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IJ TECH tSrm; UD - (Branch; CSF:CSec-A,B.C,Dll
Sublul Name; Meth IY CSubicct Code· KAS -J02l
Faculty Name: Dr. Rani Dr. Deeplka

Duration : 02:00 Hn Mas. 50

Norr : (I) Sbort answu rypr lbronllcal qutsllon5 may bt allcm111td in 150-200 words. Tbt 1n1wtn mwt be prtdsc. Howntr, lbb rule b DOI
applicable for n•mtrlcal.
(Ii) Lona type throrellcal quc511oru may 1,r 11llt111p1rd 111 250-300 worth. Tht an1wcn mual be prtclM:. Howtnr. t1tlJ rvlt la
appllublt ror numulcal.
(Iii) MHtion Quulion numbtr/1rcf\on corrcclly.
(Iv) Numerical wlll be baud on approach and sttp mukln& will be (ollo"'td.
Course Oulcomu:
Followin u are the coune outcomes of lhe sub iecl: -
Bloom'• 1.Avel
Cours• Outcom,(CO)
CO Cod• L2-Understandin&• (Explain.
Remember the conccpl of panial diffcrcnt io.1 cquntion and to solve panio.l differen tial
Analyze: the concept of pnrtiol differenti al equa[ions h ) • i.: \a lualc 1he problems
Descri be lnt• m r<L Distin1ZUishl
Ll•Apply • (Execute, Solve. Use.
• KAS302.2 lmolemen~ Onentel
concerned with nnrtinl differential countions. LA-Analyse . (Classify, Defaminc,
Undcrstnnd the concept of correlation. moments, skewness w,d kurtosis and c urve
KAS302.3 Discriminate. lllustmc Select)
tittino. LI-Remc!,c.ring- (Acquirc, Deline.
KAS302.4 Remanbcr the concept of probability to evaluate probability distributions. Drsw. I ,nd. Diffcrentialel
LS-EvaJUIIC • (lnicrpret. Award.
Apply the concept of hypothesis testing and statistical quality co riUol to create
KASJOl.5 Defend, 4 =•c. Test. Yerifvl
control charts.
Section· A
I. Att<mpt all quullon:
(5 I 2 • 10) I
Marki co I BL
Q. No. Questions
2 KAS302.I LJ
a) Solve th• following PDE x p + y>q • (x + y)z
Find whether the following operators arc hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic? 2 KAS302.2 u
B'u a:u I
:r~;i';2 - ~ ... 2 +U KAS302.3 u
The first four moments of a disaibution about the value 5 of th: vari able are 2, 20,40 2
and SO. Calculate the moment coefficient of skewness.
2 KAS302.4 L2
If the probabilily ofhifling a target is 10% and 10 shoLS ar~ fired independently. Whal is I
the arobabilitv that the tar£Cl will be hit at least once?
2 KAS302.5 L5
A machine which produces mica insulating washers for u~ in electric deviec: 10 tum out
washers having a thickness of 10 mw. A sample of IO washers hnsan average thickness
9.52 mm with a standard deviation of 0.6 mm. Find out L
Srctlon: B

(41 5=20)
2. Atl<mpt any four oflh• followin&:

Q.No. Questions
MarkJ co BL
- a', "1 • "'z 5 KAS302.l L3
•l Solve the linear PDE;;;,- - Z;;:;,: + - • - sin (Zr+ 3y)
A rectangular plate with insulated surfaces is 10 cm wid e and so long compared to its width 5 KAS302.2 L5
that it may be considered infinite in kngth without introduci11 g an appreciable error. lfthe
temperature along the short edge y -= O is given by

( ) 0<rS5
u r.y = {20:r.
20(10 - r) 5 < :r < 10

and the two long edges x - 0 and x - 10 as well as other short edge arc kept at o•c Find
the tcmoeraturc u at MV no int P(.t , v).
</ The pressure of the gas corresponding to "arious volumes V is measured, given by the 5 KAS302-J L5
V( cm 1): 50 60 70 90 JOO
P(kgcm- ) : 6+.7
2 51.3 40.5 25.9 78 I

Fit the data to the equation PV' = C.

d) ---
Fil a Poisson dis1ribution 10 1hi.: fol lnwin ~ dam" liich give lhc numhcr 01)t=II"' 1,,c: ll1 P''
- -·- 5 - - KA S3&ZA Ll
squ are for 400 squares

X 0 I 2 ) 4 5 (, 7 H 9 10

F 103 143 98 42 8 4 2 () 0 0 fl
I r
It is 2iven that •-1. 52 - 0.2674.
•) To test the effectiveness of inoculntion ngainst cholera. th e fo llowing lnblc wns obrai ncd : 5 KASJOB 1,5

Alluckcd Not af111ckcd Tomi

Inoculated 30 160 190

Nol 1110,uh,tcd 140 4b0


Total 170 620

(The figures represent the number of persons. ) Use ,r 2-tcsl to defend or refute the ~!J.tement
that the inoculation pn: vr nts anack from cholera. The va lue of ,t 1 for I dcgrc~ 1J f freedom al I
j% level is 3.841
f) In a blade manufacturi ng factory, 1000 blades nre exnmi,ied daiiy. Draw the np
5 KAS30l.5 L5
chan for the following table and examine whether the process is under control?

-,~! Date
No. of defective
1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I

! .l Attempt 1ny one question


10 12 8 7 15 JO 12 10

Strhon · C
8 7 13 14 15

(101 2•20)
1 Q. No. Questions
Marks co
I •) Solve the linear partial differential equation ,;;-Z ,,a, .,?z .,: = "~z BL
+.;, = sin (Zx + 3y) 10 KASJ02.1 u
I b) Solve the Laplace equation b= + "i;=.
c,l1,1 .:, : 14
=0 in a rectangle In the xy-planc w;th 10 KASJOU L3
u_(r. 0) = 0, u( r. b) = 0. u_(0. v) = 0 and u(a. v ) = f( v ) para llel 10 )'-ax is.
4. A lu m pt an\.' one auestion
I 0 . No. ~ uestions
I a) In a partial destroyed laboratory record of an analysis of correlation data, the follo\\i ng
MorkJ co BL I
I resu lt only arc legible : Variance of x • 9 Regression equation:
Br - !Oy + 66 = 0,40r - !By= 214. Whal were (a) lhe mean value of.t and y (b) lhe
L4 I
s1andard deviation of y o.nd the co-efficient of correlation between x and )' ?
b) The contents of urns I, II and I
Ill arc ns follows: 10
I whit1::, 2 black and 3 red balls, 2 white, I black and K.,SlOl.4 Ll
I red bolls. and
4 wh ile, S black and 3 red balls. One um is chosen nl random and two balls drawn. They

Checked By
haoocn 10 be white and red. What is lhe probabili ty that lh <.)' come from urns I II or Ill'?
(Head of Department)

Courw Outcarnt Wi se Marks

ananCOJC04 cm

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