pre-
In the specific case of Concordia University the following system determined organic loading rate (4e10 kg/m3/day) and the 3-way
design (seen in Fig. 10) is proposed and includes a shredder, valve is returned to its re-circulation position for heating and
hydrolysis/pasteurization stage, digester tank, boiler, screw press to mixing.
separate the liquid digestate from the solid, composter to continue In order to combat the amount of the corrosive hydrogen sulfide
to neutralize any pathogens in the solids, and aeration tank to (H2S) in the biogas produced by the process, a small quantity of air
neutralize the liquids. The liquid and solid digestate can then be used is injected into the digester head. This allows the H2S in the biogas
as nutrient-rich fertilizers for the building grounds and greenhouse. to be converted by bacteria to elemental sulfur that will cling to the
The proposed plan involves collecting 100e165 annual tonnes of tank roof and be cleaned when necessary.
organic wastes from various locations on the downtown campus Generated biogas is stored in a 10 m3 double-membrane
including one large cafeteria, a smaller kitchen, and several coffee gasholder. This gasholder is sized by taking the predicted average
shops. Organic waste can be collected using 250 l bins and trans- hourly biogas flow rate and multiplying by a projected amount of
ported to the greenhouse on the 13th floor of one of the high-rise hours that the system would be down for repairs as well as the
buildings. The food waste can be dumped into a 300 l hopper space available for storage. In this case, the 10 m3 gasholder size
which feeds into a shredder to produce a particle size of 5mm or comes from a 2 m3/h biogas flow rate, 5 h of downtime gas pres-
less. The shredder is mounted to a 4 m3 mixing tank and the ervation, and the size of the proposed greenhouse. If the gasholder
shredded product mixed with liquid from the storage tank of is full and the gas utilization system is still down, the gas will be
separated water at the end of the process. This first tank is where flared until operation resumes. The biogas line will be equipped
the hydrolysis stage of the AD process begins. A side-mounted with standard gas safety devices such as flame arrestor, check valve,
mixer ensures a complete mix of the waste as it starts to break- and drip trap.
down. Hydrolysis can produce very unpleasant odors so the tank is Biogas can also be directed to a 3 kW genset for demonstration
kept under negative pressure and the air is forced through a bio- purposes or a 10 kW biogas boiler for hot water generation. Part of
filter for deodorization before it is vented outside. the hot water can be used for heating the digester circulation
The resulting slurry is then pumped to a 30 m3 polyethylene system and the excess can be used for heating applications in the
tank where the rest of the digestion process occurs. This tank is greenhouse or sent directly to the natural gas heaters located a floor
modified to accommodate a top-mounted mixer and insulated with above the proposed AD system. Any biogas overflow is directed to
polyurethane and equipped with custom steel cladding. The tank is the flare for combustion.
protected with over and under pressure vents and an automated, The digestate at the end of the process is directed to a screw
enclosed biogas flare. press for manual dehydration. The solids fall into a container where

Fig. 10. Proposed AD system for the urban environment.

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10 9

they can be added to the composter for further digestion/neutral-

ization. The separated liquid is sent into a storage tank for use in
dilution of incoming food waste in the mixing tank or nutrient-rich
irrigation for the greenhouse. Any remaining water, once aerated
can be sent directly to the sewer. A diagram of the system just
described is seen in Fig. 10.
This general design is flexible and could be sized based on
expected input tonnage and space requirements of different urban
environments. The design process remains the same. The size of the
anaerobic digestion tank for wet digestion can be determined by
process described by the flow chart in Fig. 5.

4.3. Safety considerations

Due to the possibility of explosive gas/air mixtures existing in

biogas facilities, measures that prevent the ignition of a dangerous
explosive atmosphere must be taken. Explosive areas are
Fig. 13. View of biogas storage tank explosive zone as seen from above.
3-dimensional spaces that are divided into zones according to the
probability of the development of a dangerous explosive atmo- 4.4. System energy usage
sphere due to the percentage of gas present as shown in Fig. 11.
This section deals with the energy consumption of the proposed
anaerobic digestion system for the urban building in downtown
Montreal. These figures have been compiled by researching existing
systems, reading the specification sheets on appropriate parts, and
consultations with biogas system operators about how often typical
system parts are energized.

4.4.1. Pre-treatment stage

Fig. 11. Percentages of gas present in air for explosion to occur.
1. Side mounted mixer on the hydrolysis tank e 0.367 kW 5 min./
day - 0.473 kWh/year
These zones can be broken down as follows: 2. Bio filter e Utilizes 100 W continuously - 876 kWh/year
3. Food Grinder e 5 min per day at 2.2 kW - 67.1 kWH/year
Zone 0: Explosive atmosphere that is Continuous, Long-term, or
Often 4.4.2. Digestion
Zone 1: Explosive atmosphere that is Occasional
Zone 2: Explosive atmosphere that is Unlikely and Short-term. 1. Mixer on top of Digester ¼ 0.735 kW, 1/3 of the time -
2178 kWh/year
For Zone 1, The distance of 1 m is valid for “free ventilation”
whereas a distance of 4.5 m has to be respected in closed rooms.
4.4.3. Heating of slurry
For Zone 2, a distance of 1e3 m must be respected and rooms can
be made “smoke proof” by: open face brick, plastered, or concrete
1. Heating load ¼ 0.3 kW during summer/1.5 kW during winter -
walls or walls with cladding made of non-combustible and
7.78 kWh/year
grouted plates, or metal walls. There is no zone around “perma-
2. Hot water pump ¼ 200 W continuously - 1752 kWh/year
nently technically tight” facility parts [17]. Examples of explosive
zones shown for digesters and biogas storage can be seen in
4.4.4. Digestate
Figs. 12 and 13.
1. Screw Press e 2.2 kW, 30 min/day - 408 kWh/year
2. Recirculation pump e 0.735 kW, 8 h/day - 2178 kWh/year
3. Sulfur removal system e 100 W continuously - 876 kWh/year

4.4.5. Process control

1. Utilizes 200 W continuously e 1752 kWh/year

From Section 4.1, the annual amount of energy available from

biogas produced is 144,688 kWh. The total energy utilization of the
system is approximately 10,095 kWh/year or 7% of total energy
produced. This leaves 134.6 MWh per year of surplus energy.

4.5. Cost overview

The estimated cost for this entire system design and its
Fig. 12. View of explosive zones for AD tank as seen from above. components (excluding building modifications) is $229,306.

Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019
10 N. Curry, P. Pillay / Renewable Energy xxx (2011) 1e10

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Please cite this article in press as: Curry N, Pillay P, Biogas prediction and design of a food waste to energy system for the urban environment,
Renewable Energy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.renene.2011.10.019

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